732 Unit Reports

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HEADQUARTERS gNONe 7320 PATLNAY OPERATING :arraLiN © APO 562 je So ALY 7 Decesber 1944 314 SUTOT: Monthly Report 70 t Connanding Offleor, ‘07th Railway Grand Division, Attached 4s monthly report of battalion history for this uit, For the Commanding Officer: PATRICK H, BUCHAJAN Captain, TC Adjutant ‘732D RAILWAY OPERATING BATTALION BATTALION HISTORY MONTHLY = REPORT - NOV. 8 = DEC. & COUVILLE, FRANCE QRGANIZATION: The Organizational set-up, Location of Headquarters. The 732nd Bailway Operating Battalion is lecated in Gouville, France, for the purpose of assisting the 728th Railway Operating Battalien and the 757th Railway Shep Battalion in operating track facilities and mintenance ‘ef equipment out of Cherbourg pert. Thia txlt arrived at Couville, France on 12 Hovorber 1944 with a total complement af 809 enlisted mon and 30 Officers, leaving behind the first track platoon, consisting ef 94 enlisted nen and 2 officers to assist the 74th Railway Operating Battalion in the completion of the Agentan yard. This battalion is responsible for operations in the Couville and Sottevast yards. Surplus personnel, dispatchers, train crews, engine and car repair men, were attached to adj units in and around Cherbourg area, Headquarters Company - with a total strength of 150 enlisted mon and 12 Officers has the following breakdown of persoanel on their present opar- ation: Couville ard = 58 enlisted men consisting of dattalion Headquarters Staff, Dispatohers, > Towerman, Station agenta and leas Sectien. COUVELIE 23 enlisted non 2 clerks 2 operator CHERBOURG: © 2% onlisted men (Battalion Supply and Operators) ‘MARTINVAST: = 3 enlisted men 2 operaters 1 clerk SOTTRVAST: = 9 enlisted men 6 Operators 3 clerks CAEN + 1 Dispateher (Special Duty) Cooks - - <17 enlisted uon attached to Company "A". Cooks - = <10 enlisted men attached to Company "2", Cooks - - +13 enlisted men attached to Company "C", MEDICS COUVILLE 6 enlisted nen SOPTEVAST 2 enlisted men CHERBOURG 1 enlisted nen OFFICERS couvILE: 8 CHERBOURG 2 COUVILIE 1 CHERBOURG 1 a Ba" (mainte, a of vay company) with « total men and 8 officers has the following breakdown of ‘operation: srength of 324 enlisted personnel on their present COUVILIE YARD - -244 enlisted mon consisting of the 1st track plateon recently returned from detached service with the 744th Railway Operating France, 3 sections of the 2nd track platoon, bridge and bal rector pation ead ae} temporary duty. ‘SOPTEVAST « = 43 onlisted mn, 3 sections of the 2nd track platoon. OFFICERS: COUVILLE YARDS - 7 (CHERBOURG 71 ope eta teemren ot sestenins seveins) ith « iwind siematiet 16 sted men and 6 officers following breakdown of personnel on their present operation: coupanx nen ( ‘and 6 Officers hus the following breakdown of personnel on their present ‘COUVELLE ‘COMPANY HEADQUARTERS sormuae = (20 PFO Op ormust-( * " # 8 ow om "nom ‘LOCOMOTIVE PLATOON CHERBOURG ~ (attached to 757th Ry Shep Bn) - 238 EoMy 22 Bull, st -aee COUVILIR. = sem CHERBOURG © (Special Duty) Belle, SOPTEVAST = - 5 Bete COUVILLE YARDS = 30 Bale CHERBOURG (gests to 75 757th Ry.Snop Ba) - 2 Bali, CHEREOURG + (Supply Depot) CHERBOURG © (attached to 728th Ry.Opa Ba ) = SOTTEVAST = x 9 COUVILLE YARD 2B OFFICERS COUVILLE YARD = 5 CHERBOURG = = 2 tion Company) with a total strength of 289 enlisted mon 26 conductors ‘32 Brokemn engineers 29 clerks 17 fireman 2 yard masters 15 condusters 10 engineers 28 Fireman 34 brakeman 2 cleric CHBRVOURG = 30 enlisted mem assisting the 729th Ry Opn un. 3 conduoters 5 8 fireman 12 brakeman 2 clerks SOTTEVAST = 52 enlisted nen 8 conductors 7 enginsors 7 fireman 22 brakeman 5 clerks 2 yardnasters 1 assistant road foremn af engines 20 operation. OFFICERS 6 On 21 Movember 1944 this battalion took over the operation of Couville and Sottevast yards with the mission of mking up trains in Couville, class= Afying and redistributing empty cars at Sottevast. The yards required « large anount of mintonance work in tie way of draining, resurfacing and ballasting and reoonstructicn of switches, crossovers ‘and leads which is now being done by Maintenance of Way Company, Priueipal problem ecnaisted of excessive rain, improper drainage, and lack of material, Ae, ballast, owitohes, rails, ote, The signal platoon tock over mintenance of signal on the main line from Cherbourg te Sottevast with incidental duties of supplying the light and Communication between the varlous offices and installations in the twe yards. The train movement section has proven to be a vital factor on placing eperators along the main line to expedite train movementa to Cherbourg and ‘there from. The leconotive platoon assisting the 757th Ry Shop Bn worked in harmony ‘to kop the mach used equipment in good condition. Car platoons inspested and turned engines, after ongine, working in shops, and alse assisting the 757th Ry Shop Bn and the 728th Ry Operating In in perfect co-ordination. Battalion ana company supply worked day and night breaking down thousands of tons of their equipment for immediate distribution, Couville yard with 30 tracks and a leaded car capacity of 2100 and Sottevast with 31 tracks and a empty car capacity ef 3100, both being important concentration pointe for expediting train novansnts fron Cherbourg, necessitated tho use of every available engineer, switchon, brakeman, yardmaster, conductor and firemn in the classification of the steady Clow of ompty and loaded oars to be shipped ‘te Cherbourg and there from, With thousands of tons of freight passing through these yards, principal comeditios being ammunition and rations, necessitated the 732d Ry Operating Ba utuost co-operation with other adjoining units lacking ossentdal persomel in distributing to thom such wen so deened necessary to co-ordinate in the axpede tious movement of trains, SECRET 1" Military Railway Service Headquarters 732" Railway Operating Battalion Office of Commanding Officer APO 350 14, March, 1945 SUBJECT: Battalion History Report ~ 1 Feb to 1 Mar 45 THRU: Commanding Officer, 706" Ry Gr Div, APO 350, US Army TO: Commanding Officer, 1* Military Railway Service, APO 326, US Army A. Organization. ‘The 732" Railway Operating Battalion has rehabilitated, operated, and maintained railway all the way up to the front lines and to date are operating exclusively on Phase I operations in advance of headquarters. 1, Location of Headquarters: This Battalion is located in Thionville, France for the purpose of rehabilitating yards and expediting by rail, troops, ammunition and supplies to the front lines. B. Development of Command. 