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Summary of the Ethics Complaint (Alleged Criminal Activity, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance — Code and Law Violations), against Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee — Original - March 27, 2015 — Updated May 4, 2015 PRESENTATION TO THE FBI, GBI AND DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF ETHICS — UPDATED PRESENTATION As requested by the DeKalb County Board of Ethics, I, Viola Davis, with Unhappy ‘Taxpayer & Voter, submit a comprehensive report detailing and summarizing the ethics complaint (alleged criminal activity, wrongdoing and malfeasance), against Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee within DeKalb County government. I have the support of Restore DeKalb, a group of citizens striving to “restore” transparency, ethics and accountability in our local and state government. We will present the specific sections of the DeKalb County Board of Ethics code that Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee violated with Section 22 (¢) (1-7) of the DeKalb County Code of Ordinances known as the Code of Ethics which states no member of the governing authority shall: Page 1 of 8 1, Section 22 (c) (1) - By his conduct, give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him or unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official acts or actions o that he is affected unduly by the rank or position of or kinship ot association with any person; 2. Section 22 (©) (2a) — Directly or indirectly request, exact, receive, or agree to receive a gift, loan, favor, promise, or thing of value for himself or another person if a. It tends to influence him in the discharge of his official duties; ot b, He recently has been, or is now, of in the near farure may be, involved in any official act or action directly affecting the donor ot lender. 3. Section 22 (c) (3) - Disclose ot otherwise use confidential information acquired by virtue of his position for his or another person’s private gain; Section 22 (c) (4) - Section 22 (c) (5) ~ Engage in, accept employment with, or render services for any private business or professional activity when such employment or rendering of services is adverse to and incompatible with the proper discharge of his official duties...; . Section 22 (c) (6) Acquire an interest in any contract or transaction at a time when he believes or has reason to believe that such an interest will be affected directly or indirectly by his official act or actions ot by the official acts of action of the governing authority of DeKalb County; or . Section 22 (c) (7) — Engage in any activity or transaction that is prohibited by law now or hereafter enacted which is applicable to him by virtue of his being a member of the governing authority. ‘We are summarizing our Code of Ethics Complaint against Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee to 1)answer the reply submitted by Barnes Sutton’s attorney, Quinton Washington; 2)We are clarifying questions submitted by the Board of Ethics and their investigator; 3)We are also submitting new documentation to justify additional charges of wrongdoing. We are specifically citing the below listed violations, one through five, for additional clasification and are including copies of the code/law: es 2 (1) Violation of the DeKalb County Code of Ethics (as stated above) 2 Violation of the Organizational Act (3) Violation of the Georgia Code ~ 36-1-14 (4) Violation of the Law (alleged) also Page 2 of 8 (5) Conflict of Interest, per Georgia Code and Organizational Act We have asked for the support of Restore DeKalb which includes Joel Edwards. I had initially planned to obtain the support of additional concerned citizens outside the Restore DeKalb coalition. However, we were informed the FBI has an investigation started in DeKalb County. Due to prior agreements with confidential sources, we are unable to include additional members of the public at the present time. We issue this summarization of our ethics complaint to ensure there is transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County government. We strive to clarify our charges and have joined as a coalition to hold elected officials and their staff person accountable for violating the public's trust. ‘We will present our evidence in categories involving elected officials, government workers/staff and/or contractors/vendors as follows: I. Alleged Criminal Activity, Code of Ethics Violations, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance Regarding Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee with lack of maintaining P-card (credit card) receipts thus making it difficult to verify if the cards were used for personal use which violates 22A (c) (7). a. We request further research into retailors/stores that are clearly known to be used for personal use such as Bed, Bath and Beyond, Hobby Lobby, Tuesday Morning, and Whole Foods, etc. Il. Traffic Ticket paid with DeKalb County P-Card (credit card) which violates 22A (c) (7). II. RightThink Associates Inc., owned and operated by Warren Mosby (Prior boyfriend of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton), received multiple checks under “one” purchase order (PO) number 763125 which violates 22A (c) (1), 22A (c) (4), and 22A (d, e, and f) to include: a. PO Numbet 763125 for $4,500.00 b. PO Number 763125 for $2,550.00 c. PO Number 763125 for $3,725.00 d. PO Number 763125 for $20,000.00 i. The total amount for the checks issued under PO Number 763125 equals $30,775.00 Page 3 of 8 Page 4 of 8 ii, Did Kelvin Walton and other staff members working in the Board of Commissioners office and Purchasing and Contracting department develop a system to funnel additional taxpayer money to commissioners for personal use? ii, Did Kelvin Walton, Commissioners, and others exercise outside methods to receive taxpayer money for personal use that manipulated the PO Numbers and dates to issue multiple checks for “one” invoice, contract and/or purchase order? iv. Where is the work product? HSI Systems & Consultants, owned and operated by Warren Mosby (prior boyftiend of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton), submitted an invoice and received three checks under two PO Numbers on 12/22/2009 which violates 22A (c) (1), 22A (c) (4), and 22A (d, e, and f) to include: a. PO Number 763126 for $2,600.00 b. PO Number 763126 for $1,612.50 c. PO Number 763141 for $4,212.50. i, The total amount for the checks issued for order date 12/22/2009 equals $8,425.00 ii, Ifyou add the money under PO Number 763126, you will find the amounts equal $4,212.50. What is the likelihood the two charges undet 763126 would equal the exact amount under PO Number 763141? iii, PO Number 763125 for $20,000.00 also has an order date of 12/22/2009. ‘This gives additional evidence of the manipulation of the PO Numbers and dates in issuing checks. iv. HSI Systems & Consultants did not have a business license v. One will notice a handwritten nore on the documents asking people to please call Alita at 1-2737 for pick up (p/u) vi. Why did DeKalb County administration allow the Purchasing and Contracting Department to control the contract process as well as the issuance of checks without a “check and balance” process of making individuals go to a second department such as finance for payment? vii. Where was the oversight to make sure there was no manipulation in the contracting process and payment system? viii, We need a major overhaul in policy and procedure to protect taxpayers’ money. Page 5 of 8 ix, Without a doubt, we need a criminal forensic audit of the Purchasing and Contracting Department. x. Where is the work product? d. Red Bullet Point — On March 27, 2015, a summary of the Open Records Request titled, “Government Watchdog Denied Open Records Request”, was presented to Burke Brennan. ‘The summary