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Grand Book of the


Hello,i have gathered all sith knowledge into one book,The Book of Darth Silus is one of the
many many books of The Grand Book of the Sith.If you wish to read,read it all,read all this info
good,not just one book or two books,but all of this information.
Print if nessasary.
No infringment in intended on anyone.

The Sith Code

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
The above statement is rather obvious in its meaning: the Universe is always in motion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

By embracing the truth of the Universe, we gain energy and motivationwe are filled with ourselves.

Through strength, I gain power.

The result is that you advance and grow, and therefore gain and advantage and often get what you want.

Through power, I gain victory.

This refers to the success experienced by following this path.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

Success leads to the overcoming of failure and pain, freeing us from the clouding chains we put on ourselves, and
the chains others place on us.

The Force shall free me.

The final step is the unlimited expansion possible from this path.ultimate power. There is a fictional Sith
prophesy that one totally freed by the force shall lead the Sith to victory, and destroy them, leading them all to
freedom themselves, as a messiah figure.

The Sith Code (with explanations)

Sith Anthem
Tell us not to fight and we will fight untill the end
Manipulate the enemy until he is your friend
Looking through his mind you just might find the force you need
The war is won and all is done and off the foe we'll feed
There is only passion and through passion we gain strength

We always fight the battle and we'll go to any length

For as we gain our power we shall find our victory
And now the chains are broken and the force has set us free
- Peace is a lie
Written by Darth Stolas, Sith Lord

Book one
The Book of Darth Silus
The Sith Tibits of Darth Silus
(The Power of Pain):
A Siths power is not in his hands, nor feet, nor body
A Siths power is in his power
As a cocoon it is
Yet is only one butterfly, and plenty of serpent
The cocoon is power and power a Sith
A Sith is at one with power, therefore as well with truth, then nature
The serpent do squirm and pass, yet also does the cocoon stirring with itself, soon yet never that
which is destined
So as the Sith cry forth their mighty grip and blow
The weak masses do cry, and a swift voice reply, It is so!
Red do they see so black do they grow, and so knowledge of the shadow many shall never know,
even past an opposing great blow
Stagnation, an end?


Stability, that is what one searches for
Enlightened and unenlightened alike; the driving force of religion
Yet the only constant is instability
The enlightened seek not their drive from this fact, rather the beyond
The Sith way, as conflict a blinding light of truth
There is neither stability nor instability, there is enlightenment and unenlightenment
Only is there the windswept mountain

Climb its steps, for is the summit above and on which is the cool air
Observe yourself below as the grand countryside, observe the conflict, observe stability and
instability observe and command, meditate
Upon that barren place you will find self, command self, start your great journey, and for the first
time, be self


Love brings us to many things. In fact, as ugliness is a derivation of beauty, so is hate a form of
love. Love is attachment where focus, in one form or another, (be it true or not,) is centered on
another, and a desire to understand this focus of love takes place. This attachment is very
powerful, and since control is inherently given up in such a state, it is very powerful in molding
the motivation of a person. Love, than, easily transmutes into different forms. (Thus why the
border between passion and stalking is so fine.)
As hate and anger direct one in a positive manner, (directs you to work towards creating
something,) love often directs in a negative manner, for it stipulates behavior and leads to, often,
the desire to control and destroy.
Therefore, love that is regulated by positive motivation, such as standards, is much more stable.
Creating love versus the desire to gain it is a way to achieve it in the traditional sense. One must
keep in mind, though, that love being created is sometimes like painting with frozen oil paints...
its hard work, takes energy, and is easily messed up and destroyed. So the desire for the
creation of love must at one point be mutual.
However, we should not overlook the power of negative motivation either. Loving thy enemy
is perhaps indeed a powerful weapon. The best way to hate is to love in a passionate way. It
makes the existence of the attacker much more personal, and ultimately, love is more fluid in its
transmutation, so Naturalis is given some credit even in scheming.
Love is also a powerful tool in social interactions. All forms of love have their place, providing
they are controlled. Love directs our lives in equal proportion to our hate and anger.
Everything we do and say comes from love and hate. The two are inseparable as well, for as a
love of talk comes breeds, comes from, or is at one with the hatred of loneliness. So realizing
this duality and ascending it would equate to learning and growing. Love and hate, than, are
perhaps one of the most basic platforms from which the Conflict-Victory-Conflict chain raises.
It could also be said that the basis beneath the Jedi and Sith that subconsciously separate them is
that, due to the oneness of love and hate, the Jedi call all love, while the Sith call all hate. (Yet
both are aware of the latter picturethey have just grown from different soils.) The Sith are
driven by positive, central motivation, while the Jedi are driven by negative, selfless motivation.
Which makes sense, because love and hate are perhaps the purest example of Yin-Yang, and thus
are intertwined with Yin-Yang Motivation. This but not that, (or not this but that,) and so comes

Humans are obsessed with reality and what is of essence. Yet dreams vex us as we often try to
apply order to them when perhaps the dream realm is beyond the rules of our waking realm.
Some have pondered that when we are in our dream state it becomes reality, and when we wake
that that becomes our reality, and the confusion when we are waking is the transitioning of
realities. This seems to fall into the same error of imposing order though.
Perhaps dreams are observations instead of unexplainable myths beyond the waking realm;
observations of ourselves and forces driving our lives or maybe a primal form of meditation.
This would make sense, as because scientists often remark that REM, (rapid eye movement,
a.k.a.sleep,) is necessary for sanity, and allows the mind to do a form of defragmenting,
organizing the information gained during the day into a logical order within the brain.
To get away from the technical terms, dreaming is like the third eye; it looks inward, and by
doing so invariably looks outward through our own eyes. This is obviously confusing, so it
explains the lack of understanding of dreams. We see stuff we remember seeing, yet it is faded
and deep, and often emotional. This is because our consciousness has moved into our own mind,
(the subconscious has taken over,) and not only do we really see our waking sights, but also
our daydreams, hopes, and fears. Therefore dreams can interpreted not because they are logical
or orderly, (if they are so it is only because the dreamer is logical and orderly,) but because they
are a form of insight, core feelings that are unseen to a person except through their dreams.
Dreams let a persons core out for a breath of fresh air when they hold their self inward and
unaccepted in the waking hours. Since dreams are the inner eye, they know more about us than
we do, even if they themselves dont understand.
In this light, we probably forget dreams because that which they have expressed has been
satisfied and no longer nags at us. When we remember, we still havent grappled whatever they
are trying to let free, and thus we try to imply order on them, perhaps wanting to avoid the truth.
Dreams, therefore, are indeed the mechanism of sanity, yet are not abstract universes but merely
observations of ourselves through the body, accomplishing what our illusion and order driven
mind can not.

Memoirs Of A Sith Lord

Darth Vidyus Silus

Here lies the account of Darth Silus the First...


The problem of pettiness has long driven the lives of the great. Separation and destruction... yet
how? Knowledge has always been the answeraristocracy. Yet, in the quest for the exotic, the
beyond petty, one questions if there are better ways of manifesting superiority. Teaching, is the
first solutiondestroying pettiness directly. Omnichi and Manchithe Great Selffinally
answers this. What is within can be brought without, and controlled. Right Inner Seeing along
with the initial concept of Sith Mediation were the last pieces of the puzzle.
Two main discoveries have been made: Sensing and Rage. Sensing is the use of the sight of the
inner eye. The future can be sensed, yet this is just the beginning. Rage is a trance-like state
where the mind is non-passionate, yet the body goes into catatonic wrath. This, also, is just the
Another state has been theorized: Trick. This is when another persons or persons third eye is
blinded, causing aloneness, disorientation, or other possible symptoms. The best benefit of this
power is that the future can be clouded (along with other senses) from those who know Right
Inner Seeing or some parallel. The more powerful the target, the more powerful Trick is. It may
be theorized that fear could be cast in this matter as well, or perhaps more specific things. This
could allow Trick to do exactly its nametrick, or get someone to comply in a desired manner.
Other more physical states can be envisioned as well. Through physical training and concepts
similar to Rage, superior physical acts could be exercised. In an even more exotic manner, Rage
could be turned inward (as catatonia is capable of,) yet in a positive way, to allow
strengtheningpushing the body either in effort or in growth. Finally, it could be conceived of
doing the opposite to others: sapping their strength (and guiding it to oneself) or even causing
physical degeneration, (also, perhaps transferring the energy to oneself.)
Sith Meditation controls all of this, and so a chart of sorts could easily be created, and it would
be most orderly, as by Silosian Machinations, the entire scope can be mapped in branches, of
positives and negatives. Perhaps there are even Victoriesequaling a positive and negative,
than ascending them both. Pushes and Lightning may not be so alien someday, several
generations away... or less.

The loss of a soul... or rather the realization that a soul will not accept salvation is nothing but
disappointing, at its core, to a Sith Lord. Over the course of the past three days, I, Darth Silus,
have experienced such disappointment, as a chapter closed. Premonitions began the chapter, and
through their fulfillment it has come to an end. Soon before my transition to this new place of
residence I received the foresight that I would meet a young lady of darker skin, (yet not African
American,) and I presumed that she would be my apprentice. Upon arriving, and especially
touring the place where I would latter meet her, the feelings only got stronger. I foresaw the two
of us walking down a specific hallway with her on my right.
On the first day of seeing her, we did not speak, but something twanged within me about her. No
word but dark comes to mind more when recalling her that day. She immediately interested
me, she was dangerous... yet I had a special affinity and immunity to the danger I sensed.
The next day she asked if I was new as well, commenting how nice it was that she wasnt the
only one of her kind. Conversation grew and my philosophy and wit soon came out. In time,
she informed me that she was in some kind of rut or emotional down which she couldnt find
the way out of, or the reason for. She asked for my help.
The opportunity was irresistible, it seemed clear that soon I would harness this darkness and
danger into a formidable apprentice. Soon, however, I had the feeling that I was nothing but a

parrot, blabbering to make her more able to live with herself. Every problem was rested upon
me, and deeper ones were kept conveniently hidden. Soon the so-called rut had apparently
been swept away. My first vision was fulfilled as I had walked with her in that hallway with her
on my right with the exact demeanors I foresaw.
Yet my role remained the same, so I began searching for motivation. The result I came up with
at the time was that she was attracted to me... very attracted. Upon intricate examination through
prodding, specifically asking in which way our relationship should continue, I found that this
was not entirely the case.
Soon after she began to comment that I wasnt being real. In a conversation I tried being more
real by being totally compassionate and dispassionate. It seemed to work, but than any show
of humor or any reaction after was met with, at the very least, discomfort on her part. I now see
that this was an attempt to totally return me to my parrot-like position (as by prodding I had
gained an upper hand.) Upon reacting, and than explaining my outburst as a result of my fear of
not being myself by not being totally compassionate and dispassionate, she quickly changed
cards. She grew distanced again, and returned to her problems, specifically of her love interests
in a new friend of mine. It was at this time that I soon suspected that she was using him, along
with other crushes of hers, and her many problems (which were no doubt all sincere... yet
convenient,) to reel me in, and make me subservient, or at the least, on the same level as her.
Becoming angry I returned to my passionate practices, and began burning her again, which, as
one would suspect, made her quite angry. I asked if she was using my friend, leaving out any
more details other than those implied by the question, and the next day she was totally reserved.
Obviously I struck deeply with this comment, and she was taking up some guise that my burns
no longer affected her, (yet she left.) I repeated, before-hand, that all she need do was ask for me
to quit (a ploy to get her to be more direct,) upon which she simply replied, I dont care.
Furious, I wrote her an e-mail the next chance I had telling her my revelations about her, and
giving her one last chance, as well as an opportunity to ask for anything she wanted. The reply
was quite livid, mentioning that I was playing childlike games, acting like an 8-year-old, and
being an overall unfounded and cruelly accusing person.
I must admit that my faith was shaken for a moment... but than things grew clearer. In her email, she was still playing: she mentioned it as a second chance versus last, made an attempt to
make it possible for me to beg for forgiveness, and, most importantly, ended her e-mail with the
statement that however this ends I should know that is was never her intent to hurt either
myself or my friend. She wanted the step-up on me, still. I realized that her in her own way,
being a rationalizing person, she had excuses... and they werent hard to figure out.
In her mind, she was above normal and couldnt stand being subject under those who she
detested. The desire for normality and superiority... but perhaps, most of all, equality... led her to
rank, and thus rationalize on how she was better or the normal one. This no doubt arose from her
intense spite as a child, and cruel treating of others as a bully... which probably, in turn, arose
from family matters like unfair or cruel treatment. Thus, she obviously found a bone to pick
with me; thanks to being intimidating as far as emotion and intellect goes, as well as maturity. In
her mind, she was trying to bring me down to size as so I would be real and be, than, her
friend. Her problems and loves were also genuine in her head, perhaps, yet no doubt were
pleasantly convenient.
Not only does she have a psychotic need to be equal, but also one of being good. (And so her
philosophy that everyone has little light in them.) Thus it only makes sense for her response to
be that of false surprise and insult. The signs match up perfectly... there is no doubt.

My charisma, as well as my intimidation, explain the why me? I felt at first. Her psychotic
motivation explains the whole story, as well as my patience and compassion. I realized that this
wasnt a logical being, so it wasnt purely about control, but neither was it about mere
attraction... it was passion that drove her. Interestingly enough, by sticking in, I gave the girl her
final analysis, yet she rejected anything to do with ascending for a moment and observing, nor
changing. I can rest easy knowing, than, that the chapter didnt end prematurely, neither did it
end because of me. We are well separated now.
My last vision was thusly realized, (the outburst I foresaw from her for me revealing to her of the
way she thought of me,) had come to pass. Yet she gave me a beautiful and very rare gift: she
allowed me to see deeply, and even revel, in the mind of one so opposite of me. She allowed me
to see very intimately through the eyes of a psychotic human being... and what a beautiful gift
that was.
I am all the stronger for it and my dreams begin to soar again, as my horizons grow brighter as
day returns. Ive walked in the valley where few like me venture, and have returned to tell the
tale as an even greater Sith Lord.

The difference between the Sith and the Jedi lies in two main points:
Outlook. The Sith believe that any means should be employed to further
growth. The only evil is waste. The Jedi believe that in order to grow, one must
do what is good, just, and moral. Evil is much vaguer... but overall, is a lack of
reverence. The Sith struggle towards identity, and conquer, whereas the Jedi try
to work away from identity claiming that our true identities come from our
gifts, and serve. A Sith is a teacher, and a Jedi is a student.
Dealing with dualism. The Sith try and find attachment between their
gentle, reverent, peaceful, and soul-like qualities, and their violent, controlling,
powerful, and motivated side. The Jedi try to embrace their soul-like side, but try
to eliminate their darker side.
Overall, the Jedi are not very focused with growth, as with time it supposedly comes naturally,
yet they are very concerned with reverence, justice, fairness, balance, tranquility, serenity, and
receptivity. The Sith care little for fairness and only try to find the rests niche, yet they are very
concerned with growth.
Thus, in essence, both the Jedi and the Sith just are two different sides to the same coinboth
have a different philosophy on how to become unhindered. The Jedi believe that becoming
unhindered comes from purifying oneself of evil. The Sith believe that becoming unhindered
come from not limiting oneself from any means. (However, the Sith, since they seek
balance/attachment, are not quite as extreme. They see some means as having a net loss because
they are either for that case or by nature; wasteful... thus it is any means towards a goal that isnt
itself a waste.)

The Teachings of Darth Moor

Dark Jedi: Lecture #1

Dark Jedi
Man has seen a millennium of religion and belief, decorating civilization during his evolution
throughout the halls of time. What is true? What is false? What exists within the universe and
what is merely an illusion constructed by our own fears of insignificance? Gods have appeared
and faded throughout the balance of mystical belief and the epoch of physics. Yet when we are
alone and when we gaze towards the sky we feel a slight breeze chill our soul at the
indescribable premonition of there being more to the universe as can simply be described by the
cold vacuum of mathematics and geometry. And while we know of the attempt of mans logical
tools to describe a past of phenomena, we all realize as an absolute truth, that these tools lack the
dimension needed to truly grasp the rules behind the mist. Today we gaze towards a large
number of magic's, presented to man on a numerous scale of world views. Yet, engraved with
numerous names for the different sources of power, we have come together on this site in the
belief that all powers in the last stance, originate from the same source of power; the mystical
secret of the universe to enlighten those on the path of knowledge in denial to the logical tools of
man: that which we have come to describe as the force.
As our ancestors, so do we strive towards the mystical heritage of man and search the depth of
our souls for the answers that will lead us to understanding, power and enlightenment. We have
come to recognize that different paths can lead to the same goal. Each of these paths shows
advantages and disadvantages, but none is greater than the other on an objective scale of thought.
What allows us to decide for one of the three defined paths of light, darkness and the shadows,
lies in the substance of our ghost and soul. It is the aspect of self that decides on a subjective
scale of view, which path to choose. We are all the same, yet we are different. And thus the first
step to hearing the whispers of the universe lies within our capability to hear the whispering of
our own souls.
We are born as children. Children are given a set of moral and ethical views with which they are
to view their surrounding. These views are the sum of experiences of our race and are given to
use to be able to interact with our society. The important detail, is to see these views as a
guideline but not as an absolute truth. Many of our parents have taught us views towards society
and religion that they no longer believe on account of their personal experience. And yet they
teach us what is commonly appreciated as to assure our integration with humanity. The process
of life allows us to gather new experiences and thus our views are changed. Yet, the question is
to what degree can these views that were given to us be wrong? Assuming that there would be a
general right and wrong to a view or truth. As for an example, I am sure that there are many
people who would easily describe our force community as flawed by misconception. Yet if the
person working at your local bank sees your views as wrong, would you be inclined to regret and
refocus your perspective? Probably not. Yet man has taken a course of logic and neglected his
focus on the mystical. He has turned away from intuition and instincts and decided to use his
mathematical tools to understand his environment. Thus alone our presence on this site shows us
to have strayed away from a common view of the universe. And this is the first obstacle on the

path of self balance. The bank employee does not impress you to reconsider your path, yet what
if it were a friend? What if it was your partner? What if most of your friends cling to their
predefined view of reality? What if almost all mankind does so? We have all made the
experience that we lack the ability to broadly communicate with our surroundings on this matter.
Most people dont believe in an alternative view, since it is much easier for them to cope with
their fears when they believe to have a maximum of control over their environment. To believe
in the mystical means to add new variables. It means to admit, in the end, I know less than I
dreamed to know. And this frightens man. And thus they will not consider this aspect of
possibility, since it would make them feel more insecure than before. This is the reason they will
explain to you why you should see things the way they do, for it will reassure their views to be
stated as correct while you were simply wrong. A wanderer on the path of enlightenment,
determined to go an uncertain path bearing an uncertain reward must decide in favor of his
courage and serenity when following his path. Lest he only follow the desire for additional
knowledge, but decline the price to be paid. Most people who hesitate in the moment of mystical
consideration stop at this point. They decide that the price of spiritual loneliness, of
misunderstanding when interacting with their surroundings is too much to bear. It allows their
fear and insecurity to rise and at this point, the person unconsciously decides if he is of the sheep
or of the wolf. The sheep have an easy life. They exist on a field of grass and live together in
herds. They might wander a mile in one direction or the other, yet they are content at having one
another and only secondarily discovering their surroundings. Thus being the price for the
security of a community. On the other side we recognize the wolf in this example. I will speak of
the first wolf to understand his own existence as to befit my example. The wolf is born and of a
different substance. The wolf feels his urge to wander and so he passes through the land,
discovering his environment and searching for others of his kind. The wolf wanders to the top of
a hill and sees a herd of sheep in the valley. He gazes towards the sheep, noticing how they live
in herds and watches them move. He sees how they wander a mile in one direction or the other
and how they eat the grass, always looking down and only seldom gazing towards each other and
thus understands their nature. He decides that they are something different and wanders closer to
investigate them further. After slowly moving closer, he hesitates once more. For he sees the
heard near a pond. He is unsure if it was merely a light reflection, yet he believes to have seen
something strange. He recognizes another wolf within the depth of the heard. Slightly confused,
yet glad to see a member of his kind he wanders over to the wolf. The sheep grow restless as the
wolf comes closer and the herd opens to reveal the second wolf. The first wolf walks up to the
second and watches the second with his tail between his legs eat the grass as do the sheep.
"Greetings, brother, speaks the first of wolves.
The second gazes up, slightly confused and takes a step back, noticing that a wolf has neared
Why do you step back from me, brother?, asks the first of wolves. The second wolf looks
slightly confused and speaks, "Why do you call me brother, wolf? I am not like you, I am a
sheep like the others. The first of wolves, with his tail high grows further in his confusion,
What do you mean, brother? You are a wolf. How can you think to be of the sheep? I was
born within the heard, wolf. I have always been a sheep, as my parents before me, speaks the
cowardly wolf.

The first of wolves ponders the situation and his gaze wanders towards the pond, Look into the
water, brother. Then you will see that you are of my kind and not of the sheep. The second
lowers his head again to continue his meal of grass, "I do not need to look into the water, for I
would only see my reflection. The same face I see in the sheep around me. I do not need to look.
I am of the sheep.
And what of the grass you eat, brother? Wouldnt a sheep be more to your liking? says the first
wolf in vain.
The second gazes towards him in fear and speaks with a quavering voice No, he lied, I have
always eaten grass and I know no other. To desire a sheep is against the law. The first of wolves
watches the second as he nervously looks around. The other sheep are seemingly oblivious to
what matters are being discussed here. Yet you have considered eating one of the sheep, havent
you? spoke the first. The second dropped his tail further with a look of great guilt on his soul,
No, I would never think such a thing. And it would be appreciated if you leave us, for you are
making the herd nervous.
The first of wolves is engulfed by a silent moment of loneliness. Knowing that he is not of the
sheep and has no heard. And knowing that his brother is also not of his kind. The first of wolves
slowly turns, leaving his brother behind, hearing the second of wolves trying himself in a accord
of bah. The other sheep acknowledge this sound, yet the first of wolves knows, that the second
can not communicate with them, no matter how hard he tries.
Only the wolf that acknowledges his existence can understand the self. Lest he be blinded by his
To use the powers of the force means to be of the wolf, or rather, to be born with a magical gift
allowing this interaction. A man without this gift can study the force, as he can study any human
knowledge. He can augment within the boundaries of logic, but he is excluded from the true
depth of understanding. Some statistics I have raised, on the grounds of a given character
similarity and other mystical and psychological studies has shown me a gifted person of the force
to exist in a ratio of 1:50,000 to humankind. Yet, those of the wolf that have the courage and
serenity to face the truth of their existence reduce this ratio to 1:5,000,000. Those between are
born with a gift allowing them to feel different; to view differently towards their surroundings,
and to know within the depth of their person that there is a truth behind the view of mystics. Yet
they lack the courage to pay the price of serenity and therefore live with the sheep. These loses
can be traced to the given moral and ethical views of our surroundings during childhood from
our parents and given to us by our surroundings themselves. Thus a seeker must battle victorious
against his fear to follow the path of the force, regardless of the personal force aspect.
When this first step has been taken and the gifted user has cut the thread between himself and
others, the gifted commence to study themselves as the greatest potential for understanding they
have at that time. They must now start to remove all the clamps chaining their body and must
rediscover what they truly and personally believe. Some views will be kept, for the view they
were taught and the view they believe are identical. Yet many people will discover that what

they are truly inclined to believe differs greatly from what society expects them to see, to believe
and to feel.
Many people, while discovering their souls, instincts and emotions, come to realize that they are
darker than they had admitted towards themselves up this point. There is a desire to enjoy. There
is an enjoyment in things shunned by society and unmoral behavior. There is a desire to raise the
self before others. There is a lust for revenge. A hatred towards those of the sheep who trap our
brothers and sisters and who rule our world, in which they state there is no place for us. There is
the wish for conflict. To prove those who are weak and commend those who are strong. And
then we ponder over these inner desires, if this is what we are, in a viewed moment of truth. Is
this not the path we should follow? Granted, that we must control our desires for every society
has its ways of punishing those who think differently. We must be mindful, for the farther we
wander off from what this society would consider normal, the greater the chance of being
discovered will be. To be discovered might only mean to lose your influence over your
surrounding. To be discovered might also mean to be corrected under the usage of government
power. At the beginning of this path should an apprentice of the dark side or dark knight, as I
would call any gifted user to embrace his darker half and stand up for it in serenity before the
self, learn to hide this mental metamorphosis behind a mask of normality. You may feel free to
test otherwise, but you will quickly note that you only harvest disadvantages from it. Try to be as
you were before you made your first step towards others. Yet your thoughts are free and your
own. With no one given any right to punish you for them. Thus, the dark apprentice turns away
from society. He no longer cares if he is wearing the correct clothing or likes the same things as
his friends or as he is pressured to. While discovering the self, the dark knight notices the
growing desire for power and knowledge. And based on these reasons for revenge, lust for power
or on account of what he sees when he gazes into his soul; he turns to the dark side. His desire
for knowledge draws him towards his path and his willingness to crush those who try to stand in
his way details him. First we will gaze towards the knight, the heart and the soul of this divine
will. The knight must face every truth, must gaze into the depth of the self and discover who he
is. He must do this to achieve a balance of self. If there is no balance there is no knowledge and
no power. Do not try to be what you are not, be what you are and be it gladly. Stand before
humanity and proclaim your might before them. Proclaim your serenity and dive into the dark
waters of emotion. Scan the depth of your darkness and allow it to flow through you. But be a
perfectionist. Demand the most you can give, allowing your hate and rage to flow freely together
with your lust and your demand for power, yet always be mindful. Never underestimate an
opponent, no matter how simple he appears. To underestimate an opponent is a strategic failure
and can not be tolerated. See yourself as your central weapon. Sharpen your mind and fill it with
knowledge to aid you in your battle. Study strategy and tactics. Ponder over the phrases of Sun
Tzu and elaborate on the scriptures of Machiavelli. Consider what they say you should do and
what you do in everyday life. Find your mistakes and correct your views. Only when your mind
achieves fundamental perfection can the knight reign supreme. Be ruthless towards yourself.
This is the first of enemies: the mortal flesh and spirit. Mortals are weak, they quickly suffice
when they have done half the job. Throw off the chains of imperfection and demand the ultimate
functionality of every theory and construct; of every idea and strategy. Work on yourself until
you have done all that you can at this time and then turn towards the world.
Be mindful,

Darth Moor

Dark Jedi: Lecture #2

Dark Jedi Knights
"The knight is born with his goals and strategy to achieve those goals."
Now he must study his surroundings. On the one hand he wishes to understand the rules of
society that have appeared to him as laws for so long. To understand this, you must first realize
that social interaction is a game and not a reality. We were or are all young, we know that every
school class has the greatest boy and the prettiest girl. We notice the hierarchy of this. We are
forced to take our place as dictated by the group, depending on how well we befit their demands
of a certain physical appearance and a certain social behavior concerning a striving towards
given goals. We watched the hierarchy of girls, ruled by looks, by being with the cheerleaders,
by being the girlfriend of a certain guy with a certain rank in the social subculture. How much
money she has, what kind of clothing she wares. But when you listen to what they speak of you
will notice that they talk about all kinds of topics, but never does anyone ask: Who are we? What
is there to know? What exists behind that which we perceive as reality? Not only to achieve
power to control our surroundings and to change our stand in this subculture, but especially to
search for knowledge in the plain desire of wishing to know and to understand. When we look at
the boys, usually the one with the strongest muscles or the best looks rules. Usually they make
rank by behaving stupid in class, by playing football, by having a good looking girlfriend, by
telling how many women they have fictionally slept with, by carrying on how they are going to
get something for someone. But do they ever speak of true values? Of honor, of having real
principles that dont change as soon as someone decides that something new is now cool? Do
they ever appear as if they would die for something they truly believe...We all know the answer.
And this is the reality we are caught in. Where the masses suffers on account of pseudo rule
making. We see no way to change these things for we perceive it as reality. Yet that is a mistake.
A dark knight must look into the face of truth. He must look at himself and decide why he has
the ranking he does. He must decide what he wants and he must find out how to achieve this with
the subtlety of a mastermind. And here begins the study of our society. What rules exist, what
happens if I do this? Which reaction will result from it? What interactions exist? What rules?
And then you begin to construct your theories on this subculture. Be hard to yourself, be ruthless
towards yourself, be mindful and always seek the face of truth no matter how uncomfortable it is.
For this is the path of the strong. When the knight has built and tested his theories, when he has
reconstructed and tuned them, he will have an instrument of mundane power. And with this
power he can achieve the social peace he needs to turn towards other studies. But always keep in
mind, that mundane power is the first of armor. It is the offensive part of the mask you carry
towards the countenance of the world. And all weapons are to be collected, sharpened and used
when it helps you to achieve your goal.

When examining a certain sheep, you will notice the mask that they carry around with them. The
mask is what a human wishes another human to see. It is to secure our privacy and to make sure
that no one comes closer to you than you would prefer at any moment. It is to hide the fear of the
sheep. And the sheep carry these masks towards the inside, meaning that they hardly ever have
knowledge of it. Granted, they know to a slight degree if they are making small talk or if they are
talking about something truly important to them. Yet, the mask is also what protects them from
thinking about mystical aspects, what protects them against feeling afraid. It is what would make
them not believe you if you told them you had mystical power or knowledge. And it is what
holds them a spiritual prisoner. It is what allows or forces them to live their little lives and to
never think of anything truly greater than themselves. The dark knight, by aiming towards self
recognition and balance destroys this inner mask. He frees himself from it allowing him to
perceive reality on a broader scale. Yet there is one aspect of the mask that shows value. The
aspect of hiding that which is behind it. A warrior caries an outward mask, meaning that he, in
full recognition of the functionality of a mask, tunes his behavior towards outsiders that have no
right to his personal thoughts. It is the acting in everyday life to allow the sheep to believe that
you are one of them, for the truth would make the herd nervous and cause aggression against
you. And while the sheep are weak, there are many of them. The greater your understanding of
society the better your acting will be. The more perfect your mask is the easier can you
implement your will under the usage of your understanding of society. Until you easily fit into
any subculture, leading the sheep to fulfill your desires.
Together they meld to the armor of the warrior. To hold off all that is unappreciated and to help
shield him from his opponents.
Be mindful,
Darth Moor

Dark Jedi: Lecture #3

"The process of the armor is a steady process that evolves throughout the life of a knight. It is a
weapon and therefore it must be kept and cared for. Yet that which the knight desires is the point
of self balance and understanding when first his force powers appear."
As with the process of tuning the self to balance and further tuning ones understanding to rule
over his mundane surroundings, such is the process of discovering the powers that lie within. As
mentioned, the dark knight is an emotional being. He attains balance to then further his dark side
to engulf his soul and therefore nurture it with darkness to grow in strength and insight. When
meditating (cross check Terminology) a knight stands feeling his hatred within him. It is a
technique to strengthen the dark emotions flowing through him. Goal of this technique is to feel
your dark emotions and draw them through your body upwards, until they surpass your head,
engulfing you in an aura of darkness. Note, that this aura should be felt, as if you would be

carrying a dark fog or smoke of constant movement around you. When you have reached this
state and can feel your dark emotions radiating from your body, you slowly draw an emotion of
pure evil from the second heart upwards. The second heart is a term invented by our order. It is
placed around stomach height, sometimes it can be felt in the region of the lower stomach. This
is the spot where you feel your intuition, when trying to ponder on a subject on the ground of
intuition you will recognize the spot. The darkness is traditionally drawn from below, since the
ground is often the strongest source of nature in the vicinity. This meditating practice should be
done every day to attune your body and mind to it. As with all things using your gift can be seen
as using any other muscle in your body. The more you use it the better you become. If you tend
to use it only once in a while, or with long breaks containing several weeks, you will notice how
it becomes more difficult again. This technique is the basic step before using any force power. It
should be taken very seriously. It should be practiced every day, about 15 minutes is sufficient.
The principle of discovering new force powers, when not personally taught to you by some one
else, is to initiate the meditation. You will notice many different emotions flowing through you.
The mixture of dark emotions and intuition breeds a soft wind, allowing your thoughts to circle
around you.. A knight must first decide which power he wishes to learn. An important formula
here is: Power + Technique = Force Result. You can achieve any imaginable result if you have
enough power. Yet power is most often limited. When using a high technique or skill, you will
only have to add a minimum of power. Of course, there are many results that can not be achieved
for a lack in the additional sum. A second rule is common sense. The more subtle or invisible a
force power is, the lower the additional sum. An example: feeling the emotions of another
sentient being is easier than shooting lightning at someone. While both are possible, feeling
emotions can be learned quicker than shooting lightning and should be preferred at the
beginning. By all acknowledgement for our desire of absolute power, every force power learned
shows you more insight towards the force. When the knight has decided on a certain force power
he wishes to achieve, he must stay with it. When inventing new powers it can take up to one year
to master them. If you try different things during the same period you will be slower than if you
did them after one another. With the power you wish to achieve, you must now commence
understanding its principle. While in meditation, consider what you wish to achieve. Allow the
dark wind to circle your thoughts, emotions and intuition until they become a form of
premonition, being slowly carried into place in the mental construct of your theory. You will
have to feel your way and slowly discover how different aspects interact. Interaction is the key
of understanding. And this is where a further rule grasps: Understanding and power come hand
in hand. There is none without the other. While this rule might seem simple, you will realise the
depth to it as you continue down your path of darkness.
The explained process will allow you to slowly adapt new powers. Yet realise this, we all know
when we face our inner truths, that we wish for it to work. And this desire for a power to
function can lead us into alluding ourselves if we are weak enough to allow it. Therefore it is
always important to remain humble before the countenance of the dark side. If you do not worthy
this relationship to the dark side of the force it will destroy you. If you remember your place and
insignificance before the countenance then it will be a powerful master and ally. With some force
powers it will be possible to statistically support the outcome, showing you if you are advancing
towards a true and reliable power, or if you have followed a thread that requires too much power

for your momentary situation, noting that your power will continuously grow from the point of
your quest.
When following the threads of powers you can not support in this manner, you will have to rely
on your intelligence, humbleness and caution. If you fail, the dark side will crush you, making
your existence more miserable than even that of the sheep. Always bear this in mind. Yet, you
must also be prepared to believe that you have this gift and that you can succeed. For if you
doubt yourself you will live as a wolf trapped among the sheep. It is a difficult path. Yet the
reward is more than I could describe in words.

Be mindful,
Darth Moor

Dark Jedi: Lecture #4

Your Emotions Betray You
Now the time has come to interact with the manifold powers of the force. We will begin with the
'reading of emotions'. Read the following slowly and thoroughly. Try to realize the meaning of
each step. Reread the text if you are unsure as to the procedure.
To control man, means to understand his desires. While logic and observation shows you basic
behavior patterns of an individual, they lack perfection, for they are assumptions in the end.
While a mindful assumption can suffice to control a weaker victim, there are those enemies that
are too powerful or wise to be simply manipulated by a transfer of personal experience.
The path of intrigue and manipulation is a path most highly underestimated by the light side. Yet
many of those who see themselves as pure in heart, have only come to hide their darker sides.
Perhaps they have buried them in a grave of principle, yet if they are there, then they can be
found and exploited. And even if you should meet with an enemy truly pure in heart and mind
with no desires to exploit, such individuals are often surrounded by loved ones that lack this
complete control over their darker sides.
I have fought some battles in the past. Some of them were against foes superior in their strength
towards the force. But a powerful body is nothing when it lacks the mind to understand the
infinite combinations of movement. Intrigue and patience can allow the strongest guardian of
light to sink on his knees, if his beliefs of the good in all men blinds his capabilities to protect
them. For while he may be able to protect them from you, he can not protect them from

We begin with the meditation technique as described in lesson three.

Our stage will be a cafe or bar, a place where many people are, where you can sit down and have
the possibility of studying others around you. In the beginning it is best to see the eyes of your
victim. Later, when you have gained some mastery over this power, it will no longer be
Initiating the meditation technique in a public surrounding requires a practised hand. This is why
one should practice the meditation every day, as that this new 'muscle' can be applied at your
A will have to apply a victim example. We will invent two girls, around 16-18 years of age,
Sherry and Melissa. Will will state them to both have an acceptable, physical appearance. From
what we can see in a glance is that Melissa is rambling on, speaking of some experience or idea,
while Sherry silently stirs her coffee, without looking up. We further state that you have a good
view from a different table, several feet away. It is a quiet day, so there are not many people
walking through your view, yet enough as to be inconspicuous while watching them.
Now we commence.
We close our eyes, perhaps with a hand on our forehead, to allow the assumption that we have a
head ache. Or we gaze towards a wall, yet not really seeing it.
We allow our anger to rise, our hate. Be it of it's own nature or be it while we deepen our anger
to a certain fact, something that has made us angry in the past to help us build up our anger. The
anger grows and leads to hate of a certain person or thing. The hate strengthens, further and
further, perhaps with pictures of what you would do to that thing or person if it was now next to
you. Deeper, and deeper, we induldge into our hate. Slowly we generalize our hate. Not only that
certain person is despicable, but all who share his opinion. We think of another fraction we hate
for similar reasons, the hate growing in strength but also in generalization, loosening its grip
towards a certain target and leading us into a pure state of existence.
Now, we slowly allow evil to creep into our bodies. From down below, the ground, or the second
heart it rises, stronger and stronger, pure and eternal, does it slowly rise through our body. Our
sentient presence moves beyond the limits of our physical bodies. The fog or smoke engulfing
our bodies. The evil rises slowly through our stomach to our chests. The surge of dark winds
moving around our body. There are no barriers, the flesh can not limit your existence. Evil rises
on the back of the dark winds containing your power, your hatred, the truth to your existence, the
key to your soul. It rises past the chest expanding to the sides and the above. The fog grows
denser. It surpasses the head up to about two feet above your body. You no longer feel your
surroundings. You are the fog. The fog is you. The constant movement of the fog states your
emotions, your desire to destroy, the demanding of limitless evil. And then you look at Sherry,
stirring her coffee. You hate her. You despise her with your very existence. You despise her
because of her very existence. You passively note the presence of others around you, but you are
no longer part of them. You are not of the same existence and you see them as insects behind
glass. You allow your emotions to flow towards Sherry, demanding to move through her. You
allow the fog, as part of your sentience to move towards her and engulf her from all sides. You
strengthen your hatred and let go of your consciousness, being a sentience without an own body.
The fog covers her entire body, every inch. At this time you might begin to feel every small
movement she makes as if it were your own, yet strangely distant. The fog moves into her body,
entering it through her eyes, mouth and nose. Concentrate on her head. And then the fog frictions
from all sides, moving about half an inch into her body, as if you were tightening your clasp

around her until there is no more room other than to move a bit into her. We hold this position,
feeling her movement passively and we strengthen the evil within us. A second rising of evil
from below, to strengthen the first flow is suggested. And then we let go, still, a bit further, and
with a movement of eternal patience we feel for our second heart. At first we feel a movement, a
pattern unlike the hatred and evil of the rest of your sentience. We feel every movement she
makes when she makes it. We feel the slow current of her emotions leading to her every
movement. We strengthen our hatred further, always feeling for the second heart. We demand
that her secret be shown to us. And then we feel an emotion. At first, we feel several emotions.
Different currents with different 'tastes' to them, moving in different directions with different
speeds. Some of them are stronger than others, yet together they devise a pattern. We dive past
the surface and into the depth of her feelings, searching for the key emotion. The emotion
stronger than all others. We search and feel and we find...a sadness.
A sadness, we try to place this emotion and feel it might be sadness in the sense of a loss. Yet, it
seems not to be a complete loss that is irrevocable. It is a sadness connected with fear. An uneasy
feeling of a loss to come. Sherry glances around and looks at you, but you must not hesitate at
this moment. Ignore it and you see that she looks away again. Not having obviously noticed that
you are looking at her. She sighs and frowns slightly. We feel that her sadness deepens. We feel
it is a sadness combined with fear and...pain. We feel the loss, the object of her sadness coming
closer to the surface. It is love. Neglected love. Yet not in the tone of futility. She must partially
have the subject of her love. A man, a man she has met, that she knows. A man that she has
fallen in love with. A man that seemed to love her until...something. Something is not the way it
should be with this man. He has neglected her. Offended her. He has given her doubt to their
relationship. We search further. She has not lost him, yet she is unsure if she still 'has' him. A
doubt. Another women? The possibility of another women. The possibility that his feelings have
changed. Her fear of losing him. Her pain of losing her love. We see as her emotions move
around. We feel how she considers her position. Her possibilities. But we feel that she is
pessimistic. She feels herself incapable of changing the events to come. We feel no hatred. We
understand that Sherry does not know her female competition. We feel her pain. How very deep
that pain is. She thinks of him. We feel the emotions appearing, understanding what she loves in
him and what not. We understand what she seeks in him. What she perhaps seeks in a man in
general. We understand what type of man he might be. We can assume through our armor how
this type of man probably thinks and feels. We understand the category he belongs to and have
additional details. We understand Sherry. We understand what she seeks in a man. We
understand what she would do for the man she loves. We understand how much control the man
she loves has over her. We understand one of the keys to controlling her.
We allow the fog to pass towards Melissa, still rambling on about something not heard by
Sherry. We dive into Melissa as described above. We see her interest in what she is telling
Sherry. We feel that she knows that Sherry does not hear her, but Melissa does not mind. We feel
sympathy and sorrow from Melissa towards Sherry's situation. We feel the same fear in Melissa,
that the man is lost. The fear is not as great as in Sherry, but it has the same subject. We
understand that Sherry is not feeling sorry for herself and that the situation with this man seems
to be serious. We feel how Melissa feels helpless to help Sherry. We understand what Melissa
would do for a friend. We understand how strong Melissa sympathizes with the ones that are
dear to her. We understand one of Melissa's weaknesses. We understand the man to soon be lost
and we know what type of man he probably is. We would have to see the man and read his
emotions to be sure, but we have a first idea. The winds howl victorious. Their existence, so

pathetic and trivial. Their desires unprotected towards our grasp. A surge of evil touches your
predatory soul. You feel the power you have over the sheep. And thus, we release the two. We
stand up and move towards them....
Perhaps we walk over to them and say,
"You shouldn't allow him to bring such sorrow to your soul. The loss is great. Yet you will see
the lack of his worth. For if he truly understands your heart, and would be worth that which you
are prepared to give him, could he never impale your affection with such indifference."
And then we leave...
To meet her again.
To repair her relationship and allow her to owe you a favor.
To allow her to be your best friend.
To allow her to fall in love with you.
To take the man for yourself.
To be visited by her or Melissa. Wondering and wishing to know how you knew...
Feeling the emotions of others will allow you to perfectionize your armor. To use abstract
constructs when evaluating behavior with a higher degree of detail. It will allow you to exploit
those around you and bind those of your choice to seek your protection or friendship.
This is the scalpel of carving your closer environment.
This is the key to acquiring the women or man of your choice.
This is the key of understanding hidden desires, when scanning an individual on several
And that, will lead you to the key of corrupting their souls.
Practice this technique once a day.
You will soon be able to induct it quite fluently in all possible situations.

Be mindful,
Darth Moor

Silisian Fables

Darth Ceive and the City of Massu
here once was a Sith apprentice by the name of Darth Ceive, and, in response to having recently
been born by society, he returned unto part of it in a small city in the desert by the name of
Massu. He observed his fellow brethren, and, upon growing in disgust of the ways of those who
were once so complex and noble in his thoughts, he stretched out his hand unto them, and
proclaimed, "Beholden, it is I, the one who holds all of you within me, yet I am in none of you.
Believe in me, and you shall live on in me." He than struck a young boy down with his mind for
all to see, and the people saw the boy as dead after they had deluded themselves in sufficient
time, Ceive all the while standing behind the body facing the crowd. Upon seeing the boy twitch,
he cried, "The child is still with me, and now I make him with you!" The lad gave a moan, came
to, and than carried on with his labors. The crowd gasped, and murmured, than began to exalt the
Sith apprentice.
Just than, a man with a furrowed brow arose from the rabble, gained order, and said, "Thou
fools, do you so willingly delude yourselves! Can you not see that you are being preyed upon!
Clearly did this stranger from afar simply knock the boy from his sense, and when seeing him
take back his motion, did allude that he had raised him from the dead. Nay, send this brigand
from Massu, and back unto the wastes!"
Darth Ceive than smiled, and spoke, "Though you speak truth, you do so for selfish reasons, for
you normally extort the people, caring for only yourself, and speak against me not because of a
lie, but a threat to your sovereignty. Behold now your reward, thou animal!"
Upon that, the crowd defended their bringer of perceived eternal life, by from what started as a
small shove, which turned into an execution by a rabbles beating, tearing him to peaces. Many
were hurt in this execution, and two others died as well.
Darth Ceive left Massu during this confusion, and spoke unto himself, "Surely truth is of
convenience to society and so they ultimately must beat every partand no partof

The Old Man and the Dead Man

man, a wizened, careful, yet very young preacher of a medium sized city, took pride in his calm
and thoughtful advice and spirituality that he both sold and shared.
From his very youth he was revered as touched by the spirits, for as a child he bore a terrible
aversion to mirrors (and labor.) When he was old enough, for his family was pore, they sent him
to toil in the gardens of the wealthier. The wealthy patrons of his
services immediately fell under the childs spell and charisma. It was this time when a famine
seized the city, and so the boy joined the multitudes of those who had no job to occupy their
hands with. It was than that the famine ceased, and so Aman went to work again, only for
another famine to seize the land. Once more he was without job, than the famine ended, and
those that knew him grew suspicious. They pleaded against it, but the boys parents were poor,
and so they sent him to toil once more, only this time as a courier. Once more the famine
returned, and it stayed so until finally a wealthy woman took in the boy for her own, and forbid
him to work. The famine ended, and, in fact, prosperity came unto the land. The now
superstitious community than, in response to Amans horror of mirrors, vowed to hide them, and
they gave him for raising at the local religious institute, to hide him from toil, suffering, and
"Love thyself!" Aman preached, rather loudly for his small crowd of three, as citizens walked by
them along the busy street. "Toil not less your soul be toiled," he said. Many had now grown to
resent his arrogance, for they knew in their hearts that his sermons were little more than gloating.
"What must we do to be like you, so that we must not be required to toil?" asked the students.
"Have faith, is all. Yet seeing you incapable, I shall show you the way to faith. You must give
unto me all excess of the rewards of your toils, so that you may see it without prejudice."
It was than that a cloaked man did approach him, than turned to the wide street, and gathered a
crowd by crying, "Who here would receive a thousand silver pieces to butcher my donkey and
prepare it for me?" The crowd rumbled with questions and distinct yells of "I shall!" He silences
them, and than turned to Aman, and said, "Shall you, O man of god?" Aman was stirred, for his
heart was lustful, yet his eyes bobbed and peered at the crowd, for he knew he could not. The
crowd was silent. "Well, what say you!" said the man, "can you not do one task to feed yourself
the rest of your days?" The crowd began to question itself, and a voice from it said, "He must not
toil, for he is too pure, and god punishes us for not heeding him." "Ha! The one who brought the
famine was I, not god!" laughed the cloaked man, "but if he is so humble as to explain to me
your claim, than I shall reassert my offer."
The crowd itself eager for an explanation, they and the man turned to Aman. He quickly replied,
"Let us go for a walk, and in the wilderness I shall speak to you."
So they went from the city, and three times Aman tried to run and hide, but all three times he was
apprehended as if the man could see through rock and plant. The man than ceased their silent
march at the burial grounds, looked to him, and said, "Rise above yourself, thou parasite." Aman
flustered, trying to find some way to lie, began by saying, "My good sir, as you yourself look for
odd deeds done for yourself, so do we all, and so I say, do not question what needs not be
questioned." The man replied, "Rise above yourself, thou liar." Aman choked, confused, and
went on, "And it is my wise motto, gathered from years of my life and created in my most
honored position granted to me, to sit by the other honored, that thou should love thyself. So
there is no need for questioning, really." "Rise above thyself, thou portrayer of an old man," said
the robed man. "Really, alls I wanted was a bit of fun! I" but Aman stopped speaking, for the
man had dropped his hood to reveal a dead mans face, and, from the soil of the graveyard, he
pulled a mirror. In horror, Amans gaze was locked on the living corpses. The corpse held the

mirror, and said, "Rise above thyself, by toiling for thine own profit, by taking with ones own
hands that which he desires. Seize the day, for that which you
love passes away if unclaimed!" And with that the corpse heaved the mirror up, and the old man
and the dead man cried out in unison, as Aman saw that his face, which he had not seen since his
childhood, was the same as his antagonists. "Love thyself," was written on the mirror, and the
face in it died, so it was as if glass looking upon the dead Aman holding it from behind. Than the
mirror dropped alone, and a single Aman lay dead beside it. The city never fell victim to famine
Seize the day, for that which you love passes away.

The Hermit and the Serpent
here was once a hermit who lived in the jungle, and though wise, he was very lonely. He longed
for his past, and remembered the sweet and aquiline face of the woman who once loved him,
though he could not return that love due to his solemn oath to remain chaste for wisdom, for she
was to be his only lover.
One day, the Hermit was walking in his domain, and speaking unto his flowers, which grew and
bloomed as his wisdom did. A serpent made her way before the Hermit, and did observe him
with her piercing eyes, and did taste his scent, and, for she was unfulfilled herself, determined
that she would speak to him.
"Who do thou speak to, pray?" asked the serpent. Taken aback at first, the serpent thought that
the Hermit was to strike her down, and she prepared to try and smite him back. But, the Hermit
quickly smiled unto the snake, and gave a nervous chortle.
"Why," said he, "I speak to my flowers, as all life blooms, and so they are my brothers and
sisters." The serpent looked into the mans eyes, and said, "My good sir, look thee, I pray, unto
the flowers. Do they answer you? Have you sat and been reconciled by their council? Do they
profess their commitment unto you? Nay, they speak not, and they wilt in due time, only to leave
your care for them without thanks. Would thou not rather bless another human with your
The man looked unto the serpent, and with no blink or aversion in his eye, said, "Alas what you
say is true, my lady dragon, for flowers are of trivial and transitory company. And, alas, crawling
on thine belly close to the rich earth must have steeped you with wisdom, for I do indeed long for
human companionship, yet I am a hermita holy man married to the pursuit of knowledge. I am
forbidden to love another human."
And for that the serpent really was wise, and it detected no lie in the mans eye, she was
inwardly gleeful, and responded so, "Good Hermit sir, surely this destiny is noble, but surely you
have loved another, for it is creations nature to desire others." The man did not respond, and
looked awkward. "Sir, I ask not for prying business, and as we both must endure in this place,
and I see that you are of noble makings, I consider you mine friend. Nay, I ask not for curiosity,
but of friendship, for my kin live in every corner of the world, and so as a friend, I may know her
through mine brethren and I may tell you her fate, or reconcile her."

The man knelt before the serpent, looked either way, and whispered, "I would like that much, but
such a labor I would never ask of thee, at what price do thou speak?"
The serpent feigned indignant composure, and said, "Would thou be so wise, and yet so
unlearned in compassion and etiquette, that thou should insult me as some marauding thief, as
some brigand, as some contentious seeker of creating debt unto
myself? I give you my friendship, and you give insults back? I would do this for you for no fee,
but I see now that I would be deluding myself, and your gratefulness would be selfish in nature."
The Hermit, begged for pardon, saying, "Forgive me, noble beast, but my heart is dry, and my
wisdom is limited to speaking with flowers. Any offense was meant to mine self, as flowers ask
rather not of muchif anythingand my master, the one who initiated me and readied me for
my solitude, taught me suspicion of life, so as it would protect me and guide my inquisition of
existence." The serpent smiled unto herself, "I too, am suspicious, my sir. Let us bridge this flaw
of naturefor such, if I am right, is friendship. Would thou we travel the same; we would than
talk as friends. Come, let me coil upon thou arm, and we shall commune and speak of your lost
love, and with warm hearts we should inquire of existence." The man hesitated, but the serpent
knew he dared not risk a second insult, for she perceived him as nave.
So the serpent coiled upon his arm, and he told her the name of the past longing of his heart. She
said unto him, "Thou poor and wretched Hermit, sir, I know the woman of whom you speak, for
she was a dear friend to me. She was truly worthy of thines love, and so how can I reveal her
nature or fate to thee accurately? Nay, speech doth not approach such levelsrather, thine
hearts desire lives on in me, and in act I shall reveal her to you by becoming her."
The Hermit than gazed upon the snake, and became red, "I must apologize, friend, for I have not
been honest with you, yet I see you have not been with me either. For I have seen her just the
other day, and she is quite well. Friend, I did not tell you for it is a sinful thing that I did by
partaking in her presence, and should you forgive me I would be relived. But, thou deceitful
beast, why didst thou lie and say she was dead?" Yet the Hermit had lied about seeing her, for he
was allowed no human companion by his own soul, and the serpent, not detecting the lie, tried to
gain the upper hand again, to get the man to serve and be a willing, loving slave of hers. Yet the
Hermit knew of her plot all along, and did not change his stance at all, yet retained quiet and
skeptic composure. It was so that the serpent was bound to the Hermit, trying vainly for the rest
of their lives to regain her perceived upper hand, and it was so that the Hermit gained his
Loneliness is taken advantage of, or is ended.

The Traveler and the Mummy
ne day, a man traveling from afar, touring the desert came across a tomb of an ancient Sith Lord.
Captured by its hideous beauty and intimidating presence, he entered the tomb, which none had
done since the Dark Lords burial there, and upon passing by a very important looking guardian
symbol on the way into the tombs heart, he took it upon unto himself, and into his robes folds.
Determined to take something of great valuethe greatest value possiblefrom the tomb, he
boldly walked on. After all, he was living and quick, and the tomb was of slumber and death.

The traveler came into the main cavern, and came just a ways away from the sarcophagus. The
dead lord spoke thusly to him, "Thou comes before mewhat is thine name, and thy purpose?
Who disturbs my solitude?"
The traveler smugly replied, "I am from afar, and living, mind you, and that shall be my name to
thee. As for my intentions, they are simply the desire for acquisition, and those desires are those
of the living." He thought unto himself than, "Surely I shall be rich, for no doubt this dead king
doth desire my body for his ownto replace his decaying one and start life anew."
The dead lord growledwhich, because he was dead, ended being more of lethargic and
horrifying howl of pain, like it was merely the wind rushing through the tomb. The dead Sith
than spoke thus, "You are very prideful, and very small. Behold, the torches burn bright, and
the eyes are not hindered. Yet this sarcophagus hinders us from looking upon each other.
Come. Expose my corpse and we will have communion, and understandand even helpone
Yet the traveler kept his distance, for he knew the dead dark lord would possess his body. The
traveler than said, "Nay, my lord, I should not open your sarcophagus, for I am weak. Yet should
you desire a body to come near ye, and expose thine dry and leathery body, I should call a
servant. However, he should need compensation, for that is a servants nature." There was a long
pause, and hatred seeped and twisted through the tombs walls. The Sith Lord than did utter,
"Than take coinage from the mantle, and bring it unto thine servant," the dead one than raised his
voice, "yet then let us have communion, for I have been lonely for longer then ye can fathom."
But the traveler than whined, "Yet, my Lord why should I go unto the servant? Rather I should
be compensated, than I will be so your servant unto mine."
A cold cackle emanated from the sarcophagus, which appeared even more looming for a second.
"You genuinely amuse me long has it been since I laughed. Come friend, I shall whisper
secrets of the Sith to ye, and when you are content with mine company, you will see I care not if
your appearance is that of a dog, and no shame is needed. Whence you shall dine in my
companyfor I have stored much foodand than thou shalt go unto thine servant, and we will
commune with our eyes also."
The traveler grew aggravated and annoyed with this patient corpse. "Look you here," said he,
"the guardian symbol of the tomb in mine. Would thou buy it back? Or should you lay
unprotected, and the robbers pick your bones to peaces and sell them to women as to guard
against childbirth, and they take thine legacy to the market and sell it peace by peace!"
"Thou fool! I offer you wealth beyond the material, and even that which for what you will soon
no longer need, and thou talks to me as a thief does to a woman?! What mighty force gives you
such arrogant right?"
The traveler was not stirred by the Siths words, and explained as an angry parent does to a child,
to the dead Sith Lord, "My good Lord of the crumbling tomb, my right is given to me by that I
have life, and since thou art dead, your hands shall but crumble if ye attempts to grasp away
anything from me."
"Search for whatever you wantyou shall not find it. I urge you, my friend," calmly and coldly
explained the dead lord, the tomb growing chill, "to rather sit in my shadow, that thou might gain
wisdom, and ease my loneliness, so that I am enthused to guide thee. Than you will be able to
find any treasure you wantand it shall be greater than what lies in this elaborate home of
The traveler scoffed the dead lord, "My dear festering worm food, I do not want wisdom
especially from younor guidanceespecially from younor another friend,

and certainly not a dead one. Not if I were a sage, hungry, and friendless would I befriend you,
thou heap of bones and hide. Should you never forgive me, than I would rejoice, I swear. Not in
all of time, or of any persuasion would I befriend thee!"
There was no charm in the dead lords voice anymore, and he did utter, seemingly from every
wall, "Than so be it," said he, "the way is shut." The traveler smiled, thinking he had soundly
defeated this corpses desire for friendshipwhich was trueand he was now free to gather his
prizewhich was true yet he than thought of the exit from the tomb, and, indeed, the way was
It was so that he than had to live the rest of his life, and than all eternity in death, without any
leverage or superiority, with a hurt and vengeful dead Dark Lord of the Sith.

The Swan and the Duck
here was once a swan that was very vain, and thought itself the most beautiful creature in the
lake. It would swim illustriously, and would stretch its wings gracefully, but it than thought unto
itself, "I should see the type of my beauty, and so I shall ask another."
Yet no other swans would even be near him, for they hated him and avoided his lake. It was so
that the swan came to a lady duck, and he arched his cloud-white feathers, and said to the duck,
"My dear lady, is there no beauty here? It is indeed an ugly place, with nothing but ugliness."
The duck looked around her, below her, and above her, and saw pieces of beauty in everything,
and she did remark about this in response.
Yet the swan could not understand her awkward voice, and he was intensely curious as to what
she had said. However he did not want to appear stupid, or hard of hearing as with age, and so
the brawny young swan spoke, "Madam, you have beauty about, for your eyes are very lovely
yet eyes do not hold light to such ugliness in everything else."
The duck was flattered, and she looked away. But than she thought how her brethren also had
lovely eyes, and how the males that did quart with her had lovely coloring, and she did remark
about this in response.
Once more the swan could not understand her queer and ugly voice, and so he carried on
searching for flattery and appraisal, and articulated, "I suppose the ugliness of this lake is born
by us all."
The duck grew insulted, for she knew that her kind were not terribly attractive, but she knew that
this swan was not engaging in the necessary lies to say that it was quite otherwise. She held
herself high, and observed that all things had, have, or will have a set level of beauty, and she did
remark about this in response.
The swan was horrified, for although he could not understand her, he knew her reaction was not
the desired humble and meek one he wantedquite the opposite. "Well I am not ugly, am I!?" he
desperately asked.
The duck saw him as sadistic and cruel, and she did remark about this in response. She did so in
such a loud series of quacks, and she even splashed water with her wings as the narcissistic

The swan grew indignant, and said, "Though foul mess of scrappy feathers! One as you would
not know beauty as it sits here before you, but would rather foul the air with your contentious
and hideous cries!" And with that the swan flew away in anger, to hide in seclusion.
Vanity buds doubt and denial at the mere sound of quietness.

The Cat and the Scarab
hive of scarabs once lived in the desert, and among them was one particular scarab that had a
sharp wit, and was very focused on transcending beyond his fated life.
One day a scarab was attacked and consumed by a villainous scorpion, and the strange scarabs
fellow beetles were quite upset and remorseful. "Come, friends," said the scarab, "and be silent,
for you cry for thine own sake. If ye had overcome your love of each other, and had released
your tendency towards the desire of power not to be consumed by predators, you all would be
quite happy now."
Indeed the scarab disavowed all forms of power, and had a distaste for attachments of any kind,
for they, in his mind, were what attached life to their roles of suffering and pain. He accepted
everything, claimed nothing, and sought to seek nothing but nothingness.
Than, a catwhich are very wise creatures indeed, and admired by the Sithcame unto this
reputable beetle, and asked if he was the scarab so fond of wisdom.
"Why yes," responded the scarab, "I am he, and I also am not; for all life holds within them my
wisdom, and I am of no significance."
The cat was quite, of course, wise, and so it took no offense to this, and recognized that this was
indeed the beetle. "Well," quoth the cat, "I shall help you achieve your wisdom, for us cats are
soul-searches too. Come, scarab, and we shall sit aback, and watch your colony."
And for cats are also mischievous and rigid creatures, a clan of scorpions which were instructed
by the cat where the scarabs were, cam and began to consume the hive. The cat offered to halt
the attack, yet the beetle showed no attachment, and soon the whole hive was consumed.
"Surely," qouth that cat, "they were to tempt you towards attachment. Accept their fate and do
not mourn them, and thou wilst be wiser and freer, dear scarab." Yet the scarab did not flinch.
So than birds came and consumed the scorpions, and while they were feeding, a small elephant
did trample them to pieces, after which a pair of lionesses killed the elephant, and ran off to leave
the beast to rot, all as per instructions of the cat. Yet the beetle remained quiet, and never
interrupted to ask the cat to cease the attack.
So than the cat turned the scarab on its back, and placed its paw with sharp claws extended onto
the beetles bare belly. "Now scarab," quoth the cat, "I shall destroy you. Come now, poor beetle,
you are now completely and totally without power. Yet I shall give thee someask me not to,
and I will not destroy you. But, come now, I know you shall ask me to retract that offer, as you
wish to ascend beyond the role of suffering. However, I urge you to save your life, for there is no
need for death, is there?"
The scarab than said, "For you are wise, and I have come so far already today in freedom, friend
cat, I shall accept your council; spare my life, pray."

The cat was than satisfied, for its experiment had produced the result it knew it would. And so, in
payment of the scarabs hypocrisy and foolish intellect, it immediately smote the beetle where it
lay, and than left on its merry way, quite satisfied.
All seek power.

The Lord, the Lady, and the Prince
n a distant land in the North, there was a modern kingdom which was very grand, cleanly, and
sophisticated. Though, despite its delicate tastes, it had quite the same attitudinal, moral, and
daily problems that may be seen unto they very own, today. For this phenomenon, the kingdom
attracted many a Sith, and one particular Sith Master, by the name of Darth Amplectus took a
specially keen notice of the kingdomespecially its capitol city.
One day, Lord Amplectus determined to go out unto the capitol, and discover the mysteries and
inherent detrimental mindsets of love. His vision was clear, for, when he arrived there, a royal
ball was just beginning, and so he drew his cloak around himself, and did slip amongst the
throngs of those attending completely unnoticed. He than hid himself in a box overlooking the
ballroom and its wonderfully clad dancers, and did set upon peoples minds not to enter his place
of inspection there.
It was than when Prince Insons did make his entrance and came about to the ballroom. He wore
clothing not to of his liking, but unassuming and to the likes of his reason, which was a wary
mind. Thusly did he enterhe gave a bow or two, brushed of some very fond enemies, and stood
before his companions along the sidelines, quite leisurely yet with the occasional dart of the
Upon this moment the orchestra swiftly fell into their first piece, which was the fast sort in which
the party-goers did frolicnot danceunto. And Amplectus did observe Insons heart, and there
was a stout heaviness upon it than.
Some ladies of the court stood about each other, and the Prince and his advisors did behave in
unison across from them. Lord Amplectus gazed upon the two groups. He than looked into the
hearts of the waiting ladies, and he observed heaviness progressively rest its bosom on them, as
well as confusion in their minds. Though may it be a trivial beginning. So Darth Amplectus set a
spell on them, so that they would join with the men in unison, and so they would draw notice of
the young Insons.
The women fell upon the men, and as feathers spring from a birds nest, so soon did couples
spring from the group and onto the dance floor, gaily swaying to and fro.
And Lord Amplectus did gaze upon them, and spoke thus unto his soul, "Verily do these
individuals draw near thanks to contactyet what was the spark that fused their hands together
in love and merriment?"
Prince Insons, meanwhile, was speaking to a lady of the court, and Amplectus saw quivering in
his soul. He observed their conversation and heard this
"Thou art a gentile soul, my good man," said the lady, "yet thouest look too humble, care, should
there be a shadow across thee, pray?" The Princes eyes fell upon the floor before the maidens
feet, and he quoth, "Indeed, and shadow doth lie upon me in

such hours. Comfort for some, milady, is aggravation of the nerves for others, and, pray, the
latter is the truer oftener for mine self. Of your intentions, I see only the highest and noblest, and
so if thou were troubled by my troubles much more tonight, it would cause me shame. Please,
this night is for thee."
"Yet it is also for thee, pray. Why art thou reluctant? Take tonight by storm, for that is the
birthright of a prince, to take what is given!"
"Pray, it is not," replied Prince Insons. With that the ladys soul was bent from these words, and
she departed with the words, "And so you slap me, sir!"
Lord Amplectus did observe, and notice the group his spell had forged was breaking apart from
those who had already left to the dance floor.
With this, the first song ended, and silence fell the Sith Masters ears, and he contemplated.
Upon this moment the orchestra swiftly fell into their second piece, which was the sort that was
very beautiful, and the dancers were seduced into moving in dance rather than by merriment
alone. And Amplectus did observe Insons heart, and there was a heaviness upon it than.
Lady Matronathe finest lady in the landdid than enter, and he set a spell upon her to draw
her eyes upon the awkward Insons. Amplectus than set a spell upon the Prince, so that his
awkwardness and guilt mushroomed, and for fear of another offense, he resolved to be sociable
with the beautiful Matrona. Prince Insons made his way to the Lady, and courteously made
himself known to her.
Lord Amplectus did gaze upon the two, and felt sure perhaps that now contact was made
between the two, they would be bound.
"My good sire," quoth the Lady, "you are most amiable to me, and flatter me with your
presence." Amplectus smiled. Prince Insons replied, "Such fairness demands no less, milady. So,
if thou art willing perhaps thou will grace me with your company with me and my companions,
or would thou care for a dance?" Lady Matrona flushed, and Amplectus sensed a cold flame
come upon her soul, and she did reply, "Pray, sir, forgive me, for perhaps my words were
deceitful without my intention. I am mated in dance tonight with the Kingsuch a fair, noble,
and wise man is he." And with amends she departed. The orchestra than ended their second song,
and Amplectus than thought deeply over what he had seen.
Upon this moment the orchestra swiftly fell into their third piece, which was the sort that is very
enrapturing and with a well mood. And Amplectus did observe Insons heart, and there was a
heaviness upon it than.
Amplectus disposition grew well, and with a theory in mind, he set a spell upon the land, and
with that a messenger ran into the ballroom, and did proclaim, "The King hath been kidnapped,
and none have seen him. The Queen requests the services of the one closest to him most
recentlyLady Matrona and his stepson, Prince Insons!"
With that the two departed upon an exclusive adventure that would not end soon, and the Sith
Master Darth Amplectus did look into the future, and was contented. There would be tension,
yes, they would find the king, yes, there would be many beautiful women and men along the
way, yes, yet the Prince and the Lady would, in the end, dance, and dance most beautifully.
Lord Amplectus than did speak unto his heat thuslyMan makes himself available, woman
selects, and this all takes place within community, of which there are multipleincreasingly
smaller, and therefore more intense and immediate communities.
The closer the communitythe more available the man, and the more deeply the woman knows
him, and so the more likely they will dance together the dance of love to the tunes of Naturalis
and Silosian Machinations.