1. Acquisition of, change in, and policy relating to personnel, with reasons. With the army advancing at a fast pace, a high priority was placed on 732” territory for reconstruction by the Engineers so as to open the right of way. This high priority necessitated due to the battalion being assigned additional railway in the forward area and parallel to the battle line. Thus becoming a distinct strategical value for rapid movement of troops, supplies and ammo from one part of the front to another. This Battalion for the beginning of February, shows a total strength of 847 EM, 1 WOJG and 31 Officers, and at the close of the month a total strength of 369 EM, 1 WOJG and 31 Officers. On 16-17 Feb 45, this Battalion received 32 EM from the Army Ground Forces Replacement Depot. During the month of February, there were five summary court-martials and no special court mattials, Chaplain's activities report for the month of March shows the following services: 10 Sunday Services, attendance 270 10 Weekday Services, attendance 192 5 Joint Services, attendance 149 1 Communion, attendance 21 2 Hospital Visits, attendance 9 84 Personal Interviews, attendance 84 1 Memorial Service, attendance 92 53 Station and Platoon Contacts, 332 4 Group Discussions, attendance 17 Nineteen days were spent in the field during the month. Services were held at seven different locations. ‘The following information is submitted for the month of March: Number of men sent for infantry training, none Passes to Paris, 1 Officer, 3 EM Passes to Brussels, 1 Officer, 5 EM Furloughs to UK, 2 EM ‘A. Health of Unit and Sanitary Report: 1, Environmental Sanitation: Upon testing, the residual chlorine content of the water used by this Headquarters is 1 PPM. Waste from the kitchen has been minimized and is disposed of by the garbage pit method. Usually the mess gear water is satisfactory for cleaning the mess gear, but sometimes the initial rinse water has a coating of scum after a certain number of mess gears have been dipped into it. Excellent quartermaster box latrines have been fabricated with metal and are covered with comfortable and sanitary seats. However, as yet, no urinals have been constructed. 2. Personal Hygiene: Health of the command is excellent, Physical inspection required by Par 1, AR 615-250, 24 July 1942 was given 85% of the command. Cooks and civilian KP's were given the required inspection. Smallpox, typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus, and tetanus immunizations are not yet due for this battalion. 3. Food and nutritional status of the troops: Food: Rations have been Type A and B, menu satisfactory. ‘A. Quantity and quality of rations issued, satisfactory. B. The storage facilities have been improved. CC. Mess personnel are competent D. The conservation of nutrient is observed by all mess personnel. E. Can't read. 4, Recommendations: 1. KP should be assigned to periodically check the mess gear water while it is being used and, when necessary, he should remove scum from the surface of water. 2. Urinals should be constructed immediately, B. Operational History: 1, Problems: In being assigned additional railway, Battalion Commander Major Thomas J. Brennan, reconnoitered the line far in advance of an already open line. In so doing, a Recon Report showed every tunnel, bridge, culvert, switch point, crossover, frog and yard signal bridge demolitioned. ‘The 732 couldn't wait for engineering units to be called upon to reconstruct line, immediately, under the able supervision of Capt William H. Cudworth, Commanding Officer of Company A (Maintenance of Way), the bridge and building, track and signal platoons went to work day and night. ‘The biggest problem in restoration of said destruction was the lack of essential tools and equipment, this brought plenty of headaches With every rail, frog and switch point on German soil blown to pieces, all acetylene and electric welding equipment they were able to beg, borrow or steal was utilized. Replacement frogs being unobiainable, the welders have accomplished marvels in reconstruciong the above mentioned by patching and reinforcing each and every rail, frog, and switch. It was also necessary that they do work that rightfully should be done by the signal corps, due to the established communications to those various rail heads in order that communications between stations would be ready when the line opened. ‘With hundreds of wrecked cars and locomotives clogging the yards and main line, the car repair platoon under command of 1* Lt Clifford Vance, was busily engaged in removing the many ears and locomotives and salvaging repairable equipment. Due to lack of equipment, a continuous inspection of all marshaling yards in the 732% assigned territory was made for the sole purpose of classifying all repairs and salvaging all usable equipment and material. In addition to operating the terminal at Thionville, at least 6 outlying points, which require yardmaster supervision, have been supervised by conductors and engineer men with sergeant ratings. This due to battalion table of organization allowing two yardmasters, those responsible jobs have been filled with no additional ratings due to the TC. 2. Accomplishments: With boxcars of ammunition designated for expeditious movement over track heretofore not used, enemy artillery opened up on veteran Company C train crews moving along in their forward bound diesels to bring up their train load of ammo. The 732” already increased railway which is in German territory abandoned by the enemy and following close behind the heels of the 3" Army, has been the first railway battalion to bring up a load ‘of ammo beyond the Field artillery. Ina most recent run, they spotted a train load of ammo on the track opposite a battery of 240's, The officer at the battery was dumbfounded to the extent of asking the train crew how far up to the front do you railway operating battalions run these trains. “It's pretty much routine work in the average day for the 732" said Sgt Harold (can't read) of Lansing, Michigan, “we've run black out trains over rail, through tunnels and war tom villages, we've been strafed, shelled and sniped at, but the staff got there, as it did today, and from here on in”. ‘The men who run the trains, and yard crews, too, now operating in the forward area, have most recently brought up front, two 65 car trains containing 4000 troops, of which were loaded and unloaded in 6 hours. Asa final demand, Army requested opening 9 kilometers of railroad over which 4 bridges were blown out. Due to the high priority of said line, the engineers were called in to reconstruct the bridges and before the engineers had arrived, the bridge and building platoon had one of four bridges in. By long hours and hard work on track, bridge, signal and water facilities, Co A has without the assistance of any engineering unit, opened and rehabilitated 9 rail heads on or before date demanded by higher authority. During the month of February, the car repair platoon made 367 running repairs, picked up 5 derailments and salvaged 50 German and French freight cars. The great demand for rolling stock necessitated the rehabilitation of vast amounts of demolitioned cars for which a great many parts were unobtainable. ‘Through the initiative and ingenuity of car platoon shop foreman T/Sgt (can't read), they were able to procure German captured equipment, such as drill presses and lathes, of which were rewired and put into operation and 500 feet of one inch able, and just about overy part imaginable, ‘Tho locomotive pletown wider the sble les@eraniy of Gapt Geo Zipperian, has vontinued their fine work keoring 7éand aquipmont im exselient eondition end te date heve a running Fepalr shop 8% severe] points «long the Rajon, TO Commanding ~ s Baddad BOE bide aie Co vee Hondquertuca 7328 Lev omting Battelion better Gorredaiag OstiGor Av0 350 14 ford 1945 Vevws Dattlion Uetory deport = 1 wareh to 1 Aoril 45 MU k Cormandins O¢/ loer, 706th Retlmay Gren Divicion ro : ing Opet + MRS Seg gnding Frigae, ae Ay” Ongeniaation’ ne 73nd Ratiwey Opereting Battalion , following glonsiy bei a the fost ne veneing | erye, haa boat booty, aagaced in re! maintaining and operating ve fer in advance of hoedonasterse = 2, Lnontion of Hondquart rat The Battalion ts loasted in Thionv lie, France, for the purpose of rohobilitating 8 and expe iting by Pail, troope, aunition end supplios to the front 1inoas This Battalion is x ible for operctions in Oonfiens end Thionville yards, in addition to snld gpor-tions, they are goordincting work with the Franch in phase: of operation, such a9 the following’ Ynago 1, outire pees under mi ieNaey, Raileey Supervision, Phose 2 neh operntion with military sugerv sion. Phace 3, enttroly French operntion, siving preferonce to Anerionn train moverunte + tholp Lines. 