highlighted the records denied and/or partially answered by DeKalb County government. However on May 28", Brennan delivered four disks of Kelvin Walton’s emails with the requested years of 2013 and 2014 removed, On one of the attachments, we located an Excel spreadsheet that listed consultants and businesses hired by out local government. ‘There were several consultants and businesses such as RightThink that were paid “multiple times” on the same purchase order number, same date, same amount, etc. RightThink receive three payments on 12/22/2009 for $20,000 to total $60, 000. We need a criminal forensic audit to verify these multiple payments Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group was a company owned by Judy Brownlee (top aide of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton) and the company did not have a business license. The “real problem” with this company involves the fact that Judy Brownlee received payment as a consultant while employed as an employee of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and DeKalb County. We view such a process as a “Conflict of Interest” which violates Georgia Law 36-1-4, 22A (c) (4,7 & €). a. How did Empowerment Planners qualify for a contract from Watershed and/or Public Works without a business license/corporation papers? b. Who is M, Walker, a partner listed under purchase order numbers 683523 and 638003? ¢. How did Empowerment Planners and M. Walker qualify for contracts totaling over $42,000.00? d. Is M, Walker related to any of the Walkers named in the Grand Jury investigation? ¢. Brownlee was deceptive in her application for employment to work in Commissioner Barnes Sutton office by stating she had never been employed with DeKalb County government. £ Red Bullet Point - On April 3, 2015, we submitted an Open Records Request for copies of the contracts assigned to Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group. We presented seven out of ten requisition numbers in hopes of reviewing several contracts, To our surprise, we did not receive “one” contract and noted: i, The payment terms were immediate. ii, The contracts were prepaid. iii, The requester for the private company was an employee of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and she also picked up the check. iv. A couple of the purchase orders had “multiple requestors”. v. We were not given any original documents. The document we received are alleged to be fabricated, falsified and fraudulent. vi. The bottom of these purchase orders show Scott Callan’s signature; however, he did not work for DeKalb County during 2008-2009. The email addresses shown on these purchase orders were not in existence in the years of 2008-2009. vii. VI. Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton’s Conflict of Interest submitted to us that violates Georgia Law 36-1-4, DeKalb County Organizational ‘Act, and Code of Ethics 22A (c) (7) & (e): We have additional information of alleged conflict of interest submitted to us that violates Georgia Law 36-1-14 as well as the DeKalb County Organizational Act. We also suspect such activity may involve alleged criminal activity and wrongdoing. Please view the information below: 1. Sharon Barnes Sutton allegedly had a family member working for MME and voted on contracts while her family member was employed with the company (MMF) without recusing herself. This violates Georgia Law 36-1-14 as well as the Organizational Act. * Michael L Sutton — son of Sharon Barnes Sutton, worked for Metals and Materials Engineers, LLC (MME) py Sharon Barnes Sutton’s timeline for not recusing herself regarding contracts the BOC voted on occurred: May 12, 2009; April 27, 2010; August 24, 2010; August 27, 2013; December 10, 2013; and March 25, 2014: a. Contract No. 08-901142 — MME, $491,250.00; Date May 12, 2009 b. Contract No. 13-902689 — MME, $426,611,00; Date Mar 25, 2014 ¢. Contract No. /Tnvitation No. 3001689 — MME, $145,000; Date August 24, 2010 Page 6 of 8 |. Contract No./ Iavitation No. 10-100161~ Sanitary Sewer Monitoring and Repair ~ MME, $3,879,050; Date April 27,2010 ¢. Contract No./ Invitation No. 13-100347 — MME, $4,086,300; Date August 27, 2013 £, Contract No. 3000079 — Metals and Material Engineers, LLC. Link to contracts: https: Sharon-Barnes-Sutton-and-Judy-Brownk 3. Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton managed to purchase a home ane the m« off in full in less than c x er Eithics-Complaint-and-Amendment-II On the limited income that Commissioner Sutton earns as a DeKalb County Commissioner, in early 2011 how was she able to purchase a 3,444 square foot home in the upscale Stone Mountain Southland Subdivision at 595 Gateway Point for $127,000, with a down payment of $10,000.00 while having a record of tax liens, garnishments, foreclosures, etc. filed against her? (See Exhibits #8-6: “Debt- tidden DK official says she spent $69K out of pocket on campaign” by Jim Walls, January 28, 2010) On the limited income that Commissioner Barnes Sutton earns as a DeKalb County Commissioner, how was Commissioner Bames Sutton able to be free from her obligation to pay a mortgage note within less than 5 years? On February 12, 2015, Richard Belcher, Investigative Reporter with WSB-TV, reported that Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton’s DeKalb Real Estate taxes were delinquent in the amount of $1,745.00. On video, Belcher brought this to her attention and her response to him was that this was her first year of being mortgage free. She went on to say that all of her life she had had a mortgage. (See Link to Richard Belcher Video dated 2/13/13 and titled, “Sutton Back at it Again” - VII. Second Alleged Criminal Activity, Code of Ethics Violations, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance Regarding Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee incident involving a fundraiser Page 7 of 8 event on July 2012 at Mystery Valley Golf Course which violates 22A (©) ), 22A (c) (7), and Georgia Law 36-1-4 : Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton used county employees during work hours to help with her fundraiser on July 2012 at Mystery Valley Golf Course. ‘These actions are in violation of the law and code of ethics. Elected officials ate not allowed to use taxpayer funded resources for personal use, especially reelection events. ‘We use the statement of the former Board of Commissioners Chief of Staff, Morris Williams, as evidence which was videotaped by Richard Belcher who is a reporter with WSB-TV. We have included advertisement of the event that was online. ‘View Video: In conclusion: ‘There are many DeKalb County taxpayers and voters that value restoring public trust and removing this “Cloud of Corruption”. We need the FBI, GBI and DeKalb County Board of Ethics to take immediate action to restore public trust by removing this “cloud of corruption”. Once again, we strive to present enough documentation and evidence to have this case classified as a RICO case. If you have question of require additional information, I can be contacted at the phone and/or email listed below. Respectfully presented, Viola Davis Community Missionary Phone: 770-256-0034 Email: Page 8 of 8 ren2015 Gmail - Summary of he Ethics Complaint Against Barnes Sutton and Brawlee Ce M la I | Viola Davis orcangh Summary of the Ethics Complaint Against Barnes Sutton and Brownlee ‘5 messages Viola Davis Tue, May 5, 2015 at 2:56 PM To:, Vic Hartman ,, Gene Chapman Ce: votenwhocares,, Viola Davis , Viola Davis Summary of the Ethics Complaint (Alleged Criminal Activity, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance — Code and Law Violations), against Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee — Original - March 27, 2015 — Updated May 4, 2015 PRESENTATION TO THE FBI, GBI ano DeKate County Boaro oF Etnics — UPDATED PRESENTATION As requested by the DeKalb County Board of