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[aifos ik. Clmereteeistic °C NMR CHemicAL SHI PTS elle (Some BEC ww) ae we) (eee | 2 9p beet: o- ppm. THs Ue chanical shifh) 1. Elechon. Whidewing sebakchani yada Jy. \acroye. chaems hf (G) earned daonficld anf (h bf). ae fene be oN HoeENS Ce ca Nek CBr} CE 2. Stbsbibyln hudo be incrtuse theme shfe ty + x x es 7 ~ OY Covel daanston te © Measuced in He if2¢4 fete asceit's TeaNLe steces __ abobney singlet $ doubl ek. de tiple + quack Paar (ne fp it dances ate Hi ye eae dane [eaiptat Jima ee Tye ——— Foy 7 beeopporba mosteloe frre. O Fiesr oedee Coben te > free ohbewr clot bend red = yeernlly «Ate = Tay, ~ Seen ofr sa viewnell coughs QNon -Ficsborder dex a - Restrcled Robbie abut O-¢ pe Be Hy Ves ® O-12He B® Tn Rid of be TF fF bedak engle > ite ye’ 0" y Hy Ce ok ony __knerus Cueve. © T bypedig gay ia aak relabodhe ys 1[23|65 Ge en = ee middle seek of (6-2), (ae aw) NM SH WIN Non = fest ordes. “oti) AT isn fractinn of. ide (8). ond aly a. rachis of- dh slonce aati. Ga the Tan > +-9te (He) Mno-> l= 3H _(» 2He) ; pow Jad 2 O- [Hee Olle) 2 Vopeint smh bo, oe dete mh: tops 2he ts schill, Ve uo in MME > Lily we Fee Reacher f Rar Fib-Onkee Gauglina, + we dagen” - Ba te 5.73 ppm (dd, 52,0) 2 aH ef Wy © 50 has 1H 1p een bez defend eg pooh of La cameyhe Casepey exshor) Splitting and be TREE DIAGRAM + _— Borie wort probs of ine ase sat . Notun) (asewe ib & coupled Dias elie Wy re EET empl cms! aS aS sphth again by seers leeyot Tevvylrgs ee ~~ Hg vite phe Fa Mol Gams opt - chanical ll se dee Loar) ingpechnch of ne rnferabioyarecid by He MMR Shu cagplny. Aemscconarty. tush mf sand. deduce WoReED CUS SxXAMRES! _ 4) bb ppm, dd, THN, ee ee) Me 6) F.bbppm db, T= 2, !6 He QS Mt opm dd, Te 2, Be Wht be info Lllsus $ 1) tbls -IbHe Hy - Hy WH tHe Hae 2)2He-2He Hy-He eee wre tame Tis buyot Ue) ¥ tee (te) bypiek ymin R caply in obken sychus F(UHD bypiak cis Teal, be ee Seeing} = Wodr sonly prohm rk cer hare ais and hous cafloy constit= Ua. a Ke ond Hy hum full taho place based. am Aeafliny coushocts 7 Ware sone (mle comes jnde fe @ Cotta0 MS= 124, 104 mee wu in fuss spec (ken | - - sre: tHe: 6 BETH BE Spe cewek, Ye: 4b (A), Iso (eH), 2.8 (en), 36.0(0), 35.0 (CH), 28.2 (6M), C a6, 64) his Frgrle bak docs, hus Leip pment 2a $0.2 alone n Wolocbe wet be eyetcolate "HE 68 (ls Je 0, LH): ose (A, T=, 1h)» 2.46 (6, E=4, a4), 1.8 (E,E3, 2) LE oY” : aie mln ane ee eee ne Faateclauy| 2 peko © 184, 122.8 ebhene G2: Nort pentane, 4 peckeo im ably! repo Truckin, MF = Op HO - Clad = Clg eles sin ab p olf + wee hE Toby Vseend wsabiorelitin, MUST bee cing: tres. ‘goa hane UL CIN- wea 2 T BeNDS. Moo hells uo eek 2 mary | grye re eq savebade be cuck ofver - © - ee ee —dethens onde trey are Cepled bo eucke chwwe Gps egy ate cs. ble bdvews 6-[2He te. wevld be move like W-kHa): 3 H L omy - 1 O 24h od ATE HP cre curled “9 bess 2 dt ” gomps attadcd het aire ton -eqivelat ble i See tathery x — en al : 2—4 @ Cauley 2 Lily qrmpr ek eee — . é bie ecard cecerteds for Ine 28 opp 88 pele (A) cathe we hare $ presse le pol beget Wo _ pi aan cai Sacre ToHs ees Kl, ahd camnatins peces heat shill have 2ey mon ond to own (Net Cy brovps : *Thewe aoe only 2 FOSS BLE STRUCT ONE Ars. PET i ie c I, Me? eetlilg= - Ba Se ee - Ob: > Fe “wang Shir 9 toy Ah Weeoba wn dbl (gid. 4 bp. Bs -12b et Own Eta! “these snloeckonts areca hes aad preach e og oe (8-0-6 ot pel elective fro pehesarone + don sobeeur tacit jpst tah ts) 50h srhoe KE ex tre ——~ based. a F130 Chevy 2 ferleck sige fee 62 X hee 12 -Crnae * hue (S-omm-s (~~) x Nhe B-saaa-b (18-€~6) eth hoa follasr [ke -e-¢] + (e tdissobad- ehecher-- gw. ty bo 3 Crelie Eturs (ilusenelatoe) LS Prmnl name: OKRANE — (ule “eperite-") C5 oxerawe LD TerKAHy pee Fue-AK Cre) C1 tereattypee ean Cir) 0 Cc) . OXEPANE OXOCANE Cy Dioxt RAW Ee ? DIMETHYL Dioxceaveé (DmD0) —_" seper-MePBR 4 Spechoscopy ~MS sk “an Chrekiy €C bende adjacah to 6-2. bac) “PEL LO in fagucpiad region (< 160 aan?) “HNMR: RAR Really © 24 ppme : : Real £6 ppm = PANME + edjackin O'S S0-Jopem. ¢, Wee: Ethers. ane. eseally Damuerece of eperides oid, yO a> HNMR 2.34 ppm 2.34 opm PEW bbw apo 34s Sp 5. Onuien RewTeas. pha. Men — ——=~ oe tie Ak ora ae em + stele ee stows + Nat eee 2 el - _ tka 9-l0 2 Yet FP eh vnlet be flue EO ti [or Te AA Cpe ell cher) + Limibbens + Ne. bole. dane ooicec fue. elechoftle, is. fr bukleg , je. EP (laa ron ide) ~ bins sree whack hog bape fend Joe Sut tahel uf ye ble nvcboptile fie Na dite 42 thninda. (a. dgrleoabon pacts): abby hac tal = - Meo hey pens ele. Paprpled. joyce : Wy? + S—r —9 Nabe + yal tS Bt bebtin tof. HBr he? to? + fer —> aoe. “the if rho bu base page= SP Ko + ed = DN aly ek] bok rake of chy! bade : Se + WyUh, Br —> sls, PRO He Ws jeoos ML 82 af apr ond. Cbudy/ tr A sae Mhrvadin Mcbada ‘ute typ as hse ard add. crsy boy see Cre ot fs cr ee Cee tba, Rak hele . Halter = Ll ee eee — by Byrd tee hel Be 2008 NoBEe PeIze ) CHendisTR RictteP_R. ScHRock_, MET METATHESIS ze ei be mek —inge Bork bud perms hearm nonde = Veg VE hingp. a pete be chs temebry be sunetky she. « . ek le ae ‘ ROS +e RES ed Roe B Ha C=C. 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