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Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.), 2015
Bush School of Government and Public Service
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
GPA 3.725; Conc.: Public Management

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biology, 2007

Nazareth College of Rochester
Rochester, New York
GPA 3.362; Minors: Chemistry, Spanish

Texas A&M University: College Station, Texas
June 2014 Jul 2015
Graduate Research Assistant & Program Aide
Analyzed all US trade bills from 1962-74 gaining empirical evidence in support of a proposed theory,
resulting in a comprehensive understanding of the state and federal legislative processes.
Four Number of academic manuscripts copyedited resulting in top journal publications; and
950 Number of discrete primary source documents identified, collected, and analyzed for content.
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library Foundation: College Station, Texas
May 2014 Jul 2015
Graduate Assistant/Policy Intern, concurrent with position above
Nine Number of comprehensive technical training and operational policy manuals authored;
20% Increase in training efficiency observed per manual per trainee realizing notable profit gains; and
One Number of digital archives independently designed, implemented, and managed as Project Lead;
United States Peace Corps: Mozambique
September 2007 November 2009
Secondary Science Education Volunteer
1,400 Number of my secondary school students passing their standardized chemistry exams;
$25,000 Valuation of grant awarded by the U.S. Embassy, leading the capacity of National Program
Director, to continue and expand a nationwide grassroots science and HIV/AIDS education program;
20% Increase in program participation by students, counterparts, and citizens over previous year;
Four Total number of local, regional, and national projects budgeted, planned, managed, and executed
for over a combined total of 2,400 people, including participants and citizen attendees.


Texas Transparency Project: Education Transparency Index
Consultant & Human Resources and Public Relations Manager
Designed and implemented a year-long capstone research project evaluating the degree of transparency
of the managerial and financial practices implemented by 286 public school districts across Texas;
Collected and analyzed information and data using standard statistical regression analysis and methods;
Prepared and delivered a written and oral analysis of findings while offering cost-effective, creative,
positive, and practical operational and policy-related recommendations.


Budgeting for the Public Sector

Public Management

Energy Economics, Policy, and Security

Negotiations in a Competitive Environment


Skills: Microsoft Office; STATA Statistical Software, v.13; Ellucians Advance Database Software; Argos
Enterprise Reporting Solutions. Certifications: Deans Leadership Certificate (Bush School, 2015), C.P.R.
(American Red Cross, 2012). Awards: Emily Haskins Inspiration Award (Nazareth College Athletics, 2007).

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