What Does Strategy Implementation Include?

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Building a firm capable of carrying out strategy successfully

Allocating ample resources to strategy-critical activities
Establishing strategy-supportive policies
Instituting best practices & programs for continuous improvement
Installing support systems
Tying reward structure to achievement of results
Creating a strategy-supportive corporate culture
Exerting strategic leadership


Refers to the entire direction-setting management function -- conceptualizinging
an organizations mission, setting specific performance objectives, and forming a
strategy. The end product of strategy formulation is a strategic plan.Includes the
full range of managerial activities associated with putting the chosen strategy into
place, supervising its pursuit, and achieving the targeted results.

Strategy Implementation
Strategy implementation is an
internal, operations-driven activity
involving organizing, budgeting,
motivating, culture-building,
supervising, and leading to
make the strategy work
as intended!
Strategy Implementation

Culture is to the organization what personality is to the individual a hidden, yet

unifying theme that provides meaning, direction, and mobilization. As such, it is
emotional and intangible (Connor & Lake, 1988), individually and socially

constructed (Hall & Hord, 2001; Rousseau, 1990), and evolves over a period of
years (Wilkins & Patterson, 1985), especially as organizations find acceptable and
unacceptable solutions to internal and external problems or threats (Schein,
1985a, 1992). (Lindhal)
Sustaining an Effective Organizational Culture

An organizational culture consists of a complex set of ideologies, symbols, and

core values that is shared throughout the firm and influences the way it conducts
Shaping the firms culture is a central task of effective strategic leadership
An appropriate organizational culture encourages the development of an
entrepreneurial orientation among employees and an ability to change the culture
as necessary
Reengineering can facilitate this process

Why is it Important to Adapt to Change?

Individuals, teams, or organizations that do not adapt to change in timely ways are
unlikely to survive.

Individuals, teams and organizations that recognize the inevitability of change,

learn to adapt to it, and attempt to manage it, will be the most successful.

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