Ethics, I, Viola Davis, with Unhappy ‘Taxpayer & Voter, submit a comprehensive report detailing and summarizing the ethics Fiips:imal google com/malliuOPAi=28ik=98 7H 108view=psearch=conti 140257017 18130d68siml= 1457017 LeTSeaRasmI= 4aaSeATKrA2T2OGBSI... HO 7res2015 CGmail- Summary of the Ethics Complaint Against Barnes Sutton ae Brownlee complaint (alleged criminal activity, wrongdoing and malfeasance), against Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee within DeKalb County government. I have the support of Restore DeKalb, a group of citizens striving to “restore” transparency, ethics and accountability in our local and state government. ‘We will present the specific sections of the DeKalb County Board of Ethics code that Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee violated with Section 22A (c) (I-7) of the DeKalb County Code of Ordinances known as the Code of Ethics which states no member of the governing authority shall: 1. Section 22 (6) (1) — By his conduct, give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him or unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official acts or actions or that he is affected unduly by the rank of position of or kinship or association with any person; 2. Section 22 (c) (2a) — Directly or indirectly request, exact, receive, or agree to receive a gift, loan, favor, promise, or thing of value for himself or another person if a. It tends to influence him in the discharge of his official duties; or b. He recently has been, or is now, or in the near future may be, involved in any official act or action directly affecting the donor or lender. 3. Section 22 (¢) G) - Disclose or otherwise use confidential information acquired by virtue of his position for his or another person’s private gain; 4. Section 22 (c) (4) - 5. Section 22 (c) (5) — Engage in, accept employment with, or render services for any private business or professional activity when such employment or rendering of services is adverse to and incompatible with the proper discharge of his official duties...; 6. Section 22 (c) (6) — Acquire an interest in any contract or transaction at a time when he believes or has reason to believe that such an interest will be affected directly or indirectly by his official act or actions or by the official acts or action of the governing authority of DeKalb County; or 7. Section 22 (c) (7) — Engage in any activity or transaction that is prohibited by law now or hereafter enacted which is applicable to him by virtue of his being a member of the governing authority. We are summarizing our Code of Ethics Complaint against Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee to Ianswer the reply submitted by Barnes Sutton’s attorney, Quinton Washington; 2)We are clarifying questions submitted by the Board of Ethics and their investigator; 3)We are also submitting new documentation to justify additional charges of wrongdoing, We are specifically citing the below listed violations, one through five, for additional clarification and are including copies of the code/law: tip: mail. goose comma JOPAs=28iK=061 FBR iew=pccarcr=sert&in= 140257017 1813CN68SI m= 144257017 1813S HeSEADAALTAOGBS.. 210 reo (Gmail - Summary of he Eties Complaint Agsinst Barnes Suton an Brovaiee (1) Violation of the DeKalb County Code of Ethics (as stated above) Q) Violation of the Organizational Act @) Violation of the Georgia Code — 36-1-14 (4) Violation of the Law (alleged) also (8) Conflict of Interest, per Georgia Code and Organizational Act We have asked for the support of Restore DeKalb which includes Joel Edwards. I had initially planned to obtain the support of additional concerned citizens outside the Restore DeKalb coalition. However, we were informed the FBI has an investigation started in DeKalb County. Due to prior agreements with confidential sources, we are unable to include additional members of the public at the present time. We issue this summarization of our ethics complaint to ensure there is transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County government. We strive to clarify our charges and have joined as a coalition to hold lected officials and their staff person accountable for violating the public's trust. We will present our evidence in categories involving elected officials, government workers/staff and/or contractors/vendors as follows: I. _ Alleged Criminal Activity, Code of Ethics Violations, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance Regarding Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee with lack of maintaining P-card (credit card) receipts thus ‘making it difficult to verify if the cards were used for personal use which violates 22A (c) (7). a. We request further research into retailors/stores that are clearly known to be used for personal use such as Bed, Bath and Beyond, Hobby Lobby, Tuesday Morning, and Whole Foods, etc. Il. Traffic Ticket paid with DeKalb County P-Card (credit card) which violates 22A (c) (7). III. RightThink Associates Inc., owned and operated by Warren Mosby (Prior boyfriend of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton), received multiple checks under “one” purchase order (PO) number 763125 which violates 22A (c) (1), 22A (c) (4), and 22A (d, e, and f) to include: a. PO Number 763125 for $4,500.00 hitps:mail google. com/mail ie 28ik=06117Fvlew=plsearch=sertat= 14257017181 ScOBSsim= 14a2S7O17 18130anesimI=TadzeAATCTAOBES:.. 10 ress (Gmail - Summary ofthe Eties Complaint Against Barnes Suton at Brownlee b. PO Number 763125 for $2,550.00 c. PO Number 763125 for $3,725.00 d. PO Number 763125 for $20,000.00 i. The total amount for the checks issued under PO Number 763125 equals $30,775.00 it, Did Kelvin Walton and other staff members working in the Board of Commissioners office and Purchasing and Contracting department develop a system to funnel additional taxpayer money to commissioners for personal use? iii, Did Kelvin Walton, Commissioners, and others exercise outside methods to receive taxpayer money for personal use that manipulated the PO Numbers and dates to issue multiple checks for “one” invoice, contract and/or purchase order? iv. Where is the work product? IV. HSI Systems & Consultants, owned and operated by Warren Mosby (prior boyfriend of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton), submitted an invoice and received three checks under two PO Numbers on 12/22/2009 which violates 22A (c) (1), 22A (c) (4), and 22A (d, e, and f) to include: a. PO Number 763126 for $2,600.00 b. PO Number 763126 for $1,612.50 c. PO Number 763141 for $4,212.50 i. The total amount for the checks issued for order date 12/22/2009 equals $8,425.00 ii, Ifyou add the money under PO Number 763126, you will find the amounts equal $4,212.50. What is the likelihood the two charges under 763126 would equal the exact amount under PO. Number 763141? iii, PO Number 763125 for $20,000.00 also has an order date of 12/22/2009. 'This gives additional evidence of the manipulation of the PO Numbers and dates in issuing checks. iv. HSI Systems & Consultants did not have a business license. hps:imai google com/mallyrA 1 THB view=pcearch-sertn=14257UITIBS695Simi= MeS7OTT1SISCOBASmI= AAASEACAALTAOBKS!.. 