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Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Title of Project: Dream House

Subject(s): Math
Grade Level(s): 7th
Abstract: In this project, students will get to interact with contractors and construction workers,
who are White and Hispanic, who will provide students with advice on designing their dream
home. After discussing and gathering information from our guests, students will first construct a
blue print of what rooms, dimensions, etc. they want for their house. They will then take their blue
print and design their house using technology, either through or a variety of house
designing apps on the iPad. They must decide on a scale to use and calculate the actual size of
their house and rooms if it were to be built. Students will also be able to decorate and paint their
rooms and therefore must be able to calculate surface area. Students will present their house to
their peers and publish their creations on the school website.
Learner Description/Context:
This project will be given to all on-level math classes. The classes are quite diverse, with about
50% of students being Hispanic, 48% white, and 2% other. Additionally, one class is a co-taught
class, containing 10 students with disabilities. With this in mind, the project will be modified in a
variety of ways to help meet the needs of each student. The school has 4 iPad carts, 13 laptop
carts, and 2 computer labs. With all of this technology available, it will not be difficult for students
to have access and complete this project. Furthermore, one of my students has already shared
that his father is a contractor and willing to volunteer to help out. This will be a great asset to their
learning, as they can see the authenticity of this project through his experiences he can share with
the classes. Additionally, there is a great deal of construction taking place near our school. Many of
these construction workers Hispanic and would be excellent for presenting their job to the students.
Time Frame: This project will take about a month to complete and present. This is usually done
during the last month of school, so the majority of the project will be completed in class. Students
will only need time outside of class if they are going above and beyond expectations or falling
behind on the projects day-by-day pacing guide.
Standards Assessed:
MCC7.EE.4 Use variables to represent quantities in a real-world or mathematical problem, and
construct simple equations to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities.
MCC7.G.1 Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing
actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.
MCC7.G.4 Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve
MCC7.G.6 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of
two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and
right prisms.
ELACC7W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
ELACC7W5: With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on
how well purpose and audience have been addressed.
ELACC7W6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and link to and
cite sources as well as to interact and collaborate with others, including linking to and citing

Learner Objectives:

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Students will be able to use a scale to calculate the actual size of their house if it were to be built.
Students will also be able to calculate the surface area of their house and individual rooms.
Students will create a page in itslearning that includes a written summary of the rooms in their
houses, the dimensions of their house, the effects of applying a scale factor to their blue print, and
how they can make their dream house a reality someday, as well as pictures of their blue prints.
Students will participate in an itslearning discussion both after one week of work and three weeks
of work. They will praise one anothers work and provide advice that would help peers to improve
their project. Students must respond to at least 3 different peers projects for each discussion and
apply any helpful feedback they receive for their own project. After the projects are completed,
students will view each others pages and vote on their favorite house and summary.
Students will complete a number of worksheets as the project progresses. These worksheets
address all learning objectives and will be graded through a rubric. (see rubric and worksheets at
The hook or Introduction:
The guest speakers, construction worker(s) and contractor(s), will be visiting the first day of the
project, not only to engage students with the project but to explain and provide insight of the steps
to building a house and what all must be taken into consideration.
Day 1:
o Project Introduction Help sheet and rubric will be explained
o Guest speakers will present and talk to students about constructing houses from blue
prints and how scales, area and perimeter, surface area, etc. are used in their jobs.

Day 2:
o Students will begin to design their houses.
Using TWO sheets of graph paper, create a plan for the first floor (sheet 1) and a
plan for the second floor (sheet 2) for the dream house.

Day 3:

Day 4:

Students will then find the area and perimeter of each room of their houses.
Using a scale, students will then find the actual area and perimeter of their house, if it
were to be built, by completing Worksheet #3, which will be turned in with the final

Students will be searching on sites like Home Depot, Lowes, etc. to find what kind of
carpet, hardwood flooring, and paint they want to use in their houses.

Days 5 and 6:

Students will calculate how much carpet, flooring, and paint they will need in specific
rooms. Then, they will calculate the cost of purchasing these items for their house.
Students will also search to see how much installation costs and include that in their
amount spent.

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project


Day 7:

Students will complete the writing portion of this project, using a worksheet as a guide.

Days 11, 12, and 13:


Students will be re-creating their house drawings, online at or

through the use of the app Home Design 3D.

Day 10:

Students will be browsing the web to pick out their furniture they want in the rooms of
their houses. They will be calculating these items in with their price for the flooring and
paint, as well as installation costs again.
As a challenge, students will draw the furniture to scale in each room in order to see
how it fits.

Days 8 and 9:

Students will share/switch worksheets with at least 3 other peers and complete the first
discussion post in itslearning, in order to provide and apply meaningful feedback,
regarding the calculations and measurements of the house.

