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ROLL NO : 70244






Object Oriented Method (OMT)

Object-Oriented Methods for • Functional model : The functional

information system analysis and design are model handles the process
semi-formal methods based on graphical perspective of the model,
models. These models have the advantage corresponding roughly to data flow
of offering a synthetic view of the system diagrams. Main concepts are
which allows communication with process, data store, data flow, and
customers.But their notations are actors
ambiguous and result in a lack of precision
in the specifications. This lack of precise
semantics leads to difficulties to interpret Class diagram
model. On the contrary, formal methods are
based on mathematical notations.While
The UML representation of a class
their use allows to increase system quality,
is a rectangle containing three
these methods are not most used in practice
compartments stacked vertically. The top
and their application field is generally
compartment shows the class's name. The
limited to safety-critical systems. There are
middle compartment lists the class's
numerous reasons why formal methods do
attributes. The bottom compartment lists
not enter the general practice. Semi formal
the class's operations . Associations
and formal methods seem several proposals
between classes are depicted as lines
have been done in order to combine semi
between classes. Associations should
formal and formal methods. They include
include multiplicity indicators at each end,
the translation of structured methods and
for example 0..1 representing ‘zero or one’
Object Oriented Methods like OMT, Fusion
and 1..* representing “one or more”.
or UML.
Associations may have roles indicated, for
example the mentors association, a
OMT has proposed three main types of
recursive relation that professor objects
have with other professor objects, indicates
the roles of advisor and associate.
• Object model : The object model
represents the static and most stable
phenomena in the modeled domain .
Class attribute list
Main concepts are classes and
associations, with attributes and
operations. Aggregation and
generalization are predefined
The attribute section of a class (the
middle compartment) lists each of the
• Dynamic model : The dynamic class's attributes on a separate line. The
model represents a state/transition attribute section is optional, but when used
view on the model. Main concepts it contains each attribute of the class
are states, transitions between displayed in a list format. The line uses the
states, and events to trigger following format:
transitions. Actions can be modeled
as occurring within states. name : attribute type
Generalization and aggregation are
predefined relationships.
accountNo : Integer
Sometimes it is useful to show on a class
diagram that a particular attribute has a Example:
default value. (For example, in a banking
account application a new bank account
would start off with a zero balance.).
The UML specification allows for the
identification of default values in the accountNo : Integer
attribute list section by using the following balance : Dollars = 0

name : attribute type = default value deposit(amount:Dollar)

For example:
balance : Dollars = 0

Class operations list

The class's operations are Associations

documented in the third compartment of the
class diagram's rectangle, which again is When you model a system, certain
optional. Like the attributes, the operations objects will be related to each other, and
of a class are displayed in a list format, with these relationships themselves need to be
each operation on its own line. Operations modeled for clarity. There are five types of
are documented using the following associations. I will discuss two of them bi-
notation: directional and uni-directional associations
in this section, and I will discuss the
name(parameter list : attribute type) : type remaining three association types in the
of value returned Beyond the basics section.

• Bi-directional association: An
ClassName association is a linkage between two
classes. Associations are always
assumed to be bi-directional; this
name : attribute type
means that both classes are aware of
each other and their relationship,
unless you qualify the association as
name() : return type some other type

• Uni-directional association: In a
uni-directional association, two
classes are related, but only one
class knows that the relationship
Indicator Meaning • Reflexive associations : We
0..1 Zero or one have now discussed all the
1 One only association types. As you may have
0..* Zero or more noticed, all our examples have
* Zero or more shown a relationship between two
1..* One or more different classes. However, a class
3 Three only can also be associated with itself,
0..5 Zero to Five using a reflexive association. This
5..15 Five to Fifteen may not make sense at first, but
remember that classes are


