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PV DRILLING V hes SELF-ERECTING sEMI-sussersrere — |LCIS)FELS DRILLING TENDER DoeNo Bale, Se) ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Drilling] AINe SECON: ANCHORING AND MOORING 121 OCEAN TOW 12.2 TOWING RESISTANCE CURVE 12.3 ANCHOR WINCHES. ANCHOR & WIRE ROP! 124 POSITION AND MOORING AT THE PLATFORM..sfdie 125 PROCEDURE FOR RUNNING ANCHOR... 126 | RETRIEVING THE MOORING ANCHOR. 12.7 ADVERSE WEATHER OX u 128 EMERGENCY RELEASE, UPPLY BOAT MOORIN 12.10 PERSONNEL TRANSFER BRIDGE DOC, TITLE : OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 1 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DooNo Bs16-DINT, sot ion 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PY Drilling] MNT PR. OCEAN TOW Normally an ocean tow will be conducted using only a single cag. This wipe Soanected to the PV DRILLING V using the wowing arrangement 3s shown on the dravting Dog No MI02-18, Machinery Arra't ~ Towing Arrangement PV DRILLING V is equipped with to sets of towing bridles RrepAble wowing either by bow ar by stern. Prior to raweing, the wire rapes ars secure to €4EDsmitdracket located on the top of pontaons, The other ends of the 180 wite opeygFE Need by shackles ama the Flounder plate. ‘The other end of Hlounder plate is secured thgfher length of wire which is connecied to the towing spring line ofthe ty adiition, recovery arrangement by an air wineb\s Qset 10 recover the Hunker plare and bridle wire back to the desk, Deseri By stern ytd Tatton SWE anchor shackle S pes 3" diameter wire line, MBL 4900 GN 1st 130 wn SWE Fish plate ins Lp 3 recovery line “C (oi Meth | 100K. eh 7 dia sind fink chav cfw Deals DU tex 2 Heth 20 tix 2 sths Air winch: Tani Tani Include ~ 1 each 3° diagigésie line x 100 foo fore runner on each tow bridle assembly 12.1.1 Preparation Prior Move 1) Prior tg%y ovean tox, the insurance company’ representative and towase consultant shalhfrOvide written instructions for preparations of the unit, An approval vertficate ‘wilfbg sued alter all preparations are satisfactorily compleicd and inspected SCRE Barge Captain shall ensure that all wequired certificates and documentation for YePariire snd arsival are on board He shall diseuss, agree on and oblain a towage routing plan, fron the The Master, including relevant waypoinis for mitial reference purposes, 3) The Barge Captain and Tug Master shall review any previous ocean tow Move reports for possible uselul information, 4) ‘Towing gear, as requited by the insurance company: and towing company 10 be prowicled and inspection, Tow line recovery system to be provided and operational 5}. The towing vessel is 0 have a minimum ballard pall generally as determined from the towing resistance curve given in section 12.2. Due consideration must be given to the DOC. TITLE : OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 2 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DooNo Bs16-DINT, Sct ion 121 ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Driling MNO severity af the weather expected along the proposed roue and to the ceyitee vo 6) The number of personnel on board during aeean tow should be kept to affinimam, 12.1.2. Preparation Checks Requised 1) Alt water ght faors, venifation covers and hatches are 0 be iggpyeted and repaired i necessary. Locking devices are to be freed andl workable All manholes are to be in pace and secured water igh 3) Ensure all overboard discharge values are closed 4 and ballast systems to be tested and alteé tekung all the valves are to be closed. 5) Fosure aulequate fuel, Lubricant, drinking tgleryApares and supplies are on board 6) As far as possible, ensure tht all the ils either pressed up or empty ) Anchors are to be securely fasigned levthe racks. Atleast ome anchor to be artanged for cemergeney release 8) Al louse equipment and¢agase be securely tied dovn 9} Check all lie savinglequipment, navigational aids and lights are in place and fumetional 10) Cheek ratio cgflimpiication equipment. Eine co be provided foruse between the unit and tus ney radio communication equipment 11) Ensure a stiffly of sweet ple, channel, bars and angtes available in an accessible place. SWoing equipment, electrodes. cutting equipnient and gasket material te. be availablefor eme 12) rue to be secured in boom rests. Ensure cransit locks are in pice on the PC-400 Brae. Crane blocks and we secured TY Check all fie Fighting equipment is in place and in pod order 