3, Devolopment of Commend’ 1, Aecuisition of, change tn, ond poliey rolatt, to personnel, with rensona. ” , =~ Teo.toel atrorsft and retrons! eno y har'ng out ali bridges) bonhed all reiimy yorda, rnd virtue octroying ali treo and mtor fuotlitos én 7320 torritory, talion gornender, bajor Thomas J. Brennen, regnost~ higher avthowity to seston eiditional personnel to the dottalion go da to ceolet in the big Job of rola lt-¢ion of said, territory. i fteotive 26 March 1945, loo Mt, Btoanor, AG 09541453, 7 C, and twonty ning ee aa 8 Py Eigen, 77th fy Oon'Ba, fore pinoet’ on BS with Onpeng & thta dnetclon'for dm “mdotin'se paniods a eesctire, 26 2% Merghs 3 945, 28 ie Micemae F, yan a°C, ond of I of the T ae on; 1 geen te ee" eas nian eb th” aay tiem pina. on Duy VOOO) atth “oy tis bettellén for and ihe pow “frogtive, 26 Uareh 1945, Ist Lt, Advost AGH 1946327, and forty ’shrea dk of the wpldco EN tetera wiaceh By Com Bn, wero ples on DS, te theese eee and indetinte Zoriods a bettniion, for tie bevtonins of is -— a, shows a total strncth of 7% a. and $0 certoora end att lose of thi month, a total Stran=th Of C76 &. and $0 be During the o nth of JAaroh, there wore throe au cnny Qourtaemrtials and no speotal Qourtcawmrtinlcs Chaplnin_s eotivitios report for the mnth of March shows the following services hela: 2 ites ervioss 16 Koo.day -eryioes 585 Tote. Attendenee f Yerconel interviews 353 Sontnote at ed and ploteona gonsist ng of 72 atopa mrute 1 Hensriet Serv ce . Servioss dor nz the menth wero pore. oleng the treks in moos bells and ststion rooms ty five days wore spent heid'St a fioul hoopsteL Teortea nourtys, Sgtafeotory held ot a fiot 4 sented nou orrenccmen 8 were je during tho Boe ‘font Gathoie end Soatah povannnel, Cnt: "io rem wore wore’ p ying at on Breguet ion Hos itel) and Jewish mon wrscioped at the nosrhy Trentieth Corps. eekiiee Servioe Aetivity! ng th month at a up in tho Tat dora seetten tabley ptendy Fadia, 11 v bros we h, © day Poon mac set Stentohed with o ping- Softy writing trdles ni 14 in tie day ren pine=pong eerie, Singo and pineo’l hi rises mera rountale’ Vecutiommedly © sou foat see held by vertous morbe fetta) ions Ts folicwing infomation is eubeitced for the month ~arebs * of pion gent fox infantry eresning pone” © to Paria i as: Pea-oc to srussole- Purloughs wo Uke Z Hoalth of Unit ond Sm itary Roportt 1. Savironnental Sonttntion! she ven iéuel_ahlisine eontmt of wetor used by this he dquert.ro ig 65 ppm e tis source of wetor to on onzino-rin: wator porate Uarbare & sposrl facilition ore Sionuste, ens gent water ig sonotinas grosey, beonuse GI onne are not dlosased provarly. Urinals have been gonutructod. SSortermnater type lstrinos ave usol. 46 yot there have boon Mo ar-ansorents meds for bathing fnollites., 2. Porsonab Hygionet Heelth of tha Gor te exeollont. Physics! inspes- tion roquired by 2 1, AR 24 July 1942, woe given Bor of the oor Cooks and eivilian ie were given seqnteos Inspection. Srallpox, tyovold typhoid, typhus and tetanus inanizations ero nov yoo due for this bestal the 3» Aeoorrendetionst a ®. Bathin; Pagilites for the mon should be erranzods be Mens gear G: omnes should bo seruhed with soap and weter datly. 6, Oporet onal History? 1. Utilization of Poraonnels After too rapid sdyenoe of arr 27 Fob. 1945, thio dattalion's territory béenie nore in stratocion] velne in movermnt of aupplios from one part of front to, rncther. it wee nootweary at te tine to open a new line to Zrior, wirrany. All svnliebad onzinoer: Gnlied in {¥en various other gone son thie Line. | Mite nowy do.‘ mnotat ra} Towa ree erritory watch wee hecy!ly mins: ny tre gn all nosro Minooka flize $0 robots: {tebe yard feollitions edo previcully scployed on ni gies wey Sear ireat ee it wee necessary to acsicn six trek non- coms to gunervige and ai: root thaly efforts in rehabilitetion of onid lines The mtire personnel of Co. pany) mors quickly dispatehed nic 4 ¢ 2 ae lon or tie relubiteere on of theca 2inee. by the use of the nany experianced railroad offleere ent non-coms, Tho Lino was BOON pleced in widh # eonditiow tint treine eould operate offiotantly. The nen of Oo, "b" wore plooed at vartonelooed 27 movecont section of Herdouartors pl siventn7eous loontions for the dispi of traire. Recatino , dua to the vest nu her of trains, train ores oF jo “C" wove working oontinvonsiy witaout rést In che endow ¢ to got essential supplica to advenoe reilhouds. Working uw to houre without rest, fichting loconotives nore or Less. Ailnptdnter by conutent fer uae, the trin ercmw ure wet the ones who Bhould be ore itod wth overy possible oor: 4g their job, thet of operating treine in urknvim enony terr! tory umier adverse oord‘tiond {a cuoh thet nu words of ecreendation @ould be too sting. 411 in ell, ¢ nilea of railvay with po and food, nevortiieloce, 0; 2. Agooepiieinentat On 26 i 1945, the foliowins oo: endogton ) poceived by Major thaws J, from Lt. o Thomas. Bourke, Assistent Inspector General? - “in the eourse, of inmspestion of the 752ng Hat: Oporet ng Deteel ony Ue Be dmmyy 20 Fob A985, ag Rca toeawod an oxtrendiy meritorious exhibition of intiat! 4 jenn ty, et traordinary devotion to aoty tho part of ig CMB J 4 Sennen, former Srest Nortiera Trsincagtor at. Raves, Monin mmuing Cff1eer of the 7 Awey Opawating Bastrdion, watoh ro.ultod in exp ittag by twenty four hours an iisportent irprovonent of vitel supply feoilities for unite than in ooxbst. Spolosti, herewith, seven photographs of: operations itelion @nd map of territory Gocigued to thie unit 10d O vered by roport. nen of this beticl on operate ma mematoutions, insuffiat ot rom we2 & Life line fcr the 3rd Army, SECRET 1* Military Railway Service Headquarters732nd Railway Operating Battalion Office of Commanding Officer APO 350 14 April 1945 SUBJECT: Battalion History Monthly Report March 8 — April 15, 1945 Thionville, France THRU: ‘Commanding Officer, 705* Railway Grand Division, APO 350, US Army TO: ‘Commanding Officer, 1* M.R.S., APO 772, US Army ORGANIZATIONAL: ‘The 732” Railway Operating Battalion, following closely behind the fast advancing armies, has been busily engaged in rehabilitating, maintaining, and operating railway far in advance of Headquarters. Tactical aircraft and retreating enemy having cut all bridges, bombed all railway yards, and virtually destroying all track and water facilities on 732" territory, Battalion Commander Major ‘Thomas J. Brennan, requested higher authority to assign additional personnel to the battalion so as to assist in the big job of rehabilitation of said territory. 