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Professional Progress Summary

NURS 431- Transition to Professional Nursing Practice

Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to address the students attainment of all eight behaviors
and/or competencies that are specific outcomes of the program including: critical thinking,
nursing practice, communication, teaching, research, leadership, professionalism, and culture.
Student Approach to Assignment
This paper summarizes the progression that I have made from entry into the nursing program to
graduation. Specific examples from clinical experience provide insight into how I grew in the
eight core curriculum objectives. I am able to reflect on my personal growth as I move towards
becoming a registered nurse. This paper reflects on my experiences in nursing school.
Reason for Inclusion of the Assignment in the Portfolio
This assignment is included in the portfolio because it shows my progression through the
program in relation to the eight core curriculum behaviors of: critical thinking, nursing practice,
communication, teaching, research, leadership, professionalism, and culture. It is a required
component in my portfolio that highlights how I accomplished several program outcomes.
Critical Thinking
Uses decision-making skills in making clinical or professional judgments.
Example: See page 3 paragraph 1 (Senior year)
Revises actions and goals based on evidence rather than conjecture.
Example: See page 2 paragraph 1 (Sophomore year)
Engages in creative problem solving.
Example: See page 3 paragraph 1 (Junior year)
Nursing Practice
Performs therapeutic interventions that incorporate principles of quality management
and proper safety techniques based upon assessment findings.
Example: See page 5 paragraph 1 (Junior year)
Implements traditional nursing care practices as appropriate to provide holistic health
care to diverse populations across the lifespan.
Example: See page 4 paragraph 1 (Sophomore year)
Uses therapeutic communication within the nurse-patient relationship.
Example: See page 6 paragraph 1 (Junior year)

Expresses oneself and communicates effectively with diverse groups and disciplines using
a variety of media in a variety of contexts.
Example: See page 7 paragraph 1 (Senior year)
Provides teaching to patients and/or professionals about health care procedures and
technologies in preparation for and following nursing or medical interventions.
Example: See page 9 paragraph 2 (Senior year)
Provides relevant and sensitive health education information and counseling to patients,
and families, in a variety of situations and settings.
Example: See page 7 paragraph 1 (Sophomore year)
Example: See page 8 paragraph 1 (Senior year)
Uses information technologies and other appropriate methods to communicate health
promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention across the life span.
Example: See page 8 paragraph 1 (Junior year)
Evaluates the efficacy of health promotion and education modalities for use in a variety
of settings with diverse populations.
Example: See page paragraph 3 (Senior year)
Assumes a leadership role within ones scope of practice as a designer, manager, and
coordinator of health care to meet the special needs of vulnerable populations in a
variety of practice settings.
Example: See page 11 paragraph 1 (Junior year)
Delegates and supervises the nursing care given by others while retaining the
accountability for the quality of care given to the patient.
Example: See page 12 paragraph 1 (Senior year)
Differentiates between general, institutional, and specialty-specific standards of practice
to guide nursing care.
Example: See page 13 paragraph 1 (Senior year)
Demonstrates accountability for ones own professional practice.
Example: See page 12 paragraph 1 (Junior year)
Demonstrates sensitivity to personal and cultural definitions of health, and how these
beliefs influence and individuals reactions to the illness experience and end of life.
Example: See page 14 paragraph 1 (Senior year)

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