10 e015 ‘Gmail - Summary ofthe thes Complaint Against Barnes Suton and Browse v. One will notice a handwritten note on the documents asking people to please call Alita at 1-2737 for pick up (p/v). vi. Why did DeKalb County administration allow the Purchasing and Contracting Department to control the contract process as well as the issuance of checks without a “check and balance” process of making individuals go to a second department such as finance for payment? vii. Where was the oversight to make sure there was no manipulation in the contracting process and payment system? viii, We need a major overhaul in policy and procedure to protect taxpayers’ money. ix, Without a doubt, we need a criminal forensic audit of the Purchasing and Contracting Department. x, Where is the work product? d. Red Bullet Point — On March 27, 2015, a summary of the Open Records Request titled, “Government Watchdog Denied Open Records Request”, was presented to Burke Brennan. The summary highlighted the records denied and/or partially answered by DeKalb County government. However on May 28", Brennan delivered four disks of Kelvin Walton’s emails with the requested years of 2013 and 2014 removed. On one of the attachments, we located an Excel spreadsheet that listed consultants and businesses hired by our local government. There were several consultants and businesses such as RightThink that were paid “multiple times” on the same purchase order number, same date, same amouat, etc. RightThink receive three payments on 12/22/2009 for $20,000 to total $60, 000. We need a criminal forensic audit to verify these multiple payments. V. Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group was a company owned by Judy Brownlee (top aide of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton) and the company did not have a business license. The “real problem” with this company involves the fact that Judy Brownlee received payment as a consultant while employed as an employee of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and DeKalb County. We view such a process as a “Conflict of Interest” which violates Georgia Law 36-1-4, 22A (c) (4,7 & e). a. How did Empowerment Planners qualify for a contract from Watershed and/or Public Works without a business ipesimai.googe commsins0rA=28K=081 7 BEN =Pr&sBarcre seri 140257017 181ScOBESImI= H4e257OI7 18 TSCOBEmI= VARSEATEADZTEESES.. S10 ress Camat-Surmaryo he ics Camplt Ags Bares Suton an rowree license /corporation papers? b. Who is M. Walker, a partner listed under purchase order numbers 683523 and 638003? c. How did Empowerment Planners and M. Walker qualify for contracts totaling over $42,000.00? d. Is M. Walker related to any of the Walkers named in the Grand Jury investigation? e. Brownlee was deceptive in her application for employment to work in Commissioner Barnes Sutton office by stating she had never been employed with DeKalb County government. f. Red Bullet Point - On April 3, 2015, we submitted an Open Records Request for copies of the contracts assigned to Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group. We presented seven out of ten requisition numbers in hopes of reviewing several contracts. To our surprise, we did not receive “one” contract and noted: i. The payment terms were immediate. ii, The contracts were prepaid. iii, The requester for the private company was an employee of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and she also picked up the check. iv. A couple of the purchase orders had “multiple requestors”. v. We were not given any original documents. ‘The document we received are alleged to be fabricated, falsified and fraudulent. vi. The bottom of these purchase orders show Scott Callan’s signature; however, he did not work for DeKalb County during 2008-2009. vii. The email addresses shown on these purchase orders were not in existence in the years of 2008-2009. Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton’s Conflict of Interest submitted to us that violates Georgia Law 36-1-4, DeKalb County Organizational Act, and Code of Ethics 22A (c) (7) & (e): We have additional information of alleged conflict of interest submitted to us that violates Georgia Law 36-1-14 as well as the DeKalb County Organizational Act. We also suspect tps mal google com/mailyO'P=28k=98 7149 viow=pBsearch=serkdth= 144257017 181SeaBSiml= 144257017181 Sodaesml= 1602584247277 2098S ao ress Gamal - Summary fe nes Compre Ags Bares Sut ar owen such activity may involve alleged criminal activity and wrongdoing. Please view the information below: 1. Sharon Barnes Sutton allegedly had a family member working for MME and voted on contracts while her family member was employed with the company (MME) without cecusing herself. This violates Georgia Law 36-1-14 as well as the Organizational Act. Michael L Sutton — son of Sharon Barnes Sutton, worked for Metals and Materials Engineers, LLC (MME) 2. Sharon Barnes Sutton’s timeline for not cecusing herself regarding contracts the BOC voted on occurred: May 12, 2009; Aptil 27, 2010; August 24, 2010; August 27, 2013; December 10, 2013; and March 25, 2014: a. Contract No. 08-901142 — MME, $491,250.00; Date May 12, 2009 b. Contract No. 13-902689 — MME, $426,611,00; Date Mar 25, 2014 c. Contract No. /Invitation No. 3001689 — MME, $145,000; Date August 24, 2010 d. Contract No./ Invitation No. 10-100161— Sanitary Sewer Monitoring and Repair — MME, $3,879,050; Date April 27,2010 e. Contract No./ Invitation No. 13-100347 — MME, $4,086,300; Date August 27, 2013 f£. Contract No. 3000079 — Metals and Material Engineers, LLC. Link to contracts: https: // Barnes-Sutton-and-Judy-Brownlee-Ethics-Complaint-and-Amendment-II oe ee fin full see On the limited income that Commissioner Sutton earns as a DeKalb County Commissioner, in early 2011 how was she able to purchase a 3,444 square foot home in the upscale Stone Mountain Southland Subdivision at 595 Gateway Point for $127,000, with a down payment of $10,000.00 while having a record of tax liens, garnishments, foreclosures, etc. filed against her? (See Exhibits #8-6: “Debt-ridden DK official says she spent $69K out of pocket on campaign” by Jim Walls, January 28, 2010) On the limited income that Commissioner Barnes Sutton earns as a DeKalb County Commissioner, how was Commissioner Barnes Sutton able to be free from her obligation to pay a mortgage note within less than 5 years? On February 12, 2013, Richard Belcher, Investigative Reporter with WSB-TV, reported that Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton’s DeKalb Real Estate taxes were ipa goof com/mailsAi=28ik= 681171188 view= sea crsoniSe 14257017181 3cdBEsimI= 14c2S7OITIBTSCUBaimI= 4eDSEA2AAATABCES.. THO ass CGnal- Summary of te Eties Compl Against Barnes Suton a Browrlen delinquent in the amount of $1,745.00. On video, Belcher brought this to her attention and her response to him was that this was her first year of being mortgage free. She went on to say that all of her life she had had a mortgage. (See Link to Richard Belcher Video dated 2/13/13 and titled, “Sutton Back at it Again” - VII. Second Alleged Criminal Activity, Code of Ethics Violations, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance Regarding Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee incident involving a fundraiser event on July 2012 at Mystery Valley Golf Course which violates 22A (c) (4), 22A (c) (7), and Georgia Law 36-1-4 : Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton used county employees during work hours to help with her fundraiser on July 2012 at Mystery Valley Golf Course. These actions are in violation of the law and code of ethics. Elected officials are not allowed to use taxpayer funded resources for personal use, especially reelection events. We use the statement of the former Board of Commissioners Chief of Staff, Morris Williams, as evidence which was videotaped by Richard Belcher who is a reporter with WSB-TV. We have included advertisement of the event that was online. View Video: hitps:// In conclusion: ‘There are many DeKalb County taxpayers and voters that value restoring public trust and removing this “Cloud of Corruption”. We need the FBI, GBI and DeKalb County Board of Ethics to take immediate action to restore public trust by removing this “cloud of corruption”. Once again, we strive to present enough documentation and evidence to have this case classified as a RICO case. If you have question or require additional information, I can be contacted at the phone and/or email listed below. psa google. com/mallyrr=28ik=€8 1 7HBKESvlew=plBscarch= sets 14425701718 ScoBSsiml= 144257017181 SeaBsiml= AE25EAATRATIOGRS|.. 