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Task 2 (Reading)

Answer the following question.

1. What is the most important agenda in practicing green driving tips?
The most important agenda in practicing green driving tips is aware your ecological
footprint when driving and to make headway to reduce carbon emissions.
2. Briefly explain three tips in ensuring minimum usage of fuel when driving a car.
i. We need always check the air pressure on our tires and make sure that your tires

are properly inflated to reduce the fuel depletion.

We can consider using cruise control function of our car and maintain a steady


speed for saving fuel.

We can turning off and restarting our car if we are going to waiting more than 30
seconds to saves on fuel.

3. Drivers are advised to go for scheduled maintenance regularly (Paragraph 4).

How could this practice help drivers to save the car and the environment?
By this way, our car will working in best state and a cleaner engine produce cleaner
fumes, and even helps to save on fuel. By fumes cleaner and fuel saving, we could
reduce the burden of our car and even our environment.
4. In your opinion, what are two major constraints that could stop drivers from
practicing green driving? Suggest three ways to promote green driving among your
The main constraints that could stop drivers from practicing green driving are some
person stay in hurried state and exile in environmentally conscious. Even so, we can
suggest our friends to promote green driving by inform them the advantage and way
of practicing green driving. Besides that, we could correct action of our friend that
waste resource in their driving life. Last, the most important thing is we need to lead
by example for our friend in our daily life.

Task 3 (Summary)

Write a summary on the ways to practice green driving (Appendix B) in about 100
The Ways to Practice Green Driving
Practice green driving is benefit to our environment. There are the ways to
practice green driving. You could make your tires properly inflated to reduce fuel
consumption and discuss with friend for carpool. Getting your car into best working state
by scheduled maintenance and plan your trips before departure are smart choice for
you. Furthermore, we must renovate cooling system leaks immediately to avoid air
pollution and keep stable speed in our driving for saves on fuel. Last, stop idling when
waiting can help to save fuel. As conclusion, we must practice green driving to save our
(98 words)

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