And with that Lord Amplectus did leave merrily as well, and went back to his lair quite
contented and unseen.

The Sith Lord and the Parasite
ith Lord Gregarius was walking amongst his people one day, when he came unto a parasite, and
he heralded it so, "My good creature, what a fine day it is, no? Are not the Suns rays divine and
worthy of worship?"
The Parasite than moaned, and whimpered, "Pray, the sun is fine, and the company is finer. I am
a son of the Sun," jested the parasite, "yet" and than he grumbled off in a fashion not holding
"Yes! Parasite, the day is fine, and we are all sons of the Sun, our most warm and enlightened
Father! How do you fare today?"
"Perhaps," said the parasite, "my dearest friend, you should tell me of your well-being first?"
"As you wish, good Parasitemy day is fairing quite well, as I am with my people, and I love
them, and I learn as often as I can from them, for all are teachers if you listen."
The Parasite looked miserable, and said, "Lord friend, should thou be many another a person, I
would not tell thee, but you are mine brothermy day is going poorly as usual, for I am often
helpless, and I suffer from a desire to draw blood from good people. I am poor and wretched
without care and guidance from the true sons of the Sun."
With that the Sith Lord became enraged, and spoke thusly, "Thou cantankerous sore that doth
beg for compassion and help! Would thou care for yourself, you would have masters that did not
control and inhibit thee. Thou masochist! Apathy is thy true name, thou weak Parasite!" And
with that Lord Gregarious smote the Parasite painfully, cleansing him from the Suns sight.
Power taken for oneself is life taken for oneself. Apathy is death.

The Dark Lord and the False Apostles
hen the Moon crossed the Sun, seven false apostles made their way unto the Dark Lord of the
Siths black cathedral to seek a personal audience with him.
The Dark LordDarth Silus the Justdid observe the entrance of the travelers, and made his
majestys way to the Imperial Throne. Seven knocks sounded on the great door, and Silus
remarked unto his servants, "The kine verily come thither from some caddish shadow. Mote they
be led hither they should have such shadow to them no intentions of mine could bear them. Nay!
Bring them unto me one by one, and we shall see if they go prosperously, limitedly, or deadly."

And so the Dark Lords servant went verily to the great door, and it heaved eerily open. The
noble Sun silhouetted a throng of robed travelers, and some fell dead immediately from the
power of the Dark Lords shadowed effigy. Seven remained and stood yet before the great hall.
The first was led before Darth Silus the Just.
"Verily thee be wrong and mistaken," quoth Silus.
"I am often wrong, and sometimes mistaken," replied the first. "Thine own transit here was folly,
than." "Pray, it was not, for the rules demanded it, and to fall short of those is to fall short of
myself," replied the first. The Dark Lord Silus than cackled and stated "Renounce the rules or
you renounce thyself." And, as she could not, and her babbling was easily seen through by Silus,
she diedher foulness decaying into the Dark Side.
The second was led before Darth Silus the Just.
"Verily thee be wrong and mistaken," quoth Silus.
"Of this I am sure! Please milord, correct me in all ways, and verily I am yours," remarked the
second. "Forsooth!" replied Silus, "show great power or I shall show thee death!" The second
false apostle grew indignant, and he replied, "Thou art cruel, why do you bear such cruel
intentions, pray?" And so he died and made the Dark Side stronger.
The third was brought before Darth Silus the Just.
"Verily thee be wrong and mistaken," quoth Silus.
The third began quaking, and spoke so, "Gods, it is as I knew but what at, pray? Forgive me,
and I shall leave." "Wrong." The third than turned his back to Silus to flee from his pain, and
Silus let a bellow to freeze him in his tracks. "Verily ye were correct, yet verily you made
yourself quake, and so thou shew me thine backso now I show you mine." And the Dark Side
was made stronger yet again.
The fourth was led before Darth Silus the Just.
"Verily thee be wrong and mistaken," quoth Silus.
"No I am not," replied the fourth, "and so also, as reward, you are wrong." Silus cruelly leered at
this arrogant false apostle. The fourth smiled back, and he proclaimed, "I see that you have seen
my companions, and than me, and thus appraise me correctly especially now that you know
yourself to be wrong." "Since I respect thee," said Silus, "I will send you to them to gloat." And
so the Dark Side was furthered again, feeding Lord Silus power.
The fifth was led before Darth Silus the Just.
"Verily thee be wrong and mistaken," quoth Silus.
So the fifth than began to cry. Silus ignored her for some time, until she finally stopped. "So how
am I wrong?" the fifth asked. Silus ignored her. The fifth than through into a fit of rage, and in
her temper, verily she slashed her hand against Silus robes. "Oh!" cried the fifth, "forgive my
lowly disservice! I am very good at fixing such things though!" So the fifth began to straighten
his robes, and said, "Rather good, am I not, milord? Would you ask how I learned the art?" "Tell
the others," replied the Dark Lord, and the fifths smile from the attention she received was short,
for she dissolved into more power for Silus.
The sixth was led before Darth Silus the Just.
"Verily thee be wrong and mistaken," quoth Silus.
"What do ye speak of, pray?" solicited the sixth. "That is the most intelligent question I hath
heard bequeathed unto mine ears in some six visits," replied Silus the Just. The sixth than burst
forth in a manic manner, going on for a bit about person problems and the goals hoped to be
achieved by coming before his Excellency. Yet Silus merely wore an antagonistic smirk, saying
naught a word. The sixth quickly became upset, now bitter and attacking, "Tell me, milord, why

do you not support me with thine words of grace? Verily you are of a terrible attitude and selfish
wit!" "Perhaps," muttered Silus under a neutral smile. "Thusly my dear lord hath returned to his
stable self thou art good at admitting, and hope to call thee friend." Than Silus spoke, "I hope
that thou art good at dying, friend." So she became Silus power.
The seventh was led before Darth Silus the Just.
"Verily thee be wrong and mistaken," quoth Silus.
Yet the seventh simply crossed her arms and gave Silus an endearing and playfully scolding
smirk. Finally she said, "Lord Silus, youve come hither recently too, I hear?" "Yes," replied
Darth Silus, "my predecessor spent much time hither, yet this is mine first visit to this refuge as
welland these lands." "Well, we have something in common, than, milord than and I know
very well of thines predecessorSilus the Learner." "Indeed?" inquired the Dark Lord of the
Sith. "Verily," replied the seventh in an endearing and magnetic manner. "And how didst thou
know of him, the esteemed Darth Silus the Learner?" She smiled, glancing at the floor, "Sire, it
is of a lengthy proportion, and so, before I forget or out talk takes of afar from here, I must ask
what you meant by verily thee be wrong and mistaken?" So Silus the Just almost answered, for
a moment no longer than that short moment when a scorpion decides to kill. Yet he was not
deceived, and so said, "Ask the previous six." And with a growl of discontent the seventh met
her demise, falling to and into Lord Silus power.
Than Silus decreed unto his servants, "And so I grow weary of absence from sanity, send forth
my apprentice from whither, and with haste." So Silus told his apprentice to learn what flaws of
personality do exist so that he may subjugate their power unto his own, and to pass the lesson on
to his apprentice when he became a Master. Thus Darth Silus the Just, Dark Lord of the Sith, set
free the seven burdens of power, and they were taken in by his apprentice, so that the false
apostles were defeated again than again, for forever.

The Apprentice and the Tyrant
ong distances away, there was a small and pathetic empire skirting the wastes. In command of
this empire was a tyrant, aptly named Despot the Awful, who ruled his domain, and everything
that bore his name as master, with an iron, imperious hand. Yet his greatest weapon was the
appearance of compromise, sanity, fairness, and security.
So, one day an apprentice to an especially lax Master, named Darth Insurrectus, appeared from a
sandstorm from the wastes unto the capital city of Depot the Awfuls empire.
At first he forbade anyones eyes from falling upon him, and played the part of a good citizen of
the empire. To Insurrectus surprise, though, this brought upon much attention, and his acting
made him a desirable subject for an imperial official to Despot.
The tyrants personal police came upon Darth Insurrectus and brought him before the imperial
throne to be knighted into Despots service.
The tyrant observed Insurrectus, and questioned him so, "Citizen, what be your name?" The Sith
apprentice bowed and replied thusly, "The truth of me is known as Darth Insurrectus, good king,
but, verily, this is not my abodeI am not a citizen, but a traveler in these parts." Despot looked

at him, mulling for a moment, than proclaimed, "Well then, no more! Welcome to the tyrants
service, and make yourself at home, for it truly is, now, thines home."
So Insurrectus looked with his third eye, and saw that to step against the tyrant from his position
was impossible, for the Dark Side propelling him was far weaker than that of Despots. An
antagonistic approach would put him on the destructive end of events. So, he bowed once more,
and replied, "I have no choice but to serve you, but my Master serves none but the Dark Lord of
the Sithand only for that he is the embodiment and the will of the Dark Side. You shall be
bound by fear of his coming."
And so Insurrectus entered into the service of the tyrant-king Despot the Awful. Yet Despot was
terrified of the coming of his new subjects Master, and was terrified of having to fear
someonebut he would never admit submission, inadequacy, and defeat, so he refused to free
Insurrectus on the grounds of "principle" and "law."
So, when Darth Insurrectus grew tired of observing the tyrants pitiful empire, he went unto
Despot, and he lied, "Lord Despot, my Master now comes, as I am sure you can see in your heart
as truth." Than he told the truth, "And so I will now leave you to go unto him." Despot flew into
rage, but Insurrectus ignored him and left the capital, than the country, through the main routes,
as the true emperor of the tyrants kingdom, and the master of Despot the Awful.
Thus Darth Insurrectus reported to his Master a new truth he had observed, "Those who must
have control must also, by nature, be controlled."

The Journeyer and Old Man Death
ntold time ago, there was a journeyer in quest for the Golden Truth, like many others akin to
him. He was far from his fatherland, and in a strange territory without even any knowledge as to
what he was looking for.
For days he wandered in a salt flat, barren of all life save for other journeyers like himself, and
with all the mirages it was as a hellish maze. Hallucinations haunted him until he awoke to find
himself in a red deep canyon, the end overlooking a far sandy country strewn with pagan-like
statues. Tombs lined the canyon wallsthe resting places of Sith and pagan lords of long aged
and forgotten importance.
The place whispered with secrets and the wisdom a place gathers only with great age and distant
violence. Muscular statues held on high the great entryways of the entryways of the dark tombs,
and so also the very canyon walls. The place was basked in the blood of the gods.
The Sun was setting.
It was than that the Master and Keeper was glimpsed by the traveler on the stone balcony at the
end of the valley overlooking the far country below. The traveler thought him a mirage at first,
than the silhouette of a man than, rather, a hole inor navel to
reality. The rays of the dying sun streamed past the figure as if showing the way, and so he let
them draw him unto the Keeper. He was drawn by the dusty light and the seething shadows in it,
and his soul became heavy.

The Keeper turned to face him, and at first the traveler thought he had not turned at all, for he
was dark in all aspects yet than he grew light, wearing now white robes, which the traveler
attributed to an trick of the light in initially disturbing his colors.
"Strange sir," quoth the traveler, "pray you shall spare me but come of your time, but I have
traveled countless mile from a land far hither. Shall you reveal to me where I might now reside
and the secrets of this strange land so that I might navigate it, I would be in your deepest debt."
Sand and dust swirled around them for a moment, and the place suddenly seemed very occupied
around them. "Foolish traveler," said the Master and Keeper, "thouest knows not the great spans
thou art from thine home ages away. You now travel the kingdom of the ancient primal Sith,
and this is the Valley of the Lifeless Lords," then he paused, drawing in a sucking breath, and
continued, "But afore I answer thouests second question you must answer mine. What is thy
intent here, why dost thou disturb the lands I care for and watch over?"
Amidst the heat and ageless weariness, the traveler set off into reverie, and replies, "Verily, dear
gardener, I come from a place where there is sweet grass, with dew upon it every morning, where
waters fall from the sky, and dont hide in the ground. I have come seeking the Golden Truth,
like hundreds before me and thousands to come after me, all in hopes to find enlightenment and
peace in our age."
"And what is this Golden Truth?"
"Pray, I know not, and nor do I wish to dwell upon it, sir Keeper, for my soul bears weariness
greater than that on it which sent me here."
"Than I will answer this question in addition to the second, though only as I can best see it, as I
do not know what thouest searches in particular. Come, look across my garden, impenetrable to
all but those divined to find it," commanded the Keeper. And so the traveler rested his hands on
the balcony wall and looked out towards the hellishly and frighteningly beautiful landscape. "All
that thou seest is painted in the blood of ages upon ages, as thou can notice when the sun shines
so on it. This is the land of death."
It was at this point that the traveler interrupted the Keeper, and said, "Keeper, it would be of
great avail to me is thou did not speaketh of death, for my life is perhaps wasted and my death
will be but another unfairness, sent to the unknown to suffer."
The Master and Keeper smiled at this, and he proclaimed, "Verily, lone traveler, there is naught
to be afraid of, for what is there in death that there isnt in life? Nothing." "This is my grail,"
realized the traveler, "this is the Golden Truththe truth to conquer the fear of death. Reveal to
me this divine and sacred knowledge, milord Keeper. What is death, pray? What is it like?"
So the Keeper replied thusly, "Look afore you across my far sandy country; it is also of dreams.
Thine owns dream visionyour third eyeusually reserved for dreams take lordship, and
beholden! the pail flatness of this life becomes clear like air, and you beholden it." "Observe
what, pray?" "The afterlifethe one you create, just as you see truth through what means you
choose in dreams, that is the afterlife. Yet beware, only the pure of heart may create a good
afterlifeonly those on the high pathfor only the sane may see what is truly good."
"Yet what of the Earth?" asked the traveler. The winds blew across the dusty valley floor,
revealingor creating intoshapes rather like hieroglyphics, and a volcano went off along the
horizon. "Reality may still easily be seen, similarly like how death may be tasted in bed, but it is
obscure, now, like dreams were. Some travel to it, while others attach themselves to it, for you
are one with the Tao when dead."
The traveler was ecstatic, and in a passionate intellectual mood, but than he posed this question,
"Verily, how might thou know this to be true, how may I prove what I know in my heart to be

true to my countrymen?" The Master and Keeper than turned back to shadow and the traveler
perished. The Keeper than brought the deceased traveler to his resting placethe womb that is
the tomb.
Ages later the dead traveler asked Old Man Death, or the Keeper as he was also called, "What is
life like? I fear the next transition, so tell me the Common Truth." Old Man Death replied,
"Divus, my good traveler, thou need not fear a thing, for there is nothing in life that there isnt in
And so Divus looked from the stone balcony at the end of the Valley of the Lifeless Lords out
across the far and eternal country, and viewed the blood-red rising Sun.

The Crazed Vampire
ulare Praetum, a Sith Master from the Empire, was in the city called Origin one night when he
happened across the creature known as Atrox. Atrox was a rogue vampire with no ties to any of
the Families or even any of the newer Covenants, and he had little reputation or ability of his
own save for a devouring and selfish appetite.
Immediately the Sith lord was attacked by the vampire, and so Darth Praetum struck the vampire
defenseless. "Why didst thou attack me?" inquired the Sith. Atrox hissed and replied as is so,
"Thou art nothing but the blood I crave." Darth Mulare Prateum was overcome with the urge to
spill this vampires blood, yet something stayed his hand. After a long pause he quoth, "Thou art
nothing but the death I crave yet you are still anew at this stage. Beholden, I shall deliver thou
fate unto thine own hands, and in ten years I shall see thee again. At that time we shall see what
distortions thou have wrought on thy potters wheel, and whether I shall smash it or drink from
it." And so Atrox fled into the night with a great temper upon his dead heart.
So the years fled smoothly by like the illusion they are, and change was brought upon the land
like it has been for all the ages. The change marked as "ten" had come about, and the now Dark
Lord of the Sith, Mulare Silusthe former Darth Praetumdid maketh his way unto the city of
Origin again. He let forth a cry, or rather a howl, to pierce into the night, and it delivered the
vampire Atrox unto him.
"I have come for inspection, Master. I am not entirely symmetrical, mind you, nor am I colored
grandly, as I am glazed with blood but I have worked hard on it that it might please thee,
milord," spoke Atrox. "You cower not, nor do you attacketh. Thou hast served the vampire clan
known as the Covenant of Blood with toil and exertion, and hath held on high the Family of
Cusat. These things are not under dispute yet the pot may only be finished after being fired
fight me."
And so Atrox and the Dark Lord Mulare Silus clashed mightily, and at last Atrox yielded, and so
the two bowed. "Thou have fought well, kindred searcher." The vampire responded, "It is only as
I endeavor, for good clay pots are practical." It was than that Mulare did not strike the pot Atrox,
but he drank of him, and decreed, "Thou art now a friend of mine, having battled not for your
life, but for you new title as Darth Atrox, master of the Dark Side."
And it was as such that the creature Atrox earned himself as all must do to come of age and

The Foolish Predator
awk, a fierce hunter and intelligent bird, came once to a nest full of newly hatched buzzards.
Looking about she said unto herself, "These foul creatures would make an awful meal, and yet
their parents are not about to protect them, defenseless as they are." So she made up her mind to
toss them out of the nest and to their demise.
Yet as she was about to pluck the first from the nest, in squealed prostrate to Hawk, and quoth,
"Forsooth! So it has progressed unto this, that just as life hath begun for me it must, verily, be
ended. Pray, spare us, that we may never forget your blessing and grow to repay it!" So Hawk
had sympathy on them and left on her way.
Some time later there was a famine, and the lands were lying bare. Hawk tracked the great
country as she always did in such times, quite unaffected thanks to her grand prowess. When she
came to her old grounds, her favorite in such times, she found it very barren. So she flew on,
deeper and deeper into the wastes. She was deeply distraught, yet than saw some form of life on
the ground.
Hawk swooped down upon the movement only to find the buzzards she had spared as mere
chicks. She was outraged as she saw them eating upon the dead animal that should have been
hers, and she realized that it was these Hawks that had stripped her lands. "Thou ungrateful
birds!" she cried, "you have ruined my lands!" The buzzards than turned upon her and ate her up,
and it was so that Hawk was repaid.
Suffer not others justice and ye will suffer.

The Journal of Darth Silus

Silosian Machinations
(#1) (written 3/16/06)
It has come to my attention that many people, especially young ones, look for stability in
their life using categorization. Of course stereotypes fall under this, including the philosophies
inherently behind clicks and and racism, but a more powerful form of this is the craze with
horoscopes of both the Greek and Chinese varieties.

We must assume than, that these actually have some power, otherwise they would be short
lived or purely cricumstantial hopes, doomed to fail. It is unlikely that stars hold and information
whatsoever beyond the scientific kind, and that which we humans place upon them. Therefore, it
is likely that horoscopes are purely humanistic phychological works, which virtually every type
of human who read them could find relation to. In fact, upon comparing all the horocopes for a
certain day, they all are remarkably similar... so they no doubt gain the personal appeal and
application through the natural and common human tendency towards selfishness and lack of
But it can not be denied that we, as humans, desire order and relation in our lives. Obviously
horoscopes aren't very dependable, but the individual, on the other hand, is much more sensitive.
Forseeing the day ahead of us, or the future for any time, is as simple as understanding the
philosophy behind a textbook. Obviously, there are techniques to forseeing the future, but it
begins at inner reflection. Meditating on oneself, and than on others, than learning to be sensitive
to the emotions produced by such meditation, are the steps towards inner harmony, order, and
attachment to the Universe, which was our motivation from the beginning.
After all, how can one know the future and "Time," before even knowing one's self? The
stars don't hold the secrets to you, only you yourself can discover the secrets.
-Darth Silus

A Close Encounter With

Myself(written 4/1/06)
Darth Silus, the brain child of a shortly lived organization known as the NID, was conceived
of near haphazardly. The Sith Order had already been conceived as a possible organization, but
the members felt it would be incredibly amateur. The Order subsided as a mere back burner
thought amongst a few individuals. The NID, shortly before being dissolved, soon had an
internal movement playing around with the idea. Soon the movement became an upwards dream
for many that wanted out of the increasingly corrupt national syndicate. As the ideas compiled
about controlled corruption and livable philosophy, a leader, the former second in command of
the dying organization, found himself totally responsible for both factions. He quickly dissolved
the cell he had contact with, as well as totally crushing the new Sith Order movement by drawing
it under his folds and refusing any class except Sith Philosopher. It was around this time that
the name Darth Silus appeared, and he quickly swept away all hope for the rebellious factions
wanting to set up the old directorate while controlling the quasi-order by limiting it to a handful
of close individuals. The building of the Sith had begun, and only two names would survive in
notice: Darth Irradus, and Darth Silus.

Darth Silus than withdrew and destroyed his true identity, while he conspired with Irradus in
the creation of an entire world view. The remnants of the NID had been swept away, as well as
the fledgling Sith movement. The dawn of the true Sith was coming.
The tame man who had created Silus than began to delve into philosophy, analyzing the
Star Wars films and deciding what being a Sith really meant. Silus slowly started emerging
again, and than, when the nature and direction of the Sith was grasped, he quickly subsided.
Perusing the creation of the Sith world view, a journal started to form, and Sith philosophy
entered the ring. Irradus and Silus occasionally made contact, sharing insightful contributions for
the newfound Dark Path.
Recently, Silus and the man have not only grown confident in the new philosophy but have
ascended again. Soon, very soon, the Sith will finally be able to rise as one of the most
intellectually (and therefore totally over all) powerful organizations ever. More importantly,
Silus will fully arise if only in the eternal shadowsfor all creation comes from blackness.
The Sith are here, rest assured, an no few in number all waiting for the day the Dark Lord
Silus assembles the Sith Council and declares dominion. Patience is now our ally, beholden the
rise of the masters....
-Darth Silus

A Strange Dream (written 4/10/06)

If one reads my thesis on dreams, (which can be found in the Selected Writings feature under
Sith Database in the menu,) than one understands how dreams are actually deep meditative
states in which the third eye takes over ones vision. The night before last I had an especially
revealing dream... one that I had been expecting.
I have recently discovered that the Irradus Barrier has actually already been partially broken.
(The Irradus Barrier being the lack of knowledge blocking the strong projection of emotional,
and later, physical/literal energy.) Charisma, presences behind places, uneasy feelings about
people or revulsion, and peer pressure are all signs of projected emotional makeup, mixtures, or
energy. All human beings have their Omnichi (the medium of internal/personal creation)
attached and anchored into Manchi (the medium of external creation,) and so we are all emitting
our internal creations outwards. Simply put, we are always dumping our excessive emotions
outward. The problem is controlling and directing these. I deduced that since the third arm
(what I call the ability to create in oneself, and create through oneself,) is related to the third eye,
it must be dreamlike in its nature. So, I decided to explore it, I must meditate on it, and my
dream was the result.
In my dream, I was at a lake that I visited a fair amount through my past in other dreams, only I
was on the opposite end of it than usual. I cant remember a fair amount of the beginning...
simply mindless progression of time... but than I remember approaching a deep and wide dip in

the orange-colored dirt path where it grew near the water of the lake, and than hearing a voice,
presumably of my fathers... yet not, for it was sage-like, who was there with me as well as some
friends of mine.
His voice spoke a mystical and stoic-like message which went something along the lines of this:
He told of how humans live up on the land, basked in the sun, warm, comfortable, and superior.
(It was a bright day at the lake in this dream, versus white-skied and gloomy.) I felt the warmth
of the sun and its sluggish comfort as he said this. But than he detailed various levels of fish....
He told of the fish that live right under the surface of the water, in the realm of glistening light
and meandering shadows cast from the waves, and as he mentioned their existence, I myself was
in that position under the water.
Than he spoke of the fish that live deep within the watery realm, where but a dot of light is their
existence. I was than deep in the black and green darkness, and above me, where the sun was
directly above the water, there was a round spot of light, shifting yet quite bright in contrast.
I than turned around, (presumably stopping the journey back around the lake,) and turned to a
little path leaving the one around the lake, and walked towards an open forest service gate. And
so the dream ended.
I have interpreted the dream to mean that contrast, and light and dark make up the focus
necessary to direct powerful energies. Not only must it be directed, and not only must it be in
contrast to all other emitting energies (by closing them off), but it also must be created in the
super-conscious realm of the subconscious, or the murky waters.
And so this dream has become a focusing metaphor for meditation.
-Darth Silus

The Middle Path (written 4/14/06)

Since I believe in the middle path between religion and science (which I believe both are
inherently flawed,) it is necessary for me to convey exactly what this beneficial middle path is.
Science is simply a method to take a philosophyor an idea from a philosophyand prove it
possible or true in reality, and embellish it with facts. The result and downfall of this, is that
science, being normally viewed as infallible and supreme, is nothing but a political and social
weapon. Evidence of this, is how society of the times dictates the science of the times.
Newtonian science was reflective of the Catholic view of a pristine Universe. Einsteins science
was reflective of an industrializing and fast-paced society, and modern quantum mechanics is
reflective of Taoism and relavatism. (Not to mention that the Big Bang, minus the explosion
part, is a classic Chinese belief in mysticism, and evolution is Buddhism for species.) Over all,
science is often but a religion.... the very thing it scorns.
Religions failings are much more known, and, encapsulated in one word, is faith. Faith is
what allows the few to benefit over the many, which can be said to be the main point of religion,
(example- Islam and various cults.) Religion damages the human core, which is questioning,

independence, and absolute truths existing on Earth as well as the equivalent of heaven.
Another prime problem of religion is the Pastor Complexwhen responsibility for superiority
is given rise by some personal public declaration or fact, and the self-superiority is enforced by
faith, leading to the suppression of the old sinner personality or faults, causing subconscious
negative reactions. Simply put, the individual thinks there should be a large personal ascendance
because of some act of faith or conversion into a religion, and is pressured by his or her peers to
really be ascended. Thus the mind schisms, dividing the ascended and old qualities, and even
suppressing the old qualities into the past. However, the old qualities are still there, and are
merely expressing themselves from the subconscious, so that the old personality is strained
through the new ascended one, and this internal denial leads to some negative defense
mechanisms. One is that there are levels of intolerance for those not like the individuals new
personality. The next is impulsions that are seemingly random often crop up. Finally, the third
is that the individual desperately tries to keep from descending and thus will often cruelly punish
However, science and religion do have some universal good ideas that should not be ignored.
Sciences main benefit is that you must not just muse about something, but go and see if it really
exists, and test it. Thinking logically and questioning are the great points to sciencebelieving
in only what isnt extraneous.
Religions main positive points are moral responsibility, mystery, and and obsession with finding
absolute truths.
Christanity is an especial problem though, and represents the worst flaws of all the religions.
After all, if it is so true and self-evident, how come you need faith?
Here are its tools of manipulation:
The strongest manipulator is, of course the altering of reality. If everything is Universally shaded
and "revealed" to be of a certain nature, it is absolutely impossible to see it without this shade.
For instance, a simple invention can be seen as the work of an atheist... or it can be seen shaded
as the creation of God. A single presumption--that God has created everything--has totally
warped reality.
In fact, all of one's memory is reformed under a change in reality-perception so that true contrast
is impossible. The other interesting fact is that it makes you more receptive to ideas that fall
under one's presumptions. It takes great willpower to even consider this for a follower, and even
more to comprehend it and thus overcome one's faith. Satisfaction
The next popular manipulator is a redefining of what things in life will satisfy you. Success is
also redefined. Therefore, any slight lack of complete satisfaction is blamed on not following the
ideal path to satisfaction close enough. This makes followers quite submissive and moldable.
Any time a depressed mood strikes they fall victim to trying to do the rituals prescribed to
achieve satisfaction. In addition, if one feels inadequate, one may abandon works in progress and
return to more faithful persuits. Reality Maintenance
Whenever one thinks outside of the Christian reality it is labled doubt or sin. Church is also
designed to keep one in the Christian reality. Worth/Value
One's worth or value is taken away from individuality and accomplishment and given to being a
chosen one of God. Thus, one's worth or value depends soley upon one's faith. Failure of
Perception (relavatism)
A central pillar of Christianity is relavatism--the idea that nothing is truly able to be known...
except for the Bible. Therefore, nothing is trusted but the Bible. This makes no sense, as if our

senses really are flawed, than how can we read the Bible accurately, how can we know there is a
God at all? Hypocritical. Detachment
The world is not to be trusted, we are not of it, pain is only a lifetime long, only Heaven counts-these statements all detach us from reality. The inteded goal is to make us tolerant of pain the
results from the delusions taught by the Bible. Make us tolerant of giving up our urges and
dreams. Peer Pressure (and guilt)
A huge part of modern Christianity is peer pressure and guilt. Only WASPs are world leader-you are at a disadvantage in the world if you do not accept Christianity. In addition, most of your
peers are Christian, you are on the outside. Guilt is obvious, as we are taught to feel bad about
being human by today's Christian society. Of course, the Bible teached that the exact opposite is
true to protect itself from these facts. Pastor Complex
When one joins this new faith, internal and external pressure drives us to become transformed
and better when this, at the very least, take a long long time. So, the individual simply beleives
that he is different, and as a result battles with their true selves and become cruel to those who do
not do as they do thanks to the pressure. Arrogance and isolation follow, leaving them with only
Christianity and their new self, making sure they stay Christian. Trance-pleasure
Singing and speaking in tongues, and worship in general is trance-like in nature. The trance is, of
course, powerful and pleasurable, and so as a result the positive effects felt "confirm" one's faith
and are attributed to the "Holy Spirit."Cyclic Logic
Cyclic logic is the core of the Bible. It is our distractor from reality and provides an imaginary
path to pleasure. For example, the Trinity and God's emotional outbursts keep one's mind
occupied for a lifetime. Cyclic logic makes sure we don't think about the important
stuff. Community
The pleasure gained from being in a community is addictive, thus making leaving any
community hard... let alone a Christian community. Greed/Motivation
People come to Jesus not because their heart urges them to, but because they want more power
and the ability to look down on others not like them. Be the only ones right. Insularity and
The Christian faith is very insular, discouraging all non-Christian non-necessary activities or
places, such as Public School. Myth
Christianity has borrowed myths and regurgitated many from multiple cultures, thus appealing to
the primordial human mind and sense of beauty. They do not appeal because they are real.
History is real and it is not appealing in said manners, after all. Threats
Finally, threats are the last and last-resort manipulator. If you do not play by the Bible, you go to
Hell. Smaller threats are extremely numerous.
So, both science and religion are usless. The Middle Path... mysticism... is the only way. Darth Silus

The Path of The Sith of Silus

(Note,this is part of the book on silus.)


Mythology is the most ancient form of story told by mankind. Like so many early
inventions, it was formed less as a entertainment and more as a necessity. People needed
direction in their life, and they needed an example, and so life was represented in story
Joseph Campbell was the first to draw attention to the power of mythology, revealing
the Universal archetypes in mythology that are THE SAME no matter what culture they
came from. So, we can see these archetypes as the greatest of human truths. The ancient
conflict between the Light Side and the Dark Side is represented by the Hero and the Villain.
According to Campbell human life is explained by these archetypes and we should still
mold our lives according to these ancient universal reoccurances in mythology. We should
still beleive in Destiny (but not fate) and mold our life after the Hero... or the Villain.
Campbell explained that the hero (or anti-hero) of the myth goes through a set of basic
transformations regardless of the culture:
1. The Call to Adventure
2. Leaving of the Homeland
3. Crossing through of Several Gates to More and More Magical Places
4. Accomplishment of Destiny
5. Ascension to Heaven
The Call to Adventure is when the hero or antihero is confronted with a greater purpose
to living than what life was previously expected. The hero usually resists at first, but later
comes around... however, sometimes they refuse and then they die or, worse than death,
they live a comparatively worthless life because of their denial of their destiny. The Call to
Adventure is when the longing of one's soul is explained and the way to cure that longing
for something greater is offered. (Working towards one's destiny is much more satisfying
than the evil artificial alternative of religion.)
The Call to Adventure is an awakening of the mind, the opening of the eyes, and the
satisfying of the soul and fulfillment.
This site uses explanations of everything for teaching. Some excersizes are available
here for learning on your own, but, for the most part, this can only be acheived through a
So, this site is invaluable and very important, but there are some things meant to be
learned through practice and not words. Therefore, this site will teach you Sithology, but it
will not make you a true Sith by itself. That's why the Master Apprentice relationship was
kept and not just replaced by this website.
The reason for this is because there are two ways to learn everything: the Jedi Way,
and the Sith Way. The Jedi way is Power Through Knowledge. The Sith way is Knowledge
Through Power. No one way can be used purely, or you loose information or value.
However, the main way a Sith gains knowledge is through power. The Jedi Way is used on
this site for the purpose of teaching knowledge so as to provide you with the basic powers
you need to learn the greater knowledges through your acheived power. So, the Jedi Way is
used to jumpstart you on the Sith Path. This site hosts all the material for what you need to
begin, and than a Master may take you on afterwards to continue your training.

The Call to Adventure has been issued to you. Open your eyes and awaken your mind
with the following teachings so that you may use the Sith Way as soon as possible!


In humanity's beginning humans lived as they orginally should, without civilization. Of
the four castes, Sith/Nomad, Psychotic Nomad, Civilian, and Psychotic Civilian (being the
lowest,) virtually only the highest survived, with only the occasional Psychotic Nomad. The
Alpha Male ruled with the tenets of Sith Philosophy. However, the Light came up from the
Psychotic Nomads, who used gang-like force to make people follow them without having to
work hard as an Alpha Male. The Sith's enemies had come, causing violence and lesser
castes to start being born... but also forcing the Sith to greater power.
With the establishment of basic group organization and building skills allowed the rise of
the tenets of religion, cvilization, the village, and more advanced language and farming.
New forms of control were now needed beyond that of the Alpha Male. Quasi-polticalreligion was now employed, ushering in the era of Shamanism, the first recorded mystical
power using individuals. Also, the most powerful to this day of the Light Side warriors, as
they are the base to all future religions.
It is also the time of the rise of the Sorcerors, the enemies of the Shamans and their
quasi-government/religion. Sorerors are the first warriors to oppose the oncoming
civilization of mankind, attempting to use it for the superior purposes of harbouring the
Dark Side (which they had just newly discovered.) However, they were the weakest of the
Servants of the Darkness (or "Dark Side Warriors") because many of their techniques were
based on those used by their Light Side counterparts. The Sorcerors were banned from the
early communities if discovered, so severe secrecy was adopted. Still, they started a
tradition, a movement in the making.
Japan is where the next recorded resurgance of the Servants of Darkness, or the "Sith,"
can easily be seen. Civilization was now very established, and so were its protectors, the
model for Star Wars' Jedi, the Samurai. Policing the empire, their injustices soon led to the
rebellion of farming communities who turned to the Dark Side for seperation and protetion.
Thus the Ninja eventually evolved, who are the model for Star Wars' Sith. They worshiped
aspects of the Darkness which they called evil spirits, as well as throwing out the useless
notions of honor used by the Samurai, adopting any technique whatsoever that gave them
an advanatage. With the rise of the Ninja comes the official rise of what is considered to be
the "Sith Order". However, the Ninja, having thrown away much of the secrecy established
by the Sorcerors in exchange for greater power, were soon destroyed by the Samurai.
The reason for the constant reappearance for the Servants of the Darkness is man's
desire for power and the superiority of the Dark Side over the cvilized, intolerant Light Side.
As long as the Light Side warriors exist in their many forms (religious mainly, but also
political) the Servants of the Dark Side will not cease to try and overthrow them to install
the superioity of the Dark Side, and control civilization to make it as unintrusive as possible.

The Dark Side is much more powerful, however has always been wiped out by the evil
Light as the power the Sith have is envied by the lower castes created by civilzation.
(These lower catses would normally have been wiped out by nature, but medicine, welfare,
and other tools of Light's civilation allow them to live. But they are not capable of the Dark
Secrecy is again employed by the Servants of the Darkness, but they are scattered and
not unified. Power draws them inevitably together though, as it always does, and the Dark
Side is preserved in the "underculture" establishment (like the gangs, mafias, mobs, and
drug cartels, as well as those countries which apose America's world order through tyranny
and nuclear development.) Power and the Dark Side is impossible to wipe out, as there will
always be those of the Sith Caste who know that all seek power, and they should seek it the
best way possible--through the Dark Side.
The Sith have always existed. The Silosian Sith Order is not so much new as it is ten
thousand years in the making--ever since the Sorcerors of old. It is in this tradition that the
Silosian Sith Order has risen. It is time for the Darkness to rise once more... permanently.
"Once more the Sith will rule the [world]... and we shall have peace." -Darth Sidious


The Sith (Silus and the other Founders) do not claim to be totally original in their ideas,
but rather are the natural progressive conclusion of society-wide feelings and concepts.
If you watch the music video by
Korn:, you will see that
general IQ is decreasing, especially around the time of the cultural revolution, and has
continued to decrease. The Counter Culture was brought on by outrage at the Government
and likely, the falling IQ of mankind leading to greater and greater global instablity. After
the fall of the Counter Culture the masses went into denial in the 80's
(,) in the 90's we bargained for a better life
by buying endless numbers of new gadgets and products, and now in the New Millenium we
are in depression and anger, as evident with modern media. We view the Sith as the natural
outcome of a less and less controlled/stable world as well as discontent and rebellion. We
are pragmatists motivated to find a solution to the dark path Humanity is taking, and put
them on the Golden Path

The Alpha Male:

The key to the True Power of guidance over people is taking on the ancient "cave
man" role of the pack leader or Alpha Male. Only Alpha Males are truly respected and
followed, and only thier characteristics are considered attractive. Others may have positions
of power granted by their heritage or by election or corruption, but these leaders are not
generally followed or are even overthrown. In addition, the Establishment or "Jedi" of the
world train us in sometimes extreme forms of submission and calm submissiveness. The
Sith, naturally, are against this, as the Sith Master is the ultimate Alpha job.

Part One:

Psychologically, the basic introduction can be seen in THIS pdf documnet.

An alpha
male is basically the controlling, stabalizing, and most liked individual in a group who takes
charge and streamlines the group. It is a generally confident state of mind always selfcentered yet always observant and interactive whenever necessary. They often break up
fights and are respectful to others but are always sure not to be disrespected.
Basically, they are individuals who are comforatble with themeselves, others, and
often their enemies. They don't so much care as to what others think of them, but
rather are interested in what others think like.

Part Two:

There are several recommened readings for every alpha male: How to be an Alpha
Male by John Alexander as well as The Definitive Book of Body Language by Barbara and
Allan Pease.

Part Three:

Being an Alpha Male is like stepping into another reality. The comfortable submissive
realm of the calm submissive follower is left behind, and reality is discovered to be much
different. When you take roles of the Alpha Male, you will notice that immediately others try
to compete with you. It is a constant struggle. However, if you don't much care about the
struggle and remain comfortable, and remain alpha, your peers will grow. Don't take shit
from anyone either... defend yourself actively, not passively. Don't be paranoid though.

Part Four:

Many people are daunted by the task of becoming an Alpha, however, there really is
only one way. Learning and evolving through experience. Be yourself, and DO NOT VIEW
&nbsbThe reason for being mostly unhindered about what you want to do is because if
people sense deception in you (and they will, because they've likely dealt with predators
better at it than you) they will see you as evil too.

Part Five:

Eye Gazing is another critical aspect of the ancient nomadic/caveman art of Alpha
Mentality. When speaking to someone, lock your eyes onto thier eyes. However, when being
spoken to, do not look into thier eyes very much. Only enough to show you are listening.
Eye Gazing is also critical in reading people. You can tell someone's intelligence rather
easily by thier eyes, not to mention that how they shift their eyes is a big tip on what they
are thinking and their social standing as well as mentality. For instance, if a typical person
looks up and to the left they are picturing something in their mind's eye. If they look up and
to the right they are picturing an image from the past. If they look to the left they are
imagining a sound. To the right means a remembered sound. Down and to the left signifies
thinking about a smell. Down and to the right signifies internal dialogue, as in talking to
If the eyes don't match the language you can assume a lie. For example, if you ask
someone whether they should be using the internet for a test; "What did the professor
say?" And the person answers, "The professor said... I could" but they look to the left while

saying this, they are likely lying. (A typical left-handed person would have the opposite
meanings for their eye-directions.)

Part Six:

Reality Control is another essential method of an Alpha. Control is all about perception.
Instead of submiting to another person's view of reality you should be totally into your own
views on reality and desire; in fact, be so convinced of your own views that others are
brought into your reality instead of you into theirs. Of course, verbalizing your views literally
is not really the point, but simply operating according to your views. Arrogance should be
avoided in being displayed as it is disrespectful and thus not Alpha and cosidered defensive.
Being in your own "little" world is actually a good thing to a very large degree. (An eye
should always be kept on reality.)

Part Seven:

The most important aspect of Alpha Mentality is ENERGY! Holding yourself upright is a
good way to show dominance, but you may still give of the energy of a
nuertotic/submissive. Take on the persona of an alpha and project the energy of calmassertiveness. This takes practice, but, basically, what it means is that people can pick up
on your very emotions, and so you should enter a mentality with the emotions of an Alpha
(like calmness and assertivenes) so that you project the right image of yourself.

Part Eight:

Finally, you should always be looking for the pity play. If someone tries to get people's
pity they should be avoided as they are antisocial and thus unable to be controlled by Alpha
mentality. They may never take over your pack, but they will try to use you or anyone they
think is a decent honest person. Your best method is to keep those you trust closest and
those who you don't from your group, but don't be hostile toward them. Band such people
from your pack and it will be much more pleasurable for everyone and thus you consolodate
your power even more. Sociopaths may be fun and spontaneous, but are always wolves in
sheep's clothing.
A Sith is an Alpha Male. If this mentality is practiced to the point where it is made a
force of habit, always being used, you become an Alpha Male (or Female.) It must be used
at all times for any Sith, unless a disciple or apprentice, in which case submission is the
case with their instructors or Masters.

The Way of the Sith; Self

Every organization has some sort of standards that are demanded or a code of
behaviour that is expected in order to maintain a membership in said organization. To the
Sith, being "Emperor of Self" is the equivalent to others' codes of behaviour and standards.

Emperor of Self is a mind-expanding tradition meant to weed out those not ready, those not
of the Sith Caste, and charletons such as the typical sociopath.

Right Seeing:

Right Seeing is the sight that is derived from being hyper-aware of your own biases and
preconceptions. It is achieved by, mainly, spending time in quiet reflection and meditation.
Begin by isolating yourself, generally at the end of the day, and reflect on your day and
overall impression of it. Analyze why you feel that way, and why you did the things that you
did. You must obsess over what you feel and do until you find not just an answer but the
right answer. But, of course, you must do it, because if you get over the issue naturally
(subconsciously) than it will likely remain to haunt you and take your power.<

Right Seeing
Right Seeing is the platform to the Base of Knowing: the Sith Ways. One must achieve the
Three Pillars when mastering Right Seeing:






-The First PillarInsight is the ability to understand yourself. Simply put: how can you understand great truths
when you cant even understand your own whims, motives, and nature? To achieve insight, you
must reflect using knowledge (logic) and comparison to others (empathy.) (Yet empathy is not
achievable without insight.) You will find that the first pillar, although inseparable from the
others, is the easiest to learn, because reflection happens if you allow yourself time with no
distractions. When feelings come, and thoughts of how fair or unfair something is, ask the
question why? of yourself, actively applying the other two Pillars. Insight isnt emotional, for
it always ascends and questions the reasons behind an experienced emotion. Insight is you
getting to know yourself, thus ceasing to strive with your own nature, which is the root of much
suffering. Best of all, insight is the beginning of self-awareness.
-The Second PillarEmpathy is the study of others nature, a sort of external insight. You must realize your own
uniqueness and others differences and superiorities and inferiorities to achieve both logic and
insight. Empathy is seeing through the eyes of other, and seeing yourselfthrough those eyes.
Only a fool refuses to acknowledge that others exist in a similar nature to themselves and that the
world is diverse and doesnt revolve around them. Thus, to see others nature is to grow in your
insight and your perception of things beyond that of just other human beings.
-The Third PillarRight logic is the correct interpretation of yourself, others, and the beyond. Logic is the building
on of the small to make the large. Logics first step is discernment, than association to other
truths, than conclusion, than, finally, application to your mind/life. Incorrect logic is to say A
fish swims in water, air is like water, and thusly I swim. Logic is applying order to something
using facts, correlation, and insight and empathy. It should also be applicable to other things,
other words it should be put in a smaller regard. Logic should never be an excuse for a wasteful

behavior of yours, (even using logic to declare a behavior not wasteful.) Logic is explanation
through patterns to develop place.
The Three Pillars build and depend on each other, master them, (and thus Right Seeing,) and you
will have no difficulty learning higher ways like that of the Sith.

The Windswept Mountain:

Click Here to learn.

Mood Control--Beauty:
Being a Sith, one sometimes develops an obsession over their moods, especially if one
has not mastered the art of the Windswept Mountain. The key is to generalize unwanted
moods. The method is through the concept of "beauty." Beauty is something that not only is
attractive, but is so appealing that is causes pain. Life, therefore, as a whole should be
thought of as beautiful. The painful moments make it not just good and nice, but bring it to
the passionate level of beauty. Therefore, even the painful moments by themeselves are
beautiful. All moods have been shared and experienced for all eternity, so your mood makes
you timeless as well. It's all been done before. It is by meditating on these ideas that you
can easily conquer the average blues. But, of course, you must do it, because if you get
over the issue naturally (subconsciously) than it will likely remain to haunt you and take
your power.

Right Inner Seeing:

In addition to controlling your regular consciouness, you should also have the utmost
discipline over your other, more trance-like consciousnesses. Many people use trances and
what not as entertainment, which is entertaining, but utterly useless. Some general
principles can help you stay in command. Mainly, go into any experience aware of what you
naturally want to see, and what you need to experience... if there is a difference, work it

Right Inner Seeing

(The Sight of the Third Eye)
Right Inner Seeing is the Base of Mystery: the logic of the soul. One must achieve Right Seeing,
and the Three Pillars when mastering Right Inner Seeing:






-The First PillarCompassion is a touchy subject; one that requires reverence and wisdom to understand. The
pillar relating closest to this one of Right Seeing is Empathy. Yet this is very internal as opposed
to the external nature of Empathy. Compassion is, thusly, somewhat blind in the Right Seeing
sense... which makes sense, because compassion involves ignoring repelling forces and illogical
quirks in another being. Compassion also lies more on the one giving compassion than the one
receiving it. Therefore, compassion is very internal and meditative. Compassion, in this sense,
is about getting in touch with ones child natureor the reverent and wise wondering, quietness,
and seeing of a child. This is different with every person, as each childs nature is a media from
which the latter art piece is affected in its nature. Nevertheless, a childs nature is always

generally observant, reverent, and wise. This child nature is also difficult to find or return to
often, for it takes Right Seeing, Reverence, and Wisdom to be able to sort memory or soulmemory out and get to the nature behind the actions and feelings. Quiet Seeing.
-The Second PillarReverence is integral in compassionin its discovery and its natureand is essential to the use
of wisdom. Reverence is letting go and outwardly practicing The First Pillar. Reverence is also
the acceptance of mystery; the letting go of the need to control by logic. Finally, Reverence is
letting go of synthetic thoughts and divinely questioning, like a quiet child with no
preconceptionsbeing compassionate and wise.
-The Third PillarWisdom is the third and final piece to realizing and using your third eye. Compassion is
becoming at one with your child nature. Reverence is shifting your eyes to match your child
nature and learning non-control. Wisdom is the pillar that allows the other two to exist and grow
and it is the personal use of the other two pillars. Humans are logical beings, thus wisdom is the
organization and placement of Compassion and Reverence into our lives. Wisdom is accepting
the drives the other two pillars put into us and starting the endless contemplation of the
mystery... which can be seen as reverence or noble compassion.
The Three Pillars are one; master them and you open the door to Sith Powers.
A Sith is generally so strong that should thier emotions master them they will fall to the
status of Dark Jedi because the only person that can control them is themeselves, so they
are effectively unuseable and without any stability. So, self-control (Emperor of Self) is at
the very heart of the Sith philosphy and must be practiced and even made into a habit.

Darth Silus View

Of Religion

Thesis on Religion, Especially Christianity:

Religion, (being defined as "an institution to express belief in a divine power" by
Princeton University) has risen directly with civilization. In fact, the measurement of a
civilization must include the development or adoption of a religion... often state employed.
Religion's purpose is not the exposition of truth but as a means for the few to control the
many, and is in fact contrary to healthy and factual beleifs as well as truth.
The first religions were mainly of a means to support desired morals and behaviours by
the recently formed state. Examples include ancestor worship and animism, the latter of
which later developing into polytheism. Ancestor worship in ancient China was a rather
brilliant method to get the civilians to follow desired cultural behaviours. Animism promotes
a hunting and way-of-nature cultural value inherent in many early civilizations, especially
the ancient American Inians.
Later, as civilizations advanced and mass control over the increasing number of groups
and minorities polytheism was developed to express more advanced, controlling cultural
values. As future cultural values needed to be integrated another god was installed. In fact,
the Egyptians would often adopt certain god from other empires. Still, a central few gods
are kept in dominance over the rest; those containing unchangingly desired cultural values.
Around the same time Taoism and other more individualistic religions were formed, going
along an approach of creating "discipline" or great adherence to the orthodox cultural code
by leading by example.
Later on came Monotheism, the crowning acheivement of cultural control and
maintenance. A single and "One" God promotes an intolerance for variation and makes the
world black-and-white; those within the God's designated range of acceptable behaviour,
and those things without it. With monotheism came very tight-knit civilizations, usually very
combatative. The concept of the Jihad existing in all versions; those not part of the culture
(religion) are rejected and deservative of death and eternal punishment. The idea of
conversion into an orthodox culture or a religion being invinted a little while later by
intercontinental civilizations.
The most recent monothesim, Islam, was specifically designed to be an imperial
religion, as all Islam countries were and are confederated. So, soon came the religious
wartime tool of ethnic superiority and racism.

Judaism is a very small religion, and Islam is still very new, so Christianity is most
definately the reigning champion in the evolution of religions. In the past Catholicism
reigned supreme under the command of a central controller: the Pope. Later, Protestantism
was created for a more diverse and fast passed world, with no central figure but a loose
business and theological confederation controlled (or controlling) by the WASPs. (White
Anglo-Saxon Protestants, also known as "Western Civilization.") Modern tools of religion
being exteme submission to any gorvernment that allows and protects the religion as well
as to that natural predators in our lives. It is because of this "Obey your master" philosophy
the the CIA exists today, as well as the many numerous Secret Societies (such as the Free
Masons) and Christian-based cults.
So, by viewing Christianity from this persective we can understand the power and
evolution of religion at its current peak.
Christianity employs a non-questioning faith as well as a fear of "sin" and "hell" in
addition with several main appeals (like sexuality with Mormanism.) This faith is
perpetuated and created by the use of cyclic logic and guilt-inspired obsession. (Click
Here for a list of Jesus' tricks.) The individual is controlled to the point to where he or she
thinks that everything would be totally different if the religion was rejected. Subconsciously,
as Christians have been taught, they begin to equate any form of happiness with the
religion. In addition, thousands of minor details are constantly stated to "prove" that
Christianity is so unique that it isn't even a "religion."
With the come of Protestantism even the rebels were able to be named in the image of
the culture. The forgiveness of sins being focused on, it allows people to beleive without
changing and minimal inconvenience. So, development isn't undone, but is now kept (or
kept from advancing away from) within the norm of the cultural values in a civilization.
Another Christian tool is the paranoia generated to make every study on Biblical
accuracy or philosophy that ends up being contrary or against Christianity as a mere
emotionally driven attack on them. The subconscience understanding is that these "attacks"
are from Satan. Indeed, a Christian is even crafted to convert those who reject as he or she
will argue with a non-beleiver but never hate them. "Love your enemy."
The world economy growing increasinly centralized as the controllers who are smart
enought to know religion is false get rich on the Christian quality of charity and lack of
greed. (Jesus says over a money dispute that since the coin in conflict has Caesar's picture
on it, it should be given to him. Not to mention the endless parables and examples of
charitable poor people.
In addition, many of the obtrusive qualites that both make and disprove Christianity are
not actually practiced. However, Jesus says those not dedicated are "luke-warm", and he
spits them out (hell.) Brilliantly, though, the phrase "for whosoever turns to me shall not
parish, but have ever-lasting pece," allows these "growing" Christians to remain loyal and
stay in to be pressured into greater "faith."
So, we see the way modern Christianity controls and guides the "free" world determines
what it appears like. With the Everlasting War between the world monotheist religions
comes the rise of covert acts of Jihad known today as terrorist attacks and air strikes/CIA
hits. The Builderburgers, Skull and Bones, Free Masons, among others control the world
against the Communists and Eastern Religions. All this just for control, and at the price of
beleif in many erroneous, false, and uselessly restricting ideas and laws. Science now
promotes these same values, paying material gratification through technology for beleif. It
is likely to be the next great religion....

What is a Sociopath?
A Sociopath is someone who suffers from a form of mental retardation, simply put.
They have no higher governing brain function than the pleasure-seeking pain-avoidng
So a sociopath has no conscience, no reason, and no self-awareness,and may do
whatever they please with no internal consequences. They learn secrecy at an extremely
early age, and becoem excellent actors. They engage in extremely intense activities to get
as much stimulation as possible (pleasure-seeking.) This includes their cruel and antisocial
More important, though, is their pain-avoidance, is this determines their sociopathis
personality. The pain a sociopath percieves is directly related to their intelligence. The
greater the IQ, the greater the pains perceived, and the more effort and sucess is required
to overcome them.
The dumbest sociopaths are the "moochers"--the Parasites. The only pain they perceive
is that resulting from having to work to live as well as hunger and poverty. So, they use
other people to work for them to overcome their pain.
The middle-intelligence sociopaths are smart enough to perceive the pains of being low
on the social totem pole and perceive the pain of being different and an outsider. However,
they lack the intelligence to do much about this. These are the Spiteful sociopaths. They
hate those with the talents they wish they had, so they settle for the next best thing, which
is to prevent others from either using those talents, or to make them pay a high price for
having them. (From who much is given, much is asked is their motto.)
Finally, the most intelligent sociopaths (Genius sociopaths) perceive wide ranging pains
and the pain of being under the thumb of society. However, ulike their lesser cousins, they
have the intelligence to overcome this pain, mostly. These are the gang leaders, company
predidents, and any other higher-standing controlling position.
This is the sociopath explained.

Socipathic Method:
Every sociopath uses a basic learned behavior to get what they want, which is as follows:
1. Dominance/Submissiveness
A sociopath can use either mode to get what they want. They usually are submissive to butter up their
victim/s and make themselves trustworthy. However, when they want something, they will adopt
dominance for a period of time to demand what they want.
2. Knocking down defensiveness
If an individual gets defensive about the dominant aggressiveness, submission is adopted again, praise and
pity are used together, and as soon as their victim/s calm down, dominance is use again.
3. Wearing them down
If they grow defensive again, submission is used again. This cycle repeats until the individual gives in.

4. Praise
In the mean time, these methods are refined. The sociopath figures out exactly how to inflate the victims
ego the best, and uses fear to gain respect from the victim. The sociopath molds their personality to that of
what the victim either wants or to the victims personality and thus pries praise out of them, as well as
admiration. As time goes on, they get better and better at the dominance-submissiveness cycle, making it
more and more personal.
5. Fun
The sociopath will use excitement and fun through their impulsivity to isolate you from others and make
your time with them enjoyable as well as endearing. They make it seem like they would do anything for
you but they are the victim because you will not ever give them what they want in return.
6. Guilt
The resulting goal is to guilt the person into a submissive state where they finally give in to the predators
7. Remission
Once the person gives in, the sociopath gives them a break and relaxation as a reward until they want
something else. Eventually the victim lives for nothing but the seventh stage, and so grows to be a willing
victim who admires their persecutor and believes they couldnt live without them.

These seven stages are rather unimaginative and simplistic, which is why sociopaths everywhere
come to use it. Their inward observing and obsessive behavior leads them to inevitably develop
the Seven-Step process of manipulation

The Book of the
Dark Holocron

Listen. Feel. Be. Overcome.

Darth Draconis
Take what you will, but leave something in return:
Unfettered with emotion, the sole child of the unity of the Darkness and Emptiness.
Take a moment and breathe. Feel the darkness swirling around you and into your being.
and for once, know that you are Sith, that you are Strong, and that you are Free.
Do not be afraid to claim such titles to your being, for fear of political rectitude, and do not
fall into a state of blindness in your search for power.
The strong will prevail, and the weak will fall underfoot.
Do not be weak.

Symptom or Cause?
Darth Draconis
As part of our wonderful convenience culture that I so love and adore, the packet of
paracetemol seems to be a permanent fixture in medicine cupboards all over the western
world. A simple sequence of events occurs.
Step 1. Subject gets headache.
Step 2. Subject walks to medicine cupboard and opens it.
Step 3. Subject takes a (probably excessive) number of paracetemol to relieve said aching
To my (admittedly less-than-sane) mind, this seems to indicate something about our
culture. Certainly, we have a problem, we look for the solution; nothing wrong there.
However, it seems to me that it is not the problem we address, but the symptom. We
understandably see the fact that we have a headache as a problem. However, we dont
think to address the reason why we have a headache. We look for the short term,
immediate solution, that is, the paracetemol, rather than addressing the reason we have a
headache, for example stress in the workplace or lack of sleep.
When we take a step back, it seems commonsense; why constantly shove pills into our
mouths, no doubt doing us harm, when we can look for the real cause and resolving that,
and hence alleviating the problem at its root? Well, Id say that we mainly choose the fast
quick-fix solution because it requires time and effort to take a step back and look at the root
And of course, this applies to far more than headaches. Look at our emotional responses.
We are angry. Society tells us this is bad bad bad. So we seek to brush these emotions
under the carpet; perhaps we seek advice on anger management from a therapist, those
gurus of modern society. But trying to hide these emotions does little except make steady
progress towards eventual and inevitable implosion. Our emotions are in many cases
symptoms of a problem. It is not good enough to say I am angry, and this is a problem
or I am afraid, and this a problem. These emotions are signals. In my personal opinion,
if there is a key word in the Fatum Operandi, it is why? Like the curious child seeking to
understand his environment, question everything around you, and some of the most
important things you can question with a desire to understanding are your emotional
responses; this way you can see what they are trying to tell you.
If a baby cries, a parent dont usually say what a terrible noise- lets gag the child
(although Im sure many are tempted!). They say the child is crying, therefore he must

be hungry/ uncomfortable, etc. Treat your emotions in the same way; dont shut them
up with the immediate response that they are dangerous and should be suppressed; find
out what they are trying to communicate to you.
Which more or less concludes what I am trying to say, although by way of an appendix of
sorts, I thought Id address James Bugentals (1978) views on levels of therapeutic goals.
Level 1 is Adjustment. This is basically the take a paracetemol solution- the minimal
removal of symptoms without any real change of outlook. In terms of emotional responses,
this is getting rid of your emotions, if this is possible; more likely brushing them under
the carpet.
Level 2 is Coping Effectiveness. Here, rather than taking the paracetemol, you grit your
teeth and cope with the headache. Self explanatory, really; you improve your ability to cope
with the problem rather than solve it. In terms of emotional responses, you accept that your
emotions are there, and just learn to exist without dealing with them.
Level 3 is Ego Renewal. You get rid of the symptom and raise your morale and outlook by
doing so. In terms of emotional response, this is crushing your emotions and replacing them
with more positive factors in a think happy thoughts kind of way.
Level 4 is Growth in Personal and Interpersonal Actualisation. This is looking at your
symptom in a far more positive light, and hence stopping it being part of the problem, and
starting to let it be part of the solution. The person has moved on from one outlook to
another, and has grown in doing so. In terms of emotional response, this is seeing that your
emotions have a positive role to play in your life.
Level 5 is Existential Emancipation. This is the discovery of the real self. It is
understanding the fuller picture, that the symptoms are a result of a problem within your
environment, and not isolated factors. In terms of emotional response, it is finding the
reasons of your response, examining them and dealing with them if appropriate.
Level 6 is Transcendence. Having examined and understood the situation, we begin to
move on in our psychospiritual development.
Dont see these levels as further attempts to pigeonhole, but just another perspective on
the various stages of response to a symptom. Do you feel that you are on one of these
particular levels? Where do you wish to be? How can you help yourself improve your
response? Keep on asking these questions.
-Richard Irvine, Krath Lord

Mental Warfare
Darth Draconis
Any pursuit that you wish to partake in, whether it is persuading the opposing target
through psychological or through the force can be judged on five fundamental factors by
which your quest shall succeed
1. Moral Influence
2. Environment
3. Distance (Relative/Non-Relative)
4. Command
5. Doctrine
We shall look at each of these in detail:
1. Moral Influence
This does NOT mean you go out and change your needs to suit the needs of another. You
do, however, want to find a common through which you can identify your subject. To speak
of the art of persuasion; allowing your subject to get comfortable and secure with you

breaks down their defense. You can always catch more flies with honey than you can with
2. Environment
If you are trying to bend another to see your point if view, make sure your immediate
surroundings are not distracting and your subjects attention is never diverted. If she is cold
lend her your jacket. If she is thirsty offer her a drink. Take into consideration whether she
is disturbed by loud noise or is uncomfortable with silence. Use these findings when you feel
her attention wander. Be sure to also inventory the weather and its effects on you and your
3. Distance (Relative/Non-relative)
How far away is your subject from the ideas of which you speak. Is he open and willing
to accept your ideas, or is he close-minded and stubborn? Can you use smiles and
metaphors to attract his attention? Is his mind really on the conversation at hand, or is he
dwelling on other affairs? How can you link his thought of the moment to your goal at hand?
Build a bridge only to where you can cross!
4. Command
Before you even attempt to speak your ideas, etc to a subject, examine yourself closely.
How knowledgeable are you on the subject on whom you speak? If you are trying to
persuade someone to see your point of view you had better be sincere about how you feel
about it. If you do not you insecurity will be flayed open for your subject to see, and he may
take advantage of it. You must know when to treat your subject with sympathy with out
bending to his way. You must be prepared to seize upon any opportune moment, and once
your subjects attention is won, dont lose it.
5 Doctrine
Organize and outline the basis of your speech beforehand if possible. Have a wordsmith
aid you if need arises. If a comrade would be more in tune with your subject assign the
former to the task, Delegate your resources in the manner that they suited. Your ideas
should be preented in a controlled way: an introduction, middle, and an ending. Be sure to
allow your subject access to the other (pre-selected ) resources so he may sense security in
the fact you can back up what you say.
-Paimon/Darth Taranis/Darth Wraith

Manifestation of Emotion
Darth Draconis
Mind you that this is based on my personal experience. The manifestation of emotion can be
a powerful thing and an ally, or enemy that can either destroy your enemy or destroy
yourself. The manifestation of hate. You hate one thing, you focus the hate in and it grows,
it grows like a fire within your soul, it grows like a wildfire. You get to the point that you can
no longer contain it and it consumes everything, you, your family, your society, it consumes
everything about you, it consumes all. This emotional manifestation leaks out and merges
with others spirits and others begin to hate, though unknowingly and without meaning or
detail. Because hate is such a powerful force, you can manipulate others with it easily.
When it leaks, you cannot feel it, though you can observe it. You can start seeing people
around you, close to you, in irritable moods, and they start using harsher language towards
things they perhaps enjoyed previously. You have changed their personality, and it wasnt
that difficult. Though the start of the manifestation of such an emotion as hate is diffucult.
The focus of it can be horendous. But ultimately, youve got to learn to let go, to let go of
what you knew before, let go of all you knew before, and triumph over yourself.
-Aiden Votolo

Quotes of Fictional Sith

Darth Draconis
These quotes are here for us to ponder, enjoy the treasures of language.

What truly differentitiates the Sith from the Jedi is our philosophy-and our way of
understanding the Force.
-Darth Talon
What we pretend to be we often become.
-Darth Krayt
Art embodies the thought and philosophy of a civilization. Gives it a form.
-Darth Talon
Darkness calls to darkness. It calls to you. You can feel it like a heart beating within this
temple. How will you respond?
-Darth Talon
Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine
you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me
what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave,
so that I might deny you
-Darth Plagueis
Flesh does not easily support this great power.
-Darth Sidious
Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt.
-Darth Bane
Equality is a perversion of the natural order!It binds the strong to the weak. They [the
weak] become anchors that drag the exceptional down to mediocrity. Individuals destined
and deserving of greatness have it denied them. They [the strong] suffer for the sake of
keeping them even with their inferiors.
-Darth Bane
Equality is a lieA myth to appease the masses. Simply look around and you will see the
lie for what it is! There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And
there are those meant to followthose incapable of anything but servitude and a meager,
worthless existence
-Darth Bane
It all depends on your definition of good, doesnt it?
-Darth Caedus
I can feel your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger.
-Darth Sidious

Darth Draconis @ 10:24 pm
I have been doing a great deal of meditating concerning passion and the Force. I believe
that most of us are familiar with the code of the sith often presented publicly. Passion is

the key of this code, but what is ment by passion? I dont think that what drives control of
the force is the simple passion of our everyday lives. As a matter of fact, these passions can
quite often be a hindrance to one getting what they want. An example of this is the
individual seeking carnal satisfaction whom becomes so obsessed with their passion that
they become a pervert whom isnt desirable to anyone. This is perhaps where many become
lost. They become obsessed and loose control of their passion. This passion then makes
them a slave.
Passion is a tool. I like to think of passion as the small spark which can start a much greater
fire of Will. Our casual passions are only useful in them leading up to something greater.
Here we reach an important realization that everyone must make when treading the path of
the Sith. What we once were is only a stepping stone to our greater selves. This change
between our previous selves to future selves becomes constant and eventually becomes a
single flame of our Self. In this fire of our evolution the sorce of the dark side can be found.
When we strive to be greater than ourselves then we can touch that essence of the force,
and the essence of our Self.