14) Check the operation of the units general alarm system 15) Close and sccure all water tight doors into the main deck level 16) Close and secure all hatches on main deck level leading into six columns, 17) Close and secure all water ight covers for supply and exhaust ventilation leading inte all the six cohunns DOC, TITLE : OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 3 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DooNo Bs16-DINT, Sct ion 121 ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Driling MNO 18) In the port and sti Pump rooms, the followin av alltimes: - must be closed and secured waren a) Water by Hatches on pontoon deck ke loos bs ween Pump room compartment 12.13 Prior to Departure 1) Carry ous tim and stability calculations using the loading @ifealation sheets provided in Appendix E. The masimunt allowable VC is to be verified eng the maximum Allowable VCC (lor All Modes of Operation) as given inyppennlix B. 2) trimming of the vessel is required shis shgttbf'Ge done, if possible, by moving fuel and for potable water. I this canno: b¢Gpaeeballastine should be carried out using the Sonallest tanks available and in sul Way’ as 0 minimize slack canks, When the vess Fhrcher chang is wrimmed as rifled all tank soundings are te be recorded, No 10 the vessels ifyding Shall be made. 4} Obtain the tavest weather faplegisis. Departure shall not commence uncil 9 Favourable Forecast is reesived. NOTE: Only trained and exfyrienced personnel are to be assigned important duties 12.1.4 During the Tow 1) Receive dd rpeond weather report as offen as possible dunng the tow Should bad weather pe recast the Barge Capcain anil the Tag Master will discuss the possibility and £9 spirability of chan A GGB% 10 be kop of w Aliggation of course and oiher ‘ital data, Should the vessel experience excessive Jusgtinn, consideration should be ean. wher conditiens, pitch and roll of the unit, tank status en 40.8 change of healing or and fof change of 3 A daily check of all canis and bilge status is 10 be carried out 4) All equipment fastening to be checked daity 5) All spaces to be checked on a regular basis for ingress of water, particularly after passing through inclement weather 6) Shoukl excessive slamming on the hull vecur the tug must be instructed to reduee spol DOC, TITLE : OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 4 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DoeNo Bale, Se) ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Drilling] AINo 1 12.2 TOWING RES 2800 200 2400 2200 eno 1800 seco 1ano 1200 1cv0 800 609 400 200 ‘Towing Resistance (KN) ANCE CURVE Speed - Knots (26ft Draft) DOC, TITLE : OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 5 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DoeNo Bale, Se) ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Drilling] AINa 1 12.3 ANCHOR WINCHES, ANCHOR & WIRE ROPES 12.3.1 General the mousing system oF the “moor” consists of the sata systems that is Simplagead to position and hold the vessel on loeation while an operation, Generally the Sym comprised of anchors, mooring lines, winches, sheaves, faitleads, pendant GaP Buoys, shackles. and other connecting equipment 12.3.2 Equipment The PV DRILLING V is eguippedl with the follos a) 4 double action winches Bro! “Tragtion Winch 2020KN eleciically driven mooring winches, each operated togethge Witffa storage winch Brohl Storage Winch SON. The storage drum has a capacitf of 4400f of 3.12Sinches diameter, 6 x47 + WSRC EEIPS wire rope with a break of SOSIKN, and is provided with a levelwinder spooling device. A MgsHlotl PR socket 1s titted at the anchor end. ‘The winches are Tited with freshval@ gooled dynamic brakes to control with payout tension during anchor laying b) 8 each anchor line insétgn¥ndasion sysiems. ‘These are of the Inadcell type for tension measurement, SagkPEcoders for wire length and speed. Readings of line paid ouy and¥ine tension are given on the local consoles €1 Anos, anchor wind Tical consoles are fitted, one at each comer cofumn top on main dock of the vessebuvith a remote monitor in the Ballast Contsol Reon d) Sos. MK6 Sel pris anchors 12.000 kg ©} 8 noseicel anchar buoys filled with polyurethane foam. The anchor buoys are design to Hloat with approx. Si submerged when attached to 400 1 pendant line. 2) And underwater fairteads at eolumm sides tif) Wacious length of buoy penslant lines, shackles tail ehains ete DOC. TITLE : OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 