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Lab Report:

Ka Weak Acids
Ruben Quintero
Post-Lab Questions:
1. Average the pH readings for each trial (samples #1 and #2) to calculate the
average pKa value for the unknown weak acids and enter answers in the Data

This does not apply as we were instructed to only perform 1 trial. However, the
PH for the only performed trial is shown on the Data Table.

2. Comment on the precision (reproducibility) of the pKa determinations. Describe

sources of experimental error and their likely effect on the measured pKa pH

Although the experiment has high precision, my own was likely inaccurate (as
well as those of my fellow classmates) due to a few factors which are known to
have skewed my results. First of all, the drops of NaOH were not measured
accurately and may have led to the improper titration of Solution B (for any given
weak acid), which would have caused the equilibrium point to be off after
recombination. Secondly, there was a period of time which needed to elapse
before the newly recombined solution reached proper equilibrium (as reflected in
the constantly shifting pH meter), and if anyone does not provide the chemicals
with sufficient time to reach equilibrium the equilibrium constant's pH will not be
correct. Tertiarily, impurity may have played a factor because even a small amount
of another ion, whether from remnants in the dish or from the improperly washed
instruments, could have contributed to a slight shift in acidity or basicity.

3. The following table lists the identities of the unknowns in this experiment.
Complete the table by calculating the pKa value for each acid.

Weak Acid Formula Ka pKa

Potassium Dihydrogen phosphate KH2PO4 Ka2=6.2 x 10-8 7.2
Potassium hydrogen sulfate KHSO4 Ka2=1.0 x 10 3
Potassium hydrogen sulfate KHC8H4O4 Ka2=3.9 x 10 5.4
Potassium hydrogen tartrate KHC4H4O6 Ka2=4.6 x 10-5 4.3
Acetylsalicylic acid 2-CH3CO2C6H4COOH Ka2=3.2 x 10-4 3.5

4. Compare the experimental pKa value for each unknown with the literature values
reported in Question 3. Determin the probable identity of each unknown and enter
the answers in the Data Table.
Data Table

Sample pH PH average pKa Unknown ID

A 3.13 3.13 7.46 x 10-4 Acetylsalicylic acid
B 7.12 7.12 7.59 x -10-8 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
C 5.5 5.5 3.16 x 10-6 Potassium hydrogen phthalate
D 1.88 1.88 1.32 x 10 Potassium hydrogen sulfate
E 4.2 4.2 6.31 x 10 Potassium hydrogen tartrate

5. Write a chemical equation for the ionization of each weak acid in the list of

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate: KH2PO4(s) + H2O ↔ H3O+ + KHPO4(aq)-

Potassium hydrogen sulfate: KHSO4(s) + H2O ↔ H3O+ + KSO4aq)-
Potassium hydrogen phthalate: KHC8H4O4(s) + H2O ↔ H3O+ + KC8H4O4aq)-
Potassium hydrogen tartrate: KHC4H4O6(s) + H2O ↔ H3O+ + KC4H4O6aq)-
Acetylsalicylic acid: 2-CH3CO2C6H4COOH(s) + H2O ↔ H3O+ + 2-CH3CO2C6H4COOaq)-

6. Why was it not necessary to know the exact mass of each acid sample?

Mass was unimportant because the acid was dissolved in water, thus only
quantitative measurements were significant. Also, when titrating one only needed
to watch the color and not concentration, due to the phenolphthalein, making
mass unnecessary throughout the experiment.

7. Why was it not necessary to know the exact concentration of NaOH used?

It was unnecessary to know the exact concentration of NaOH used because

the indicator phenolphthalein was present and thus indicated the equivalence point
through color rather than concentration calculating.

8. Why was it necessary to measure the exact volume of distilled water used to
dissolve the acid, as well as the exact volume of solution transferred from the
beaker to the Erlenmeyer flask?

It was necessary to measure the exact volume of distilled water used to dissolve
the acid, as well as the exact volume of solution transferred from the beaker to the
Erlenmeyer flask because our goal was to split the dissociated weak acid, titrate
one of the two solutions to end point, and thereafter recombine them both
to reach the equivalence point. Therefore we needed the initial concentration to be
exact so as not to split the equation unevenly and have an overabundance of either
weak acid or conjugate base, for why we must assure volume is exact.

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