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Reflective essay for Week 8

Reflective Essay for Week 8

Healthcare Policy and Ethics
Christina L. Vidrich
University of St. Mary

Reflective essay for Week 8


Healthcare Policy and Ethics has increased my knowledge and

understanding of the science and technology that continue to influence the
political, economic, social and environmental settings of an ever changing
paradigm of nursing. The direction of delivery of healthcare with information
and communication technologies has provided nursing with a diverse nursing
workforce to advance the nations health. I feel I can converse on a topic of
healthcare reform and its impact and help initiate and sustain more
meaningful dialogue with other disciplines. Healthcare informatics has
provided ways to cut cost, exchange information and standardize patient
I have learned how some healthcare reform initiatives can affect my
practice and have gained knowledge on the business aspect of care delivery
and its linkage to quality outcomes. If I want to see change I can take the
gained knowledge from this course to let my professional voice be heard and
hopefully have a positive contribution to the nursing profession
I do have a better understanding of the healthcare system in the
United States. I comprehend the financial impact of poor quality care,
insurance reform and the healthcare delivery system; value based
purchasing implementing reimbursement for better outcomes rather than
volume and the hospital readmission reduction program. All these are
striving to decrease healthcare costs and improve care. I want to have a part

Reflective essay for Week 8


in transforming healthcare and this course has guided me to be an effective

leader in advancing policy solutions.
I feel this course helped me to understand current policy, influence
health care practice and provide me with gained knowledge of a complex
healthcare reform. The Accountable Care Act has made fundamental
changes how medical services are paid for. Some insurers bundled payments
and this will decrease how much the facility will get paid. Performance will
guide payments and will be based off of the patients satisfaction of their
care. Providing associates with resources, appropriate training,
communications, teamwork, aligned goals can positively affects employees'
perceptions of their ability to deliver high-quality services and help them to
Strive and provide opportunities.
By overseeing models of care to facilitate the prevention of chronic
disease, improving public health, improving the quality and efficiency of
health care, involvement with public programs, and improving access to
innovative medical therapies, I feel these strategies were incorporated
throughout the curriculum.

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