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2 EV 1
The extent to which the school provides a safe
environment for its students by making reasonable
checks on the moral character of all those involved in a
school proprietor, board members, principal, visitors to
the school and staff on appointment and at regular times
thereafter and providing clear guidance on what to do if
there is evidence of suspected or actual abuse.
Student Protection and Care (P&C): 2 established:
The school is highly alert to individual P&C issues/signs of personal
distress or unhappiness & is proactive in risk avoidance & staff training to
ensure a very safe & nurturing environment supporting rapid progress &
social skill acquisition
Checks on moral character of all involved
New cameras are installed for better monitoring, workshops and
awareness programs are conducted for teachers, and teachers signed a
bond, Anti-bullying, awareness session on adolescence for students.

Session by School Doctor on


Awareness program for ayyas

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