Inevitably, if you are modeling a

large system or a large area of a business,
there will be many different classifiers in Aggregation is a special type of
your model. Managing all the classes can association used to model a "whole to its
be a daunting task; therefore, UML parts" relationship. In basic aggregation
provides an organizing element called a relationships, the lifecycle of a part class is
package. Packages enable modelers to independent from the whole class's
organize the model's classifiers into lifecycle.
namespaces, which is sort of like folders in
a filing system. Dividing a system into
multiple packages makes the system easier
to understand, especially if each package • Basic aggregation : An association
represents a specific part of the system. with an aggregation relationship
indicates that one class is a part of
another class. In an aggregation
relationship, the child class instance
Association class can outlive its parent class. To
represent an aggregation
relationship, you draw a solid line
from the parent class to the part
In modeling an association, there class, and draw an unfilled diamond
are times when you need to include another shape on the parent class's
class because it includes valuable association end.
information about the relationship. For this
you would use an association class that you
tie to the primary association. An • Composition aggregation : The
association class is represented like a composition aggregation
normal class. The difference is that the relationship is just another form of
association line between the primary the aggregation relationship, but the
classes intersects a dotted line connected to child class's instance lifecycle is
the association class. dependent on the parent class's
instance lifecycle.
basic system. Although written in the
Delphi language, these plug-ins can be
Visibility written in any COM-compatible language,
such as C++, Delphi, C# and VB. On
In Object Oriented design, there is a completion of the software design,
notation of visibility for attributes and represented as a model set, the Diagram
operations. UML identifies four types of Overview mode allows the user to see an
visibility: public, protected, private, and at-a-glance view of the overall solution
package.The UML specification does not before completion.For the creation of
require attributes and operations visibility professional UML models with the follow
to be displayed on the class diagram, but it through capability of creating the coded
does require that it be defined for each solution, this package is hard to beat unless
attribute or operation. To display visibility you are willing to pay for a commercial
on the class diagram, you place the tool. However, this is not a tool aimed at
visibility mark in front of the attribute's or the beginner who is just getting to grips
operation's name. Table 4 displays the with UML, although it is probably the most
different marks for the UML supported user-friendly introduction for those who
visibility types. need to understand the full weight of UML
based development techniques. It is
unfortunate that this tool is currently
inactive in terms of the development of new
Mark Visibility type releases. Nevertheless, anyone who needs
+ Public exposure to UML concepts, especially to
# Protected assist in understanding the difference
- Private between a software diagram, the underlying
~ Package model, and the different views of that
model, then this tool fits that purpose.

StarUML tool
• Professional, inter-connected
models can be created.
StarUML is a fully fledged, open
source, UML modeling tool that supports • Supports plug-ins for both
the ability to create software designs, from importing and exporting.
basic concepts, through to the coded • Code and documentation plug-ins
solution. Users should beware that this tool provided with package.
is more complex than a simple UML
diagram editing tool, in that, through the
use of the Model Drive Architecture
(MDA) standard, the tool supports complex
modeling which is realizable in code. The
package is aimed at the serious developer • Complex for the beginner.
and is not suitable for beginners. Once the • No longer on a release cycle.
tool is mastered, the user can produce
professional results without the need to • Not cross platform.
invest in more costly commercial tools such • Supports code generation for the
as Borland Together or Rational Rose, Windows COM model only.
which perform the same function.The tool
supports the ability to add plug-ins to the
relationships. Banking is now no longer
confined to the branches were one has to
Online Banking System approach the branch in person, to withdraw
cash or deposit a cheque or request a
With cybercafes and kiosks statement of accounts. In true Internet
springing up in different cities access to the banking, any inquiry or transaction is
Net is going to be easy. Internet banking processed online without any reference to
(also referred as e banking) is the latest in the branch (anywhere banking) at any time.
this series of technological wonders in the Providing Internet banking is increasingly
recent past involving use of Internet for becoming a "need to have" than a "nice to
delivery of banking products & services. have" service. The net banking, thus, now
Even the Morgan Stanley Dean Witter is more of a norm rather than an exception
Internet research emphasised that Web is in many developed countries due to the fact
more important for retail financial services that it is the cheapest way of providing
than for many other industries. Internet banking services.
banking is changing the banking industry
and is having the major effects on banking
Class Diagram for Online Banking System:

Use Case diagram for Banking System



inv alid card insert card retail institution
user inv alid pin

atm transaction <<include>>

pin v alidation

inv alid login

online transaction
bank em ploy ee <<extend>>
web m erchant <<include>> Bank Database

login logout

<<include>> <<include>>

client desktop transaction

Online Transaction Sequence Diagram:

online transaction
sequence diagram
customer console network to bank

1 : loginRequest()
2 : validity()

3 : profileRequest()

4 : display()

5 : transferRequest()

6 : transfer()

7 : succed()

8 : acknowledgement()

9 : transferRequest()
Online Transaction Collaboration Diagram:

1 : login request()

customer console network to bank

4 : display()

7 : succeed()
9 : transfer request()
2 : validity()
3 : profile request()
5 : transfer request() 8 : acknowledgement()

transaction 6 : transfer()

Online Transaction Activity Diagram:

open web page

create account enter id and pwd


valid login
furnish details

choice menu

valid details


amount transfer view details

submit change pwd


Component Diagram for Banking System:

Deployment Diagram for Banking System:

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