6 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DoeNo Bale, Se) ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Drilling] AINa 1 24 POSITION AND MOORING AT THE PLATFORM 12.4.1 General Anchor handling boats shoul! be equipped with suitable asinches and gett permit the anchors and lines to be pulled out the required distance and then lowere@ty the bottom wath the pendant wires, under full control The boat must be sutliciently powerful wo handle she length gPHMRE to be used without i dragging on the boom, For PV DRILLING V the pull seqiigel at transit dealt can be estinated Irom given speed towing resistance curve. ‘This fepregents the power necessary £0 move the platform in calm water. To overcome envizgament€l Forces additional power is required. ‘The Barge Captain along with the oi caniptiny’s personnel sill have to ase experience to determine which will sulfice. Howe} 40- 100 ton bollaed pull should be ‘considered mininam, ‘The importance of property Yocating and skutfagranchors ean not be over emphasised Mooring system failures can result from irnftegeF anchoring procedure 12.4.2 Approaching And Mooring ACA Sew Location The following general procedyfe)shinald be followed: = Approac! Platoon a) W the towingiinidié is being used for cowing, chis shoul be retrieved amd an appropriate Bin 3hichor Line used for the nal tow @ location, A “sail” boat shoul also be corpected 16 sleet anchor line. This should be done at a predetexined time weigh URE vessel Is clear of any steuctate oF pi we line. 1b) Whagtpe vesset has almoss come to stop on the final approach of Tocation the stern vara will set the first stern anchor in position marked by a buoy. Once the fief is confirmed as holding wire is paicl out to enable the PY DRILLING V te Yedeh its position in front of the plattorm, Pyetemaining anchors will then be deployed. ‘The actual sequence will depend on the wind ‘hid current direction at the time. When the be under some tension, ‘The workboat should also uy to exert some pull on the Line as the anchor is lowered mnchor is lowered 0 the sea bed the line should Mooring Pattern The moori moor, andl not to minimize vessel excursions in the unilateral directions in normal weather Mooring failure can oceur iF an incorrect pattern is used. It musi be assumed that in any ratiern should be selected so as co maximize storm survival capability of the Doc! TITLE ; OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 7 of 14 PV Driling MNO PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DooNo Bs16-DINT, a ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING storm, the environment ean load the vessel in any direction, no mn ter what Beye For equal wind, waves and currens, the loading on the beam willbe substantially more than that on the bow or the stern. Aecordin 2 Palen oud hav th from the beans than trom the bows Iy the geri proportionall ser SU The recommended anchor pattern is the 60/45 degrees pracern in whieh boWabil stern fines cconter line and the breast lines areata devrees, ate 45 degrees from the longitu: ‘The anchor pattern provides good resistance 10 environment In gafigring ancl boar sea PROCEDURE FOR RUNNING ANCHOR Sen An anchor buoy is passed «9 the anchor handling Ba (AB). The pendant line attached 16 the crown of the anchor is then passed. Thypendnt line is shackled to the AH work fine ‘and sound up on she winch until the anghge 18% the stern of she boat. The AB prooveds te the mapker“budy for the anchor position, Some tension should be {kept to the anchor lines ay i¢ aq to prevent i¢ trom coiling on the sea bed. ‘The anchor line shall be guy out in free fall condition. This is ae we fo the neutral position. The electric drive the control of the dynamic brake The winches are as back-driving the motor is liable to cause di nd nd thespayoat is not designed for pay etn in ge: to the drive systent The des Némainal (2212 bp dissipation) S3.MP at 120 mvmin MK (20 minuses only. 31h} NéOThaL the dynamic brakes require cooling, and both Central Cooking Plaie Heat Exehtingers fin the Service Equippient Room) and (wo (21 no, Fresh Water Cooling Pumps Gia)Por, Pontoon Pump Roont) ate required to be am operation so dissipate the heat esherated by 2 dy Winch Cooling Water Booster Pomp in the column is also co be in operation te return water to the Comal Cooler tar amie beaies in operation. ‘The respective In the normal operating wexke (now anchor laying) only one C1) Central