Civil Enforcment Officer

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Civil enforcement officer by shainur ullah
Civil enforcement officer peter riley has been on the job for five years now giving
parking ticket fines to cars that are parked in the wrong space, or for too long and to
those who havent paid a parking ticket in the first place. It is a hard job dealing
with peoples anger or annoyance when receiving a parking fine and some shout,
some get annoyed, and some accept it and some go violent even. Peter enjoys this
job for only one reason and that is so that he can go for long walks as well as
keeping an eye out for people parking in the complete wrong way.
Civil enforcement officers or even parking attendants as they can be called that as
well are not very popular in the eyes of the public. They are seen as the annoying
pests who only make things harder and some are too prideful to take on such a job
even if they are unemployed. The money is reasonable and every day is something
different. Peter strolling the streets and many drivers get nervous who are parked
somewhere and some drive off knowing that they had parked in the wrong spot,
then peter spots a car.
It was an Audi and it was parked on double yellow line with even a sign warning
drivers not to park there. Peter goes up the Audi and observing it and giving the
driver of this Audi a ten minute grace before giving it a ticket. In front of peter he
notices an intimidating 6 foot man in a cafe who clearly has an angry look on his
face and peter now knows who owns the car. After the ten minute grace was given,
peter slowly prepared the fine using his machine and the man in the caf clearly not
enjoying what peter is about to do. Peter looks away and quickly gives the fine on
the Audi and quickly walks off. After a full days work Peter was glad to finally go
home to his two bedroom house which is on rent, as he steps in the front garden a
man quickly goes up behind him with a gun up his back. Peter scared but silent and
calm and listens to the mans instructions.
Get inside the house a deep voice commanded peter to follow the instructions
Unlucky for peter no one was around and he was too scared to scream or struggle in
case he got shot.
As peter slowly stepped up to his door with stranger behind him he also heard other
people also coming onto his front garden but they were the gun mans men. As
peter was finally inside his house but unfortunately with a few strangers, he had a
good look at the guy who was pointing a gun in his back and it was that guy he was
staring at in the caf, the one who owned the Audi. This man also brought 3 of his
tough guy friends.
Look guys I am just a civil enforcement officer its my job to give parking fines to
cars parked too long or in the wrong position Peter tried explaining as well as in a
begging tone
and your point is the man with the gun replied

I am just a guy doing his day job Peter tried explaining who was now scared
Do you know who I am the man with the gun asked peter
Erm no Peter replied shivering
Well your going to get to know me now and my name is luke castlefield and I am
the most feared in underground and nobody ever in all the time that I have been
living in all of my 28 years, has someone ever stood up to me except you Luke told
I was not standing up to you I was just doing my job peter tried explaining
Peter got a little beating from the guys but not too hard and they left breaking a few
things and peter managed to get up and go into the shower. He is lucky to the
extent he lives alone and was glad when they left and hoped to never see them
ever again. Being a civil enforcement officer you need to have a quality where you
can forget things because people will give you some kind of trouble doing the job
peter does. The next day Peter got up and got ready for work forgetting what had
happened the following night and as he was checking out any cars that needed a
fine, he noticed a ford car parked in a no parking zone. As peter started walking
towards the car it blew up and peter fell to the ground luckily he didnt get close
enough where he would get burnt but felt dizzy and light headed. He was allowed to
go home early after being checked by the medical team and as he got home, he
noticed his front door was kicked in.
Peter rushed in to see a group of 5 thugs who grabbed him and took him into a car
and again no one was around to see it again. Peter was scared and trying to reason
with the thugs and wanting to know where he was being taken and he was told that
he would be tortured. As the criminals drove up to the place they had planned to
torture peter, it had been raided by the police but luckily the criminals were at a
distance where their car was not seen and they drove off calmly. The criminals
abandoned the car and shouted at peter You lucky bastard fuck off will ya and
they set the car on fire as they all ran off and peter knew the area he was present
in. They would have burnt peter in with the car but it was too risky and they needed
to get off quick incase the police found them.
Peter managed to get home and slept straight away, in the middle of the night he
got a knock at the door and it was a man with a limo zine waiting for peter. Peter
got into the Limo zine and was driven to a fancy restaurant where Luke was also
resent and so was Lukes father who was one of the head gang of the biggest
criminal underworld who sold drugs and other illegal substances.
So what is this about? Lukes father wanted to know
This piece of shit gave me a parking ticket Luke told his father
Sir please its my job, I am a civil enforcement officer or a parking attendant Peter
tried explaining

Lukes father got up and punched his son in the stomach and shouted You lousy
piece of shit, you made me waste some of my precious time for this crap! I could
have been getting on with more important things. We maybe criminal but we are
not scum and I do have some respect for the normal man and pay this guy or
whatever he is for fucks sake I am getting out of here! Lukes father shouted
Robert surprised as to what happened but even though the fine didnt get paid
peter was let go, when peter got to his house. As he was about to get to the door a
man wearing a mask shot peter and then dropping the ticket fine on his head. Peter
awoke in hospital and was off work for about 4 months, after having some time to
heal peter was ready to go back to work.

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