Topic 05 Template-1

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Sabrina Joyner
July 26, 2015

Raft Task Card

ROLE (student)

Children can

Flash cards A-Z

How long will it

Students will

listen to the

and number bingo.

take for children

identifying and

alphabets and

to be able to

recognizing all of

numbers on CDs

identify and

their alphabets A-Z,

doing music and

recognize their

Also be able to

circle time.

alphabets and

Row 1

identify and recognize

Row 2

numbers in the

numbers 1-100.
Students will be able

Children can sing

Have children

correct order?
What do a tree

to identify and name

the song The

dress up like a tree.

look like?

the different parts of a

Roots on the


trees doing music

Children. perceive

The standards

Art centers and

How to become an

and respond to works

which in dance

different art


of art and objects in

music, Theater


the nature and events,

and also visual

and the environment


Row 3

RAFT Row 1

Objective: Children will be able to identify their alphabets and numbers 1-100 by using
flash cards doing circle time.
Student Role: Student will be using flash cards to acknowledge the learning of letters and
numbers to their classmates.
Audience: Children will repeat the letters and number being said by the student.
Format: Flash cards A-Z and letters and number bingo.
Topic: How long will it take for children to be able to identify and recognize their alphabets
and numbers in the correct order?


Use letters and numbers flash cards to play games.

Play number and letters bingo with the children.
Practice with the children with flash cards on recognizing their letters and numbers.
Doing circle time go over letters and numbers with the children.
Have children to write and numbers using tracing stencils.

ABC Early Learning Academy
For learning that is funFor EVERY ONE!
Child resources for early learning

Assessment: The kindergarten should be able to learn their ABCs and identify letters and
letters sounds from A-Z, also learn numbers up to 100 by counting by ones, twos, fives and
tens though out school.

RAFT Row 2
Objective: Kindergarten students will be able to describe the different parts of a tree.
Student Role: Students will be using their body to identify and name the different parts of a
Audience: Student will identify parts of the tree while the children represent by holding up
the part body that represent the tree.
Format: Have children dress up like a tree to represent the different parts of a tree.
Topic: what does a tree look like?

1. Have children to put on a tree vest.
2. Place crowns of leaves on childrens head.
3. Give each child 4 inch lengths of yarns.

4. Children will hold their arms up over their heads so they can represent the branches
on the tree.
Kid Zone Science
Learning about Trees

Assessment: Have children to build a tree by putting the right number of tree parts on their
plates to build a tree, and to eat it and as they eat have them to discuss the different parts of
the tree by representing the tree parts as they name each part.

RAFT Row 3
Objective: Children will be able to have confident and be creative as they become an artist.
Student Role: Perceive and respond to works of art and objects in the nature and events,
and the environment.
Audience: Students standards which in dance music and theater, also visual arts.
Format: Art centers and different art projects.
Topic: How can students become an artist?

1. Have 3 groups of 6.
2. Have each art center to be 15 minutes long
3. Put out art supplies
Artist Trust
An Art Education Guide for kids and adults
Welcome to online Art Centers. Com

Assessment: Create a portfolio and collect one art project weekly and place it inside of their
portfolio. By saving the children work can show how the children are progressing in their
art area. Portfolio is a great and wonderful way you can illustrated at the beginning to now.

Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Technology is changing the way children are learning and the way teachers are teaching
because of the new teaching skills which is the differentiated instruction and the differentiated
progress also with the differentiated instruction which the teacher as to prepare an individualized
instruction for the children that is based on the assessment (Shelly, Gunter & Gunter, 2012). By
using technology it can be a help to the teachers by using this instruction. Teachers will be able
to share on their websites and their presentation and also the libraries which is found online and

can be used to differentiate instruction and impact in which the students may achieve. The tool is
used in the centered which is connected to the ISTE standards.
Technology to Differentiate Instruction
Online libraries: Are used as a differentiated instruction tool in which the classroom which
allow the students to research information own their own pace which is why the learning is made
individualized. Also it is a positive impact on the student achievement. This tool also connect
with the ISTE standards because of the student who demonstrate the ability of thinking and
impacting knowledge, Develop innovative product with processes of using technology (ISTE,
2007). The knowledge was use because of the acquirement of creativity which is to develop new
The Presentation Markers: They would be used in classrooms as a power point or an Prezi or a
PowToon for the differentiate instruction, for example it could be explained by the topic to the
class and let them present a presentation of their own, so they can be able according to what they
learn T is a student centered because of the focus of the student skill developing which will allow
and positively impact on the student achievement. This tool also connect with the ISTE
Standards because of the student who demonstrate the ability of thinking and impacting
knowledge, Develop innovative product with processes of using technology(ISTE,2007). The
knowledge was use because of the acquirement of creativity which is to develop new ideas.
Teacher websites: Technological tool students are able to use in the classroom to have easy
access to lesson have practice of any subject that they are having a hard time with this tool give
supports to differentiating instruction so each students can have focus on different subjects which
is according to their needs. The tool will have an impact on the student achievement so they want
have to spend a lot of time on the topic they already have knowledge to because of the student

who need more reinforcement. It can be connected to the ISTE Standards because of the
demonstrate of a sound and by understanding of technology The concepts, system and how its
being operated (ISTE, 2007). The student understand how to use a computer and learned how to
use the website now the students used them both more effectively.
Pros and Cons
The use of technology, the different instructions they have pros and cons it is effective
because if the pros goes well then the cons arent weighed as much. The benefit of the
differences allows teachers to help with the needs and skills for all students. Technology can help
improve. Also helps with the communication of the teachers. The differences will keep the
higher level of students with the skills. The technology gives a different tool to help. There are
some disadvantage of different instructions which connects to the teacher it requires more work
when you are planning a lesson. An advantage is if the technology is not being used correctly the
students will be distracted.
Concluding Paragraph
In my conclusion keep up with the advances of technology is not easy with the use of
technology to differentiate instruction and the improvement of the learning process teacher
should be able to use the technology. There are 3 technologies which is available to be use in the
classroom and the presentation and the teacher websites and also the online libraries. Information
was given which was about how technology would impact the positively and how student
achievement was connected with the ISTE standards. The purpose was for teacher to keep up
with the technology and make sure the student have a great education.

Hebner, T. (2010).What Research Says About/Differentiated Learning. Meeting Students
Where They Are, 67 (5), 79-81.
ISTE. (2007). ISTE Standards. Retrieved from
Shelly, G., Gunter. &Gunter, R. (2012). Why Use Computer Technology in Education?
Integrating Educational Technology into the curriculum, p.11
Stanford, P., Crowe, M. & Flice, H. (2010). Differentiating with Technology. TEACHING
Exceptional Children Plus, 6 (4), 3.
Weselby, C. (2014). What is Differentiated Instruction? Examples of How to Differentiate
Instruction in classroom. Teaching Strategies. Retrieved from

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