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Lesson Plan

(Derek Witmer/ 1st grade Social Studies/




The students will learn about a compass, maps, keys and their


Given Teacher instruction, the students will be able to identify the
different directions on compass Rose to 75% accuracy, and
read/interpret a map key to 85% accuracy (Standard 7.1.1.A Identify
Geographic tools.)


Teaching Procedures:
(3 Minutes) Anticipatory Set:
A. Students will be asked if they know what a map is. The Teacher then
will show the students a map of the United States and ask if the
students are able to point to the state they live in.

B. The teacher will point to a compass rose on the map and ask if the
students know
what it is, or what it does.

(10 Minutes) Development:

A. The teacher will explain that a map is a way of knowing and
identifying your
B. The teacher will show a compass rose and explain that it is a way of
knowing which
way to go to get to your destination.
C. The teacher will also explain the purpose of a map key, to represent
locations by certain symbols.

(10 minutes) Guided Practice:

A. The students will be given a worksheet where they, with a partner,
will work to
determine where the different pieces of a compass go, and
use it to find locations
on a map. Students will also circle, underline,
box, star, etc. different symbols from map
key on the actual map.

Worksheet: ( )
- Modification to worksheet: (Add map key with symbols for tree,
mountain, road, etc.)
B. The teacher will circulate the room and assist students who are
having trouble.

(7 minutes) Independent Practice:

A. The students will be given a worksheet with a blank cut-able
compass rose and will be
asked to glue the directions in the right place.
Worksheet: ( )
B. The teacher will circulate the room and give assistance as needed to
students who
may be struggling.

(5 minutes) Closure:
The Teacher will draw a big map on the board with a key and ask
students to read the
key and point to different locations on the



Compass worksheet, map worksheet (with modifications), chalk,

scissors, glue, map of
the United States with compass rose and key,
pencils or crayons, compass


Adaptations/Plan Modifications:

Teacher will have an interpreter to help student understand with

hearing impairment to understand what is being taught. While working with
partners, interpreter will work
with student.



A. Formative: Teacher will take note on how the students are

participating during group
work, partner work. The evaluation will not be
B. Summative: Teacher will assess students on their ability to correctly
identify the directions on a compass rose. Assessment will be given the next

VII. Reflection:
A. Student were the students able to identify the correct locations on
a compass rose to 75% accuracy?
B. Teacher Did the students remain on task? Did the students
understand directions for assignments? Should I make changes for
next year?

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