1 Lt Franklin Siedler, ASN 0-541433, TC, and twenty nine EM of the signal platoon, 717" Ry ‘Opn Bn, were placed on DS with Company A, VOCO this battalion, for indefinite period, effective 26 March 1945. 2™ Lt Donald F. Ungunst, ASN 0-553344, TC, and sixty one EM of the track platoon, 746" Ry Opn Bn, were placed on DS with Company A, VOCO this battalion for indefinite period, effective 26 March 1945. 1* Lt Albert Rootbero, ASN 0-1946327, TC, and forty three EM of the Bridge and Buildings Platoon, 746 Ry Opn Bn, were placed on DS with Company A, VOCO this battalion for indefinite period, effective 26 March 1945. After the rapid advance of armies, which commenced on February 17, 1945, this battalion's territory became more or less unimportant in strategical value in movement of supplies from one part of the front to another. It was necessary at the time to open a new line to Trier, Germany. All available engineering units were called in from various other construction jobs to rehabilitate this line. This newly designated rail head was through enemy territory which was heavily mined and booby trapped. The 389" Engineers, an all negro unit, was placed at Wellen to rehabilitate yard facilities. The 389° previously employed on highway construction. It was necessary to assign six (6) track non-coms to supervise and direct their efforts in rehabilitation of said line. During the latter part of March, this battalion's Maintenance of Way company opened lines as close to Merzig as possible, opening four (4) rail heads at points of which were in range of enemy fire from high points above Merzig. Members of the Bridge and Building Platoon attempted to construct bridge of which was under enemy observation and opposite American Infantry Platoons, but were halted by infantry officers who claimed the bringing up of heavy equipment would draw fire. By the time the line was opened to Trier, the front lines advanced to the other side of the Rhine River, thus the battalion's assigned territory once again lost its strategical value. On the first of April, territory operated by this battalion was placed on Phase II operations, French operations, under army supervision, The 716” Railway Operating Battalion taking over said operations. On the first of April, birdge across the Saar River was completed, thus opening line from Hargarten-Falck to Mainz. This battalion was then assigned territory from Hargarten-Falck to Bad Kreuznach. With armies rapidly advancing deep into Germany proper, higher authorities demanded the movement of supply trains on up to the forward most rail head of which at the time was located in Mainz. On the first of April, 1* Lt J. R. Holmes, Road Foreman of Engines, was assigned to run the first test train from Hargarten-Falck to Mainz to assure the safe operations of the vast amount of oncoming train movements over said line. The exploit of Lt Holmes proven to be one example of the type of men the 732™ is comprised of. The train made up of a steam locomotive pushing several cars ahead started out, At one point on the line, it was necessary to stop to take on water. While directing operations from the cab of the engine, Lt Holmes was shot and wounded in the right arm by a sniper from the hillside. Fortunately, the wound was not serious. After medical attention, Lt Holmes ran the train on through to its destination, That is the kind of devotion to duty that men of this battalion display. Lt Holmes has recently been awarded the Purple Heart. On the first of April, 1945, Major Thomas J. Brennan, Commanding Officer of the 732 departed from Hargarten-Falck with the first train of eargo consisting of fifty cars loaded with rations and arrived at Mainz, Germany, a distance of one hundred twenty-five miles, the same day. The train was also the first to cross the newly constructed Saar River Bridge. The huge tonnage hauled amounted to approximately 1,000 tons; an average of 20 tons per car. This tonnage being twice the rail movement formerly hauled by two such diesels. ‘Trains containing petrol, ammo, and additional subsistence, together with trains of personnel, followed in logical sequence so that by April 7, 1945,; a total of 21 trains had cleared east of Saarbrucken on this line, This territory was in far from good condition. ‘Trains were backed up from Thionville to Paris awaiting movement. Train crews gave their all and more in running these first trains over a new line. ‘Communications were very poor. In fact, the first trains went through without any communications whatsoever. ‘The battalion was handicapped due to the fact movement of personnel was prohibited before the movement of essential army supplies. By the use of trucks, motor cars, and other forms of transportation, sufficient personnel was soon dispersed along the line to soon provide efficient operation. Numerous difficulties were encountered. Water facilities, communications and rough track, caused by new bridges and fills. The entire personnel of Company A (Maintenance of Way Company) were quickly dispatched along the line to complete the rehabilitation of these lines by the use of the many experienced railroad officers and non-coms. The line was soon placed in such a condition that trains could operate efficiently. ‘The men of Company B for maintenance of coaling, cars and locomotives, were placed at various coaling and watering points. The train movement section of Headquarters Company placed operators at advantageous locations for the dispatching of trains. In the meantime, due to the vast number of trains, train crews of Company C were working continuously without rest in the endeavor to get essential supplies to advance rail heads at the Rhine River. Working up to sixty hours without rest, fighting locomotives more or less dilapidated by constant hard use, the train crews are actually the ones who should be credited with every possible commendation. As their job, that of operating trains in unknown enemy territory under adverse conditions is such that no words of commendation could be too strong. All in all, these men of this battalion spread for many miles with poor communications, insufficient rest and food, but nevertheless opened a life line for the 3" army. And each and every officer and enlisted man should be commended even more strongly than a previous commendation recently received for their excellent work during the “Bulge”. Enclosed, herewith, seven (7) photographs of operations of this battalion and map of territory assigned to this unit during period covered by report. Thomas J. Brennan Major, TC, Commanding RBESTBAgT eR 1s MILITas¥ MaluwaY SuRViCR adwuartors, 752d Railwey Operating Battalion Offloe of Commanding Offteer ALO 350 * 14 ay 1945 SUbJuG2s Battalion Gistory Monthly Report, 1 apr - 1 Mey, 1945 TUAU ; Comaiinding Officer, 706th Ry Gr Dim, AFO 350,° ds army to + Comending officer, 1st WHS, Al0 326, US amy A. Organization 1. Setting up command and its various