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3.2: Continuity Continu ty ata A function f is continuous at x = c if the following three conditions are satisfied: © 1, f(0) is defined, © 2 lim f(x) exists, and #8. lim f(e) = f(0). If f is not continuous at c, it is discontinuous there. We will use this 3- step test to check if a funetion is continuous: Example. For the following functions, draw the graph. Then determine if the functions are continous at the indicated a-value: 1 Ie)=a4+1 Step 1 fuse 422 5, S dead ak Xe] Step 2 XSI Kd So Lace) -exests XDI Fur step 1 ° v ie Umer E22 PS x7 1 i = oo sa LR xvgy -( oa) = 2 at x=l S&p laf!) is het dele Soy Sak Conkinnns ck el (earls X-2 5g XHR eee x <2 se hee Perl. | E> %2 ee eA 2 XI) 5 xce X-2 ae ¢ baa »>X <2 po ~ | 4» $ y oe pO x Skepl Pr Wd bok dehedat X=2 , So hexd 5 dis cokinrers at X=2 wee {G2 HEAR a ana 4 fe=3. hajrn 82 kee) es de find & X= 8 Steph Skep2 lem kcxy 2G kaze P42 Kes KS lox heed = lin Vee = 34225 Xogt XKaot Hey, En kor = & Sa tae Ue Bae eae Xsg exists. Skee 3 We see thet Ya hkO- lin eos 34 Se kod {S dkS codtn wees ak X=3 1 \ 1 a eee) 1 | am \ 1 / l KXs-2 7 ne i seep t « i: aye @ a “as he 65 RS Crkinrnees ae Kem Definition. A function is continuous on an open interval if it is continuous at every #-value 4 < Definition. A function is continuous from the right at x =cif lim, f(«) = f(0). Definition. A function is continuous from the left. at = cif lim f(x) = f(e). Continuity on a Closed interval: A function f is continuous on a closed interval [a, 5] if: it is continuous on the open interval (a, 6). 1 2. it is continuous from the right at © =a, and 3. i is continuous from the left at « =, Example. The function f(x) = v4 — 2? is continuous on the closed interval (—2, 2]. Here are the functions we have learned so far listed with the intervals in which the function is continous: Polynomial function, y = aye” + o,—12"~ real numbers: a Continuous at: For all © Ex Bx “a sh a1e + a9, Where dy, Ay—ty 51; 49 ATE Rational function, y = 22}, where p(x) and g(z) are polynomials with q(c) ¥ 0: Continuous at: For all 2 where(a(a) #0) EX — > ln x-1 X=| Se diSConbinmas ak x3] S Root function, y= Y@FEwhére a and b are real numbers with a #0 and ax +b > 0: Continuous at: For all 2 where ar+b20 > Ya EX X-2%O XW 2 Continues on “ts dora TA &> Exponential function, y = Poa®, where a > 0 and Fy is the value of y at x = 0 Comino a Fors oy 3 x Logarithmic function, = log, x, where a> 0,a #1, and x>0 Continuous at: For all 2 > 0 axe XASO EX us |e (x-1 a Conkinnns on 43 dome , OF Clee) When a function is not continuous, it has one or more points where it is discontinuous: Example. Find all values x = a where the following functions are discontinuous: = 1 Cehcord ae g 3 ¥' jax-3 =0 oes kes | i) KEDCK-1) XrBae aX | : X-ls6 aa \ ‘ L058 copbennons | i ok ae Jesper > Gnd X=] | -% ' ‘ ofa) = 2-1 : ae 23 HOLS Coy Linnens ‘i eden eg ber canse 6 axel ES aH SK pererboal (rncboo Ke al 3K Bx SO = 2 = gg = b() x 8 Example. Find all values of where the piecewise function is diseontinnous, if < Sue eads prec of this Conctoor sa pobgpemeal , fae ceees Oe Cakinuas The only a cabege Haat Co might be discetinnns ue — Steel Pays 2 Fest Consedar kl : od Ls Xe} s Utle2 jeu t Saal lem fleey = 2 Skeet re ; “ Lin far = ke Raps PR? KI) ‘ xa>it y>! ayy sgs Lim fy Tass teres Skep 3 fay ko} lecany at tel, Con onseler KF % fetal seg on ken fix ala eee vel ss xy XOT Ln yet Q ax-5 3 Be-serl Lin fee) Kr s tne left had Lat S der fr He inte t hand Lie, lon for does nak crests wo K>2 ak Ke Cd cs dis Cadinnes € : pot chee fer 5 MS cmb earen (SHIA eater oals Henes —Thss , the Example. Find the value of the constant k that makes the funetion continuous _f ke +1 ifzs, Wwe must hoc lem Ge) os bin a) res Kos Kn kext} Sols Xtk os i. xo st La keel = le Bel= ake #| roy ee tk xo Wwe nat & Sole ael = Sth gk> 2 deca kh ae Example. A car rental firm charged $30 per day or portion per day to rent a car for a period of 1 to 4 days. Days 5 and 6 were then free, while the charge for days 7 through 10 wos again $30 per day. Let A(é) represe erage cost to rent the ear for t days. where 0 40 ett £. Where is A discontinuous on the given interval? At k= Ost, 44 556,41 840 u

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