Smarter Than They

Darth Draconis @ 9:50 pm

Through intelligent use of two simple techniques, stimulating Anger and acquaintance
with the hierarchy of the concern of which you are dealing, a man can be comfortable
and serene in his dealings. A man can practice getting angry after a few minutes of
trying on different expressions and rates of breathing, you will find that you can put it
on and take it off just like a hat. You will be surprised how people tend to propitiate
the person who is infuriated.
You can do some quiet behind-the-scenes preparation. This homework may consist of
finding out the names of the people that can affect the outcome of your plan. The
preparation suited to you needs will be evident to you after a moment of reflection.
What concealed weapon can you pull out of your sleeve to win your way, if you but lay a
little groundwork? This is a most Dark Approach: the weapon in reserve, concealed,
unsuspected, employed only when its use is warranted.

You may have spent hours today in wasted effort or day dreaming. Why dont you spend that
amount of time tomorrow in planning your major undertakings? Remind yourself that constantly
that you are smarter, that you have more inherent power and knowledge than the person you are
dealing with. If it looks like you are not going to win in a given situation then break it off. Go
away. Think of an attack that that will let you win, an attack that probably approaches the whole
problem from an entirely different direction. There is always another angle. By spending time
quietly thinking about it, you can find the angle; then you control the transaction.
Remember something else, too: Do not use a full charge of gunpowder when just a
little will do. You dont need a sledgehammer to kill a flea, tailor your conversation to
the level of the person with whom you are dealing, and you will always win.
Talos Perdix,

The Dark Leader

Darth Draconis @ 9:48 pm

The Dark Side is the essence of Darkness and power. As such, those along its path are touched
by its nature and brought to perceive their world in terms of named values: strength, power,
domination, Darwinism, war, and victory. Those of the Dark Side seek the challenge within our
world and the spiritual world: to overcome their own mortality, to find the source of power that
would allow them to forfeit their mortal coil and rise beyond the shackles of their bestowed
limitations. They seek challenge and confrontation, to find their limits and expand them.
As predators, we follow the unspoken rules of the hunt: there is the predator and there is
the prey. If a predator is too weak to take down his prey, he will seek other predators of
same nature and create a truce with a defined means to an end. In such cooperation, there
is always hierarchy; there is always a lead. The lead itself is determined by the strength of
each individual, by its capabilities as a predator and its ability to kill the prey and defeat
those of weaker station. In our world and on this path, the strength of each individual is
measured by different means: by his knowledge and abilities in the Force, his understanding
of the path they follow, and his ability to promote the development of those who would offer
their servitude in said alliance. If the leader is weak, those following him will come to
question his strength and test that weakness. In due course, therefore a leader may change
or an alliance end, if those of the pack no longer acknowledge the strength of the one who
leads them.
In many ways, the nature and success of such an alliance depends on the definition of the
prey. Many will come to consider that those of the Light Side, being our spiritual enemies
are such prey. Thus, the capability of the leader to minder their ranks would be the main
criteria. Others believe that the prey refers to human kind: the blind sheep who serve our
purpose and exist beneath us, or cross our path and must therefore be destroyed. The prey
here, is possession of followers. Others again, will conclude that the prey is actually the
path of the Dark Side itself. It is the path that needs to be caught, discovered, unveiled and
thus offered for its knowledge and capability to strengthen our own power. In the sum of all
considerations, the leaders capability to offer the prey to his pack lies in his ability to
support the desires of the pack and thus ensure their servitude and his lead.
Summarizing these bullets, we can derive that a successful leader of the Dark Side, must
offer, skill in combat and deceit, knowledge in terms of strategy to subjugate mundane
society and thus bring forth the spoils of social influence and wealth. But above all, he must
be knowledgeable in regard to the path itself: that those who follow him as soldiers may
rise to become lords over mankind. In terms of their knowledge and power of the arts of the
Dark Side.
Considering what such a leader must offer, the second step is to also consider how his
contribution to the pack is acknowledged.
The pack will await the rewards of their fealty. This is an inevitable fact that cannot be
denied nor should it be ignored. No pack shall vary from the other in this regard. The only
difference is the frequency in which they demand their return reward. And this depends only
on the strength of vision the leader can share with his pack.
Any leader must realize if he holds the loyalty of the packs swords or also their hearts. If it
is only the blades he can rely on, he must ensure a regular return. The danger herein lies in
the distraction from the overall strategy. A campaign will take a certain amount of time. A
leader must ensure the loyalty of his pack throughout the campaign. If the pack receives
their return quickly, they may hesitate and decide to end their fealty prematurely. If they
receive a return in between, with a final goal too unreachable in their opinion, they will take
what they can and then seek a new prospect. As such, the spoils must be shared equally
during such a campaign. When a return is received, the next return must already be
perceived as clear and reachable. A leader achieves this on the sole basis of his ability to
promote the reality of said spoils. In terms of social influence and wealth, this is an easy
task. If the master is skillful in the arts, his followers will soon receive the low hanging fruits
of what they sought, of what their mortality requests of them: acknowledgement of status,

fear by enemies, loyalty by allies, and wealth to begin shaping their own immediate
surroundings and plans. Already at this point, many of the weaker pack members will
become unfocused: seeing the immediate fruits of their rewards, many may choose to
reside on this level of achievement. For they were never truly followers of the Dark Side for
the sake of the path, but for the potential ability to give them strength over the sheep and
make them lords among slaves. They will depart their station and bid their leader farewell.
Often enough they remain at this level and never manage to take another step through the
valley of shadows, for their thirst has been quenched and their hunger stilled. It is an
amusing irony for any experienced master to perceive, as his followers disappear behind the
shroud of their mundane pleasures and lose all contact with the Dark Side: trapped in the
shell of the lord of sheep, they return to where they came from and are forgotten by the
Those that remain strong upon the path are those that truly seek the spoils beyond
mortality: the power to be achieved in life to pass the divine spark to their very souls and
thus increase their power in the life beyond our world and its limits of mortality.
Again, the leader will be challenged by his ability to share that vision. To have the answers,
where questions are sowed. To know the next step to be taken, when those who follow
would hesitate. To understand and guide the Dark ones who join his ranks and offer their
eternal servitude. For he will lead them through the valley upon which they shall embrace
the powers of immortality on the other side. He is their true leader and he will lead them to
the pure source of Darkness, upon which they shall transcend beyond the limitations of their
mortal destiny.
Yet this path is much more difficult to prove continuously. Studies are done and the arts
learned. Power is achieved and thus pleasures and inspires the hunger of the true followers
for more. Yet the more power is accumulated, the larger the risk of mundane satisfaction.
Overall, any true follower must learn not to compare himself with the sheep around him, but
with the wolves at his side. For we do all compare the quality of our deeds, and measure
them by the success of our neighbors. Yet, here lies the danger that all shall be forgotten
and we shall again compare ourselves to the mortals we left behind to seek out the divine.
Here, discipline and steadiness is required. The mindful and the hesitant will wander upon
different paths. And the leader will carry only those who show merit and promise, who
perhaps, despite their weakness show the potential to fulfill their journey through the valley
itself. If those who are too weak, who will fall, who will turn, remain with the pack for too
long, they will endanger their brothers and said quest, for the weight of their sloth, of their
shallowness, of their lack to perceive the vision of the true power that lies beyond, until the
pack may come to a halt entirely, for the leader bears no longer the strength to make them
move on.

Every leader has his own limits, regardless how far he is on the path. He must be mindful for the
desires of his fellow predators; he must understand what their motives are and when they will
meet their greatest temptation to fail. He must realize when he must leave them and thus sacrifice
them to their own undoing. And he must have the faith, the belief, the devotion and the power to
serve nothing but the Dark Side itself if he wishes to reach the end of the valley with his forces
Over the years, with each generation of succeeding teachers and masters, the vision of our
true quest, or our true desires has continued to fade. No longer are there those who whisper
into the shadows and create that serene echo in the heart of a fellow follower. Each
generation, has thus cut down on its targets, wisely understanding their own inability to
cross the valley. The first of them focused on the vision. The second of them, explained the
vision was not of merit, only the power it bears. The third followed soon, proclaiming the
power itself was not real. Only the mindfulness of tactics, the wealth of philosophy, the
strength of words could be the weapons to bring social influence and wealth, if a profession
is chosen wisely and followed with appreciation. The fourth came and said, Nothing is

important for there is no definition. We are all masters in our ability to inspire each other.
And therefore we should all be individuals, never bowing to one or the other alliance, for the
social influence we seek will be gained by subconscious recognition, for the beauty of our
words. For our ability to quote others. For our humor, so witty. And in wealth we shall last
succeed, for wealth is happiness. And the divine will know the truth of our words, where no
others can shed their jealousy to acknowledge our wisdom, yet in our hearts we know our
true unique value and greatness, and one day it shall be rewarded.

Darth Moor, Sith Lord

The Storm
Darth Draconis @ 9:47 pm
We are constantly busy, so busy that we are seldom noticing how time passes before our
eyes. Is that what life is all about? Wake up, rush there, then there, then there. Is that
what lifes about? What makes us do it? The need to survive? The desire for material things?
The will to power.

Power, knowledge, and enlightenment; it is them that we seek. But we also want our Will to
materialize, because other people they want it too which leads to conflict. Yet conflict is
movement, and movement is that which makes us manifest our Will.
For what we want goes against inaction. It requires a storm.
And so a storm we try to make.
So do the forces of life, the currents of force swirl more vigorously around us? Do our storms
grow and speed and consume?
We ARE the storm.
We are the storm and the sight and the struggle. We are made of energy, we are a part of the
energy, and energy flows and it moves and it changes. We are the matter that awoke. So why not
interconnect things in our favor? Everything that exists exists only because it has the strength to.
Remember your hates and your loves.
Our quarry, the Force, it is everything from the tiniest spark to the greatest star and it is all that
lies between, including the nothingness. Look at it this way, the Force, or God, is not something
external and separate, it is existence itself, it is everything and everything is the whole.
Thou art the Force and the Force is everything and all around you. The Force is life and a
lack of life united. Schopenhauer was on the right track when he said that life was just a
very rare form of death. In the moment we are born we already start to die; in the moment
we die we are born into a new existence. Nothing matters, everything matters; the answer
is found in that same paradox. And it means that it is us that assign value to things. Maybe
because they feel to be having value for us, they aid us in some way. Yet something has a
value depending on the power of those who assigns it because in our interaction with the
rest of the universe, we are submitted to the eternal conflict of movement and change.
Where ones power to fight and win is that which will make the thing he values indeed, to
truly manifest and be born.

Because of this conflict, of these clashes of wills, and in the same time the interaction and
interconnectivity between everything, your path, more or less automatically, no matter who you
are, becomes a path within the herd. We are species that operate like a herd and that means a lot
of what we do we also do for the herd. We are bound to the material world and to society and yet
the material world is in fact also an energy, and society is energy too: energy that changes,
energy that moves and grows, following the same laws of All that is the Universe.

The herd/society, it makes it a great deal easier for us to survive, yet the disadvantages
being that it can and does result in its members becoming over-reliant, losing
freedomsand individuality.
Be aware and be mindful of the causes and the effects, the actions, and the reactions. We
are initially free. But the way things are set creates an equal chance to dwell, carried by the
storm wherever it chooses to, or be that storm, manifesting our Will to power.

The Dark Council at Force Academy

No Unified Method
Darth Draconis @ 9:42 pm

Self interest is probably the one unifying glue that knits us into a common group. It just like how
Jesus is the unifying glue that knits the assorted sects of Protestants and Catholics into the
common group of Christianity. Individuals and smaller groups may have a common point they
agree upon, but the things they do and the articles of faith they believe, can not only vary widely,
but at times outright contradict each other.
So it is with the Dark Side.
There are those like me who embrace magic and esotera, those who are atheist, and those who
are Christian. There are those who are solitary individuals and those who belong to a clan or
coven. Some of us believe A to be the most important aspect of our path, while others believe
it is X,Y,Z, and still others hold that to place anyone thing as the most important is to miss the
point entirely.
It is a path where one learns to see the borders of the boxes were conditioned to live in, to see
the actual self, to determine to what extent we play by the Rules imposed by others, and so on.
How this knowledge is shared, taught, imparted, and learned varies from person to person, group
to group.
Youre asking for us to tell you what the Unified Methods are, but there ARENT any. You
might as well try to herd cats. Were vastly different in the way we think, than Lightsiders, in
this regard.
Well use a common methodology, if it suits our purpose or whim. Well cast it aside just as
readily if it no longer is useful. Well try one approach, and if it doesnt work, well put our
efforts into finding something that does work.
Newcomers to the path often have expectations which arent necessarily going to be of benefit to
them in the real world. Part of our journey is learning to temper our desires within the
constraints of society as a whole, of making mindful choiceslearning to look ahead to potential
consequences of actions we take. And learning what we are willing to sacrifice on our alters of
There is a lot of practicality involved. Many people in the Dark Side do public service; they
volunteer to help the needy, and other such things. If it benefits the whole, chances are that it
improves our lot in life too.
But do we have a uniform code of beliefs? A uniform guideline for thoughts and ethics? A
uniform method of training? No. Its about individuality. There are some other things, such as
loyalty to ones kinkin being those who we embrace as kin, not necessarily those of genetic
relation. But even that varies between individuals, and groups.
Sometimes orderly, sometimes not.

I dont know how much use any of this will be to you, if you insist on finding the Holy Grail of
the Dark Side Methods and Codes and such, because those things simply dont exist.
Lady Qadira
Darkness and the Individual
Darth Draconis @ 1:08 am
According to some here, the following of the Dark Side would be only like a psychological
journey, to know yourself, your boundaries, and overcome them by rising above. These are
only the bases.
If you truly wish to cultivate a connection to the Dark Side itself, through the complete
understanding and use of your inner Darkness, wishing to achieve power, well, than it is not
only advised, but essential to cultivate your hate and aggression.
Naturally, the best way is always the cultivating of evil. There are a lot of Darksiders, who
are afraid of this, because of their own incompetence, weakness, or mundanity.
You decide, which way is yours.
-Gregorius Pannonius, Dark Knight

Turning to the Dark Side?

Darth Draconis @ 1:03 am
If you feel more attuned to the Dark Side, then youre a Darksider. Theres no turning this
way or that. You are what you are. Its not like a professional wrestler making a heel turn
or something.
You find that youre thinking inwardly and that youre self absorbed. All of these things
inspire fear within yourself that youre somehow becoming something that you would rather
not be.
Well, friend, you can resist your nature all you want, but that doesnt change who and what
you are. Youll be far more productive, and achieve a much greater understanding of
yourself and the Force, if you stay true to your nature. If your nature is of the Darker
variety, so be it. Accept it. Become strong with it. Let it guide you. Why fight it?
There is nothing wrong with following the Dark path. Though its been demonized by some,
theres nothing evil about it. The evils of the Dark Side are a construct of movie makers. I
figure they reason it this way: the Dark Side sounds sinister, so lets call our villains
followers of the Dark Side, or something along those lines. This by default leaves our
heroes as being adherents of the Light Side along with all the inherent goodness that such
a title entails. Thus, were left with our on-screen antagonists engaged in the age old battle
of good versus evil with the fate of the world (or galaxy) at stake. Very compelling
moviemaking, I suppose. But, it has no basis in reality.
The Dark Side, to me, is just a more self centered approach to living. It represents living
your life in the service of yourself instead of others. Its about empowerment and
independence and personal responsibility.
I feel one has to place himself above all others to realize his full potential. I believe that one
has to be passionate in his pursuit of personal excellence. He should give all of himself,
never holding back anything. He has to let the full power of all of his emotions drive him
and inspire him and motivate him to the point that he never becomes lazy or complacent.
Its the actualizing of the self, the elevation of the self to greater and greater heights, and
the higher levels of consciousness arising from these efforts that enable one to experience
the Force in a very powerful way.

When one decides to become independent, empowers himself, takes responsibility for
himself, works hard to make the most of his potential, achieves great things, and does it all
for himself, he cannot help but feel at one with the Force.
To me, this isnt evil. To me, this is living a life rich in rewards that transcend material
wealth. This is fully coming into being. This is enlightenment!

Dirk Sith
Explaining the Dark Side
Darth Draconis @ 1:02 am

Its hard to explain a philosophy such as the Dark Side in sufficient detail. Thus, oversimplifying
the subject is inevitable. Further complicating the issue is the broad range views and opinions on
the subject. My view of the Dark Side may differ greater from the next Darksiders view.
If I were to summarize what the Dark Side means to me, I would say it is the glorification of
self. I would also say it is the passionate pursuit of personal excellence. Of course, both of
those things go hand in hand.
I dont feel constrained or inhibited by traditional rules of fair play. Even if something is
widely viewed as wrong, if it represents a reasonable and justified means to an end (and I
appoint myself the sole judge), Ill do it to achieve my goals. I do whats in my best
interests. I hold myself above all others.
I use my emotions to achieve a higher state of consciousness. I am driven by my emotions.
They allow me to feel the power that I have stored within myself. I use my passion to
always challenge myself. It is the passionate pursuit of a greater me that helps me
distinguish myself for myself. It is an unrelenting pursuit of a greater glory that I envision
for myself. Its really about the self to me.
I always saw the Dark Side as a non-conformist approach to life. From childhood, we have
our parents, our schools, our governments, our peers you name it dictating their
standards to us. I refuse to be dictated to. Ill come to my own conclusions using my own
standards that Ive set for myself. I refuse to surrender my will to anyone. Ill decide what I
like. Ill decide what I want from life. Ill come to my own opinions and conclusions based on
my own viewpoints. Viewpoints formed through independent thought uninfluenced by the
stage props that I view the rest of the world to be.
I want to create my own environment based on my view of what is ideal in every way. This
I want for myself and nobody else. Im content to let others find their own way. Im neither
a sheep nor a shepherd.
Is the Dark Side evil? Not at all. Evil is evil. Evil is a morally reprehensible act needing no
act of legislation to tell you its evil.
The Dark Side is self serving. The Dark Side isnt always ethical in the eyes of some. Using
whatever means required to get an edge is sometimes looked down upon. But, I know of
very few that havent gone down that road a time or two. However, Im comfortable in
saying that most followers of the Left Hand Path stop short of committing bona-fiably evil
acts. Most of that stuff is the work of fiction. Using the Force to choke somebody out or
zapping people with lightning is very much a figment of a movie makers imagination.
In closing, most here (if honest with themselves) will see that they have behaved more like
Darksiders than the mythical, monkish Jedi with whom they feel some strange kinship with.
If your only claim to the Light is you dont perpetrate acts of evil, you may want to
reevaluate which path youre truly following. Youve likely been fooling yourself.
Dirk Sith

The Path of Darkness

Darth Draconis @ 10:59 pm
Your hand now holds the wisdom of the ages, the map to the gateway of the Universe. It is
small in size but large in wisdom and knowledge. It is intended to be simple, but do not hold
it in contempt as all great wisdom is simple. Yes, it is intended to be simple, for the Rock of
Stupidity is large! Those who listen and try to understand will grow in strength and stature
and eventually find their way to their own Safe Harbor and ultimate spiritual fulfillment.
Those who scoff will continue on as a frog trying to climb up the wall of a slick-sided well,
laboring all day trying to gain a few feet only to slide back down each night only to find
themselves in the same dreary situation in the morning. However, there is help if the seeker
will but listen for the Gnosis and remember their revelations. This then is the book of the
Dark. When seekers learn the Gnosis, they will belong, be successful and know fulfillment.
Their limitations vanish, and they are free to grow in stature.
They will also prosper and live in harmony with one another in a land of plenty. You see,
there is more to all this than meets the eye, and the ignorant man is much less than his
ancestors who once had the Gnosis because he has forgotten many of the great truths and
principles apportioned to the race of men when its days were short. Yes, man has been
deceived and cheated by the purveyors of mysticism and deceit. Today, ignorant man lives
in the Realm of Choices and confusion, but instead of choosing to seek the Power of the
Force for himself, he has instead traveled the hot, dusty road that ends in failure, deceit and
submission to mysticism. He has let the profane mystics talk him out of his inheritance.
Because of this, ignorant man has been mistakenly battling against something within
himself which he doesnt understand, and the harder he fights, the more his situation
deteriorates. The reason and answer to this dilemma is that ignorant man, at least in this
physical world is incomplete, as the guidance and benefits of the Force is purposely withheld
from him until the realization of his adverse condition becomes eminent and the Gnosis is
asked for and seriously desired by the person who then separates from the herd in the eyes
of the mighty. Yes, when a person realizes that they have been lied to and deceived and has
the fortitude to stand up, shake their fist at the sky and demand their inheritance returned,
they get it and become one of stature among their peers.
Yes, not until a person realizes their untenable situation and reaches out to the Force will
the process of redemption and reawakening begin. This world is an arena of testing and trial
where masters are separated from slaves. The subjective are culled from the objective and
the weak removed from among the strong. This world is no prize. That is why it is said that,
The meek shall inherit the Earth. This planet is the consolation prize for losers who can
never raise their sights.
Yes, part of man lives in the physical world of earth and sky, but the rest of him lives in the
Realm of the Astral, beyond the veil which separates him from his self of power and those
who have gone on before to reign in majesty with the force, as a warrior or forever grovel in
submission to one of power who has the knowing. Whenever a person forgets their spiritual
ties with that other realm, they lose contact with the Force which sustains them and they
become weak and lost, seeking a master who will guide them. Whenever the Gnosis of the
Force is lost or unknown, man is doomed to servility, no matter how hard he tries to
convince himself otherwise. The incomplete and ignorant can never rise to full stature and
must sit at the feet of one who has become, hoping for the enlightenment that will never
come because they have never asked. Your chance to grow in stature is here and now if you
so desire it. This is not about loss, fear and shame. This is about rising from the depths to
the heights. This is the path to The Knowing!

This is a gift to mankind by the many brothers and sisters who have left their legacy behind
for the benefit of all who would come after them. Knowing that man must eventually seek
the Force, they have left us the answers to the basis of the combined forces, known but as
yet unexplained by the great academic minds. This is about that Force, the All, man, and
those who have been sent to help him find his way by achieving The Knowing. Their
directive is to bridge the veil of mists and carry the Keys of spiritual freedom to mankind.
Their purpose is to aid and assist all men and women who freely ask to travel the Dark Path
to fulfillment. However, one who wishes to learn must ask. As the pages turn, the voices of
many past adepts will speak their parts, revealing the right way to look at personal
interaction with the forces that be and to form a suitable defense against the opposition who
would limit and ensnare the unwary. They will also present the keys of wisdom and
knowledge that will unlock the mysteries of the ages and open the doors to the future
aeons. But, this is only half the story, You see, the true scope of this is only to show the
way to the bridge; the seeker must then cross it. Your personal gnosis will bring all into
focus when the time is right for you to know or have the knowing.
-Paimon/Darth Wraith/Darth Taranis

Dark Self-Discovery
Darth Draconis @ 10:58 pm
There has often been talk in chat and on the boards about searching for yourself or
spiritual self-discovery. Concepts to which I invariably respond with the question: Who is
doing the searching/discovery and what is being discovered? and the only answer to both
is Myself. How can the same person be both subject and object without realising it? It is
The truth is each individual is self-aware and given freedom of expression is able to
manifest their true nature. The problem comes when individuals are not allowed to express
this, are told they are wrong to be as they are or are kept in ignorance of the possibility of
such self-expression. There is a Hindu story which puts this well.
A lion cub, whose mother had died soon after it was born, found herself amongst a flock of
sheep. These sheep were the first animals she had ever seen and so when they told her how
she should live, she accepted it. The sheep said that hanging around in fields was the thing
to do, so she hung around in the fields and felt bored and dissatisfied. The lambs all leapt
and skipped in the spring, she leapt and skipped, but it did nothing for her. And eating grass
which nourished the sheep, left her more and more hungry and her body more and more
thin and wasted.
But the lion cub just assumed that this was how life had to be. When she told the sheep
that she thought she did not feel right with the way things were, they told her not to be so
stupid that there was something wrong with her if she didnt fit in right. So although she
knew her own nature, she never expressed it as she was not aware of the possibility of
doing so.
One day an adult lion saw the cub in the field eating grass. He picked it up and took it into
the jungle where he had just killed a deer. The lion put the cub down by the deer and
pushed her nose into the fresh kill. The cub tasted the warm blood and flesh and started to
eat, suddenly aware that there was another way of being, another path in life, She knew
now she did not have to be sheep and gradually she learned how lions behaved and how to
express her lion nature. So she grew strong and healthy.
This is what we are doing here in the Realm, showing those of the Dark the way they can
express their spiritual nature and what they need to feed themselves to be spiritually
strong and healthy.

There is no sense of people not knowing themselves. Everyone knows themselves as they
are the ones who are both knowing and known. It is more a matter of showing those of the
Dark what they need to be aware of and do to be able to flourish. To appreciate their nature
for what it is, to express their Dark nature and to act in the manner that is necessary to
sustain and develop themselves.

Attaining Power
Darth Draconis @ 10:55 pm
Attaining power through Light and Dark and the differences in the two ways.
I will start with the Light. The Light has rules or codes that they expect the followers to
abide by. Whether it is the Bible or the Wiccan rule of three, whatever light path there is a
code to how one must live. The way that the light followers gain their power is by strict
adherence to the rules or code. It is much like a promotion of sorts in a mundane working
environment. The employer does the work follows the rules, sets a good example for the
others, and can do the job that is asked of him/her. The boss then gives the employee more
privileges, better pay but also more responsibility. This scenario can be directly seen as how
the light gains its power. It is given to them for a rewarding of a job well done. The more
power given the more responsibility and the more confined to the rules they become.
Looking at this is interesting because it shows a carefree lifestyle at first and then
continually progresses into a strict one with the more power that is gained. With more
power the more responsibility and duties are given to it. Just as in the scenario of a working
mundane job, if these activities are not performed in the way that the boss wants them
done demotion will occur and the job will be given to someone else along with the power
that was once yours.
The Dark is very much the opposite. Power is not given to anyone. It has to be fought for or
gained by themselves. In the beginning it is very strict because having hardly any power
greatly limits what the dark are able to accomplish. They must learn how to gather it and
acquire it. It is not given to them they have to learn how to do all of this. With more power
that is gained the more freedom the Dark have. More power equals more options. Because
the power was never given to them by a higher source no one can take that away or
demote the worker.

The Dark Side: Pros and Cons

Darth Draconis @ 7:30 pm
I will approach this in two ways, Positive Dark Side and Negative Dark Sidepositive
meaning beneficial and negative meaning detrimental. Each positive number is counterpointed by a negative number that happens occasionally. For example, positive number 1
may result in negative number 1.

Positive Dark Side

1. I am more in tune with myself and my wants and needs.
2. I am in control of my emotions.
3. By trusting only myself, I have become more confident in my abilities.
4. By counting only on myself, I have become more competent in all that I do.

5. I have become a skilled manipulator at engineering events to a desirable outcome, using

both lies and truth to sway subjects.
Negative Dark Side
1. I can become so in tune with myself that I exclude understanding of others, and therefore,
am at a loss when dealing with others. I can also exclude any action that does not benefit me
more than anyone other party involved.
2. I can be so in control of my emotions that I am emotionally devoid and do not feel as if I am
alive. I can be so in control that I cannot feel love or passion.
3. I can be so trusting of myself that I do not believe anyone else reliable enough to do a job
4. I can count on myself so much that I can be arrogant and disappointed when I do not
measure up to my own satisfaction.
5. I can manipulate others to avoid doing things myself or to allow myself to become lazy.
The first step to conquering it is to consciously detail all of the positive and negative attributes
that you possess all the time, sometimes, or rarely at all. Then you use mindfulness to be
aware of when you are doing such a negative action and then choose to eliminate that action
from your life. Keep the positives and remold the way they are used to a better stance; for
example, focus only on manipulating through truth, such as convincing others to quit smoking
through the use of medically proven facts.
-Curtis V.
Step in
Darth Draconis @ 7:25 pm

I always wonder why someone who is Light should have anything to fear from the Dark. Why do
you see Darkness as something that is bad, and Light as something that is good, why hide not
from what you are but what you could be? You seem to say the Dark would destroy you, and to
that I must say, yes, indeed it would. To cross over, to become more then what you already are
and to transcend, you must change what you have been made to be and, by the strength of your
own will, you must in a sense destroy what you are in order to again create yourself in your own
image, and to sharpen that which you are.
The Light Side, in my own opinion from what I have seen and heard in this place and out of
it, is too light a thing. And what happens when you stare into the light for too long? You lose
sight, you lose vision, you love too much and you critique too little. Humanity, as a species,
has not grown to be what it is today through joy and happiness, but rather it is struggle
that has molded us, it is struggle that has made us into what we are, and it is struggle and
the quest of individuals away from the herd, into directions that the herd is unwilling to
travel that enable the species as a whole to move forward.
You say the Dark is easier. I say no, its harder. Far easier not to look into the Dark places
within, far easier to keep away from the Dark and stay within the warmth Light makes us
What you say of fear however comes not from following the Dark path; rather it comes from
standing in the Light and looking at the Dark. It comes from fear of Darkness. I say have
done with fear, I say learn to cherish that which you are, the feelings you feel. I say look
within with a mind that welcomes what it sees rather then one that cares for the thoughts of
the herd. I say follow through with your mind and explore the Darkness within.
Above all, be aware and be mindful.
Noel Vock, Dark Master

The Dark Spirit

Darth Draconis @ 7:08 pm

From fury, refined and harnessed, comes a hate that is unabashed and change-loving, hurtling
forwards, moving ever onwards due to the greater awareness that hate brings. The greatest cycle
that the individual may enter, the one that brings with it the most growth to the soul and the
body, the one that creates the most beauty to the outer and inner world is not one of blind love
but one of discontent hatred followed with a period of cherishing and enjoyment of that which
you have created, followed again with discontent hatred. Through hate comes strength, bled from
progressive movement and gained by an analytically calm appliance of the self to the outside
world. The more hatred you harness, and the more you sharpen yourself, the more change you
will be able to enact as the deeper into the Dark you divethe higher your soul will fly with ever
greater wings.
Yet we came from the mud of the earth and either grew a spirit or caught one. As such we
are limited, in innumerable ways, to what we are accordingly with what we have been. In
the same way that primitive life is blind and deaf and dumb when compared with us, so too
are we when compared with that which may come. We are Spirits of Darkness trapped in a
prison of flesh, and even though it is that same prison that gave us life, even though we
may only be free in the Darkness of our confinement, the prison is a thing that we must
attempt to transcend.

When in the seekers soul the hunger grows, stemming from hatred and with it an understanding
that the preachers of love, while meaning well, have been deceived, the seeker must reach
outwards beyond the shadows cast by the Light to stand, waveringly at first, at the precipice, on
the ledge that overlooks the abyss.
When at last the seeker is ready with a sharpened will, when his soul has been prepared
and is ready to begin the descent, not for the glory of the gods but for the strengthening of
itself, when the seeker has realized that mankind searches for God not to praise him but
because we praise ourselves, then do the wanderings begin.

Only through the journey itself, only through the experience of the wandering spirit through and
further into the spiritual morass, may the Darkness that is the individuals soul grow. For the
abyss is eternal and in everything and it is every thing. Then when the critical level has been
surpassed, and the spirit has forged itself using stronger stuff then the knowing, one is born
giving further impetus to the forging process, allowing the spirit to sprout newer and greater
wings, again and again with which it may glide ever more through the length and the breadth and
the depths of the infernal swamp of Darkness that encompasses all things, creating, calling,
herding to themselves greater powers and thereby strengthening the Dark Spirit itself.
Be mindful,
Darth Moor, Sith Lord

Darth Draconis @ 7:05 pm
What is hate? How do we recognize it? Well only in comparison to love. We cannot know
hate, unless we know love; the two depend on each other totally. What you hate is the
contrast to what you love. Now if I hate part of myself, I must also love part of myself,
otherwise their is no contrast.

You are right, hate will consume, but it will leave a core of what you wish, what you love, and
destroy that which you do not like.
The one difference is that in a world of infinite possibilities, you have a sustainable fuel
available, but we should bare in mind that not everything is fuel, hatred, economies, life, are all
dependant on certain circumstances.
I would have hate fuel my life as much as I would have love fuel my life, for even if they are
not relative to each other (even though my personal experience would negate that), this is
part of my very being, as I am an emotional being, a being who can react and form
connections with the world on a level other things cannot, and to be true to myself is
something most important in my opinion.

Sa Dantaiko, Dark Knight

Sith Lessons of the

Dark holocron
Traits of a Sith
Darth Draconis @ 2:06 am
Control- Control enables a harmonious containment of energy characteristic of present
centeredness. It allows energy to flow freely in the Direction desired. This dynamic is often
measured in terms of constant inner control.Discipline- Discipline Consists of a marked
ability to access and analyze strong and weak points in the environment, in others, and in
yourself. It allows you to harness energy and it cultivates strength. The discipline of the
Dark Warrior is the ability to remain vigilant, even under the most stressful conditions.
Patience- Patience is forbearance without laxness. It gives you the capacity to listen and
wait. your silence grants you access to deeper knowledge, silent knowledge. It provides
balance to keep other traits in check. As a result, the force moves Quietly within and
without smoothly creating the circumstances you intent sets in motion. Without it you
resurface into the ways of the sheep, with it you find power.
Balance- Balance requires you to tune yourself to the natural rhythms of the force. In doing
so you maintain your balance of self with your environment, letting you blend in with your
surroundings never seeming out of place.
Will- Success in any endeavor results from proper accumulation and use of personal energy.
The essence of becoming a warrior is, trimming and shaping your life to the natural currents
of the force by reducing unnecessary expenditures of energy. Activating your will.
Ruthlessness- Unrestricted determination marks this trait. It is boldness without
recklessness, command without arrogance, and is a basic premise of the Sith Way.
Cunning- Cunning involves examining a situation so you may get what you want without
warping someones energy. Aiming for accuracy, you study the features of a situation and
the forces influencing your battleground. You remain prepared and innovative. You need to
know where you are headed and what you want to accomplish. Furthermore, cunning
involves using the art of deception without being deceived. Without it you have to rely on
other peoples assessments and conclusions. With it you develop resourcefulness and

Sweetness- To balance ruthlessness and cunning you present a likeable facade. However
this sweetness often belies that you have no pity. Without being condescending, you have
cold, calculating eyes.
-Paimon/Darth Wraith/Darth Taranis

Sith are superior. I feel arrogant just writing such words, but its true. Think about it, why
are we Sith? Because we want knowledge, we seek wisdom and enlightenment, we ARE
spiritually superior. We want physical strength and health, in this, we are superior. We
desire knowledge for intelligence and intellect, in this, we are superior. We seek to improve
these and many more aspects of ourselves because we are superior. The average human is
content to sit and watch T.V., rotting away or becoming the mask theyve created for their
aquaintances to see, but Sith have depth to their personality, Sith understand, comprehend,
emotions, and the way another persons mind works. We are complex while average people
are simple, easy to grasp/understand/comprehend, and boring. Power is the result of what
we, as Sith, seek, and power is a necessity at minimum or a luxury at best. Sith should not
seek dominance of others, at least not when they begin to walk the Dark path, this form of
power, as Ive said before, is very unstable and unreliable.Many Sith, including myself, are
very negative, but negativity, as Ive also said before, can have either a positive or negative
outcome. The situations we come across in life can be dismantled, examined, and the
outcome calculated accordingly. Echos within the Force are what I speak of and Sith should
at least attempt to master such a thing as it is a powerful tool.When should passion be
used? That is really for each individual to decide, but an example can be helpful. As Ive
learned, many Sith act on impulse/intuition, they seem to live by the Living Force; this has
become true for myself as well. What would a Sith do should a rival throw, say a small
object at the said Sith? I would certainly become angry, but a key to using emotion is to
calmly embrace them; for this situation, the mentioned method would help most. You must
have the power of anger to back your conviction, but must also remain calm and in control.
This is necessary if you wish to retain clear an proper thinking. This technique also helps to
shatter an opponents confidence should you maintain a calm demeanor in which case the
persons fear can be easily stimulated. Say as little as needed to warn that words dont
matter as much as action. The enemy will be forced to leave or act at this point. Should
he/she choose to act, you will have the aid of anger as a controlled tool, your adversary will
have little chance of defeating you with such odds. It is vital that, should anyone attempt to
provoke you, you have, at minimum, a calm exterior. Power is a useful asset to anyone, but
Sith thrive on it. If you gain power, are goals not easier to obtain, is your reputation not
often improved upon? And to gain power, we must further ourselves in various ways which
all results in a positive for Sith.
-Darth Draconis

Sith Outline
The Sith revel in the Dark Side. A Sith seeks to learn from the darkness and understand it.
Some say that a Sith revels only in Hate and anger, this is untrue. Just as the Dark Side is
different for every individual, so to is what it truly means to be Sith. Being a Sith means
something different to everybody, so there cannot be a single definition of a Sith. However
there are some characteristics shared among Sith. Your average Sith seeks one thing,

power. Power is the ultimate temptation for Sith, as most Sith will use the Dark Side to
control and conquer. This is the most basic version of a Sith, however it is not the only one.
Some Sith will seek knowledge and understanding of the Darkness, either realizing that this
too will bring them power, for knowledge is the most ultimate form of power, or they hope
to use this knowledge to better themselves. Some Sith will use the darkness to achieve a
form of inner peace, they will look inwards into themselves and see how the darkness
applies to them and what they want from it. Some Sith are warriors and conquerers, they
thrive on battle and the lust of the fight. They may use the darkness as a source of
guidance or strength. Being a Sith means something different for each and every one of
you, even if none of these examples apply to you, you can still learn from the darkness and
be called Sith. To be a Sith is to hold onto an energy that is the Dark Side.
-Darth Atlas

If you were to stand in the light before a cave, you could hear the darkness, see the face of
it, and perhaps explore a while should there be a need for it. If you were to stand at the
back of a cave, you could see all that was in the light with perfect clarity and yet see the
darkness as well for what it was.
If you wish to see it all, then embrace darkness for it is the one truth in the lies of the light.
Within the light, you may only see what the light shines upon. Whereas in the dark, you can
see the light and dark.
Human beings have the unique and dangerous ability to travel both realms with more ease
than most realize. It is a simple thing for some toas simple aaqs stepping into the
darkness in curiosity, for fun, or to help a lost otherFor a light walker, it is easy to become
lost in the darkness. On the other hand, a Sith is able to walk outside with relative ease. It
is not comfortable to him or natural but more feasable than the flip side for Jedi comming
There are secrets to be found in the hidden, things to learn that you cant see, and lessons
yet taughtbut the world of the light is a large world toothough in the grand scheme of
things is eventually much smaller than the world of caves. Stars only illuminate so far until
they become nothing more than dots of cold light. It is darkness that waits. Darkness is
everywhere that light is not. When a star dies, the darkness is there, when a star is born, it
retreats temporarilybut it is still there. In every shadow, in every crevice, and in every
space between light.
This post came over more as a recruiting ad than I like, I may have to modify it when I
have the time.

December 1, 2007
Ancient Lesson Revisited

I am the Heart of Darkness.

I know no fear; but rather I instill it in my enemies.
I know the power of the Dark Side.
I am the fire of hate; and the universe bows before me.
I pledge myself to the Darkness.
For I have found true life, in the death of the Light.

Lesson One: I am the Heart of Darkness

We, as Sith, are, in the end, beings of Darkness. You cannot get around it. We see all sides, yet
we choose to dwell within the Darkness. We make the heart of Darkness ourselves, and through
this, we gain much power and strength. This phrase portrays the inner connection every Sith
should have with the Darker aspects of the Force. We feel the Darkness in our very hearts, our
minds, and our spirit. We allow Darkness to be a part of our lives, and through this connection,
we gain an immeasurable amount of knowledge. I have grown a sense of knowingness in the
universe, as I lack the restraints that many have upon them when dealing with the pure essence of
the Force. I call upon the Darkness within my very heart and soul while I meditate, and through
these things, I progress even further in my studies. Knowledge is the key to much of the Siths
life. Without it, we would never find ourselves seeking it.
Lesson Two: I know no fear; but rather I instill it in my enemies.

As Sith, we must know our own strengths. It is also important to note that we must know how
our strengths apply to the enemy. It is your choice to choose who the enemy is. I cannot help you
decide that, but when you do, you must be able to strike fear into the enemy. The strongest attack
that we can give is through our own minds. When I enter a conflict, I lead a psychological war,
one which leaves the enemy in a state of fear. These usually end up over without any contact. A
psychological attack is very strong, and it is a skill that you can only achieve when you have
been disassociated from the rest of society for long enough.
You have to know how to instill fear into an enemy. It is an ability that is a must for any
practicing Sith. Several ways you can do this are:

1. Be physically intimidating.
2. Be too cool, or emotionless. Stay calm, and remain confident. This sounds Jedi-ish, but
it is a rather scary sight to see someone that is confident in themselves now-a-days. It
scares people a lot.
3. Be crazy. Last resort. Go berserk when fighting, giving in to every emotion, feel the
adrenaline. This is only in worse case scenarios. This could be considered Dark Rage.
To train for this, practice getting extremely angry, but not at anything in particular, just
feel Anger as an emotion. Feel it course through your body. This is our last resort.
Lesson Three: I know the power of the Dark Side.
The Dark Side is our medium of power. We use it to control, and subdue any enemies. The Dark
Side is where anyone who is Sith is drawn. It empowers us and calls us like the Light Side
beacons the Jedi. Or the medium beacons the Grey Jedi. Or the whole of the Force beacons
Shadow Jedi. It is a part of who we are.
The Dark Side represents a true innate following of your own instincts. We follow how we feel.
That does not mean that we go around doing everything on impulse, but we do let our own
emotions and feelings affect how we act in a certain situation.
For instance: You are walking down the street. A kid rides by you on a bike. As you continue
to walk down the street, several other, younger kids run by you. You ask What is going











C. Let the kid ride away, enjoying the suffering of the other children.
A Sith would give into his instincts. A Sith would act out the best he would see fit to. The first
choice was the answer of a Sith, while the last one was the answer of a sadistic and deranged
As you can see, Sith tend to act out on impulse, but this impulse is different for everyone. I
believe that the Force speaks through us when we act without thinking. We do not seek pain
and suffering. We seek to follow the Force by Darker means that the Jedi. We are at home
in the Darkness; it is our own place of solaced.

Lesson Four: I am the fire of hate; and the universe bows before me.
This is possibly the only thing that I disagree with in this code. Sith do not seek the subservience
of the universe. We may control the Force, yes, but we do it in order to further our own path.
Many fail to realize that you cannot have the universe bow before you. Even Sith should realize
this, as it will keep you from a lot of discontent, but if you still wish to seek true control, then I
suggest you find a dark place and meditate on what you truly wish to achieve. This is one of the
more dangerous things that you could ever try to do, spiritually. The Force has a nasty way of
Now that I have said what needed to be said, I will continue the lesson:
I am the Fire of Hate. Sith have ultimate control over their emotions. They utilize them in
such a way that they become a very hard being to confront. I cannot stress enough that we
do not seek to get rid of our emotions, only to rid ourselves of the control our emotions
have on our own lives. We use them as our own personal weapons.
Lesson Five: I pledge myself to Darkness.

The Sith are dedicated to the Darkness. We uphold the tenets presented here. In order to attain
the Truth, we follow this path, but not in the same ways. Every Sith creates his own path, this is
just a rough base to organize it around.
Lesson Six: For I have found true life, in the death of the Light.
The Sith practice true freedom of the Force. This freedom will never be overthrown.

-Vallen, Sith Lord

The Book Of
The Sith Archives

Note: Written by Vallen.

There comes a time when a Sith must find a weapon with which a connection will form.
That is not to say that a Sith could not become proficient with many weapons, but there is
always a weapon that the Sith will prefer. Be it sword, axe, hammer, spear, any weapon.
Once you find this weapon, it helps to not only train with it daily, but to also meditate with it
in front of you or even while holding it.
Infusing this weapon with not only your inner force, but also the Tranquil Darkness, it will
become an extension of your very being.
I will explain what I mean by "Tranquil Darkness" later.
You may start to notice that after a while, the weapon will start to emit an aura of its own.
There are many ways to do this.
Here's one:
Start in your normal place of meditation.
Start by creating a space of "hallowed ground", or a space between worlds, as Pagans would
call it.
This can be done in any various ways, I like to sometimes have something physical backing
up what I feel spiritually. This can be a triangle of 3 candles, or a circle of 5.
Or even, a circle of sand to create the limits. There are any numerous ways to accomplish
this, and you can research them at your leisure.
Achieve a somewhat meditative state of mind, and circle around the hallowed space
clockwise lighting the candles or pouring the sand, chanting something along the lines:
"Darkness fill this space; pure and unaffected; from the deepest depths of the Force; Dark
now I make this place..."
Or anything to that end.
Once you are finished, face the direction of the moon (if you are doing this outside, if not,
face North. but again, these guidelines are your choice)
Take the weapon from your side and lay it down in front of you, once you have achieved
your meditative posture.
Meditate for at least 10 minutes or until you feel prepared, allowing the Darkness within the
circle to flow through you, and empower the darkness by strengthening your aura and
allowing it to expand to the extent of the circle.
Visualize your aura encompassing your weapon, and surrounding it.
When you are prepared, place both hands out over the weapon, not particularly touching,
but again that is up to you.
Channel the darkness WITHIN you, into the weapon. Note that I say the internal Darkness.

That is the darkness that comes from within, not the Darkness that you draw from the
Meditate on this and you will understand what I mean.
Project this darkness into the weapon, visualizing it as a black/red/violet/any color that suits
you energy filling the entire weapon, from top to bottom.
With every exhalation, "push" more of this energy into the weapon until it is completely
After this, continue to project energy into the weapon for at least 15 minutes or until you
feel it is done. With every new push of energy, visualize the light that the energy gives off
growing brighter.
Note that when I say visualize, that moreso means be prepared to see or feel the energy
within the weapon to react in that manner. Just be open to the happenings.
After this, cool down however you choose.
You may pick up the weapon and make a few practice swings, being careful to not exit the
Once this is done, close the circle by circling it counter clockwise, dispersing the energy
gathered however you see fit.
Once this is done, meditate, and when you sleep, your weapon should be near you. ( I sleep
with my sword right next to my bed all the time )
Do this same practice about every month or so to renew and "recharge", so to speak, the
Again, this is just a suggestion for becoming one with your weapon. However, you must
train with this weapon as much as possible to truly becoming proficient with it.
What this does is bind the weapon to yourself, while at the same time, to a certain degree
improving its strength.
I am not sure the sciences, but I know this from experience.
The main gain through this excersize is that you become truly "one with the weapon" which
in effect allows you to accomplish great things with it.
Go ahead and post any questions.

An extension:
Find a basic pattern, possibly one you have worked with countless times before. (I use a
basic eight-directional series with my sword)
Allow your passion and desire for power to boil forth, feeling the darkness drawn into your

body as a result.
From the ready position, begin slowly working your sequence, and I repeat SLOWLY,
maintaining a steady breathing habit; out when you strike, in when you follow through.
In every step, feel the strength of your fury follow through with every strike or slash. Feel
the burning strength of your passion boil forth into your weapon, into every lethal blow.
*When doing this for roughly 5 minutes or so, maintaining the slow, focused pace, you
should feel your concious mind fall out of focus until it is only you and your weapon cutting
a swath through the very fabric of the universe. *
Maintain the process, and without breaking pace, let go of your awareness of your weapon,
and feel only your fury, your power in the space you occupy, allow your body to build up
speed through the techniques, reaching out into the darkness, drawing in more and more
power, allowing your passion to guide your blade.
Continue this until you are too fatigued to continue.
Work on it regularly in order to build your endurance; which in effect builds your capacity
for harnessing your rage.
Please note that breath control is very important, especially when starting out-- breath out
when striking, and in when following through.
Also, try not to cut yourself open with clumsy technique.
In darkness,

Inner Alchemy of the Sith

There are various different aspects of alchemy, all of which, if I'm not mistaken, are under
two categories: internal and external. There are ways that these categories relate to one
another, but I am currently less concerned with that; at this time, my interest is held by
internal, spiritual alchemy. From my understanding, this involves guided/controlled
transformation of the Self on an emotional and mental level, which often results in changes
on the physical level. I've felt for a long time that this is something I need to explore, but
until now I have put it off, regarding it as to difficult. That is a chain I am intent on
Metamorphosis: Man to Sith
I think that the process of rebirth, of transitioning from a man to a Sith, is an important and
often overlooked aspect of inner alchemy. Choosing a "Sith Name" is a symbolic part of this
process, but only has as much value as is placed in it. I chose to purge my former self;
metaphorically and spiritually, I burned Rick. Draconis was the Sith that arose from the
ashes, the being I nurtured, developed, and ultimately became. I changed from something
plain and worthless to something unique and invaluable, which is what I think the first
alchemists were intent on doing. There is the common example of the pursuit of gold
through the alteration of lead, which, for me, is often what first comes to mind when I think
about alchemists of history. I think this is exactly what we do when we choose to recreate

ourselves, to create a new identity, we change ourselves from Man(lead) to Sith(gold). This
particular phenomenon is, in truth, not unique to Sith, it is also seen in older spiritual
practices(wiccan's and pagan's, among others), which I believe to support my thoughts on
the inner alchemy of the Sith.
To me, a part of living and applying the Sith Ways are its side effects, one of which is
becoming more than just a man. Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, wrote his
thoughts on what man would ultimately become, if memory serves me. If my remembrance
is accurate, he called it the "over/super" man. From what reading and research I've done on
internal alchemy thus far, this seems to be the goal: Transforming a lesser material into a
purified, superior, more valuable form. With regards to the Sith, I believe that is what we
are striving for, we seek power, we wish to be stronger, better. A Sith, then, would seem to
be our ideal "over/super" man, which would imply that changing from man to Sith is just
the first step on an endless but beneficial, strengthening path.
Evolution: Path to Power
An aspect of internal alchemy that has great relevance to Sith is emotional alchemy. This is
something I am and always will be working through. Awareness and the imposition of one's
will upon his or her emotions, for most Sith, is an integral part of our lifestyle, which further
supports that Sith Alchemy, if you will, is already in existence and simply needs to be
studied, understood, and utilized for maximum benefit. I think that the difficulty in doing
this is, interestingly, our focus on the individual, our desire for independence. The
individuality and independence that I feel makes a Sith strong, it allows for numerous
personalized processes, techniques, and methods toward self-betterment; the many varied
approaches can make it very hard to form a comprehensive understanding of a body of
knowledge under the category of Sith Alchemy. To some, perhaps this seems to be a
downside, but I think that it benefits the art, as the individual is forced to choose and create
his or her own over all approach based on his or her ideals, ethics, and understanding. To
my mind, this seems to be a beneficial aspect.
In the Star Wars novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, one character, Githany,
expressed her belief that "the Dark Side is emotion". To formulate your own opinion on that
particular statement, I would suggest that if you have not already formed your own
perspective on darkness, a "Dark Side", and how it is relevant to you as a Sith, you should.
I don't quite agree that the Darkness is nothing more than our emotions, I believe it is far
more than that, but I would advise you not to simply adopt my thoughts as your own. The
fictional Sith all placed an emphasis on emotion, and a lot of that emphasis was on anger,
hate, or both. I am comfortable in dealing with these emotions, but something I think most
Sith Realists can acknowledge is that, while anger and hate can be useful, there are other
passions to be explored. Allow me to share a few short thoughts on some of them:
happiness, in my opinion, is over rated by most members of modern society, just as anger
was over rated by the fictional Sith; love provides such an odd sensation, I cannot give it
justice by describing it with mere words; hate is not detrimental as many seem to think it
is, it occurs for a reason. These are, of course, just my opinions with regards to each
mentioned emotion. My point is this: I believe that you should not deprive yourself of
experiencing something just because is is discouraged by the vast majority of humanity,
and, coinciding with that, I don't believe you should over emphasize the pursuit of any
single emotion, they are all a piece of the puzzle, and if you wish to see the picture, you
must be able to see each piece. I advocate experiencing the full range of emotion and
passion, and passing through them to become stronger. In and of itself, passing through
emotion(s) unscathed and drawing strength from the experience is a worthwhile approach
to try.

The approach on emotions suggested is an example of alchemy. To offer an anology, it is a

way of placing ourselves in the flames of passion/emotion, burning away weakness,
complacency, stagnation, and more. What emerges is something that, each time it is gorged
in the fires of your spirit, is a closer resemblance of you, your Self. In articles I've come
across, the term used to describe this is Calcination, the process of burning away, or
removing, impure components of the spirit so that you have the base material, the essence.
I think the theory is that in order to work with the base material, the spirit, you first have to
get to it, or at least get closer to it, and that requires burning away what covers, hides, and
dilutes it.
For the time being, I'll conclude this article. However, I'll be making addendum's as my
understanding of alchemy improves. Until then, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Feel free to ask questions as well, though I'm still quite new to this so I would encourage
you to do your own research to. This article is by no means finished, but I felt that it is
enough to post, for now.

Note: Written by Darth Necrom.
"Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self."
Solitude, like silence, is a lost art in our society. We view solitude as a weakness because
we think that an individual not congregating with others equates to that individual not
holding any power over the others he or she is communicating with. Nothing could be
farther from the truth. However Im not saying that talking to a great number of people is
wrong; Im just saying that our society favors social ties for all the wrong reasons. Going
back to solitude, many ancient civilizations favored solitude, and silence for that matter, as
being a means to keep ones self safe from others. If you knew something that others would
either be harmed for or would gain something over you, you would often times take a vow
of silence and solitude to not utter a word of this information. Like I said above in modern
times solitude and making your own path is looked down upon by others because they want
you to join their cause either to bolster their ranks or to make themselves feel justified in
their actions, often both. But I cannot stress enough the importance of going against what
the group does. One individual with common sense is harder to influence than a whole
group of ignorant bystanders and due to this the group will single out this resistance in
often harsh ways. This is where the beauty of solitude comes in. If you master yourself to
the point that you no longer need the group than you will not be affected by their actions
unless you choose to be. I cannot yet claim to have mastered solitude, but I find my
resistance to the draws of the group growing. I dont want to make it seem as if Im antisocial, or anything of that matter, because I love being in the company of others. What I
mean when I speak of solitude and going against the group is that when the group does
something or is going to do something that doesnt favor yourself you need to have the
discipline built up to combat their propaganda.
-Darth Necrom, Sith Lord

Note: Written by Khaos
Pain can be used, most people try to hide from pain, some try to ignore it. Pain is one of the
greatest tools at diposal to you, pain can tell you how injured you are, it also reminds you
your still alive. Here I will teach you an inner alchemy, transforming pain into anger ,and
anger into strength. A warning though, you must have a clear grasp of gathering the force,
this is a draining exercise and I would caution you that once you can harness it to only use
it when absolutely needed.
Sit in your usual meditation spot in your usual position. Relax completely and begin a slow
and steady,rythmic breathing. Breathe through your nose and out your mouth, each inhale
should be as if your breathing in the universe, each exhale should be as if your spirit is
expanding out over the stars. Use your lower belly and not your upper chest to breathe,
begin to focus your consiousness on the one point. The area about 3 inches below your
navel. Continue this until each complete breathe takes a full minute to finish(30 second
inhale/30second exhale)
Now use whatever method you use to gather your (Ki lif energy,etc), there are many and I
will not explain what one should already know before beginning.Once the force is gathered
to you I want you to focus on a painful moment in your life, this can be a physical, or
emotional pain(Note:Physical pain seems to work better in action and emotional in
meditation) It must be a moment of immense pain, one that the mere thought of can cause
you to wince. Once you have this moment, feed on it allow it to engulf your being ,dont look
away from it. When it becomes undearable begin to accuse your pain, how not right it was
that it happened to you, how unfair it someone else deserved it more than you, .
Let yourself become angry about it, let your indignation grow Let it permeate your every
cell starting from the one point and then flowing out, engulfing you.
If done properly and with the right focus, your body will trigger an adreniline dump, your
endorphins(The bodies natural pain killers) will also be triggered. You will be granted with a
great increase in physical and mental ability, you could do this without focusing your(Ki life
force) as well. But it wont be as long or as focused, also once it is over you will be
particulary drained, as the surge of adreneline and calling upon the force(Ki Chi etc) will be
taxing indeed.Do not use this needlessly or irresponibly, for long term effects of overuse
would become apparent. High blood pressure, anxiety, and other problems,all things come
at a price.
A simple way to avoid these draining and degenrative effects is to not become so
overwhelmed by anger as to have an adreniline dump. This exercise is a way to focus your
pain, not be ruled or beaten down by it. The transformaiton of pain into anger will give you
extreme focus to get things done,pain and anger are powerful motivators. So play with it,
learn to control your pain and anger levels accordingly. You achieve great mental focus as
well as physical,it is also a perfect lesson in controlled passion. It is way to turn a negative
and possibly debilitating emotion into a constructive one(Many are ruled by there pain). It
may also be noted that you can use fear in exactly the same way.
If you can learn to do this without lengthy meditation then the methods in which to use it
should become apparent. Most will see it only in its combat effectiveness and it is true this
will be one of the easiest times to call upon pain to trigger anger but this is by no means the
only way or reason to use it. As in most things you can use it to hurt or to help, for good or
evil, but this for the user to decide, not the teacher.Suspension enthusiasts use pain all the
time for a spiritual awakening, I do not advocate the use of this ability for either, nor do I

claim it will work for everyone, nor that everyone should use it. Take this knowledge and
use it wisely and responsibly...

The Sith
The Holocron Of

Hello, my name as you no doubt know by now is Khaos. I do not know what purpose, or
knowledge one will gain from this holocron, as I dont feel I say anything one cannot find out
on there own. Or for that matter anything paticularly important to say, all I can share with
you is knowledge I have gained through personal expierience on my path. It should be
noted before going any further that you will find out nothing of my past affiliations or
childhood,or past at all for that matter, that was then and this is now, I have no desire to
tell you what has happened to forge me. A Sith should be concerned only with forging there
own path and to that extent I will spare you the tediousness of having to relive my life,
besides, as I have said before I am secretive by nature and seek a certain level of
What I intend to pass on are insights and teachings that I consider to be universal, in the
sense that once said you can more than likely equate them to your own life and path, and
you can be sure I only pass on knowledge given by EXPIERIENCE. Life is the true teacher
and has no substitute, so any insights you gain in this holocron have been tested in the
crucible that is the world. For anyone can have knowledge, applying that knowledge,
actually doing what you say,practicing what you preach, is true wisdom.
That being said, let us see where this goes...

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Darkside, ah the Darkside, it has become inseparable to the Sith, and yet there is no
being on earth that does not resonate with the Darkside. It is inescapable, ireffutable, and
intoxicating, the Darkside represents to me that which I do not know,about myself as well
as the world, that which is hidden, that which is...dark. All knowledge is dark untill
uncovered by the curious mind, and there is an infinite amount of knowledge out there, and
so an infinite amount of darkness to discover.Curiousity, passion, aggression, EMOTION,
feed the darkside, and it also feeds you to seek out that which is dark. To delve beneath the
black waters, without map or light, to find what is there. Led only by instinct, and passion to
see what is hidden and in doing so you unlock not only the darkness of the world, but also
within yourself, for all knowledge ultimately means self knowledge.
Of course to seek out anything worth knowing there is risk, terrible risk, to the mind as well
as the body, for there are things to be discovered in the dark that are not friendly, even to
the Sith, there is knowledge that can destroy you if you are not ready, or believe you are
too ready. All knowledge may mean self knowledge but there are also things people are not
ready to accept before there due time,about the world as well as aout themselves. You must
temper your passion, with patience and training, properly assimilating the knowledge
physicly ,mentaly, and spiritualy, before moving on. A good healthy dose of fear will serve
you well, for without fear, you may not recognize danger properly,or fast enough, fear is
only unhealthy if it controls you...As a certain Sith Lord says..."Be mindful of the price you
are willing to pay for power."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You may notice that I have not stated anything the Darkside of the Force, thats simple. Its
an absurd notion, the Force has no Light or Darkside, there is only what you do and what yo
dont do. Our choices, and actions, can only define what is Light or Dark. Your choices send
out ripples into the force, and how those ripples reflect what you have done truly show
whether what you sent out was Light,or Dark.Sith are as capable of great compassion as
any Jedi. Conversely,despite there denial, Jedi can be capable of great hatred and
apathy,nobodies perfectly light,or dark, there is only the individual and what they do...or
dont. It should be noted that ripples may also bounce off and back onto the source that sent
it out in the first place. So proper foresight must be applied before one takes any action that
may be...detremental to oneself. All actions, good or bad have reactions, consequences, so
before you act observe all possble repercussions.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Of course you may argue that the Jedi also seek to uncover knowledge to improve the self,
so how then does that make them diffrent from a Sith. The answer is simple, a Jedi seeks
wisdom and understanding from only safe sources, one sided sources, seeking to amplify
one part of the self while ignoring or attempting to bury another...Sith seek knowledge in all
aspects of the world and conversley, all aspects of the self...A Sith seeks to know about all
facets of there individuality, how can you know how much you can love until you understand
the depths of your hate, how can you appreciate either without full knowledge of them? Or
any emotion for that matter? Or any subject? This does not mean the individual Sith seeks
only negative, or dark, emotions...indeed not! Who would want to be perpetualy miserable
all the time? It is simply that a Sith seeks to know his negative, and positive sides, you
cannot control and manipulate that which you have no true knowledge of. A Sith seeks
knowledge that others shy away from, delving deep into decidedly darker texts as well as
the darker aspects of the self.
In doing so we gain control over these darker aspects and indeed make them serve us, we
use them as we see fit. We become more complete individuals, capable of anything because
we have such a complete understanding of the self.


The Holocron of Darth Praxus

Note: Written by Darth Praxus, Sith Knight. Otherwise known as Streen, Jedi
, enjoy. name is Praxus. I am a Sith Knight.
My journey began in 1997, during the birth of the online Jedi community. In the beginning I
was a role-player. At the time I arrogantly went by the name Master Skywalker in a chat
room. It was my arrogance that caught the attention of a Jedi realist who gave me the
name of someone who could teach me the ways of the Force. I was, understandably,
excited by the idea. I had never before considered, despite being a long-time Star Wars fan,
that I could apply the lessons presented in the movies and novels in real life. Thus my
training began.
It was during my training that I came to know of yet another Jedi Master, a friend of my
own Master. He told me, despite my training as a Jedi, that I was in the dark, that I was,
essentially, a Dark Jedi. This struck me as silly, even ridiculous. I was a Jedi. I knew who
and what I was. Or so I thought.
He saw something in me. Something that would not surface for years to come. I spent the
next decade in the Jedi Community, building sites, learning, teaching, and going about the
things that Jedi do.
After ten years in the Jedi community, I learned about pain.
I spent the last few years of that decade battling depression and anxiety disorders (and still
do to this day). It was during that time that I was in a car accident, struck by a tractor
trailer. I spent months in the hospital, recovering. I experienced pain beyond what I had
ever understood, both physical and emotional. It truly is a miracle that I am even alive, let
alone capable to typing these words and telling my story. My survival meant to me that I
had a purpose in life, that I was meant to do something important. Otherwise, why would I
be alive?
As grateful as I am for my life being spared, my experiences during and after my days spent
in the hospital showed me the darkness inside me that the Jedi Master had seen in me
years prior. My despair led to anger, anger to hate. Hate made me consider whether or not
I was fit to be a Jedi anymore. In time I decided I was not, and ventured into lands I had
been warned for years to avoid, into the darkness, into Sith territory.
It was at the Order of the Sith that I found my calling. I realized that if I were to join the
Sith, I should choose a new name. I happened to find out what the possible names were for
Jacen Solo for the Legacy of the Force series of novels, one of them being "Paxis". I decided
to use that, and add an "r". I later found out that the word "praxis" means "the practical
application or exercise of a branch of learning". It seemed fitting. I was looking for
something practical, something I could use, something that would set me free.

I began my contribution to the Sith by sharing my strong convictions about the lessons
presented in the book Traitor. I was at first accused of being obsessed with the idea of pain,
because of all the references to it in the book. The only person that came to my defense
was Darth Draconis. He would later become my Master.
I see the Sith ways as a path to freedom. Freedom from obligation and expectation. As a
Sith you are free to do as you please, say what you want, believe what you want. The Jedi,
despite most claiming to be open-minded, have restrictions. Most of them are unspoken,
but they are there, none the less.
I do not claim that the ways of the Sith are superior to the Jedi's. It just simply happens to
be that I am better suited for it.
In the following, you will find a few thoughts I've written, some concepts that have been
important to me as a Sith.
-----------------------------------------------------The ways of the Sith are far too often seen as evil. The Sith are not evil. People are evil, and
they are drawn to the power that the dark side provides. Many Sith, such as myself, are
relatively peaceful people. We have hopes and goals just like the Jedi, however, ours are
aimed at achieving freedom, while the Jedi continually place themselves in bondage.
The Jedi are forever imprisoned by their beliefs. The goal of the Jedi is to sacrifice
themselves for the sake of others, to follow a path of self-destruction to save those around
them. The goal of the Sith is to survive. The knowledge we acquire is precious and must be
passed on to the next generation.
-----------------------------------------------------Pain must be embraced. Ordinary people shy away from pain. They use any method they
can to avoid it. The Sith must accept pain and discomfort, for doing so makes us stronger.
This is not to say that one should seek pain, or intentionally hurt oneself, but rather to learn
to live with the pain that comes with being alive.
-----------------------------------------------------Liberation is the ultimate goal of the Sith. Unlike the Jedi, who are expected to be perfect in
every way, the Sith have no such obligation. Freedom from the desire to be everything to
everyone eliminates the fear of failure. Fear itself is eliminated when you start to be who
you are.
-----------------------------------------------------It is often the state of mind of an apprentice to only want to develope powers, but it is the
master that understands that wisdom is true power.

