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A320 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL CONTENTS SEQ 001 MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 1.45.00 Pal REV 30 45.00 45.10 45.20 R 45.25 45.30 R 45.40 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION — GENERAL. . COMPONENT: — MODES OF OPERATION — ARCHITECTURE : — FAILURE CLASSIFICATION . . — FUNCTIONS OF CFDS..... ee ono as , COGKRIN CEDS|INTEREAGE.: © tee ORwenssa SYSTEM OPERATION —MAINTENANCE MENU .... 60 — LAST OR CURRENT LEG REPORT .. — LAST OR CURRENT LEG ECAM REPORT . — PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT. . . — AVIONICS STATUS . . . — SYSTEM REPORT/TEST ....... —GMT/DATE INITIALIZATION . —BACK UP MODE . — ACARS PRINT PRO! Cou aNnna DATA LOADING <1 PRINTER <1 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 me MAINTENANCE SYSTEM Wl ee DESCRIPTION Seeheis | evae GENERAL The purpose of the Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS) is to make the maintenance task easier by displaying fault messages in the cockpit and permitting the flight crew to make some specific tests. There are two levels of maintenance : at the line stop; removal and replacement of equipment at the main base : troubleshooting COMPONENTS The CFDS includes : — the BITE (Built-In Test Equipment) for each electronic system — a central computer, the Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit (CFDIU) — two MCDUs (Multipurpose Control and Display Units), used also for FMGS (Flight Management and Guidance System), AIDS (Aircraft Integrated Data System), and ACARS (Aircraft Communication And Reporting System, if installed), which work with the CFDIU to display information or initiate tests — one printer. If a main channel of the CFDIU fails, the backup channel takes over. MODES OF OPERATION The CFDS operates in two main modes : — the NORMAL mode or REPORTING mode (in flight) — the INTERACTIVE mode or MENU mode (on ground). In NORMAL mode, the CFDS records and displays the failure messages transmitted by each system BITE. In INTERACTIVE mode, the CFDS allows any BITE to be connected with the MCDU in order to display the maintenance data stored and formatted by the BITE or to initiate a test. sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 @ 4320 MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 1.45.10 P2 river crew oeenarig Manan! DESCRIPTION SEQ 100 | REV 28 ARCHITECTURE v ; VHF 3 || SATCOM (<&] )|| HF (*) as PRINTER ae [DATA LOADER} (A4 FORMAT) NFCS-01-4510-002-A 10044 oe CFDIU A/C SYSTEMS (BITE) * NOT YET INSTALLED FOR ATSU COMMUNICATIONS SIMU F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 @ 4320 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1.45.10 P3 SEQ 100 | REV 32 FAILURE/FAULT CLASSIFICATION The Centralized Fault Display System (CFDS) identifies the faulty system and puts any failures or faults into one of three classes : Class 1; Failures indicated to the flight crew by means of the ECAM, or other flight deck effect. They must be repaired or entered in the MEL (Minimum Equipment List) before the aircraft can depart. Class 2: Faults indicated to maintenance personnel by the CFDS, and which trigger a MAINT status entry on the maintenance part of the ECAM status page. The aircraft can operate with these faults, but they must be repaired within 10 days. Class 3: Faults indicated to maintenance personnel by the CFDS, but which do not trigger a MAINT status. The operator may have these faults corrected at his convenience. Failure/fault classes Class 1 Class 2. Class 3 Operational consequences [YES INO INO Indication to the fight crew| YES INO Automatically displayed : — Waring or caution messages on Engine ‘Warning Display = Flag or indication in the flight deck. YES) [Available on the ECAM status page. maintenance team Dispatch consequences — |Refer to MEL [No need to refer to MEL MEL not applicable may be Jexcept for the