I Left Because of Evolution

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I left because of evolution

Malik is at the front of his house he had left years ago at the age of 20, now 40
years old, he looks petrified at knocking on the door of his parents house. He
thinks about his two younger brothers; one would be 35 now and the other 28.
As malik knocks on the door he could hear something shuffling inside and the
door opens, as his aging mother looks at him, malik smiles with a horrified look.
Maliks mother says nothing and she just goes inside leaving the door open and
malik walks in to see the house is in a mess. There are unpaid bills everywhere
and he looks around the 3 bedroom house he ran away from, he then spots in a
room his father who is ill and is connected to a machine. His father has suffered
from liver failure and is not awake to see his abandoned son return to the house
From a bangladeshi origin, malik brought great shame onto the family for
running away and left what the oldest bangladeshi child in a Bengali family
should do, to look after his family, when the eldest child reaches of age. Malik
has family in Bangladesh as well in which they had relied upon maliks family in
england to survive as maliks father owned a restaurant. Maliks father earned
enough to build a house in bangladesh for thier cousins in bangladesh and gave
them money from the profits made from the restaurant. Malik along with his
brothers were expected to take over and do the same as their father and give
money to thier family in bangladesh. Malik at the age of 20 couldnt take the
pressure of his culture and what he had to do and ran away.
So what brings you back? his mother says to him in a depressed tone who also
knows English
I wanted to see the family malik replies
And.. do you like what you see? she says to him in a mocking depressing
Malik clearly knowing how she feels about him being here, he decides not to talk
to his mother for now and wait a little longer. Malik is curious to know about his
two younger brothers and his cousins in bangladesh. It became midnight and his
father still a sleep and his mother sits next to him and asks him Why did you
really leave us?
Evolution Malik replies who is clearly intelligent
What the hell are you talking about evolution? his mother replies in an
annoyed tone
I wasnt going to survive here with all of the pressure and expectations, life over
here was not good and I didnt want my offsprings, my children, to grow up
around here. So I left to a better place where my children and thier lives would
be much better, thats evolution, leaving something else behind to go to
somewhere else to grow and to evolve better Malik replied

Maliks mother slapped in the face and shouted how dare you, you selfish cruel
human being!
And you have children with another woman outside of the family! maliks
mother shouted
Thats evolution mother and I left for something better and evolution can be
cruel Malik replied
Maliks mother sat back in the sofa with a tired look on her face and she had to
something to say to malik about his reason for leaving, which is evolution. She
stared at the wall for a moment and malik asking her questions about his two
younger brothers and his cousins in Bangladesh, maliks mother was just silent
and staring into space for a moment. Tears started running down her face.
Kalam committed suicide 5 years ago and faisal has gone off to war without our
permission but in the end we just let him as our family is wrecked anyhow and
we havent heard from him. Your cousins in Bangladesh however; we couldnt
afford to keep sending them money because the restaurant fell apart, your uncle
in that poor country shot his family and then himself knowing that his family
would go homeless in Bangladesh. Your right Malik, evolution is cruel, crueler
than Allah and I am just about keeping this house together by working in a
school as a dinner lady
Malik had a surprised look on his face and went into the front room to just think
about what he had just heard. He was along in that front room and started to
weep for his Kalam who committed suicide and for his cousins in Bangladesh. He
felt as if their blood was in his hands and thought about what he had said to her
about his reason of leaving and about evolution, he stayed over for the week and
told his mother about his English wife who converted to islam and their two
children who are both boys, one who is 3 years old and the other still a baby. His
mother seemed disinterested and then a phone call came from the army, faisal
has returned with a leg cut off which he had lost in combat.
Malik went to the hospital faisal was sent to, maliks mother at the time was too
depressed to even see her third youngest son in this condition. As malik saw his
third youngest brother in this condition he hugged him and faisal started to cry
and malik reassured him its going to be ok faisal, I am here now and I am so
sorry and malik and faisal reconciled in the hospital, faisal was still to be in a
the hospital for the next couple of days. As malik returned to his childhood home,
he could hear his ill father calling his name malik...malik come up here
As malik went upstairs and his father smiled at him and he held his hands,
maliks father looked at him as he was ill and knowing his time is limited.
Father I am sorry I am so sorry malik spoke to his father
I forgive you maliks father spoke to maliks surprise

I know times have been tough on this family, but I follow the holy Quran and I
will forgive you for your misdeeds. Malik come back to this family and bring it
together and restore however best you can, I hope you will do right by us
maliks father spoke
What about my mother? malik replied
She will always love you and all of her children Maliks father spoke
Malik left for a couple of days and when he came back with his family and two
boys, his brother faisal was there in a wheel chair and he handed his baby boy to
his mother and she cried as well as smiling. He went up to his dying father who
smiled upon maliks 3 year old boy and holding his baby boy and said the family
is healing now

Malik took his family home and when he returned to his parents house, he had a
sad look on his face. His mother questioning him on his return to bring back
honour and the family back together. Malik though looked at her and said no
and his mother had a concerned look her face.
Isnt that why you came back? maliks mother professed
I came back to have one last look at what I had left and I can officially move on.
I just wanted to see you one last time before I offcially cut myself from you
Malik confessed
Maliks mother enraged once again knowing that her son is going to leave forever
again and that he only came back to have one last look. Malik tears running
down his face says I am sorry and his mother shouted NO! How are we meant
to survive! and malik replies I survived and I showed you my family to show
you what I had achieved
Malik leaves once again and never comes back.

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