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VARIANTS: Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana

CREATION BELIEF: Creation is a cycle- has no start and no end.
MEANING OF LIFE: The movement of Nirvana (perfect peace). Birth is
the result of past Karma. The purpose of life is to reach enlightenment.
EVIL AND SUFFERING: Evil effect of Karma (good graces), suffering is
caused by wanting thing wrong things or the right things in the wrong
way. To end follow the eightfold path.
DEATH: Endless cycle of reincarnation
REVELATION: The Pali canon which consists of the tripitaka (3
baskets) in which were original passed down by word of mouth. They
consist of Sutra -sayings of the Buddha. Vinya - Discipline of the
brotherhood (sangha). Abidharma - sets of creeds based on the
essential teachings.
BELIEFS: The 4 noble truths and the 8 fold path
4 noble truths:
1. Life is full of pain
2. Life is full of seeking pleasure
3. To overcome pain you much overcome seeing pleasures.
4. To follow the eightfold path.
The eightfold path:
1. Right view
2. Right resolve
3. Right speech
4. Right conduct
5. Right livelihood
6. Right efforts
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right concentration
FOUNDERS: Siddhartha Gautama (c563 -483 bce)
Prajanaparamita, Hevajra Tantra.
RITUALS: The 3 Jewels- Tradition Buddhist prayer of initiation and
devotion, Meditate and celebrate Wasak - Buddha's birth, path to
and reaching of Nirvana. Celebrated over 3 days.

RITES OF PASSAGE: boys and sometimes girls celebrate in a coming

of age ceremony between 8 and 20, Monks are ordained at 20 . some
stay in monasteries for their whole life, others for several weeks.
ETHICS: Living by the Eightfold Path
WAYS OF HOLINESS: meditation, devotional practices at a shrine
invocation of 3 jewels (I go for refuge to the Buddha, the Dharma and
the Sangha)
HUMAN EXPERIENCE AND CULTURE: Buddhist tries and reaches
enlightenment through meditation and following the 4 noble truths and
eightfold path in order to achieve total moral self control.
SACRED SITES: Temples and shrines
SACRED TIMES: times of meditation, festival of wasak,
Dhammacakka which celebrates the Buddha's first sermon where he
taught the principals of Buddhism (july)

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