Cooler and one (1) Frosh Water Coolit requirements, 2 Pump are in operation so serve the auxiliary machinery cool Doc! TITLE ; OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 8 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DoeNo Bale, Se) ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Drilling] AINo 1 Ste When the AHB is in the comeet position the anchor is lowered te the seabed TEnsion the wire Qn also makes should be maintained in the wire. This prevents the anchor foalin the takes apn, step 4. When the anchor has set on botiom and sension verified, the work Bag ftiaches and release the tne Tensioning Anchors a} Sultficient cension shoul be exerted on gaeh dyehor line ay soon as the anchor has been set on the sea bed. AX this point cldfitypection skould be made vo ensure that there are no bellies a the lines runt Rp HE anchor. b) When all anchors have beew rymalthe wires should be wensioned it accordance wath th ified WA) sive specific mouring ana Should be ineteased in slagdeit aures specified in report can-not be reached on any lines, that anchor mayjy Fepositioned, Time should be allowed between each © 10 allow the anchor 6a in NOTE:Inutial tensions are ghisoxluced in the lines by pulling epposing tines a ther, Purpose alAhi®is to indace enough spring ellect im the moor in order to limit excursions unalghexternal envi The amount of initial tension depends on tthe Water depth and the maximum. allowable excursion of the vessel when maxafiviig allowable tension is rexched After the'whier has been om location for a few days the B: wn at is eater holdin: anchor ne Captain ower, This shoul disefSlipn apply a load 10 each Line co confirm only'be done when an ALB is on location in ea Mogéing'Line Length x6¢iSiudors working around! platform, the anchor patirn and wite lengths ae often dictated physe location of pipe lines and other structures. Prior to moving en co a platform, the arichor patiern mast be planned by the Barge Captain in eonjunction with the eil company represcinauives The required mooring Line length trom the fairlead co the anchor sepends on the water depth and maximum tensions should not exceed 1/8 of the line breaking strength. For survival a tension of hall the breaking siten An important cequirement is that the ling length be sulfigient to maintain a horizontal pull ‘on the anchor al maximum tension, Generally a anchor will lose holding power rapidly as Doc! TITLE ; OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 9 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DoeNo Bale, Se) ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Drilling] AINo 1 soon as any uplill is applied. The ellective weight af the anchor is deereased by theeveetied component oF the fine tension, Example: 440 KN pull at 5 degree to the horizontal sould bave a vertical e&mponent of 38 KN. A 10,000 kg anchor has an effective weight in water of 8700 ke. The 38 KN would Ib: by about 3700 Xe to S000 kg. IU this anghor Was capable of holding 20 tines iss own weight, ily effective hol 20 x 3700 = 74,000 kg, From the original 20 x 8700 = 174000 kgg>BMe length: must be selected according to water depth. I insufficient Line length in’vadole by other means such as end chain of back wpy anchors reduce this effecuve we power would hgw@been rexluced by When the sea bed slopes down away from she vessel, the M@quipls! line leng depth must be reduced, Conversely for a bottom sloping up diway from the vessel the line lemath must be increased, This is to reduce the possibly BF up lilt en the anchor RETRIEVIN ‘THE MOORING ANCHOR is completed and the DIES fy been loaded on the pipe rack deck, the vessel ceonverts to the transit mode and the yporiig system must be retrieved In) principle this ts the reverse ofgployment except for the need to “break outs” the anchors. ‘To avoid broken anchODline® the anchors must be broken out by the AHB and not by pulling with the anchor singh, Forces to break out the amithgts may be quite high. [fan anchor shows a resistance to break, cout, ic is advisable 19 f&He-ATB pall ight on the pendant line and then Jes the mpotion andl bucyaney of the ATER the anchor fr Procedure for rerievfig anchors, NOE: Unley ine new criteria dictates otherwise the foffowing procedures: should be fellowes: gfe PV DRILLING V away trom the platform ina constolled manner a distance afffjcient 10 enable sate access for all the AHTB's. Should circumstances allow, an acuivation the Emergency Release