The Holocron of Darth Draconis

I am Darth Draconis, Sith Practitioner, and this is my Holocron, made to serve a multitude of
I was brought up by a Christian family, with the exception of my Atheist Father, but I've never
been much for faith, so in all honesty I was never a true christian, though I was thought to be
such throughout my childhood.
When I was about ten(perhaps near eleven), I began resenting my families beliefs in the concept
of an omnipotent God, at that age I was extremely critical, though I won't deny that the criticism
and/or skepticism is a trait I still possess, though perhaps not to the same degree, nor do I express
it in the same manner. As a result of my disbelief in God, I began experimenting with magickal
practices, wicca, and witchcraft...this was my first experimentation with the energy we call the
Force. I understand magick as simply another name for the Force. Magick and the Force are one
and the same in my eyes, but magick focuses on the energies of plants, trees, air, etc. and
concentrates on spells and rituals to focus the energy for the desired outcome of a magickal

working, it is one of the many aspects of the Force, and it isn't something that interests me as
much as it used to. To my knowledge, most wiccans worship or acknowledge multiple dieties,
and I accepted this for a time, but I soon rejected these gods as nothing more than 1) nothing
more than myths, or 2) powerful spirits that were able to be noticed for a short time after their
deaths, then worshiped as gods (I will likely explain my views concerning death in more detail at
a different time).
I decided to abondon the magickal practices and began to take an interest in the Star Wars
Mythos. I was still approximately ten-eleven when I began walking the path of the Jedi, so I
wanted to use the power I had become aware of for "good". During this time period I lived by
morals, taught to me during childhood, that my grandmother lived by. But only months after I
started training myself as a Jedi did I realize that the Jedi ways were pure weakness in and of
themselves(at least for me), I was kind, caring, loyal, trusting, even compassionate...and as a
result, I was often taken advantage of. I then began to change, so I sought alternate paths and
after a few months I made a commitment. That is when I decided that I would try being evil(as a
Jedi, I believed Sith to be opposite of what I once was, and I believed Sith to be evil), so I began
on the dreaded path of darkness. Surely you can imagine such a young child trying to live as a
Sith, I was malevolent at all times, and I sadistically enjoyed being this way. But, almost three
months of being a Sith had taught me something about what it really meant to be a Sith. Sith are
not evil, we are just considered evil because we are dark beings, but in abandoning
morality(which may be considered evil as well), I decided that there was no true good or evil.
My background may or may not seem relevant to you. Personally, while I think it has some
relevance to who we become, I do not place much value in the past. I think that you should learn
from the previous events, experiences, emotions, etc., but to become fixated on the past is
psychologically unhealthy, in my opinion.
---------------------------------------------------------------------My Sith name is Draconis, and I have claimed the title of Darth. My name describes who I truly
am, it describes my inner darkness. The root of my name is Draco, a latin word that means
Dragon when translated to the English language, I chose this name because dragons of
mythology have traits I possess or strive to possess: Wisdom, Intelligence, Intellect, Cunning,
Patience, Strength, Power, a hoard of Knowledge, etc.; many traits that can be observed among
the Sith. Sith choose a name granted by Darkness, and one of its many virtues is that it describes
the kind of Dark Being you have become on your journey within the Dark Side.
My inner darkness was crucial for me to become a Sith, without gaining an understanding of my
own inner darkness, I might not have been able to gain any understanding of the Dark Side itself.
Self-mastery(internal) should be the first step towards mastery of others(external), it must be
expanded from the inside out. However, power and influence of other people is the most
unstable, unreliable form of power I've used... I have Dark, negative traits, traits I was once
ashamed of, but I believe these traits to be manifestations of my inner darkness. I work to focus,
hone, and control the inner darkness I have; I work towards making it a tool that can be used(as I
do with my emotions and passions). Comprehending my darker traits has aided in understanding
my darkness within. The first step to actually developing my inner darkness was awareness, I
must do my best to be aware of where I'm at in my training.

But what of the title Darth? Some have theorized that it is a combination of Letters from another
Sith title: Dark Lord of the Sith; this is a possibility, but not very relevant to a Sith such as
myself. There are those who have no interest in the title, some even view it as a chain, but for
those who place value in it, you may want to ask yourself: What meaning does this title have?
What are the its possible implications? Is there nerit to its use? Why do some work so tirelessly
and relentlessly to feel worthy of it?
---------------------------------------------------------------------The Sith name and the Darth title both mark a point of progression for us. First, I discarded the
name I was born with in favor of a new name that summarized my being with a mere three
syllables. In doing so, I marked the point in my existence where I began my transformation from
human to Sith(spiritually, of course; not physically). Afterwards, after months of learning the
Sith Ways and integrating the philosophies into my life, I felt I had completely become a Sith. It
was at that time that I claimed the Darth title, representing further transformation, and I bagan
my transition from Sith to Sith Lord. I still have not dared to think of myself as a Lord of the
Sith, but I am working towards the title.
---------------------------------------------------------------------The Dark Side is many things to many people. In a general sense, it is a point of view, a lense
through which we look at the Force through. To me, it is the unknown, it is the hidden things and
truths(both "kind" and "cruel") that most people are not willing to examine, or even
acknowledge. It is the darkness in the shadows, the darkness in our souls, and the darkness
throughout all that exists.
The Sith can not yet be identified as a whole, as they are not(and may never be) united, so all I
can offer is what the Sith are/is to me. The Sith are individuals that thrive on pain and hardship,
and strengthen themselves through it. A Sith constantly improves upon himself and works
towards perfection(which does not mean that we will reach it), working to eliminate his
weaknesses, and bolster his strengths.
The Dark Side and the Sith are intertwined. Our place in the world? For the time being we are
few and far between, we are individuals spread throughout the world who are working towards
self betterment to the point of becoming more than human.
---------------------------------------------------------------------The Dark Side could be described as a merciless god....metaphorically(I've already stated my
views on dieties). It possess's "gifts" for me, but it will not let me take them, it demands that I
become strong enough to claim such things, this means that I must earn the "gifts" I recieve from
darkness. If I become weak, I will no longer be worthy of the "gifts" I have earned, so they
would be "taken" from me until I regained my strength again. I have lost my strength in the past,
and it was due to arrogance, complacency, and stagnation; as a Sith, I believe you must always
do your best to remain vigilant so that you may purge these dangerous, consistent weaknesses
when they arise...failure can mean destruction. However, keep in mind that destruction is not the
end. There will be times when you take steps back, when you regress; every being that pursues a
goal will experience this in some way. You must remember that a forest fire destroys, but it also
brings rebirth.
The Dark Side could also be described as a place eternaly engulfed in shadow(darkness/absence
of light). Most are afraid to enter the darkness; but to find the secrets that lay within and unseen,

you must submerge yourself within it. You must adapt to the darkness, for the light is not needed
to navigate this place...but there will be no help, should you encounter danger, for you have only
yourself to rely on. People of this day and age are to dependent on external sources they feel they
can rely on, but Self-Reliance is something a Sith should possess. Take America, for an example
of dependency...the economy is a nightmare(Year: 2008). Why? Because we rely on other
countries for fuel, food, recreational creations(ex. childrens toys) and even political leverage(i.e.
if America was self-reliant, they would focus onAmericas issues).... People are far to concerned
with ease, convenience. They realize that doing things for themselves is difficult, and I think it is
unfortunate that so many decide to be so weak. People are not willing to put forth the effort to
take care of themselves, they feel entitled to being pampered. To me, this is one area in which a
man differs from a Sith, a Sith is willing to pay the price of pain, effort, struggle, and hardship
because he/she has the foresight to see the rewards that are earned through this.
Self-Reliance is an extremely important virtue for a Sith, without it, we could not survive the
spiritual, mental, and even physical ravages of the Dark Side.
You serve the Dark Side because you use it, and because you use it, you are it's master, it can
guide you, and you can command it. It is a complex way of looking at the Force, we are all a part
of it, yet we are separate.
Now, stepping aside from the use of analogies to describe the Dark Side...The Dark Side is an
aspect of the Force. As a Sith, I focus on this aspect, I help to further its teachings, I live by and
put into practice the Teachings of the Sith; I dwell in this darkness, and I will never leave it, for
there is always something more to learn. In the end, you must decide what the "Dark Side" is
to you Even for a Sith Lord the learning is unending.
---------------------------------------------------------------------There is something called the Potentium aspect, and to describe it is the belief that
following the "will of the Force" is "light" and twisting the Force to your will in a perverse way
is "dark"...The Potentium view has some truth to it, because a great many Sith do seek to control
their individual lives.
---------------------------------------------------------------------I said something about "sub-aspects"earlier: The living, personal, and unifying force...
The Unifying Force is related to the future, if I were to have a premonition, which isn't likely but
I believe it is possible, it would be of the Unifying Force...and in truth, it does connect each and
every personal Force with the Living Force, it is what binds them together. In binding both the
living and personal Forces, the future can be reached...
Which leads to the Living Force. The Unifying force connects the Living and personal Forces,
and the Living Force connects all individual personal Forces. The living Force is of the here and
now, when you are told to concentrate on the moment, you are attuning yourself with the living
Force...Think of your life as a book, the very letter your on is the one you are paying attention to
at the present time, if your on chapter five chapter 4 is of the past. Living in the moment every
moment and being a part of the current of the Force at that moment is being in tune with the
Living Force.

We each have a personal Force, but we commonly refer to it as our souls, or our spirits, it is the
Force energy we are composed Darth Sidious(and Yoda) say in Star Wars, "We are not
this crude matter". I believe that when we die our specific personal energy our identity is
imprinted upon dissipates when we die...unless we somehow keep it intact...but until death, I
think it is safe to say that our personal Force/soul occupies our physical forms.
Of course this is all theory, but I think it's valid otherwise you wouldn't be reading about it here.
It is simply a perspective for you to consider. of the many things a Sith will crave and seek. I've said before that power is a
necessity at the very least and a luxury at best, but this is true only for those who seek to be
strong(or those who become strong as a side-effect of their beliefs{Jedi, for example})...Those
who have no power of their own cannot hope to be superior to others, nor can one hope to protect
those reagrded as weak without some measure of power; ironically, there are some who are
inferior, but have more power than most other men/women.
There are numerous forms of power, far to many to name them all here, but I must address some
of the most prominent types. Control over yourself provides power, you have less limits and
more choices once a degree of self-mastery is obtained; once you obtain a high degree of control
over yourself, you can move on to controlling others if you so wish. There is also physical
power(and I don't mean bulging, inflexible muscles), being physically powerful has nothing to
do with body building either, to be powerful in this aspect you must improve upon your body's
flexibility, endurance, and strength. And again, by strength I do not mean "big", soft muscles, I
am talking about dense, hard, strong muscles. Useful, flexible muscles can be created by muscle
toning; for some reason I don't seem to comprehend though, exercises working towards this goal
seem to be used mainly by women. Don't disregard your bodies overall health either, some
degree of proper nutrition can be extremely beneficial. Then there is the mental aspect of power,
you can be intelligent and foolish, you can be wise and stupid, and you can even be
stupid and foolish. For a Sith, intelligence, wisdom, and intellectual skills are important, I have
an advantage in this area that a surprising number of people are lacking, I have a passion for
reading and I enjoy figuring things out so I may come to understand them. There is also the
emotional aspect to look at, I have a higher degree of control over my emotions than the average
person does, and I also seek to understand them: why I have them, how they can be summoned at
will, how they can be focused through sheer strength of will(which can be exhausting and is
sometimes overkill/overexertion), etc. Emotions are usually deeply involved in another aspect
where power may be gained: spirituality....
A Sith must bear power, but at great risk; power can be a burden, it pollunates the seeds of pride,
and your pride can easily grow into a tree of arrogance and over-confidence...this is one of the
greatest dangers for a Sith, this "tree" has consumed me before, as it does to all those ignorant
enough to let it grow. The path of Darkness we walk is not a safe one, but there is no price to pay
for being a Dark-Side Practitioner...only cause and effect. Being to weak to walk this path is a
cause, its effect varies for each person, but the people seem to basically consume themselves if
they are not strong enough, and they can potentially diminish themselves in every respect...
---------------------------------------------------------------------Chains. To many to countbut as a Sith, the chains serve a purpose. They motivate us to

become strong so that we may break them. I suppose the end goals are power, freedom, and an
attempt to reach perfection. Power can be for its own sake, but it is also another means to another
end. I would argue that without power, there is little chance of freedom. And without freedom,
how can we work towards the unreachable goal of perfection. It seems that the end goals are
interconnected, they rely on each other. If you possess power, you have a tool that can be used to
obtain freedom. If you have freedom, you have a tool that can be used to obtain near-perfection.
In obtaining these things, I have no doubt in my mind that they change us. Now the question is,
will we change for better or for worse? Will we deteriorate or evolve? That is a choice I feel we
all can and must make. It is the transformation spoken of in what most of us consider Sith Lore,
they were the words of the fictional Sith Lord, Darth Revan. Some would argue that these things
are not within our control, but I beg to differ. Its all a matter of choice, if you say you cannot
control such things, you are likely weak and/or ignorant. If you say you choose to surrender
control to the Force, that is your choice, and you must be prepared to accept the consequences,
be they costly or beneficial. If you say you can control things of this nature with minimal effort,
be mindful and make sure your words are not born out of arrogance or over-confidence.
---------------------------------------------------------------------I see my mind as a tool for my spirit, the mind retains knowledge, but it isn't all we are. The
body is another tool for our true selves to utilize. Thinking of your body literally as a tool, the
concept of honing it and gaining more physical power is less difficult to comprehend.
Through our bodies, subordinate tools can be used: hammers, pens, baseball bats, lawnmowers,
etc. But the body alone can only do so much, it is limited to matters of the Mundane...this is
where the mind comes in: to read a book, you must use your eyes(a part of your body) to see the
words, then you process the information within your mind. And like the body, the mind cannot
operate alone...Like light and dark, male and female, Yin and Yang, the mind and the body our
While my spirit inhabits my body and mind, it becomes dependent on both, but perhaps
immortality as a ghost can be reached by removing the spirit's reliance on the matter our physical
selves are composed of. Just a thought, but who knows?
---------------------------------------------------------------------The paradox of Force Abilities...I've encountered many obsessed with a quest to gain Force
"Powers", but there is a flaw in this. If you pursue only abilities, you will gain no wisdom from
the Force itself, these "powers"are simply side-effects of our knowledge and real power, the
Dark Side must be studied in depth, it should certainly be the higher priority; Force abilities
should be secondary, they should not be the focus of your training. There is nothing wrong with
honing the abilities you've obtained, but concentrating solely on those abilities means that they
will not become strengthened. A certain degree of balance is required when dealing with matters
of the Force, a Sith cannot limit himself to learning only certain things, a Sith should learn
anything and everything that he can.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Some Sith focus on teachings that will help them only in matters of the mundane world, and
others focus on the deeper, spiritual teachings, but both should be learned of extensively...what
use is one without the other?
I have learned throughout my life that there are hidden secrets to be found, and they cannot be

given, not by any mentor or friend, they must be gained by you for you.
That may cause some to question the purpose of a Master training an apprentice...but there is a
simple explanation to justify the existence of this training system: A Master has learned secrets
on his own, but his purpose is to provide his apprentice with foundations to build upon; and to
help the apprentice understand things that he may not yet comprehend. Some of the things a
Master teaches can be learned alone, without a Master; but with the aide of a mentor, an
apprentice can gain knowledge more rapidly than he/she would as a solitary practitioner. Saying
this makes it apparent that learning from a Master is an advantage and a luxury, but it is not
required to be a Practitioner of the Sith Ways. The advantages are quite form a
bond of trust with a mentor, and this bond is difficult to break, even if you've never met face-toface, so you can use your master for advice on matters you wouldn't dare discuss with your
closest friends or relatives; due to this bond, a Master and his/her apprentice become natural
allies, the need to defend each others viewpoints may become something of an instinct. Some say
that a Master passes on all he knows to his apprentice, and that his apprentice shares everything
with his master...this isn't entirely true though. Because of the individualistic nature of all Sith,
each have their secrets, each have there prefered areas of study..they both continue to grow as
Sith, but they grow differently from each other.
My point in telling you my perpective about this: An apprenticeship will likely be beneficial, but
you can't let the absence of a mentor hold you back. As you should well know about me after
reading this much of my holocron, I believe self-reliance is an extremely important element of
the Sith Ways; if you aren't progressing as a Sith that is your own fault{even if you are
apprenticed to someone of more experience). Something I think everyone should take to
heart, "Results, not excuses."
On a personal note, I had no Master for the first five years I was a Sith, and yet I am called a Sith
Lord by some. Just something for you to ponder, should you cling to the notion that an
apprenticeship is a necessity...
---------------------------------------------------------------------Each emotion has its advantages as well as its disadvantages, but as Sith it is my opinion that we
can better overcome the disadvantages and put the advantages to use for a maximum of benefit,
be it for yourself or others. I think mindful awareness of the self is key to productively utilizing
one's emotions, and from personal experience I would advise you to gain a decent understanding
of yourself before you choose to begin toying with your emotions and passions. To give a few
short examples....
*Advanatages(If anger is properly controlled)
-increased physical strength
-increased mental focus on a specific person, event, feeling, etc.
-increased self-control
-increased (but possibly temporary) connection to the Force
-Increased willingness to do things you couldn't otherwise bring yourself to do.
*Disadvantages(If anger is not properly controlled)
-"Tunnel Vision", you become so focused that you see only what you wish to see

-Your judgement is clouded

-If you believe you have more control over anger than you really do, you will become overconfident
-Can lead to poor health when used excessively
-Increased willingness to do things you couldn't otherwise bring yourself to do.
*Advantages(If hate is properly controlled)
-Determination without restriction(Ruthlessness)
-Increased Concentration & Focus
-Increased willingness to do things you couldn't otherwise bring yourself to do.
*Disadvanatges(If hate is not properly controlled)
-Increased willingness to do things you couldn't otherwise bring yourself to do.
*Advantages(If fear is kept in check)
-Heightened awareness
-A burning desire to be safe or ok(for lack of a better word)
*Disadvantages(If fear is not kept in check)
-Loss of focus
-Physically shaky
*Advantages(If Love is kept in check)
-Undescribable ruthlessness
-The ability to do something your completely against
-A connection with the person or object you love
*Disadvantages(If Love is not kept in check)
-Sacrificing vital things for reasons unknown to you, such as: dieing in the place of a loved one,
giving up a home, money or a good reputation, etc.
---------------------------------------------------------------------Emotions. To control them efficiently you can't try to clamp down on them, you can't try to
extinguish them; if you do, you will fail more often than not. You have to try to guide/direct
them. Over exertion has often led to problems for me in attempting to control my emotions, as it
may have already led you to. It's difficult to describe, but what I do is I gently guide my
emotions in the direction I want them to go. I first became familiar with the concept of guiding
through my interests in meditation. I have within my possession a book containing various
categories of meditation, different forms of it, and explanations of why they should work. One of
these meditations involved gently guiding my train of thought in the direction I wanted. The
meditation is basically contemplating on chosen thoughts, ideas, or whatever else you wish to
contemplate, and in the instructions for use of this particular technique, the book stated that my
thoughts would inevitably wander and get off track. I new this to be true because it had happened
to me often, but my solution failed more than it succeeded. I applied to much effort into trying to
control my thoughts, trying to forcefully shove stray thoughts aside and summon thoughts
pertaining to the subject I wished to explore. As a result of my over exertion, I would exhaust my

willl power and stop the meditation before I could begin to truly meditate. It got to be extremely
irritating. It took me a while to see the parallels between my thoughts and my emotions, but the
similarities are there. The book suggested that when my thoughts are derailed from the direction
I want them to go in, I should simply accept that they are off track and bring my thoughts back to
what I wish to contemplate. With emotions, there are still the occassions in which my anger
becomes to strong for me to successfully guide, but success occurs far more than failure. When
you become angry, I would suggest that you try to recognize and accept your anger, make
youself aware of it as soon as you can, hopefully before it gains control. Try to calm yourself
enough to think straight if you have to, but do not over exert yourself, don't be afraid of failure.
Trial and error is how we grow. If you have a physical activity that might be made easier by the
physical strength you gain from your anger, let the anger help you. If you wish to leave it inside,
unused for another time, do so(this might be a good idea if you can think of no where to
currently direct your anger, though cultivating such an emotion is risky and may make you prone
to outbursts and an overall lack of control). If there is any other productive activity you can think
of, be aware that you have the option of channeling your anger into it.
Here I am speaking primarily of anger, but it has been my experience that this methodology is
effective for any other emotion.
---------------------------------------------------------------------"Only Sith deal in absolutes."
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master(Fictional)
In "Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" Jedi Master Kenobi makes an interesting
assumption directed at Anakin Skywalker shortly after the young Jedi is reborn as Darth Vader,
but many arguments have ensued about how true Kenobi's statement is.When Jacen Solo was
becoming Darth Caedus in the "Legacy of the Force" series, I began thinking a bit more deeply
on Jedi Master Kenobi's statement...
In life, absolutes are rare, but I can certainly agree that Sith seem to have a preference towards
these absolutes, though that can be a great hindrance due to the likelihood of self-delusion. I
personally dislike unknown variables, but it is undeniable that through experience with these
unknown variables we become adaptable and we learn what was once unknown to us...
---------------------------------------------------------------------Turning to the Dark can be gradual or sudden, absolute or temporary, and how it
happens is truly undescribable because it is different for everyone.
I turned to the Darkness because I was sick of being kind and caring when no one cared about
me. I was compassionate and helpful when I was a kid and when I was a Jedi, and because of
this, I was often taken advantage of(most notibly by my peers). My self conversion was gradual,
when I finally decided to commit myself to the Sith Ways I had completely converted to the path
of I now walk...

The fictional tales of Star Wars offer beautiful examples, though they tend to be more dramatic
than the stories of Sith such as myself. Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight...his life was a tragedy
until he became Darth Vader, Sith Lord, and even then it was tragic; he could never reach his full
potential because of his servere injuries given to him by his former Master, Jedi Master Kenobi.
Darth Revan, he turned to the Dark Side to protect the Galaxy. Like Lord Revan, Jacen Solo
became Darth Caedus, Sith Lord to save the Galaxy from itself. Darth Bane took up Sith
Training because he was able to acknowledge that in the end, you have only yourself. Darth
Krayt, yet another who became a Sith Lord so he could save the Galaxy from destroying itself.
Turning a person to the Dark Side is difficult, it requires a great mastery of manipulation as well
as a deep understanding of how people think; manipulation is very consequential in matters of
this nature, a person will not be forcefully turned one way or the other, it is a matter of making
someone choose the path you desire them to walk. Very few have the wisdom and selfconfidence to do this, it has only been done successfully by the most cunning. I question the
point of converting people to the Sith Way, personally, but it is an interesting line of thought to
---------------------------------------------------------------------The Sith Code of fiction is, in a way, a set of guidelines that can lead to (near) perfection. Not
only can it be applied to long-term matters, it can also be applied to any situation we may come
across. However, it is a work of fiction, not a code many strictly adhere to. I still find it to be
useful though useful though...
Peace is a lie; there is only Passion
Through Passion; I gain Strength
Through Strength; I gain Power
Through Power; I gain Victory
Through Victory; my Chains are broken
The Force shall free me.

This code could be interpreted any number of ways, all of them useful. It can indeed be applied
to any situation a human may come across. It is useful, yet we are not bound to it. That is the
nature of all tools and assets, they are useful, but we don't depend on them; dependence external
and internal tools is just another chain we sometimes place on ourselves.
Peace is a Lie, there is only Passion
Just as is bluntly stated here, peace is a lie, an illusion, a concept conjured by the compassionate
through a thought process known as wishful thinking. Under the illusion of peace, passion can be
found. During a period of peace, passion is always rustling about, just under the surface. And
when passion arises, the comforting notion of peace is torn away. Passion is always there, and
just like the darkness in the shadows of the light, it will never leave. While I adhere to no code, I
seem to wholeheartedly agree with the points made in the Sith Code, as will become more
evident in my interpretations.
Through Passion, I gain Strength
Passion, as I understand it, is a part of us, eternally ingrained into each and every person. I think
that the word passion, when used in the Sith Code, is meant to encompass passion itself, along
with the entire spectrum of emotions; from anger to happiness, from hate to love. The emotions
can be suppressed, ignored, orexamined in an effort to better control them, the end goal being
to be capable of bending them to my will, and making them tools for reaching my goals(yes, it
sounds rather cliche, and perhaps it is, but it is also logical in my mind). In gaining control, my
strength will, theoratically, be augmented to a further degree.
Through Strength, I gain Power
In strengthening aspects of myself, more possibilities become available for me. Regardless of
what a person can come across, be it a situation, object, trait, or otherwise, having more strength
than it means you have power over it. The problem with Sith is that while power is necassary and
sought after, it also has great potential to corrupt. My personal solution, for now, is to be as
brutally honest with myself as possible, and painfully mindful of everything I choose to do; this
method of analysis is by no means full proof, but it acts as an aid to help me know myself, my
limits, and my weaknesses. Power can be viewed as a means to an end, which I find to be
trueif I have a specific goal in mind, more power means that my goal is not as difficult to
attain; from another viewpoint, power can be seen to be a purpose and goal in and of itselfin
my opinion, this is also true, gaining power can be a goal, and having power might be its own
purpose..power for the sake of power; that in itself is a victory
Through Power, I gain Victory
In gaining power and applying it properly as well as intelligently, I can gain victory in any
situation. Some situations may not seem as if they are to be won or lost, but if there is a
possibility of gaining something then a victory is possible. Power comes in many different forms,
all of which are applicable, but only if I know what kind of power might better suit my situation.
In obtaining victory, I gain more power. This is a beneficial paradox, as the cycle continues.
Defeat is only defeat if I dont learn, because learning also benefits me, and seen from this
perspective I cant ever truly be defeated unless I choose ignorance over knowledge.

Through Victory, my Chains are broken

Due to the round-about cycle of power and victory, I will theoratically brake the chains that
shackle me, one by one. There are obvious chains, such as society, equality, lack of productive
conflict, etc.; and there are subtle chains such as self-doubt, self-esteem, uncontrolled emotions,
overfed pride, etc. As a Sith, I believe that part of what it means to be a Sith is to continually
break these chains. I feel the need to find my limits and go beyond them. This all leads to the end
goal of most Sith. Victory is absolutely dependent on the will power of the individual, it all
hinges on choice.
The Force shall free me
Freedom and near perfection is my main goal in life. Over time, learning about and controlling
my passions, then gaining strength from the passion and, in turn, gaining power through use of
my strength, I will gain the ultimate victory. The whole of Sith Philosophy revolves around this,
and as such I regard it as the highest priority for a Sith. It is all I strive for, all I suffer for, all I
live for, and all I will die for.
---------------------------------------------------------------------The Jedi Code is viewed by many to be in direct contradiction to the Sith Code, and in a few
ways it is, but there are also ways in which they coincide. The thing to be kept in mind when
examining/studying codes is this: no code should be strictly adhered to, to do so is simply to
place another chain upon yourself. I think that the value of a code is in an individuals
interpretations of it, and it can be very interesting, as well as beneficial, to see what you
interpretations are when they are guided along a particular line of thought. For this reason, I offer
my interpretations of the Jedi Code.
There is no Emotion; there is Peace
There is no Ignorance; there is Knowledge
There is no Passion, there is Serenity
There is no Chaos; there is Harmony
There is no Death; there is the Force
There is no Emotion; there is Peace
The majority of Jedi believe that the chaotic emotions of a human have no place in a state
of Peace. The emotions are still there, and Jedi wise enough to acknowledge this are growing in
numbers. Emotion is always there, but the Jedi choose not to factor it into their actions or use it
for fuel or motivation. When the Force Traditions were still being developed as Realist lifestyles,
many Jedi believed that their emotions should be suppresed or ignored. Over the years, they have
progressed, learned, and refined their path. They listen to, feel and acknowledge their emotions
now, but do not allow their decisions to be influenced. However, in this respect the Jedi and the
Sith have evolved in a similar fashion, with only subtle differences. I, as a Sith, feel my emotions
and acknowledge them, but I also factor them into my decisions, ask myself why Im feeling
whatever I might be feeling, and decide whether or not it will serve as fuel for my current
activities or be cultivated and strengthened for later use. This may seem dangerous or reckless to
some, but that is why control and discipline are crucial factors in any aspect of training as a Sith.
There is no Ignorance; there is Knowledge
Ignorance is bliss, but neither Sith nor Jedi seek bliss, they seek understanding, knowledge,

comprehension, and these things all bring about pain, burden, and hardship. The Jedi seek to
overcome these difficulties through the strength of love and compassion, and I, as a Sith
Practitioner, do my best to embrace and understand the pains themselves. Ignorance also seems
to breed difficulties, especially for those on a spiritual path. Knowledge itself can be considered
power, in a sense, but like all other forms of power, it is useless if not acquired and properly
applied. All in all, knowledge rather than ignorance is prefered among most, even those that are
particularly ignorant.
There is no Passion, there is Serenity
Some consider passion and emotion to be synonymous, but from my viewpoint, passion and
emotion are not so inseperable as far as terminology. Passion not synonymous with emotion can
be described as a strong attachment or love for something such as reading, writing, physical
fitness, and some are even passionate in their endeavor to embody the Sith or Jedi Way. I
passionately pursue such embodiement of the spiritual path of Sith Realism, but it would seem
contradictory to the Jedi path to pursue living as a Jedi passionately. This line states that in place
of such passion is serenity, a disposition free from stress, but if a Jedi tries to obtain a state of
mind without such things as stress, then how will he function when stress does occur? The way I
see it is easy to say, but difficult to integrate into living everyday life: If my physical body can
function when and if it is in great pain, if my mind can function under extreme stress and
pressure, and if I can function even in great emotional pain, then, in theory, I can function far
more efficiently when there is no burden to bear in body, mind, or spirit. So, in all honesty my
ideals of serenity are not at all consisitent with the Jedi Code. In my eyes, serenity has a large
potential for weakening those who pursue it.
There is no Chaos; there is Harmony
In a way, there is always the harmony of connection within the Force, every living creature is
connected. However, it can also be said that there is always chaos, and through it we gain
experience and strength. Chaos is an underlying part of living, without it we would not
experience stress, unpredictable situations, or conflict(neither unproductive nor productive).
Adaptability is also evidence of chaos, because without chaos there would be no need to adapt.
Chaos and harmony may also be seen as polar opposites, and from what I know of duality, an
absolute cannot exist without its opposite. Here, we run into the problem of reverting back to the
use of dualistic terminology, which is something you may want to keep in mind.
There is no Death; there is the Force
True death doesnt really occur, in my opinion; not in the sense of becoming nothingness
anyways. I think this is where the Personal Force(Sub-Aspect) largely comes into play within the
Jedi Code, our personal energy that is anchored to the physical body is imprinted with the
identity. When its anchor, the physical body, fails, the personal energy disperses throughout the
rest of the Force, causing the loss of identity, but causing a Unity with the Force as well. Thats
my current ideal on the matter of death, but I may be wrong.
---------------------------------------------------------------------The Goal is Power.
Power through Wisdom.
Wisdom through Knowledge.
Knowledge through Experience.

Experience through Conflict.

Conflict through the Dark Side.
The Dark Side is the begining, it is where Sith start on their path to power, this code seems to be
a step by step summary of how a person can gain power just as the Sith code seems to be a step
by step summary of how we gain freedom and work towards perfection...
The Goal is Power.
We are Sith, we seek power, power is the key to being free, and freedom is necessary to our
attempts at reaching our full potential. The more power we gain, the more capable we are to
reach our own goals.
Power through Wisdom,
Wisdom is something that we also seek, and it can lead to power. Becoming wise is a form of
power in itself, if you are wise, you already have an advantage over most are
capable of knowing things others are to stupid to comprehend or figure out. What this means is
that you have more power than most others, but to gain wisdom.
Wisdom through Knowledge, must first gain knowledge and learn to apply it properly. If you know how to use
knowledge, you are potentially wise. If you can't apply what you learn, then what you have
learned is useless, little more than a fun fact.
Knowledge through Experience,
But you can only gain knowledge through experience, including the knowledge to apply
knowledge so that you may become wise. As is hopefully evident at this point of my
interpretations, Darth Atlas' personal code is quite straightforward, each line being extremely
relevant to the next.
Experience through Conflict,
Conflict is a means to obtain experience. There is always conflict, so there is always a way to
gain experience, but only if you are willing to endure such conflict, only if you are willing to
bear the weight of your experiences.
Conflict through the Dark Side.
And it all starts with the Dark Side, so because we are Sith, we have, theoratically, already
placed ourselves upon the path to power. However, I believe the key to using this code for a
beneficial outcome is having the ability to learn...
These are my personal interpretations of Darth Atlas's personal Sith Code.
---------------------------------------------------------------------The following is a personal meditation technique I sometimes utilize for attuning myself to the
Darkness as I view it to be from my perspective. It is relatively simple, and quite short. I prefer
not to have a set time for any methods I use, though I tend to meditate for at least half an hour,
regardless of what technique I am putting to use.

Turn the lights off in the room you would like to meditate in, relax and keep your spine
straight(it isn't cheating if you'd like to lean against a wall or sit in a chair). Breath deeply and
slowly, empty your mind and imagine the Darkness as a kind of smoke/fog all around you. Now
imagine it being absorbed by you, becoming a part of your very soul. Then take your imagination
a step further and try to feel the Darkness and you merging. At this stage, simply "bath" in this
darkness and allow yourself to think. You can guide your thoughts or let them come up and
examine them. Do this for as long as you like. Don't feel rushed to end the meditation, but at the
same time do not feel like you've got to do this for hours as such a notion is likely to overwhelm


Holocron of Darth Atlas

Darth Atlas, that is the name I have taken for myself as a Sith Lord. Yes I am a Sith, I have
chosen to be Sith and my choices have made me what I am today.
The greatest tool in a humans arsenal is that of choice. I am a Sith and yet I remain a
devout Christian. This is easily done although you may not see it at first. As a Christian, I
love God, and as a Sith I love myself. I seek to serve myself as a Sith Lord but loving and
serving God does both of these for me. I love God and would do anything that he called
upon me to do, so to simply carry out his will I serve that which I love therefor I serve
myself. Its a little tough to understand but when you think about it, it makes perfect
sense.By serving that which I love I gain the warmth of knowing that my service is to
something Divine and Holy.
This is possible even for somebody who calls himself a Sith, lets say you have somebody in
need of help yet helping them will not give you anything. As a Sith and a Christian I would
help him. Why? Because by helping him I protect that which God took time to create and
therefor I serve God in my actions. So you see, being a Sith doesnt mean being evil or
Earlier I mentioned choice. I believe in the divine power of choice that God granted all of us.
I chose to be what and who I am. The Dark Side didnt choose me I chose it. I chose it
because I seek to dive into the unknown, to find that hidden strength and power of emotion
and will. There are hidden powers in the Dark Aspect and I seek to reveal them and conquer
them. That is why I have chosen the Dark Side of the Force as my guide.
But what of the other Archetypes of the Dark Side? What of the Krath and the Jensari? I
believe that these are all just different parts of one entity that is Sith. The means may be
different but in the end the goals remain the same, in the beggining the servants of the
Dark Side were Sith and it will end that way to. Krath and Jensari may be different in means
and philosophy, but they are still servants of the Dark Side, so they are still part of the
original Sith. A Sith does not have to revel in hate and anger, I myself also take part in the
feelings of Love and Joy, as does every other human being, dark student or not. But the
dark aspects members all remain a part of the original Sith, if not specifically the Archetype
of the Dark Aspect called Sith.
Your emotions are the keys to your life and destiny. Intense feelings can help you see better
and feel better than you ever have before. A basic feeling is Pain. Pain is a key to unlocking

yourself. I use pain sometimes to look deeper into myself by the use of a meditation style. I
sit down and get comfortable, then I begin to think. I think about events and actions that
have pained me. I revive the terrible feelings that I felt during those moments and enlarge
them. completely giving in to the pain and misery that it caused me. Then I take a step
back and observe, I think about why these events and actions have pained me, what about
me allows these things to hurt me. I shuffle through these thoughts until I find the answers,
seeing why I am pained, I accept these reasons as weaknesses and show myself that my
own weakness must be blocked off if I am ever to become more protected from Pain.
The Pain I feel is a sacrifice to God, he has allowed me to feel this way and it is a gift I
should be grateful for. While I am grateful to Him, I accept that some pains are tests of my
strength and will and I serve him by destroying these weaknesses in myself. Making myself
a better Servant of God, and a better Sith.

Holocron of Darth Necrom

A Q&A session I had with Lord Virtu concerning my views of the Sith. It was done
as a test of sorts to enter into the Sith Council at Darth Draconiss Order of the
Virtu: 1. Discuss how your own path has evolved from what you been taught to becoming a
Sith to your future.
2. Select the three most important Sith ideals and discuss the importance of them as well as
why those three are more important than others.
3. What qualities should a master possess and why are they important?
Darth Necrom: 1. My journey on the path towards becoming a Sith started out with me at
the old United Force forum. Here I began learning by myself. I studied the works of Master
Anubium and his takes on the Force, The Sith, and how a Sith should conduct himself. The
Sith have taught me that no matter what situation I might encounter the teachings of the
Sith (more accurately, the Sith Code) shall guide me through it. I was never a child that
was raised in a shady family life or an abusive situation, but I could find passion when
searching for knowledge regarding paths that were considered dark.
Darth Necrom: 2. Passion- Passion is the most, without a doubt, important thing to a Sith.
We seek to be the best we can be. I have said many times before that a Sith is free to
pursue any path, but he takes it upon himself to be GOOD at that path. If a Sith wants to
help the poor he shall do it and do it well. If a Sith wants to take over a country and be a
dictator, he shall do it and do it to the best of his abilities.Fear A Sith, like any other
human being (or creature) is confronted with fear in a day to day fashion. A Sith allows that
fear to pass through him/her and give them fuel. A Sith is not blinded by fear instead they
turn it into anger, which in a fight is much more productive. A Sith instills fear into his/her
enemies. Many say this is evil. It is not it is merely a means to seek an end. Fear can be
used to head off violence that may be costly. Therefore every Sith should know it
well. Knowledge A Sith should seek out knowledge in every form so that they may
become a wiser individual. I constantly watch the news and frequent news sites. Why?

Because a person devoid of any knowledge of the world is a person out of sync with the
world. Therefore they shall not be successful in their endeavors. And Sith should not
tolerate such failure for long.
Darth Necrom: 3. A Master should be well versed in the ways of deceit, manipulation,
education, warfare, history, and philosophy. Deceit so that a Master can conduct his matters
in a clandestine fashion. Manipulation so that a Master may always get what he needs to
further his goals. Education so that a Master may always teach new Sith the ways of the
Sith and how they relate to life. Warfare so that a Master may be well versed in the
complexities of combat. Warfare may entail individual combat or combat where large
amounts of troops are to be commanded. History so that a Master may have an abundant
source of knowledge at his command. Knowledge of the past is critical if one is to do
anything in the present. Philosophy so that a Master may know a wide variety of views and
perspectives so that he/she may combat any known threat that may arise mentally.
physically, or spiritually.

Sith Mantra
I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, Lord of the Night.
I am the keeper of Knowledge
That has remained hidden for eons,
None shall comprehend that which I protect,
None that is except for those I have chosen.
I alone am the Keeper of this most powerful magic,
That which binds the Galaxy and the Universe.
The Chaos, the Rune weaves into that which may be understood.
It is the only true magic in the Universe.
I am the Lord of Illusion.
I am in all places at all times and in no places at no time.
When you think you have found me You have not.
When you believe you understand me You do not.
When you think you have bested me You have already lost.
Behold the might of deception!

I cannot claim to be a master of deception, but I have many tricks that I use:
1. Use gradual manipulations. Dont force your hand to be played to quickly.
2. Let them always think they are on top.
3. Dont always do the manipulations yourself. If possible have a
friend/acquaintance relay your tampered with information to the person being
manipulated. This is good for 2 reasons: One the person can now blame someone other
than you if your attempts are discovered. Two the person might not trust you if he keeps
seeing you all over the place.
4. If possible mess with their head. They, in a shaken state of mind, might make decisions
which are of advantage to you.
5. Become their friend. The closer you are to them the more secrets you might discover
about them that would be able to be put to use under your control.These are just
suggestions. I have used many of them, but your situations might be different and therefore
you wouldnt be able to use them. These are my ways, but what of yours?

Darkness the True Good?

Man has always been afraid of the dark. He fears what he cannot see, what is beyond his
own power. This is the reason why most and all things associated to darkness are
considered evil. I find it interesting that man, a being that is surrounded in darkness for the
first few months of his existence, cannot come to a better relationship with the dark and has

no real interest to ever do so (except for a few, of course). I think the underlying problem is
that man sees in stereotypes (light,dark, even grey). Why is the light considered so good? I
believe I have found that answer. Man must have something to aid him in the conquest of
that which he doesnt know. But is he really conquering anything? Yes it might seem that
with the light the mysteries are understood, the problems solved. But what if the real
mystery was in the darkness itself? How then can man truly understand? The answer is that
he cannot (at least not using this strategy). Man must turn now to darkness. But he cannot
be consumed by it. One must walk the dark paths of the universe and one must understand
them and why they exist. We must learn not to limit ourselves in our beliefs. We must learn
that,sometimes, in darkness there is hope and shelter. And in turn that,sometimes, in light
there is suffering and death. If we are to solve any of the worlds problems we must learn
that darkness has its purpose and we must not shy away from it (but not be consumed
either). I guess what Im trying to say is this: We must clothe ourselves in darkness, but be
ready to jump head first into the light.
Loneliness is the poverty of self, solitude is the richness of self
The power of Solitude
Solitude, like silence, is a lost art in our society. We view solitude as a weakness because
we think that an individual not congregating with others equates to that individual not
holding any power over the others he or she is communicating with. Nothing could be
farther from the truth. However Im not saying that talking to a great number of people is
wrong; Im just saying that our society favors social ties for all the wrong reasons. Going
back to solitude, many ancient civilizations favored solitude, and silence for that matter, as
being a means to keep ones self safe from others. If you knew something that others would
either be harmed for or would gain something over you, you would often times take a vow
of silence and solitude to not utter a word of this information. Like I said above in modern
times solitude and making your own path is looked down upon by others because they want
you to join their cause either to bolster their ranks or to make themselves feel justified in
their actions, often both. But I cannot stress enough the importance of going against what
the group does. One individual with common sense is harder to influence than a whole
group of ignorant bystanders and due to this the group will single out this resistance in
often harsh ways. This is where the beauty of solitude comes in. If you master yourself to
the point that you no longer need the group than you will not be affected by their actions
unless you choose to be. I cannot yet claim to have mastered solitude, but I find my
resistance to the draws of the group growing. I dont want to make it seem as if Im antisocial, or anything of that matter, because I love being in the company of others. What I
mean when I speak of solitude and going against the group is that when the group does
something or is going to do something that doesnt favor yourself you need to have the
discipline built up to combat their propaganda.
-Darth Necrom


The Arts of
Sith Meditation
Self-Reflection Sith

There is a place within you, a place as briskly clean as ice on a mountain top, cool and
remote. Find that high place, and look down within yourself; breath that clean icy air as you
regard your guilt and shame. Do not deny them; observe them. Take your horror in your
hands and look at it. Examine it as a phenemenon. Smell it. Taste it. Come to know it only
as you can, for it is yours and it is precious. Handle your emotions. Dissect them,
reassemble them, do anything with them to your pleasure. You may still feel them, they
may even be there more noticeable than before, but these emotions, no longer will they
have the power to cloud your mind. Do anything in this place within yourself. That cold
distance-the mountain top within yourself-that is the first key to the power of the Sith.
To those that have read Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, this should seem familiar, this is
the first technique Sidious taught to Darth Vader. I have used this method of meditation
often and have found it to be very effective. My cold distance is a shiny metallic room,
bright with the white glare of the snow outside of it. This room is at the top of my
mountain.There is a large opening, almost as if it were a...hanger I suppose.

A Variant of "Dark Side"

I have studied many different things, including energy. I have studied Psi in particular, that
has been most fruitful for me.
One form of meditation that I have devised uses the Psi Construct "Psi Balls". I'll generally
sit in a dark room with no distractions, and focus on creating the construct. I picture red
and black energy flowing throughout me, filling my body, and channeling through my arms,
into and out of my hands, forming the construct. All the while, I try to feel my emotions
channeling during the energy transference, so that I might enchance the strength of the
construct. Once I have created a sturdy construct, I imagine all of my "light" energies
colored white and light blue, gathering within the construct. Once I feel the Psi Ball can hold
no more "light sided" energies, I gather my angers by picturing what angers me the most,
and use that strength to CRUSH the construct, and "kill" the light within it.

This helps me focus more on my emotions, and to practice moving my emotions and
energies inside of me. I believe that it helps me gain control over my body and mind and
spiritual energies.
I also try to feel my heartbeat. During the meditation, I can not only feel my heartbeat, but
I can feel where my heart is.
It's pretty neat, and I think all of you should try it, because it's definitely helped me at the
very least to focus.

Feeling the Force through

Step 1: Comprehension
The first step in learning to feel the Force is understanding what exactly you are about to
do. The Force is something that is always in you, and you can, by force of will, move it in
different directions through your body. The feeling itself can be described as a rush, or more
to the point, like falling in love. You will feel light. You might say, you feel "enlightened".
The method is about raising energy up through you, and therefore raising your senses to a
higher level.
Step 2: Breathing
Breathing is important in many spiritual endeavors. Martial arts, meditation, etc. Here you
will apply breathing to filling yourself with energy.
First, sit comfortably, with your back straight and perpendicular to the floor. Rest your
hands in your lap, one cupped inside the other. Now, taking deep breaths, inhale through
your nose and imagine light and energy flowing into you and filling you up. Exhale out your
mouth and imagine darkness or empty space coming out of you.
Repeat that step until you can see in your mind's eye that your body is filled with light
Step 3: Focus
Imagine all the energy that has filled your body starting to gravitate toward the base of
your spine. See it collect there and concentrate itself into a small point of focused energy.
Take as much time as you need to do this step and the one before it.
Step 4: Elevation
Allow the point of energy to begin rising up through your body along your spine. This is
where the feeling of flowing energy will manifest itself. As it travels up through you, you

may begin to have a sense of elation. If not, take your time, repeating the first 3 steps. You
may not feel anything yet, but with practice you will.
Step 5: Release
The energy will rise to the top of your head. Next you must allow it to break free from your
body. Allow the energy to flow out of you, like a river fed by the point of energy at the base
of your spine. Also allow that point of energy to be fed by the Force around you, so that an
infinite continuous stream of energy is flowing up through you and out.
Step 6: Relaxation
By now, if you have been successful, you will understand why I described it as feeling like
falling in love. Now that you have achieved this feeling, it's time to relax and let go of it.
Allow the flow of the energy to slow, gradually. Take deep breaths. Allow the flow to stop.
Move your body a little at a time. Because the experience can sometimes be so powerful,
moving too quickly can be disorienting. Allow yourself to ease out of the experience, getting
up only when you feel normal again.
Step 7: Practice
You may or may not have been successful in feeling the Force. Most are able to feel
something on their first try, but for some, including myself, it took many practice sessions
before being able to truly feel the rush. In time, you may even have the ability to
experience this flow at will, even during daily activities.


Healing Meditation

Originally posted by Lithiniel:

I have yet to find out if this works for anyone else, nor have I quite replicated the
results...then again, there hasn't been a need to. I'll start with the technique itself, then I'll
explain the situation surrounding my discovery of this technique, if it's a valid one. I'd like
other people to try it, as applicable, and give me some feedback. This is primarily for
physical injury, though I believe it can be used to some effectiveness for illness. There may
need to be a certain amount of adrenaline in the system, or something, for it to work
Here it is: lie on your back, hands folded on your chest like a corpse. Breathe deeply, as
slowly and steadily as you can without straining. Rather than focusing on thoughts of
healing, keep the idea in the back of your mind, then let yourself slip deeper and deeper
into your trance. There may come a point where everything slows down so much, you feel
like you might die if your heart rate/breathing get any slower. If you have fear, this will not
work. Your body will continue doing what it's supposed to as you relax into this meditation;

in other words, you're not going to die, no matter how convinced you may be of this at the
time. Once you cross that threshold, you will likely enter a state somewhere on the verge of
sleep. It is neither sleeping nor meditating, but a little of both. When you come out of it (set
an alarm) you should feel as rested as if you've slept, and if not completely healed, you will
have less pain/discomfort.
Now, here's my story:
I was driving home from work under bad conditions. Roads were slick, my tires were nearly
bald, I was mad because my relief didn't show on time, and I hadn't had much sleep the
previous day (I was working night shift at the time.) Taking a relatively simple turn the way
I usually did landed my car nosefirst in a ditch. My chest hit the steering wheel before the
seat belt kicked in, and I believe my sternum was cracked. I managed to limp the car home,
but I was in total shock. I had a surplus of adrenaline, which dulled the pain, but what I
really wanted was to get to bed and deal with the car thing later. I tried to call in to work,
but when I told them I was in a car wreck, instead of asking if I was ok, they said, "You'll
still be in tonight, right?" (In retrospect, I should have told them to eat massive quantites of
dog feces, but being me, I didn't, and agreed to work anyway.)
My friend had given me a half a Xanax just to get me calm enough to even think about
sleep. (Anyone who knows me knows that I'm about as anti-prescription drug as you can
get, so the fact that I took it is saying something about my mental state at the time. Not
that I didn't know what I was doing, but that I felt I needed chemical help calming down so
I could get enough sleep to deal with work.) Anyway, not only did my chest hurt nearly
enough to bring me to tears (there's only two kinds of pain that make me cry -- womanly
pain, or a particularly bad toe-stubbing. Also getting hit in the nose, but that's not
technically crying...that's my eyes watering because the tear ducts got hit, too,) but I was
starting to get a sinus infection on top of that, and I was still waiting on the adrenaline to
flush itself out of my system. Which, had my relief shown up on time, I would have had
sufficient time for, and still gotten my sleep. But I digress....
Finally, the Xanax counteracted the adrenaline, and I was ready to lie down. I had just
finished reading a Star Wars book, and it occurred to me that it would be really cool if you
could actually do the healing meditation. I set my alarm and started the meditation as
outlined above. There did come a point where I thought seriously for a moment that I was
going to die. Then, I decided I didn't much care at that point in time, and I let go of that
fear. Once I was past that, it wasn't long before I was completely unconscious.
When I recovered, it was precisely one minute before my alarm was set to go off. The pain
in my chest had considerably lessened, and all symptoms of an oncoming cold (scratchy
throat, stuffy nose, etc.) had vanished completely.
I still don't know precisely what the mechanics of this were, or if it might have been the
particular chemical interaction of Xanax with adrenaline, or simply the presence of
adrenaline itself. I'm not sure if this would work as well if there were not some sort of
traumatic injury involved.
Anybody had any experience with this sort of thing? Thoughts? Maybe I'm just a loony?

The complete breath..

The Yogi Complete Breath is the fundamental breath of the entire Yogi Science of Breath,
and the student must fully acquaint himself with it, and master it perfectly before he can
hope to obtain results from the other forms of breath mentioned and given in this book. He
should not be content with half-learning it, but should go to work in earnest until it becomes
his natural method of breathing. This will require work, time and patience, but without these
things nothing is ever accomplished. There is no royal road to the Science of Breath, and
the student must be prepared to practice and study in earnest if he expects to receive
results. The results obtained by a complete mastery of the Science of Breath are great, and
no one who has attained them would willingly go back to the old methods, and he will tell
his friends that he considers himself amply repaid for all his work. We say these things now,
that you may fully understand the necessity and importance of mastering this fundamental
method of Yogi Breathing, instead of passing it by and trying some of the attractive looking
variations given later on in this book. Again, we say to you: Start right, and right results will
follow; but neglect your foundations and your entire building will topple over sooner or
Perhaps the better way to teach you how to develop the Yogi Complete Breath, would be to
give you simple directions regarding the breath itself, and then follow up the same with
general remarks concerning it, and then later on giving exercises for developing the chest,
muscles and lungs which have been allowed to remain in an undeveloped condition by
imperfect methods of breathing. Right here we wish to say that this Complete Breath is not
a forced or abnormal thing, but on the contrary it is a going back to first principles-a return
to Nature. The healthy adult savage and the healthy infant of civilization both breathe in
this manner, but civilized man has adopted unnatural methods of living, clothing, etc., and
has lost his birthright. And we wish to remind the reader that the Complete Breath does not
necessarily call for the complete filling of the lungs at every inhalation. One may inhale the
average amount of air, using the Complete Breathing Method and distributing the air
inhaled, be the quantity large or small, to all parts of the lungs. But one should inhale a
series of full Complete Breaths several times a day, whenever opportunity offers, in order to
keep the system in good order and condition.
The following simple exercise will give you a clear idea of what the Complete Breath is:
Stand or sit erect. Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part
of the lungs, which is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphragm, which descending
exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the
abdomen. Then fill the middle part of the lungs, pushing out the lower ribs, breastbone and
chest. Then fill the higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the
chest, including the upper six or sever. pairs of ribs. In the final movement, the lower part
of the abdomen will be slightly drawn in, which movement gives the lungs a support and
also helps to fill the highest part of the lungs. At first reading it may appear that this breath
consists of three distinct movements. This, however, is not the correct idea. The inhalation
is continuous, the entire chest cavity from the lowered diaphragm to the highest point of the
chest in the region of the collarbone, being expanded with a uniform movement. Avoid a
jerky series of inhalations, and strive to attain a steady continuous action. Practice will soon
overcome the tendency to divide the inhalation into three movements, and will result in a
uniform continuous breath. You will be able to complete the inhalation in a couple of
seconds after a little practice.
Retain the breath a few seconds.

Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and drawing the abdomen in a little
and lifting it upward slowly as the air leaves the lungs. When the air is entirely exhaled,
relax the chest and abdomen. A little practice will render this part of the exercise easy, and
the movement once acquired will be afterwards performed almost automatically. It will be
seen that by this method of breathing all parts of the respiratory apparatus is brought into
action, and all parts of the lungs, including the most remote air cells, are exercised. The
chest cavity is expanded in all directions. You will also notice that the Complete Breath is
really a combination of Low, Mid and High Breaths, succeeding each other rapidly in the
order given, in such a manner as to form one uniform, continuous, complete breath.
You will find it quite a help to you if you will practice this breath before a large mirror,
placing the hands lightly over the abdomen so that you may feel the movements. At the end
of the inhalation, it is well to occasionally slightly elevate the shoulders, thus raising the
collarbone and allowing the air to pass freely into the small upper lobe of the right lung,
which place is sometimes the breeding place of tuberculosis.
At the beginning of practice, you may have more or less trouble in acquiring the Complete
Breath, but a little practice will make perfect, and when you have once acquired it you will
never willingly return to the old methods.

Stamina Meditation

When im going to run for longer distances or when i practice or play games, i have a great
meditation technique that can really sustain me and allows me to keep my strength longer
than usual.
First i find a place where im alone...then i close my eyes and focus on the thing that makes
me angrier than anything else, i let my thoughts dwell on that for a while, all the while my
anger keeps growing. Then i focus on the person that makes me angriest of all and repeat
the process, i will still have the anger from the first session and the new anger is added to
that. I also try to cram in a memory that fills me with hate. Then i simply feed on these
emotions and when im about to start doing whatever im supposed to do; i let it all out. The
anger serves as a fuel center when im feeling tired, it is harder to concentrate when ure
tired so then u reach into ur anger and u will get an extra energy boost and will be able to
focus better. the length of these sessions varies since i sometimes have to lock myself in a
bathroom to get privacy but the longer the better it works great....
Posted by Lithiniel:
I have heard of this meditation before, in many forms and varieties.
Generally, an anger/hate focusing meditation is done standing or walking, due to the
discomfort factor. The theory being, of course, that when relaxed, you find peace, and when
uncomfortable, you find not-peace.
I believe Lord Moor had outlined a fairly basic variant of this type of meditation at the FA;

hopefully Lord Draconis has found it in the archives and included it here.
There are two types of meditations I have used following these lines. One draws on negative
energies, while the other is more neutral. I prefer the second one because anger/hate can
really bind up your ch'i, which can cause a number of illnesses if you don't rectify it.
Meditation one: To do this, you approximate conditions of an institution that restrains your
freedom. Duration is 1-2 days. You don't spend the entire time in meditation, just part of it.
Make sure that you're in reasonable health if you're going to attempt this, and please refrain
from doing this one if you're under about 16, because it is stressful on the body and
requires fasting for the duration. (Don't want to stunt anyone's growth. Can you imagine a
short Sith? Hehe.)
Mark the time/date when you start. You should practice this for at least 24 hours, but no
more than 48. After 48 hours, your body will overload on stress and you'll either crash and
burn or you'll become unpredictable, unfocused, and possibly violent. From the time you
start, eat nothing. You can drink water, but no soft drinks. If you smoke, you'll have to
refrain for the duration. You can interact with friends and family, but it's best if you don't go
anywhere, because you can be easily distracted when putting your body through this. Sleep
and/or meditate lying down at random intervals. When you sleep or meditate, leave lights
on and put on the most annoying radio station or TV channel you can think of. Play it at a
volume you can't ordinarily sleep or meditate through. Do this at all times of the day or
night. I would say about 3 hours of being up and active to 20-30 minutes of
meditation/sleep. At night (or whatever your normal sleep time is,) stay awake until you
can't anymore and get up way too early. About 20-30 hours into it, begin to focus on an
idea or a word. You're programming yourself to respond to this. You can choose the word,
or one may come to you at random. In spite of your lack of restful sleep, food, and your
usual vices, you should feel relatively clear-headed and energetic. Remember, once you
have your "power word," you should repeat it to yourself while meditating. At the end of the
project, your base energy level should be appreciably (but not drastically) higher, and using
your "power word" should recall a higher state of energy still.
Again, DO NOT do this longer than 48 hours, if you're under about 16, or if you're ill or
prone to mental disturbance. Also, don't practice this particular exercise more than once or
twice a year, at least six months apart. Overuse of this exercise can lead to a psychotic
break. That's a bad thing.
The other technique is much simpler: Sit in a comfortable position with your feet flat on the
floor. It is preferable to not wear shoes or socks, because you want as direct a connection
with the ground as possible. Use a mudra or cup your right hand in your left, palms up, with
your thumbs touching; this creates a circuit through which you will conduct this energy.
Your focus is pure energy from the surroundings. I prefer to focus on the Earth energies
because they are naturally calmer, but still primarily unrefined. (This also works before or
during a thunderstorm, if you prefer that sort of energy. The difference is subtle;
Air/lightning energies are wilder and less predictable, but still useable.) Use whatever
breathing technique seems best. I use the four-count to start with, then simply breathe
slowly and deeply. (Four-count breathing technique: breathe in for a slow count of four,
hold for a slow count of two, then breathe out for a slow count of four. Pause before you
inhale again.)
As you begin to breathe in, visualize the energy you want flowing through you (usually
white light, which is both protective and healing.) It starts coming in through the soles of
your feet, then moves up the body, into your other extremities. Picture the energy

circulating throughout your body. When you breathe out, release less energy than you took
in, so that you have a small surplus of it in your system. The entire exercise should take
somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes, or until you feel you've taken enough. You should
feel refreshed and motivated, ready to tackle whatever is on your plate for the immediate
future. (Slight warning: thoughts going beyond the immediate future can make you feel
overwhelmed, so focus on one thing at a time.) When you have exhausted this energy, or
accomplished your task, you can naturally release whatever is left over with a similar
technique. Simply reverse the meditation, keeping your palms up, and visualize the leftover
energy being discharged through your palms as you breathe out.
Hope those help.


Sit in a comfortable position and begin breathing deeply. Feel the air rush through your
nose and into your lungs. Now focus your eyes on the tip of your nose while feeling the air
rush into your nose. Now look at the tip of your nose, feel the air coming in through your
nose and focus on your lungs contracting. Do this for a minute and your mind will become
clearer and you will be centered in your body.


A General

While meditating over the past year or so, I have slowly come to find that, in the initial part
of my meditation, I descend into a dark cavern. In this cavern, there is a large placid lake
with only a small flat stone sitting in the center.
Upon this stone is where I sit.
While I am in this cavern, I am at once transported away from the waking realm. Now,
depending on whatever meditation I may be practicing, it all stems from this cavern deep
within the Earth.
At one point, I came up with the theory that the Dark Side, as a storm of the fiery emotion
we have all felt, had an central calm "eye".

From this "eye", I am able to manipulate the darkness towards my ends.

Now, to tie it together:
It is beneficial to find a place to take yourself, while meditating, that is most conducive to
your own spirit; that is, wherever you are truly capable of tapping into the Dark Side at its
"source", a place where you find that the darkness can freely and easily flow.
Granted, it may take a while to find this place, but perhaps, in speculation, it functions later
on as a mental queue, one that tells your mind that waking consciousness must turn off in
order to allow the other aspects of your awareness to awaken.
Again, speculation on my part, but something that might yield interesting results later on.

Book six
The Book of The Sith
Arts Force Techniques
Controlling the Force

Note: Written by Darth Invisus

I. Gathering The Force:

First off pick something, something that seems to have a lot of energy working for it.
Examples being: the sun, the moon, the earth, the water, or the air.
Im going to use the air for this demonstration considering it is easiest for me and easiest to
be in contact to considering you have to breathe it to live. Now that you have something
picked out the next thing you must be able to do is visualize. You know, picture it in your
head, imagine, if you will, the force in the air, not the air itself, but the force IN the air.
Picture it however you think it would look there is really no wrong way to visualize it if it
works for you. Now that you are picturing it in the air, picture it coming towards you, and
entering your body. Now visualize it forming a pool of sorts inside your stomach or right

where your chest meets your stomach.

If you picture it in your stomach then you might get a little nauseous or stomach cramps
and may have to go to the bathroom. If you do, then stop right there and fix the problem if
you have to go to the bathroom go to the bathroom, if youre nauseous take a tums or an
off brand or if you dont have access to that eat a piece of bread slowly, if cramps you may
have to go to the bathroom or eat something. If you gather it where your chest meets your
stomach then your heart rate may drastically increase. If that be the case stop right then
and there and start visualizing it lower. I dont want anyone having a heart attack and
blaming me. Another likely side effect no matter where you stored the force is a small
headache or heartburn. For the heartburn I would recommend the tums also however the
bread will not work for the heartburn if you get the headache an Ibuprofen, an Advil, or a
Liver Killer, errrrr.I meant Tylenol, will do the trick.
Once you have fixed the problem get back to where you left off. If you have problems then
let all the force go and then pull it back in and repeat this a few times until you dont have
any more side effects. Its just like physical exercise if you dont use it then it might hurt for
a while until you get used to using it. Another thing that might happen is you get exhausted
and fall asleep.let me tell youthis is one of the best naps you will ever have.
If you have pain then it will go away in time and more practice, just don't over-exert
yourself that WILL most likely cause pain.
That concludes the Gathering the Force portion of the guide. This is a necessary step for
ALL basic Force skills and some not basic.

II. Force-Spheres:

OH JOY!!!! NOW WE GET TO DO THE FUN STUFF!!!!....well.more amusing then just

gathering the force, because now.. We get to use it!
What is a Force-ball?.Here the obvious answer that anybody should know: Its a ball of the
forceooooh. but now Ill tell you how to make one. First, gather the force. Now, if you
havent got the first step dont even try it cause Im pretty sure its impossible unless youre
somehow already good enough to channel the energy straight through to the ball.
Gather the force in your stomach or wherever again and just keep it there for a minute.
Now cup your hands like youre holding a small ball, The smaller it is the easier it is, once
you have done that visualize the force inside of you again only this time see it going up out
of your stomach or wherever and out into your shoulders and down out of your arms and
forming a ball in your hands. At this time you should feel something. Normally it is either
warmth coolness or a tingling feeling. Your hands are not required to make a force-ball, but
it does help beginners to visualize and feel the force-ball to know its there.
Thats all there really is to making a force-ball, but dont think that means its easy there
are some people who have to struggle to get it right, and this is important, DO NOT EXPECT
TO BE ABLE TO SEE IT YET!!! If you can see yours first try then you ought to be praised

III. Shaping, Shelling, and Moving it:

Shape it
Make a Force-Ball but instead of leaving it as a ball, visualize it becoming something else,
Like a cube, or a cylinder or anything you want, some people have sculpted little cars out of
the force. It's just like playing with play dough except you mold it with your mind instead of
your hands. Just like with the foce-ball you hands aren't necessary but they do help.

Shell it
Now that you've got the basics there, make it hold it's shape, to do this without too much
concentration, you need to shell it. To do this you need to visualize it becoming hard,
completely solid, or just having a hard shell around itkinda like the chocolate shell stuff
you put on your ice-cream and watch it get hard as it gets colder. Once you have done that
you've shelled it.

Move it
Ok now time for some fun with the force-balls. Unless you're already REALLY good with
them they might not be able to interact with anything yet but this is still fun. Since you've
already got the construct made just visualize it circling around in the air make it do loopdee-loops or act like they're falling just to pull up at the last minute splat someone with
them or whatever you want to do. This may seem silly but eventually you'll get good
enough that the force-shape can interact with other things. (Make tingly, warm, or cold
feeling to people other then yourself and other force users)

IV. Making it your Slave(Programming):

Ive read many ways to program a force-ball/Construct. One way Ive read about
programming is what I call the Right Click Method. Im not sure what its actually called,
but "Right Click" fits what it does the best. On a computer when you right click a menu
comes down of options to choose from. Imagine one of those menus coming out of your
force-ball/Construct from there you can do one of two things. 1. Imagine what you want it
to do is on the list or 2. Add an area to type in what you want it to do, and type it. After
you've done either hit "Enter".
Another is called the Conceptual Method, it's easy enough you just think about what you
want it to do. You don't have to put in any details on how to do it jsut what exactly you
want it to do, or the feeling that it woudl give you having it done for you.
The last one I can think of is called the visualization method, this method can be used for
anything, so it seems like a very complicated method. When in all honesty, it's probably the
easiest. All you have to do is visualize the construct doing what you want it to do.
After any of these methods you have to somehow apply the programming so shelling
usually works for that.
There are more methods but if I listed EVERY method for EVERY ability this thing would be
very VERY long. If none of these methods work for you then make your own, be creative.
The basic outline for any programmed construct is its shape, how it's suposed to stay
powered, how long it should stay active if not used, how it should act normally, what it
should do if attacked, and its main purpose.
With programming you can make the Construct do ANYTHING you want, but sometimes it
requires that you can do it without the aide of the construct. The construct is mainly for

holding information and carrying it out. Like a computer when it's being programmed; it will
hold the information and when you want it to execute it's orders it will, but you have to be
able to know how to program it. (sometimes the Sub-C does it for you which is always
It's almost always a good idea to program the construct so that it can use the force to
regenerate itself until you wish it to no longer be a construct.
NOTE: AI constructs are not a good idea until you've been working on this for at least a few
months, they can end very badly if properly made with an unfortunate mixture of bad
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That concludes the basics to controlling the force, once you have this mastered you can do
innumerable things with it such as attack, defend, recon, and store it in physical items to be
triggered later. Articles on how to do these will be posted eventually, so please be patient
and be practicing.

Inlaying Constructs {Read

"C.T.F." First}
Note: Written by Darth Invisus

Inlaying Constructs into Physical Items:

[Warning: This one is kinda random.]

Inlaying a construct into a physical object may sound a little weird or hard, but in all
honesty, it's not really difficult, or uncommon.
One use for it is a "ward"*. A ward is used to keep people and things away form it, and
whatever it's protecting. More uses for it is making a dreamcatcher actually work, or
enhancing weapons.
Now that the intro is over, let's get to the D.I.Y. segment on inlaying. Start by Choosing the
object you want to put a construct in and what the constructs effect would be. Now, make a
force-ball. (Yeah we like our force-Balls. ^_^ ) Move it so that it's about centered, spread it
out or shrink it to match the object's size and shape, then integrate it with the object. DO
NOT SHELL YET!!!......pretty please......anyway.....where was I? Oh yeah.. After you've
integrated it is when you start the programming. Program it however you need to, and
THEN you can shell it.
If it works then I did a decent article, and you just inlayed a construct inside and
object.....Don't you just feel speckled. If not then one of two things happened; A. This
article was too random or you to understand, or B. You need more practice.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------That's it for inlaying constructs. Tell me what you thought about this article and things you
made using the information provided to you, such as my dreamcatcher that I made actually

work, in the following replies.