Students will create their pages in itslearning, where they will include:
At least one screenshot of their online house blueprint
Summary about their house
Hi-lighting their favorites
A list of what they change or do differently
Students will participate in the second discussion, providing and applying meaningful
feedback to one another, in order to improve upon their projects.

Days 14, 15, and 16:


Students will present their finished projects/pages to the class.

Use the following points as an outline for the presentation:
What were the rooms you put in your house?
What makes your house different and unique from others?
Whats your favorite part about your house? Least favorite?
What was the total square footage of your house?
How much did you spend on paint and flooring?
What kind of furniture did you buy and for which rooms?
How much money did you spend on furniture?
Did you stay within the $100,000 budget on flooring, furniture, and paint?

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

If you had to do this project over again, what would you do differently and
Anything interesting you want to share about your project?

Day 17:

Our guest speakers will return, and, with the students, they will vote on their favorite
houses in their class.
Awards will be given to the Most Accurately Designed and Calculated House and Most
Creative House

The students will create an online, fully designed dream house that they envision. Because they
get to make the house their own, students will care and be invested in the project. Furthermore,
this gives them an idea of the cost to building and designing a home. Through the use of, a variety of home designing apps on our schools iPads, and itslearning,
technology will be integrated to create the final product. Students will be graded based on the
criteria provided to them via a rubric (see at bottom).
Technology Use:
Students will use either the website,, or a home designing app, such as Home
Design 3D or Home Design Story, to create their house blueprint. Any of these can be accessed via
iPads, laptops and desktops, and/or students own devices. Additionally, students will use
itslearning to create their page/presentation and participate in discussions about one anothers
projects, providing and accepting meaningful feedback. This helps to promote interaction with one
another, as well as make the project more generative, authentic, and individualized for each
References and Supporting Material:
Graph paper
Worksheets covering area, perimeter, surface area, scales, calculations, summary, etc.
Ipads or apps (Home Design 3D, Home Design Story)
Will need to create:

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Carpet: (1 box= 1 sq. ft)


Size (sq. ft)


Type of Carpet

Price per sq. ft


Total Price

Price per sq. ft


Total Price

Hardwood Floors: (1 box = 1 square foot)


Size (sq. ft)

Type of Hardwood

Paint: (1 can covers about 400 sq. ft.)


Size (sq. ft)

* wall height is 12 ft

Type of Paint and


Total # of Cans

Total Price

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Worksheet #3 - Actual Dream House Dimensions

*Remember the scale: 1 line = 2 feet




Total House Square Footage: ________________ sq. ft.

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Worksheet #4 - Actual Dream House Calculations

Budget: $100,000
Carpet: (2 rooms)

Size (sq. ft)


Type of

Price per sq. ft Total Price


Hardwood Floors: (2 rooms)


Size (sq. ft)

Type of

Price per sq. ft Total Price


Paint: (3 rooms- 1 can covers 400 sq. ft.) *Wall height is 12 ft.

Size (sq. ft)

Type of
Total # of Cans
Paint and Price

Total Price

Total Cost of Materials: ___________

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Worksheet # 5 - Furnishings




Total Furnishings Cost: ___________

Total cost of Materials
(paint and flooring)

+ Total Furnishings Cost

= Total Budget

Total Budget = ________________

Did you meet your budget constraints? Yes


If yes, how much money did you save? _________

If no, how much did you go over your limit? ________

Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Worksheet # 6
Now you get to explain how you developed your dream house. Please write 3 paragraphs total including;
how you developed your floor plan, why you made the choices you did, and how you are going to make
this dream house a reality in your future.


Lacey Gooch Final Engaged Learning Project

Dream House Project Rubric

Name:________________________________ Class:_________





At least two windows

At least 8 rooms
- 4 regular shapes, 2 right triangles, 2 irregular
Scale Drawing and Computer-based design:
Attractive/Neat, creative, measurements and
items in rooms match one another
Area is accurate (shown on Worksheet #3)
Perimeter is accurate (shown on WS #3)











Carpet and hardwood flooring calculations

correct (WS #4)
Paint calculations correct (WS #4)

Rooms are furnished ( furniture and

electronics in at least 2 rooms)
Budget constraints were met (WS #5)
Student was on task






Student response on Worksheet #6 was well

written and thought out.
Student was well spoken and gave detailed
information about the house during the
Student included the house design, math
calculations of chosen 8 rooms, and the essay
on the itslearning page.
Student provided meaningful feedback to at
least 3 peers through the itslearning discussion
and applied any helpful feedback to improve
own project.

Total Points:

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