elewents; location of headquarters, «nd naues of prineipsl officers, with !foadquar- ters located at Searbrucken, Gerwany, this battalion is res)onsi- blo for 102.3 miles of railway botweon Hargerten-Ialok and Bad kreuzach, A vitel front-supply. line necessitated imodiate re- habilitation of yard .and track facilities to assure the expeditious noveuent of troops, supplies and.smunition to front-line units and Ps and refugees therefrom, ‘ The Train Moveuont Section of Headquarters Gompany, consisting of dispat chersy operators, towemen and station agents ore loeated at nineteon principal outlying stations on the battalion's territory. ‘the Chief Dispatcher, Ist it Carl Hiensen, nyerson Avey, sloomingdale, liew. Jersey, an sie dailroader and his.staff of operators are working a full twolve hours per Gay, seven days per week. ‘Ghis battalion's territory being in far from good condi- tion, the-ever incveasing volume of trafiie brought many diffi- culties. Gompany "a" (wadncenanee of way), under the able su ere vision of Comuianding Officer, Japt Wm li, Cudyorth, suse & 19th 3t., spokane, washington, a Groat Northern District Koad- master, @ sckewe was dra wn up for the utilization of this company's two track plateons, bridge and buliding platoon and signal platoon. to fit the general requirowents of their over cuanging phase of railroading... Gow any B (Maintenance of wyvipment Gow-eny). ‘the servioing and walusenance of the 7é2nd's hard-used eyuijuent was as iuueh 4 problem aa were the other phases of railroading, The great deuend for engines, whieh were being put through hard, use, decued it necessary to establish running repair sheps at tae various advantageous points te insure tie ready service so ur- gently needed at the most unexpected times, * Although the 762 started operating railroad with captured rolling stock, they wouldn't have been able to continue in operation if it bed not been for eomuanding officer of gonpany » Gapt Geos be Zipperion of Greet Falls, wontena, Grént North- erm sailvoader end car reya.r latoon commender, 1st Lt clifiord Vance of wreciinridve, Minnesota, Great Nortiern railroader, wheae keon foresight resulted in procuring German captured d locomotives whon first arviving on tue cont: equipment proved te be a valuable asset in this bativiiou's present operations. : Goupsny “C" (Lransporttion Company) with the ever in- creasing voluse of traffic over this battalion's assijned territe ory overcane aluost evory difficulty, but the shortage of personnel in making up train evews las proven to be one that continues to Linger. Bue twenty-five train crews or wore, have wor Te aequisition of, change in, ond policy relating to persomnel, with reasons. This battalion for the beginning of April, shows a toval strength of 677 Bu, 1 WOJG and 31 Officers, and at the close of the month, a total strength of 668 a, 1 WoJG, and 51 Officers, line si were shipped for infontry retraining, . During the month of April, there wore four sumuary court-martials end no special court-merticle. Ghaplein's activity,report for the month of April shows the following services held: 15 Sunday services, attendance 407 li.week day services, attendance 222 6 Hospital Visits, attendance, - 82 Personal interviews, attendance 62 +11 Ger visitations, attendance 14 68 Visits to, Stetions, atvendance 262 Z 26 Days were spent in the field during the month Services held at eight different locations. HLALTN OF UNIT AND SANITARY RsFORT 1, savironuental sanitation: Water is furnished by a water point for this Headquarters, tye res.dual chlorine content 6,1 Vill, Garoage and waste matter are disposed of by the garbage pit method, Latrines were originally of. the yuartermaster-box tye, bub now the pluubing has been repaired in -the building ‘ere the xen are quartered and regular toilet bowls are used, Bathing and shower facilities are also available in the building. 2, ¥ ersonal Hygien &, Health of the coumand bas been excelient. uhysical inspection required by Far 1, sk 615-250, 24 July 1942 was ulven 75% of tie command, Givilien workers ind cooks nave at ioe been Given the required inspection. smallpox, typhoid, paratyphoia, typhus and tetanus Simihivations are not yet due for tus bateal~ jen. b, Feed ahd Nutritional status of the troop 1, ova . "Ay URatdons haté been type B and a, Wenu-satisfactory r °By “Quantity and quality of’ retion issue: Fer some tine, the ration issue was laciting fresh moat, ‘the quantity has doen satisfactory, G,\ Storage fudilities are very good. D, Mess personnel tre excellent Bi Uohservetion of nutriont 1s observed, : FP, Héible food is not wasted, Nutritional status of troops: | “As Rutions are adéquate for the Health of the comand, e ; HO vitamin supplemetits ard reqiired. Tho follewing information 1% su’mitted for the 'mgnth of Aprils * J . Fasses to bariss..s.,sBone Passes to Brissels,,...None *FuPlough$ to UKses,.s.aone O, OPEASTIONAL HISTORY 1.) Paoilities. : ° fhe 75and Railway Operating Battalion's Table of Organi za- tion shows no ehange In ‘growth of persotinel; growth of physical plant and itscoquipment, nor hag there been my changed im location and tyye cof equisments eteg <9 S vm s 2. wotubas Significant ‘changes in néthods of ‘operation and utilization of Toveln ‘employes, - "Un the 15th of ‘april the tredk facilities were beginning to Snape up, thus sone 500 Geran and Italien civilien ‘railroadors loyed to rehabiiivate the greatly needed yard iroilities, train evews, and various car ‘aid Lodotiotivd tocinietivis, all of whom were ‘under GI°supervision, To date, this Vattelion has utilised Gerran, Ibelini and Russiun teehnioiand, a8 well as laborera in just sbout every phase of Pailroading, By Aogompli shinonts coupse* Tho volun of trafilo Wandled, muiber of traiid dispatched, with special attention to umiugually iaPés, dugertart or unique operations x + The ‘758nd W911 ednbinus to progrdégs The trotiondou tecmival imowledue of the Battalion domnender, iajor Thonas J,” Byention, Formér Groat Noxtherd Trai-master at Havre, montana, pointe tha) way toe futuve still more dependable and efficient in military railroading, By On 2 Way 1945, the following comuendation, sxhibit a attaches Was roveived by Haj Thomas J, Brennan from Lt dol Thou G, Bourke, Assistant inspector General, Advance Yectién, dom %, Office of the inspector General? “In the course of inspection’ of the 752id Hallway Operating Battal- Zon, US army;'28 Feb 45; Lt Col Bourke witnessed ah extremely, neéritorous exhibition of initative, ingenuity, and extraordinary devotion’ to duty on the part of ie j’Thomas J. 'Bronnan, Former Great Wotiorn ‘irainnaster at Havres kontana, Gomuonding Ussicer of the 7ozd Railway Opération Batt-iion,’ which resulted in expediting by 24 houre-ah important Llnpfovenent of vital supply facilities for units’then in combat. “Qn the evening of 26 Fob 45, uajor Brennen went to the comand pest of Compeny D,* 547th ingivesrs GS Regiment to’ coordinate thé next days" aetlvitiesy: This ¢ompeny’s’ mission was’ thén the eonstruction of bridges’ to weplace those blown out on the rail- road Line,’ running hertheast from Thiohville, France, to the front. st “the 782d, besides assisting by making track’repairé, had the nission of bringing up'supplies éver this line for uhits then in combat, end was‘ operating as far as ‘erl, Germeny. 