message "G0" — AIR BLEED "G0 IF" For all the other class 2 “NO GO" messages, “GO” without conditions. [Can be left uncorrected for 10 days. Indication to the YES YES Automatically print out at the end of each fight : Fault messages on the CFDS Post Flight Report. Available on request through system report/Test sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 or MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 1.45.10 P4 a DESCRIPTION SEQ 100 | REV 38 FUNCTIONS OF THE CENTRALIZED FAULT DISPLAY SYSTEM (CFDS) The main functions of the CFDS are : — obtaining and storing messages transmitted by the connected system BITEs, or by the Flight Warning Computer (Warning and Caution titles) — Detailing the maintenance phases i é 2 : a a | 38 2 <~R . & Ss
EIU 1 NO SFCC1 DATA 1012 27-00-60 IDENT> B® o wo @ & FMGC1 0954 22-00-00 < RETURN PRINT * < RETURN PRINT « NF C5~01-4520-002-A001AA LAST (or CURRENT) LEG ECAM REPORT In flight : The CURRENT LEG ECAM REPORT displays the primary and independent warning (class |) messages and MAINTENANCE STATUS (class Il) messages of the current flight leg. On the ground : The LAST LEG ECAM REPORT displays the primary and independent warning (class |) messages plus MAINTENANCE STATUS (class II) messages of the last flight leg. CFDS MENU LAST LEG ECAM REP DATE:23 FEB TIME AT WHICH ECAM —fi he GMT PI RECEIVES THE FAILURE SFCC1 FAULT FLIGHT PHASE 8 8 = 12 os 0922 22-00 os BHEwA CRCRC ORG) < RETURN PRINT * NFCS-01-4520-002-B001AA Note ; This screen displays PRINT only if the printer is installed. sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 A320 Ox FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SYSTEM OPERATION 1.45.20 P3 SEQ 100 REV 32 R R POST FLIGHT REPORT At the end of a flight, LAST LEG and LAST LEG ECAM REPORTS are printed out automatically after the last engine shutdown. It is also automatically sent to the ACARS after the last engine shutdown, or manually by selecting the SEND key. ‘THE STAR 1S DELETED AFTER [ACTION ON THE KEY. 4S LONG AS THE STAR IS NOT REDISPLAYED THE OPERATOR CCAN NOT CHANGE THE PAGE. REPORT 1S TRANSMITTED TO ACARS no Post FLT REP XMITTED TO ACARS x SEND Post le SEND FLT REP PRINT | Post |e se LT REP PRINT | = PRINT | 3 x SEND DISPLAYED ANGER yT_ TRANSMITTED CACARS. NOT AVATLABLED Post FLT REP CFDS POST FLIGHT REPORT Alc IDENT ATE. «gw FLIN y=n80D Fes 251234 CAM WARNINGS, om ATA PH soi2 27-00 05" SFCC 4 FALLT 0854 22-0005 LAOS TNOP 0953 26-12 05 ENG 1 LOOP A FAULT x22 22-00 05 ATS DISCOMECT O15 28-2104 FUEL L TK INP 1 LO PR 904 36-22 04 BLEED LooP FAULT MESSAGES ar ATA 1105 26-12-09 CHECK LOCIU-PHC 1. INTERFACE CINTHTD sor 27-00-00 FIU 1-:N0 SFCC 1 DATA oss, © 2-00-00 Fe 1 033 36-100 BM cots 2e2i-og FUEL LK PUMP 1 aN 0904 26-12-00 CHECK R WING LOOP A comments crTy PAIR. UFeo/LFPO NF C5~01-4520-003-A 10088 THE KEY MUST BE PRESSED AGAIN Peat | 3 INOT XMITTED TO ACARS. sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 @ 4320 MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SYSTEM OPERATION 1.45.20 P4 SEQ 001 | REV 32 2a PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT This report gives access to the POST FLIGHT REPORTS of the previous 63 flight legs. PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT > fo ‘ABCD. “oieR22= 1248 '77-45-14 CHECK ADIRU 1 STATICS PHC1 INTERFACE OSFEB2O 1733 34-67-00 GHOB8B < RETURN PRINT * NEXT (ORCRORORORS] GeHH088 PAGE NFCS-01-4520-004-A00144 PREVIOUS LEGS REPORT 'Y=ABCD LEG DATE. GMT CHECK -LGDIU-PHc2 INTERFACE ~12FEB15-0966 26-12-00 ATA PRINT * On ground, the Operator can print copies of the screen. If ACARS is installed, the Operator can send the flight report (see the POST FLIGHT REPORT paragraph). AVIONICS STATUS This screen displays the list of systems affected by a failure or fault. If a system is affected by at least a Class 3 fault, CLASS 3 appears beside it. The display is continuously updated. NFe5-01-4520-004-B0014A GEH088 NEXT PAGE AVIONICS