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Original action plan

a. Speak with administration about the plan
b. Complete 21st Century Grant for funding assistance
c. Take school-wide survey of interest in after school plan
d. Test student population
e. Create enrichment classes
f. Provide training and go over guidelines for teacher instructors
g. Begin program within 2nd month of school
2. Implementation of action plan
Create after school program where 1st hour is academic and 2nd hour is
social development
Recruit certified teachers as instructors
Recruit professionals from the community as guest speakers
assess students in math and reading (AimsWeb: RCBM and MCOMP)
Select students performing within the bottom 10-25 percentile (siblings
will be taken into consideration)
Provide informational meeting for parents and student participants
Parents receive letter outlining program benefits, outcomes, and student
acceptance into program
Teachers provided professional development to support instruction
Monthly meeting with all stakeholders
Participants reassessed every 5 weeks to measure growth
3. Adjustments
Because several participants had siblings that needed to remain together before
being picked up from school, the program had to allow for individuals who may not
have met the 10-25 percentile required to participate in the program.
4. Outcomes
Due to a 9 month schedule where school is out during the summer months, a final
outcome has not been discovered. It is expected that students will show an
increase in both reading and math scores as determined through AimsWeb testing
based on attention to academics in the first hour. Furthermore, enrichment hour will
lower the amount of behavior problems causing a greater focus on academics.
5. Evidence
See grant application below

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