4 fow Kiloucters further, near Nenkig; Germany, was thé first of five sections of; @ynamited track which prevented operation into Wounkirechen; Gormany, whith the combat units urgently desired to substitute for ‘the’ lorl-Hellnedd as It wold greatly Folievé a difficult motor hawl, anda seheduled attack made tine of the essences here wére! also three’ bridges blewn' out between Perl end? Nineheringen}’CGermany, whose reconstruction was then in the hands of Gomany "D", 547th sngineer G3 Xoginent. "to emsedite the project which this company and elements of his own 752d railway operating battalion were straining to complete wajor Brenna, solely en'his dwA" initiative, sought and obtained certain vital material asa; withdat’ interrupting the scheduled flow of traffic over his raliroad ihe, brougat it up to Ler] and made it available to the Comianding Officer, to D 547th wiginecrs, GS Kegi- nte, long vefére it was expected oF believed possible. Furt.cmiore, at 2000 hours 28 feb 45, in converence with the Go Vowiender he succossful.y analysed a sePits' of difriciities rotarding the'bridge construction, In this, he displayed a dgree of resourcofulness aid unfedting porasversrice that wad as’ admir.ole as was his foresight and else planning “uajor Bremen placed additional working ejuipuent of his battclion at the dispositién of the enginesrs end contrived a novel seheue for coordinating thé work of his men with ‘them starting at daylig t, so that at thé end of the SO minute conference the comsanding officor, do D 847th engineers, GS Regiment announced that e¥snetial Briags construction eould be completed one day earlier than ‘scheduled, thereby eontributing materially to the advance of coxtain Auericati Divisions then in éonbat.* Brigadier General siwart @, Pian, Commanding Goveral, Advance Section, dom 4, ids noted tiis comnendation with pleasure @nd adds bis comlineats f6F%he splendid manner in which jiajor Thomas J, Brennen assisted in the advom“Lisiinent of operations vital to wilitary operations in Gerueny, Golonel ay ¢, Trips, ean apostction Ogfider, “Adyance Seotior,’ Com’ 4, Trandportetion Section, is extr~ely ratified to note the splendi chievement of wajor dou J, Brennan in = dis: Ary ow aiding uaterselay:in the primary:migsion ei-1a1 .tHaiavortablon” corps units sup lying armys. Sy Gy’ “fhe pen deomightier then the, sword". and the stay and shovet'nuve p¥oved to be invaluable weapens,-tec. Along #ith wrenghes, “acetylene: toreness:buli doxersrandotner Logis equipment, used to rebuildra’radirpad ine, the 752g ROB such an outstanding jeb.in-wastern ¥rence and Geruany, teat they received the following comsendation, sxhibit Il, From Brig Gen walter J, iullerj Assistant Ghief of wtabay G-4, oma APE» Direstor General/of military Reliwey Services 3 “rarticularly I would like mention the work, of, the, 72nd. iy, Opn Hn whieh’ operated menisigentiy prier. and eudsequent to the Bastogne Bulze,---these tropps bave Sevlopea a flexibility - whieh, ohebies them to mect tie ever changing situations in a nost:efiielent: manserw: their ready understanding and, .mompt .,... action vas insured, che uninterrupted flow.of supplies..to the” ommend hes contributed dameasunadly, te the, success, of, the Sra us Ye 9 GIG erfeenque oy wry an ig "at tho tine. referved yioy, the Téand was eneparing reilnesds Litany ‘up to the Fooat Anes, Pageraniohte: the art 2x amuwunition wes delivered by maid right, to the, cunae~uit nagesasty of trucking onup, Loom. Fatinbad en ae the nearest point to bastogne, being operated,..the oops and trains of the Tapnd mone: frequent ete Gabe ast ea attagks from. the enemy but. they, aot ne traing soving with hie! cite sapptes under the most trying conditions... par a* grog bra’ sug ° ‘ LAN’ Risa ene eek a Deo This oan, leying waste to. hemes, reeds and fields, destneying whole eit. countless othe forns.of Seater seat desolat. hayoo-on the body and mind of ts who, tight Ley) & Reealt of wounds, vegeived in ection, om battle-faticuay.uen gen novlenger talte-a pert im the actual fighting, and waen Fey are whole againg they are assigned, .farqugh the numerous "Bdivlé depples® to soue pax of the huge service fonées which supply. . the front lines. fi ‘ ae sere gee Go ae cov fhe 7and, vabeh operates and. maiabuine ratlvaja France and Germany, roceived,.sone of base .froat-bine men, as reieforeenentsy and thoy wore-duly elassified and put, to work as carpenberay telephone | waters, clerks, piverfitiers, train | dispatchers, wiggera.end wpny wore of the numerous, ageupations which are involved in the operation of a railroad, t yiggrt voQnee Lighting wen, Gheg.are. sew Lulleflodced railtoader, these new valiroad weny the veiufopoeuentsy wee aoseryed ge, keen tntoresty as some were,.in doubt whetuer or not thay.would be very efiiciont after. the. treugndous meatal andphysical strains of action-at the frente. 9 sHerTh @ 4 However, these wen have showed. st onee.tuat this wag” nob the-eases sveryone of the-new men-delivered the goods in a remerkscle wannery. ieny.of them have, vrple,uearta, Bronze”. Stars," infantrynen's dadges.and-other.decorations,. tins’ they ave glad they aren't fighting adymore, and souetines they wish chey could go cack, but to acwan, they have deuonstrated. that, if you can hold.down #. Job.as-ah anfantrywan, you. dgn'b have to be afraid to tackle anything. Yuese men are now integral perts of the service forges, Jastcas they once were integral parts of the figuting forega. Sone vere non-cong.at the front aud.tuey still hold “taese watings. ae 7odnd is proud.of tucse wen, and they pave ;roven to thenselvess and to: these that are insevented in discovering just how wueh the men-whe aave beon.fighbing. once,.one of the. grimest and most violent.wars in histery, especially those. “who had=to ve relieved, gan forge their experiences and apply tiem- solve auieser-ontarppssese shat 0. dnees oun S930 98 F832 bakes a iistle tuing like.a Low, battles right, in str, i we ACtor moving the. first-trein across aiyer gn the inbiof ApFid A@tBe- the Theniahes. been dose business tn, 8 bigeye, in the perdod-betwecp the drd.and Suth of April, 19455. teds-battaiden moved 709 trains over,102.5.miles of its... tervitory, The completion ef the, bitidge over. the Saar. River by the sngineersy opened. the bedly-needed. supply, Line. up.to. the fine Hivors.end the. 72nd moved inte take, over_ling from, - largarten-lalek to BedrKreuguaghs Yowbating the many. ‘tloylties whiehere;en@untered in a newly opened line, the men of this baked jonomeyed 387,096 nes tons of. eupplion, to se, fiver. + heb these figures speak, f.m, themselves, a ‘tobeting 244761 loads end Luge! bem ingens Be Meee ely 1h pons 0f these trains, Gy were troop, Epping SateCh mow nave mares, tpewereee bee Wes toound ease ee ea crefages. traing in which 08,760 Freash vara rakurned, to, thaie 2 homeland after 5 years: captivity, and.16 vere, pi traing. in, which 27,480 'Supermen" wove tranaponted to, Pil LOBULES. - uauling heavy trains over new territory is ho snap wader, re ae ee ae but, leaky ae a Be autre and deck of Light for night opezatichgn made, hauling ® Peal