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Healthy Planning Project II Paper

NURS 471- Community Health Nursing II

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to utilize the Health Planning Model to improve
aggregate health and to apply the nursing process to the larger aggregate within a systems
Student Approach to Assignment
The aggregate that I had been working with for two semesters consisted of homeless
individuals in Newport News, VA who were part of the People Offering Resources Together
(PORT) group. People of all ages, from children to older adults, were part of this program. The
group as a whole had a primary health concern of hypertension and diabetes. As a group, we
focused on education about modifiable risk factors such as chronic stress, overweight/sedentary,
adding salt to foods, or choosing foods that already contain a high amount of sugar or sodium.
We presented the information through teaching one-on-one and handing out brochures restating
information taught and a crossword puzzle to complete for the possibility of a prize. The focus of
the paper was assessing the needs of a population, implementing a plan and interventions to
address the need, and evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions.
Reason for Inclusion of the Assignment in the Portfolio
This assignment is included in the portfolio because it highlights providing care at a population
and individual level and demonstrates integration of a wide variety of end of program behaviors.
Critical Thinking
Evaluates nursing care outcomes through the acquisition of data and the questioning of
Example: For this project, we continued blood pressure checks after teaching
interventions to evaluate effectiveness. When taking blood pressures, we would ask
individuals if they had been utilizing the education that we provided and compared
that with their blood pressure. For individuals who said they were implementing
changes but their blood pressure was inconsistent because it remained the same or in
some cases even elevated, we brought to attention the inconsistency of what they said
and what their blood pressure showed. We would then provide additional education
about blood pressure management.
Nursing Practice
Establishes and/or utilizes outcome measures to evaluate the effectiveness of care.
Example: For this project we established outcome measures that included an overall
decrease in high BPs in the population / more normal BPs, and crossword puzzles to
be at least a 95% correctly completed. We continued collecting BP measurements and
would collect as many crossword puzzles as possible in order to evaluate if our

interventions were effective. We looked for individuals with HTN to achieve and
maintain a normal BP and that the crossword puzzles were filled in correctly. When
individuals came to have their BP checked, we would measure their understanding
through casual conversation.
Adapts communication methods to patients with special needs.
Example: For this population, the literacy level was low so we needed to explain
diseases and provide materials that were at an appropriate literacy level that was
easily understood. We also provided information in several ways through one-onone conversation, group teaching, and handouts with information presented in a
written format with puzzles to reinforce the information provided. By including
several means of education, it helped this aggregate remember the information we
Expresses oneself and communicates effectively with diverse groups and disciplines using
a variety of media in a variety of contexts.
Example: With this aggregate, we communicated verbally and through written and
pictorial explanations. This information was presented to them in a one-on-one
situation, group setting, and individual when they took the material with them to
complete the puzzles.
Produces clear, accurate and relevant writing using correct grammar, spelling and
Example: The handouts that we provided used clear, accurate, and relevant writing
for the aggregate. It was designed to be at a reading level appropriate for the
individuals and there are also pictures to add to the written portions.
Assesses and utilizes data and information from a wide range of sources to enhance
patient and professional communication.
Example: A research article in this paper was utilized to engage the aggregate in
learning. According to research, using an interactive teaching and discussion
approach is most affective for this population. Therefore, we developed teaching
plans and materials to reflect these findings.
Uses information technologies and other appropriate methods to communicate health
promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention across the life span.
Example: We used puzzles and handouts as well as verbal teaching of methods for
decreasing BP by working on modifiable risk factors and prevention techniques for
the younger population that were pre-hypertensive.
Evaluates the efficacy of health promotion and education modalities for use in a variety
of settings with diverse populations.

Example: After implementing interventions, effectiveness was evaluated by

continuing BP monitoring, interviewing individuals about material learned, and
completeness and correctness of crossword puzzles.

Differentiates between descriptive nursing literature and published reports of nursing
Example: When searching for research that applied to out aggregate that we could
integrate into our nursing care, I looked for articles that were primary nursing
research which showed the data results for the experiment because it provided
evidence verses a review of the literature because we were looking for specific
interventions to utilize.
Applies research-based knowledge from nursing as the basis for culturally sensitive
Example: Also researched for this project were the needs, resources, and cultural
aspects of the homeless population. Using the information I found (such as in increase
rate of chronic health conditions, particularly HTN and DM, programs PORT uses,
barriers to their access to healthcare, etc.) I was able to approach this aggregate with
some amount of knowledge of their position. However if was through working with
them that I gained a larger ability to provide culturally sensitive care.
Evaluates research that focuses on the efficacy and effectiveness of nursing interventions.
Example: I performed research looking for the most effective way to communicate
and educate this population. The research article found that this population learns best
with taught in an interactive educational workshop setting. Therefore when planning
how we were going to educate this population, we used interactive teaching where the
aggregate could participate in the process and be more involved.
Shares research findings with colleagues.
Example: Shared research the information and research gathered at Community
Health Day in a formal presentation to junior nursing students as well as the rest of
the senior class.
Assumes a leadership role within ones scope of practice as a designer, manager, and
coordinator of health care to meet the special needs of vulnerable populations in a
variety of practice settings.
Example: In this project, we were in charge of how we approached and managed the
aggregate and their needs. Independently, each of us assessed the aggregate and came
up with designs for how we were going to manage the health of this population and
meet their needs. Then as a group to collaborated and came up with our plan and
interventions to meet the needs of this aggregate.

Initiates community partnerships to establish health promotion goals and implements

strategies to meet those goals.
Example: To work with this population and the volunteers, we initiated a partnership
with the PORT program by contacting the director of the program and arranging what
our role would be in the PORT program. We also initiated partnerships with the other
health-focused programs that were at PORT by going up and talking with them before
members of the aggregate started coming in. That we could explain to members of the
aggregate what resources they had available to give them another opportunity to
manage their health.
Organizes, manages, and evaluates the development of strategies to promote healthy
Example: As a group we developed a plan of care to address the aggregates health
needs such as education about diseases and available resources. The strategies we
developed (effective communication, interactive educational opportunities, repeating
information verbally and in written form, educating ourselves about the resources the
aggregate had available so that we could educate them about it) were used to promote
better health in this community.
Understands the effect of legal and regulatory processes on nursing practice and health
care delivery, as well as limits to ones own scope of practice.
Articulates an understanding of how human behavior is affected by culture, race,
religion, gender, lifestyle, and age.
Example: For this project, we had to assess and identify influential components of the
population such as culture, race, religion, gender, lifestyle, and age in order to
compose a plan of care in order to better the health of this population. We collected
data about the populations race, gender, and age, asked about lifestyle and religion,
and observed for cultural dynamics of the PORT group/program. In doing so, we
determined our primary health concerns and means to address them.
Considers the impact of research outcomes and, the effects of health and social policies,
on persons from diverse backgrounds.
Example: Using research gathered from our aggregate, we determined the effects we
had on the aggregates health and gained greater insight to the resources they had
available to them and how well they worked. We were able to suggest further
research and interventions to the future group of students who would be working with
this aggregate.
Maintains an awareness of global environmental factors that may influence the delivery
of health care services.

Example: When researching what the biggest health concern for the population was
(HTN), we also looked at this issue locally, nationally, and globally to gain a broader
awareness of this issue. We also looked at contributing factors that can be related
back to our demographic such as lack of resources being a factor in poorly controlled

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