Med Rev Court Documents

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RoceIVRO wyscHE: 02/11/2038 ‘TLED?_ONONDAGR COUNTY CLERK 02/11/2015 11:57 Ay NYSCEF 005. 10, 24 STATE. OF NEW YORK - DEPARTMENT OF LA\ ‘SWORN STATEMENT. ate 20] Jef piace: “Torre _uace _N/ STATEOFNEW YORK} easy ie ‘COUNTY OF FRANKLIN | Jessice RIN, depose and a > tae Bin tegen esa ea pete New ‘York, 13986, 2) On February 23,2013, [received «call from Med-Rev regarding an account of ‘mine tha is incolleston account. The woman onthe phone stated the conversation very rudely, stating that [owed money and demanding tht | make 8 Peyment thal day. [told her that Thad already paid. She then raised her voice and. accused me ofhaving cancelled my check. She sereamed at me many limes, repeatedly asking, “Why did you eancel your check?” I old her | didnot cancel my check, but she did not stop yelling that Towed the company money and that | must pay it ow. 3) told the Med Rev representative that I woul have to physi bank 75 miles away to figure out what happened withthe ced ‘newom baby, which made doing that next to impossible. She tld me that she 4id not even believe I had a baby. [told her that | dia’ appreciate the tone she ‘vas using. She continued to yell at me and demanded pay right then ina very ‘de tone twas apparent that she was relly mad at me but Idi not understand vey, 4) Lesked to pea with her supervisor, but she sereamed “Tam the supervisor.” 1 then asked to speak with whoever was shove her, and she seamed “I AM THE FUCKING SUPERVISOR!" I started to ery because I was so upset and did not ‘now what oo. I told er that bad to first speak to someone at my bank so 1 could se what the problem was. Inresponse, she yelled "Fine, if you don’t want to pay then wl contact the Distit Attomey’s Office and you will pay!” You ee going to pay ths bill” She then hung up the phone on me- 5) {called my bark to find out what happened because I had not canceled any cheeks, It tured out that a few months peor to February 2013, I had ordered checks but they were sent back othe bank because the address had been printed incorrectly. When Ipaid Med-Rev by phone check, Med-Rev did not ask me to provide any paticular check number, but Med-Rev apparently used a number from a checlethat had been in the batch that had been sent back. ‘The bank had canecled those check numbors, not me, 6) wasstill very upset about how I had been treated onthe phone, but now that 1 ‘understood watt happened and understood that I owed a payment, called Med- Rev back o make that payment, The supervisor egain answered the phone. Knowing I wis going to report her behavior othe Better Business Bureau, 1 ‘asked for her ame. She told me her name was Jamie, When I asked for her fll name, she yeled “Jsime - there you have my name - that’s all you're getting!" 1 ‘ge her my card number but she sereamed “I old you that you stopped payment, ‘and your card will berun through on Monday!" Janie then hung up the phone on 7) On February 23, 2013 (the day I received this call from Med-Rev), I filed an online complaint with the Better Business Bureau because I wanted her to be reprimanded fr what she hed done 8) Jie Fortine did not spond tothe Beter Business Bureaus frst attempt to reach them about my complaint. The BBB re-set the complaint on March 2, 2013 and Jamie [si] Fortino responded that with two sentences, “I have Fesponded to tis complaint. Tere is nothing else to say she isthe one who wrote the check whi was retumed, 9) tam Bears old and acknowledge at ha med il hat hat a gon ald Howes feel tats ttl inappropriate to be treated as Iwas by is Superviso, Janie. Ske ylled te, teaed mt. sore ame and tren sale Dist Atomey's ofc overa cock tint had bea anced deta technical athe bank Jie ad no ih speak to menus manera Dolev ber conc wes legal Novice (Penal Law, see. 210.45) ITIS A CRIMB PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR UNDER THE, LAWS OF THE STA“E OP NEW YORK, FOR A PERSON, IN AND BY WRITTEN INSTRUMENT, TO KNOWINGLY MAKE A FALSE ST ‘A STATEMENT WHICH SUCH PERSON DOES NOT wom ome this [24 soe Decembue Renae he PUBLIC tite (FEEED:_ ONONDAGA COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2015 03:23 PM) NDE NO. 201SBFE63 RECEIVED MYSCEF: 03/06/2015 EXHIBIT 13 funper 1 MED-REV Recoveries, TOTAL COLLECTION SOLUTION 100 Metropsitan Pak Dive ‘THE INDUSTRY LEADER Sut 100 Liverpool, New Yr 13088 ‘wiemedreraecoc March 1,2013 Batter Business Bureay Ine, Attention: Jessica Polen 100 Bryant Woods South Amherst, NY 14228 Reference: jessica” >R se Deer Ms. Poleon: We are in receipt of your letter dated Febniary 25,2013 in regards to Ms, R esMs.R did have het check returned by her bank due to stop payment, She did make the check good but it was Ms. R ‘that was yelling and sereaming on the phone not only to myself but othe other employees inthe office that ad also answered the phone, As you can se ftom her lengthy statement she goes on nd on and makes no sense in what she says. The bottom line is her check was returned by hor bank and she war responsible to resolve the retumed check. Eleanbe i ther asistance please let me know. Since, Foutbuo President Phone GIS) 498-4219 « Fax 315) 488-4592 + weninedovnncom

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