chore; cane the combined efforts of each, sees nenjbox, of this batbulion, the. '752nd, paved, thenselves, capable of handling this iaek.in e highly comendable eRe oe Qn the doth of Amid Lossy tne paises were beginning te shape. up, thus sone. 200 ee ay Radaroasens were, euployed. to wake the. necessary xepal: ‘The adjustment and tightening of all new Bea sisge cand eorrentions on faulty. conséruction were wade by RF oe the bridge apd building plateon, . With .the aid of Ge) pal. Ponders, great strides were, pe ‘iy Pehabiditating sidings. and storage facdlitivas 2 _. Water Seoilities wone completed, ‘and to date, sufficient water is availeble ab ll necessany. points, Bhereigngl section completed eonstrustion of ‘main Line eirquit and gonstragtion of aeasace and dtepatcherts Gtwoutts from Saapbracken to Metnicireneny o—* o1 > cGy Phe denvioing aud uaiareaanee of-bue.7éana —~ ‘equipmeity which was being greatly used:due te the ineresaing movement’ Of “brains ¢- fell to dompany B-lecometive and, capbepair platoons, having been operating overseas for eight months, guning which they had -runiinto and -seived preebieully every tyne mechanical problem possible, vo 3 took this job in stride, Repairs: to the grestay, used teeing were handled By 2/sgt Loren L, wrer $17 9th ave., Fort Dodge, owa (illinois Gentral Kit), tnder .ue direction of Ist Lt a Set Vanes; do 2, Gar Foreman, Breckiwidge, Kinnesota (Great Nortiern). With trains coming in at all hours of the day and night, it was souctimes necessary for mon tow rok long hours with 1. ttle sleop. In the period between the Ist and 30th of April, this battalion's car repair platoon serviced and inspected 1200 trains between largarten-Falck and Bad Areumach. Approximately 160 repairs were wade and 1100 damaged cars were inspected and classified for repairs, seventy-five per cont being released for service, sight derailments, including steam éngines and freight equipment were reported in said period. 0 cars have been repaired at outlying points along this battalion's territory, wifferent from ordinury routine jobs, three wenw ere trained to operate cranes for co:ling of engines, thus showing 1900 man hours for the month of april in operating crane, With all the trains handled in the 72nd train movements, all ropairs wade and difficulties encountered, do B is eroud of tho fet tiat mmx not one delay was ehelied up to mechanical defect at their ond, and no mechanical failures occurred on return trips. Il, The 732nd now has anothor first to its credit, one os which it is especially proud. That of teking the first train across the Rhine River. On 14 Apr 45, the S47th ungineors comple= ted a rouarkable speody job of briding the khine, thus oponing the vital sup; ly line to the interior of Germany, Gen Geo 3, Patton, Jr, iwaj Gen Mohr, Brig Gen Ylank and dol iflen, 00 of the S47th Sngineers were aboard when this battalion's Co @ Train Grow, composed of Vonductor Sgt Bill Gdum of Atlanta, Ga (so Aallway)3; engineer 1/4 B411 Dunmire(:ennsylvania a8); Fireman ¥f¢ Relph Upshaw of ann arbor, isichigan; Brekeman ivt Geo Horton of Marysville, Jalifornia and the pilot 1/4 anthony Garino of :e.in, ill, took a work train of the 347th as the first train across the dhine River, Sinee early in Decenber 1944 the ‘Yo2a and the 547th nave worked closely together ieeping the Srd army supplied with the vital supplies wich are necessary for such success as tis army sas had, lligh commendation has been given both these organizations for their wrk in oopening and operating railneads right under the nose of tho enemy, this was enother "first" for the 7Sznd, "fhe Front Line koute," to be added to tae record of pioneer railronding they have done in serving the combat to ops of the 3rd Army, iiaps and commendation sxhibits are attached, THOrAS Je BRUNA Kajor, TO Commanding \ BESIBICEER Dh 4 va AsT MILITARY RAILAAY S:RVICE Headquarters 732nd Railway Operating Battalion Office of Commanding Officer APO 350 ' i 1S. SUBJEDT: Battalion History rerort - tay to aa tot “9 ‘TRU —+Gomranding 7 ay APO 3505-85 8s Arn TO + Commanding Officer, 1st MS, APO 72, U. S. Arny. A. ORGANIZATION: The 732nd Railway Operating Battalion, with hoadquarters in Saarbrucken, Germany, 1s responsible for 102.3 miles of Railway betwoon Hargarten-Falok ani Bad Krousnach. B. DEVELOPMENT OF COMMAND: 1. Acquisition of, change in, and policy relating to persomely with Peasons, utilization of personnel. During the month of Gay, a great deal of energy was expended by all nenbers of this battalion in acquainting the German civilian railroaders with {he operation of a War torn ratl syrten.. Due to the feet that all thelr rallzoad- rapericnce has boon with a positive signal control, it was necessary, duo to 55 FDU Uhh" gretor pert SF tse clgmde wore ot wring) to Sash then the method Aisa herein! Somstua bors apap during this month with the % view in mind of turning over the railroad to then ax quickly as possible. 2, Brief renaris covering strongth of unit, Courte-tartial, Chaplain's activities, special service activities, health of unit and sanitary methods adop furloughs to UE, Paris, Brussels and Riviere pass. Strength of Unit. 2d wy, 3 This battalion for the beginning of tiny, shows a total strength of G4 Eu, 30 officers and 1 WOFG, and at the close of the month, a totel strength of (982 Bl, 30 Officers and 1 WOsd, ue a pertae tasraeeta ao te fie During the nonth of fiey, there were Sumary Courts-lartial and no Special Courts-lartial. ©. Chaplain Activities. Chaplain's astivities report fof the month of lay shows the following services heldi 14 Sunday setvices Attendance 966 3/4 6 1. Commnions ® ay 32 $-Heek-Day Services —_—* 5. § Hoonital Calls " BIT aie 7. 2ée Porseoal interviews 9862 SEP 217 1947 HL Red Cross Cases ——t——-—-22- S'{33 Visits to stations =" 24a 3 Battalion Entertainnents We . <4 Atheletic Contests pays spent in the field during the ponth. serie ia posal * different locations. RESTEICTED F i i Oe ce Ae an a. RESTRI GED D. Special Service Activities. 1, This organisation has not a projector or film library. The? sefore schedules 4, 5, 6) 7) & of report approval syubol CZ81-8 do not apply. 2» This organization had approximately/ 50 to/75 men attend 4 voviesshown by the 1124th Engineering Battalion here, approximately once a week. Health of Unit and Sanitary Methods Adopted. 1, Environnental Sanitation, Residual chlorine contents of the water used by this head~ quarters is 1PPM, All quartermaster type latrines have been discontinued for use as the plumbing facilities in the quarters are sufficient to accommodate the entire Command. Bathing facilities are excellent with Both hot and cold water. 2. Personall Hygiene. Health of the conmand is excellent. Physical inspection required by Far 1, AR 615-250, 24 July 1942 was given to 95% of the command. Cooks and civilian K.P.és were given the required inspection, Small~pox, Typhoid, para- typhoid, typhus and Tetanus inmunisations are not yet due for this battalion. 3. Furloughs to UK, Paris, Brussels and Riviera passes. Furlovghs to UK = (0 to Paris © OT to Brussels ~ 0 to Riviera - 25 C, OPERATIONAL HISTORY. 