System canbe performed. This will pall the tender off location and also se system, The emergeney release test shall only be caried out under agreement trom Seadrill and lion: management Doc! TITLE ; OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 10 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS Doe Nor BID Section 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Driling MNO Ste Retrieve the First anchor, The AHB breaks out the anchor by’ p “Teusion must be kept om the anchor line ay it iy hauled in pre consequent damage to the line pulling on the penghant line ent to kings ad coils and NOTE: Weather condition and location will probably dietaie which Qitehors are retrieved first. Normally the procedures start with the beam anchors te Repeat step 2 for she remaining anchors No anchor should he retrieved during periods of paoe ¥isibility or inclement weather, Racking of the anchors must be carried out watlhgfle vessel at transit draft, and with the operator in control from the local winelf€onFO! station ‘The operator must check constantly tovgnstite that the anchor wire is leading to and over the racked position to avoid: possible fouling of the Mukes with the hull and 127 ADVERSE WE Operating conhitiond¥iqe Wi ided into three levels of inereasing weather severity, These ar Drilling, sandy afghyatvival Dac to the ere@aPrature of many drilling operations, there can be mo rigid ules with respect 10 agpginium mooring tensions, vessel excursion, roll, pitch and keave and bow these alfg@(tle drilling operations and the vessel, Sometime very critical down-hole conditignsgiifect the salety of the vessel 10 a far greater extent than other considerations The preist time at which drilling operations should be stopped depend on many’ Factors aandg & matter of judgment, The Barge Captain and the OIM should jointly: make this eis idelines and Within the scope amd intent oF this manual, cerca ly aecepted Tnlustry standard are stated, These relate to the Timitations oF the moorin cenvironment, xessel motion and drilling operation im general. These limitations should be iling factor m the way they affect the vessel from @ marine point of point of view these limitations may be more or less restrictive system, the viewed as genera jew. From dill ‘on the specific operations ancl dewn-hole conditions, depenin Anchor line tensions, wind speed direction and trend, plus observation of the sea stale and vessel's motions can be the most useful sourees of information in making 2 decision DOC, TITLE : OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 11 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DoeNo Bale, Se) ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Drilling] AINo 1 a} Drilling, “This level ineludes all sind and sea conditions: during yhieall operations can be executed. IC ranges from calm weather up to Faisly st¥gng Wind neler stays as completely platform sith maximum recommended initial tensions. ‘Transfef gh supplies personnel, mad and tubular 1s not impaiged. The vessel's mosiofiPegouesion and onnecjedt tn the anchor tensions are aeceplable b} Stand-by: This level inches all wind and sea conditions beyond these above, but Ail less than severe scorm or survival. The vessel's bagemag foo severe wo sately Lransfer equipment and personnel, Mooring tensions ingrage and the leeward bnes nay be shicked co rede the tension in the windWaXl lines. The umbilical connections to the plastorn: remain conneeses €} Survival: At this level weather has deterioratelg the point at which mooring kine Tension are excessive, Vessels motion and @eutien is too high and there is da ff breaking the umbilical connections grd_oflammiing the plattorm, AN dri ‘operations must cease and umbilical dissofandercst The vessel must be secured for heavy weal EMERGENCY RELEASE The Main Emergency Releadebnitel is located in the Ballast Control Room. AIL forward winch control consoles alsgpha mn This smergeney release capabilities for loc opera permits the tender o be gagved quickly away trom the platform: in the event of a blow out or other emer Actuating the Emgfepey Release, releases the brakes on she forward anchor winches These winches will Then freewheel out. The tension in the other anchor fines will move the tender away frontahé platform without the use of electrical power The mbilieafoill shear off, noc manually severed, as the tender moves away Notez:fe.chable the Emergency Release to funetion, the dogs (maintenance