-Darth Invisus

Shielding {Read "C.T.F."


The first thing about shields I want to tell you about is the shape. Now, there are infinite
types of shields that can be made from the skin shield, to the wing shield, to the hand
shield, but I will only tell you about two of them in this section. You can do a few different
things with shields too. Such as keep yourself warm, cold, block force attacks, block
thoughts or emotions if youre a sensitive telepath or empath, and even amplify telepathic
Skin Shields
Skin shields are among the most popular shields for beginners. To start off with this one lets
only shield one small part of your body, lets use your hand. Look at your hand, now pull the
force to your hand and visualize it engulfing, wrapping, or coiling around your hand, just as
long as your hand is covered in the force. Now visualize the force turning into like a rock
wall, kind of like the hand of Hellboy or The Thing*. As youre making your shield dont
forget to program it to block out, or amplify, whatever youre trying to block,or amplify,
with the skin shield its usually just to block force attacks.
*Note: If you dont know who he are then youve probably been living under a rock so just
visualize that rock AROUND your hand instead of over your head.or just google him.
Bubble Shield
The bubble shield is another popular one for beginners. If youve been to Dollywood or
Hand-on museum at least once then youve probably seen if not been in one of those
bubbles that goes over your entire body and youre on the inside. A bubble shield is pretty
much the same principle with a few minor alterations. One, Its made out of the force not
bubble solution. Two, It closes off at the bottom and top so that it doesnt shoot off into
space like a power ranger teleport or just look like youre in a tube instead of a bubble.
Ok, heres how to start. First, Pull the force to your feet. Then spread it out in a circle
around you so that its like youre standing on a plate. Now take the force on the edges of
the plate and pull them together over your head. As youre doing that dont forget to
pump more of the force into it otherwise its probably end up like your just stretching silly
putty and tear in the middle. Again, while youre making the shield, dont forget to program
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------That's it for sheilding, thank you for putting up with my articles, i hope you find them very
entertaining and informative.

PrecognitionsSome other names for it are Precog, Premonitions, Foresight, and
Foreseeing. Everyone has heard about this skill in some form or another, and it used to
be widely believed. Now people have a scientific mind that is too closed and wont
accept the possibility. Precog is a great, but scary ability to have, and yet almost
everyone has a little bit of the ability practiced or not. If you are not very skilled in
precognition and/or not practicing it, then more then likely it will manifest itself
through dreams. It can either be Audio, Video, Touch, Smell, or just pure thoughts. My
earlier ones, my better ones, had almost all of them. I'm guessing that since you're
reading this article that you're wanting to know the how to part of it. Precog, even for
those who it comes naturally to, is a complicated skill that will take months, if not
years, of practice to do well enough to be able to make it out.

First I would suggest clearing your mind completely, you might have trouble with this
if you are A.D.D. or A.D.H.D., but it IS possible. After you have cleared your mind
and you are at a completely relaxing mental state, then you can charge. After you are
done charging, visualize, and send the force into your head*. Now that you have a
steady stream of the force directed towards your head, Ask yourself a question that you
want answered that can be answered in the future, or tell yourself what you want to see
in the future. Keep sending the force. Whatever you do don't TRY to see something. if
you get something it'll come to YOU, you don't go to IT. If you try to see something
you're imagination will kick in and overlay what you should be seeing. When you
finally get a visual, audible, touch....ial..., a thought or a smell, don't forget to write it
down. more then likely it will take a while for it to happen if it does. Don't just stick
with one precog and wait for it to come true, keep practicing with many and see how
many of them come true.

Advice: For beginners, you might want to start by instead of just clearing your mind
and sitting there with your eyes closed, you might want to get to the part about asking
yourself a question and then go to sleep. It gives you more elaborate information,
trouble is if you're just beginning you'll have to use your own judgment to separate the
precog from the dream.

*Note: I've read that sending it to the crown of your head has the best effects, of this I
am not positive, because everytime I do it I send it to my forehead and use the back of

my eyelids as a movie screen.

Q. Should I trust precog?

A. Not 100% if youre first starting out dont trust them at all, just write them down
forget about them(so you dont accidentally make it come to be through wanting it to
be right) and wait for them to happen, if they dont just try again if they do, then thats
great, unless you dont want it to happen then at least you did precog right.

Q. Should I tell people?

A. Thats up to you. If you think what you saw needs to be changed, you trust what
you saw, and you know the person you tell wont think youre crazy, or you can
convince them your not then, yeah.

Q. How do you know you're not daydreaming when having a precog?

A. This one is a hard one to determine, but once you think about it it shouldnt be much
trouble. Daydreaming you sit and think about, with precog it just comes to you once
you call it.

Q. Should I write down my dreams?

A. Yes. Find a little notebook that nobodys gonna use, or make a document on your
computer and write them down with a date and time to refer back to.

Q. What are the dangers to precog?

A. The dangers to precog are that you could see something you really didnt want to
see, or that you go to change what you saw and you make it worse, or you possibly
cause it. Thats why you do extensive precognition sessions with yourself to get all the
facts about why and how that something happened.

Q. Is the future in motion or is it fixed?

A. People have different opinions of this, but personally I believe it is in motion. If you
couldnt change whats in the future once you know it then technically you wouldnt
have a choice you would be MADE to make the same decision you would have if you
hadnt seen it.

Q. Help! I foresaw my death! what do I do?

A. Simple Answer: Pray and try to prevent it. Extended Answer: PRAY,PRAY,PRAY,
do your precog sessions afore mentioned, and try to prevent it. Now heres my
question. Why were you trying to see it?

Q. Will you go foresee my future?

A. I wont unless Its a dire situation, or I get paid.and unless I know you in real life
then I cant get paid.

Q. What is Dj vu?

A. Dj vu has a simple explanation.its just a funny French word. But really Dj

vu is just part of your brain working faster then the other part. And things seem like
Ive seen this before Ive heard this before or something along those lines.

Q. How does it differ from precog?

A. (read above explanation), and precog is you reaching out and seeing the future, and
you really HAVE "seen this before."

Ofcourse alot of people wonder, is force lightning possible, and i say to you, yes it is. No,
blue high voltage lightning does not actually come out of your fingers, the real force
lightning is invisible. Well then how do you know you are performing it you ask? you will feel
it, when you start to get better, it will hurt your hand that you are throwing it at. The more
you progress, you can actually zap someone, when mastered, can cause major pain. Now it
will take years for that sort of mastery, so by the time you have mastered it, you will likely
be mature enough to not go about using it on another human being.
Now as for results, it differs, the very first time i performed this excersize i got zapping pain
in my hand. For others, it may take a while, it depends on your doubt, or natural ability.
Here is how i go about performing this ability:
(perform these steps slowly)
sit legs crossed in meditation position
breath deeply
see the force as a white mist around you
see it as it turns into a darker mist/stormclouds (the dark side)
watch it flow through you
speed it up
make it rough and jagged like lightning
turn it into lightning
see it make a circuit round you
then stop the circuit building it up in one hand
throw it into the other hand
continue the circuit
move your hands further away while making it jump across to continue the circuit
to make it stronger continue the circuit while speeding it up and imagining more and more
lightning (take this part slowly)

LESSON 2: battle use

for battle use you must have already mastered the first stage to a extreme degree.
Step 1:
you must repeat the circuit idea. this time instead of throwing lightning into your hand,
throw it AT your hand. the better you get the more this hurts.
Step 2:
now try calling it up without the circuit. the circuit is the beggining stage (to be taken
slowly) whereas this part is faster and more advanced. instead of the circuit just picture the
building it up and throwing. remember, at this point absorbing the lightning is uesless, as
you aren't using the circuit. don't get worried if it is weak again now. you have to build it up
Step 3:
you must now build it up more. to do this repeat the excercise mentioned in lesson 1
(above). then when trying the instant lightning, use the same amount of lightning you have
built up too in the excercise (above).
Step 4:
now use both hands. either aim it at your chest, or someone else. with someone else, you
must attempt it in secret. if you use it and the suddenly go "ouch!" then you have managed
to throw it at them. first try close then move further away.
-Darth Viricus
-----------------------------------------------Pyrokinesis lesson
Step 1
Set a candle in a safe place (away from curtains etc) and light it.
Step 2
Visualise a tunnel between you and the flame, causing all you're focus to be on the flame.
You can have your eyes either open or closed for this.
Step 3
Now visualise the flame going out. Feel it happening. Connect with the flame and let it go
out. Like wit telekinesis, don't think - just let it happen. Concentrate yu're focus onto the
flame and on the flame going out.
Once you can put the flame out, do the same again, but try relighting the candle with your
mind - this is much more difficult!
This is the technique I used when learning pyrokinesis feel free to ask me any questions


Force Choke
Hey this is just an old one from the old website. Here it is (Remember, this is copied and
This is a developed quick step process to use Darth Stolas's technique specifically for Force
Here is a technique, use by myself to practice force Choke.
First I would start by meditating at least 30 minutes before.*This will be very tiring, as you
are using a large amount of energy.*
1. Now, sit in a comfortable position.
2. Reach deep inside yourself feel your anger deep inside you. Then feel it slowly rise to the
surface and overflow like a waterfall. Fill you whole body with, hate and rage.
3. Then take all of it and pack it into your dominate arm.
Pack it as tight as it will go. *Your arm may tense up and start shaking but that is normal.*
4. Then focus on the throat of the person you are choking and send and focus all of that
energy at their throat. Make it like a ring around their throat and squeeze it tighter and
And there you have it!
It wouldn't be good to do this before some strenuous task or something requireing a lot of
This has been developed by Telum Mors and posted at the Dark Jedi Grove.
This is a technique i made up a few months ago its very powerful when you get this
mastered so its a very useful tool.
What you are going to do is basicly program the force inside of you to become poison and to
kill or incapasitate a person or animal
To start feel the force flowing thru you now gather some into your hand now give it the
command to "poison him"or whatever your situation is then visualize the force turning into a
purple mist then grab the target and relase the energy into them. Then mentaly lead the
poison to where you want it to go
The kind of poison made this way will start to burn up the energy in the persons body and
make it harder to use so this is effective against other force users if you should ever be in a
situation where you would want to poison them. If relased on or in a vital organ it will cause

the person extreme pain i dont not know the full effects of this because i test my moves on
my friend and i dont wish to kill him so i removed the poison before he got really messed
However if you have a specific poison in mind give the force you have gathered the
command to replicate its effects like "cut off oxygen" or "destroy the heart" or whatever
poison you like tho these poisons are harder to make and control
When you first start doing this you will need to make physical contact with your target but
eventualy you will be able to relase it from a distance such as a few feet away then you can
preform this technique with just a glance but ill explain how to do that another time
ok since this technique requires great control of the force i suggest that only the more
skillfull members try to do this technique

In this lesson i will be showing you a way to preform electrokinesis now there are a few
different methods but this is the one I know and use.
Now to start to get confertable you can be standing or sitting possibly lying down it doesnt
matter as long as you are confertable. Take a few deep breaths to help yourself become
relaxed and feel the force going thru you, after about a minuete of that visualize the force
inside of you changing into electricity or lightning which ever you prefer. The importatnt
part isnt just to visualize it you must feel the lightning inside of you you must feel it
sparking and if you can try to hear it as well, continue to do this until you feel that you are
done then return the lightning back into chi (the force) and take a few deep breaths and
that it. the point of the meditation is to help your chi be able to take on the characteristics
of lightning and then be used since its generated directly from the force it cannot be seen
which doesnt make it any less effective i belive its more devestating if it cannot be seen
To shoot it at someone (if you wish to) just change the force inside of you into lightning like
you did in the meditation then project it out like you would for any other technique
I hope you learned something if you have any comments or questions feel free to ask

this is part of
the Grand part of the

sith,not everything could

fit into one google docheres the beginningmay
have to copy/paste into
browser-Grand Book of
the Sith part one,click

The Seven
The Book of
*The Sith Path: One

I have read many interpretations from those who are not Sith about what it is to be a Sith,
what it is to walk the Path, what the objectives are, and the assumptions of Sith morality
and values. It is disheartening to think that the Path is so small as even the most agreeable
explanations would be. So I guess the question is always there what is the Sith Path, and
how does it work. For my explanation I use the Sith Code as a list of challenges, of
difficulties one on the Path will face. I don't use it because I think it of value, but because it
is convenient. I break my own rule in this for I do not say what the Sith Path is, but more
what it is not, and so I do not explain it at all. But I hope that for some, this is of value
anyway. It has been for me in writing it.
I have no words to describe my Path. As prolific as I am, I am left mute by trying to give it
definition. I am made dumb by the simplicity of it, and the beauty. I can only ramble like
some idiot child. I walk a Path beyond words, because there are no words for it, and even if
there were, only those already along it would understand them, and this writing would be
silly, as it would become a matter of course and not worth mentioning. But I write it to
articulate thoughts I have had lately, and in the hopes that it provides some context and
inspiration for those caught in one of our traps.
Peace is a Lie, there is only passion.
This is the beginning, and only the beginning. When one comes to question peace, they can
be convinced that peace does not exist, that only the passionate self exists. It is here where
many who have wandered from the Jedi Path come to rest. In my view, this is where the
self proclaimed Grey and Shadow Jedi come and stop. Yes there is more, but until one can
transcend this idea, this concept and see it for what it is, the first step on a Path to sight,
rather than some end all - be all statement of purpose or being, there is nothing more for
them on this Path. There are other Paths for those who stop here. The Sith Path is not one.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Drawing strength of self, of will, of desire, based on our passions, learning them, working
with them, coming to commune with them in perfect unity, is one of the earliest lessons,
rather easy to learn. There are more than a few who come to this Path seeking refuge from
a life of suffering and abuse. They have come to this point by transcending Peace and
Passion, seeing what passion can produce. They have come to stand on their own two feet,
building up strength to rail against the pains and sufferings of the past. This is the second
trap, for if one comes to the Sith Path too early, then this may be the first time that they
have known strength from within, from the self. For some, this is enough. You can see it in
those who glorify strength. They are often extreme in some aspect of life that gives them a
feeling of taking control. I have seen this in body builders, martial artists who focus on
winning, bullies, and commonly in many prior service Marines these are those who have
been held stuck at this level. There are many Paths for those who would stop here, but it is
not the Sith Path.
Through Strength, I gain Power
This is the most unfortunate one for the follower of the Sith Path, for it is here that those
close relatives of the Path, the Jenjidai are trapped. Indeed it is this trap that many
associate with the Sith in general, and perhaps rightly so, for there are many both within
and without who think this is the goal. It is sad to see this happen, for it is merely another
trap on the Path. Power comes when strength is applied with will. It is addicting, and
seductive, and truly delicious. And yet, power applied without conscience is folly, and a Path
to destruction. The Path of power is the Path of ruin. It must be so. Those who can suffer

their ruin and emerge on the other side, not broken but stronger for the fall, they will know
the value of power. They will know what it is to grow beyond power. Those who have not
experienced the ruin will, but until then, the true lesson of power will elude them, and the
greatest powers, those that make pitiful mockeries of their supposed greatness, will never
be attainable. Those who are crushed under the ruin are doomed to eek out whatever life
they will. Theirs is the saddest of all lots, for they are left hollow and broken. It is the risk,
and the price of the Sith Path that not all who tread upon it will benefit. For those who have
not known ruin, there is a Path of power, power that they posess but do not know how to
use. This Path of theirs is what many assume to be the Sith Path, but it is not. The Sith
looks upon them with symPathy and sadness for those trapped for a long time here are
probably better off staying on the Path of Power, for their spirit will be hard pressed to
survive the eventual ruin. The Sith Path continues.
Through Power, I gain Victory
Power is not the only Path to Victory. Victory is the state of achievement. Achievements are
an eventuality for any who apply themselves. But for those walking the Sith Path, this is the
next hurdle to be jumped. Those who find Victory as a stumbling block are easy to find. You
need only listen to them speak. They are fixated on their accomplishments, defining
themselves by them. This is the stage in which one builds their castles, their empires, and it
is important that this work is recognized by others. Some never get past this. They place all
of their identity into what they have built. There is nothing else. But in truth what has been
built is destined to wash away. That which lasts will not be dictated by the one who built it
but by the circumstances of history. Those who are consumed by victory are fixated on
legacy. They fear that all of their work will be for naught. They have good reason to fear, for
it is absolutely true. There are some who will never accept this eventuality. They are the
ones who have been swallowed by this trap. There are many Paths open to them, some of
great wealth and advantage, but until they see and know that nothing they built is
permanent, nor lasting, that times change and with it the needs of the world outside the
self, until that time, they do not walk the Sith Path.
Through Victory, my chains are broken
There are many who believe the Path of the Sith is the Path of freedom. Many of these
believe that the breaking of chains symbolizes this freedom. This is the next trap along the
Sith Path. Chains do not represent restrictions, but burdens. As we have traveled the Path
thus far we have cast off many burdens. We have lost our burden of peace as defined by
others and of being bound by uncontrollable emotion. We have cast away the shackles of
weakness and obsession with strength and power. We have come to understand that the
expectations of others on accomplishment are merely folly. There is value in all of these
things, and life needs to be lived through all of them. One cannot learn these things without
going through them. They are bitter pills to swallow, but in each burdens are lifted. We
come to realize that anything is possible, and if we are willing to pay the price, there are
almost no limitations we cannot overcome. Eventually we understand that all of our burdens
are our choice. We cast off the burdens others place on us by seeing that the expectations
are theirs and not what we desire. If one stops here, they do lead a charmed life, for they
see that their life is their own. But this too, is not the Sith Path. The Sith turns to his
burdens and selects those he will carry. He is willing and able, and the burdens do not
encumber his heart for they are his choice, and his desire to carry them makes them light.
The father carries the burden of his daughter with joy and love, and the burden is easily
bearable when she smiles. This is what it is like for the burdened Sith. And when he takes
up those burdens, and continues on then, and only then is he ready. This is where the
Sith Path truly begins.

The Force shall Free Me

It takes the lessons of all that has come before, the lessons learned by passing through the
wilderness, through the traps, the techniques and skills learned along the way that allow the
Sith to begin to use the Force in earnest. This is the beginning. He knows the truth of Peace,
he knows his heart, he knows the source of his strength, and the discipline of power, the
commitment needed for victory, and the temporal state of achievement, the light heart of
the unburdened and the necessity of burdens. One with these is ready to participate in a life
with the Force. And so he, alone, begins the first step of his journey, and walks the path of
sight, the True Path of the Sith.

An Allegory :
An Allegory : Emotion
A man traveled down a mountain path and came to a farm. On the porch were a farmer and his
dog. The man walked up to the porch to talk to the farmer. The dog looked up from his slumber,
then looked to his master and then went back to sleep.
That is a quiet dog, said the man. The farmer smiled as he looked at the dog.
Yes. I have had him from a puppy. He is well trained.
After a short visit and a refill of his stores, the man continued on his journey through the
mountains. Deep in the wilderness he heard a wolf howl. Concerned he headed to a small wisp of
smoke he saw rising from the trees ahead. There he found a camp with a man of the mountain
sleeping by a fire. Resting her head on his lap was a wolf.
The wolf raised her head and stared at the visitor, glaring at him as he approached. The Mountain
Mans hand slid from where it rested on the wolfs rump slowly up to her ears where he rubbed
them, calming her without opening his eyes.
That is a well trained dog, said the man.
The mountain man answered without opening his eyes. She is a wolf, and she aint trained.
Didnt she obey you when you told her to calm? asked the man astonished.
Obey? No, the Mountain Man chuckled at the thought. Shes wild but she can be agreeable
if you know how to ask.

Three People

Originally posted by Virtu

*Disclaimer* Do not scroll down to the bottom stick to what I have written step by step or
you will gain nothing from this Lesson.
Get out a blank sheet of paper and write a list of three people who you admire most in your
life. Then after their names I want you to write down the three traits about them that you
really admire. Next I want you to make a list of the three people in your life that you
disrespect or hate the most. Finally I want you to write down the three traits about those
people that you disrespect or dislike or hate the most.
The Exercise that you have just done is a projection exercise. Psychological projection is a
defense mechanism that us humans use in which one projects unwanted personal attributes
unto another as a way to deny having the traits themselves. What Id like to suggest is that
when you wrote down the three traits you admire you unconsciously projected three traits
about yourself unto that other person. Id also like to suggest that the three traits you
suggested are your own strengths that you dont lead and develop enough. Id also like to
suggest when you wrote down the three traits you dislike you once again went into your self
and projected three things about yourself unto that person. Id also like to suggest these
three aspects about yourself are your own weaknesses that you do not acknowledge and
are holding you back in your own life to a large extend.
How does this fit into Sithism?
Firstly I believe that this exercise if done and acted upon will help you develop yourself into
a stronger person and concordantly, user of the Darkside. At a deeper level I believe such
tools and knowledge meditated upon will help one have a better understanding about
themselves and there own Darkside cultivating it to higher levels.


The Dark Morality

The Dark Morality

In this text I use the term 'morality' in its descriptive sence, to refer to a
code of conduct put foward by a society; The society: any group that
practices any branch of Dark Philosophy.

A Dark Society (Sith, Krath, ect.) will have a morality that takes accepting
the traditions and customs of the specified society; Including: accepting
secrecy, loyalty to the group , and progression; as more important than
avoiding and preventing harm. In addition to conflicts concerning 'right
and/or wrong', this account of morality that is viewed as 'wrong' in the eyes of other
groups. Also, this account of morality can claim that if one acts out of loyalty to the group,
it is moraly acceptable to cause significant harm or death to others that are not in the
individuals group. So, acting altruisticly, with regards to those in the group, is equated with
acting moraly.
Even in these different societies (forums), distinctions are made among
morality, etiquette, law, religion. For me 'morality', does not refer to every
code of conduct put foward by a society, but the one I am a part of.
Morality is often distinguished from etiquette, law, and religion, all of
which are, or involve, codes of conduct put forward by a society.
Etiquette is sometimes included as a part of morality, but it is assigned to
norms that are considered less serious than the kinds of normal behavior
that are a part of morality. Small morals are defined as how one should
conduct themself before other people. The large morals are the qualities of
mankind that tell how one should live in peace and/or unity with his fellow
man(By fellow man, I mean those that are in the likeness of the person, but there are those
who believe in unity through diversity.)
Law is differentiated from morality by having explicit written rules, with
penalties, and officials who interpret the laws and apply the penalties.
Although there is an overlap in the conduct of a society governed by law
and that governed by morality, being as how laws are often interpreted on
moral grounds. A law may be ammended if moral criticism supports the
change. Justice is not a definable rule, but an ability to judge and live
among rules in their multiplicity and incongruity.
Religion differs from morality in that it includes stories, usually about
divine beings/spirits, that are used to explain or justify/excuse thebehaviors that are
prohibited and required. There is an overlap in the
conduct prohibited or required by religion and those by morality, but
religion always prohibits or requires more than is prohibited or required
by guides to behavior that are moral guides. Sometimes morality is
regarded as the code of conduct that is putfoward by religion, and even
though it may not be needed, morality is thought by many to need some
religios justification, hence the Sith Religion. However, just as with law,
some religious practices and rules are criticized on moral grounds, such as discrimination on
the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation. Morality is only a guide to conduct, whereas
religion is always more that this.
One other important characteristic of morality- the lessining of evil or
harm as its goal- is controversial.
Fact: is Evil and/or Harmful to one or more people and should be
discouraged or eliminated.
Such written linguistic sentences are used to promote understanding of its subject. A fact
simply exists, independent of our judgements of'true and/or false'. An opinion can be 'true

and/or false'. So when no judgements have been made, then there is nothing of which 'true
and/or false' can be observed. Which is why it has been said to never judge a book by its
cover, because of its likelyness of being 'false'. And there are actions and things where
there is no 'right'(good or perfect) option available to choose from and so the action or thing
is inherently wrong or evil.
In conclusion, when it comes to judgements do not allow others to do it for you. You are in
control of your self and your choices; It is your
responsability to decide what the choices are, how to go about them, and
why you chose a certain one. It is therefore imporant for you, as a Dark Adept, to not only
explore yourself and the world with rationality based on logic; but also with a rationality
based on passion and emotion.


The Nature of

To understand fear, its nature, its purpose, and ultimately how to usel it you must
understand where fear begins. Fear is a lower brain function, it is primal, an instinctual
awareness to danger that the human body need not converse with the higher brain to
understand. The only of two fight or flight responses, the other being anger. These are the
first emotions any living thing on this planet has, a childs first emotion is fear, this fear rules
most of the infants early life and is ony offset by relative comfort. Its first instinct is
survival, fear leads the infant(in human or animal form) to the passion of and for survival.
Its sole instinct and purpose is to continue its own survival, its only companion to fuel that
passion at first, is fear.
You need not be smart to possess the capacity for fear, and only a fool would try to gain
control over such an instinctual gift. Like a deer who knows the hunters around but cannot
see them, a human can sense danger long before it is percieved by refining his or her
perception of there fear. Fear can overwhelm, it can gain tremendous control over an
individual, certainly there are those who have never gotten past there fear since there early
infant years. Fear can cloud ones judgement and faculties, if you so choose to let it. Only
fools, and cowards let there fear control them. Fear can turn into terror if you let it. Once
this happens it transforms from a usefull emotion to a debillitating one. This is a pitfall to
any emotion, the line where it is usefull and where it becomes debillitating.
However while you cannot control an instinct, certainly not one as old and as powerful as
fear, you can refine your peception of it. As a Sith, and a martial artist, a warrior, I have
spent much time and practice on refining this powerful emotion, to let my perception of it
allow its instinctive impulses to let me take advantage of all that fear has to offer. Fear
offers adreniline and endorphins, this is what allows animals to escape predators, this is
what allows mothers to lift cars off of children. Adreniline grants you greater physical
strength, it heightens your senses, and reflexes, fear grants you greater mental acuity as
well, endorphins are natural pain killers and stimulate other parts of the brain. Though

many are too consumed by there fear to use this emotion well, or at all, or to even be
properly aware of this great alchemical change within them. This is mostly do to lack of
understanding of emotion through lack of training...
Fear is also dangerous and extremely volitile in another way. Because we have higher brain
functions, it interferes and warps our lower brain instincts. Intelligence and imagination are
our greatest gifts to evolve, and also our greates hindrence. People create irrational fears,
monsters of the mind as I refer to them. These illusions are just that, illusions, and yet they
have the power to cripple a person spiritualy,mentaly and physicly. People actually create
fears, irrational phobias that grow into debilitating situations that one often times cannot
overcome. All people of all aspects or spiritual paths seek to rid themselves of these
irrational monsters of the mind, these illusions we entertain throughout our lives. These
illusions must be overcome, not only for the sake of spiritual growth but also so that you
can utilize your fear for what it was intended to be used for,a primitive,yet powerful emotive
response of heightened awareness and survival instinct.
Sith use emotions, They are both fuel for, and fueled by our passion, Sith are not puppets
to there passion or emotions, we control them not the other way around. Emotions are
powerful motivators, any Sith that has a full understanding, and grip upon there emotions
are limited only by there imagination in what they can accomplish. Fear is a Siths best
weapon in his or her emotional arsenal, and once focused properly through the lens of the
will and is refined through proper alignment of perception fear becomes much more than an
instinctual impulse to a threat of danger, it becomes a channeled focused beam of passion
and emotion, capable of much power and motivation and awareness.
Use this knowledge wisely and responibly

The Room
You are in a room, you have known this room your whole life. It is well lit, and well defined,
it almost so bright as to be uncomfortable to your eyes. You know every detail to its four
walls, and though you may have reshaped it every now and again, you know, moved the
furniture to fit your current tastes and mindset it is still the same well lit room, with its well
defined angles.
You know the limits of this room intimitely. You have explored its expanse in great detail,
nothing is hidden, nothing is unknown. You know where everything is so well you could walk
it with your eyes closed it is so familiar. You find a certain melancholy peace in this, that
nothing in this room can suprise you. All the books are well lighted, so you can clearly see
the titles, and you have read them so many times you could most likely recite them line for
line. It is the same with the music too, it is all that you have heard before, things you like,
or elaborations of things you like....

Even the shadows that this room casts are not unknown to you, though not as brightly lit
they give a warming contrast and you have changed the room around so much that you
realize any shadow is simply a shaded perspective of that whch is already known. An
elaboration that gives overall presence to the well lit room. And even the shadows are not
unexplored, for although they are darker then on the surfaces of where the light shines
brightly they are not altogether uncomfortable, or unexplorable. Simply a shifting of the
light will banish, or illuminate the shadow enough for you to see its form and depth...
As always however as your gaze takes in the room you notice the door on the far wall. It is
not the door you entered in, that door disappeared the moment you entered this room.
Perhaps you will see it again, but for now you gaze rests on the door in front of you across
the hall. You know this door well, its expanse is not unknown to you its been here since you
came here, it is a simple white door with a brass knob. Nothing special about it, and yet
your heart pounds in excitement just looking at it.
You get up, as you always do, and cross your well lit room to the door, your breathing
comes louder and your heart beats faster..You stand in front of the door and your hand of
its own volitation comes to rest on the cold brass knob and without thinking you turn it and
open wide the door to.....
The other side of the door is black, and the intererior of the room No, black
indicates color, this room is void, no light from your well lit room casts into this next one, it
doesnt even penetrate on inch, You are sweating now and your heart is like a triphammer in
your chest, your breathing has become louder and although you are for some unknown
reason you are afraid, you are also....excited.....curious......
You have done this many times before, and in the beginning you would just close the door
and walk away, but you have grown braver over the years and your other hand paws at the
inside of the room against where the wall should be, seeking a switch so to cast light into
this void, so you can feel the relief of knowing....Except there isnt a switch...for some
reason you cant even feel a wall on which a switch should be. Growing slightly more bold
you lean forward into this inky indefinable blackness, this void without seeming shape or
form. You almost take a step in and feel a slight wave of vertigo as your foot comes in
contact with....nothing. In a panicked moment you realize there is no floor as well and you
almost fall in. Stepping back and righting yourself you breathe deeply before grasping the
walls of your own well lit room and leaning out into the void.
Then you begin to hear, or is it just your mind playin tricks on you? You think you
here...things moving out in the void, of course you cant be certain as you cant see
anything, and is it really things moving out there or is it just some strange music that you
are only interpreting as something diffrent.... You take one of your hands off the wall and
lean farther out, and stretching your hand out into the void, you search blindly to discover
anything about this darkness beyond darkness, this place without direction, or seeming
limits....Something brushes your hand, or did your hand brush something? It matters not
for your nerve breaks and you tear yourself back into your well lit room, slamming the door.
You are drenched in sweat and fear and excitement pour off of you in waves....
You sit in a chair chair and your breathing relaxes, you stop sweating and you grow calm
once again. Your room gives you comfort because even in your terror you knew where your
chair would be and sat down without even looking, everything is where it should be, as it

should be. And for a moment you simply bask in your knowing.....
However you eyes wayward of your will steal back to the door, and a curious longing wells
up within you. You want to know what lies beyond this door, and yet to do that means
leaving the comfort of knowing. That next room(if it can be called a room) requires a great
sacrifice from you, to sacrifice your comfort. Comfort of knowing, of seeing,of limits... for
there is no light in the room beyond this one. Discovery is done through feeling,
hearing,tasting intuition, PASSION.
There will be pain, and suffering there will be despair, and yet what great expeditions in
history have not been without these things......Once these things become known to you,
they will have no power over you, and you joy, compassion, and love will soar higher more
defined by the contrast of the others(pain,suffering,despair) And of course there ae the
things out there, in the void.....those things that brushed against your hand....what if one of
those things got a hold of you?
No path is without its dangers, or, you think its illusions, what if you are simply creating
illusions out of fear so as not to have to explore that which you cant, dont(refuse) to
understand? What if it simply is nothing but you making mountains out of mole hills..What if
its not though?
So you sit, and you reshape your room to comfort yourself, you study the shadows to
perhaps give you a sense of satisfaction, to fill a void, an emptiness in yourself you cannot
explain....there is certain darknes in the shadows, but it is not unknown, or unexplored, it is
not that limitless,formless darkness of the void beyond the door.You grow angry in time at
yourself, at your own self induced ignorance and fear to what lies behind that door. So you
go back yo your chair and study the door again, your curiousity and excitement will build
again, you will look beyond the door again. You know this is only a matter of time. Perhaps
next time, will you step through though?

The Necessity of
Is it wrong to crave power? I don't think so. Allow me to explain my thoughts...
My point, in this short article, should be relatively easy to grasp. What of the mind? What of
the body? And, if you believe it exists, what of the spirit? To me, these are far more
complex than matter, and should be explored and possessed. To survive physically, at least
in the realm of nature, one would need to possess enough physical power to eliminate
threats, should they arise. We see this with wolves, apes, felines, and, though only
occasionally these days, we see this with humans. Sometimes it is threat to reputation,
something necassary for navigating the social world we live in, and sometimes it is a threat

to our continued existence as living beings. In matters such as these, the body should be
more than functional, it should be strengthened, in appearance as well as effectiveness. I
think that, at the very least, the body should be forged to be your tool, ready for you to use
should the need arise. This is why I dislike the use of advanced weaponry such as guns, and
nuclear warfare, it takes away from the benefits of physical conflict. The mind, even now, is
a mysterious aspect of the Self. Intelleigence, intellect, I think these are extremely
important. For simplisitic functions, we need to learn what harms us, what aids us, we need
to explore things we don't yet comprehend. It is necassary to become an intellectual being
to some degree for the purpose of survival, whether you be completely alone or surrounded
by countless other humans. Spiritually, I have my own theories and ideals which may or
may not be applicable to your views. I believe emotions to be spiritual functions rather than
just of the body and mind. Going with the assumption that my theory isn't incorrect, I think
it would benefit you spiritually to experience, learn about, and guide your emotions.
Discpiline and developement of will power have also often been attributed to the mind,
though I think that an individuals will is of his/her spirit, though I might speculate that it is
also a part of the mind as well as the spirit.
Well, I've babbled on enough for now, so I'll spell out the point I wish to make in
conclusion. I think that power, at the bare minimum, is a necessity to keep the body, mind,
and spirit alive. Seeking power and steadily gaining it, continuing to progress and
strengthen yourself, that is a crucial part of truly living your life to its fullest. Any
comments, disagreements, inquiries, etc. are welcome. Any suggested revisions or additions
are also welcome, as I just wrote this up in a freewrite of sorts.


The Difference of Jedi and


First of all is the most widely known difference. the sith use the "dark"side of the force,
while the jedi use the "light" side. of course, i think both of these things are misnomers. the
are no sides, there is just the force. of course, some abilities are considered, "dark". those
abilities are used by the sith.
another big difference to take into account is that, jedi do not use emotions when using the
force, they only calm themselves. the analagy i will now use is eskimoes and inuits. inuits
are eskimoes but not all eskimoes are inuits. in these terms, jedi use calm to use the force,
but calm isnt singularly a jedi technique. sith also use calm to manipulate the force. the
difference is, that when sith have emotions, eg. anger, hatred, disgust, rage..., they will use
them for manipulation of the force. of course, sith are still able to draw their powers from
next, i want to consider, how sith and jedi fit into the community. when a jedi can do
anything to help, he/she will. a common prejudice is that helping people is banned by the
teachings of the sith. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE! when sith help people they dont
explode in a blue fireball or suffer from a panic attack. when sith help people they simply

help them then get on with their lives. why is this a difference then? you might ask. the
difference is that sith look for a reward when they help people. whether it be a physical
reward like money, the chance to better their morals or training. it might just be to help
other people.
Last but by no means least is this; dependancy. Fully fledged sith do not need other people.
When they do ask for help they are all but always trying to manipulate people in some way.
They might be getting people to become their ally. They might be distracting someone.
They could simply want to know someone better. But insight is required when sith ask for
help. Jedi on the other hand do depend on others.
-Darth Viricus

Emotion and the Will

"Anger is a living thing, feed it and it will grow"-Darth Sidious
Indeed truer words were never spoken, however I would state that any emotion is a living
thing, negative, or positive. Feed any of them and they will grow, fueling you, and any Sith
should be mindful to expierience the whole spectrum of emotion, not just dwell in one over
the other. However the fact that emotion is a living thing, and if fed long enough it can grow
out of the proportion of you to control. It can consume you...Anger turns into uncontrollable
rage,Love into obsession, etc... Sith feed off of there emotions, it strengthens them, and
there connection, not only to the force(Ki,chi,life, univeral energy..) but to themselves. To
truly understand yourself, you must understand your emotions and how they can effect you,
you must test the limits of how much you can feed them. Only by knowing ones limits can
one surpass them...
This is where your will comes in, for without a powerful will, your emotions can easily
control you and make you a slave to them. Anyone who has lost there temper and
needlessly and recklessly destroyed things around them in there rage knows this as fact. If
you havent ever lost control of your temper, then refer to DARTH BANE: RULE OF TWO
Bane loses his temper and almost destroys his apprentice,once he gained control of himself
he saw what waste that would of been, not only of time, but of a precious resource of one
so strong in the force to carry on the Sith. Or in the case of Vader attacking Obi Wan from a
strategecly disadvantous position...and we all saw how that went.
Your emotions are fuel, your will must be the furnace that keeps your emotions from
consuming you in there flames. If the furnace of your will is not strong enough and you
continue to feed your emotions past the point where it erodes you will, then yes, you may
have greater power...but for what? Power without focus or goal, is pointless. Power without
control, is useless and serves noone, not even yourself. When you can bring together
emotion and the will, true use of its power is brought to bear. An intelligent mind,can
through the use of will, focus your emotions to a lasers point, making the use of them
benificial to you. To do this effectively you must practice. As stated, emotions are living
things, without sufficient practice they will continue to feed until they consume that which
generated them.

Emotions are the laser, the power, Sith are the lense that focus it,which use the power.
Lasers can save lives, such as in operations, or burn holes in things. That however is up to
the individuals will to focus and choices they make...So if emotions are the laser and the
Sith is the lense, think of the Force(Ki,Chi,Univeral life energy, God, whatever....) as the
machine which powers it. So make sure the lense is well forged and focused, your
mind,body, and spirit must be forged properly to become a proper lense. Use this
knowledge wisely and responsibly


Chains. To many to countbut as a Sith, the chains serve a purpose. They motivate us
to become strong so that we may brake them. I suppose the end goals are power, freedom,
and an attempt to reach perfection. Power can be for its own sake, but it is also another
means to another end. I would argue that without power, there is little chance of freedom.
And without freedom, how can we work towards the unreachable goal of perfection. It
seems that the end goals are interconnected, they rely on each other. If you possess power,
you have a tool that can be used to obtain freedom. If you have freedom, you have a tool
that can be used to obtain near-perfection. In obtaining these things, I have no doubt in my
mind that they change us. Now the question is, will we change for better or for worse? Will
we deteriorate or evolve? That is a choice I feel we all can and must make. It is the
transformation spoken of in what most of us consider Sith Lore, they were the words of the
fictional Sith Lord, Darth Revan. Some would argue that these things are not within our
control, but I beg to differ. Its all a matter of choice, if you say you cannot control such
things, you are weak and ignorant. If you say you choose to surrender control to the Force,
that is your choice, and you must be prepared to accept the consequences, be they costly or
beneficial. If you say you can control things of this nature with minimal effort, be mindful
and make sure your words are not born out of arrogance or over-confidence.
Everything here is from my own mind, and is, as a result, only based on my point of view,
so take what you will from what I write.

Power, Arrogance, and

Sith seek power for powers sake, we are drawn to it(speaking for myself, mostly). Power, if
we aren't cautious and mindful can lead to over-confidence and arrogance. What is so great
about power? Well, for starters, if you have a goal you desperately need to reach, the more
powerful you are, the easier it will be to obtain your objective, and to gain power, you must
first gain strength, and for that, passion is needed(this will soon be explained in my
holocron). Like the Dark side Logic lecture in the Great Jedi Holocron, one thing leading to

another is not definate, but in this case, it is the likely series of what will happen.
If you powerful, and have been for a time you may become arrogant in the belief of you
own invincibility, this over-confidence can destroy the power that you've worked so hard to
control. If control is lost over you power, you can diminish yourself in every aspect, along
with all those close to you. Knowing you can't lose is one thing, but relying on such a fact
can quickly mutate it into opinion. You must work for victory, it doesn't just happen.
Destruction can be avoided, but if arrogance is not avoided as well, being crushed by your
own power may be the better choice. Corruption shows and if you become corrupt, I doubt
you'll see it that way. Corruptionn is part of what makes a tyrant what he is.
Be aware that all you do, every small action you take, every decision you make, has
echoes; cause and effect, for every action, there is a result, be it consequence or reward. If
you set in motion events that will benefit you and can be manipulated to your advantage,
do so. There are uses and harms of these echoes and if you can learn to use the
reverberations I speak of, the possibilities are limiteless.


In politics, you must see with your ears and hear with your eyes. Try to translate the
meaning of the first sentence. Once you have done this you will find that the saying is both
a political exercise and a teaching of politics. There is a meaning underlying the words of
the saying which you must find to complete the exercise. Upon completing the exercise you
will have the teaching I mentioned.
To identify the hidden meaning is to use the language of the politicians, it is refered to as
"Political Code". To become adept at politics you must understand and speak in this "code".
The code itself is really nothing more than saying something and meaning another most of
the time, or there will be a different, usually deeper meaning to be puzzled out; this isn't
always the case, but most of the time politicians speak in such a way to get their points
across subtely. In a political conversation, this is the dialect you use.
I will give everyone time to try and find the meaning of:In politics, you must see with your
ears and hear with your eyes. Once a few people have come to their own conclusions, I will
say what I believe it to mean and what I think the meaning itself teaches of politics.
Here is my interpretation:To see with your ears means that to understand a politician, you
must truly hear and listen to what they say to see the hidden meanings behind their words.
To hear with your eyes, you must read their emotions and feelings on matters being
discussed by watching their expressions and reactions(you can also use empathic abilities as
a Force-User) to correctly hear and listen to what they say.

Pick your Company Wisely

Lets face it in this world of ours isolationism is not a practical philosophy to live by. To gain
power you must align yourself with others to expand. Consciously or unconsciously those
around us have an effect on our lives. Buddha once said a beast may wound your body but
a bad friend will wound your mind. The importance of keeping the right people in your life
cannot be stressed enough. To do this you must first have a ruthless eye to those around
you including your own family.
Some things to look for:
Negative attitude
Drug problems
Emotional problems
People like this must be gone from your life ASAP because in the end they will only bring
you down. This of course must be on a case-by-case basis but the main point is to limit the
time spent with people like this. Instead you must find people like yourself and who you
want to be. But be mindful behind your true relationship with ANY person! This is especially
important to those with limited spiritual practice, as they are less mindful. In time you will
see improvement in your own life from success to happiness. Be warned do not make
excuses for anyone, your strength demands it!

The Relevance of Emotions

Yes, we use and encourage the use of emotions, but we are calm and patient, traits often
only related to Jedi. However, the truth is that calmness and patience are held in high
regard by Sith and are often used with emotion to maintain the control I so often speak of.
Control in itself is also an important factor that should noticeably stand out, for it requires
great self-discipline on our part.
Emotions are our keys to darkness, without them, I would more than hesitate to call myself
Sith. Anger: focus, strength, courage. Fear: caution, paranioa, logic. Hatred: Determination,
relentlesness, strength of will. Those are only a few examples of emotions and their
Discipline is part of a Sith's life. There are three main aspects of discipline: mental, physical,
and spiritual(spiritual includes the Force). Without these disciplines, which I consider the
pillars of Sith strength, we could not gain power and there is little reason for existence
without power.

The Sith
The Scroll of Chaos
Let my words be written so that you of the future may know the true power of
the Force.
Before the universe began there existed only chaos. When Chaos ruled, that what
we now call the Force was not present. Chaos is neither good or evil it just is. When
the universe came into being it was through Chaos that it was created just as the
Force. Chaos determined how the Force interacts with all that is part of the
universe. In time the universe became stable and Chaos was lost, the matter in the
universe became the planets and the stars. The Force settled into all the matter that
existed, both seen and unseen. When life began it was unable to draw upon the
Force which bound it to everything else in the universe. In time this changed beings
began to sense the Force and use it.
There came a time when beings learned to use the Force, the were called Jedi.
Their philosophy was to use the Force to help those less fortunate, never to use the
Force for their own benefit. By doing this the Jedi only use one half of the Force, this
limited their potential. If it were left to the Jedi the knowledge of Chaos would never
have been found. Soon some of those Jedi became discontent with the Jedi way.
They set out on a new path of discovery, they began to
experiment with the Force. These Jedi were the founders of the Sith. The word Sith
means chaos, these Dark Jedi learned that they could use the Force to gain access
to the fundamental force of creation called CHAOS.
The use of Chaos can be very dangerous, for it's power is cumbersome. Any who
attempt to use it must be willing to suffer the consequences of their actions,
including their own death. To ever have any real success in using Chaos the user
must be skilled in the use of the Dark and Light Sides of the Force. One of the most
very simple uses of Chaos is the ablility to shatter the soul of another being.
This is accomplished by focusing on the frequency at which the soul vibrates in the
Force. At the most fundamental levels of matter Chaos still exists in some small
part. When the user has focused in on the soul's frequency, the user must
consentrate his anger on what he wants to effect. This is the dangerous part, if the
user does not have full consentration on the aspect of Chaos that he wants to effect
the user may unintentionally use the Force to nudge the wrong aspect of Chaos. In
doing so any number of thing could happen including the destruction of a solar
system. If the user has focused in on the right aspect of Chaos he may then nudge
it with the Force, in doing this the user is ineffect changing the reality of the
universe in that localized area. The soul is not actually destroyed for this is not
possible, the soul is shattered it is knocked into another reality. Only a very skilled
user of Chaos can determine the place the soul is banished to. Another use of Chaos
it to destroy matter. Just as before the user must focus in on the frequency of the
object he wants to effect, the only diffrence is the aspect the user will effect with the

Force. In this case the user will effect the aspect of subatomic bonds, the user must
use the Force to feel his way through this intricate disorder to find this aspect.
With use the user will be able to navigate their way through Chaos with relative
ease. But you must be warned the use of Chaos is diffrent every time, a path used
before may not be the same the next time you use it for this is also the way of
As it is written so it is.

The Scroll of Incantation

Power is knowledge and knowledge is power, so let my knowledge be once again known to
those of the Sith.
For many eons the knowledge of the Sith has been sought by lesser beings. But only those I
grant access to this scroll will know. A incantation can be a very powerful tool if used in the
right hands. They can also be very dangerous if used improperly.
A incantation is very different from the Force that most know of. The Jedi fear incantations,
for they are the essence of evil. To use a Incantation you must subjugate the spirit of
another being. In doing so you open yourself to the opportunity of being subjugated to the
spirit you wish to use. Before you try this most potent of Dark Side magic, know this when
you are dead these spirits you torment will seek you out to receive payment from you in
one form or another. I would not even try this magic if you are neither a Dark Lord or a
great Sith magician, for in death you will not be able to defend yourself from these spirits.
To use a Incantation the user must, through the Force focus his mind on the entire sum and
substance of the Force. The user must feel all the souls and spirits in the universe both
living and dead. The words to a Incantation do not matter for they differ depending on the
spirit summoned. The words are only used to entice a spirit or force it to do what you
command of it. In summoning a spirit you must read it's soul as best you can for this is
what determines the to words of a Incantation. What you are ineffect doing is disguising
yourself from the spirit and at the same time you are letting it believe you are that which it
fears most. By doing this the spirit should do what you ask of it. Let it be known that this
does not always work, some are smarter than others. If you do not read the spirit right
through the Force, and say the wrong incantation you yourself may be forced to endure the
spirit taking control of your body. If everything has worked right you may use the spirit to
do almost anything, from guarding a sacred area, to even enslaving other spirits to do your
Incantations can also be used to enslave spirits to objects such as amulets. This can be very
useful to those apprentices you may have that are not as strong in the Dark Side as
yourself. This also ensures that your apprentices do not become as skilled as yourself and
threaten your power. To enslave a spirit to a amulet you must focus great amounts of
hatred through the amulet, then use the incantations that applies to the spirit or spirits you
wish to enslave. You must then use the Force to draw the spiritinto the amulet. When this is
done you must use a aspect of Chaos to change the nature of the amulet so as to trap the
spirit. Be very careful as always when using Chaos for you could also trap yourself in the
This knowledge I decree shall only be seen by those I chosen, both in the future and past.
Those who violate me shall suffer the wrath of all the Dark Lords both present and past for
So I have said and so it shall be

The Scroll of Destiny

As it once was it shall be again. The Sith shall return as it always has this is our destiny.
The Sith began with the first Jedi. Unknown to them there was always those that sought the
knowledge for self gain. It is our nature to use our power for our own benefit. The pathetic
Jedi deny this and seek to destroy us of the Sith for our knowledge. There has been many
times in the past when the Jedi have eradicated most of us, but there only needs to be one
of us left to pass on the knowledge we have gained.
The first great rise of the Sith came about with the Jedi Ninurta Istaran he was the first to
discover Chaos. He turned away from his master's teaching and went forth to learn the
Force on his own. He journeyed to a world which name has been lost in time. There he
spent many years learning the Dark Side of the Force, and focusing his anger. The first
great find was Chaos, with this he was able to make all bow before him. This knowledge
helped him become the first Dark Lord of the Sith, it is to him we of the Sith owe a debt of
gratitude. With the foundation of the Sith he set forth to create a Empire to consume the
entire galaxy in darkness. Istaran succeeded in in capturing a 1/4 of the galaxy. At this time
the Jedi Council met to discuss destroying him and his followers. A war ensued for ten
years, in the end the Jedi won due to their large numbers. Istaran consolidated his forces
and found a world to create a sanctuary for himself. There he finished out his years and
passed down his knowledge. Unknown to the Jedi much was learned of the Dark Side during
this time because of the war.
The next great rise of the Sith came about not because of a Dark Lord but because of his
first apprentice Naga Sadow. Unknown to his Dark Lord Sadow set out to create his own
Empire. As his power grew so did his Empire. Soon his Dark Lord found out that Sadow had
deceived him and was planing to overthrow him. Sadow was forced to flee from his Dark
Lord and go into hiding. The Republic sent a fleet to find and eradicate him because he had
taken many of their worlds. Sadow was forced to give up his small Empire and hide in the
Outer Rim. On his way to the Outer Rim a Republic fleet found him, he was then forced to
destroy a star system to escape. The world he found to hide on was called Yavin Four. There
he set up a kingdom and ruled over the Massassi people. For a thousands years the Sith did
not become a major factor in the galaxy. Not until the time of Exar Kun.
Exar was a very great student of the Force but he felt there was more to learn. He began to
study the Dark Side but his master forbid him from studying it any more we he found out.
Exar did not listen to his master and set off to learn the Dark Side. He went to the world
called Onderon in search of Dark Side knowledge. With the help of some Darksiders he
found the tomb of Freedon Nad. When he entered the tomb Nad's spirit awaited him. Nad
told him to take the scroll from under his now dead body. The scrolls told Kun of the last
resting place of the Dark Lords. The world was Korribun, Exar journeyed to Korribun to
meet Freedon Nad. There Nad led him to the Temple of the Dark Lords, Exar was forced to
battle enslaved spirits. To escape Nad told him to enter the temple. In the temple Nad
shattered the bones of Kun and forced him to submit to the Dark Side. After many
agonizing hours Exar gave in and agreed to accept the Dark Side. Inturn Nad healed him
and showed him all that was in the temple. Exar then when to Yavin Four to learn more of
the Dark Side. On Yavin the Massassi captured him and threw him into a pit with a beast.
Nad told him to focus his anger through the amulet the Massassi possessed. For the first
time Exar knew the full potential of the Dark Side. He destroyed to beast and then turned
on Nad and destroyed him. The Massassi became his slaves and helped him leave Yavin
Four. Kun then sought out the other students of Freedon Nad. His search brought him to the

Empress Teta system. There he found the other students. In a battle with Ulic Qel-Droma,
the Dark lord of the Sith Istaran granted him the Title of Dark Lord of the Sith. Ulic became
his First Apprentice. For Many years the two brought darkness to the Republic worlds. But
because of the weak nature of Ulic he betrayed Exar to the Jedi and they found Exar and
turned him to stone. The rise of Exar was not complete for some time from now he shall rise
from his stone prison to retake the galaxy.
The future is now what I see. I see the rise of a great Sith magician, he shall be called
Emperor and he will have a servant that calls himself Dark Lord of the Sith. But this is not
so, for it was not granted to the one called Vader. This one called Emperor shall rule all the
galaxy for a time but in soon his servant will betray him. But his story is not over.
Next I see the rise of a new order of Sith, different form those of the past. It is to you I

The Scroll of Sith Magic

Magic is a thunder heard across the galaxy. Its power reverberates through the foundation
of all Existence. It echoes the lightning of creation itself. In its voice is the promise of life
and death. It is a power to be coveted and feared. The Dark Lord Istaran tells us magic
draws its power from the original creation of the Universe. In the begining The One
stretched out his hand amid the Chaos. The motion of his hand ordered chaos into infinite
possibilities of creation. This motion was the first Order out of Chaos. It is called the Wave
Prime or more often simply the Force.
Istaran saw in the Force the creation of the ethereal and the physical, and the seeing of it
made it so. In the creation of the spiritual and the physical, the Force split into two sets of
waves, each infinite in their possibilities. Each of the two waves were the same but diffrent,
one of the Light and one of the Dark.The two waves curved away from each other and back
again. The waves crossed and where they crossed was created time and space. Thrus
Reality woven from the two Forces.
With delight and wonder, Istaran looked again upon both waves. In the ethereal or Light
side he saw the creation of life and mind; in the physical or Dark side he saw death and
power.....and the seeing of it made it so. Again, in its creation, the waves of the ethereal
and physical possibilities of new creation. Istaran saw these new possibilites as they were
woven. In the intersection of the waves was born Life, Death, Power and Mind.
The longer Istaran looked upon the weave of Reality, the more possibilities split into being.
Stars, worlds, life--in short, all creation---was thrus woven from infinite possibilities. So it
was in the time of Istaran and so it is today.
Reality is simply the manifestation of intersecting waves of possibility. It is a vast and
almost incomprehensible weave of solid physics in the midst of a myriad of infinite
potentials. Science, technology and biology all used the woven rope of reality.
Magic on the other hand, functions by reweaving the fabric of reality. A Sith Magician begins
by consentrating on the wave of probabilities rather than on reality itself. Through the Force
his learning and his power, he looks out upon the myriad waves of infinite possibilities to
find that part of the wave where his desired reality would be true. Then the Sith Magicain
creates a harmonic wave of possibility to bend the existing wave so that what was once only
possible becomes part of what is true. In this way the Sith Magican weaves his desire into
For example, a Sith Magician stands on the field of battle against a great Jedi Knight. The
Magician,wearing only his robes is at the mercy of the armed and more powerful Jedi
Knight. This is reality and, if left alone, the Jedi Knight will most likely slay the Sith Magician

without much resistance. However, the Sith Magicain knows from his study where the
possibility (desired effect) of a protective shield exists on one of countless waves of
possibility. The Sith Magician sets up a harmonic wave of possibility through his motions,
thoughts, words, signs and other aids. This magic alters the possibility wave so that what
was once the possibility of a magical shield is woven into reality. The new reality includes
the desired effect and so the magical shield now guards the Sith Magician.
Although, to the outside observer, the protective field seems to spring up around the Sith
Magician from nothing, it would be more accurate to say the possibility of such a field has
been called into reality from infinite possibilities of the Chaos.
To use magic, one must be able to find and weave the appropriate portion of Chaos in some
small degree. This is far from omnipotence or omniscience, even among those who see a
vast section of theForce. Being able to function in the discipline of magic does not explain
why magic exists or its origins. It does not lead one to the reason for being. Just as knowing
a rock will fall when dropped does not tell us why gravity exists or what intelligence brought
such order out of chaos, so it is, too, with magic.
Only the Jedi and us of the Sith understand magic. But we of the Sith are the only ones to
understand it to the fullest. We have seen magic from the center of Chaos, we mastered the
art in most elemental and powerful form. No others have seen as much of the Force as we

The Scroll of Sith Masteries

The greatest force of all is the Sith Rune magic, which combines the waves of Life, Power,
Mind and Death into a comprehension of the central weave of reality and a clear picture of
the infinite possibilities of Chaos. Those who have mastered Sith Rune magic are said to
have reached the Ninth Mastery or better known as a Sith Magician. The knowledge and
potency of the Sith Rune Disciplines are all tied directly to the Rune siglas which are used in
the casting of such spells. With the end of the Great Sith War only we of the Sith and the
Krath(if they still exist) have the knowledge of Sith Rune Magics. The unified magic of Sith
Rune Magic is then divided into the four Lesser Houses of Firmament(Air), Sun(Fire),
Spring(Water) and Dark(Earth). Together they are known as the Sith Masteries. The Sith
Masteries represents Eight Mastery and are second only to Sith Rune Magic in power. Each
of the Sith Masteries is the further divided equally into Spiritual and Physical Masteries. The
Spiritual masteries tend toward mental and emotional manipulation of the world about the
magician. The Physical Masteries tend to use and make use of physical objects in the world
about the Sith magician.
Both the Spiritual and Physical Masteries are further divided into the Greater and Lesser
Disciplines in each House. Those of the Greater Disciplines are known as Adept Advocate
while those of the Lesser House are known as Adept Servitor. Adept Advocate include Fifth
through Seventh Masteries while Adept Servitor is made up of First through Fourth
Masteries. The term "greater" and "lesser" are somewhat deceptive in that the Lesser
Disciplines are the broadest based and most commonly used of the magics. The Greater
Disciplines, while more powerful. also tend to be more specialized.
After the Great Sith War the Krath vanished and us of the Sith jealousy guarded Sith Rune
Magic from anyone else learning it. This brought about the loss of any magic greater than
the Seventh Mastery being learned by anyone else in the galaxy. Sith Rune Magic is now
unknown among any being in the Universe. It remains a carefully guarded secret

Sith Rune Magic

Rune magic is the most powerful manifestation of all the magics present in the Universe.
Rune magic weaves all the elements of the various Sith Masteries into a single magic whole.
The key to Sith Rune (or Runic) Magic is that the harmonic wave that weaves a possibility
into existence must be created with as much simultaneity as possible. This means that the
various movements, signs, words, thoughts and elements that go into making up a
harmonic wave must be completed as close together as possible. The more simultaneous
the harmonic wave structure, the more balanced will be maintained in the wave and the
more powerful the magic itself. This rather like the difference between throwing a lightsaber
end over end and spiraling it. A wheel which is rolled straight will roll farther than one which
is sent wobbling.
To attain this simultaneity, both the Krath and us of the Sith have developed magical
languages and structures to convey our magic. Used only for magic this language is unlike
any other used in the Galaxy. A second, more traditional language is used for standard
communication by both the Sith and the Krath when they are using magic together. The
Sith Rune language is not so much spoken (although that is a element) as it is performed.
The common element in both languages is their simultaneity. Traditional languages are
sequential in their structure along a single channel, linear lines. When one reads words on a
page, he reads letter after letter, word after word, sentence after sentence to build up a
complete thought or meaning of the text. This means he is taking in the message through
only one channel or source of experience at a time. When people watch someone speaking
they are using several different channels at a time, sight,words spoken, gestures, poise and
The complexity, balance and harmony of magic require perfection in simultaneous
communication of the magician's harmonic waves. this is generally conveyed through
performance of the magic by the Sith Magician through words, tones, gestures and motion.
In Sith Rune Magic, the simultaneity is bound up in the concept of non-linear written
The Rune languages have evolved into two separate types along the lines of the Krath and
Sith cultures. Both operate the rune principles of the universe but their structure and
methods are somewhat different.

Sith Rune Structure

The Sith use a hexagonal structure which is generally conveyed through six channels of
communication at the same time. This involved the use of runes which are either drawn into
or on an object or created in the air through preformance. In preformance, the casting Sith
Magician is limited to three channels which include sound(auditory with complex
harmonics), shape(gestures), mind(telepathic projections). The use of structured runes at
the same time (sigla inscribed on objects such as staves, wands, rings, amulets or any
property positioned object) can communicate the remaining three elements of the pattern.

All Sith Rune structures are built in hexagonal pattern emanating from the Central Rune.
This rune is the source of the magic being cast and the point from which all the magical
structures springs. The Central Rune determines the thrust of the spell structure. In Sith
Rune magic, this Central Rune may be of any type from any of the Sith Materies of magic.
In complex spells, then, it is essential in the reading of the spell that one understands which
rune is the Central Rune. Two separate spells which have identical runes in identical
positions may have vastly different effects if they have different Central Runes.
The Central Rune structures bring the power of magic into the complex of the rune spell.
These structures begine with the Central Rune itself: a rune which designates the source of
magic coming from either Power, Mind, Life, or Death.
This Central Rune is flanked on its lower left side by the Patriarch (the rune proceding it as
seen in the illustration). It is flanked on its lower right by the Matriarch (the rune folling the
Patriarch for that Central Rune). These support the Central Rune and give it direction to the
power of magic welling up from the runes below it.
Directly below the Central Rune is the Master Rune. The top of the Master Rune borders the
bottom of the Central Rune and touches on both the Patriarch and the Matriarch. This rune
determines whether the nature of the power called forth will be Spiritual or Physical in
nature and completes the Rune Structure. Nearly always, other runes connect to the Master
Rune from below to further define and amplify the power of the magic being cast.
The Central Rune is flanked on the upper left side by the Light Side Rune and on its upper
right side by the Dark Side Rune. These runes determine the amplitude (how much power)
and vector (direction) to which the harmonic wave will be applied into the complex where
the Central Rune Structure is found.
Between the Ligh Side Rune and the Dark Side Rune is the head Rune which completes the
Central Rune structure. The head rune is part of a further complex of runes which transfers
the elements of the Central Rune structure into the general harmonic of the magic being
called into existence.
This is the great secret in Sith Rune Magic. The location of the Centeral Rune is know only
to those who learn its location from the Rune's creator . Much of a Sith Magician's training
involves learning how to detmine the Centeral Rune as well as simple rote memory of the
locations of such runes. Without a Sith Magician to teach the location of these Centeral
Runes, the chances of understanding our magical writings is negligible
Krath Rune Magic Little is known about Krath magic except that which may help identify
them. Like Sith Rune Magic, Krath Rune Magic also seeks the perfect balance in the
harmonic wave. However, it does not find its balance through symmetry of structure. Krath
Rune Magic looks for balance in weighted opposites.
The Krath use a series of interlaced octagons and squares to form the pattern of their
magic. Octagons form the Source, Course, and Destiny of Krath Rune Magic. Squares form
the Branch, Juncture and Cascade of the magic. Comnbinations of these elements create
the magic along eight simultaneous channels of thought.
As with Sith Rune Magic, the Centeral Rune is critical to the success of understanding and
using magic.
Krath Rune Magic uses substructures--rather like runes within runes. Runes formed of other
runes then imitate the concepts of Centeral, Stem, or other structures found in Sith Rune
Magic, in a much more cocise way. However, their nature is somewhat erratic and their use,
unless carefully balanced, can lead to great lessening of the desired effect.

The Danger of Incantation

I, Aristan Tombstone, the learned of the Sith, write this manuscript not for me to read, but
for it to serve as a warning against a sorcery called the Incantation. For the Darkness
unleashed with it, is too powerful even for the force of chaos to withstand. The creator of
this spell remains unknown till this time, for if he were to reveal himself , he would attract
wrath for what he is done. Only once the Incantation has been used and that one time was
enough for us masters of Darkness to bury it in a tomb somewhere on an unknown moon.
And the ring helping it , cut in five pieces. Before it was dealt with, the Incantation fell into
unwise hands and was used to summon an evil greater than we are. The powers of a
resurrected Dark Lord multiplied by a hundred fold are too dangerous for everybody, even
for us. The destroyed galaxy has no worthy planets to conquer and no cities to enslave. If
we were to permit the power of the Dark Lord to grow, he would attack and destroy all that
we held in our hands. But it is not my duty to go on with this, but to tell you the full tale of
Dark Lord's ressurection and to tell you why we, the Sith, have banished him forever. It all
started with one, an ancient and weak Dark Jedi, who has managed to establish himself in
the republic as one of the advisors. However, his career was short-lived. After making worse
and worse choices, the advisor was expelled from the Republic in dishonor. Even his
weakened powers did not help to convince the cold senators to take him back and not
deprive him of a job. The second time he came into the office of one of the senators, he was
thrown out by his bodyguards for yelling at him. The Dark Jedi was desperate now. But then
an odd feeling of revenge and the memory of his old days as a hunter came back to him
and he felt angrier and angrier. He started searching for a way to punish the senate for
expelling him. Just simply killing all of them seemed too easy. He wanted to show them the
true face of Darkness. He searched many hyperspace lanes for a solution, and his plan
became dimmer and dimmer. In the end, the old man became desperate and decided to let
it go and forget about his lost job. At this time, he walked into a cantina on the far side of
some backwater Republic planet. He kept ordering more whiskey until he got so drunk that
he could barely hold himself on his feet. Suddenly, a man that looked like a thief came up to
him and without a word shoved a piece of paper into his hands. The former advisor looked
on the paper, but couldn't comprehend the words. After ordering one more glass of
whiskey, the man fell asleep. When he awoke, the paper was still there, in his hands. After
looking at it blindly two or three times, the man recognized it. It was a spell, a Sith sorcery
spell, written in the Sith runes. It has been long since he has seen one, and so his ability to
read the language has gotten weak. But the man understood that there, before him, lay his
chance to strike back at those who offended him, and so somehow he managed to translate
the paper. It contained directions for an ancient spell, but never said its exact purpose. It
also contained some sort of Sith incantation. The man has followed every direction bit by
bitand has eventually ended up in the Korribun Necropolis of the Sith Lords. He stoodbefore
one of the pyramids, preparing to cast the spell and preparing its components. Slowly, he
started to read the incantation and stretched out his hands toward the cone of the ancient
pyramid. Suddenly, the tiny door at the pyramid's end has started breaking, and the man
felt sudden terror of the result of his spell. As the door broke, the man started running, not
seeing what he has unleashed. He awoke a power which has been asleep for millenia, and
gave it strength hundred times bigger than it once had. That was the shadow of the fallen
Dark Lord, and now that shadow was free. As the being stretched, it only thought, and the
escaping man who by this time got to his spaceship, fell dead. As the being broke free from
its chains of death, a sudden surge of dark power could be felt by every Force user in the
Galaxy, Light or Dark. Such power could not have come from any dark jedi, and was
therefore something out of this world. Meanwhile, the shadow of the Dark Lord flew toward
the dark planet of Onderon through the infinite stretches of space. It had attracted all who
could use the force there. The shadow started its own kind of dark meeting among

thousands of amazed jedi. It has declared that it will destroy the Republic and become the
supreme power in the whole Galaxy and declared the jedi its army. First, they had followed,
but then some of them started rebelling and attacked the shadow, for to see their
homeworlds ruled by such darkness is unbearable. The shadow roared in madness, and with
a single wave of its hand slain many of those who started the rebellion. The more powerful
jedi managed to escape and alert the rest. The ancient Sith Lords and Sith Magicians had
gathered to discuss how to deal with the shadow. After a long sleepless night, they created
a powerful spell, a spell which would banish the shadow from this earth once and for all.
Their plan was to lure it back to Korribun. For that purpose, they used one of the most
powerful Force crystals, and contacted the shadow through it. It had not been long until the
Dark Lord has come to Korribun. Like a beast, he searched for the crystal like a hungry
animal looks for a piece of meat. The shadow unknowingly was walking into a trap. The
crystal was placed right in front of the Dark Lord's pyramid, and that was the place where
the shadow came. As it approached the crystal, it became blinded by its immense power,
althought itself powerful. The shadow did not hear the hundreds of Sith master step out of
their hiding. As they started casting the spell, the shadow felt a sudden shock of pain. As it
turned around, it saw the masters who doomed it. They stretched their hands out,and that
which was the Dark Lord once, has become no more

The Sith War

The first war between our kind and those of light has never been documented anywhere
except here in this scroll. If anybody is to know I am writing of this, I will not live long, for
our masters have forbid anyone of the Sith to ever record what happened. As for the hated
Light-siders, they will not tell the future about these events just for the sake of such war
never starting again. If they were to do otherwise, this war would certainly be ignited once
again like the blade of a 'saber. Many have laid their lives down in the war, so many even
we lost track and count of the number of bodies. The conflict was fought on every planet
and on both fronts. For long, no side had the winning edge, for both of us had equal
numbers. The balance of the universe...hmm... a concept so vague and yet so clear. "Treat
anyone standing in your way as an enemy... eliminate them." say the magicians. And yet,
how can you eliminate something just as powerful and just as cunning as you and not be
destroyed yourself? The numbers of the Light jedi are equal to number in us, let it not be
mistaken. The Light siders are neither weak nor stupid. They are almost as powerful in the
Force as we are. Why they choose to follow their religion, I do not know. The Dark Side
seems to be so much more powerful. The Light Jedi have chosen to be guardians of the
galaxy, guardians against such as us. But we, we will triumph, for light has no power in the
true Darkness. A candle can not overpower the Darkness of a giant underground cave. If
only a Dark Lord were with us, one of the ancient ones, those with true power. He would
wipe out half of these infidels with a move of his hand, and another half with slash of the
lightsaber. But we choose not to learn more of our ancient magic, but instead destroy the
very scrolls on which the spells and runes are scribed. I do not know why the magicians try
to win this war without the use of magic, but by force of a 'saber and by force of the laser.
Those of the light and those of the darkness achieve equality in the power of the Force. In
the end, nothing willremain, for we will wipe each other out without a trace.

