Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences

Tacloban City
February 3, 2015
Nelson B. Ramos
Regional Director
DSWD Field Office Region VIII
Tacloban City
Good day!
We, the undersigned 5th year Medical Interns of the University of the Philippines
Manila School of Health Sciences are currently assigned in Paranas, Western
Samar for a whole year intensive community internship. As a part of our training, we
are required to conduct a graduate research. Our group will be conducting a study
regarding the Philhealth utilization of the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps)
members in Paranas. Vital to our study is a primary source of the regionwide and
nationwide data on the utilization of Philhealth benefits of 4Ps members for
In this regard we would like to ask from your good office to allow us to gain access
and have a copy of the said data.
We are hoping for your kind consideration and for a favorable response.
Respectfully yours,
Aborque, Jesus Cesario Jr.
Lipayon, Kristyn
Patal-e Melchor
Villanueva, Karen

Noted by:
Dr. Adelaida Gaytos-Rosaldo
Department Chair- Medical Department
University of the Philippines School of Health Sciences

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