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Ultrasonic Level OL Coe Intrinsically Safe and Non-Intrinsically Safe EET er Eee CEI MDTotco @ Pagoa Introduction Mounting iia: — ‘Mount ths monitor so that the fave of the sansor is at least 25 cm. ‘Tho Ueasone Level Montes tobe ud enn te manner io : = or Lovol Monts ey nth hove he get anbobatd vl “Te utscric ve mentor combines swe andlactonise Threaded Single packago. tis designed to mossure tad lel In open 0 osed vessels. The process pat cers) is Tati lowing tre Urrasonic Level Morte to bo used ne wide varely ons, ‘specially fod ardchamiet, “The sonsor houses tha lvasoni eneducor and tempoatizo sensing element. The unit risa earls of ubasonis pulse rom to transducer. Each puss efloctd a an echo from the mara and ‘eosed by tne ransduear and fs processed using Mone proven ‘Sonic ntligonce’tockriquse. Fitg le appled to habs a & FL] snes oc ware LoEveauLr C =a ( on ts Te : ogo wil chango trom fl opal te nleate operation status. ‘llc the Wali’ paviod, a? con vil sppeat fran LOE FAULT indeatin. When avai ecko is agaln ceed, "Good Inciaton wil sume, ete fo Treublashoatng on page 17 eles Page 10 Uirasonic Level Monior WOT 2024 © WOT a0a4 Uasonio Level Monitor Paget Calibration, Scrolling Method Blanking “The ano 20 A calraton vals canbe solctes where The 4 ancl 20 7 call Le ee areal er homa Blanking is used to lgnoe the zone In tont of the tanscucer wher {frgot cannes bo provided This method can lc be used vm the ‘uit eva obtane by Whe Reloreno Method (20 page 8). ‘Bhima ocanmondea rang vio 05m (OBE DA can “Tochange to stored oalbrtion value, obtain thee 4 '° 2" eee ‘Spey Phe callaton vals maybe ereased by preseing To "20" oy or docreaso by prossing thes" key. When the dspey has ‘Selo eto doses vale, sop prosang the kay. The dplay fauomatcaly roves to the Run mode (6 360). ‘4 mA calibration | mAcatteation sate iow red & mA calbraton vate “450m oO PRIER) creme ee MEE EL,| tow ctoratn vel change te sored blanking value oban tho dsl. The Ht som ‘lnhng valu may be renee by pressing the 20 ayo subsequonty doctoasod by pressing fe, Wren the Asay has sctallec tothe dented valu, etop presting th kay. Te depay automaticaly rtums to tho Fun ode 6 2). LETT] new careton velo ie) TA) seas 20 mA calibration P=. Beh (THEY wervera te EE Sri | 20mA colbraion Lue Sia} Le. 026m eESg) omsts =o Incase blanking Lo, eee “3 IG (1) clave cope ig} seis (“tear ) decrease to desired oo OCH =e =o regan | G35] Sg : FASE] nvamaeg vn FFULLE, | row celtraton valve Ltt ae} FATE] ewes th wa For tasarsroling, hold the key depressed duro the banking - Ne ce) REE ererteees ‘adjustment and release when dosted vais cbialrod WOT 202% c Uitrasonic Level Monit ‘Wor a0 Uirasoris Level Monitor Page Page @ rasonie WOT 2024 Utrasonie Level Mentor Page © Speed of Response “The spacd af response adjustment allows the user ocotetvly eat ‘numberof peraing pararstrs ‘moasuremert Ist nk to whi the marr wl be eb to ‘response: Koop up withelse of charge Mmeasuramant cannot keop up with the rata of eval change, eo! to adustnent tom "to 2. Ie monitor st cannot Koop Up wit the