Social Studies Lesson Plan

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Social Studies Lesson Plan

Jessica Rynn
Social Studies
The Parkland Region

General Learner

4.3: Alberta: Celebrations & Challenges

Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how Alberta has
grown and changed culturally, economically and socially since 1905.
Students will: - appreciate the factors contributing to quality of life in Alberta:
appreciate the influence of the natural environment and resources on the growth and
development of Alberta

Taken from Alberta Program

of Studies

Specific Learner
Taken from Alberta Program
of Studies

What do you want your
students to learn?

How will you know your
students have learned?


What resources will you

Differentiation in
the lesson

Attention Getter


November 15th 2012

44 minutes

Teacher Name
Subject Area

The Students Will:

Identify various uses for the land

Identify natural resources that come from agriculture

Define agriculture

Define industry

Participating in class discussion

Critical thinking about discussion questions

Key Questions:

What were the instructions I gave you? / What are you supposed to do next in this activity?

What is agriculture?

What is an industry?

How does farming the land help us? What does farming give us?
Written/Performance Assessments:

Completion of the worksheet

Participation in SMARTboard brainstorming>
Our Alberta Teaching Resource

SMARTboard lesson/slide show on flashdrive

Named popsicle sticks



Wheat grinder


Writing in the worksheet

Participating in SMARTboard brainstorming

Drawing in the mind map

Wheat grinding demo


Using pie graph for reference

Using slideshow- having everything laid out visually and incorporating images!

Laying ideas out in the mind map

Wheat grinding demo


Class discussions

Verbal instructions/explanations

I say Shark Bait Students respond Ooh ha ha!

3 minutes

Advance Agenda: Learning objective, Outline of lesson schedule, What we will be doing tomorrow
(Natural Resources in Parkland region)! (1 min)
Hook: Ask for a show of hands-Who here lives on a farm?! Who has been to a farm?!
Assessment of Prior knowledge: Discussion. What kinds of things to you produce on a farm? What do
farms grow and take care of? What do they sell or give to people? (2 min)
Activity #1: Whole Class Instruction- How the land is used (2 min)

Introduce vegetation State: The Parkland region used to be covered with woodlands, grasses
and shrubs! Now a lot of the region has been cleared to be used by people. They removed the trees
and vegetation and dug up the soil to use it!
State that only 5% of the land is still the way it was.
Activity #2: SMARTboard Brainstorming (8 min)

Pose the question: What might we use the land for?

Using popsicle sticks, select students to identify what we might use the land for.
Have students come to board and write responses.
(Gardening, raising animals, buildings, farming crops, preserving)

35 minutes

Hand out worksheets to students and give instructions.

Define agriculture (3 min)

Have students copy down the definition in their worksheets.

Define industry (3 min)

Have students copy down the definition in their worksheets.

Activity #4: Wheat Demonstration (5 min)

Have students gather around the wheat grinder

Explain that wheat is grown on a farm and used in our society. We use flour for wheat.

Show the students how wheat turns into flour by running the wheat grinder.
Activity #3: Mind maps (14 min)

Give students instructions

Start by doing the first bubbles in the mind map as a class together on the
SMARTboard. (6 min)

Ask students for ideas and record them on the board as students copy into worksheets.
(First four bubbles = Cows, Chickens, Vegetables, Wheat)

Ask students to fill in the next bubbles by writing down 2 products that come from each
of the first 4 things.
Sponge Activity: Draw pictures of the things in your mind map

Circle around the classroom checking on students as they work on the worksheets (8 min)

6 minutes

Assessment of Learning: Drawing names with popsicle sticks, ask a few individual students to share one of
the products that they wrote down.
Ask them to hand in their worksheets.
Feedback From Students: Hearing their products shared. Ask if there are there any questions.
Feedback To Students: Thank students for their hard work! Tell them that they did well and give positive
Transition To Next Lesson: Tomorrow we are going to learn more about the Parkland region!
We will focus other natural resources in the region!

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