Sith Scroll of Control

With respect to the Force, there are two types of control; control over others and control of
one's self. When one hears control over others, they immediately think to the Dark Side and
when one hears control of one's self they think of the Light. While it is true that Jedi do not
control others, rather they help them, it is a myth that Dark Jedi do not need control over
one's self. In fact, the more self-control a Dark Jedi has, the more powerful they can be. If a
Dark Sider can control his feeling of hatred, anger and fear he will be able to use the Dark
Side of the Force more efficiently. With control over one's anger, that Dark Sider can choose
when to be angry and to what degree that anger will be to, making his powers more
dangerous. With control over hatred a Dark Jedi can choose who he hates and who he
doesn't, and to what degree he dislikes people too. With this power he can easily defeat
difficult enemies.
Control over others is an important part of the Sith. With Dark Side powers any one can
control over other, weaker, non-Force users. Control over others can be easily attained by
inspiring fear into the population through force. Light Jedi felt it was better to help others
than to control them but there devotion to goodness was foolish. The Dark Side is a
privilege few have and they should use the power to their advantage.
While the Light Side feels selflessness is righteous the Dark Side knows better. Control over
all; your environment, yourself and others is what any Sith should do

Sith Scroll of Shadows

Having done extensive research into that darker plane of existence, the Shadow Realm, I,
Tombstone, pen this scroll for all to see... The First Sith Scroll tells us Sith means Chaos.
Shadow is a purer form, a darker one. The Shadow realm is a fathomless plane of misery,
terror, and the wailing essence of those who died miserably. The greater powers of the Sith,
banished from existence, and seeking advancement, both hide amongst the layers of the
Shadow. When dealing with ANY spell which involves Shadowmagik, one must always be
aware of the nature of the plane. The inherent misery of the Shadow Realm is such that it
seeks to draw all other planes into itself, thereby plunging the multiverse into darkness.
There is a heavy toll involved whenever one traffics with the Shadow, and, one who is too
ambitious, or careless, may found himself drawn into its folds. Since only the most powerful
of our ranks have any means of traveling between planes, becoming sucked into the
Shadow Realm is a permanent sentence for most. The denizens of the Shadow Realm are all
smaller embodiments of the overall bitterness of the plane. All manner of beasts and beings
reside in the abyssal depths of the Shadow, and they all seek to further their strength within
that realm. They will do this through any means available, even making pacts with
creatures from the Prime, sometimes even other Demons or greater Fiends. The powers of
the Shadow are no small matter, and should be used with only the utmost of caution. To
become a true master of the Shadow, one must learn all the ins and outs of the Realm. The
powers which can be gained from using the limitless reservoirs of unfocused Darkside
energy within the Shadow Realm may seem alluring, but, to the foolhardy, they mean only
an early death. While many aspects of the Darkside focus on rage, anger, and hate, those

who dabble into Shadowmagik must embrace terror, misery, and grief. You must become a
master of these sides of existence before you can even hope to survive the ravaging
essence of the Shadow Realm. Seek no fast roads to experience through the Shadow Realm,
for there is no quick way to power

Words of a Great Sith Alchemist

As I flee the foolish Dark Lords, I record this for future need, or for those who oppose the
Dark Lords of the Sith. This is what you must know. By focusing the Rele'kelnar rune, which
will create the explosion to eradicate your enemies, with the Massass rune, one must only
invoke the Sith Master rune to magnify this power to truly galactic heights. This is a method
I have used myself, and with the Sith Master rune, which can be gently controlled (And
gently, because it has the power to utterly eradicate you), that can enhance the power of a
Rune geometrically, it can do anything from eliminating hostile ships to utterly destroy an
entire star system. If one wishes to enhance this effect, adding the Velinar rune to create
fire and burn, will only increase the effect, but as the viewer of this should know, the more
complexity to a rune, the more difficult and dangerous it is. Heed my words, and enemies
shall scream in throes of agony with the power of the Dark Side!
Hear the words of the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, Jak Vilnessa, Jedi! --As discovered by
Chaos is the core of the Universe. It lies at the heart of the Force, and using the Force
requires using Chaos, even if one does not know one is tapping into Chaos. This is rarely
dangerous, as Chaos is present in miniscule amounts controllable even to fools with no
power. However, for one who seeks true power, eventually one will reach a limit. To
progress further, it is discovered, Chaos must be manipulated - not pushed, not shoved gently, gently nudged, fo one error could mean you never existed.
Such is the power of Chaos.
But to one who is skilled and daring, a Sith Magician of the first order, Chaos may be
manipulated for amazing power and effects, far beyond that which could be achieved
through mere use of the Force. Star systems themselves can be destroyed. Planets,
eradicated. People, never lived.
Such is the power of Chaos.
Yet, Chaos is not like the Force, a massive sense that has an aura of sameness all around.
Reaching the Dark Side of the Force here is the same as over there. Chaos is utterly
different. Composed by threads of probability and what might be and what probably will not
be, and infinite other levels of probability. The many levels is what gives Chaos its power,
coupled with its randomness.
A Sith Magician is in space. He is being pursued by a bounty hunter in a fast, well equipped
ship. What are the chances of the Bounty Hunter's ship having a critical core breach and
exploding? Surely impossible. The Sith Magician reaches out and senses through the infinite
possibilities, and there is one that fits the description. By now using the Force to nudge
Chaos, he is able to make this a reality - the bounty hunter's ship core breaches and he is a
victim of the power of the Sith!
Such is the power of Chaos.

Sith Scroll of Emotion

The powers of the Darkside flow from the tree of emotions--> Hate, Fear and Anger.
Emotions cannot be stopped, but they can be controlled. By training yourself in the
Darkside, you will learn to control Hate, Fear and Anger, and when you control them, you
will learn how to control those emotions of others as well.
Hate: By controlling Hate, you will gain the power to increase your preformance. If you ever
hated something, you notice that you do your utmost best to get it done right. By
controlling Hate, you can always get the power to do everything as if you hate it, but, as
with hate, it is not carefull.
Fear: When you know fear, your senses and abilities will be increased. You will act better
than usual. When combined with Hate, you will be carefull as well.
Anger: The emotion of Anger will increase your abilities when something fails, or isn't going
well. You will become more powerfull, and you will be able to overcome your obstacles with
After gaining the ability of controlling these emotions, you will learn how to increase these
emotions in others. By increasing someones hate in something, the person will get reckless,
and will focus on only one thing. By increasing fear, someone will be afraid of you, he will
do everything you want, and do its best not to make you unhappy. By increasing anger, the
person will get stronger, and will be touchy, and will easily succumb to hate and fear.
Dark Jedi have an aura of Fear around them. People who are of lower rank, or no rank, will
feel fear for the higher ranking Dark Jedi. But fear isn't everything, there is an anger
towards the higher Dark Jedi as well, and a hate because the higher ranking one is stronger.
study the powers of these emotions well, and you will be rewarded. If you fail....

Sith Scroll of Amulets

The Sith Amulet is a source of great power. For ages, the Sith Amulet has been a source of
protection and power for many. Records of the use and construction of Sith Amulets go back
one thousand millennia, and in most cases they were only possessed by powerful Sith Lords
and those who knew how to properly wield or create one.
Sith Amulets were constructed for a variety of purposes by Sith Alchemists. Each amulet
had a specific purpose, and some were even made to trap and lure Light Jedi to the Dark
Side of the Force. Sith Amulets greatly enhanced the force capabilities of the wielder by a
variety of ways, but the most common being drawing upon his/her inner strength, resulting
in potent devices indeed.
One common type of talisman that was consructed by Sith Alchemists was an amulet of
concentration. These devices assisted the user in focusing his or her concentration more
easily to achieve a desired effect, and allowing them to tap into greater amounts of Dark
Side energies. This proved very helpful during long and involved processes and rituals, and
is a very helpful tool even in creating other talismans. This type of talisman has a major
drawback indeed; the user will suffer from complete exhaustion immediately after the
desired effect is achieved, which makes this device impracticle during battles.
Another effect of some Sith Talismans is called ensnarement. To a Dark Sider these amulets
function the exact same way as a concentration device, but to a Light Sider its a whole

different story. Sith Magicians had taken notice to some Jedi using Sith Talismans to serve
the Light Side of the Force, and to counter this undesired misuse of their devices, they
devised a way to charge the amulets with manu designed to instantly lure a Light Sider to
the Dark Side of the force upon wielding the object. This became an effective deterrent for
misuse of their devices, and Sith Talismans were soon outlawed for use by Light Sidersever
Another type of Sith Amulet, even though usage of these devices has become increasingly
less and less, is that of healing. Created during the days of Naga Shadows Sith revolt,
pureblood Sith devotees who hoped to bring an advantage to their side of the battlefield.
Even though these talismans drastically increase a being's natural healing process, the cost
of such intercention is great indeed. Use of these talismans weekens the users ability to use
the Force.
Sith Magicians quickly discovered that any type of use of the Force could easily be detected
by others. When the Forces energies are tapped into by a Jedi, subtle ripples in the Force
are sent out naturally by the user and can be sensed by others with the ability and training
to detect them. These ripples could reveal the location and identity of the Force-using
individual, thus inadvertantly alarming their opposition of their presence and ambitions. Sith
Magicians soon developed counter-ripples to cancel these natural disturbances in the Force
and utilized them in a device called a Force Mask. With these devices, a Force wielders
"waves" are countered by the device, therefore allowing his presence to be undetectable,
even by the most accute of Jedi.
Perhaps one of the most "basic" and widely used of Sith devices, the Shield Talisman
protects its wielder from energy and Force attacks. The commonly accepted theory about
the method in which this device works is that it absorbs and traps the energies directed at it
and stores it for it's own source of energy. An infusion of energy must be applied to the
talisman at least once per standard week for it to retain its ability to work.
Various other uses for Sith Talsimans have been documented and catalogued by the Jedi,
but their descriptions are too lengthy to be placed here

Amulet Construction
Only the most skilled of Alchemists can ever hope correctly create a Sith Amulet, for its
magic is dangerous and even the slightest miscalculation could result in disaster and
possible death of the Alchemist. The construction of a Sith Amulet is a long and drawn out
process, and requires complete isolation and utmost concentration on the part of the
Alchemist. Any form of disturbance could be prove fatal. The necessary materials for
constructing a Sith Amulet are few, but they are very rare and can only be used if found in
perfect condition. Some materials can be synthetically processed, but the process itself is
just as long and as involved as the construction of the actual amulet itself. The main
components of a Sith Amulet are metal alloys and crystals, but not just any crystal will do.
Only a pure and perfect crystal will be able to channel the energies necessary to make a
Sith Amulet effective, and these crystals are a rarity indeed. Only a few worlds are known to
have harbored these types of crystals; worlds such as Adega and Korribun. The metals
needed must simply be pure and intainted.
The actual construction of the Amulet is a very lengthy process. All of the timing must be
right and the materials necessary must be in perfect condition. It is also of utmost
importance that the alchemist seclude himself from all possible disturbances during the
entire process or the train of thought could be lost and would have to be repeated from the

beginning. A concentration device is a useful object in assisting the alchemist in

constructing a talisman.
The first step in the process is the sterilization and purification of all the materials involved
in the construction process of the Sith Amulet. All raw metals are to be melted and
seperated/mixed in the proper proportions in order to achieve the desired types of alloys
necessary. A large cauldron is ideal for this type of work, and a sterilized environment is
essential. All jewels and crystals used must be polished and cut in perfectly symmetrical
shapes to allow the maximum amount of energies to be channeled and stored within them.
Synthetic jewels and crystals may be used in the construction of Sith Amulets, but these
items MUST be perfect in every aspect, symmetrically and atomically, and the must be cut
The most common forms of Sith Talismans are amulets, medallions, or necklaces that can
easily be worn around ones neck to allow the hands to be free during the rituals and battles
that they are used in. The shape and fashion of the Talisman are entirely up to the
alchemist in charge. The usual method is inlay a crystal or jewel within a metal mold
partially surrounding it in order to give support for the donning of the device. The Sith Rune
of bonding must be inscribed upon the amulet during the construction accompained by the
rune of the desired effect of the device.Upon the completion of the physical aspects of the
device, the Sith Spell of bonding must be repeated ritually upon the device once at dawn
and once at dusk for 3 days by a Sith Magician, and the magician must also fast during this
period or the entire process will be destroyed. The talisman is than hung around the neck
with a small chain or other similar device.

Capturing a Soul
One powerful ability of Sith Talismans is the ability to capture the soul of a being within
them and tap into that soul as a source of energy. This not only doubles as a very efficient
power source, but is is also a very effective method in which to get rid of your foes. Souls
are not very easily captured, however, and some very powerful souls are not easily
contained as you will soon learn. Only very strong and powerful individuals should attempt
these kind of feats.
The key to capturing a soul within a Sith amulet is of course to weaken it by breaking the
will of the individual. The most effective way of go about this is by defeating the victim in
combat. A person defeated in combat realizes their own weakness, and therefore realizes
that further resistance will only cause more pain and agony as they attempt to defy the
inevitable. Once you have broken your victims will, they have no chance of escape.
The only way to capture a soul within a Sith Talisman is to channel vast amounts of
powerful Dark Side energies through the Talisman and draw the soul out of the host body
and into the amulet where it will stay for eternity or until released. It takes a vast amount
of concentration for this manuever and the difficulty of the task is determined by the
strength and skill of the user opposed to the strengh and skill of the victim. This conflict
often turns into a battle of the wills in which if the user wins, the soul is trapped within the
talisman; and if the victim wins, he resists the attempt to trap his soul. Note however that
both the user and the victim will be severely fatigued from this battle of the wills (assuming
that the victim resists) and the stress from the conflict could be enough to damage or even
destroy the amulet. Also note that if the victim had been severely weakened beforehand
that the user will score an easy victory and will suffer almost no fatigue at all.

Once the user has trapped a soul or souls within his talisman, it is utilized as a power source
for the amulet as well as an anchor for Dark Side energies to cling to. This makes the
amulet so it is not as easily drained and also increases its power level. The more powerful
the soul captured, the more power is added to the amulet, but the more difficult it is to
contain. Please note that a contained soul is not always a helpless soul.
The domain inside an amulet can best be described as chaos. Vast amounts of energies are
constantly channeled through, and the various souls within (if there are any) are all floating
around inside, with usually the more powerful souls dominating the weaker ones.
Sometimes the soul(s) within an amulet can catch the user off gaurd and attempt to take
him/her over, especially when the user is very weak and is using the amulet's energies.
Again this comes down to a battle of the wills, with the same effects as before. A soul will
usually attempt a takeover very shortly after it is taken. A soul gets gradually weaker as it
remains within the amulet because its energies are constantly being drawn upon and used.
Therefore it will be easier for the soul to attempt a takeover early while its energies havent
been drained.
The lost souls are not always ready to take this chance though, for if the stress is too much,
they may end up destroying the amulet, and their soul would be lost forever. If the
takeover is successful, however, the user will be a prisoner in his own body as the most
dominant soul within the amulet will have direct control over his/her actions. A takeover can
be detected by other Sith magicians, and together they can channel their power together to
drive the soul out of the body and back into the amulet, or simply destroy the amulet all
There have been a very few rare cases where a captured soul has taken over a body
through an amulet, but rather than simply controlling the body through the amulet, the soul
was powerful enough to actually transfer itself into the body. This is a very rare occasion as
the soul must belong to a VERY powerful individual, and few people of this magnitude exist
today. When the soul takes over the host body, the the original soul is pushed back into the
subconcious mind of the body, where it can only witness the actions that the invader is
making, but can do nothing to affect or prevent them. This drives the individual to madness,
and if he ever recovers from this horrible prediciment, he becomes seriously mentally ill
from this ordeal, and can never regain his sanity again. If the occupancy time was very
brief, however, the individual usually does not acquire these side effects.

Amulet Safety
Unless properly constructed or wielded, a Sith Amulet can be just as damaging to the user
as it is to their opposition. Sith Talismans channel vast amounts of Dark Side energies
through them, which makes them very dangerous devices if not handled properly. Misuse of
these items can lead to disconfiguration, insanity, and even death.
Although it is extremely difficult to destroy a Sith Talisman, they can sometimes be
damaged. A common form of damage is caused by the unproper construction of the amulet.
This can be caused by the use of damaged components during creation, unsterile and
disturbed atmosphere upon creation, and perhaps the most common, the incorrect use of
binding runes and rituals during the final phase of construction. All binding runes must be
hand carved and in perfect symmetry upon the surface of the talisman, or they will not
function properly and sometimes not at all. Many times are "dud", or dangerous devices
created by unskilled alchemists.

If the binding ritual is performed incorrectly by the Sith Magicians, it can also cause the
talisman to be defective. These rituals must be performed in complete harmony for them to
acheive their maximum effectiveness. The Magicians must fast for the three days that the
rituals are performed, and each ritual must start at the exact same time everyday, once in
the morning and once at dusk.
An amulet can also be damaged during a ritual in which more energy is utilized by the
amulet than it can possibly handle. This usually occurs when more than one Sith Magicians
are focusing their energies on one amulet to complete an operation. This is an effective way
to get things done, of course, but one must pay close attention to avoid a catastrophe by
placing too much stress on the talisman. If an overload is caused, a "kickback" (described
below) may result, causing injury to all involved, and possibly death.
A damaged amulet will not function properly or as effectively, and can sometimes have
dangerous side effects. Due that the fact that Sith Amulets channel vast amounts of potent
and dangerous Dark Side energies, a damaged amulet may allow some energy to escape
during vigorous use. This is called a "kickback" and is extremely dangerous depending upon
how much energy is released. Depending upon the amount of damage to the amulet and
the intensity of the activity the amulet is involved in, the energy released during the
operation will cause an explosion of Dark Side energies, seriously injuring all those within its
blast radius with the most damage being taken by the user. In most cases this results in
death. All kickbacks will cause even greater damage to be done to the amulet, and it could
even result in the talismans destruction.
Amulets containing souls could also cause a kickback should a takeover be initiated by the
prisoner soul. If the stress is too much for the talisman's structure to handle, it could result
in a kickback, usually with enough force to utterly destroy it and causing the souls within to
be lost in limbo forever, as well as injure the user.

Amulet Power
Sith Talismans draw their power from a variety of sources in order to continue to function
properly. Upon creation, all amulets are given the ability to channel Dark Side energies
through them, but that does not mean that these amulets are always self-sufficient. Some
amulets need a constant recharge of energies, while others may only need to be charged
every once in a while. Another factor may be the amount of use an amulet recieves as its
powers can be drained easily if it is used often. Most amulets draw upon the power of their
user for their energies. This type of amulet is drained very easy as it's supply is limited to
the strength of the user himself. The more powerful the user, the more effective the amulet
will be in his hands. Also note that because the amulet draws upon the user's own inner
strength, these amulets are very exhausting to utilize. The user can sometimes suffer
considerable fatigue after or during long and involved rituals, and will be required to rest for
a very lengthy period of time to regain his strength back. This makes most amulets of this
type impracticle during a battle.
Amulets containing Jedi souls are very powerful talismans indeed, as the trapped soul(s) are
continually feeding the amulet (not by thier choice!) the energies it needs in order to
function effectively and properly. These amulets are not as drained as easily, and some
powerful souls are capable of powering an amulet for hundreds of years, depending on the
amount of use it recieves. Be warned though that amulets containing these powerul souls
have been known to take over thier user and control his/her actions. Dabbling with these
amulets can be very potent but also very dangerous.

Talismans can also be fueled by a handful of Sith Magicians focusing their energies upon the
amulet in order to make it more efficient in acheiving the desired effect. During these
rituals, all involved are channeling their own personal energies into the talisman to make it's
powers stronger and more potent. This can be very dangerous though for if the ritual is not
performed correctly and too much energy is being channeled into the talisman, the results
could be devastating. If too much Dark Side energies are channeled through the amulet at
any given time, it could overload and explode with enough force to kill or injure the user,
and cause damage to itself or even be destroyed.
Locations of a strong presence of the Dark Side could also serve as effective sources of
energy for an amulet during a ritual. it has been recorded through history of Sith Magicians
performing rituals in areas of a strong presence of the Dark Side in order to make their
magic more powerful, and the same holds true to utilizing an amulet's powers in those same
areas. For example, a ritual invloving a Sith talisman would be more effective if performed
in the tomb of an ancient Lord of the Sith rather than the streets of a small fishing town on
some uncharted planet. The talisman draws upon the almost limitless energies surrounding
it to serve as it's source of feul for such operations. Other locations of a strong Dark Side
presence could be the sites of massacres or battles where there had once been much death
concentrated in a single area, or even any Hallowed ground where a historic event utilizing
the Dark Side had once taken place.

Book nine
The Book of
Protection Spell:
Craft of spell
in the fire
weave it well
weave it higher
weave it of shining flame
None shall pass to hurt or main
So mote it be!
------------The following ingredients are needed
to cast To Make a POPPET DOLL ( Voodoo )

1. Piece of cloth to make you poppet doll from.

2. 3 Thorns from a blood red rose.
3. A picture of the person you wish to Hex.

4. Strand of hair of the person.

Extra: Grave yard dirt ( Goofer dust ) place this near your enermys home in the shape of a person
this directs misfortune.

To Make a POPPET DOLL ( Voodoo )

I anyone can already guess this is the spell that i got my name from because of my love of
Voodoo. Voodoo dolls ( Poppet ) are considered Black magic so be careful.
How to do it. 1. First get the picture of the person you wish to Hex, Small not large ex
Passport photo. 2. Then the strand of the persons hair. 3. Take the piece of fabric and cut
and saw it into a shape of a person. 4. Once the Poppet is ready cut a small hole into the
belly then place the photo, the hair and the 3 thorns inside the Poppet, Then saw it back up.
5. Now your ready to say the spell of your choice, for this poppet is now a strong force of
misfortune for the person and when you say the spell it will be more potent. BE WARNED:
Choose your words carefully. There are stories i could tell you about this spell that show just
how dangerous it is and what it can do. If you are not sure on anything please PM me. The
----------------------------------------------The following ingredients are needed
to cast To get Revenge Hex

1 Black candle
1 Black ink pen
1 Black ribbon
1 picture of the person your binding or getting revenge on.
1 envelope

To get Revenge Hex

To get revenge . To make the person suffer , image anything and it will be done too them,
this spell is kind of like too get back at someone who has did you wrong ! Warning ! Evil
Black Magic !
Lit the black candle and be sitting in indian style. Then take the person's picture and look
and imaged revenge on the person, what you want too image that happens to them focus
on that . Then take the picture and take the black ribbon and wrap the ribbon around the
picture. While wrapping the ribbon around the picture say: I bind you from everyone, i close
your world , i show you only darkness no light , i punish you , you can never harm , hurt or
use manipulation never again against me or anyone else, i chain you too the ground so you
can not get up , i bind you too the chair so that you may not move , i sick snakes on you ,
so that you may scream in pain , i put everylasting torment on you , forever and ever as i

will it so mote it be Then take the wax from the black candle then pour it over the ribbon .
then say : i seal it through thee art of my anger , sorrow and saddness. or say what ever
you feel from being involved with this person I bind you too insanity , pain and misery and i
sent you far way from me . then take the black pen and write the person name on the
envelope . then put the picture that has a ribbon wrapped around it and wax on the top of it
and stick it in the envelope. then burned the envelope with picture and say : you can not
harm me any more through any resources you have no power over me and you shall see
that everything you put me through can be reverse back too you 4 times fold . so shall will
see so mote it be . When finished dispose of ashes . or what ever is lefted of envelope.
-------------------------------The following ingredients are needed
to cast deadly curse

light a black candle if you can 7


deadly curse
this a very powerful spell that curses your enemy.
Sit for five minutes and focus on how much hate you feel for the target. Convert all your
insecurities, all your pain from everything, all the hate you feel for others, your joy, your
stress, convert it all to hate for that person. Circulate the hate for five minutes, and say I
curse you 27 times. 27 is an unlucky number. Do that at the same time. After that, have a
cup with milk in it. Pour some vinegar and squeeze some lemon/lime in there too. Stir the
potion counter-clockwise 7 times. 7 is the number of completion Say what you wish like I
curse you Tommy, may all your friendships crumble and die then say So Mote It Be
dispose of the chemicals in the soil, or water. No other way
---------------------------The following ingredients are needed
to cast All four elements protection spell

1 blue candle
1 red candle
1 green candle
1 white or grey candle
to make the spell stronger.
dragons blood(Herb/Combination of herbs i think this is a note)
or anyother protection herbs/stones

All four elements protection spell

A powerful spell that invokes the elements to protect you from harm.It really works based
on me,family & friends who used it
cast your circle in a quiet & peaceful place.put the candles inside the circle in the following
order/direction,north=green candle,east=white/grey candle,west=blue candle,south=red
candle.If you have...put any herbs/stones for protection in the middle of the circle.light the
candles from north & clockwise,when lighting them say *i invoke the element of earth to the
north* & so on.BTW green=earth,white/grey=air,blue=water,red=fire. when all the candles
are ready then you can stand or sit in the middle or outside of the circle.relax & say *i
invoke all the four elements by my side all that wish me harm shall not pass,so mote it be!
start off with north & say *earth protect me from north & around,block & crush thee threat*
*air protect me from the east & around,blow & send back all thee threat* *fire protect me
from the south & around,burn & banish all thee threat* ^water protect me from the west &
all around,wash away & cleanse all thee threat* thank the elements =) blessed
----------------------------------------------The following ingredients are needed
to cast Breaking a hex

2 white candles
2 purple candles
4 hematite crystals
1 picture of yourself

Breaking a hex
A spell to destroy a hex that has been given to you.
Cast a magick circle with you wand, athame or forefinger. Place the white candles in the
North and South direction and the purple candles in the West and East directions, activate
the crystals and put on in each direction. Chant: 'Element of water, I invite you to assist me
In breaking this hex! Welcome.' Light the two white candles whilst visualizing a ribbon on
white light rapping around you in a clockwise direction, then light the two purple candles
and visualize them wrapping around you in an anti-clockwise direction with the white
ribbon. Pick up your picture and visualize it being surrounded by black light, but then the
black light being completley consumed by a colour of light you consider protective (I choose

red due to the red candle being associated with protection) Chant: '(Say the colour) light of
protection, (say colour) pure, I have been given I curse I can no longer endure. Purify my
body and cleanse y soul, Remove this hex from me please, May you devour it whole. So
mote it be!' Bow to the four directions and and chant: 'My curse is lifted, My bad luck away,
Curser! Leave me alone forever or the curse will come to you and stay!'


Exorcise Spirits
The following ingredients are needed
to cast Exorcise Spirits

Learn At Least 10 Banishing Spells Or Have Experience In Exorcism

Hold Your Hands Together. Your Thumb Face Each Other, So as Your Index And Middle
Finger. While Your Other Finger Hold It Like Holding A Gun. Then Chant Three Times:

''On abira unkyan sharakutan''


----------------------------The following ingredients are needed
to cast Astral Projection

Just a clear mind

Half way down you will see a numbered section, these are are list of things you need to do.

Over 50 members on this site have asked me about this ritual so here it is. This is the
strongest and easyest way to learn the art of Astral projection. Please forgive the way its
written i took this Strait from my own spell and rituals book that i wrote awile ago. i use it
to teach my own coven along with many others.

After having studied many methods of Astral Projection, I have found that this is the easiest
to do. The Poppet teaches these techniques in a week, but they can be easily done in a day,
with proper devotion. I feel that this technique is superior to others because it does not
require intense visualization, which many people cannot do. enjoy! One of the chief barriers
people learning to project face is fear. Many are afraid that they may die, or be harmed in
some way as a result of their projection. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The
Canterbury Institute, renowned for its occult studies, executed an experiment in projection
involving over 2,000 people. None of them were hurt in any way by this, and now, three
years later, none have complained of any newly arising problems. Once you are aware that
you cannot be harmed by projecting, you should begin The Poppets techniques, step by
step. Step one: Relax the body. According to The Poppet, ''the ability to relax is the first
prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself'' to having an OBE. (out of body experience)
This includes both physical and mental relaxation. The Poppet does not suggest a method of
attaining this relaxation, although Progressive Muscle relaxation, coupled with deep
breathing exercises (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3.... until 50 or 100) are known to work well.
Step two: Enter the state bordering sleep. This is known as the hypnagogic state. Once
again, The Poppet doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your
forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep,
your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice, you can learn to control the
Hypnagogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object.
When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the Hypnagogic state.
Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. The
Poppet calls this Condition A. Step three: Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind.
observe your field of vision through your closed eyes. Do nothing more for a while. Simply
look through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you. After a while, you may
notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific effect.
Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what The Poppet calls Condition B. From
here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which The Poppet calls Condition C- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation.
You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts.
The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily
induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. To
achieve Condition D, The Poppet suggests that you practice entering it in the morning or
after a short nap. Step Four: Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of
the technique, and also the most vague. Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the
onset of projection. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as is electricity is being
shot through the body. /their cause is a mystery. It may actually be the astral body trying
to leave the physical one. For entering into the vibrational state, he offers the following
directions: 1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin. 2. Darken
the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but do not shut out all light. 3.
Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head pointed toward magnetic
north. 4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer than might
normally be comfortable. 5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there
will be absolutely no noise to disturb you. 6. Enter a state of relaxation 7. Give yourself the
mental suggestion that you will remember all that occurs during the upcoming session that
will be beneficial to your well-being. Repeat this five times. 8. Proceed to breath through
your half-open mouth. 9. As you breath, concentrate on the void in front of you. 10. Select
a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six
feet. 11. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your
body axis up and above your head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that
point and bring them back into your body. Even if you don't know what these vibrations are,
you will know when you have achieved contact with them. Step five: Learn to control the
vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down

to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational
waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate of the vibrations and
mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you
can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you
are ready to leave the body. Step six: Begin with a partial separation. The key here is
thought control. Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not let it
wander. Stray thought might cause you to lose control of the state. Now, having entered
the vibrational state, begin exploring the OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the ''second
body''. The Poppet suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in contact with a familiar
object, such as a wall near your bed. Then push it through the object. Return the limb by
placing it back into coincidence with the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and
then terminate the experiment. Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This
exercise will prepare you for full separation. Step seven: Dissociate yourself from the body.
The Poppet suggests two methods for this: One method is to lift out of the body. To do this,
think about getting lighter and lighter after entering this vibrational state. Think about how
nice it would be to float upward. Keep this thought in mind at all costs and let no
extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OBE will occur naturally at this point. Another method
is the ''Rotation method'' or ''roll-out'' technique. When you have achieved the vibrational
state, try to roll over as if you were turning over in bed. Do not attempt to roll over
physically. Try to twist your body from the top and virtually roll over into your second body
right out of your physical self. At this point, you will be out of the body but next to it. Think
of floating upward, and you should find yourself floating above the body. The Poppet
suggests you begin with the lift-out method, but argues that both are equally efficacious.
GOOD LUCK From the poppet If you ever need help just PM me.
--------------------------------The following ingredients are needed
to cast Magic Seal

a blessed pen(black)
a regular pen(optional)
a creative design
a body
an item of your choosing

Magic Seal
Makes a seal to hold your power
The purpose of this spell is to slowly siphon some of your power into a seal, located either
on you, or a specified object. The siphoning cannot be stopped unless your powers blocked,
or if you break or counter-seal it. This is good because its purpose is kind of like a ''backupgenerator,'' it also serves as a temporary ''power surge''
First off before you can do anything, you will need a blessed pen, i believe someone has
already posted that somewhere here so i will not go into detail on that

You will need to brainstorm a creative and unique design that only you could thing of, to
avoid sharing a design with someone(unless you want to)once you have the design you may
want to practice drawing the design so you can just tap your power on the spot. You also
might want to make it kind of simple to you dont have to draw it for hours just to get a little
When you have your design finalized, you are ready top turn it into a seal. To do this draw
the seal with the pen, on whatever you want to be your ''talisman'' or ''trinket.'' I drew mine
on my arm so i dont have to worry about forgetting it, losing it, or having it stolen, and it
makes it easier to divert power to it. You can draw it on metal, but make sure you can see it
in your mind since you can't see the actual marking.
Now is the activation, if you want to change designs do it now before you activate it. Now
concentrate on your power and materialize and aura. Now direct some(or all) of it to the
seal, closing you eyes as you do so imagine in your mind a plain black screen with you seal
in white, in the direct center
Keep concentrating your aura to the seal untill it changes colors
when it has changed to the color completely, drop your focus and concentration and say


Your seal should have been created, if you feel a warm/burning sensation around the seal
on your body then you have done it correctly.
If you sealed some of your power into a talisman or some kind of object, then you should
feel as though some of your limbs are dead, or you may feel a bit drowsy.
There is a way to temporarily stop the seal from siphoning power, and it is to consciously
will it to stop. It is a good idea, because before i discovered this ''loophole'' some of my
spells had been weakened becasue some of their energy had been taken away. Break
sealing: a spell used to permanently dissolve a seal, releasing all of its energy and power to
the owner of the pen who drew it.
Counter sealing: a spell used to limit the storage of seals, causing bad luck and misfortune
to those within contact of the ''leaking'' aura(similar scenario: you save $10 and someone
takes out $5 to burn at a campfire)

The Heartless
(me naske,aka winko,aka Hellos wrote this myself)

In A Manga/video game called kingdom hearts,if you think im wrong,well sithism,hmmm?

Heartless are either re-incarnations of darkness or beings of darkness themselves,though in
kingdom hearts,they have No emotions,this could mean love,kindness,compassion,those
They Lust for peaples hearts,in this theory,theres the physical body,the spirtual
body(Soul)And the Heart,The Heart,within holds the persons memorys,who they are,there
emotions,personality ectWhen a heartless,in a way,takes another person,that person loses his/her heart to the
heartless and becomes a heartless,losing body and soul,though heartless could be physical?
The Person loses their form,emotions,memories,who they are to the darkness,and becomes
completly difrent,
Though only one person in the kingdom hearts video game,Ansem,The Seeker of
Darkness,was able to become a heartless while keeping his soul,and his heart,to various
degrees,memories,who he is ect,but still,a heartless himself of high intelligence,i belieae
this is possible.
There could be many forms and types of Darkness,with the heartless being
one form,but all forms/types are unified?
In Kingdom hearts,there are hundreds of thousands of diffrent worlds,universes?This is
possible,science itself beliave this is possible to,science all says it is possiblew within every
black hole is a universe,and our universe could be in a black hole?
Kingdom hearts the place,Is A bottomliss abyss in every direction,of darkness,with a few
clouds floating,where you can walk on,with a hugemongus door,The Door is the Door To

Each World in kingdom hearts has walls,not physical walls,that keep the worlds from
connecting,and the heartless somehow took these down in

Each world itself has a heart,and if the heartless take a world,worlds are mushed
together in a way into The End of the World(Appocoliptic World)That is a mixture of all the
worlds controlled and enslaved by the darkness,this world is charactized as the heart of the
darkness,because kingdom hearts is within.
In the Abyss,It is darkness in every direction,where all hearts are formed...
(it is possible there are other physical and spirtual worlds)
------------This is from kingdom hearts-

ones born of the heart and darkness devoid of hearts ravage all worlds and bring desolation
seize all hearts and consummate the great heart all hearts to be one one heart to
encompass all realize the destiny the realm of kingdom hearts the great darkness sealed
within the great heart progeny of darkness come back to the eternal darkness for the heart
of light shall unseal the path seven hearts one keyhole one key to the door the door of
darkness tied by two keys the door of darkness to seal the light none shall pass but
shadows returning to the darkness ones born of the heart and darkness hunger for every
heart until the dark door opens
---------------(this is supposed to be a phropecy meaning-this-Heartless will destroy and collect hearts for
the "great heart" which is kingdom hearts[KH1 malificent in Hollow Bastion] and all hearts
will become one heart[kingdom hearts] everyone knows the destiny of kingdom hearts
which is darkness, eternal darkness, someone with the heart of light[sora] will unseal the
seven hearts[princesses] with a keyhole and a key to the door[keyblade]. The door of
darkness[end of KH1] tied by 2 keys[sora and mickey on each side of the door] will seal the
door of darkness to seal the light. Nothing will pass except for shadows returning to the
darkness. Darkness waits until the door opens again so it can feed on hearts
And-Heartless will destroy and collect hearts for the "great heart" which is kingdom
hearts[KH1 malificent in Hollow Bastion] and all hearts will become one heart[kingdom
hearts] everyone knows the destiny of kingdom hearts which is darkness, eternal darkness,
someone with the heart of light[sora] will unseal the seven hearts[princesses] with a
keyhole and a key to the door[keyblade]. The door of darkness[end of KH1] tied by 2
keys[sora and mickey on each side of the door] will seal the door of darkness to seal the
light. Nothing will pass except for shadows returning to the darkness. Darkness waits until
the door opens again so it can feed on hearts.
-------However,this is from the game,parts of it can be inncorrect,because if this theory is true,the
heartless would win in the end?

Its intresting to read----ANSEMS REPORTnote,this is from the fictional kingdom hearts video game-

Kingdom Hearts

Ansem Report 1
Much of my life has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. That knowledge has
guarded this world well. Not a soul doubts that. I am blessed with people's smiles and
respect. But though I am called a sage, there are things I do not understand. I believe
darkness sleeps in every heart, no matter how pure. Given the chance, the smallest drop
can spread and swallow the heart. I have witnessed it many times. Darkness...Darkness of
the heart. How is it born? How does it come to affect us so? As ruler of this world, I must
find the answers. I must find them before the world is lost to those taken by the darkness.

Ansem Report 2
It is my duty to expose what this darkness really is. I shall conduct the following
Extract the darkness from a person's heart.
Cultivate darkness in a pure heart.
Both suppress and amplify the darkness within.
The experiments caused the test subject's heart to collapse, including those of the most
stalwart. How fragile our hearts are! My treatment produced no signs of recovery. I confined
those who had completely lost their hearts beneath the castle. Some time later, I went
below and was greeted by the strangest sight. Creatures that seemed born of
darkness...What are they? Are they truly sentient beings? Could they be the shadows of
those who lost their hearts in my experiments?

Ansem Report 3
The shadows that crawl beneath the castle... Are they the people who lost their hearts, or
incarnations of darkness? Or something entirely beyond my imagination? All my knowledge
has provided no answer. One thing I am sure of is that they are entirely devoid of emotion.
Perhaps further study will unlock the mysteries of the heart. Fortunately, there is no
shortage of test samples. They are multiplying underground even as I write this report.
They still need a name. Those who lack hearts... I will call them the Heartless.

Ansem Report 4
The Heartless appear in groups, and are multiplying rapidly. I've provided them both living
and nonliving samples. They've responded only to the living. They seem to multiply after
absorbing something from the living creatures. Their prey vanishes without a trace. I

believe the Heartless are taking hearts. They are born from those who've lost their hearts,
and thrive on hearts seized from others. The hearts taken by the Heartless become
Heartless themselves. Though I lack proof, I am confident in this hypothesis. I must also
study their behavioral principles. Though they lack emotions, they do seem to have some
intelligence. How to communicate with them? It's just occurred to me: Could they be the
darkness in people's hearts?

Ansem Report 5
To study the Heartless behavior, I picked one out for observation. It wiggled its antennae
and, as if sensing a target, headed deep into the castle. In the deepest part of the castle, its
antennae began vibrating, as if searching for something. Suddenly, a strange door
appeared. I'd never known of its existence. It had a large keyhole, but didn't seem to be
locked. So I opened the door. What I saw on the other side mystified me. What was that
powerful mass of energy? That night I observed a great meteor shower in the sky. Could it
be related to the door that I have opened?

Ansem Report 6
A massive core of energy lay beyond the door sought by the Heartless. It may be the
ultimate goal of the Heartless. But what is that energy? I have devised a hypothesis, based
upon my observations of the Heartless. The Heartless feed on other's hearts, and they
yearn for that energy core. That thing beyond the door must be a heart, too--the heart of
this world. There is no proof, but, having felt that immense energy, I am certain. That was
the heart of the world. The Heartless are trying to take hearts not only from all living
creatures, but from the planet itself. But what do they mean to do with the heart of the

Ansem Report 7
I am studying material from the meteors that rained down that fateful night. What a find!
The material is foreign to our world. It is elastic to the touch, and when two pieces are
combined, they bond easily. None of the records even mention such a substance. Was it
introduced to this world when I opened the door? I wonder how many other such materials
drift through the atmosphere of this tiny world... I wish I could soar off and find out! Could
there be uncharted worlds up there? My curiosity never ceases to grow. But I should stop
speaking of such unrealistic dreams. For now, there is no way to venture outside this world.
My people and I are all but prisoners of this tiny place.

Ansem Report 8
There is no doubt that the Heartless are deeply connected to the people's hearts. Further
study may unravel both their motivations and the mysteries shrouding the heart. As a start,
I have built a device that artificially creates Heartless. By recreating the conditions that
spawn the Heartless naturally, I should be able to produce them artificially. This device is
the culmination of all my research thus far. The machine's test run successfully created a
Heartless. This may be a step toward creating a heart from nothing. The artificially and
naturally created Heartless showed nearly identical traits. But the two types remain distinct
for the purpose of the experiment. So, I will mark the ones that are created artificially.

Ansem Report 9
Simply astonishing! Today I had a guest from another world. He is a king, and his vessel is
built of the material that composed the meteors. He called the pieces "gummi blocks". It
seemed that my opening the door has opened a path to interworld travel. We talked for
countless hours, but one story in particular caught my interest: that of a key called the
"Keyblade". The Keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power.One legend says its wielder
saved the world, while another says that he wrought chaos and ruin upon it. I must know
what this Keyblade is. A key opens doors. It must be connected to the door I have opened.

Ansem Report 10
Just as people have hearts, so do worlds. The same can be said of stars in the night sky.
And deep within each world lies a door to its heart. The Heartless desire those hearts. Born
out of darkness in people's hearts, they seek to return to a greater heart. Yes that's it. The
Heartless come from people's hearts, as does the darkness. Is the core of the world's heart
the world of the Heartless? I will pursue the answer there and become all knowing. My path
is set. I shall seek out the wielder of the Keyblade, and the princesses. My body is too frail
for such a journey, but I must do this. I will cast it off and plunge into the depths of

Ansem Report 11
Upon opening the door of a world's heart, the wall around that world is broken down.This is
seen as a shooting star. Through this, I have been able to understand the reason why the
material known as Gummi Blocks has the ability to allow travel to other worlds. A world's
wall collapses because of the appearance of the Heartless, but finding a world's door takes
time. And robbing a world of its heart is a similar case.If the door has been closed by the
Keyblade, one would probably be unable to reach that world's heart again. Before the
Keyblade wielder appears in this world, I must take measures to do something.Supposing
that there is a close relationship between the Princesses and the Keyblade, it seems likely
that they will resonate with each other... I have chosen a special girl. I do not know if she
possesses the power of the Princesses, but there is a chance, and this is an experiment. She
may lead me to the place where the one holding the key is... I shall send her off to the
ocean of other worlds.

Ansem Report 12
I have transcended to an existence of only the heart. I should have come back as a
Heartless, but there is no sign of such a transformation. My body has surely perished.
However, I am different from the other Heartless, keeping the memories of before, and I
have not taken on the form of a Heartless. It is evident that there are still many things to
be studied. In order to cross over to the dark realm, which is not this world, you must go
beyond the door of Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds. The core connected to the
world's heart, the place that will take me to the world of darkness. (I will record the details
in another report...) There are still so many unknown worlds. The Realm of the
Present...The Realm of darkness. The Realm of light. And, The Realm of in-between. In
which one will I find sanctuary?

Ansem Report 13

When the heart casts away the body, where does the body go? Heart and soul are separate,
and the soul remains in the body. But can we assume that the remaining body and soul
perish? Certainly when the heart changes into a Heartless, the body disappears. Or does
that apply solely to this realm? Could other beings similar to the Heartless exist in another
realm? If we take that to be the case, then there must be another form of oneself
elsewhere. An existence neither of darkness nor of light. An in-between existence. Cast off
by the heart, a mere shell, one who begrudges both the darkness and the light. This
mystery cannot be easily resolved. The relationship between the heart and the body is a
complex one. But since we exist in this realm, our counterparts of another realm must not
be existent. Therefore I shall call them... "The non-existent ones."
--------This is taken from the kingdom hearts wikipedia,it might be helpful,but distinguish the fact
from fiction-and what is possible and what is not-

From Kingdom Hearts Wiki:

The Heartless Emblem

The Heartless are beings of darkness which manifest in two forms, "Pureblood" and
"Emblem". While most Heartless are in fact manifest hearts, they behave entirely devoid of
emotion, and were thus named "Heartless".[1]


1 Origin
2 Nature
3 The Heartless Invasion

4 End of the World and Kingdom Hearts

5 Types
o 5.1 Pureblood Heartless
o 5.2 Emblem Heartless
o 5.3 Other
6 Trivia
7 Notes and References
8 See Also

According to legend, the people of the universe once lived in harmony on one world, with
their hearts full of light. Unfortunately, they began to selfishly fight over the light, and
darkness grew within their hearts, covering everything and destroying the world. The light
survived in the hearts of children, who were able to rebuild the broken fragments of the one
world into many, smaller worlds. However, the true light was still hidden in the darkness, so
the worlds remained separate.[2]
At least a decade before the events of Kingdom Hearts, Ansem the Wise, king of Radiant
Garden, took it upon himself to study the darkness within human hearts, so he and his
apprentices, Xehanort, Braig,Dilan, Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo, conducted experiments on the
heart beneath his castle, the Hollow Bastion. Ansem Report 1 While these tests began with
simple psychological tests on willing subjects like Xehanort Secret Ansem Report 1, they quickly
snowballed and eventually caused their subjects' hearts to collapse, producing the first
Heartless. Ansem Report 2 Unable at first to determine what they were, Ansem named them
"Heartless" due to their apparent lack of emotion. Ansem Report 3 After finding that the
Heartless were naturally drawn to the worlds' Keyholes Ansem Report 5, he invented a machine
within the Heartless Manufactory which recreated the conditions which naturally spawned
Heartless in order to create artificial Heartless. In order to differentiate the natural and
artificial Heartless, Ansem set the machine to mark its creations with the castle's emblem,
and named the two types "Pureblood" and "Emblem", respectively. Ansem Report 8 After a visit
from King Mickey Mouse of Disney Castle, Ansem ceased his experiments Secret Ansem Report 2,
but they were taken up by his apprentices, and he was exiled to the Realm of
Nothingness. Secret Ansem Report 3 To further their research into Heartless, as well as
the Keyblade and the Princesses of Heart, the apprentices cast off their bodies and
surrendered their hearts to darkness, giving birth to their Heartless and Nobodies. Against
expectations, Xehanort's Heartless retained his human form Ansem Report 12, as did the
apprentices' Nobodies. Eventually, the witch Maleficent learned of the Heartless and began
using them in her quest for power, and gave the power to lead the Heartless to those who
joined her in her quest. Nine years before the events of Kingdom Hearts, she sent a swarm
of Heartless to conquer the Radiant Garden, causing it to be lost to darkness so completely
that only the castle of Hollow Bastion remained, even in the survivor's memories. [3]

Pureblood Heartless are the natural Heartless, born when people's hearts are normally
consumed by darkness. They are ink-black in color, with yellow beady eyes. They are more
common in places that are close to or saturated in darkness. Upon their destruction, they
simply disappear in puffs of darkness.
Emblem Heartless, on the other hand, were originally created from machines that reproduce
the process of a heart being consumed by darkness. Afterward, stolen hearts can become

Emblems. They have more varied shapes, colors, and are branded with Xehanort's symbol
to differentiate them from the Pureblood ones. They are more common on the worlds within
the Realm of Light, and usually mimic the shape of creatures or objects within that world.
Heartless, Emblem or Pureblood, possess several key characteristics that define them as
Heartless. All Heartless are created when the darkness that resides in a person's heart
consumes him or her, thus giving the darkness shape and form (this process occasionally
forms Nobodies, which are born from the body and soul left behind when the heart is lost).
Being born from darkness, they are mindless and act on instinct, their only goal to find
hearts, and consume them to create more Heartless. But what they desire above all are the
hearts of worlds, and thus they enter worlds in search of the way into the hearts of the
worlds. When they consume these colossal hearts, the remains of the world form new
worlds, such as Traverse Town and the End of the World.
At the same time, Heartless seek out the users of the Keyblade, since the Keyblades are
able to vanquish Heartless very effectively. In order to stop the users of the Keyblades, the
Heartless use the Keyblade itself as a homing beacon, but ultimately desire to take the
heart that commands it. Because of this, Keyblade wielders are under constant attack.
Heartless, being formed from darkness, have varying strengths, depending on the amount
of darkness in a person's heart. The darker the heart forming a Heartless, Emblem or
Pureblood, the more powerful and more monstrous the resulting being will be. An exception
to this is Xehanort's Heartless, who retained his human appearance for unknown reasons.
This is a direct contrast to Nobodies, which determine rank according to the strength of the
heart, and whose appearance becomes more human as they increase in power.
The Heartless, being mindless, usually have no master to direct their actions and instead act
on the instinct to gather more hearts. However, there are some higher beings who can
command them. Heartless will obey those with an affinity for darkness and a strong will. If
many people attempt to control them, the Heartless will side with whomever is most
powerful. Those with hearts, such as Maleficent, endanger themselves however, as the
Heartless are attracted to their hearts. If they show weakness, the Heartless will not think
twice of consuming their hearts.
On the other hand, higher ranking Heartless, like Xehanort's Heartless, can fully command
other Heartless without endangering themselves. Also, Organization XIII is able to
command them as well with their strong wills, but are not endangered of being consumed
by them for their lack of a heart.
Heartless make use of the "corridors of darkness", inter-dimensional pathways that connect
the many worlds. These pathways are located in the Realm of Darkness, and thus are very
dangerous to use if one is not accustomed to the darkness.

The Heartless Invasion

While the Heartless were not researched with the intent of creating a fighting force, their
very nature as manifestations of the destructive force of darkness made them naturally
suited for conquering and destroying the various worlds. Their natural ability to travel to
various worlds through the use of Corridors of Darkness makes it virtually impossible to fully
defend a world from Heartless, and the method in which they are created and exist make it
practically impossible to cut them off at the source. Even fighting them once they appear is
made difficult due to their immunity to standard weaponry. While sealing a world's Keyhole
will save the world itself, it is still possible for the Heartless to appear on the world and hunt
the people themselves. For example, even though the great Door to Darkness at The
Radiant Garden was sealed by Sora in the first Kingdom Hearts, the Heartless were able to
remain on that world even after the destruction of the End of the World and the restoration
of the worlds, and propagated to form a gigantic siege engine of over a thousand Heartless.

The Heartless's natural danger is only increased due to the many villains who seek to
harness the creatures' power for their own goals. Many of these villains, such
as Pete and Organization XIII, specifically seek to create abnormally strong Heartless by
forcing beings with strong hearts to succumb to darkness.
The primary weapon for destroying the Heartless is the Keyblade, as it is both specially
suited for manipulating the bonds between heart, body, and soul which create Heartless,
and it is the only object able to thwart the Heartless in their goal of devouring a world's
heart. However, in the absence of the Keyblade there are several other options. Magic,
especially light-based magic, is effective against the Heartless, as are magical weapons. In
either situation, invading Heartless can be made disorganized by defeating the major
Heartless which leads them, or the dark heart which attracted them to that world. While this
does not by any means purge the world of its Heartless, it gives no small respite from their

End of the World and Kingdom Hearts

The Heartless reside wherever darkness is abundant, especially the Realm of Darkness.
However, they also reside in places such as the End of the World, a collection of the
remnants of worlds that is located near the darkness. Another area that the Heartless live in
is the World That Never Was, the world of the Nobodies that rests dangerously close to
the darkness upon which the Heartless thrive.
Heartless, as they seek and consume hearts, also desire to return to the greatest heart, the
heart of all worlds, Kingdom Hearts, that resides deep within the Realm of Darkness. And
because of this, Heartless seek immense darkness, enough to completely consume the
Realm of Light. The entryway into this place of great power is the Door to Darkness, the
door that separates the realm of light and the realm of darkness. However, with the efforts
of Sora and the King, the door is closed, which causes the worlds lost to the darkness to be
restored, and preventing a massive army of Heartless from pouring into the realm of light.
The forces of the Heartless were extremely weakened after the door to Kingdom Hearts was
sealed off, though there were still many left. At the end of Kingdom Hearts II, it is unknown
what exactly happened to the Heartless and if they still pose a threat. It should be noted
though that Yen Sid has mentioned that the only true way to destroy all Heartless is to have
all people have light filled in their hearts and no darkness, leaving nothing to create a
Heartless or something for them to thrive for.

more on heartless=

From Kingdom Hearts Wiki: A world of information not accessible by
This article is about the plot element. You may be looking for other uses.

"All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts
within it, it grows, consumes it. Such is it's nature. In the end, every Heart returns to the
darkness whence it came! You see, darkness is the Heart's true essence..." Xehanort's

The emblem of the Heartless, Hearts that have been conquered by darkness
Darkness is a force parallel to Light, and is also used in the form of attacks in the Kingdom
Hearts universe. Darkness has been known to cause people to lose their hearts to it if they
have delved too deep into it. Slowly suppressed and conquered by its influence, these
unfortunate souls become Heartless and, if their Heart is strong enough, leave behind a
body that becomes a Nobody. Those who follow the path of Darkness will usually gain
untold power at the expense of something of their former selves.
Though darkness is mostly used by the series' villains, it is not entirely malevolent; friendly
characters are able to use the powers of darkness to some effect, ranging from opening
the Corridors of Darkness to projecting dark energy blasts (one
of Riku's abilities in Kingdom Hearts II).


1 Weapons and Special Uses of Darkness

2 Effects of Darkness
3 Known and Notable Darkness Users
4 Darkness as a Destination

edit Weapons and Special Uses of Darkness

Sax opening a Corridor of Darkness for Roxas.

While darkness is often associated with evil, it can be used for the force of good. If one can
accept darkness into themselves without allowing the darkness to consume them, they may
wield its powers without succumbing to its influences (as in Riku's situation).
King Mickey's Keyblade is a Keyblade from the Realm of Darkness, though this does not
mean that it is actually affiliated with Darkness; in this case, it means that it is necessary to
close world doors from the side of the Realm of Darkness.
Darkness is also seen being manipulated into attacks by the Heartless and Nobodies, and to
a greater degree Maleficent, the members of Organization XIII, and Riku. Sora can also
slightly manipulate Darkness inKingdom Hearts II through his Drive Form, Anti Form, in
which the darkness inside Sora that was created when he became a Heartless in Kingdom
Hearts reawakens. He and Jack Skellington also use dark power during "Dance Call".
Darkness is also an element used in multiple forms of Magic, the most notable
being Gravity.
Darkness can also be used for transportation. Experienced users of Darkness are able to
open a Corridor of Darkness to travel between locations with a great degree of speed.
However, these are physical corridors of Darkness, and prolonged or repetitive use of this
means of travel will often allow Darkness to manifest deeper within a being, leaving them
more vulnerable to its negative effects in the long run.
There are many items that have used for protection against darkness. Some of these items
are seen as simple things such as the Midnight Anklet and Champion Belt which boost the
equipped character's resistance to dark-element attacks, or the infamous Black Cloak worn
by King Mickey, Riku, and the members of Organization XIII which protect the wearer from
the negative effects of using the Corridors of Darkness.

edit Effects of Darkness

Darkness creates and feeds off of primal emotions such as revenge, hate, and greed. In the
process, it makes those it affects experience and exhibit these feelings while constantly
making those feelings stronger, eventually leading to the affected becoming a Heartless.
Darkness can also change the physical appearance of those it affects, up to such extremes
as a normal person becoming a Shadow and Riku taking on the form of Xehanort's
Heartless. Also, those who use the Corridor of Darkness, or come in contact with Darkness
of any form on a regular basis, have their Heart "stained" by Darkness, which leads to a
change in eye color to a golden yellow color. Members of Organization XIII and Namin do
not experience this due to the fact that they are Nobodies and do not have hearts to stain.
Also, Riku does not have yellow eyes because the explosion of the Kingdom Hearts
Encoder cleansed his body from the effects of Darkness.

The Book of Miles

Book nines


24 Nov

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:01 pm

Post subject: Miles Journal

When I was a boy, I imagined great adventures and was the hero against the evils of
man. The "Indian", the "robber", the "enemy" all fell victem to the sawed off
broomstick that was my sword, my gun, my wand, my staff.
When I was a teen I, I became the seeker of lust, and treated many girls poorly, trying
to be the hero again in the ways of love, but as is the way with the ill prepared, there
were more failures than successes. I developed a body strengthened by climbing and
running. I developed no-fear by acting on stage and finally, after many patient
endurances, confronting the bully to my great satisfaction.
When I was in college, lust reigned suprieme, and study fell by the wayside. I left the
educated to join the impoverished. Great foolishness again through imagination,
entertaining philosophies of darkness and agression toward others, manipulation the
order of the day.
When I saw that the future held no progress, I enlisted. There I learned the true
meaning of dedication and endurance. I built my body, focussed my mind, and truely
took ownership of my future and life. It was the time of the greatest of victories, and
the most complete of defeats. I found the love that was all that I wanted in a woman ...
before I know what I wanted.
When I returned to civilian life, the great building began. Study and work became my
life, and remained so for many years. The love that I had brought back with me
destroyed me, and I gave myself over to spite and rage. Many years had to pass before
my emotion became my ally again.
Many years, many promotions, many raises, much respect, a new love and many
passions have come since then, and now I stand at a new precipise.
I have all that I have ever planned. All of my strategies have paid off far greater than I
could have percieved. I have Power in the ways that I assumed power to be, and yet
there is still more to be done. But the more to be done is not without, but within.
Ah more journies to be had.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to


24 Nov

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:12 pm

Post subject: Strategies

In order to best understand others, one must study. My preference for study is to drift
closer to applied practicality than that of the great philosophic minds of the world.
Show me the man who studies man from the field and I will show you a man who
knows the smell of hopps in his beer, knows the taste of the cheeseburger, knows the
warm moist soil and the back breaking sweat that comes from the planting of a field,
knows both the sting of the torn flesh under soft hands first being used after long rest
and the satisfaction of work ... and a man who knows how to smile.
Show me a man wo studies man from a classroom and I will show you an intelect
truely profound, rationalities grand and robust, great quotations from great voices of
the past, a man who knows the lessons that others have written, and perhaps, just
perhaps, maybe a few insights of his own.
I respect both as both have their value, but I tend to seek out the man who studies with
dirty hands.

One student of life that I have found invaluable, both for peace of mind and for
strategies in dealing with others is Allison Armstrong. Her perspectives on the nature
of relationships should be required reading for all.
"Taoists steal truth wherever they can find it." - Charles "Chip" Thomas
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:20 pm

Post subject:

Someone once asked me what I though the core difference was between light and dark
.... I thought this was a great subject for a Haiku

Pooh dances around

Catching snowflakes on his tongue
Piglet shivers too.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:55 pm

Post subject:

I am a student of Western Martial Arts, particularly the German forms in the tradition
of Lichtenauer as recorded by Juaqim Meyer in his "Art of Combat", 1570 and 1600
printings (Forgang translation). As I continue to study this, I am going to use this
journal to record my thoughts and ideas.
It is an experiment. The test is to see if greater observations about life can be made
through an alegory of martial knowledge. It will be interesting to go back over some
time in the future and see what the results yield.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:14 pm

Post subject:

Considerations of the target areas:

The human body can be neatly divided into four primary target areas. These are four
quarters identified as left and right, and high and low target areas. Left and right are
Joined: identified by simply drawing a line from the top of the nead to the groin, bisecting the
24 Nov head and torso. Upper and lower are separated by a line drawn across the chest just
below the solar plexus. An easy way to identify the proper placement of that line is to
fold your arms across your chest; the low point formed where the forarms meet is a
good ballpark. Exact precision is less important. With these two lines you get four
Location: divisions of the body.
Angeles These four target areas are a broad way of evaluating where an opponent is open and
where he is protected. It is not possible to be in range and protect all portions of the
body simultaneously, therefore being able to read the opponent and identify not only
where he is protected, but where he can also easily protect with minor movement and
where he can not easily protect is very valuable information to work with. In the same
manner you can evaluate your own vulnerabilities and strengths based on your
In order to evaluate this accurately there needs to be a minor modification to how
many evaluate guard positions. Guard positions are not static, they are merely
checkpoints in a fluid movement, some point where one must go through to execute a
strike or a point just beofre the point of full commitment to a strike, where a change of
mind can still happen. This means that in evaluating a guard and its protective

qualities and vulnerabilities, we need to evaluate more than just the position of the
sword. We need to evaluate direction of movement, transitional positioning of the
weak and strong of the blade, power behind the movement, positioning of basic
skeletal structure, range, timing, foot position, body momentum (linear and rotational),
relative position to the line of attack ... it isn't easy.
In a fight, this information may not be able to be processed in time. This is why the
study and evaluation in training. By evaluating positions and their nuances, we can
develope techniques that may not be revealed any other way. In attempting to
rediscover this art, not everything is in books and some things are truely to be learned
in the "marketplace" (i.e. though practical application in a training environment with
real risk).
Limiting our scope to four general target areas is by no means sufficient to go into
detail in every possible configuration. After all, a Zwerchau is often a horizontal strike
to an upper openning, a Shielhau is a short edge cut to an upper openning following a
line pretty much from above, as are the Kurtzhau and Glutzhau, and there are upper
openning targets from the unterhau comming up from below. That there are four
openings does not mean there are only four directions of attack. Every openning can
be attacked from every angle, and the center of the openning is not always the target
margin note: think about the 8 lines of attack on each openning
But in what practical experience I do have, my own thought process does limit itself to
a more primitive and simple mindset, looking for the openning or how to create it. It
that case, to focus on more than a general target area at this point in my ability is a bit
much to ask, so the four quarter system will do for now. Perhaps once I have a bit
more muscle memory built up to where I don't have to think of every little thing I can
refine my target areas a bit more. Meyer, after all, divides the head into quarters as
We shall see.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:41 pm

Post subject:

a series of posts I made from another site on the Sith Code. This is a working
document, original is in violet, revisions in white.
What is the Sith Code? I choose to use the following definition of code: a system of

24 Nov

letters, symbols, or prearranged signals, by which information can be communicated

secretly or briefly, or to simplify, a secret message. I see the Sith Code as a
The very first word of the code is Peace. It all begins with peace. Being the first word
could imply many things. I chose to interpret it as a beginning, the foundation, the
core tenet of the Code. Of all the ideas to initiate a code with, the word Peace is
The first two words Peace is we are being given a definition. The purpose of a
definition is to promote understanding. We are being given a way of perceiving peace
for us to carry forward.
Peace is a lie. A lie is the antithesis of a truth. Through other teachings we are
taught that Truth is relative to the observer, it can be impacted by various points of
view. Thus I would extend that the same can be said of a lie. If peace is a state of nonconflict, and that is the truth perceived, then it is also a lie, as any position of nonconflict, through a different point of view can be seen as a position of a different
conflict. Therefore the ability to achieve a peace that all will agree is Peace is not
possible, and the assumed Truth that it is a uniform ideal that is achievable, not being
possible, makes it a lie. Any definition of peace is dependent on the relationship
between two or more entities. As each will have a different point of view is the same
interpretation of peace even achievable between two sides? Peace may by its very
definition be self defeating.
However this statement is a definition, and as such is simply an attempt to promote
understanding. It is important to understand this principle of peace being a lie. This
does not, however, reduce in any way the value of peace, or the desire for peace. It is
the first definition, the first statement, the foundation of the code. Understand the
nature of Peace, and from there, proceed.
Peace is a lie
It begins with Peace, the founding concept, the first idea. This first idea is a lie, a
statement of being, a definition, a simile.
As a statement of being, it is a deception, and a deception is a tool. As the first idea, it
is the first tool, before all others. It also has its nature in obfuscation, and in here, the
trap. Peace is misleading. It can mask many dangers. To be ignorant of those dangers
is to be ill prepared when the peace fails.
As a definition, it provides understanding of the nature or Peace. A truth or a lie is
dependent on the observer. As peace between two entities requires them to come to
agreement, and the two entities will see the peace within their own context, the exact
same peace is not achievable to both, so though peace as a generality may be agreed
upon, in the specifics it is no longer peace. By its very nature, it is self defeating in the

purest sense. A true peace is not possible.