tale ‘offal ebange, sto ausnentepton ‘Avoid choosing an oton tats 00 fst or {your appbsaton actor dsrtingtes batwoon apt lads in dscrnipaon: motion, and be mail (argo tac, ‘ior. gcriminsts botwoun tls achoas rom Sanoustal aed elotel nove and tho meter (target rte, {alsefe timer: ssteishes th Waltng pated rom ths te 8 {ots of ecto or operating fut condon sts ‘ell he aslo dota sated Fail-Safe {nthe evont loss of echo ot aut condon excweds th Walla pata (soe Speed of Response on page 1), tbe 7 eon appears fad ono of te folowing farsa deus is krmedtey ected, Ty mal reading ra 4 hols 2 | emo 4 2 roid a hold ed old hols proportonal span Invert proportone span factory detaut “To change te flea dofautcbin he "FLS' py, Seok {omard through te options (1-2) by preselng te 20" kay. Scroll the desire option is cspayed, stop prasing ta hey. The display ‘wil automatealy rum tho Fun modo (© 230. aLae Hee oy wie pFLS = {3.3 fémin), eat aa t “aaa | sn sae (16.4 timin) oad 7 ee ee ‘Teer |e epee Wu ot Ertl an Ne eed Ss] wm: Inept enter cro ay ct ms ieeccrecmee ta rmmraraon it, ; the dasired apiion is displayed, stop pressing the key. Tho display ian ‘Soe eet rca @ tra} EGE | sont ctcse = a oS} aes oH 2] ee TS] ams ee = iat aon aera ——baesnueae has Units “Tho uns ofthe mescuromont reading canbe sailed as flows = maires m lactoysating) 2a toot ‘The salctod unite ao aloo applicable tothe ‘Biaklng and”Aem’ guste, ‘Tochange he uns obtain he "Ur pay. Sel foward tough the epions (1-2) by pressing the ‘20 hey, Sol backward Shrough te options (21) by passing the“ key. When 0 shed opton is cslayed sop proseng fe key. Tho Gepay wl ‘utomacaly ram fe Bun mods (© 200), a tin ont Seme FF) curentopton ‘ Tom pion let ] optone Blood Supplement Measurement Interval ee mi ht Troublesh« ee Waiting beeper jooting “The echo le not ellie and tho monitor le waiting or 2 valid echo before updating the ‘meaouroment| Probable cavooe ara ‘+ stati or choot in contact wih sensor thos 4+ The unt too closet ho Mt pont ‘+ Tho unt Ienotperpandoularto te bau surface + chungo tn velo fst + measurement out rarge + fosmon tqucsurtace igh oval ef vbatlon Inthe mounting sates + evel inside ho blanking zone ‘The Walt’ period has expired. Invectigatothe probable cause above. LOEIFaut Roter to Speed ot Rasponse on page 14 for ‘uration of Wasting porode. Page 16 UnrasonioLevelMonior” -MDT2024 © WOT 2024 ‘Uivasonic Level Monitor Page 7 Dimension Details ox noes om yd Ler —_ ‘Omax Tefzel® ‘Totzsl*Is@ tuoropolymor nat o most chemical. For exposure to spect envonmorss, cnece with chamical compasblay chats Defoe inetating and opertng tho montorinyour epplcalon. “Tofzol*is.arogisttod trade mak of DuPont Patents Instrument Housing Design: + Canada 70045 2 USA: Greswro7 Garman: Maanozrea 2 oe poate 3 France: Banaras 2 Sepa soni? lecrones Seno + usa 5267219 Sasione ux: 2ee080 pale epplcations in UK., Canada, Europe, Aton, Austraka Specifications Power: THB t6 26 ¥ dat monte 04 Auge Shop earet “Sato mame Environments: "satan cinder eteoor Sete 2000 mee arson Somnus 40 60% 40 40°F) Torperetue 00 (| te mar rma Ruity: sult fr cto! (ype XT NEM AX