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Lucky 13- Special Sentence

1. Use a very short sentence and follow-up.
Example: Pizza. Hearing that word always makes my mouth water.
2. Use 3 adjectives or 3 nouns in a row.
Example: Daring, brave, and a bit reckless, Megan was always ready for
Example: Bats, goblins, and spooks prowl for treats on Halloween.
3. Pair up 2 adjectives and nouns.
Example: An incredible book and a steady downpour are two ingredients
for a perfect afternoon of reading.
4. Start with one or two verbs.
Example: Slipping and sliding on the icy path, Robin inched her way home.
5. Create a contrast.
Example: Some dogs are well-behaved and friendly, but others drag their
owners down the block yipping all the way.
6. Make a colorful statement that you then explain.
Example: Your happiness in life might just depend on chocolate. Scientists
have discovered that chocolate contains
7. Try an if/then or when/then.
Example: If you eat sweets, then you will get cavities. When parents let
kids call the shots, then trouble will follow.
8. Craft a simile or metaphor.
Example: Like a favorite book, a memory can be enjoyed again and again.
Joe was as friendly as a rattlesnake.
9. Ask a question.
Example: Can people of different ages really become friends?


Use a quality transition.

Example: After locking the door, Megan saw


Add some dialogue.

Example: Stay where you are, Jake yelled running to join me.

Use an adjective and a noun.

Example: Icy roads. No driver alive can travel safely in those conditions.

Use imagery (using your five senses).

Example: The rich smell of black soil reminds me of planting seeds with my
grandfather on a warm spring day.

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