paws} on any SF the anchor winches MUST NOT be set while the tender is on location. Noll: Anchor winch dogs ean not be operated [ron the local nor the remote console These dlogs are to be used for maintenance purposes only, Indicators fitied on hoth remote and local consoles inform the operator of position of the logs. SUPPLY BOAT MOORING Correct mooring of Supply Boats 10 the PV DRILLING ¥ isessential to reduce the da to contaet herween vessels fan absolute minisnum, Doc! TITLE ; OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 12 of 14 PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS DooNo Bs16-DINT, a ) 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING PV Drilling] AINo 1 Being semissubmersible, the PV DRILLING V has an air gap becween the botipame ae upper hull and sea level, Should a supply boat's stern section enter this space, therg ts 3 danger of serious daniage, AU precautions must be taken to ensure that ghigdloes not happen, Supply Boats should be moored stem to and not alongside Four (4) sets of mooring bits are available on both port and starpadiasides, main deck level. of the PV DRILLING V. Supply boats should be moored latjhese. usin polypropylene fines, which are at least three (3) inches in dianpayeblt is likely, when the PY DRILLING Vis at deeper drafts, that crossing thé bines wil nylon or specially Wve a better ‘The boat should, whenever possible, sei anchors PROG IO moving astern towards: PY DRILLING V, However. de to pipelines on the (8X, this may not be possible, In this cease, one of the Following methoxls should be used a} Mooring buoys shoud be set, both fod grad starboard of the tender, ‘The Supply Beals can connect a bowling to tSbstby prior to ty mooring buoys have 10 be set(Baihe Oil Company. using accurate positioning cexquipient up wo the tender. ‘These 1b) ‘The boat should be sled ypFRythe tender in che normal way, but without using an anchor and keeping iyfippellers turning slowly so bod iisell off the tender cc) With the evebtinneasing comsentionglly, Propelled vessels, the abose mentioned mooring procedures: may not be ghe mest practical nor safe solution for the operation of a DP vessel 1se of Dynamically Positioned (DP) vessels as oppo DP Mersels are designed to be self-contained and generally do not need mooi ligenCas chis becou sonpoars, es a hindrance and safety issue given she complex systems Jn such a case where DP vessels are used to come alongside the PV DRILLING V 1 should be Hell to the discretion of the Barge Master and the Supply boat Mast to the safest and most suitable way of positioning manoeuvring and remain along DRILLING V however. at any time. should either party hat xl safely of the DP moaring procedure, whether i be weather ar ile. Preterably, approach should be made on the leeward side of PV any doubis on the suitability coarrent based, a siitable solution shoukl be sought berween all patties to ase an altemative mooring arrmgement if practical Failing that, the operation should be deferred until such times as the situation is overcome and a suitable arrangement feed on 4d) Prior ta Any DP vessel coming alongside PV DRILLING V. a full operational check of all shrusiers and computer sysiems shall be made by the OtTieer in charge DOC, TITLE : OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 13 of 14 PV Drilling] PV DRILLING V seur-crectine sewr-suenersrere [DCI FELS Doo No Bs16-DINT 1 12: ANCHORING AND MOORING | 4) | anid verbal confirmation be relayed to the PV DRILLING Y prior to permission ranted to come akmngsige Notification of the Class of DP sessel either DP 1 or DP2 shall be feared io the Barge Masier in advaney te assist him in deciding on the most pkiexied approach unl Fimitacions wner the eireumstances, Any limitations on vessel movements as deemed by the Client Reps shall be alhered 1 a all times. All Supply Boat Bridges, 6 qualified person boat on the pre ass dtfoss of class, mush ase aninned at all times by a iio contact must always be availible between the tender and ned VHF channel The final decision on the suitabibity of hi Ue PY DRILLING Y Barge Masier vessel allo ue shall reanain with 12.10 PERSONNEL TRANSFER BRIDGE Persontiel Transfer Brida the P 15 located abfprward starboard at Bow platform of the vessel. Operational/Service Manual is available onboard of the sonnel ‘Transfer Br DOC, TITLE OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 14 of 14

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