2 Mexico PH

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Visual Art Lesson Plans

Lesson Project/Topic:_Mexico Culture Frida Kahlo Still Life


NGSSS Goal/Benchmarks: VA.2.C.2.2, VA.2.S.1.3, VA.2.O.1.1, VA.2.H.1.1/2.2, VA.2.F.2.1

Connections: Reading:_____ Math:_____ Science:_____ Soc.St._X______
Vocabulary: Mexican culture, Frida Kahlo, still life, overlap, contrast
Literacy Strategies: sound it out Think/pair/share _________________________________________
Objective: The student will be introduced to Mexican Culture, Frida Kahlo, overlapping and practice still life and
The student will create a fruit still life that reflects their knowledge of Mexican culture and Frida Kahlo stressing
overlapping and contrast.
Higher order thinking: Create a fruit still life by combining knowledge of Mexican culture and Frida Kahlo and
using overlapping and colors to contrast.
Instruction/Motivation relate prior knowledge have attention getting sentence to TIE into THEIR life.
ASK students what country I am from after welcoming them to the class saying hello boys and girls, welcome
to class in Spanish while wearing a newspaper sombrero, newspaper poncho, and shaking maracas.
SHOW Mexican Culture Prezi presentation and an image of a Frida Kahlos still life painting.
INTRODUCE Mexican Culture and Frida Kahlo.
EXPLAIN Mexican Culture and Frida Kahlos background. For thousands of years, Mexico's Indians (such as
Aztecs and Mayan) were the only people who lived in Mexico. But in 1519, some people from Spain began to
conquer and settle Mexico. Over the years the Spanish and Mexican cultures have blended together to form their
own rich culture, which we call Mexican. Frida had no formal training in the arts. Her paintings evolved into her
own unique style, heavily influenced by other people, artists, cultures and life itself. Kahlo's paintings are rich in
bright vibrant colors.

DEMONSTRATE IN STAGES 1. How to draw fruit shapes. 2. How to overlap shapes. 3. How to paint using
contrasting colors. 4. How to cut out still life. 5. How to make Amate paper by crumbling brown craft paper. 6.
Glue still life on to Amate paper.
CREATE BY: 1. On a 9 X 12 with piece of paper paint different types of fruit using tempera paint. 2. Let dry. 3.
Cut out still life. 4. Crumble a 9 X 12 Amate paper brown craft paper. 5. Glue still life to Amate paper.
WRAP UP (higher order goes here) Express with your neighbor how your fruit still life demonstrated
knowledge of Frida Kahlo and Mexican culture while stressing overlapping and contrast.
Assessment: Did the student complete the project? Did they do a neat job? Does their art reflect the lessons
Materials /Resources: 9 X 12 white paper, 9 X 12 brown craft paper, scissors, glue, tempera paint, paint brushes.
* Day of Dead Skulls paint skull on black paper, white and florescent tempera paint, black marker.
*Papier Mache maracas newspaper rolled up for handle, newspaper ball for top, fill with beans before taping,
papier mache over form, dry, paint.
* Tree of Life white paper, black marker outline, oil pastels to fill in.

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