810 esas Gm - Summary of he Ethics Complairt Against Barnes Suton and Brownies Respectfully presented, Viola Davis Community Missionary Phone: 770-256-0034 eel 2 attachments ‘Summary of the Ethics Complaint for barnes sutton and brownlee - code and law violations with red bullet points.docx 46K ‘£2 Restore Public Trust Complaint attachment 2.pdf 23855K Viola Davis Tue, May 5, 2015 at 3:18 PM To:,, Vic Hartman , Gene Chapman Cc:, Viola Davis ,, Viola Davis [Quoted text hidden} a. We request further research into retailers /stores that are clearly known to be used for personal use such as Bed, Bath and Beyond, Hobby Lobby, Tuesday Morning, and Whole Foods, etc. [Quoted text hidden} ‘2 Brownloe attachment corrected version.paf 522K ipsa google. comvmallyn#= 2 e208 Gmail - Summary ofthe Eves Complart Against Barres Suton a Brownies Viola Davis Wed, May 13, 2016 at 7:23 PM To ———— fyi Forwarded message — From: Viola Davis Date: Tue, May 5, 2015 at 3:18 PM ‘Subject: Summary of the Ethics Complaint Against Bames Sutton and Brownlee [Quoted text hide 4B Brownlee attachment corrected version. pdt 222K Viola Davis ‘Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 11:00 AM Draft To Whom - Forwarded message From: Viola Davis Date: Tue, May 5, 2015 at 2:56 PM Subject: Summary of the Ethics Complaint Against Bames Sutton and Brownlee [Quoted text hidden) 2 attachments of the Ethics Complaint for barnes sutton and brownlee - code and law violations with @) red bullet points.docx 46K Restore Public Trust Complaint attachment 2. pdf a 23855K trip imal google comimailtaOraie 981 17H8A8view=plBsearchr setkih= 146257017 1SeaSesImI= 14257017 WI SCARSsH= 1412584542H272006.,.. 10/10 Summary of the Ethics Complaint (Alleged Criminal Activity, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance), against Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee — March 27, 2015 PRESENTATION TO THE FBI, GBI AND DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF ETHICS [As requested by the DeKalb County Board of Ethics, I, Viola Davis, with Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter, submit a comprehensive report detailing and summarizing the ethics complaint (alleged criminal activity, wrongdoing and malfeasance), against Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee within DeKalb County government. I have the support of Restore DeKalb, a group of citizens striving to “restore” transparency, ethics and accountability in our local and state government. We will present the specific sections of the DeKalb County Board of Ethics code that Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee violated with Section 2A (c) (1-7) of the DeKalb County Code of Ordinances known as the Code of Ethics which states no member of the governing authority shall: 1. Section 22 (6) (1) — By his conduct, give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him ot unduly enjoy his favor in the Page 1 of 10 performance of his official acts or actions or that he is affected unduly by the rank ot position of ot kinship or association with any person; 2. Section 22 (c) (2a) — Directly o indirectly request, exact, receive, ot agree to receive a gift, loan, favor, promise, or thing of value for himself or another person if: a. Ittends to influence him in the discharge of his official duties; or b. He recently has been, o is now, of in the near future may be, involved in any official act or action directly affecting the donor of lender. 3. Section 22 (¢) (3) - Disclose ot otherwise use confidential information acquired by virtue of his position for his os another person's private gain; 4. Section 22 (6) (5) — Engage in, accept employment with, or render services for any private business ot professional activity when such employment or rendering of services is adverse to and incompatible with the proper discharge of his official duties...5 5. Section 22 (c) (6) — Acquire an interest in any contract of transaction at a time when he believes or has reason to believe that such an interest will be affected directly of indirectly by his official act or actions or by the official acts ot action of the governing authority of DeKalb County; of 6. Section 22 (©) (7) — Engage in any activity or transaction that is prohibited by law now or hereafter enacted which is applicable to him by virtue of his being a member of the governing authority. We are summarizing out Code of Ethics Complaint against Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee to answer the reply submitted by Barnes Sutton’s attorney, Quinton Washington. We are clarifying questions submitted by the Board of Ethics and their investigator. We are also submitting new documentation to justify additional charges of wrongdoing, We are specifically citing the below listed violations, one through five, for additional clatification and are including copies of the code/law: () Violation of the DeKalb County Code of Ethics (as stated above) (2) Violation of the Organizational Act (3) Violation of the Georgia Code — 36-1-14 (4) Violation of the Law (alleged) also (5) Conflict of Interest, per Georgia Code and Organizational Act Page 2 of 10 We have asked for the support of Restore DeKalb which includes Joel Edwards. T had initially planned to obtain the support of additional concerned citizens outside the Restore DeKalb coalition. However, we were informed the FBI has an investigation started in DeKalb County. Due to prior agreements with confidential sources, we ate unable to include additional members of the public at the present time. We issue this summarization of our ethics complaint to ensure there is transparency, ethics, and accountability in DeKalb County government. We strive to clarify our charges and have joined as a coalition to hold elected officials accountable for violating the public's trust. ‘We will present our evidence in categories involving elected officials, government workers/staff and/or contractors/vendors as follows: I. Alleged Criminal Activity, Code of Ethics Violations, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance Regarding Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee: 1, Viola Davis, with Unhappy Taxpayer & Voter, submitted a summarization of our ethics complaint, dated 1/9/2015, to DeKalb County Board of Ethics to restore public trust against Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton, District 4 Commissioner and Judy Brownlee, Commissioner Barnes Sutton’s Executive Assistant Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton has repeatedly claimed that there is no malfeasance and/or wrongdoing. Sutton proclaimed the teal problem is that commissioners’ political opponents have filed ethics complaints to smear theit names. She was quoted in an article written by Mark Niesse with The Atanta Journal Constitution 6/28/14 to say “An ethics complaint is just a complaint. There ate people who have done nothing wrong. We need a way to distinguish between real problems and propaganda,” We have documents to prove our ethics complaints provide evidence of a “real problem” as well as alleged criminal activity to include: 1. RightThink Associates Inc., owned and operated by Warren Mosby, received multiple checks under “one” purchase order (PO) number 763125 to include: Page 3 of 10 a. PO Number 763125 for $4,500.00 b. PO Number 763125 for $2,550.00 c. PO Number 763125 for $3,725.00 d. PO Number 763125 for $20,000.00 i, The total amount for the checks issued under PO Number 763125 equals $30,775.00 ii, Did Kelvin Walton and other staff members working in the Board of Commissioners office and Purchasing and Contracting develop a system to funnel additional taxpayers’ money to commissioners for personal use? iii, Did Kelvin Walton, Commissioners, and others exercise outside methods to receive taxpayers’ money for personal use that manipulate the PO Numbers and dates to issue multiple checks for “one” invoice, contract and/or purchase order? iv. Where is the work product? 