1, Paoilities and Methods. Railroad operations begun 14 April fron Hargarten-Falek to Bad Kreusnach proved to be a big job. Gompany "BY and "C" established ite beadcuarters at Hargarten-Falek, France, just three kiloneters west of the German border. This was the western terminal of the division, which was 102.3 miles long. Crevs were dispatched from Falek and took their train to the Eastern end of the division at Bad Krevsnach, a run vhich took fron 14 to 48 hours, depending on the condition of traffic. 411 available U.S. personnel were utilized for train operation. On 9 lay 1945 tho first German crews arrived at Falek and were immediately put to work, with ‘a four man German train and Engine crew under the superivision of 2 G.I.'s as pilot ‘and rear brakenan, Trains vere operated on the occupied block systen. 2. Problems. With the rapid assinilaticn of German operating personnel, it became possible to afford the G,I. train crews « little nore re t, as they had beon working expeedingly long hours and under very trying conditions, roadbeds were poop, engines wheezy, and grades were steep, as moh as 2% in places which nade pusher service necessary. One great difficulty encountered was the lack of familiarity with the ceeupéed block system, as they had never used anytiing but positive blocks under German operation, nost of thex were old railroaders, with 20 to 40 years experience. However, they soon learned the inportence of flagging. At first there was also the Language diffievlty, but the G.I,'s learned German with surprising rapidity and the Gernans learned enough English to make understanding possible. The too, the language of the railroad is, largely by, pt, universal medium, and that helped a gread deal. By the end o! were working on the division and vell over 200 G.I,'s piloting them. There ware sone wrecks but with the terrific volune of traffic handlod and tho long, Qiuettif; hours of work, they were almost inevitable. of problens in the employment of German r in setting wp 0 Betabbake stristiy in eoserdanee sith German Scguilantional sles for railroad. Another problem was contacting former German rail employes who had been evacuated, to call them back to work, The extablishnent of German food kitchens brought many a headache, Dus to the scarcity of German rations and the order against feeding Germans G.I, rations, due tothe evacuation, it was difficult in locating equipment. This equipment had to be brought forth in order to set up principal re= pair points for the repair of lecorotives, cars and other equipment. Also, the 22m BESTRICTED SECURING of the required repair parts and ma‘erial were necessary. Anbther problem was to got certain lines rehabilitated in order to va able to transport Germn workers of the various industries, mines, etc., to work all this was dono in addition to operating a military supply route over wiich 70 niles of railroad wos repaired and opened with the assistance of German employes. 3. Accomplishements. During-the-nohith of day, “thie-battalion opened: an-auttiiary Line of- 18 Kiloneters-of-double-track from Saarbruckeu to Neunkirchens—This Iine-required ‘the construction of 3-double-treck bridges. Thus, affording a preferable route. vatween these tea points due tolesser_grade.— Having twe-double-treck lines between thene_points-gave-greater flextbitity-and-effieiency in train operations In-addition to the above mentioned-suxittary line, dhie battalion opened end rehabilitated #2 car storage trecks in @aarbrucken yard in orvcr to afford pace for supplies now stered to-a*fort spece-for-ourpiies 1e-staree In rallwgy yards in France, Also rehabilitated, was the Neunkirehen yard in order to retu:. this tere minal to toll operations a ~ This battalion on its divisions from Har Falck to Sasrbrucken and Saarb: Bad Ki during the nonth of fifa handled lo trains with a total of oad: empties, with total net tons, cf or net ton of 11@ tons per car. trains traveled approximately + net ton sl lag ometeetent te $21-stseeervent the—worid 129 45; Hol, 160 i ny Ghis battalion handled $$ troop trains, with TEP rents ox cowl perso] and also run on the divisions were 964 5S° refugee trains with 155827 cars or ie During the month of uly, the trains crews of Company "C" handled 413 eastbound trains carrying approximately 11,300 cara, with a total not weight of 261,369 tons of freight and personnel. Most of the tonnage consisted of rations and gasoline, sorely needed by the forees in Germany. The great uajerity of wost- bound trains were loaded with refugees and displaced persons. 405 traing wore operated westbound during the nonth, cong 15,925 cars. [bal Puring the month of Hah, jonotive platoon of Comany "B* tite dispatched American locomotives anddy6f Fronhh locomotives fron the rounde house at Falek. The work required to service each locomotive consists of coaling, water, inspection, lubrication and light running repairs, Such repairs as renewing rod bushings and staybolts, repairing leaky flues, renewing tender wheels, of which all the above mentioned were made onB¥ locomotives. The boilers of 4H locomotives were washed and inspections made of the boilers, guage cocks and water (lass to be sure all were in good operating order. Drive wheels were dropped on J- locomotives, and the whet to have journals turned and fitted. Cracked cydinders on two ~ loconotive: welded. The locomotive platoon has men stationed at llounkirehen and Bad Krevsnach making light running repairs and servicing engines, At Neunkirchen, "BY is supervising the work of over 200 Gorman workers in tho roundhouse. And with the assistence of Italian workers, are, servieing, coading and Ivbricating loconotives as they cone into this station, In the shop at St, Wendel, Covpany "BY is supervising the work of German personnel who are repairing and putting into service Cerman loconctives. At present 8 to 10 German locomotives are bling repaired and xador returned to service, During eb the month of May, the car platoon has been busily engaged in Stencilling captured enemy rolling stock. About{000 captured care have Woon stencilied for the allied forces. 4 complete run of the division was nade in order that all cars wo steneilled. Men of this platoon, stationed at Felek, repaired approxinately $2)gape on the Line and rip track, ‘Such ropaizs a renewing draw bars and couplings. Pairs of whoels were changed during this month. The wrecking crew has been out on the line cleaning up wrecks and rerai: onotives. curs and loo- <3= ‘ RESITRIGSTED 4. Forsonalities. Perhaps the most amusing incident oceurring during the month of May, and one of several wh}gh help relieve the tension of the exuci duties of the train o: of, 7 ‘the experience of Sgt. "Jin" Haag, 2751 Carpbell St., Kans: ity, mduetor end pilot on a 732m westbound refugee train, His was, aiffeulty pulling a long tr in, his passeng> ere were pretty unruly,’ anil ‘train stalled on a hill "Jim" was about ready to give up. But not so his mers, The; intedded to got. to France and a little hill could not stand in theix way, Tike entire train load piled off the curs as one man, put their shoulders to the wheel, and pushed the train over the hump. Such was railroading on the FalckeKreuznach division in lay. her ‘THOMAS J, BRENTAN Lt Colonel, 1 Commanding

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