STATUS > AVIONICS STATUS No GPU DATA @ No 1Ls DATA ADra BS Blom < eLass 3 > mae = fB @ eB o RETURN SW) |(@) | Go| < ecam—1 crpiu > | Ga) @| |(@) || (@)| < ecam2 pmc 1 > | (a) | < com Ice &@ RAIN > |(@) ||| < Foru omc 2 > |) @)| < evec INST > | < was1 puc 3 > | [@) | < Fire prot ue >|@ |B] < ws 2 mu > | GH @) < ReTuRN NAV > |(@) | [@)| < RETURN @ ce a FWC1/2-SDAC1/2-ECB ;—{u]| < LAST LEG REPORT wo SvSvEM REPORT/TEST | < previous Lees report | ec ene> || | @)] < ERY tpenTzFzcarron @ < APU a | < GROUND SCANNING & wm |S) < cass arautrs a < RETURN w @ w& & < RETURN a Fwc1/2-Soae1/2-eca | < SYSTEM COMFIGURATION | [i ECAM-1 ECAM=1 z LAST LEG REPORT mw PREVEQUE, LESS Keron a 5) co NTA fay| LES BATENGHT ATA 7 2 ©) ayo sive press sensor |™ HYD, YELLOW TEMP. SENSOR 8 1410 31-55-00 = =55— 7 = = Ene OIL PRESS. SENSOR = 2 S = -19NOVO7 1134 31-55-00 12 ® & a 4 ®| < Return PRINT> |(@) (@)| < RETURN print> | @ SIMU F.P.S.3 UP STD 13.1 for training only — er MAINTENANCE SYSTEM Oe SYSTEM OPERATION 1.45.20 P6 SEQ 001 REV 23 In the above example, the operator has called up menus of the selected systems : — LAST or PREVIOUS LEG REPORT presents the list of Line-Replaceable Units (LRUs) affected by a failure. — LRU IDENTIFICATION contains the part numbers of all LRUs in the system. — GND SCANNING runs the flight monitoring on the ground and indicates the faulty LRU. — CLASS 3 FAULTS lists class 3 faults detected by the system during the last flight leg — SYSTEM CONFIGURATION presents the system configuration in a digital form. Note: These screens (except LAST or PREVIOUS LEG REPORT) are not shown above. SIMU F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 Ren MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 1.45.20 P7 cnew or SYSTEM OPERATION SEQ 001 | REV 32 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL GMT/DATE INITIALIZATION R_— ACFODIU clock is synchronized with the cockpit clock in order to keep GMT (UTC) displayed ‘on the ECAM lower display (except in flight Phases 1 and 2, if the weight and balance system is installed). If the cockpit clock fails, the CFDIU clock continues to display GMT R_ (UTC) on the ECAM lower display. If electrical power is interrupted for more than 200 milliseconds, the crew initializes GMT R_ (UTC) and the DATE via the MCDU : R — — Write GMT (UTC) in the scratchpad, then press the “INIT GMT" key. — Do the same for the month and day. CFDS GMT/DATE INIT &) & a Gi ie &) |) @| |] GIVES DIRECT ACCES TO THE 26 SYSTEM REPORT/TEST |) | | (a) | | () | | | G2} | | (@) OTHER SYSTEMS NFC5~01-4520-008-A001AA, sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 A320 MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SYSTEM OPERATION 1.45.20 Eo REV 23 SEQ 100 ACARS PRINT PROGRAM This function gives access to reprogramming page. The programming is provided by the ACARS or manually (on the ground or in flight) : No star indicates an ACARS programming. The YES indicates that the REAL TIME FAIL will be automatically transmitted to the ACARS. NFC5~01-4520-009-A100AA Aue (<) ACARS/PRINT ‘SEND NO PROGRAM POST FLT REP NO REAL TIME REAL TIME WARN NO AVIONICS DATA YES. oy FAIL YES The star indicates a manually modified Programming: pressing the corresponding key changes the YES into a NO. The YES indicates that the REAL TIME FAIL page will be printed simultaneously with the transmission to the ACARS. * =] & & BB Note : The CFDIU memorizes all manual programming so that at initialisation the last configuration will be retained. sIMU_ F.P.S.3 UP for training only STD 13.1 me MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 1.45.25 PA ee DATA LOADING See ea DESCRIPTION With the data loading system, it is possible to upload databases and operational software, or to download system reports from various onboard computers. The data transfer is performed via 3.5 inch disks and a portable data loader, or (

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