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Crusoe 1

Itzel Crusoe
Wilson Per. 4
June 9, 2013
Hnrs Intro to Lit
Walnut-Sugar Cookies
The most modern version of the sugar cookie may be traced back to Europe around the
sixteenth century. Originally called jumbles or sugar cakes, they primarily became popular
because they could be stored for numerous months. They were lightly flavored and baked until
rock solid. These bland, firm cookies were extremely cheap and widely available to the common
population. Traditionally, the cookies were twisted in knots or pretzel-like shapes and were
sometimes incorporated with nuts or fruits. Spices or vanilla extract were not added until the
twentieth century. Until then, they were a common, insipid staple to many peoples diets.


900 grams of flour

400 grams of butter
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 cup of sugar (and more for dusting).
75 grams of walnuts

1. Blend the butter and sugar until fluffy. Incorporate the baking powder and flour.
Chop the walnuts into lilliputian pieces. Mix everything together.
2. Form a ball with all of the dough and place it into a refrigerator for around two

Crusoe 2
3. Preheat the oven to 425 Fahrenheit. Roll 1-inch balls of dough and place them on
a greased baking sheet. Bake for about twenty minutes.
4. Wait for them to cool completely and dust with your choice of granulated or

powdered sugar.
Enjoy with a tall glass of milk!

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