2. We have located actual copies of three of the checks for PO Number 763123 and two pages under Oracle with requisition number 380590 for the $20,000.00 check. 3. We verified the lack of a business license on April 22, 2010 for RightThink Associates, Inc. A copy of the document is provided for the BOE and taxpayers and voters to review. 4, HSI Systems & Consultants, owned and operated by Warren Mosby, received an order for three checks under two PO Numbers on 12/22/2009 to include: a. PO Number 763126 for $2,600.00 b. PO Number 763126 for $1,612.50 c. PO Number 763141 for $4,212.50 i. The total amount for the checks issued for order date 12/22/2009 equals $8,425.00 ii, If you add the money under PO Number 763126, you will find the amounts equal $4,212.50, What is the likelihood the two charges under 763126 would equal the exact amount under PO Number 763141? iii, PO Number 763125 for $20,000.00 also has an order date of 12/22/2009. ‘This gives additional evidence of the manipulation of the PO Numbers and dates in issuing checks iv. HSI Systems & Consultants did not have a business license. Page 4 of 10 v. One will notice a handwritten note on the documents asking people to please call Alita at 1-2737 for pick up (p/w) vi, Why did DeKalb County administration allow the Purchasing and Contracting Department to control the contract process as well as the issuance of checks without a “check and balance” process of making individuals go to a second department such as finance for payment? vii, Where was the oversight to make sure there was no manipulation in the contracting process and payment system? viii, We need a major overhaul in policy and procedure to protect taxpayers’ money ix, Without a doubt, we need a criminal forensic audit of the Purchasing and Contracting Department. x. Where is the work product? 5. Empowerment Planners and Consulting Group was a company owned by Judy Brownlee and the company did not have a business license. The “real problem” with this company involves the fact that Judy Brownlee received payment as a consultant while employed as an employee of Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and DeKalb County. We view such a process as a “Conflict of Interest”, a, How did Empowerment Planners qualify for a contract from Watetshed and/ot Public Works without a business license /corporation papers? b. Who is M. Walker, a partner listed under order numbers 683523 and 638003? c. How did Empowerment Planners and M. Walker qualify for contracts totaling over $42,000.00? d. Is M. Walker related to any of the Walkers named in the Grand Jury investigation? e. Brownlee was deceptive in her application for employment by stating she had never been employed with DeKalb County government. 6. Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee Conflict of Interest: e have additional information of alleged conflict of interest submitted to us that violates Georgia Law 36-1-14 as well as the DeKalb County Organizational Act. We Page 5 of 10 also suspect such activity may involve alleged criminal activity and wrongdoing. Please view the information below: 1. Sharon Barnes Sutton allegedly had a family member working for MME. and voted on contracts while her family member was employed with the company (MME) without recusing herself. This violates Georgia Law 36-1-14 as well as the Organizational Act. ® Michael L Sutton ~ son of Sharon Barnes Sutton, worked for Metals and Materials Engineers, LLC (MME) 2. Sharon Barnes Sutton’s timeline for not recusing herself regarding contracts the BOC voted on occurred: May 12, 2009; April 27, 2010; August 24, 2010; August 27, 2013; December 10, 2013; and March 25, 2014: a. Contract No. 08-901142 — MME, $491,250.00; Date May 12, 2009 b. Contract No. 13-902689 —- MME, $426,611,00; Date Mar 25, 2014 c. Contract No. /Invitation No. 3001689 — MME, $145,000; Date August 24, 2010 |. Contract No./ Invitation No. 10-100161— Sanitary Sewer Monitoring and Repair — MME, $3,879,050; Date April 27,2010 €. Contract No./ Invitation No. 13-100347 — MME, $4,086,300; Date August 27, 2013 f. Contract No. 3000079 ~ Metals and Material Engineers, LLC. Link to contracts: hups:// s rnes-Sutton-and-Judy-Bro thics-Complaint-and-Amendment-II p 7. Commission Sutton a and pay the mortgage off in full in less than 5 years. On the limited income that Commissioner Sutton earns as a DeKalb County Commissioner, in early 2011 how was she able to purchase a 3,444 square foot home in the upscale Stone Mountain Southland Subdivision at 595 Gateway Point for $127,000, with a down payment of $10,000.00 while having a record of tax liens, garnishments, foreclosures, etc. filed against her? (See Exhibits #8-6: “Debt- ridden DK official says she spent $69K out of pocket on campaign” by Jim Walls, January 28, 2010) Page 6 of 10 On the limited income that Commissioner Barnes Sutton earns as a DeKalb County Commissioner, how was Commissioner Barnes Sutton able to be free from her obligation to pay a mortgage note within less than 5 years? On February 12, 2013, Richard Belcher, Investigative Reporter with WSB-TV, reported that Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton’s DeKalb Real Estate taxes were delinquent in the amount of $1,745.00. On video, Belcher brought this to her attention and her response to him was that this was her first year of being mortgage free. She went on to say that all of her life she had had a mortgage. (See Link to Richard Belcher Video dated 2/13/13 and titled, “Sutton Back at it Again” -http:/ / 8. We request a full criminal forensic investigation to determine if Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Warren Mosby, owner of Righthink Associates and HSI Systems & Consultants, were involved in a scheme to defraud DeKalb County by Mosby presenting and Barnes Sutton approving payments to Mosby for questionable and unnecessary work products. Asa result of Open Records Request, we obtained documents (attached as Exhibits #8-1 through #8-5,) that support our request for the investigation as referenced above. This very small sampling of questionable payments, approved by Commissioner Sharon Bares Sutton to Mosby, could be one of many examples of Barnes Sutton possibly funneling money to her longtime boyfriend, then getting portions of the funds back for her own personal use. ‘The use of the term “boyfriend” is not without merit. On February 12, 2014, police were called to Mosby’s home regarding a domestic dispute. DeKalb law enforcement filed two reports of the incident, one in Mosby’s name and the other under the name of Sharon Sutton-Barnes rather than Bames-Sutton. Officers reported that she told them she was in a relationship with Mosby for seven years. Mosby stated the same in his police report. When you examine the attached documents, Exhibits #8-1 through #8-5, you will note that within a 52 day period, Mosby presented, and Bares approved, invoices under the same P.O. number of 763125, for Consulting Services regarding Financial Analysis and Fiscal Budget Consultation for the 2010 Budget Year, totaling $4,800.00. Page 7 of 10 ‘This payment to Mosby was totally unnecessary and possibly fabricated. DeKalb County, at the time, had the best of the best, Dr. Mike Bell and staff, who were available to provide Commissioner Bames Sutton any information/advice she may have needed. Additionally, Commissioner Sutton has an MBA from Mercer University. When she was campaigning for the District 4 Commission seat, she was teaching business at MLK High School. She was transferred from MLK to teach for the DeKalb Online Academy. Surely budget processes were not foreign to her. During the same 52 day period, Mosby presented, and Barnes approved, invoices under the same P.O. number of 763125, for