As a simile we see how to use it. Just as I do not reject the use of lies, I do not reject
the ambition of peace. But for a lie to be successful, it must be presented convincingly.
It must be actively preserved as it is harder to maintain than a truth. There will always
be those who seek to undo the lie. Eventually, it will be torn asunder, and a new lie
will need to be created in its place. It is the same for Peace.
But there is another trap. Peace is a lie does not necessarily imply Conflict is a
truth. Conflict is not the opposite of peace, but the presence of conflict may prevent
peace. A=B. Not B = C. If D then Not A. This does not deduce C=D,
but if D then C. If conflict then a truth. This is an interesting conclusion to the
logical progression.
None of this reduces the value of peace. It is the first idea. Understand Peace, and
from there, proceed.
There is only passion. I interpret passion as the sum of the way we perceive our
primal selves, the lizard brain, instincts. These are interpreted by us as emotional
input in our brains and chemical input to our bodies. These are present in all of us, as
we are animals, with generations of evolutionary development creating hard wired
thoughts and reactions into our selves. Even our cognitive abilities are an evolutionary
development and so it could be argued that even this is a passion. We are nothing but
the sum of our passions. All of our observations are infused with passion; all of our
actions are driven by them in one way or another. We are a complex association of
passions, assembled and running through the span of our lives. Fortunately one
passion that all humans have is ambition of some form. In many there is a drive for
understanding. There is also a drive for compassion, and a drive to be given
compassion by others. There are many drives, all of them passions. We are the sum of
our passions, mingled with experiences, complimented by our genetic make-up. In the
end, our identities, our personal truths, our dreams, our fears, our goals, our hopes
the things that make us human are all passion in origin. There is nothing else. There is
only passion.
There is only passion.
Passion is the sum of the way we perceive our primal selves. Chemical input
controlled by a hidden part of our mind creates emotional and physical experiences
provided by generations of evolutionary development creating hard wired thoughts
and reactions. We are animals, the sum of our passions, mingled with experiences,
complimented by our genetic make-up and filtered through the lens of our cognition,

our awareness of self. We are not human without passions. Fortunately one passion
that all humans have is ambition of some form. In many there is a drive for
understanding. There is also a drive for compassion, and a drive to be given
compassion by others. There are many drives, all of them passions. In the end, our
identities, our personal truths, our dreams, our fears, our goals, our hopes the things
that make us human are all passion in origin. There is nothing else. There is only
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. That there is no period between the two
statements implies a connection. Does this mean that as long as there is passion there
can be no true peace? Is it the passions that create the various points of view that
prohibit peace from being there? Is peace a lie because there are passions? Would true
peace only be possible if there is an absence of passion? There are those that have said
that peace creates stagnation or apathy. Perhaps apathy is a path to peace? But is peace
through apathy truly peace? There are many implications through this statement.
But none of the interpretations that I have involve removing peace from ones purpose
or goal. Just because something is not achievable does not mean it should not be
pursued. It has been often said that it is the journey, not the destination that is
important. I do feel though that a journey should have a destination, reachable or not,
in order to guide it forward. Perhaps Peace is that unachievable destination and the
journey is the walk toward that destination. Peace is a lie, in that it cannot be reached.
But Peace as a goal is not foolishness, as there are fewer greater ambitions to guide
our hand more worthy than peace. I believe the intent here is to reveal that Peace is a
noble goal, but unachievable, because of our passionate natures. To recognize this is
the secret.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Does this mean that as long as there is passion there can be no true peace? Is it passion
that creates the various points of view that prohibit peace from being there? Is peace a
lie because there are passions? Does the lion sit quietly only because he is not hungry
or horny? There are many implications through this statement. I will need to explore
further before I will understand the true connection between these statements.
But none of these interpretations involve removing peace from ones purpose or goal.
A lie serves a purpose. It has been often said that it is the journey, not the destination
that is important. A journey should have a destination, or it is just wandering. Perhaps
a lie is an unachievable destination and the journey is the walk toward that destination.
A lie cannot be maintained forever, but know how to lie. Know when to lie and when
not to. Know when to abandon the lie. But never underestimate the power of a lie.


In my younger years I was a soldier, an infantryman serving in the Army. I can think
of no greater area where peace or the lack there of has greater consequence. To be in a
state of non-peace is to be at war. Nothing inspires passions more readily than being
shot at. The very need for survival is one of, if not the most, powerful of passions. I
am aware of the passions that rise up. Fear, anger, hopelessness, inspiration, drive,
ambition, hate, love, companionship, esprit de corps, pride, love, loneliness,
exhaustion, futility, achievement, glory, honor, joy, relief, fatigue, hunger, reward,
jubilation, loss they are all there at one point or another, often all at once and it
screwed up my head. But there is no one who has a more intimate wish for peace than
the combat soldier, because they are so acutely aware of the alternative. We prepared
for the inevitable day when peace would end and war would begin, because we know
that it will come. It is the nature of man to fight. But just because we know it
inevitable does not mean we do not still strive for it, and we fight with the end goal of
reestablishing peace. For me, I was grateful that it was me there and not someone else.
There are some things that civilians should be protected from. The true understanding
of the horrors of war is one of them. And so in my life I prepared for war, and always
prayed for peace. And I still do, though the wars are not the same, thankfully.
Through passion
Why Through? Why not with or because of or using? Through is an
interesting choice. It implies that passion is a potential tool. Like any tool, knowledge
of effective use requires insight and practical application. Our modern society is very
heavily influenced by Greek thought. The Greeks feared passion, and considered them
dangerous. Their goddess of love was a fickle and vain woman, known for her random
temperament. The god of love was a child, playing with his bow and arrow, shooting
people with his arrows with the discernment of a child. How random, how terrifying!
Passions were feared as they were seen as extraordinarily powerful and very often
destructive in nature. There are many myths and stories from the Greeks that reinforce
this point. After all, the city of Troy was destroyed, an entire culture wiped out and
many thousands killed for the simple passion Lust. We as adopters of many of the
Greek ideals likewise are taught to suppress our passions to prohibit the destructive
ramifications of following them. And this is a lesson that should not be cast away.
But how does one go about understanding passions? It is so individual, so unique to a
person. We can observe passions in others and make mental observations that may or
may not apply to our own passions, but this is rationalizing passions, not
understanding them. Passions are experienced. There is no other way to gain
understanding. One must experience them. In short, one must LIVE! Only through
embracing the wonderments and sorrows of life can one fully come to the level of
understanding that is needed. To use a Martian term from Stranger in a Strange
Land, we must grok passions, understand them on such a base level that we know
them in our heart as well as our mind, that the understanding infuses with our lives so

that understanding them is as natural as breathing. Only through experiencing life can
this be achieved.
Passions have the potential to be truly destructive, as well as truly constructive.
Awareness of their use is required. Not by Using Passions, not Because of Passion, but
Through Passion, with a full understanding of the risks and rewards, the cause and
effect, the pitfalls and enslavements will the rest of the line come to fruition.
Through passion, I gain strength.
There are many ways to look at strength, but if we focus on the strength derived from
a full understanding of our passions, I see strength of self awareness and a sense of
self being a natural result. Like the strength of an iron bar, it is measured not on what
it can accomplish but what it can withstand. Through understanding our passions, both
the positive and negative, and through proper and responsible application of those
passions, we develop a resistance to the side effects of passions within ourselves and
an ability to withstand, through that understanding, the effects of the passions of
others. Passion being dangerous, understanding passions protects us from those
This phrase also implies a progress. Though passion is not the only path to strength, it
would be hard to imagine an equal strength without an understanding of ones own
passions. Therefore it is a process, and one should not assume that there is strength
where there is no understanding of passions. This, I feel, has been the downfall of
many. Strength at various times in various cultures has been viewed as the harnessing
and suppression of passion. I think this is the failing that our society has built itself on,
for as long as they are suppressed or ignored, they will continue to create problems in
any society. We have indoctrinated a people with a core weakness: they are ill
prepared to handle and resolve the problems deriving from passions.
For me personally, I am aware of the strength that comes through passion, though it
was one of many very painful lessons to learn. It is interesting to note that it is the
negative passions that build our strength more than the positive ones. I do not know if
it is cultural or human, but negative reinforcement always comes to mind more readily
than positive. At the collapse of my first marriage I felt completely betrayed. This
betrayal left me hate filled and wrathful towards all women. I allowed those passions
to guide me, and did a great deal of harm to others. It had changed my priorities and I
was bound and determined to get back my own sense of self using lust as my medium.
I did not like the weakness that I had become in my marriage and realized that it was
that transformation that really killed the relationship more than anything. In the end it
was a friend who stuck with me for the next few years (now my wife) who was able to
see me through out to the other side. I clawed my way back out of that pit and now am
much stronger for it. I have the personal strength to be confident in my own identity,
something I was lacking in that first marriage. It was only learned by experiencing it,
and admittedly was far easier to handle than the first major sense of betrayal that I
experienced during a riot in the Army (that made me inhuman for 2 years). Perhaps
with this perception, I can walk into the next one with more understanding and handle

it a bit less destructively.

Through Strength
Again it is the understanding and use of strength that is important. What is the nature
of your strength? What areas are you not strong? I look at it as evaluating the
fortifications of a castle, or perhaps the foundation of a house. Where are the hard
points? Where are the weak points? I do not believe that any strength is all
encompassing, and within strength is an inherent weakness. Understanding this by
evaluating your own strengths is the key. But again, the strength is a tool, not an end
in and of itself. One must understand the tool and how best to use and not to use it.
Hammering a nail with a screwdriver can be done, but it is easier with a hammer.
It is not the strength that is enough. It is not the ability to endure that is sought. It is
through an understanding of passion that it is developed. As passions are individual,
so therefore is strength. Understand your own strength and learn its vulnerabilities.
But how does one go about understanding their strengths? Just as one learns about
passion by living life, one understands strength by observing it. The nature of power is
individual, yes, but to understand the weaknesses one needs to watch the interactions
of strengths as they relate to one another. This is done by observation of chiefly the
self but also of others, how things relate, and how strengths compliment and repel one
another. To live life is the base, but to do so without observing leads to a small life of
little accomplishment. Through observation and reflection upon our experiences we
are able to begin to understand our strength.
Through strength, I gain power
Through the understanding of our strengths, and in turn, our weaknesses, we gain
power. So what is power? I fell that power represents our ability to impart our will
upon things outside ourselves. In a crude example, having physical strength grants the
power to move heavy objects. If I have the strength of a charismatic personality, then I
may have power to influence the thoughts and deeds of others. If I have the strength of
personal drive and determination, I may have the power to achieve tasks that take a
great deal of time and patience. Through an understanding and the proper application
of any given strength, there is a means to exercise your will. Attempting to exercise
your will without being aware of your strengths may very well cater to your
weaknesses, and no amount of will is going to yield the true potential.
There is a rather interesting example of this taking place in my martial arts studies
today. I have been studying Western Martial Arts in the Lichtenauer tradition for a
year. This compliments my previous 10 years sword combat experience nicely and has
been a passion of mine, consuming many wakeful evenings. During the year, the
instructor for the class, very passionate about the material and very driven to share his
knowledge, did not have, as a strength, the ability to teach advanced concepts. This I
felt was truly unfortunate. He was very skilled in getting information into the heads of
complete novices quite nicely. His strength of being able to break things down and

present them to fresh eyes was well complimented. There was, however, one
weakness that he had. He had a need to have a firm hand of control over his class. This
lead to problems when he was questioned or when techniques he was demonstrating
were challenged based on material he had previously covered. This led to
disagreements in class with some of the students, and as he was unable to resolve
them, he removed those students that were most confrontational. This was a problem.
In the end the instructor broke away from the school and is starting his own school.
The original school is replacing him with myself, where hopefully my understanding
of my strengths (some charisma, a passion for the sport, and a strong ability to teach
through understanding the mind of the student) will yield results more in line with
what the dean of the school is after. Understanding my own weaknesses comes into
play as well. By looking at where I am weak, that is my demeanor when in a focused
mind set, and keeping that in mind, I hope to be able to mitigate problems that this
weakness would cause. Through this understanding I hope to have the power to impart
upon others the information I have and seek out new and a more robust understanding
of the art.
Through Power
Power is yet another tool. Understanding power is necessary to move forward. It is
said with great power comes great responsibility and I feel this to be true. When you
exercise your will, you are facilitating change. The greater your power, the greater the
change you can facilitate. As we do not each live in a vacuum, the changes we make
will impact others, other lives, other needs, other desires. Therefore we must not
forget to facilitate change is to take ownership of that change and all of the
ramifications that derive from them. Even if I do not care what impact a change I
started has on others, I must acknowledge that it has had impact on others. Without
this knowledge I am nothing more than a child with a gun. It is very likely that
eventually I will bring great harm onto myself at some point.
Another aspect of power is the corrupting influence. I feel this goes hand in hand with
the responsible use. If I am not responsible in the use of my power, and do not
remember the impacts it has on others, I shall come to rely on my power too heavily
and begin walking down a very dangerous and short sighted road. The corruption
comes when one remembers ones passions, fuels power with them, but has forgotten
To understand power we must test our ability to change something. By doing this we
can experience the change, and the ramifications, good and bad. We can study our
power and refine it. We can focus it to any given task. It becomes a process of honing
the tools in our arsenal to identify their best usage and the risks associated.
When we understand our power and can use it with responsibility, then we can direct
it to a given goal in a proper manner. We can take our arsenal of tools and set them
against a task.

Through power, I gain victory

Ah victory, the accomplishment of a task. Using the tools of our power arsenal we can
assemble a plan, execute a task and achieve a goal. Victory does not require
opposition, though often the more hard-fought the victory is the more satisfying. But
in order to achieve victory, there must be a plan. What is victory if not the
achievement of some goal through proper execution of a plan? It is the culmination of
the stepping stones through which we have traveled. We lived life that we may
understand our passions. We observed life that we may understand our strengths. We
have tested our power to understand its limitations. Now we set them to task of
executing our will, following a plan to an achievable goal in which we have not only
accomplished what we set out to do but have not strayed from the journey to everelusive peace. We have done so with responsibility and recognition of consequence,
and have evaluated that the victory was well worth the price, or at least within
acceptable levels through the means achieved. It is through our victories that we
interact with the world in the most meaningful of ways.
In my own case, the greatest victory achieved that is easy to explain is my path to
where I am in my career now. At 22 I was living on the streets, stealing food off of
tables in a pizza place before the tables were cleared. I worked as a security guard
when I could find work, and wasted whatever money I got on instant gratification. I
was living according to my passions. I had been given an opportunity to go to college
but threw it away in exchange for lust filled evenings when I should have been
studying. It was a life of my own doing. I decided that this would change, and in 10
years I would be working as a computer programmer. I evaluated my current situation
and decided that a hard reset was required, so I enlisted. Four years later I was out
with a whole new set of strengths to my credit, imparted to me by my training. This is
not to say they were not there, but they were reinforced during my time in for Army
Once I got out I got a job and went to school, making use of the money provided by
my time in service. I studied with new found diligence and within 2 years was
employed as an intern for a major computer company. I worked and went to school
full time, and worked ridiculous hours. After another year and a half I was brought on
full time as a salaried employee. All in all it only took 8 years.
A new plan set in motion, and I set the goal of becoming a senior software engineer
within 5 years Now, 5 years later I exceeded this goal by one level. Now I am
about as successful as I desire to be in my career, and am thinking of taking on a new
one. This was a major victory. But at every step, there were choices. There were
various powers that came into play, and various decisions on the best and most ethical
way to accomplish the given subtask. Only one of my decisions have I ever questioned
and it is more because of an unforeseen result that caught me by surprise. Certainly
victory came at a cost. I lost my first wife. I lost years of doing anything else by
working so hard. I lost friendships. But I gained new ones, and achieved other
benefits. Salary isnt bad either.

But there is a dark side to victory.

Through Victory
Understanding victory, success, and accomplishment, especially when faced with an
opponent where your gain is their loss (inevitable sometimes), is understanding that
what has been achieved was not only an execution of will, but a planned and
premeditated accomplishment of a goal. You set that goal. You pursued it. You set the
pieces in motion. If you had not, then it is not your victory.
Observing victory is one of the easiest as it requires forethought. You are conscious of
what you are after from beginning to end. It may change over time, but it is still there.
Looking back and seeing the collateral damage caused in the victory is another aspect
of observation. It may serve as a means to refine the use of power, or may serve as a
point of insight for future plans, just as any experience is. It is not hard to observe at
all, but what has victory given you?
Through Victory, my chains are broken
What does this mean, chains are broken? What are chains? In their common use they
are used to restrain a force lesser than the strength of the chain. But to what end? In
most cases I see chains as a means of protection. If they are used as in shackles, and I
am wearing them, then some other force seems to think that I may provide a threat to
their intention. The shackles they have put upon me are to protect their interests. If
you chain a load down to a flat-bed truck, you do so to protect your goal of
transporting the load from being foiled by the load moving around on the truck. If you
chain up a bike, you protect your bike from someone else forcibly removing it. Chains
So what are my chains? Are they the chains that others place upon me for their
protection, or are they the chains that I use to protect myself? Chains are a tool, a
static device used for protection, but they are outside my power. They are independent
of my power. I could say that my bonds of family are a chain. I am protected by the
support they provide often enough. I could say that my willful perspectives on certain
disagreeable topics that I arbitrarily put in place to protect myself from that
perspective is a chain.
But what is the nature of a breaking chain. A breaking chain is useless. It will break at
the weakest link, has a maximum ability to resist, and once broken, that chain as it is
cannot be used. If it is needed it will need to be repaired, but the repaired chain will
not be the original chain. It will be a new set of links. Many of the old links may be
reused, but the broken link is gone forever. A broken chain is a one way trip.
So how does all this relate to victory? When one pursues victory one takes ownership
of their power, their strength and their passions. In order to achieve victory in the

truest sense there is the need for responsibility. Many of the chains that are formed
upon us at childhood, there to protect us, shield us from the weight of responsibility.
Once we exercise our power to a goal of victory, we begin to willingly pull against the
very chains that protect us. Some prefer to look at chains as though they are chained to
a wall, prevented from escaping. I view my chains as those holding up the weight of
the world, so that I am not crushed undernieth. As I achieve victory after victory, I
demonstrate that I am able to bear the weight. As this is demonstrated, a chain breaks,
shifting more of the weight on to my shoulders. The greater my victory, the more
chains break.
It is a one way trip. Once a chain is broken, unless I set in motions plans to create new
chains, thus shifting the weight back to others to carry rather than myself, the chain
will never be reattached.
To break the chains is not something I look forward to, but should I wish to
accomplish victory, I must be willing to accept the breaking of chains that comes with
it. It is not progression that is being illustrated in this line, but eventual cost and
However, because I was not foolish in the progression and remembered the hazards of
passion, the weaknesses within my strengths, the responsibility of my power, and the
planning of my victory along a path of peace, I am able to bear the weight. In fact I
embrace it, as it means that another is not carrying my load, and I am able to carry the
load of my daughter as she needs until she can carry her own.
Just as Adam and Eve, protected from the hardships of adulthood, labor, pain in child
birth, in the Garden of Eden, had to be cast out, the chains protecting them broken
forever, so we in our own progress through life will have the chains that protect us as
children broken as we grow to adulthood. But in truth, in the end, this is not a bad
thing, for we have a greater reward from the breaking of our chains. We have
ownership of our lives. I do not know of many who would give that up to have the old
chains recast, and the weight it held taken away. Would that not also take away our
victories? All we would have is the memory of a life without the chain. That, to me,
would be a greater burden than I would be willing to bear.
And the force shall free me.
In the end, as this is the end of the code, comes the force, the unifying source of all life
and existence. Just as life is a part of the force, so is death. Our individual lives, as part
of the greater force, shall pass. We will leave echoes of ourselves in our absence. The
end comes to all, and in this end the burden that we carry as a price of the victories we
have achieved, big and small, will be removed from us. We shall be free from both the
chains and the burden. The lessons of this life will be carried on. Whether they will be
carried on by ourselves I cannot say, but they will persist in this life as the impressions
we leave on others. It is not our lot in life to carry our burdens for eternity. The force
will balance all in the end, and just as it is impossible in the beginning, so it will be

possible in the end. We will come to the final destination of this lifes journey. Peace.
What we do with our lives, what becomes of our passions, our strength, our power,
our victories and the lessons from all of these we shall have to wait for the next life to
understand. I feel we are merely in preparation and when it is time, I will go well
prepared. Should there be nothing beyond this life, it will be a life well spent full of
victories and glory. Burdens I am more than happy to carry.
Note: In discussing this with my wife, she found it interesting that it was only after the
chains were broken that the force came into the picture. I agree that there may be
something there that needs to be pursued. It is an interesting idea. The force comes
after the other lessons are learned. I will need to explore this further.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:22 pm

Post subject: For Further Review

Leadership Development
Without leadership, nothing requiring teamwork gets accomplished. Before you can
talk effectively about leadership you must know what it means. There are almost as
many definitions of leadership as there are leaders. The definition that combines all
the ideas is simply this: The sum of those qualities of intellect, human understanding,
and moral character that enables a person to inspire and control a group of people

24 Nov
Location: This definition does not mention the military because leadership does not apply only
to the military but occurs whenever a group of two or more people gets together to
Angeles perform a common task. Every organization needs good leaders to succeed in
accomplishing its desired goals. Leaders organize jobs and workers. They coordinate
the tasks to achieve the desired results in a systematic and logical manner and they
supervise the workers to ensure the tasks are accomplished correctly and in a timely
manner. The leaders primary purpose is to ensure that the job is done or, in the words
of the military, that the mission is accomplished.

Three essential elements are needed to perform the role of the leader. The leader is the
first essential element. The second element in leadership is the group, or the people
being led; without this element obviously, leadership is not needed since there would
be no one to lead. The third and final element is the situation. Of the three elements,
the third is never the same. The situation is dependant on what the mission of the
organization is and the time available to accomplish the desired goal. Thus each
situation is unique. When all three elements of leadership are brought together and the

leader exercises effective leadership over the group, the desired goal is obtained.
The objective of leadership is the creation and maintenance of an organization which
will loyally and willingly accomplish any reasonable task, assigned or indicated and
will initiate suitable action in the absence of orders.
With any organizations performance depending on its leaders, we must ensure that
we are always capable of accomplishing our mission. A military unit is effective only
when its leaders are. There are three reasons why military leadership is essential.
The first reason is the coordination of people and activities within a unit. A second
reason for military leadership is to hold a military unit together. Because
accomplishing all of these things would be difficult, unit leaders are needed. A third
reason for military leadership is to ensure the units success. This is achieved by
accomplishing assigned missions. Through demonstration, motivation and hard work,
leaders must ensure that all missions are accomplished. A leaders failure to ensure
that subordinates accomplish their tasks leads to failure of the unit and thus the failure
of the organization in carrying out its mission.
Leadership implies responsibility. Within the military structure there are two general
areas of responsibility for every leader in any situation. These are (1) the responsibility
for ensuring that the mission is accomplished and (2) the responsibility to the
subordinate individuals who work to accomplish that mission. Successful completion
of the mission is the first priority of leadership. How the individual leader
accomplishes the mission depends on the mission, the subordinates and the leaders
Authoritarian style: The authoritarian leader leads by personal control. Characteristics
of the authoritarian leader are:
1. Lets subordinates know he is in charge.
2. Makes subordinates into a team but remains outside the team.
3. Tells subordinates what to do and how to do it.
4. Makes all decisions without asking for suggestion.
Persuasive style: The persuasive leader uses personality to lead and influence
subordinates. Characteristics of the persuasive style are:
1. Doesnt emphasize that they are in charge.
2. Develops subordinates into a team of which the leader is a member.
3. Asks subordinates to do their jobs.
4. Makes the decisions but asks for, listens to and sometimes even takes a subordinates
The two styles of leadership mentioned above are extremes. Each style has its bad and
good points. The authoritarian must be perfect in front of subordinates or lose respect;

the persuasive leader must be alert that subordinates wont play on friendships to get
out of doing their work. Very few leaders are strictly authoritarian or strictly
persuasive. Most of them fall somewhere between the two styles, taking bits and
pieces from each. The individual leader, the subordinates and the situation at the time
determine the pieces used from each style.
Every individual from lowest to highest in an organization needs leadership. The
reasons are both tangible and intangible. Tangible needs include training and
instruction. Every person must be trained in order to perform effectively. When people
cannot understand the training and ask questions, they expect their leaders to supply
the answers. A second reason leadership is sought is to obtain physical necessities. A
third tangible reason why individual people seek advice and leadership is to fulfill the
need of incentives and challenges. Individual effort should be recognized and
rewarded in order to achieve recognition for a job well done.
There are intangible needs for seeking leadership as well. These intangible reasons
include a desire for adventure, a feeling of belonging and a desire for recognition. A
person completes an assigned task and waits for the direct supervisor to check the
work and thus receive accolades or further instruction. These people want to get ahead
and achieve personal goals by taking challenging duty assignments. They seek help
and advice from their leaders to achieve these goals.

The Leaders Code

I become a leader by what I do. I know my strengths and my weaknesses and
I strive constantly for self-improvement. I live by a moral code, with which I
set an example that others can emulate. I know my job and I carry out the
spirit as well as the letter of orders I receive.
I take the initiative and seek responsibilities, and I face situations with
boldness and confidence. I estimate the situations and make my own
decisions as to the best course of action. No matter what the requirements, I
stay with the job until it is done; no matter what the results, I assume full
I train my men as a team and lead them with tact, with enthusiasm and with
justice. I command their confidence and their loyalty: they know that I
would not consign to them any duty that I myself would not perform. I see
that they understand their orders and I follow through energetically to insure
that their duties are fully discharged. I keep my men informed and I make
their welfare one of my prime concerns.
These things I do selflessly in fulfillment of the obligations of leadership and
for the achievement of the group goal.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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24 Nov

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:28 pm

Post subject: To be reviewed (part 2)

Traits and Principles of Leadership Defined

Leadership traits are individual characteristics. Proper understanding of the 14
leadership traits will help you to gain respect, confidence, willing obedience and
cooperation of your subordinates.
The purpose of the 14 leadership traits is to help you set guidelines for yourself. By
evaluating your own personality with respect to the leadership traits, you can find your
personal strengths and weaknesses of leadership. By following the traits as a guide
you can exploit your strong traits and develop your weaker ones.
The 11 leadership principles are general rules that through the test of time have been
proven as guides to successful conduct and actions.
The purpose of the leadership principles is the same as for the traits, which is to give
you a proven set of guidelines to follow while developing your personal leadership
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:21 pm

Post subject:

The Leadership Traits

Integrity Integrity is the quality of absolute honesty, trustfulness and uprightness of
character and moral principles. As a leader you must have unquestioned integrity.
Honesty, sense of duty and moral principles must be placed above all else. You must
be totally trustworthy in order for subordinates to have faith in you and for seniors to
have confidence in you.
Following these practices and habits develops integrity:

Practice absolute honesty and be trustworthy at all times, not only with yourself, but
Angeles also with others. Never shade the truth.
Be accurate and truthful in all statements. Dont tell your superiors only that which
you think they want to hear. Tell it as it is but tactfully.
Stand for what you believe, even if the belief is an unpopular one.
Place honesty and duty above all else.
Knowledge Nothing will gain the confidence and respect of your subordinates more
quickly than demonstrated knowledge. As a leader you should develop a program of
To improve your knowledge, you can participate on the Educational Committee, study
history books, read articles on varied subjects, etc. An excellent source of knowledge
is from discussions with people of sound experience. Ask questions of these people
every time you have a chance. Remember, before you can teach someone else how to
do something, you first must know how to do it yourself.
To develop the trait of knowledge yourself you should:
Read all kinds of literature and online sources
Listen to experienced people
Ask questions
Courage Courage, the physical and mental control of fear, is essential to leadership.
Courage is a mental quality that recognizes fear, yet enables you to meet danger or
opposition with calmness and firmness. Courage is a quality of mind that gives you
personal control, enabling you to accept responsibility and to act in a certain situation.
You show physical courage when you continue to perform in the face of personal
danger. Physical courage also means controlling your emotions. You show moral
courage when you stand up for and enforce decisions that are right even in the face of
popular disfavor. Admitting errors takes real moral courage.
To develop the leadership trait of courage you should:
Place duty over your personal desires or feelings
Look for and readily accept responsibilities
Speak in a calm tone; keep an orderliness in your thought processes; dont make any
physical danger or hardship bigger than it really is
Stand for what is right, even in the face of popular disfavor
Never blame others for your mistakes
Control your emotions
Decisiveness Decisiveness is the ability to weigh all the facts in a situation; analyze
all of the facts and then arrive at a sound and timely decision. Decisiveness is largely a
meter of practice and experience.

To develop the trait of decisiveness you should:

Form the habit of considering several points of view for every problem
Learn from the mistakes of others
Force yourself to make a decision and then check the decision to see if it is sound
Talk to people and practice making your conversations logical and clear
Dependability A dependable leader is one who can be relied on to carry out any
mission to the best of his or her personal ability. To be dependable you must
voluntarily and willingly support the policies and orders of your seniors. This does not
mean blind obedience but a high sense of duty. This high sense of duty results in your
setting very high personal and unit standards.
To develop the leadership trait of dependability you should:
Practice honest thinking and avoid making excuses
Accomplish the assigned task, regardless of the obstacles
Always be prompt and do all tasks to the best of your ability
Be careful about making promises and personal deals. When you have made them,
build a reputation for keeping them.
Initiative The trait of initiative is key to being a successful leader. Initiative is
simply seeing what has to be done and doing it without having to be told to do it. As a
leader you must develop initiative, not only in yourself, but also in your subordinates.
Your Soldaten will develop trust and respect when you take prompt action in meeting
a new situation. To develop initiative in your subordinates, you should assign tasks
according to the their ability and experience. But once a task is assigned, dont tell
them how to do it, unless they ask for suggestions. By allowing the subordinate to do
the job, it not only develops initiative but also frees you to do other tasks.
Closely related to initiative is resourcefulness. The successful leader must know the
materials available and how they can best be used to accomplish the mission.
Resourcefulness sometimes means using materials to deal with a situation even when
these materials and methods are not normally used.
Another side of initiative is the ability to anticipate. Simply stated, this is the ability to
foresee situations before they arise. This prior knowledge gives you a chance to plan
for the event and have preparations ready to deal with the situation. It is easier to
prevent a fire than to put one out.
Initiative, with resourcefulness and anticipation, gives you an advantage. When you
combine initiative with good judgment and experience, you have a strong leadership
plus. The key to initiative is to recognize the task and accomplish it, using the
resources at hand.

To develop initiative you must practice the following:

Develop and maintain a state of mind of mental and physical alertness
Look for tasks to be done and do them without being told
Practice thinking and planning ahead
Anticipate situations before they arise and have a plan already developed
Tact Tact is the ability to deal with people without causing friction. More simply
stated, tact is the ability to say and do the right thing at the right time. You must use
tact when dealing with superiors and with subordinates. To successfully use tact, you
must be courteous because courtesy given will be returned. All orders given will be
obeyed but those given with courtesy will be obeyed willingly. Even in emergency
situations where orders must be abrupt and rapid, there is neither room nor need for
discourtesy. Usually you will find that a calm and courteous, though firm, manner of
speech gets the best results. Tact becomes very important when dealing with criticism
of a subordinate. Lack of tact can crush a group members spirit and initiative.
To develop the leadership trait of tact you must:
Be considerate. Develop the habit of cooperating in spirit as well as in fact
Study the actions of successful senior leaders who enjoy a reputation for being able
to handle Soldaten successfully
Check yourself for tolerance and patience. If at fault, correct your habit
Apply the Golden Rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. It is
vital for teamwork
Let no Soldaten, superior or subordinate, exceed you in courtesy and consideration
for the feelings of others
Justice Justice is fairness. As a leader you give rewards and punishments as each
case merits. Justice must be impartial. Personal feelings, emotions, beliefs and
prejudices are not allowed to influence your decision. When dealing with a situation
that requires justice, you must be fair, consistent and prompt. It only takes one unfair
decision to hurt your reputation and lose respect of your Soldaten. Each Soldat rates
individual attention; each case should be looked at individually and be dealt with
Justice is not only involved in dealing with problems; it is rewarding a job well done.
When you use justice in recognizing outstanding effort, you boost morale.
To improve the trait of justice you should:
Search your mental attitudes to determine prejudices. Then seek to rid your mind of
Learn to be impersonal when imposing punishment or giving rewards. Be absolutely
impartial when performing these duties
Search out the facts of each case

Analyze cases that have been decided by leaders who have the reputation for justice
Study human behavior
Be honest with yourself
Recognize those subordinates worthy of commendation or award. Dont be known as
one who hands out only punishment
Enthusiasm Enthusiasm is showing sincere interest and zeal in the performance of
duties. You should tackle all tasks cheerfully and with determination to do the best job
possible. Enthusiasm is contagious and is an excellent way to set the example for
subordinates. Demonstrated enthusiasm in training and instructing develops a happy,
close-knit and successful unit.
To develop the trait of enthusiasm, both personally and in others, you should:
Explain why the mission must be accomplished, time and situation permitting
Understand, know and believe in your work
Tackle all tasks with a cheerful can-do attitude
Believe in your mission, no matter what it is
Bearing Bearing is a persons general appearance, carriage and conduct. By your
bearing you establish a standard for your peers, superiors and subordinates. Your
appearance should show confidence, competence, alertness and energy. Your clothing
and equipment should be neat and clean at all times. Your voice and actions should be
under control. Vulgar speech, frequent loss of temper and irritable nature show a lack
of self-confidence that subordinates easily see. Your bearing should show dignity and
control of both emotions and actions. Dignity shows pride and confidence in yourself
and the ability of the Soldat. Emotional control shows that any situation is well in
To develop and improve bearing you should:
Practice control over your voice, facial expression and gestures
Demonstrate calmness, sincerity and understanding
Master your emotions so that you control them and they do not control you
Never reprimand subordinates in the presence of their peers or subordinates
Observe and study leaders who enjoy a reputation for good bearing
Demand the highest standards of yourself and subordinates
Avoid indiscriminate use of coarse behavior, profanity and vulgarity
Endurance Endurance, like courage, has two distinct parts. Physical endurance
means not giving in to pain and being able to function even when tired or in pain.
Mental endurance is the ability to think straight when fatigued, distressed or in pain.
Demonstrated endurance brings respect from subordinates.
You increase both mental and physical endurance by:

Avoiding excesses that lower both physical and mental stamina

Keeping physically fit by exercise and proper diet
Learning to stand discomfort by undertaking hard physical tasks
Forcing yourself to study on occasions when you are tired and your mind is sluggish
Finishing every job regardless of the obstacles
Unselfishness The unselfish leader is one who gives credit where credit is due.
Unselfishness means not taking advantage of a situation for personal gain at the
expense of others. No subordinate can respect a leader who takes credit for jobs well
done and blames others when performance is poor. As an unselfish leader, you must
ensure that your subordinates needs come before your own personal needs.
To develop unselfishness you should:
See that subordinates have the best that can be obtained for them under the
Try to understand the problems of subordinates
Put the comfort, pleasures and recreation of subordinates before your own.
Give credit to subordinates for jobs well done and ensure that any recognition from
higher commands is passed on to the deserving Soldaten
Loyalty Loyalty is the quality of faithfulness to your guild, your seniors and your
subordinates. Demonstrated loyalty wins respect and confidence from seniors and
subordinates alike. Your reputation spreads far and wide if it is based on actions taken
to protect subordinates from abuse. Loyalty means supporting the views and methods
the unit employs. Every action you take must reflect loyalty to every area where you
owe allegiance.
To develop loyalty you should:
Be quick to defend subordinates from abuse
Never give the slightest hint of disagreement with orders from seniors when giving
instruction to subordinates
Practice doing every task to the best of your ability. Wholeheartedly support your
commanders decisions
Never discuss the personal problems of subordinates with others. Keep them
Stand up for your guild, your unit and your fellow Soldaten when they are unjustly
Never criticize seniors to subordinates
Do not discuss command problems outside the unit
Be loyal to your seniors and subordinates. Support the lawful policies of senior
officers whether you agree with them or not. Remember loyalty is a two-way street
Judgment Judgment is the ability to logically weigh facts and possible solutions on
which to base sound decisions. Judgment includes common sense! When faced with
information that is new or not understood, seek advice before you attempt a solution.

It is not degrading to ask questions.

To develop the trait of judgment you should:
Practice making estimates of the situation
Anticipate situations which require decisions in order to be prepared when the need
Avoid making rash decisions
Approach problems with a common sense attitude
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:29 pm

Post subject:

The Leadership Principles

Be technically and tactically proficient

24 Nov

Before you can lead, you must be able to do the job; the first principle is to know your
job. As a leader, you must demonstrate your ability to accomplish the mission, and to
do this you must be capable of answering questions and demonstrating competence in
your job. Respect is the reward of the leader who shows competence. Tactical and
technical competence can be learned from books and on-the-job training. Seek out and
associate with capable leaders. Observe and study their actions. Seek opportunities to
apply knowledge through the exercise of command. Good leadership is acquired only
through practice after all. And prepare yourself for the job of the next higher rank.
Know yourself and seek self-improvement
This principle of leadership should be developed by the use of leadership traits.
Evaluate yourself by using the leadership traits and determine your strengths and
weaknesses. Work to improve your weaknesses and use your strengths. With
knowledge of yourself, and your experience and knowledge of group behavior, you
can determine the best way to deal with any given situation. With some Subordinates
and in certain situations, the firm, hard stand may be most effective; however, in other
situations the big brother approach may work better. You can improve yourself in
many ways. Self-improvement can be achieved by reading and observing. Ask your
friends and seniors for an honest evaluation of your leadership. This will help you to
find your weaknesses and strengths. Have a definite goal and a plan to attain it.
Know your subordinates and look out for their welfare

This is one of the most important of the principles. You should know your
subordinates and how they react to different situations. A Subordinate who is nervous
and lacks self-confidence should never be put in a situation where an important,
instant decision must be made. Knowledge of your subordinates personalities will
enable you as a leader, to decide how to best handle each subordinate and determine
when close supervision is needed.
Develop this principle by putting the welfare of your subordinates before your own.
See the members of your unit and let them see you be approachable. Encourage
development in all subordinates. Share the hardships of your subordinates so you can
better understand their reactions.
Keep your Subordinates informed
Subordinates by nature are inquisitive. To promote efficiency and morale, as a leader
you should inform the Subordinates in your unit of all happenings and give reasons
why things are to be done. Informing your Subordinates of the situation makes them
feel that they are part of the Fhnlein and not just a cog in a wheel. Informed
Subordinates perform better and if knowledgeable about a given situation, they can
carry on without your personal supervision. The key to giving out information is to be
sure that the Subordinates have enough information to do their jobs intelligently and to
inspire their initiative, enthusiasm, loyalty and convictions. This is accomplished by
assuring yourself, by frequent inspections, that immediate subordinates are passing on
necessary information. Stop rumors by replacing them with the truth.
Set the example
As a Subordinate progresses through the ranks, all too often he or she takes on an
attitude of do as I say, not as I do. Nothing turns a Subordinate off to a leader faster!
As a leader, your duty is to set the standards for your Subordinates. Your appearance,
attitude and personal example are all watched by the Subordinates in your unit. If your
personal standards are high, then you can rightfully demand the same from your
Subordinates. If your personal standards are not high you are setting a double standard
for your Subordinates and you will rapidly lose their respect and confidence.
Remember, your Subordinates reflect your image! Set the example by showing your
Subordinates that you are willing to do the same things you ask them to do. Be
physically fit, well groomed and correctly dressed. Maintain an optimistic outlook.
Develop the will to succeed by capitalizing on your units abilities. Conduct yourself
so that your personal habits are not open to criticism. Delegate authority and avoid
over-supervision in order to develop leadership among subordinates.
Insure the task is understood, supervised and accomplished
This principle is necessary in the exercise of command. Before you can expect your
Subordinates to perform, they must know first what is expected of them. You must
communicate your instructions in a clear, concise manner. Talk at a level your

Subordinates are sure to understand but not at a level so low that would insult their
intelligence. Before your Subordinates start a task, allow them a chance to ask
questions or seek advice. Supervision is essential. Without supervision you cannot
know if the assigned task is being properly accomplished. Allow subordinates to use
their own techniques and then periodically check their progress.
The important part of this principle is the accomplishment of the mission. All the
leadership, supervision and guidance in the world are wasted if the result isnt a
successful accomplishment of the mission. Encourage subordinates to ask questions
concerning any point in your orders they do not understand. Question your
Subordinates to determine if there is any doubt or misunderstanding in regards to the
task to be accomplished. Exercise care and thought in supervision. Over-supervision
hurts initiative and creates resentment; under-supervision will not get the job done.
Train your Subordinates as a team
Teamwork is the key to successful operations. Teamwork is essential from the
smallest unit up to the entire guild. As a leader, you must insist on teamwork from
your Subordinates. Train, play and operate as a team. Be sure that each Subordinate
knows his or her position and responsibilities within the team framework. When team
spirit is in evidence, difficult tasks become much easier to accomplish. Teamwork is a
two-way street. Individual Subordinates give their best and in return the team provides
the Subordinate with camaraderie, recognition and a sense of accomplishment -all of
which will build Esprit de Corps.
Never publicly blame an individual for the teams failure nor praise one individual for
the teams success. Provide the best available facilities for unit training and make
maximum use of teamwork. Ensure that all training is meaningful and that its purpose
is clear to all members of the command. Base the team training on realistic current and
probable conditions.
Make sound and timely decisions
As a leader, you must be able to rapidly estimate a situation and make a sound
decision. Hesitation or a reluctance to make a decision leads subordinates to lose
confidence in your abilities as a leader.
Once you make a decision and discover it is the wrong one, dont hesitate to revise
your decision. Subordinates respect a leader who corrects mistakes immediately
instead of trying to bluff through a poor one. Develop this principle by developing a
logical and orderly thought process by practicing objective estimates of the situation.
When time and situation permit, plan for every possible event that can reasonably be
foreseen. Consider the advice and suggestions of your subordinates to make necessary
plans. And always consider the effects of your decisions on everyone.
Develop a sense of responsibility among your subordinates

Show your Subordinates that you are interested in their welfare by giving them the
opportunity for professional development. Assigning tasks and delegating the
authority to accomplish tasks promotes mutual confidence and respect between leaders
and the subordinates. It also encourages the subordinates to exercise initiative and to
give cooperation in the accomplishment of unit tasks. When you properly delegate
authority, you demonstrate faith in your Subordinates and increase the desire for
greater responsibilities. If you fail to delegate authority, you indicate a lack of
leadership, and your subordinates may take it to be the lack of trust in their abilities.
You can develop this principle by telling your subordinates what to do and not how to
do it. Hold them accountable for results, although overall responsibility remains yours.
Delegate enough authority to enable them to accomplish the task. Give your
Subordinates frequent opportunities to perform duties usually reserved for the next
higher ranks. Be quick to recognize your subordinates accomplishments when they
utilize initiative and resourcefulness. Correct errors in judgment and initiative in a
way, which will not discourage the Subordinate to try harder. Avoid public criticism
or condemnation. Until convinced otherwise, have faith in each subordinate. Accept
responsibility willingly and insist that your subordinates live by the same standard.
Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities
Successful completion of a task depends upon how well you know your units
capabilities. If the task assigned is one that your unit has not been trained to do, failure
is very likely to result. Failures lower your units morale and self-esteem. Seek out
challenging tasks for your unit but ensure that everyone is prepared for and has the
ability to successfully accomplish the mission.
You can develop this principle by analyzing all assigned tasks. If the means at your
disposal are inadequate, inform your immediate supervisor and request the necessary
support. Use the full capabilities of your unit before requesting assistance. Do not
hesitate to demand the utmost of your unit in an emergency.
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
For professional development, you must actively seek out challenging assignments.
You must use initiative and sound judgment when trying to accomplish jobs that are
not required by your rank or position in the guild. Seeking responsibilities also means
that you take responsibility for all that the unit does or fails to do. Regardless of the
actions of your subordinates, the responsibility for decision and its application falls to
you. Stick by your convictions and do what you think is right; but accept justified and
constructive criticism. Never punish a subordinate for failure that is the result of your
own mistake.
Techniques to develop this principle include learning the duties of your immediate
senior and be prepared to accept the responsibilities of these duties. Seek different

leadership positions that will give you experience in accepting responsibility in

different fields. Take every opportunity that offers increased responsibility but do not
overextend yourself to the point that other areas suffer in any way. Perform every act,
large or small, to the best of your ability. Carefully evaluate a subordinates failure
before taking action. Make sure the apparent shortcomings are not due to an error on
your part. In the absence of orders, take the initiative to perform actions you believe
your senior would direct you to perform if the leader were present.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:41 pm

Post subject:

Measurements and techniques of leadership

Upon completion of this section, you will be able to identify and define the indicators
of leadership and their uses. In addition, you will be able to identify and explain
examples of techniques of leadership, to include professionalism, motivation,
communication and problem solving.
Indicators of leadership
The success of any unit depends on the leadership within that unit. Subordinates are
only as good as their leaders. Unit efficiency can be determined by measuring the
leadership. To measure a units leadership, look at the four indicators of leadership:
morale, Esprit de Corps, discipline and proficiency of a unit.
Morale Morale is the state of the individual Subordinates mind. Morale is the most
important leadership indicator because the other indicators are affected by morale.
Esprit de Corps Esprit de Corps is loyalty to, pride in, and enthusiasm for a unit
shown by its members. Esprit de Corps is the personality of a unit and it makes up the
units spirit.
Discipline Discipline is the individual or group attitude that ensures prompt, willing
obedience to orders. Discipline within a unit also means that Subordinates start actions
and perform properly without being told to do so and without direct supervision.
Proficiency Proficiency is the technical and physical ability of a Subordinate or a
unit to successfully accomplish the assigned mission.
Measuring morale and Esprit de Corps
Morale in a unit is made up of many factors. The feelings of individuals toward their

fellow guild members, ICGOs and the guilds administration in general, all indicate
the state of morale. Thus, for a unit to function as a team, high morale is essential.
When morale is high, a guild member has the feeling of confidence and well-being. It
is this feeling that further enables someone to face hardship with courage,
determination and endurance.
Because of its importance, morale must be checked constantly. There are two basic
ways to evaluate the state of morale in a unit. The first is through observation of the
guild members within a unit and the second is by studying certain administrative
Observation of your membership can take place by watching them in their daily
activities, by conducting personnel inspections and by talking to them both while incharacter (IC) and out-of-character (OOC). Specific items to look for when evaluating
morale by observation are:
Personal conduct
Standards of military courtesy
Amount of quarreling
Presence of harmful or irresponsible rumors
Care of equipment
Response to orders and directives
Job proficiency
Motivation during training
Often by studying administrative reports, you can determine the morale of the unit.
Specific reports to study include:
Guild members who dont tend to administrative activities
Lack of attendance at designated events
Lack of personal finances to attend events
Damage to or loss of equipment through carelessness
Family problems or even problems with fellow members
Lack of participation in regular activities

Esprit de Corps in a unit enables that unit to perform seemingly impossible tasks.
Pride in the units traditions, history and honor are reflected by the Subordinatess
attitude toward the unit and its mission. Signs that indicate a high degree of Esprit de
Corps within a unit are:
Expressions from the guild members showing enthusiasm and pride in their unit
A good reputation among other guilds
A strong competitive spirit
Willing participation by the members in unit activities

Pride in the traditions and history of the unit

Readiness on the part of the members to help one another
Both morale and Esprit de Corps are mental states. As such, both are constantly
changing. They may be high one week and low the next. As a leader, you must
continuously be aware of the mental states of your men and women. Problems, both
personal and guild related, affect the mental attitude of your guild members and thus
affect the guilds performance. To maintain high morale and Esprit de Corps, you can
work on those aspects that develop these high states.
To help develop high morale you can:
Ensure that basic needs are satisfied
Instill in your guild members confidence in themselves, their leaders, their training
and their equipment
Keep your guild members aware of your concern for them and the guilds interest in
their physical, moral and spiritual welfare as well as that of their families
Establish an effective awards program
Make your guild members feel as though they are essential to the guild
Recognize your guild members desire to retain individuality and to be treated as
Maintain a professional atmosphere in training and administration
Esprit de Corps can be developed and maintained by:
Welcoming a new guild member off right by a reception program, including an
explanation of the guilds history, traditions and present role
Develop the feeling that the unit must excel
Recognize and publicize achievements of the guild and its members
Make use of ceremonies, symbols and slogans
Use competition to develop teamwork
Evaluation of discipline and proficiency
Over the years the term discipline has acquired at least three meanings punishment,
obedience and self-control. The first meaning, punishment, is frequently used when
someone violates a policy or regulation. Secondly, discipline seems to suggest
complete and total obedience to the orders of superiors. The most striking
characteristic of this type of military discipline is the consistent and unwavering
compliance with duty demanded of all troops. Yet, under closer examination, the most
constructive form of discipline involves something more than either punishment or
unquestioning obedience. This leads to the third and highest concept of discipline,
which is self-control, and a sense of personal responsibility.
Discipline is the individual or group attitude that insures prompt obedience to orders
and initiative in the absence of orders. Discipline is an internal attitude that motivates

guild members to follow the informal and formal requirements of their leaders and the
guild. It is a state of mind that produces a readiness for willing and intelligent
obedience and for proper conduct.
Leaders must learn and teach standards of personal behavior, job performance,
courtesy, appearance, and ethical conduct, which will increase the willingness of their
men and women to perform their jobs efficiently.
Discipline is essential for battlefield efficiency, and obviously it must be achieved
before a unit enters Battle Pageant. Unit discipline must be continually evaluated to
make sure it is maintained.
Indicators of the state of discipline are:
Attention to detail
Friendly relations between guild members
Devotion to duty
Proper senior ~ subordinate relationships
Standards of cleanliness, dress and military courtesy
Promptness on responding to orders and directives
Using the Chain of Command
Ability and willingness to perform effectively with little or no supervision
Discipline can be achieved by continual effective training, hard work and intelligent
Intelligent leadership can be achieved by:
Demonstrating discipline by your own conduct and example
Starting a fair and impartial system for punishment and distribution of privileges and
Striving for mutual confidence and respect through training
Encouraging self-discipline among guild members
The proficiency of a unit is how that unit accomplishes its assigned
missions. A units worth is measured by its proficiency.
Factors to look for to evaluate unit proficiency include:
Personal appearance and physical condition of guild members
Appearance and condition of weapons, equipment and encampment
Reaction time of the unit in various situations and conditions
Professional attitude demonstrated by the guild and its members
Troop leading ability of subordinate leaders
Promptness and accuracy in passing out orders, instructions and information
Degree of skill demonstrated when accomplishing tasks

The old saying practice makes perfect is key to unit and personal proficiency.
Continual training and practical application of skills improve proficiency. Every
improvement of individual proficiency leads to increased unit proficiency when the
training includes teamwork.
To achieve proficiency you:
Thoroughly train your Subordinates in their duties
Emphasize teamwork through the Chain of Command
Establish a sound physical conditioning program
Provide for cross-training and encourage the Subordinates to learn the duties of the
next higher rank or position
Set high standards of performance and insist they are met
Check proficiency by inspecting and testing
A professional Subordinate is one who has undergone special preparation and training,
which has the knowledge on which actions are based and who has the ability to apply
knowledge in a practical way. The professional leader knows the principles of
leadership and how to apply them to the units advantage. A professional Subordinate
tries to be of service in order to accomplish the mission or objective.
There are two main reasons why professionalism is important in military reenactment. First, the military leader is a volunteer responsible for the presentation of
the guild. Second, the military leader may have to take risks, which could endanger
subordinates, and these risks must be carefully evaluated in light of all available facts.
If the leader is less than professional, the unit may suffer embarrassment or needless
Three attributes must be developed for a Subordinate to become professional are
technical competence, values and ethical conduct. Much has been said about technical
competence; you must know your job and be able to do it well in order to lead others.
Knowing your job and doing it well gives you an inner confidence, which in turn can
help give you a professional bearing. This confidence can also lead wrongly to
becoming an overbearing jerk if you do not develop your values along with your
Values in general, are those things that are important to you. These include what is
important to your own life such as self-development; loyalty to your guild; social
values or traditions you grew up with; etc. All of these tie into the way you approach
people. To develop professional values and attitudes you simply resolve to let nothing
be more important to you than the welfare of your guild members, the accomplishment
of the mission and your personal integrity.

Your personal integrity is your code of ethics your sense of right or wrong. Your
code of ethics is closely related to your values. Your values include what you want,
but your ethics are more involved with the way you get what you want.
Motivation is probably the single most important factor in developing a highly
proficient, mission-oriented unit. Motivation is the internal process by which each
Subordinate strives to satisfy personal goals or needs. If you can properly motivate a
Subordinate, they will do the best possible job because he sees the end result as the
fulfillment of those things that are personally important to him.
As a leader, you must learn to recognize each guild members needs and then create an
atmosphere that will permit those needs to be satisfied. You must channel these
personal needs toward military re-enactment goals. Creating a motivational climate
gives guild members the opportunity to satisfy personal needs. And at the same time,
it allows the overall mission to be accomplished. To create the desired climate, you, as
a leader, should do the following:
Make a new member feel welcome
Express appreciation for jobs well done and recognize efforts
Refrain from personal humiliation and embarrassment. Dont reprimand anyone in
Challenge members in accordance with their capabilities. Dont assign tasks that are
too easy for an individual or ones that they arent capable of doing.
Motivation can be achieved by positive or negative methods; each method can be
either physical or mental.
Positive motivation is by far the best method. Positive motivation not only allows
needs to be satisfied but also creates an atmosphere of initiative and a desire to
succeed. Positive physical motivation is accomplished by rewarding an individual for
a job well done. Care must be taken not to create a situation where anyone expects a
reward for just doing the job. Positive mental motivation is achieved by telling the
guild member that the performance is outstanding and that you appreciate the effort.
You must be careful to not praise efforts that barely get the job done; however, failure
to praise at all makes an individual feel that the leaders dont appreciate their efforts.
The negative method of motivation is threatening someone with punishment for
failure to perform as expected or directed. Like positive motivation, this method may
achieve immediate results, but in the long run it can hurt the individual and the guild.
Threatening punishment can take both physical and mental forms. Physical
punishment can be in the form of extra duty or a threat of extra duty unless a job is
properly finished. Mental punishment is such that an individual knows theyll be
punished by perhaps losing respect if the job isnt done properly.
Negative motivation can create problems in several ways. First, it may kill the

initiative of a guild member. Second, it may instill fear in them. Poor performance
may not be a result of poor motivation but it may be a result of inability to perform the
Physical touch is one method of getting the Subordinates attention when they arent
looking at you. Closely associated are physical gestures and movements. Hand and
arm signals can be employed to move Subordinates into desired positions during
Battle Pageant or on Parade. The third way to communicate is the most common.
Symbol communication is broken down into written and oral communications. Oral
communication is simply telling your desires verbally, while written is writing your
desires or plans and passing the written page around.
Whichever method of communication you choose to use, you must be able to
determine how effective your communication techniques are. When you are giving
instructions you can answer questions and explain the reasons, but the overall
effectiveness of communication can be determined only by the actions, which result
from the communicated instructions.
Whenever you pass on orders or instructions there is always the possibility that the
instructions will not be properly understood or received. Such a breakdown in
communication is caused by barriers. Barriers in communication are a result of either
poor instructions given or failure to understand the instructions received.
Examples of communication barriers are:
Different backgrounds and experiences -Words have different meanings to different
people. Experience also plays an important part.
Poor listening Poor listening habits may be a communications barrier. While you
are talking, the listener may be saying something to a friend; obviously, if people are
talking they cant be listening to the instructions.
Closed mind When an instruction is passed on to a guild member, that individual
may not agree with what is being said. If the guild members feelings are strong
enough against the communication, then that individual will probably not accept the
communication. Guild members with closed minds will not allow personal opinions to
change their beliefs.
Fact versus inference Communications are passed down the Chain of Command.
Unfortunately the actual wording is often changed from one leader to the next. Insure
that the message you receive is correct and then pass the exact message on. Be careful
to say exactly what you want to say and to repeat exactly what was passed on to you.
Rumors often arise from failure to repeat the message exactly and rumors can have
nothing but adverse effects on a unit.
Misunderstanding Each communication must be given in a manner, which allows
no room for misunderstanding.
Senior / Subordinate relations

Your working relationship with your fellow members is a vital part of leadership. An
assigned mission will be achieved with a lot less trouble if the guild members get
along with each other and with their leaders. As a leader, you are often in contact with
your fellow guild members. Your relations with seniors and subordinates are not
confined only to a working status, but also non-working status as well. The secret to
success is to keep your relations on a professional level at all times. During working
times, you should talk to your Subordinates in a military manner by using their rank
and titles. At all times you must maintain your prestige as a leader. To maintain
prestige, you should never put yourself in a position that would take away anything
from your subordinates nor allow yourself to become too chummy. At the same time,
as a leader, you must be available and must not give the appearance of being aloof. Do
not at any time join your subordinates when they complain about decisions made by
their superiors.
While off duty, the leader must retain dignity. To promote a spirit of teamwork, you
should encourage guild members to socialize together, and, on an infrequent basis,
you should socialize with your subordinates. When you are asked to join a group of
your guild members, however, you should not hesitate to do so; guild members rate
respect from you both officially and socially.
A leaders relations with seniors are as important to their leadership ability as the
relations with their subordinates. To be a good leader, you must first be a good
follower. You must show the same cooperation and respect toward seniors that you
expect from your subordinates. Before a Subordinate can be entrusted with the
authority to lead others, a commander must be able to assume without question that
the Subordinate will carry out instructions and policies as given.
Tact is another important part in dealing with seniors. A leader should study their
seniors. ICGOs with whom the Subordinate comes in contact with each have certain
personal mannerisms and certain ways in which they do things. It is as important to
know the ground rules in working for a particular senior as it is to know the ground
rules of a particular guild event. You should adjust yourself to each of your seniors.
Perhaps a Spietrager can be forgiven for becoming confused at the mannerisms of
different ICGOs, but a leader is a Subordinate of mature judgment. You must adjust
yourself to the personalities of seniors more quickly and easily than you would expect
your subordinates to.
Your approach to seniors must be professional. As a leader, you should always be
friendly with seniors, but not exaggeratedly so. If you are friendly and cooperative,
your senior will have confidence in you and you can work together smoothly. If you
are reprimanded, you must remember that your senior is there to guide and help you
and that the reprimand is not to promote the seniors personal well-being but to
impress you with your shortcomings; nothing insulting is intended. You should benefit
by the lessons learned and move forward a little wiser without holding a grudge. To do
so indicates that you are properly adjusted to your work and that you desire to
cooperate. It gives the senior confidence in you. Their confidence in your abilities is

Whenever possible, you must use your rank or position to look out for your
subordinates welfare. Get them what they need! Proper use of rank or position
includes some donts also. Dont take unfair advantage of your rank or position.
Dont use your rank or position as a barrier. This means that you must not set yourself
above all of your subordinates and look down on them. Rank and position has its
privileges but, it also has responsibilities and one of them is to be available to your
Decision making
A Subordinate is appointed to a leadership position or rank only after demonstrating
proven ability. With this appointment comes the responsibility of looking out for
others and making decisions that will affect the accomplishment of the mission.
Mastering the decision-making process will result only from practice. The decisionmaking process can be divided into three phases: the preparatory phase, the deciding
phases and the act phase.
The preparatory phase is the one in which you identify the problem to be solved and
then gather all the information needed to make the decision.
The second phase is making the actual decision. By using the information gathered
you develop a list of possible actions that will solve the problem. This can be done by
holding brain-storming sessions with others or by yourself. You look at and analyze
each possible solution to see the pros and cons of each and then pick the one that will
best solve the problem.
The third phase is the action. You put the chosen decision into practice. After your
decision has been put into effect, you then evaluate the result to see if it has solved the
Now that you know how to go about making a decision, you must know when to use
the decision-making process. The decision-making process can be used to solve
almost every problem since it is a logical view of a problem and listing of possible
solutions. This process is effective in solving personal problems, in finding ways to
efficiently complete a task and in handling the problems of your members.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:20 am Post subject: Review of

"Manifestation of Emotion" by Aiden Voto


24 Nov

Manifestation of Emotion
This document is a recount of one person's perspectives of the effect of hate on one's
surroundings. All in all I find it to be similar to my own experience. It has inspired the
following thoughts.
What emotion we internalize, embrace and allow to consume us will radiate out from
us. This is evidenced enough through simple observation of our activities or the
activities of others. The value here is that by manifesting emotions we can influence
the immediate situation surrounding us. It is our choice to allow the emotions of others
to impact our lives, but this requires an awareness of the emotional impact, thus an
awareness of the symtems of external emotional influences would be a good tool to
have. Likewise, we should develop the skills necessary and the appropriate
understanding of how our emotional state impacts our surroundings.
There are two ways I know of to influence this emotional radiation. The first is
through allowing the currents of life to carry us through it, allowing our emotions to
flow freely to whatever whim we experience. The other is through the contoled
application of emotions. This can be done by communication with the subconcious,
readily accomplished through ritual.
It is time for me to return to my ritual training and develop those skills again in a
manner that is not purely for defence. This however is a challenge as I have always
ascribed my role as that of the soldier. Therefore it is going to be interesting to find the
soldierly way to embrace my passions, and focus my will. We shall have to do some
experimenting with social interactions to see how various emotions impact social
Also it will be useful to rebuild the wards and barriers again. It has been a long time
since I have had need of these, but one should not walk a dangerous path without at
least some caution.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:34 am

Element Training" by Lord Ang

Post subject: Review of "Jensari 5


These are thoughts inspired by the above referenced treatise:

Jensari 5 Element Training

24 Nov

I am no stranger to elemental associations, but my focus has always been on the

western view 4 element system rather than the asian 5 element system. That said, the
associations are obviously different and will require study. It is an interesting
approach to dealing with the Force, and certainly one worth considering. Perhaps in
studying a greater understanding of the Asian element system it could better serve for
a focus. Who knows.
The idea of practicing Force manipulation with elemental associations does appeal,
however. This very well could be used symbolically to great effect. I will need to
experiment with this to see if I can gain more insights. It may even be interesting to
merge the western and eastern aspects into one, if that is possible.
As far as preparation for individual combat, it is good to know that this is out there.
There are those who do make these preparations, and therefor it is likely that I will
need to do so as well. Ah the exhaustion soon to come my way. Ah well.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:47 am

and the Animal" by Angelis

Post subject: Review: "The Jensari

24 Nov

My Animal is a Gerbal! Holy crap, I'm screwed.

The Jensari and the Animal

To say I was a little disappointed by this artical would be an understatement. This is

standard totem animal content. It has a nice rendition of how to go about finding a
totem animal but I have found more involved vision quests to be stronger in results.
I was so expecting a discussion of the intimate animal nature of our condition, a greter
evaluation of the primal conciousness. This was simply and introductory lecture.
That said, it is probably a good resource for those unfamiliar with totem animals and
the shamanistic ways of self exploration.

It did, however, bring to mind a form of meditation that I have not given any thought
to. Perhaps I can develop a meditation in line with my sword training. Perhaps using
one of the standard forms. I find my focus becomming truely honed when doing that
in a mirror. Discovered that in class tonight as I was working with a student. It
deserves exploration.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:59 am

the Jensari" by Angelis

Post subject: Review: "The Bond of

The Bond of the Jensari

It is interesting that I have read this today. I was considering the seemingly solitary
nature of the Sith a great deal today. That being so it is nice to see familiar ideals
spoken at least somewhere. Though, like many of the "darksiders" I suspect a bit of
shortsightedness, I respect and admire their dedication to their membership.
I have often wondered at my own spiritual path. I am a soldier, not a warrior. A soldier
does not stand alone, and operates in service. At one time I had read about the
Antarian Rangers and wondered if there was a similar compliment to the Sith as these
Rangers are to the Jedi. It was an interesting search which yieded ... well nothing, but
still it is an interesting idea.
I still seek the like minded to myself, and yet fall short of finding what I am looking
for. Perhaps it is this militant aspect that I find I am missing. It is interesting to
consider. I am a leader of men, and as such I find that those who do not understand
leadership will never understand my desire for a unit once again. There is something
to the group dedicated to service of a greater cause. There is something satisfying in
developing a fighting force, be it spiritual or otherwise.
I have often thought that at some point I would act as defender and soldier in the
service of a truely powerful spiritualist. I was hoping this would be my wife, however
her interest in this area is more internal than external, and indeed through her own
ways she has castrated the most potent of my power sources. This was not a bad thing,
as the influence was not one I was treating responsibly. The Morigan is not to be dealt
with lightly, especially when it is an imposter. But the imagery was outstanding at a
time in my life when I was poisoned by my pain and hate.
We shall see. Perhaps I will find the like minded soldiers, and we shall build the unit
once more. I have only done it three times thus far, but never spiritually. Perhaps this
is the avenue. Unfortunately I always have to do things the hard way and forge my
own path. Good thing I have machettes at my disposal.
Get to cutting!
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &

Compare; my business is to Create."

Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Miles Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:45 am Post subject: On teaching
I was asked today if I would teach another in the ways of the Sith.
I informed him that there are many more qualified than I who can teach.
He was insistant.
d: 24

I told him there are indeed many things I could teach and asked what he desired to learn.
He said he did not know.
I said I could not teach, for a man who does not know does not desire. One who does not
desire does not posess passion. One who posesses no passion can not build a personal
strength required. Without strength there is no way for one to achieve the power required
to find victory over themselves, and would never break the chains holding them back.
They would never know true freedom.
I was asked if I would teach him to become a Sith.
I told him to go screw himself.

Too bad he left. If the first test can't even be attempted, there is no point in taking it
I know it isn't my place, but it was nice to know that the children fear me.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top
Miles Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:34 am Post subject: A symbolic language
In my past spiritual studies I have had rather impressive success with the study of
symbolism on an emotional level. THis began as an experiment with Tarot, and then an
exploration of another set of glyphs that I was studying for a role playing game.

