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Edit (May 1st, 2012):

In tribute all those in Ms. Danners 8th hour class of the 2010-2011 school year who
fought and suffered for our great cause of independence and justice
We, the people, find it no longer productive to live under the tyranny that is
Dannerland. Now, we declare, with great joy, our independence. In the course of
human events we find necessary to fulfill our dreams and desires. We will go to
great lengths to finish what shall be finished and accomplish what shall be
accomplished which includes right of freedom, life and most importantly the right to
seat-check. The tyrant Danner has neglected many things including political reform,
economic reform, as well as educational reform. By doing this the Danner has
forever violated our natural rights, something we will never take liking to nor
something we will never forget. We, hereby, knowing the monumental
consequences of our decisions may lead to our inevitable demise, create the
Democratic Republic of Communist Students of Seat-Check-onia. So just to recap,
we told we were declaring independence, then we provided details why like the
ideal student would, after that we told how this could lead to our demise, and
lastly we told you the name of the country. So we hope youre fine with this
because you really cant do anything about it.

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