Consulting Services regarding Public & Legislat totalin; Commissioner Barnes Sutton was sworn in as District Four Commissioner in carly January, 2009. Her first BOC meeting would have been the 2" Tuesday in January, 2009. Barnes Sutton was only about less than 60 days away from attending the National Association of Counties’ (NACo) Legislative Conference that provides a wide artay of training and information regarding legislative updates, training, workshops, seminars and network for county government officials. Additionally, NACo has a very impressive website that provides legislative updates, etc. Further, Barnes Sutton is not a stranger to the Georgia political legislative scene. Before she won the DeKalb District 4 Commission seat, she campaigned and tan for House Representative. Because her “boyfriend” is, Representative Howard Mosby's brother, she has close relationships within the DeKalb House Delegation and certain City of Atlanta politicians. We view this expenditure as bogus, unnecessary and suspect and another example of possible fraud and criminal activity. The cost of just these different sus) k produc 58,970.00. We noted from Open Records received that Mosby has been providing sesvices to DeKalb County Government long before Barnes Sutton retained his “consulting” services. We discovered records for Mosby and his companies (neither licensed nor incorporated until sometime in 2010) back to 2005; however the services he provided seemed to be strictly related to printing such things as business cards, Page 8 of 10 letterheads, envelopes, etc. Nothing equal to the alleged scope of work Barnes Sutton afforded him. Finally, investigators might want to also look into Bames Sutton’s campaign financial disclosures for both times she ran for the Commission District 4 seat. Mosby was her campaign manager both times, and it looks like an awful lot of the money that came in, went back to him. Please note: Metals and Material Engineers (MME) was a major contributor to Sharon Barnes Sutton’s campaign. (See Exhibits #8-6: “Debt- ridden DK official says she spent $69K out of pocket on campaign by Jim Walls, January 28, 2010) Il. Second Alleged Criminal Activity, Code of Ethics Violations, Wrongdoing and Malfeasance Regarding Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton and Judy Brownlee: Commissioner Sharon Batnes Sutton used employees during work hours to help with her fundraiser on July 2012 at Mystery Valley Golf Course. These actions are in violation of the law and code of ethics. Elected officials are not allowed to use taxpayer funded resources for personal use, especially reelection events. We use the statement of the Board of Commissioners Chief of Staff, Morris Williams, as evidence which was videotaped by Richard Belcher who is a reporter with WSBTV. We have included advertisement of the event that was online. ‘View Video: In conclusion: There are many DeKalb County taxpayers and voters that value restoring public trust and removing this “Cloud of Corruption”. We need the FBI, GBI and DeKalb County Board of Ethics to take immediate action to restore public trust by temoving this “cloud of corruption”. Page 9 of 10 Once again, we strive to present enough documentation and evidence to have this case classified as a RICO case. If you have question or require additional information, I can be contacted at the phone and/or email listed below. Respectfully presented, Fite ned. Viola Davis Community Missionary 909 Rays Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083 Phone: 770-256-0034 Email: Attachments: Exhibit #8-1 through #8-6 Copies of code/law ~ 1-5 Page 10 of 10 ‘Unuaery Terran Vores Tape eter Ogarzaon SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS COMPLAINT (ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE), AGAINST SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE MARCH 27, 2015 ATTACHMENTS, EXHIBITS AND CODE/LAW SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS COMPLAINT (ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE), AGAINST SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE MARCH 27, 2015 ATTACHMENTS: EXHIBITS #8-1 THROUGH #8-6 SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS COMPLAINT (ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE), AGAINST SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE MARCH 27, 2015 I. DEKALB COUNTY CODE OF ETHICS, SECTION 22A (C) (1-7) SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS COMPLAINT (ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE), AGAINST SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE MARCH 27, 2015 II. ORGANIZATIONAL ACT SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS COMPLAINT (ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE), AGAINST SHARON BARNES. SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE MARCH 27, 2015 III. GEORGIA CODE 36-1-14 SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS COMPLAINT (ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE), AGAINST SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE MARCH 27, 2015 IV. VIOLATION OF THE LAW (ALLEGED) SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS COMPLAINT (ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE), AGAINST SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE MARCH 27, 2015 V. CONFLICT OF INTEREST PER GEORGIA CODE AND ORGANIZATIONAL ACT SUMMARY OF THE ETHICS COMPLAINT (ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE), AGAINST SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE MARCH 27, 2015 Il. SECOND ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, CODE OF ETHICS VIOLATIONS, WRONGDOING AND MALFEASANCE REGARDING COMMISSIONER SHARON BARNES SUTTON AND JUDY BROWNLEE ADVERTISEMENT OF GOLF EVENT ONLINE et eee Invoice Invoice Number: Righthink Associates, Inc. 2407 N. DecaturRoad 291101 #299 Invoice Date: Decatur, GA 30033 Ite ne ay nov 2, 2099 Voice: (404) 537-7883 COMMISSIONERS OFFICE DSTRICT 4 nee Fax. (404) 537-7883, aK 1 ‘Sold To: Ship to: \ ‘ ‘DeKalb Cnty Comm. Dist. 4 ae -\ meant G3! ‘5th Floor, District 4 Offices Decatur, GA 30030 Gustomerib |G ustomer PO fay “Payment Terme { Doc-Disté I €.0.D. [Sates Rep 1D r Shipping Method (stipDate | Due ate} t <— e i (cavers 1 (Gaanity | ___Rtem T Description [Unit Price | Extension 1.00 CON-SEN vl public and Legislative Policy 72,180.00] 2,150.00 i Consultation for November. 2009 | 1.00|con-sexr | Disprict office operations | 4,275.00) 2,275.00 |conguitation and aaninistrative |Support fer Novenber 2003 1.00| con-sen viPinaneial analysis and Fiscal 71,075.00 1,075.00 | | (Budget Year | a a | | | | | i os a ‘ : fit aul oa no ration oo owas Laat > “rmmtoma oh ie x ‘= DeKALBCOUNTY =~ @heck No.-00699700 a ect @ a | Check Date: 22-DEC-09 ier Name: RIGHTHINK ASSOCIATES INC | Fiewoic Number [invoice Date | ~ Désernion| 5 [Gross Amount rato “GaNOv- | DUSTRUGT «COMMISSIONER CONSULTAT “ana TOTAL 4,500.00 00] 4,600.00 *OOOORI9 700" HOBLLOO?IOR BBOOLCIIOL Tnvoice RighThink Associates, Inc, ep V Invoice Number: 2107 N. Decatur Road REGELY Q2 291224 $200 coors ACCOUNTING SERVICES | moe Decatur, : 2 amlOuAR-2 PH 6:50 ~ B=) Doe 24, 2608 Voice: (404) 537-7883 Fs Haoe Fax: (404) 537-7883 1 Sold To: Ship to: ‘Dakai Cnty Comm. Dist. 4 1300 Commerce Drive si eor Dt 4 Ofces Decur oh sao [rosso 7 Customer apes Toa EG] [7 eee-piaee | His ‘Shipping Method ‘Ship Date Due Date | I Saree : nas | f : ~ Description ——_ Unit Price Extension | “Vouagot Consultation, 2010 ¥2,025.00| 2,025.00| meget Four v[eiblic and taptatative roiter | ¥2,700.00/- 1,700.00 | | Iconsultation for December (Part) ~€ . is a2) (-a7 sane restmeceronn | a Tm. fram Invoice [consultation RighThink Associates, ific, * a Invoice Number: 2107 N. Decatur Road BERL See NCES, 291229 #299 ex ans Accel 50 Invoice Date: Decatur, e Me Dec 29, 2009 amanan -2 PH /® > re Voice: (404) 537-7883. { "gs Fex: (404) 537-7883 1 BY