POS rcs) orang of Spots dayes C POistasm (05s 1648) Gaateor) Beam Angie: eo" a8 8 boundary Memory: SrotltleEEPROM, vo bate reqiod Programming: 2 tact Hs ‘Tarmpereture Compansatin: batt componoats rer te operating mage. ipiay: "Paid neta ‘thes 9 mm (0.8 gt ores of tence betwen santo te and mated ‘mutica! rahi for epraten oats mA Output rage 4 20mA ope ‘programe propel ‘eteurnyt ab ath oote Sresauter: Sm (G25) ‘Steed 8600 os ho op load at 24 V de epply ‘Construction: combines snoor nd latronn package eensorhousr ematena Teta meng: ‘tae 02° NPT, 2° BSP PD Septem! etlange sseier Seloctenics —emateat ore ows Stocas! — chrgect 22 87, nck Ou fr ‘onl arn? plc eon eral Beek fr 28 mn? a) aa ett rm (10g) ‘ate wea Enclosure Rating: yp A NEMA 4 1P6 Wight: 15 Ka 39%) Avprovele: CE, EMC peermance aaialo on aquest, ‘Shonsoaly eae SSA, FM, etna eto for Close 8H, D1, A. 2,6.0.0,€.F- Grazia ooon SAK Evins TeP6s, Cac Zona EASE A CENELEC, Ea 14, Temb = 60°C Ex 502082 Page 18 Uirasoric Level Monitor MOT 2034 WOT 20-04 ironic Level Monitor Page 19 Important Safety Notice opr ann a pal et ha ale, operant WD Telco a sapotoma, Wenn bea eon spac eae im we oven endo anon teen teil os ret uaa cores ei be Limited Product Warranty “THE FOLLOWING WARRANTY S EXCLUSIVE AND IN UEU OF ALL OTHER annasries Wnerten pions Meue0 08 STATUTORY AGLLONG, SUTNOT SY WAY GF UMITATION, Ah? WARRANTY OF MSRGHANTABLITY OF NESS FOR ANY FARNGLAR PURPOSE |. Ary prod tih as bon rape cr ats sch ewe. he Goan’s Repamen cosa tw pase esol fy ae ean. ‘ned or eatery case ComparySehorae ty. 8. Ary protic as, ine Caress gener tan ej econ, Soir or seprsomgs ©. Ary posateiohha bao atau eps end matanadinascrsres ‘th Fooal praca and wean eevee os Company For atone spac ear by Bue nin 2 ct mange by Coneany. ‘Boje Shue warty er orc tos ransene ate! "he Gonparr's cblpton nes wary ls nao apa. cr th pan, Il ry post rin sar edt oe rari wns [fp worry poco. Motto rrepraten pro aod notte ‘reraroc smote Corp sera lb ery But, Coa ‘Gormiarapeaton ste fn atapad ao epic anar Srey ee ay rane etn Foeaaoatcnnorstyts | ‘Sempan. Company ray, cow cos sn tot puss ceo ‘Ste act Conca dave rar oon de Sale Reamer ‘hoes tutti pase relscannt pa sab ame by Be ‘agaceous prs pred tnt ote cts ware ae Waareaa Pe ‘sa a he wry pss lhe pose apo ion vaabats Be ae (Sto ss auc parts we egal Copernic ‘Tho warany pee tr vaso promt a ‘A tate, Mecano Bauer oe) yan om ef salon Fite (sorte ie spars kar Cary, he’ ct ik Alain Dagar: {6 ert te tcf ape fam Company Ne neatorama Company’ andar wane te ops as tein ‘iberenued unin aone ony by aneuborces Copan operas ‘rote soapanss oa [LUT or REMEDY ASO LNTATONOF LALIT. 1 PewEDES reer eM aa set reece \ Cea. S eae asi POND Se SEEpAD Core see ie Seo nena oie, Sate eee we ra on cena mane Cos SESSMENT once |.NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY B= LABLE FOR DIRECT NOT, IRIDEWTAL On Co\BeoueN IAL OaNAGeS RE@ASDLESS OF Te FORM OF -AGTION, WHETHER N CONTRAGT. STRICT UABILTY ORIN TORT (NCLUONG NecuiceNcs) NoRFON Lost PROFITS "aoe * Page 20 Uirasonic Lavel Monitor ——— MDT 2028

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