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Ronnie Thomas-Johnson

Biology Article
July 16, 2015

Fruit Fly Drosophila Melanogaster

We look at life in every creature especially the Drosophilas. Yes, they are just as
annoying and disgusting as normal house flies, but Drosophilas are much more different in
colour and sizes than normal flies.
Fruit flies have big red eyes to distinguish themselves from normal flies. They are
also yellow-orange colour. Unlike house flies that are for sure to carry disease, fruit flies can
cause bacteria onto food products.
Just like most species genders have a role in living. Females of course try there
hardest to search for places that will be best for her eggs. Male flies just increase their mating
and fertilize. Since the females can produce up to 10-20 eggs at a time between 7-60 days, so its
not hard to say they are a huge species. Male flies can give more y chromosomes than x
chromosomes to a female.
We study Fruit flies because they are rapid when it comes to reproduction and we
watch their chromosomes to see if they enrich. We also study them because they are easier to
manipulate. Their bodies are even more multiplex than any humans. We study every molecule,
and every portion in their brains. Right now scientists are studying how their molecules give off
something familiar like insulin. Humans that have a lowering in insulin have high blood sugar
like diabetes.
We are trying to study more things like how the flies get their fitness, No they
cant run, or go on diets like we do, but like in the previous paragraphs. Fruit flies have a lot of
sex! Since they have so much sex we studied which gender (male or female) loses the most body

Ronnie Thomas-Johnson
Biology Article
July 16, 2015

fat, mid gut, hind gut, and so on! Then it was proven that females flies are much better at diet
treatments than male flies.
Scientist also studies the expressions of fruit flies by looking at the fitness charts
that they collected. Male flies do have bigger expressions than the female flies. From this data
we can find the sexually antagonistic genes formed in any organism. The scientists were looking
at the intersections between the genes the negative genetic or the positive genetic correlation of
adult fitness. From the results of the data we can determine sexually antagonistic genes can
commute administrative mechanisms present in the ovaries and testes.
In conclusion the data of the fruit flies direct test the knowledge, identity, quantity
and location of sexually antagonistic genes in organisms. From the data it showed sexually
antagonistic selection is unimportant for the effect on fitness genes because good genes were no
longer overlooked in sexual selection. In sex limited tissues provides evidence of sexual conflict,
since gland in males and sperm storage organs in females are known as coevolution in malefemale flies. For better understanding the linkage of the genes of each arrangement beneath
conflict will provide observation into processes that allow or prevent conflict resolution.


Ronnie Thomas-Johnson
Biology Article
July 16, 2015

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