Sold To: ‘Ship to: at mi Doki Cnty Come, Dist. 4 4300 Commerce Dive Sin Fr, Dist 4 Ofoas Deca, GA 20080 [eee CasiomerPO as Payment Terns 7 i Dee-piste oge070e 1 [Sales Rep iD 1 ‘Sipping Method ShipDaie_|__bue Date z _ i farsa ~ Quantity | tem T Description |__UnitPrice | Extension 1 1.00) consi |puaget Consultation, 2010 | A,700.00/ 1,700.00 } auger Year | s.oofecu-sme [Publi and tagistative soticy | / s0.00/ 880.00 | | | AS e Check. Pihup, ‘Check No: s-2010 67 Subtotal Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 2,850.00 Payment Received 0.00 TOTAL 2,550.00 eo vanacouy C0 wa KALB »\, Check No. 00709370 *. ose Cong 9 6-S Nes 10 __ Supplier Name: RIGHTHINK ASSOCIATES INC ‘Supplier No.: 143598 Inve Dato Desciton ‘rece Anount | Disountamoint | AeA BHDEC-08 | BUDGET CONSULTATION FOR 2070 372500] 29 37250 20.06C.00 | BUDGET CONSULTATION FOR 2010 2350.00 0.09 255000 TOTAL 6,275.00 00] 6276.09) steal 0000709370" 30821007908 aaoonossoh snarois Delt ridden DK ofc says she spent S69K cu of pocket on campaign | Aaa Unfiltered © hitp/\debt-idden-dk-ofcial-says-she-spont-69k-out-of-pocket-on-campaign! Debt-ridden DK official says she spent $69K out of pocket on campaign By JIM WALLS Jan. 28, 2010 — Sharon Barnes Sutton’s paycheck was gamisheed in 2008 after she missed payments on her Lexus. Gwinnett County issued four arrest warrants in her name over more than $1,000 in bounced checks in 2007. And she lost her $162,000 Stone Mountain home a few months ago when she couldn't keep up with the mortgage. Despite those debts, Sutton says she spent at least $69,000 of her own money in 2007 and 2008 to win her seat on the DeKalb County Commission, campaign records show. All this on a $43,000 annual salary as a DeKalb schoolteacher. Sutton reported lending herself more than $62,740 and contributing $6,906 more to her campaign account between July 2007 and August 2008. The DeKalb school district told the state auditor that it paid Sutton ‘$42,777 during the 2007-08 school year — roughly the period when she made those loans — and $27,642 the following year. Her December 2007 disclosure noted the campaign received another $8,500 loan but did not report the date or say whether Sutton was the lender. All told, Sutton’s loans and cash contributions made up nearly three-quarters of the $108,000 or so that she spent on the 2008 commission race. How could Sutton find herself that deep in debt and still spend that much money on her campaign? We asked, but couldn't get much of an answer. Sutton and her campaign treasurer, state Rep. Dee Dawkins-Haigler, did not return telephone calls seeking comment. Neither did Otanya M. Clarke, the attorney representing her regarding a state ethics complaint. Warren F. Mosby, her campaign manager, said he was not privy to the particulars of Sutton’ financial obligations — “That is not my job to manage a candidate's personal finances” — but he would not talk about them even if he were. “Itis my understanding that it was a very complicated and complex financial situation,” he said. “Details of that are a private matter.” (Sutton used $53,465 — about half of her total campaign funds — to pay Mosby's company, HSI Systems & Consultants.) Sutton told The Atlanta Joual-Constitution that the root of her financial difficulties was a long-running legal dispute with a contractor and the company insuring her home. She said a mold problem forced her to move out and leave all her family's belongings behind, but continued to make the mortgage payments while renting a second home in Stone Mountain. patented com/2010°01/28 debian. ck-oficil-says-sho-spent60k-out of pocket-on-campcion! 13 BEFORE THE GEORGIA GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY AND CAMPAIGN FINANCE COMMISSION STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE MATTER OF: Ethies Case No. 2008-0067 Sharon Barnes-Sutton « CONSENT ORDER This matter came before the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission, formerly the Georgia State Ethics Commission, (“Commission”) pursuant to a complaint filed on August 1, 2008 alleging violations of the Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Act, 0.C.G.A. § 21-5-et seq, (the “Act”. Following a continuance request from Respondent, a preliminary hearing was held on October 15, 2009, where the Commission found reasonable grounds to set the matter down for an Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”) hearing. Prior to'a hearing, Respondent and the Commission hereby agree and consent to resolve this matter by. centering into this Consent Order under the terms and conditions described herein. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ‘Respondent Sharon Barnes-Sutton (hereinafter, “Respondent”) was a 2006 candidate for election to the General Assembly and a 2008 candidate for election to the DeKalb County Commission at all times relevant to the matters asserted herein. Respondent failed to file Campaign Contribution Disclosure Reports (“CCDRs”) asa 2006 candidate for House District 87 pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 21-5-34. Specifically, Respondent failed to file CCDRs with the Commission due on June 30, 2006, September 30, 2006, October 25, 2006, and December 31, 2006,, Respondent also failed to file local copies of the CCDRs with the local filing officer pursuant to former O.C.G.A. § 21-5-34 (@)(1MA). The filing of local copies is no longer required under the current version of the ‘Act. Following initiation of the instant investigation, Respondent late filed the aforementioned 2006 CCDRs with the Commission on December 9, 2008. In 2008, as a candidate for election to the DeKalb County Commission, District 4, Respondent also failed to file or timely file CCDRs due to the local filing officer on June 30, 2008, September 30, 2008, and October 25, 2008. Respondent maintains that she did not willfully intend to violate any of the provisions of the. Act. Following the instant investigation, Respondent late filed the aforementioned 2008 CCDRs on December 3, 2008. Also, prior to entry of this Consent Order, Respondent paid all accrued late and non-filing fees for the above mentioned reports. oce- 0067 A. by In resolving this matter, Respondent hereby agrees to pay a civil penalty in the amount of $2,500 in ten (10) monthly installments of $250. All payments are due no later than the Sth day of each month and shall commence the first month after the date of this Order. Respondent may make larger payments towards the balance at any time during the prescribed payment periods. All payments shall bye made using personal funds and not campaign funds, Respondent further agrees to cease and desist from any violations of the Act or any other laws, rules, or regulations of the Commission. Respondent represents that the foregoing findings of fact are true, agrees to any conclusions of law, and further agrees to abide by all terms thereof. By signing this Consent Order Respondent waives any further findings of facts and conclusions of law, as well as any procedural requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act including an ‘appeal pursuant to the procedures outlined in 0.C.G.A. § 50-13-I et seq, Respondent's failure to comply with the terms herein shall constitute a breach of this agreement and thereby authorizes the Commission to seek an enforcement action against the Respondent. All costs and attomey fees incurred by the Commission in such enforcement action shall be assessed against Respondent pursuant to 0.C.G.A. § 21-5- 6(b)(14)(C). ‘The Commission adopts the foregoing statements and conclusions as the Commission’s findings of fact and conclusions of law, and orders the implementation of the terms of this Consent Order. ‘Signature attested to on this_/S day of Gugust ,2011 ~~ -~ Notary Public vertiéy for Respondent. : | My commission expires:

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