The interesting part was that the glyphs were more meaningful as I could assemble them
into a string of thought images, and these strings could be interpreted in a number of
Joine ways revealing interesting truths. Taking the glyphs and telling a story from them became
d: 24 an interesting past time for me, and brought me much closer to the essence of
Nov understanding my emotions on a symbolic level.
Posts: This of course has many implications as any ritualist will attest.
Locati So I am considering setting off on another journey, one of symbolic discovery. I am
thinking of establishign a set of glyphs for the emotional principles of the Sith. It should
Los be an interesting undertaking. I can't imagine that I am the first to attempt this, but it will
Angel be nice to have a personalized application of my lessons here.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top
Miles Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:44 pm Post subject:
I was doing some reasearch and found some interesting identities:
Massassi - The Warrior Caste
Kissai - The priest Caste
Sith'ari - Sith Lord
Joine Jen'ari - Darkest Lord of the Sith
d: 24
Nov This works nicely as a subdivision of Sith Teachings.
Posts: The Path of the Physical
216 THe Path of the Spiritual
Locati The Path of the Lord
Los There is something here, and I will be incorporating these as symbols into the Glyph
Angel system.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
Last edited by Miles on Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:47 am; edited 1 time in total
to top

Miles Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:18 pm

Sith Jedi and Sith - Darth Viricus
The Difference of Jedi and Sith

d: 24

Post subject: Review: The Difference of

The Sith and Jedi walk the same path, but do so with different core intents. In their use of
the force, the Jedy use that which they deem to be the "light" side of the Force and make
every effort to suppress the influence of the "dark" side in order to avoid the risks and
traps there. The Sith, on the other hand do not restrict the Force into "light" and "Dark"
and view the force in it's entirety, allowing for pursuit of knowledge in all areas of the
Force. This does make them vulnerable to the traps the Jedi try so hard to avoid, and thus
why so many Sith fail.
The Jedi seek to calm thier primal selves, to reduce the influences of emotions upon our
judgement and selected course of action. The Sith do not share this restriction, and
attempt, through responsible use of the full range of emotions, to wield a power more
hazzardous and reckless. With great risk comes great reqards, and the power available by
not reigning in emotional aspects is thus available to be put to use. The full range of
emotions is available to a Sith. To a Jedi, only the insperation of a positive subset of
emotions in others is recommended. Perhaps this is because of the supression of the
"negative" emotions study in their paradigm.
In relation to the community there are misunderstandings. THe Sith seek the strength of
the individual, both in themsleves and in others. This strength allows for the development
of a community stronger by the sum of its parts. The Jedi seek to serve the community,
and through service seek to elevate the lowest in the community upwards, thus allowing
for a stronger community baseline. Both of these approaches are perfectly valid. One
seeks to elevate the individual thus the community, the other seeks to elevate the
community thus the individual. One is a top down, the other is a bottom up view. Each
also has its drawbacks. A top Down veiw often allows for the weak and the less fortunate
to slip through the cracks. The Bottom Up often manifests in creating a limitation for the
pursuit of individual success, thus putting a cieling on the ability for one to move upward
beyond the level of the whole.
The Sith seeks out independence, and with that the self responsibility that comes from not
being a burden or responsibility of others. This does not mean that the Sith do not engage
in, participate in, and become active, meaningful members of a community. It means that
they are not forced to participate, and so when they do they make a choice, thier own
choice, upon which they are more than willing to be judged. They forge their own path,
but the path is not one of issolation, but independence. The Jedi walk another road, one
that has been well set and maintained for generations. They engage themselves as
codependent elements within the whole. A universalist veiw of the interconnectedness of
all things coupled with a doctorine of responsibilty to the whole over responsibility to the
self leads them down a road of strong interconnectedness with benificient intent. This
coupled with the guidance of service to others makes their relationship with the whole a
considerable part of their identity, and independence a secondary concern.

To the tone of the original article: This article falls into the trap of only focusing upon the
negative and "dark" attributes and associations of the Sith, something I feel is a common
mistake in Sith writings. It is not our embracing of the "dark" that makes us Sith, but our
embracing to the totality of ourselves, and all aspects of the Force. "Dark" and "Light" are
Jedi terms. I know of no such boundaries.
Likewise the focus on negative emotions is likewise a trap, it is not only those but the full
range of emotion that inspires us and grants us our keys to power.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top
Miles Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:24 pm
Sith Will
Emotion and the Will

Post subject: Review: Emotion and the

Add Khaos post the list of required reading. This is quite a nice assembly of observations
on the nature of emotions and their use.
d: 24

Use this as a model for a lesson. For future consideration. Need to disassemble this
lecture into a series of practical exercises. It will be an interesting challenge.
On the Tiamat submission, unless the intent is to enter into a collection of lessons on the
individual natures of individual emotions, to issolate and comment on but the negative is
perhaps baiting the trap a little too heavily. Remain concious of this and remember that
there is no dark or light, simply the force, all aspects and manifestations equally
applicable and equally dangerous.
It may be a good exercise to give a list of emotions and have them interpreted as a final
exam for the lessons inspired by the Khaos lecture. We shall see.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.

to top
Miles Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:32 pm

Post subject: Review: Chains - Draconis

d: 24

This is a self reflective talk about the nature of power, feedom, strength, and intent. It is a
bit of a rambler, and only uses chains in the first scentence, without any expanding on the
My preference is still for Assignment IV - My Chains are Broken
This lecture is probably best left refined to the discussion of the Sith Code. All that is
covered in this lecture would be covered in a thorough evaluation of the code. THis
would also ensure that the ommission of passion, peace and the force are not disregarded.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.

to top
Miles Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:46 am
I set before you thus:

Post subject: A Guide

I am dedicated to training new Sith and influencing the old. I am forever conscious of
each Sith under my charge and by example shall inspire them to the highest standards
Joine possible. I strive to be patient, understanding, and firm. I commend the deserving and
d: 24 encourage the wayward. I shall never forget that I am responsible to those above me in
Nov rank and station for the moral, efficiency and effectiveness of my men as their
2008 performance will reflect an image of the Order of the Sith.
216 For I am a member of the Massassi Line. As such I am a member of the most unique
Locati group of dedicated Sith Realists in the world. I am bound to perform the duties of my
position to and beyond what I believe to be the limits of my capabilities. I realize that I
Los am the epitome of Sithist discipline, and carry myself with military bearing, unbowed by
Angel the weight of my duties, unflinching in the execution of my orders, and unswerving in my
dedication to the most complete success of this order. Both my personal and professional
demeanor shall be such that I may take pride if my fellow Sith emulate me, and knowing
perfection to lie beyond the grasp of any mortal hand, I shall strive to attain perfection,
that I may ever be aware of my needs and capabilities to improve myself. I shall be fair in
my personal relations, just in the enforcement of discipline, and true to myself and fellow
members of the Order of the Sith.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top

Miles Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:13 am Post subject: Illusions
Once there lived a village of creatures along the bottom of a great crystal river. The
current of the river swept silently over them all -- young and old, rich and poor, good and
evil -- the current going its own way, knowing only its own crystal self.
Each creature in its own manner clung tightly to the twigs and rocks of the river bottom,
for clinging was their way of life, and resisting the current was what each had learned
Joine from birth.
d: 24
Nov But one creature said at last, "I am tired of clinging. Though I cannot see it with my eyes,
2008 I trust that the current knows where it is going. I shall let go, and let it take me where it
Posts: will. Clinging, I shall die of boredom."
Locati The other creatures laughed and said, "Fool! Let go, and that current you worship will
throw you tumbled and smashed against the rocks, and you will die quicker than
Los boredom!"
But the one heeded them not, and taking a breath did let go, and at once was tumbled and
smashed by the current across the rocks.
Yet in time, as the creature refused to cling again, the current lifted him free from the
bottom, and he was bruised and hurt no more.
And the creatures downstream, to whom he was a stranger, cried, "See a miracle! A
creature like ourselves, yet he flies! See the messiah, come to save us all!"
And the one carried in the current said, "I am no more messiah than you. The river
delights to lift us free, if only we dare let go. Our true work is this voyage, this
But they cried the more, "Savior!" all the while clinging to the rocks, and when they
looked again he was gone, and they were left alone making legends of a savior.
-- from Illusions by Richard Bach
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top
Miles Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:29 am
Knigh Allegory of the Cave

Post subject: The old stand by

d: 24

[Socrates is speaking with Glaucon]

[Socrates:] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or
unenlightened: --Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth
open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their
childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only
see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above
and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners
there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like
the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the
[Glaucon:] I see.
And do you see, I said, men passing along the wall carrying all sorts of vessels, and
statues and figures of animals made of wood and stone and various materials, which
appear over the wall? Some of them are talking, others silent.
You have shown me a strange image, and they are strange prisoners.
Like ourselves, I replied; and they see only their own shadows, or the shadows of one
another, which the fire throws on the opposite wall of the cave?
True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never
allowed to move their heads?
And of the objects which are being carried in like manner they would only see the
Yes, he said.
And if they were able to converse with one another, would they not suppose that they
were naming what was actually before them?
Very true.
And suppose further that the prison had an echo which came from the other side, would
they not be sure to fancy when one of the passers-by spoke that the voice which they
heard came from the passing shadow?
No question, he replied.
To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images.
That is certain.

And now look again, and see what will naturally follow if the prisoners are released and
disabused of their error. At first, when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to
stand up and turn his neck round and walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp
pains; the glare will distress him, and he will be unable to see the realities of which in his
former state he had seen the shadows; and then conceive some one saying to him, that
what he saw before was an illusion, but that now, when he is approaching nearer to being
and his eye is turned towards more real existence, he has a clearer vision, -what will be
his reply? And you may further imagine that his instructor is pointing to the objects as
they pass and requiring him to name them, -- will he not be perplexed? Will he not fancy
that the shadows which he formerly saw are truer than the objects which are now shown
to him?
Far truer.
And if he is compelled to look straight at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes
which will make him turn away to take and take in the objects of vision which he can see,
and which he will conceive to be in reality clearer than the things which are now being
shown to him?
True, he said.
And suppose once more, that he is reluctantly dragged up a steep and rugged ascent, and
held fast until he 's forced into the presence of the sun himself, is he not likely to be
pained and irritated? When he approaches the light his eyes will be dazzled, and he will
not be able to see anything at all of what are now called realities.
Not all in a moment, he said.
He will require to grow accustomed to the sight of the upper world. And first he will see
the shadows best, next the reflections of men and other objects in the water, and then the
objects themselves; then he will gaze upon the light of the moon and the stars and the
spangled heaven; and he will see the sky and the stars by night better than the sun or the
light of the sun by day?
Last of he will be able to see the sun, and not mere reflections of him in the water, but he
will see him in his own proper place, and not in another; and he will contemplate him as
he is.
He will then proceed to argue that this is he who gives the season and the years, and is the
guardian of all that is in the visible world, and in a certain way the cause of all things
which he and his fellows have been accustomed to behold?

Clearly, he said, he would first see the sun and then reason about him.
And when he remembered his old habitation, and the wisdom of the den and his fellowprisoners, do you not suppose that he would felicitate himself on the change, and pity
Certainly, he would.
And if they were in the habit of conferring honours among themselves on those who were
quickest to observe the passing shadows and to remark which of them went before, and
which followed after, and which were together; and who were therefore best able to draw
conclusions as to the future, do you think that he would care for such honours and glories,
or envy the possessors of them? Would he not say with Homer,
Better to be the poor servant of a poor master, and to endure anything, rather than think
as they do and live after their manner?
Yes, he said, I think that he would rather suffer anything than entertain these false
notions and live in this miserable manner.
Imagine once more, I said, such an one coming suddenly out of the sun to be replaced in
his old situation; would he not be certain to have his eyes full of darkness?
To be sure, he said.
And if there were a contest, and he had to compete in measuring the shadows with the
prisoners who had never moved out of the den, while his sight was still weak, and before
his eyes had become steady (and the time which would be needed to acquire this new
habit of sight might be very considerable) would he not be ridiculous? Men would say of
him that up he went and down he came without his eyes; and that it was better not even to
think of ascending; and if any one tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let
them only catch the offender, and they would put him to death.
No question, he said.
This entire allegory, I said, you may now append, dear Glaucon, to the previous
argument; the prison-house is the world of sight, the light of the fire is the sun, and you
will not misapprehend me if you interpret the journey upwards to be the ascent of the soul
into the intellectual world according to my poor belief, which, at your desire, I have
expressed whether rightly or wrongly God knows. But, whether true or false, my opinion
is that in the world of knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is seen only
with an effort; and, when seen, is also inferred to be the universal author of all things
beautiful and right, parent of light and of the lord of light in this visible world, and the
immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual; and that this is the power upon
which he who would act rationally, either in public or private life must have his eye fixed.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:32 pm

Post subject:

d: 24

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:13 pm

Post subject:


d: 24

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;

my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top
Miles Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 5:54 am Post subject:
In the Sword System of Juaquim Meyer, as documented in his book "The Art of Combat"
(1570), he discusses a somewhat more modern approach of the original Lichtenauer
system. In that approach I have found a meaningful analogy for life. I will not use the
German terms here to make it more clear. Note to self, write this up better some time.
d: 24

In all combat there are three stages: there is the beginning, which ends after the first clash
has taken place; there is the ending, the final strike and the escape to safety; and there is
everything in between the beginning and the ending. In this middle portion there are two
aspects one can be in: the first is in the before, where you have the initiative and can drive
action; the second is in the after, where you must respond to the actions of your
The one in the before must continue to attack his opponent, for he has two choices. The
first is to attack and the second is to not. If he attacks the opponent must defend, thus
allowing for another attack. If one in the before does not attack, he releases his position in
the before to his opponent to take from him by allowing him the opportunity to attack.
The one in the after must seek the opportunity to move into the before. It does not matter
how long one in the after continues to defend himself, so long as he is in the after, he will
not be able to attack his enemy with safety so long as he must respond to the enemies
The Art of the German system that Meyer attempts to communicate through his work is
the art of defending in such a way as to transition from after to before, and to remain in
the before from then on.
These are the dynamics of a fight as I understand them based upon the Meyer teachings. I
believe this applies very well to mortal life.
Much like a duel described above, there is a beginning and an ending, and these are rather
precise as far as start and end points, and then there is everything in between.
In the inbetween part you can be subject to the will and desires of others, or have others
be subject to yours, with much the same results as in the before and after discussion
The trick is to learn the techniques that allow us to "defend" in such a way that we move
from the position of after to the position of before, or from before to after, so that we are
not subject to the will of another but choose our position freely and without compulsion
or limitation.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top
Miles Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:22 pm Post subject:
Diet Update ....
Finally, for the first time in over a decade, I am back in military regulation weight.
Stage one of Physical ownership of my body complete.
d: 24

205 lb to 177 lb.

Next stage starts after the move.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.

to top
Miles Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:21 pm Post subject:
Website Update ...
So I finally finished the school website. Ugh I hate copy. Really need to redo a couple of
them, but we need the students and having a website in place will at least be the biggest
step I can take other than actually teaching.
d: 24 We need to do another photoshoot in the new location and maybe back out at the park
Nov again. Possibly shoot some video. I guess I know where my new bonus check is going.
2008 Ah well, I needed a pro quality digital video camera anyway. If I have to train myself I
Posts: am going to need video to do it.
Locati So here is the site.
It will have to do for now.

Notes to self for after the move:

1) Kill the Gallery section and put in a forum after the move.
2) Get better pictures.
3) Have graphics fix the header image, Its got nasty pixelation.
4) Rework Copy on About page, it is really awkward.
5) Look at cleaning up the scheduling and home page placements, they're not
quite right yet.
6) Not totally sold on the Equipment page yet, look into cleaning that up with
some indentation, give it a little bit of a structured look. Still amateur hour.
7) Clean up minor spacing toward footer. Links are getting cramped by spacing of
the content area.
Page by page tweeking to visual flow.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
to top
Miles Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:12 pm Post subject:
and the move is complete. Now just to get everything unpacked, and get back to research.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason & Compare;
my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion.
d: 24



Sith Knight

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Posts: 216
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Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 7:44 pm

Post subject:

An interesting insight today. Anger is a key, not an end.

This morning when I woke up I was thinking about my reading form
the night before. There was a great deal of focus on Anger (knock me
over with not-suprise) and meditations surrounding anger. So in my
bed I focused my mind on my anger, reaching back into memory to
try and inspire the emotion with the strongest imagery I have. I felt
energy begin to stir, a bit chaotically, so I watched and continued to
feed it little by little. To my surprise I became erect ...
So I ran with it. I masturbated but not the way I normally do, I went
with the flow rather than forcing it. I allowed the energy to move as
it wanted. My mind was guided to angry sex scenes. Again my
passion was inpsired even further. The energy was not sluggish or
rooted like it is in my regular "meditations" (music, focused
breathing etc.) It was alive, whipping around from here to there,
swirling in my chest, in my belly ...
I tried a technique from my other meditations and focused on a
source of energy, the base of my skull is where I usually begin. The
moment I gave it concious thought, a white sphere formed from
which a black serpent head errupted out and drove for escape out my
mouth, which in my minds eye was openned wide. I do not know if
my physical body did the same as I was only loosely aware of my
actions. The serpent made it about 8 inches out when I willed it to
stop, and it was anchored to the white sphere, unable to reach out any
further. It struggled but there was nothing it could do. Drawing on
some of the energy in my chest, I moved it to my arms and grasped
the serpent, at which point it dissipated, reabsorbed into the energy
that was in my arms and returning to the chaos of swirling life that
was in my body.
I began to "play" stiring up the writhing energy. It wasn't being
controled, it was more being guided. It was much like a bag full of
eels, agitated and ready for a fight. I can mould the bag and thus
control the eels, but the actual movement of the eels not so much. I
could guide the overall energy, but not the specifics, and I had no
interest in guiding the specifics. It was life! It was Alive all it's own!
As I watched and played, the energy rose higher and higher in
intensity, building upon itself, as did my sexual excitement, but it
wasn't a physical sexual thing, the sexual was merely a channel for
the energy to express itself and feed itself.
Then my wife stirred, she made a sound as she usually does when I

am "personally engaged" to let me know she was awake ... and

instantly everything disipated. The energy was gone, no warning, just
We talked about it a lot this morning and I have come to a couple of
First, I like angry sex, it satiates me wonderfully. I enjoy inspiring
passion through pain and harsh treatment in intimate moments. My
wife does not. She expressed it that my sexual activities are full of
Fury, and she does not want Fury in her sex, so she turns away from
it. She does not fight it, simply turns away from it and doesn't
embrace it. It is interesting that this disarms me so thoughoughly.
Second, this may explain my preference for being bound. I can allow
the anger, rage, passion, fury to develop and take form (even giving
me wings one time, that was fun) without having to worry about
hurting the other person unnecessarily.
Third, anger requires resistance to grow. It requires some struggle or
it must convert to something else. This may explain why finding
truely willing and accepting subs is so very dull.
Fourth, anger in itself is a simple and child emotion. It isn't
complicated, or insightful. But it is a key. It is but one way to unlock
the energy within and to give it form, to jump start it. My what a
fascinating creature the raw energy of life can be, and anger pokes it
like a stick to get it moving, but there are many ways to make this
happen. Not just anger. I suspect that people who dwell on anger
more prevalently than other emotions likely have other things that
may need to be addressed. Other keys: Lust, joy, faith, pride, sorrow,
love, hate, kindness. These are all possible keys, though some may
not resonate as well as others.
Fifth, the warrior caste from Belenger continues to resonate. A
warrior as two speeds .. go and stop. It is much like a generator. If
you do not plug into it then you get none of the energy, though the
sound of the motor and the warmth of the enging can certainly be of
use. Once you plug in, then you get all of it. Earth does not move
quickly, but when it does, it is overwhelming in effect. The same is
true of my internal energy. I am a soldier in mind and spirit, my time
in the military now long over. As a soldier you give your all to the
task you commit to, because in war if you do not, well ... you end up
injured or dead. It is an all or nothing situation. The same is true for
my energy. It is the way I do everything. And it is as it should be.
There are those who throttle their power, but like the clutch of a 911,

that is a very small window between not engaged and engaged for
me. And when engaged, it is full throtle.
Fortunately,I am not called on for my energy often, but this new
venue is far more engaging and far more productive than the endless
hours of boredom I put myself through trying to focus my mind. I far
prefer riding life, getting messy, getting elbow deep in that bag of
eels. That is the way it should be. It's about time I found a way to
connect with the force. Now, what other serpents are lying in wait?
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

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Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:36 pm

Post subject:

I found this line in an email sent to me. I get these things as thank
you's from those who feel the need. But it is a good line and sums up
well an important step:
A veteran is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a
blank check made payable to ' United States of
America ' for an amount of 'up to and including my

... there comes a time in one's life when that check gets made out to
somebody. If you haven't, or think it foolish, then we will have a
hard time finding equal footing.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

Joined: 24 Nov 2008

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:00 am

reflection of the past

Post subject: A

As a young man, after being tossed out of college for my preference

for dating rather than grades, I found myself living as many do out of
high school. I lived on couches, in garages owned by Friends and
the like, making little money from meager jobs, and finding food

Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

when I didnt spend my money on other entertainments. I engaged in

a passive study of Magic, in Driudism especially. Books would be
purchased and read. There was a calling to the metaphysical, and yet
there was a strong denial of the validity of the studies. It was too easy
to rationalize alternative explanations removing the mystical from
the mysticism. I was endlessly skeptical. I was drawn to the subject
but always discredited the content.
Over time I developed two hobbies. One was hypnosis, and the other
was story telling. The story telling, originating in my role playing
background, began to take on a life of its own, and I created a small
world for my stories, with a static cast of characters. I began to
visualize myself the creater as a character in my own story. In
retrospect I now know this was a meditation, connecting visions of
my life with the secret wisdom of my sleeping mind. In this, one
character rose to the forefront, a servant of the writer, the keeper of
the world. It was a fallen angel. Conversations between him and the
other characters in my stories began to take on a new shape, and his
words were not my own. He provided support but in a very direct
way. He was my guide through difficult times, though I did not see it
at the time.
Eventually I tired of hunger, begging, and the directionlessness of
my life. I set myself upon a path and joined the Army as an infantry
soldier. I found military life to be quite challenging and satisfying all
at once. I settled into the routine and was considered by one and all a
good soldier. Others looked to me for guidance and in all tasks that I
undertook I excelled. Though this is nothing new for me, the
recognition was. I had set myself on the path of taking my life into
my own hands.
In Bosnia, during a riot, I was faced by a life changing realization. I
came in touch with a deeper power, something terrifying but very
real, and addictive. It was the realization that it is easy to take a life,
in fact it could even be desirable if properly framed. This realization
shattered all of my illusions of self. It destroyed all my assumptions
of my personal capacity for destruction. I had always seen myself as
a superiorly civilized being, incapable of such things. To be faced,
not with the intellectual awareness of the possibility of it being
otherwise, but with the core knowledge from the heart that is was
absolutely not the case, without question was devastating. Peace
is a lie, there is only passion.
Sortly after Bosnia, I left the service and began my education in
earnest. I went back to college and got a job as a Trucking
dispatcher. It was a job that suited my mind well: high volatility and

chaos needing order, but with a set time limit of the hours of my
shift. I brought a wife back from my time in Germany and the
combination of our marriage, her inability to work for legal reasons,
my full time schooling and my full time work created a set of
difficulties as of yet unknown to me. And yet, I excelled.
My wife, however, was not happy. I had learned in the service that
faith and confidence in the self are crucial for surviving the great
challenges in our lives, and yet she, with her womanly whiles,
leveraged against my compassion to reduce my confidence in myself.
She was endlessly unsatisfied and as I gave up more and more of
myself to appease her whims, she only pressed further. I made
mistakes, certainly, but her unforgiving nature exploited them to
drive me deeper and deeper into weakness. I do not believe she did it
with that intention, but she pulled me from the path. Eventually I
could take no more and the divorce was soon to follow.
During my time with my first wife, I met the woman who would
become my second wife. Her help was instrumental in my recovery
and emotional survival, but she had a strong interest in the
metaphysical and the spiritual. She is water to my earth. It was her
acceptance of the extra-perceptual, coupled with her intellect and
creativity, which showed me that there could be validity to it. She
was also weak and vulnerable in ways that I was strong and my
calling to provide that strength for her brought back my strength like
Lazarus from the tomb. My love for her grew (admittedly in my own
fashion) and my recovery was well underway.
A year later, my grandfather died.
My father and I have been at odds most of my life. Passionately,
though sometimes foolishly as is the case when a child challenges an
elder, I would take the brunt of his assault, perceiving it within
myself as protecting my siblings and mother from what at the time I
interpreted as emotional abuse. Animosity would be a gentle way of
putting it, and yet I would never back down. When I left home, I was
greatful to be free of that situation, though it left my brother and
sister to fend for themselves. Each did so in their own way. The last
great argument between father and son in our case was halted by my
mother, who ended the fighting with a threat neither of us could
counter. After that we were merely civil, or as civil as we could be,
to one another.
At the funeral for my grandfather, my father came to me in private.
At the funeral, my father needed to give the eulogy. He had prepared
for it, had his speech, but he had one fear. He was afraid that he

would not be able to make it through without falling apart. He asked,

in as humble a tone as I have ever seen, that should he falter, that I
come up, gently place my hand upon his shoulder, and then take
over, speaking in his stead. In that moment, I understood. The years
of fierce independence and retaliation had created a sense in him that
I had strength, and in his moment of need, in the most crucial of
times, it was his rebellious son that he turned to for that strength that
he so long carried as his own burden all these years. And at last
we were at peace. Through Passion, I gain Strength.
As time progressed, my relationship with my wife grew, as did my
success in various endeavors. The manager of my team quit, and
many among my team named me as the best successor, though my
position did not warrant such a move. My own ambition synched the
deal and I was placed as supervisor. After a year, with the success of
my ability to rebuild a disjointed and adversarial team into a single
dedicated group focused on the cause, they promoted me again to full
Manager. In my hobby of military reenactment a new training
program was put in place by myself and the current Captain. It
elevated the bar for those willing to go under the training to a level
far beyond what was there before. I was the first to graduate from the
program. As a result I was made a Sergeant in the unit the following
year. My success there was so profound that the Captain descided
that at last he could retire and hand the reigns over to another. The
following year I was made Captain. Through Strength I gain power.
In all of my ambitions, I had achieved that which a few years prior I
had seen as merely a dream. A very successful product under my
leadership, heralded as the finest we have ever put out by our
company and a guild of which the loyalty is so strong that many of
the old difficulties faded into the past, and a renewed vision of hope
instilled, all marked my triumph.Through power I gain victory.
I at last married my wife. Our union began the time of peace. God
was in his heaven and all was right with the world. The difficulties of
the past had fallen away and with it, the ambition. I was freed from
my almost compulsory need to achieve, to strive for greatness,
comfortable in the knowledge that I can achieve any task if I so
choose. I took up a new passion, formally training in the sword,
which I had studied for years prior but never formally. It, like any
training, was difficult at first, but with time I excelled. It quickly
became apparent to everyone that I would soon surpass the
instructor. Through Victory, my chains are broken.
But all great moments come to an end. The needs of the company
removed my title of Manager back to Principal Engineer. My

responsibilities were lessened and my tasks made more routine. I

was, in effect, demoted. I know why and do not fault the decision. I
was expelled from the sword class due to a disparity of vision, and
was forced to continue my studies on my own. I was removed from
the Captain position and demoted to Sergeant again by the powers
that be in the guild I had led for two years. In all this I know the
reasoning and do not fault any of it. However I was faced with a
dilemma. I now faced a world that once was, removed of my
positions and privilege.
I looked at the world that I had left in pursuit of my dreams looking
to welcome be back with open arms, but the world of before was too
limited, mired in petty concerns, easily overcome. I could not return.
I was, in effect, alone. My friends who had not made my journey
could be no solace. I had been freed from my own ambition in the
way it once bound me. This was the price of freedom.
But I was reminded that indeed I was not alone. For as I had paved
the path to success in my actions, my wife, partner in my progress
had embraced my life and acompanied me on the journey while on
the journey of her own. She provided the support that I needed in
order to not proceed alone, even though I feel so very alone, isolated
from the life I once lived. Through our union I recognized that the
accomplishments were important as accomplishments, but the titles
were not. It was the achieving that gave me strength and insight, not
the achievement itself. With that I knew that I could not return to a
life of one who does not wish to achieve, and she would be with me
on my journey, which was neither foolish, nor self righteous. It was
life. But I also saw that there were things that I had done, lessons
learned and insights gained that I could share with others. But I
needed a medium that would facilitate such a thing.
It was then that I found Sithism. There is potential here. There is
opportunity for growth, not just my own, but to help others do the
same. This is where the path currently leads. I endure the lessons of
many teachers who are trapped in other levels. I take from them
insights and perspectives that expand my own, not necessarily
married to my own views. I assimilate them into my own
understanding, all with an end of my own, to bring up another, set
them on the path, and have them exceed me in their own path. To
have them do the same for another. This is the way to developing
greatness. And once there is another who can take up the mantel and
drive on their own then I may rest, at peace. The Force shall free
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not

Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."

Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

Joined: 24 Nov 2008

Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:03 am

Post subject:

I do see value in the story of Darth Bane. It creates consolidated

context for Stih perception. The Story of Darth Bane as presented
can be the common experience shared with all who wish to learn the
Sith ways. It does not provide the road map, but provides examples
of various aspects of human interaction that can be used to further
explain larger concepts. In this, a common reference is an invaluable
To offer a small example: Purpose is central to the accomplishment
of any goal. In the Brotherhood the purpose was to discontinue the
internal struggle between Sith as this was seen as the greatest
detriment to past Sith accomplishments as an order. To this end, a
purpose was set: Form a brotherhood where all are of equal value
and thus discontinue self destruction through the ambitions of power
of the Sith Lords. This was clearly communicated by Lord Vaan in
such a way that the other Sith Lords embraced it. They understood
the clear purpose and the importance of that purpose. The power of
that kind of purpose is that it creates an environment where, even if
faced with perfectly valid and contrary views, such as when Bane
asked about the Darth Title from Lord Kasim, Lord Kasim went
against his intuition to find excuses to stay loyal to the goal. This
demonstrates the very power of purpose. It also illustrates the flaw of
an inappropriate purpose. It is a good lesson to contemplate.
The book offers many such examples, and though the value of the
actual lessons may not come directly from the literature, the literature
does provide a context in which to frame such lessons. Almost any
well told story will do, but this one is Sith centric and so would likely
be more embraced by Sith students.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.

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Sith Knight

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:49 am

Post subject:

So it has been some months now, and my understanding of the Sith

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has changed considerably from the beginning... well ... not so much
my understanding but the sobering realization of what others
interpret as the reality.
The phrase that inspired this particular train of thought for this post
was a statement made by a Jedi. "You sure you are Sith? You have
sounded a lot more like a Jedi the last couple of days."
In the conversation I asked her to boil down what a Jedi is in 50
words or less, and like all other Jedi I have found recently, she
spouted off the party line. But then I got to thinking, am I truely a
My interpretations have not changed over the past months so much
as become more clear. I dispise drawing definitions of the Sith using
the Jedi as a counterpoint, but in considering which path would be
more suited, I find myself needing to do so.
The Sith is one who finds his strength in his individuality. By being
the strong individual he contibutes to the whole as an individual,
exercising his will to achieve his personal goals. In the early years,
this will be selfish and manipulative, and thus the reputation of the
Sith as being so. But as one develops a greater understanding of the
whole, he begins to see that these tools are not always the best suited
for various strategies, and new tools are needed, tools like
cooperation, compassion, and non-manipulative persuasion. These
are better suited for the new goals which reach far beyond the self.
But at the center of the Sith's power is the self. From that sanctuary
of the self all things are made manifest, and so the universe is
expanded by the strength that the one brings to it.
The difference between Jedi and Sith comes down to how one
percieves the whole. The Sith see the whole as a collection of
individuals, and operates as but one individual in that whole. The
Jedi see the whole as a single entity and we are but merely part, but
on our own we are incomplete. This is the distinction that I see, but
perhaps I am fooling myself.
I read endless Sith teachings and journals and find the same drivvel
over and over again: stunted children arrested in their development,
seeking some validation for a desire to abuse or do harm. Is this
truely the legacy I need to embrace? Is there nothing more than the
glorification of destruction?
..... really?

Ah well, there are times to fight and times to endure. I just didn't
expect to need to endure this long. Perhaps one day someone else
will understand without me having to spend endless hours explaining

Back to work.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

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Posts: 216
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Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:30 am

Post subject:

I was speaking with a dishearened Jedi today. He was having

problem finding direction, and I was reminded of the technique we
use at work for personal growth development that we use at work
called SMART goals.
SMART is an acronym that provides guidance on the kind of goal
setting one should do.
Time Sensitive

In defining the goal, it should be no longer than a couple of

sentences. Follow that with an explanation of why the goal is
important. Once this is done, determine how success will be
measured, and how results will be tracked. Set a time limit and
ensure that the goal is achievable within that timeframe.
Setting these goals for the self directs training and furthers progress.
Additionally in the process, the recording of the results offers a list of
progress to look back upon.
I may need to implement this for myself if I am to continue my
progress without a master.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not

Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."

Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

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Posts: 216
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Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:43 am

Post subject:

Goal I - The Sohei Attributes 1-15

Goal: write at least a one page paper on each of the first 15 Sohei
attributes as designated in the document Jediism, compild by Master
Nash and how they apply to Sith principles and development as you
see them. For each identify a lesson of further study for a student
who would read your work.
Importance: The Sohei attributes provide an interesting means of
understanding the way we live our lives as spiritual beings. There is a
shortage of educational material for self students available, leaving
the student to sift through endless useless information to find the
treasures. Providing a good original source for the information as
well as giving perspective as to the importance would act as an
invaluable tool to future students.
Measure of success: At minimum one page written per line for the
first 15 lines of the attributes. Each should have a further study based
on the content of the content of the paper. The further study should
be based in external material considered a reputable source outside
the Sith community.
Record: The document itself
Time Limit: May 20, 2009
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.

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Sith Knight

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:33 am

Massassi Attributes - 1

Massassi Attributes - 1
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Posts: 216

The Massassi Path

Post subject:

Location: Los Angeles

It is silly to write about a Sithist path. Life is for living, experiencing,

feeling and learning. But in this age of technological advancement,
the written word, recorded for posterity is perhaps the best way to
reach a large number. So let us continue.
This lecture is based upon an adaptation of the attributes of the
Massassi (Japanese Warrior Monk) as described in the document
Jediism compiled and edited by Master Nash available at the
Unified Jedi Sith Order.

Attributes of the Massassi (Sith Warrior

In any time,
In any place,
The Massassi remembers himself as such.
The intent of this writing is to create and understand an identity, an
archetype that can be used to guide, motivate and inspire an
individual to take proper action through the course of his life. But to
truly understand this we must begin at the beginning and understand
what an archetype is, the value of establishing one, defining it, and at
last applying it to our selves and our interactions.
An archetype is an abstract identity or personified idea that we give
name to so that we can, through the use of a symbol, better
understand that aspect of lifes experience. There are many
archetypes, an infinite number limited only by the imagination of the
individual. Though there are an infinite number, each one, in order to
have value is finite in manifestation. That is to say that the identity of
the archetype is limited to a certain set of parameters that make it a
stand alone and readily identifiable entity. This archetype becomes a
point of focus for our meditations and thoughts, and as such becomes
a symbol we can use to communicate between our waking, sleeping
and primal minds. Symbols can be powerful tools, but only if we
give to them a definition that resonates within ourselves. We need to
infuse the archetype with meaning to ourselves on a deeply personal
Archetypes serve two primary roles. The first is as a source of insight
and understanding. This is easily typified in our meditations when we
ask our sleeping mind for a personification of some aspect of

ourselves, an emotion for example. When we do this an image is

provided for the sleeping mind speaks in a language of symbols and
images rather than words. When we are presented with these
archetypes they give our waking minds something to interact with, a
focus with direct communication to our sleeping minds. The other is
as a means of dedication. In this form the waking mind defines the
symbol, applies definition to it on a mental, emotional and spiritual
level. The best archetypes for dedication are those with strong
aspects that are difficult to live up to, or perfect. This gives us a
benchmark, a means of measuring our identities and our actions.
Archetypes used in this fashion, when applied to our personal sense
of self, act as motivators to inspire us to proper action. They act as a
reference to draw upon for guidance in difficult times. These
archetypes are very powerful and their potential limitless. It is the
later purpose that we pursue here; therefore it is of greatest import
that we define the archetype clearly, with a set of attributes that leave
no room for misinterpretation.
That is the focus of this writing, and as we progress we shall come to
know the Massassi as more than just a word, but as an archetype,
clearly defined, with ideals and aspects that can influence every part
of our daily lives. But as this is the introduction, I offer this as a
summary description: The Massassi is the warrior aspect of the Sith.
Though similar to a warrior archetype, and indeed it is a variation,
there are certain key differences that takes the Massassi beyond just a
simple combatant skilled in the ways of war and conflict. The term
originates from Sith Lore as a caste within the original Sith society.
Caste is a very important aspect of the Archetype for it limits the
Massassi to a dedicated role within the larger identity of Sith, as well
as sets a predefined purposes and roles. I leave the rest to the
remainder of the writing, but once the Archetype is fully understood,
we can begin to apply it.
The application of the Massassi archetype is at the heart of the
statement at the head of this section. In any time, in any place,
anywhere, the Massassi remembers himself as such. This is the key
to using the archetype. The Massassi archetype, as the beginning of
its definition establishes the first and paramount responsibility: to
never let the archetype of the Massassi be ignored. The Archetype
can be, and should be treated as a way of life. It becomes so
ingrained in the mind of the one using the archetype that it becomes
one with his self. He becomes the Massassi and must live up to that
expectation always. This means that we must be aware at all
times, everywhere, so that the attributes of the Massassi archetype
apply, and should be strived for. If this is not upheld, then the
archetype has no value within its intended purpose, and the one using

it is doomed to mediocrity in his role as a Massassi. We do not have

time for mediocrity.
Thus we begin to forge an identity, that of the Massassi. We
understand its role as an archetype. We shall develop an
understanding of the archetype as we progress through the writing,
and once understood we can begin to apply it to our lives. In the
application we accept that we shall never truly achieve this identity,
but shall strive to do so, that we may be aware of our ability to
improve ourselves, and how to go about doing it, for to do otherwise
is not true strength, simply the illusion of it.

Lesson: Read and become familiar with Sacred Contracts and your
Archetypes by Caroline Myss. This is an invaluable resource as an
introduction to Archetypes and thier potential for influence. A good
student will see potential to further thier own goals through this
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:04 am

Massassi Attributes - 2

Post subject:

Massassi Attributes - 2
Joined: 24 Nov 2008
Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

The Massassi is the height of controlled violence
And uncontrolled gentleness.

Control requires strength. The life of a Massassi is dependent and

centered around his strength and his discretion of how it is applied.
The Massassi world is one that includes both destruction and
nurturing, and he recognizes that these come in various forms. The
two greatest extreme manifestations of these principles are those of
violence and gentleness. The Massassi has the strength to properly
control the first, and through that strength has nothing to fear from
the second. So great is that strength that the Massassi is held up as
the benchmark to others, by which they can measure their own

strength, as shown by the Massassi control of self and action.

Violence is much like fire. It takes little to start a fire, merely a fuel
source and heat. Fuel is readily available all around us, and once lit,
fire requires little effort to maintain or flourish. It is the nature of
flame to propagate itself and expand, consuming all around it until it
has exhausted all sources of fuel, leaving nothing but ash. Fire itself
has no intention, for it merely follows its pattern, and if properly
controlled it can bring great benefits. It provides light, warmth, and
in cooking it improves the flavor of foods, killing harmful bacteria in
the process. The nature of fire has no agenda other than its continued
existence and growth. The same is true for violence. The Massassi
recognizes this and learns to control violence within and without
through his strengths. These strengths are physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual, as violence, being the lion, requires the
strongest of chains to restrain and control. The Massassi knows that
to allow the violence to run uncontrolled, destruction left unchecked,
can only result in a world of nothing but ash. The Massassi is the
height of controlled violence.
But not all needs such restraint or control. Nurturing promotes
growth in a world that constantly threatens entropy. Gentleness
nurtures like few other actions can. Much like a fly wheel, gentleness
can promote further gentleness, the momentum carrying through to
impact others, however without a constant effort to keep the wheel
turning eventually it does stop. There is no side effect, no weakness
manifested as a result from gentle action, that a Massassi, having the
strength to hold back the violence, need fear. Those who feel the
need to restrain gentle impulses are not profound for seeing a
potential failing and preventing it they are merely weak and fail to
see that there are some things that need no such vigilance, and indeed
to apply chains to gentleness merely limits nurturing and growth.
Such is the understanding and the other face of strength the Massassi
wear. The Massassi is the height of uncontrolled gentleness, again
the bar to which others must strive.
That which sets the Massassi apart is not his strength, however, even
though that is what is more easily perceived by those without, but his
understanding of the concept of control. The Massassi understands
that to control is to limit. To limit is to not achieve the highest order
of greatness. Thus control is not something to be aspired to but to be
endured. The Massassi controls that which must be controlled, and
thus limits it, for some things, like violence, by achieving greatness,
leave only ash. The Massassi applies only as much control as is
necessary, no more and no less, for he knows that control creates
nothing, but can destroy many things. Control in and of itself is a

form of destructive power. The Massassi must choose that which he

controls carefully, and be mindful not to control unnecessarily, he
must have the wisdom to know which is which, and must have the
strength to facilitate best action. In so doing he can live as an
example to others, guide them without interfering, and remain true to
himself as well.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:09 pm

Massassi Attributes - 3

Post subject:

Joined: 24 Nov 2008
Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

The Massassi does nothing,

says nothing,
which stems from ego.

Our lives and development as individuals follows a pattern. This

holds true for all things, but we as social and congnitient beings
follow a pattern that stems from our awareness of our surroundings.
This is true physically as well as mentally, emotionally and
spiritually. We begin as children, with childish concerns. As we age
our world grows in size and we begin to involve others in our lives,
gradually adding to the collection until it grows from the easily
perceived immediate to the more abstract. Eventually we develop to
a level where the universe becomes ours and we become a part of it.
As a young child our concern is only for ourselves. We have the
most basic of concerns that are seen to by our parents. When we are
hungry, hurt or otherwise dissatisfied we cry, throw tantrums and
sulk, all in an effort to find comfort. When we know joy we laugh
with such pure honesty that it is infectious to all who see it. We are
only concerned with me.
Over time we begin to incorporate others into our lives. We start this
process with our parents, our family and our closest of friends. It
begins with our immediate circle. We begin to consider our
relationship to them. We establish the basics and the basis for our
understanding of social interaction. We begin to be concerned with
things that belong to others. We come to an understanding of what is
mine and what is not, and we learn how to deal with the

belongings of others as well.

As we continue to grow, our awareness expands yet further. We
begin to have larger groups of friends. Social bonds of the pack are
formed, outside the family. Yet more nuances of social interaction
take place and we begin to interpret ourselves within the new
paradigm, and seek our recognition. In the early stages, much like
our understanding of material ownership, we begin with insisting that
we be given what we desire without understanding that some things
must be earned. Certain traits become of greater value than the
material possessions we once coveted, and we covet recognition
from our peers.
Still later, as we come into young adulthood we become arrogant of
our ideas and our beliefs, and we seek yet again to demand what is
not ours. Our ideas must be recognized, in order for our sense of self
to be fulfilled. Yet again, as with the demands of survival and the
desires for material wealth and recognition unearned, we fall into the
trap of looking at the world with eyes centered only on our own
existence. Then the transformation truly begins.
There comes a day when we must rely upon ourselves for survival.
We recognize that hunger will only be satisfied by our own hand and
deed. Acquisition of material wealth comes at a cost of our labor in
exchange for our desires. We are given responsibilities where our
decisions and actions have a direct impact upon the well being of
others, and should we choose to ignore these we shall not
continue to grow. But if we do accept these, and choose to take
ownership of our lives, we are able to feed ourselves, we develop a
legacy of recognition for our strengths, and we accept the mantel of
responsibility, bearing the weight of others rather than merely for
ourselves. We begin to understand the actual price for independence.
Still further along the road, once we have begun to achieve real
success in our chosen path, our awareness expands even further, to
more abstract concepts of mankind and society. In this we begin to
develop a sense of purpose. Having achieved, we seek ways to assist
others in their path to understanding and achievement. Gradually as
we do we build upon our foundational strengths we developed from
our first days to the present. At this point we begin to see the value of
ourselves in a greater light. We no longer need some of the childish
desires the same way we did, for we recognize that true worth can
only come from within, from the self.
Next we expand yet further to an awareness of the universe and our
place within it. Our views become more ethereal, able to draw upon

vast years of experience and developed insight from a perspective

that does not revolve around us. This is the way that the human
develops, in all ways.
The Massassi has been the child, the family member, the friend, the
idealist and has come out to where he has lived a life where he is
confident in his ability, and his sense of self, so much so that he no
longer needs acclaim or validation from other sources. Only those
who have weak ego need concern themselves with external
validation. The Massassi needs none, nor receives any real lasting
satisfaction from any opinion of his deed or words other than his
own. Thus his actions require no reaffirmation of his ego. He is free
from those concerns to focus upon the task at hand. If his ego is weak
to the point where it still must seek to others, or it must be the center
of his thought, he is merely struggling, like the child, to survive. To
merely survive is not enough to qualify as living. The Massassi does
nothing, says nothing, which stems from ego, for he no longer has
that need.

"... is he honest who resists his genius or conscience only for the sake
of present ease or gratification?"
-The Marriage of Heaven and Hell - Willaim Blake
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

Joined: 24 Nov 2008

Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:27 am

Post subject:

Read William Blake, the Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.

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Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:58 pm

Post subject:

Miles wrote:
Read William Blake, the Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

It is good to hear from your again Miles. Miles, is this what you
speak of?

Joined: 16 Jun 2009

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Sith Knight

Joined: 24 Nov 2008

Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:28 pm

Post subject:

It is a text with philosophical alchemic symbolism and a vision of
existance that is on par with what I believe to be at the core of
workable Sith thought.
A bit of reasearch on William Blake, the man, will give good context
to the point of view expressed as well. I am reading his complete
works (albeit slowly) and they are turning out to be a bit of a joy. His
private letters show his arrogance, and yet I know that arrogance is
merely an expression of conviction made manifest through action.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.

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Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:01 pm

Post subject:

Sith Knight

Thoughts on legacy (a ramble of free thought) ...

Joined: 24 Nov 2008

Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

I have lived a life thus far centered on accomplishment. It has been a

life lived moemnt to moment tending to that which must be done day
by day. In so doing I am often surprised when I stop to recount all
that I have experienced and all I have achieved. I am caught by
surprise when others listen to my stories, the collection of the more
interesting experinces that make for good stories, and then comment
"Is there anything you have not done?"
It is remarkable to me how unremarkable the lives of others are
sometimes. They concern themselves with legacy. I call it the Al
Bundy mind.
When one stops achievement as a way of life and rests on his laurels,
he begins to desire to be remembered for what he did that was great
in the past, but is not willing to continue living in greatness. He
begins to walk through life in a stagnant circle, constantly seeking
the past for labels of his value. I suspect that once this happens,
legacy and the concern for it begins to manifest.
We each seek to be remembered, to garner the respect that our
achievements deserve. This is human. It is part of our arrogant pride
that is as much a source of strength as a source of folly. But I believe
that this only happens when we stop reaching for the next thing,
when we stop striving without our lives for greatness in some form,
no matter how small. Once we are unable to strive further, for
whatever reason, we concern ourselves with legacy, and legacy
begins to have value.
In a conversation I had with some jedi recently, this subject came up,
and in the discussion it shocked me that legacy was so important to
them. The aquiring of apprentices, the passing on of thier knowledge,
the dedicated continuation of the line. It was so compulsory that the
very though of not having an apprentice, of not passing on the wealth
of experience and knowledge to another was bordering on immoral. I
was struck by how thoroughly I believed that they missed the point.
We spoke two different languages. Though I believe I was able to
understand their thoughts, mine seemed entirely foreign to them.
In my life I live moment to moment, instant to instant. That I am
taking the time to write this now is the effort I feel needs to be put
into my life in this moment. There are other things I could do, but I
pass this moment by organizing my thoughts in a public forum. It is
this moment's task. Living moment to moment, with an eye on the
past and the future reveals the limitation of our perception of time

and continuity, our desire for predictability but also reveals the true
nature of existence. I have journeyed long on some roads, short on
others. Never once has a journey ended exactly as I forsaw, nor
would I want it to. In many cases my vision was short sighted and
infantile, in other too gradios and rediculous, but in all journeys, the
end was merely a point along the way, new goals and targets set as I
So back to legacy. As I walk I leave a wake in the force, an imprint
on the passage of time. These are my legacies, and should they be of
benefit to others than I am happy. Should they be a burden to others,
I am sorry as that is rarely my intention. Commitments last as long as
they are within reach of my daily life. As they pass from my daily
existence, they are not given additional effort as my efforts are
directed at other achievements. And so I consider my friendships and
my family, the two greatest tools of legacy building.
I do not hold strong ties to my family, as they are not in my daily
life. My wife knows this, having married me so that she could make
herself part of my daily life so that I would not move along. That
which is before me has my attention. She understands this and seeks
to remain in view. It is her choice. To be honest, if she did not, we
would have parted long ago. It isn't because I do not love enough. It
is because I love too well. I love that which is with me in any given
moment. When children and I play, they are my children and have all
my love. When I am with friends they are my best friends. When
those friends depart and I am with others, they are my best friends in
that moment. Moment to moment, day by day, with ambition guiding
my future as I strive for new goals.
So with my friends, if I am to have a legacy, it is because they do not
follow my example. They remain mired in the past. With my family,
if I am to have legacy, then I would need to make that my goal and
seek to retain bonds regardless of whether or not that is the task fo
the moment. I become static and unchanging at that point.
There will be those who will be greatly remembered by family and
friends. I hope that I am, and I hope that I am not. I hope that I am in
that my impact on the lives of others has been a positive one, worth
rememberance in a bright and shining light. I hote that I am not in
that I hope that others would live in the moment enough to remember
fondly the past, but only as stories for the entertainment of others in a
moment. I do not seek validation by way of legacy, and I hope others
continually seek to the moment. If at times I come to mind as
example or testament to a lifestyle that I believe to be the point of
our existence, then I am sated.

We have an impact on others simply through living. It is our true

legacy. There is no need to seek out a legacy beyond that.
And in having this view, I acknowledge the folly. For my family ties
are not the same as those who embrace family. My friendships could
be much stronger if I acted to maintain them. I may one day find
myself alone of my own doing, by not investing the time and effort
that others do.
Perhaps I am a short sighted fool. Perhaps I am merely too young.
But in following my path I continue to achieve, and I continue to
strive. I continue to sup the joy of life through hard work and
dedication. And in that, I am made strong, prosperous, and happy.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.
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Sith Knight

Joined: 24 Nov 2008

Posts: 216
Location: Los Angeles

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:55 pm

Post subject:

I have come across a quote that perhaps exemplifies the difference

between Jedi and Sith more clearly than any other I have found.

"He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing,
-Meister Eckhart

To the Jedi this is a founding principle. To me it is the most

terrifying of warnings.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not
Reason & Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation
of the Giant Albion.

note-this is part of the grand book of the siththis is the beginning of the book-Grand

book of the sith


24 Nov

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:03 am

Post subject:

An interesting line for the code savy.

It is hard to make a Lady resolve to true.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

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Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:21 pm

Post subject:

Miles wrote:
I have come across a quote that perhaps exemplifies the difference between
Jedi and Sith more clearly than any other I have found.

25 Aug

"He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing,
-Meister Eckhart

To the Jedi this is a founding principle. To me it is the most terrifying of


That is quite interesting indeed. While detachment might work for some
tasks/situations, I don't see it as a way to live. Not my way, anyhow.

Most emotional heat comes with the ego acting out, but I'd rather take that energy and
use it to my advantage, as I imagine you agree. Detachment can perhaps
be peaceful but that will invariably not last, despite how far one distances themselves
from their emotions.

Not to mention, I prefer the spice of life that comes with emotions, don't you?
You are permitted in times of great danger to walk with the devil until you have
crossed the bridge. -Bulgarian proverb
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24 Nov

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:01 pm

Post subject:

I see detatchment as the first cardinal sin of the Sith. It is paramount that we remain
attached to life. To use detachment as a means of finding peace is akin to win by not
playing the game. Certainly it could be argued ... but I respect the chess master more
than the one who has never played.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

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Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:46 am

Post subject:

There is an interesting phrase that I took with me from a martial arts seminar I
attended last month.
"Techniques demonstrate principles. Principles create technique."

24 Nov

In my studies I began as many do, wrapped up in the specifics of the individual

movements and the precision of doing them correctly. As I practiced them I didn't
fully understand the reasons they were effective. Over time I began to understand

more primary base concepts. Weak and strong of the sword, clearing the center line,
Location: timing, distance, control of the opponent's sword. These were all stated before, but not
truely understood.
Now I find that I am beginning to see the principles, the broader scope. I understand
that the differences between one form and another are beginning to blur. The
principles are the same for each form, the manifestation merely variations of the same
As with all things, as I learn in one area of my life I take the lessons to another. Now I
find myself seeing the principles of Sith thought, or at least my understanding of it. I
seek the broader picture, thus to refine my technique of manifestation.
It has changed my views. It shall be interesting to take things forward with this new
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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24 Nov

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:47 pm

Post subject:

Passion in writing.
Someone commented recently that my writing sounds cool and detached. Rereading
some of my posts, I certainly have to agree. I know why. My intention is to
communicate clearly. Its an interesting thing to observe.
The words we use give context to the way we think. So a new exercise...
I need to write with more passion and emotion, so that I can think more readily in
those terms. A good exercise I think.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

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Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:56 pm

Post subject:

A post from another site I wrote once. Keeping a copy here as a reminder.

24 Nov

I am a creature of desire. My desire is not so weak that it can be restrained by man or

reason. I will give neither that much power over my desire, for that makes a tyrant of
my reason, and cruel the man, as they hold mastery over the unwilling. I would not
enslave my desire to watch it whither and weaken, becoming passive to the point
where it is a mere whisper of it's former glory, and thus I share in that fate.
Rather I call upon the tempest as friend, and learn to ride the whirlwind, and in so
doing the flames of desire no longer burn, but light my path as the sun, and the dragon
Rage sleeps soundly until his time. I look out and see those who point and shriek "He
is mad! Doom his fate." and watch as the tempest carries me from them to distant
lands, to others who behold a man glide gently to the ground and hush their children's
giddy whispers of "Miracle!"
It is the first lesson I knew intuitively at birth, forgotten and had to relearn:
"I am."
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

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Sith Lord

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:50 pm

Post subject:

Matter is void--All is vanity

25 Aug

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Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:27 pm

Post subject:

Well, off on a Cruise to Alaska. I get to talk to a bunch of personal growth

development authors for seven days. I hope I learn something interesting. It would be
a huge dissapointment otherwise.

24 Nov

That and I finally get to see for myself how pretty it is there. About damned time.
Back in two weeks.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

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Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:42 am

Post subject:

It's interesting to me how many among the Sith practice martial arts.
It suprises me even more how many forget the Art and focus on the Martial.

24 Nov

Maybe its an age thing.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

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Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:15 pm

Post subject:

Note to self...
On the question of the roles of group and individual, look here for some insights. It's a
study of panthiestic thought and perspective.

24 Nov
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It holds some interesting promise for revelation.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant


Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:54 pm

Post subject:

There, the cruise is over and Alask is somewhere I need to visit again. Note to self,
Sitka is a must see again.

As this cruise was also a spiritual growth seminar, it was facinating to watch 1500
Joined: people all follow a spiritual path. Many were misguided in my opinion, and many
24 Nov others were just plain making excuses for themselves. But there were some very
interesting revelations. Gregg Braden spoke about the quatum field that unites all of
us. It was an interesting discussion of the force in a different name. He has book called
"Divine Matrix" that is to discuss that. The wife bought it so I will likely read it
Location: eventually.
Angeles Some base notes from my observations:
1) When conducting guided meditation, providing options or examples of varying
kinds is distracting to the visualization. Should be avoided if possible.
2) The term "healing" in the context of these seminars means "to make whole". If you
do not use this definition of healing then things get a bit difficult.
3) There is a huge gap between the introductory stages of spiritual development and
the more advnced teachings. Remember when dealing with more novice students to
stay within thier context and not move straight to the end. Most have to come to the
end conclusion through their own path and this will take time and patience if it is to be
4) I hate radio psychics.
5) There is a missing key to the spiritual development movememnt as presented by
Hay House publishing. That is that there is nothing wrong with the ego, with drk
emotions, with euphoria. It is how we allow them to manifest and the tenuous control
that we keep over them that creates problems.
6) "The Ego is the scaffolding for the self." - Miles
7) Sex on cruise ships is just better.
Always spring for the bigger room.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:01 pm

Post subject:

Miles wrote:
1) When conducting guided meditation, providing options or examples of
varying kinds is distracting to the visualization. Should be avoided if

25 Aug

What do you mean? By thinking about other options, you can give yourself another
potential distraction(s)? Would this then be remedied by sticking to a predetermined
outline for meditation (specific goal or goals for said session)? I might be getting
ahead of myself here.

Miles wrote:
7) Sex on cruise ships is just better.
Always spring for the bigger room.

This goes without saying.

Wish I spent the difference for a balcony room on my
last cruise...
You are permitted in times of great danger to walk with the devil until you have
crossed the bridge. -Bulgarian proverb
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24 Nov

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:25 pm

Post subject:

In a group guided meditation, when you are the one guiding the group, it is important
to allow each individual to provide their own imagery for the meditation. Not
everyone has the same symbols for each emotion or inpirational concept. If you offer
many options many may apply, and in so doing you draw attention from the first one
that comes to mind.
Example: If the group meditation is about anger, and you are trying to foster it, create
a manifestation/visualization for anger, if during the guiding you say things like:
"Embrace a moment where you knew anger. Perhaps it was the death of someone
close, or the betrayal of a lover. Getting overlooked at work, or perhaps you just have
someone you hate. Embrace it..."
This is actually a bit of a problem, for there may be many that apply. However each
one applies in a unique way. For the less experienced this can create conflict within
the meditation imagery and thus creating a level of distraction.
The intent of the meditation doesn't matter, but making every effort to ensure that the
guide does not unintentionally provide conflict in the visualization is important.
Another thing to note is to be very specific when asking the participant to call forth a
visualization that is complimentary to the intended work. Be specific enough to be
clear of the intent but abstract enough to allow the image to be conjured on their own.

I observed these as problems in guided meditations that I was a part of. That is so why
I prefer hypnosis one on one to guided meditation. Ah well.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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24 Nov

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:19 am

Post subject:

Wrote this on another forum. Wanted to record it here for reference.

"Don't defy gravity; learn to fly."
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:40 pm

Post subject:

Awareness I Vision

24 Nov

THERE is NO Natural Religion

The Author & Printer W Blake
The Argument
Man has no notion of moral fitness but from Education. Natually he is only a
natural organ subject to Sense.
I Man cannot Naturally Percieve. but through his natural or bodily organs
II Man by his reasoning power. can only compare & judge of what he has
already percievd.

III From a perception of only 3 senses or 3 elements none could deduce a

fourth or fifth
IV None could have other than natural or organic thought is he had none but
organic perceptions
V Mans desires are limited by his perceptions. none can desire what he has
not percievd
VI The desires & perceptions of man untaught by any thing but organs of
sense, must be limited to objects of sense.

The commonly perceived organs of Sense are those of touch, taste, smell, sound, and
vision. Each is a talent of experiencing, processing and giving meaning to differences.
The clearest example is that of touch and temperature. I stand in the shower. On days
where I have consumed a fair amount of steak, my body is warm. My warm body in
the shower feels the warm water as pleasant, opening my pores, comforting my skin. I
long for the warmth to embrace me, to massage and comfort me. There are days where
my body is cold, and my feet are like blocks of ice, much to my wifes distain when I
slip them under her in the morning. On those days when I enter the shower I am
burned, scalded by they heat of the water. The temperature as a measure of metallic
expansion has not changed, but the difference between my feet and the water is far
greater. I am filled with burning pain. Touch is not a measure of temperature, but a
measure of relative temperature to my body. How much more so other organs of
I took a trip to Alaska. We wound up Disenchantment Bay to see Hubbard Glacier. As
we traveled we looked into the fog and could see nothing. When the fog lifted like
some grand theater curtain, we could see the glacier. How far away do you think it
is? was asked by many who stood beside me on the deck. It looked like a reasonable
thing, a nice flow of ice, much like a mud flow but white marked with dirt streaks. It
was hard to determine scale. We were still three miles from it. As we approached we
kept wondering at the true size of it. With every passing minute it grew. Eventually we
came to rest at the foot of it. There it stood 30 stories high. It loomed over us, the great
wall of surreal blue and white. There was no question about the power of this 75 mile
long 7 mile wide moving ice wall.
The problem with our perception of this colossus was not that we could not perceive
the size, but that we could not differentiate it from other elements in the surrounding.
The mountains surrounding the glacier are deceptively large as well. It took us getting
close enough to be able to see the glacier in comparison to our ship to be able to at last
perceive the true scale of the thing. Tall and short measure each other says Lao Tsu.

One Eye, Two Eyes

Binocular vision is a development of many predatory species. I have known two
people that did not have it. The first was a girl friend who could not bring both eyes to
bear on a target at the same time. Her youth had been spent correcting it, and at its best
correction she did not look as though she had a problem, but if you were to gaze into
her eyes you knew it to be true. She had developed a talent. She would bring one eye
on the target and then the other in rapid succession. In doing so she was able to
develop her own form of depth perception. She was able to drive, to play softball. She
had found a way to make it work for her.
One day I asked her to show me what her vision was like. It was difficult for her to
describe, for she had so altered her means of seeing that her description was lacking. I
learned to cross my eyes slightly so that I could better understand. After some practice
I was able to see two visions simultaneously, clearly in focus at various distances. It
was difficult at first to see that way, but with time I understood why she could not
explain it. Her mind had filtered one vision, then the other, so she never did see two
distinct images, only one at a time. Her eyes flicking back and forth was not a
conscious action on her part. It was impossible for her to communicate this experience
as something different to my own, because she did not know that it was, other than by
being told by others that it wasnt. She could not perceive that which she had not
The other person is a friend who as a child had popped his eye out of his socket.
Damage had been done to the nerves and he was blind in that eye. He once
commented to me that he knew that his eyes were crooked, but when he looked in the
mirror the bad eye would correct itself. It was actually rather interesting to watch. But
his world was one of a single dimension. He would never be able to drive due to his
complete lack of depth perception. I wondered what his life was like so I wore and eye
patch one day. The world was far more flat. It was the same as the glacier. Without the
second eye to compare to the first, there was no way to truly gage the distance of
things out of reach. Estimates could be made but I was surprised a few times by tree
branches that had blended in with background colors, unable to distinguish distance.
This isnt hard to experience. Go watch a 3d movie with and without the glasses. It is
subtle but it is there.

Shadows and Lines

We seek out the familiar. Every child has played the game where they look for images
in the clouds. It is another aspect of our perceptions. We seek out the familiar. While
on our trip to Alaska my wife pointed out an interesting observation. She looked at the
snow patterns on the mountain sides and saw an image that looked like a stylized bird.
She laughed and thought it remarkable. When I asked why, she remarked that she now
understood why the art of the local natives looked the way it did. They had developed

an artistic eye based on their observations. The shapes of the snow pattern were very
similar to the lines of their art. It made perfect sense. Alaska gets 45 days of Sun a
year. The rest are grey and overcast. If the fog and clouds during our time there were
any indication, there is very little to differentiate in the sky. On the mountains,
however, there is a sharp contrast between snow and mountain, and the patterns are
endless. Perhaps she is right. Perhaps they played the same game, but rather than look
to a partly cloudy sky, they look to the mountains. The similarity was striking.
With this, there is the greater idea, that of visual arts. We are all familiar with optical
illusions, with images that could be interpreted as one way or another, or both at once
if your eye is not drawn to one of the images. I find it interesting that those that I see
are those that are larger, less detailed, and with high contrast. Those that are more
subtle are harder for me to see, but once I see them it becomes a choice. I choose
which to see at any given time.
The second image is harder to see, as I have committed myself to the first visual. I
have to go looking for it. Such is the way with all perception. The first vision is taken
as truth, and the other alternates need to be sought out. If you are not told the image is
an optical illusion, only a study of the detail may reveal it. At a glance the full image
will be lost. Often the way I find them is by looking at the image and seeing what
doesnt fit. Why would there be a line here or there? From that single thread I can pull
out the alternate tapestry. But it is far easier if I know at first that it is not what I
assume it to be at first.
With this in mind I ran an experiment. I went to see a movie, Harry Potter and the
Half Blood Prince. As the movie began I found myself looking at the screen and
looking through the Warner Brothers logo as it began. I was unable to see the image,
the clouds, the intended image. I saw only lines. Almost like looking at pixels on a
computer screen without allowing them to coalesce into images. When I was younger
I saw "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte", by Georges Seurat in a
museum. When I first looked at it I was too close to it and could not make out the
images. It is a dot painting. You have to stand further away to see the image. Again it
is the example of allowing our mind to create familiarity. It is something that I can
turn off, and see a different world.
Seurat demonstrates the great paradox. The painting is nothing but dots. The painting
is a scene of a park. It is both and neither at once.
The Lesson
In order to see we can not look in isolation. Meaning will be found in what we
compare something to.
We see as we have learned to see. It is automatic. To not be blinded by our
assumptions we need to seek to unlearn, to see through different eyes.

When we look through different eyes, and see differently, we must not reject what we
saw before, for old eyes and new see with equal truth. Dont cast one away in favor of
another, see with both.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant


24 Nov

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:38 am

Post subject:

I walked the spiral of the Dark and found Cerebus at his gate. The three great heads
were there before me, the first looked beyond the gate keeping Fear in her home. The
second spoke to me and with gentle whispers. "When ready to see, you may pass."
The third gnawed on a corpse of lies.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:43 am

Post subject:

In contemplating the sacred masculine and sacred feminine I came to a realization that
redirected some of my views of light and dark. I have always wondered at the
personality traits of those who are drawn to the light versus those who are drawn to the
The sacred masculine is a fire/earth aspect, driven, energetic but willing to work
within limitations. It seeks the accomplishment of a given task to the highest level of
mastery. It isolates, targets and pursues ... those who embrace the sacred masculine are
seekers. These traits, common to the sacred masculine seem to be plentiful among
those drawn to the Dark.
The sacred feminine is more a receptive force, it envelops, unites, contains. It seeks
out unity. It observes without action. Rather than chase they allow things to be
revealed. It finds great worth and comfort in that which brings things together. Those
who are drawn to the Light tend to share these qualities.

Darkness is all enveloping, all consuming. It protects us from that which we are not
ready to embrace by hiding it from us. If not restrained it embraces all. The depths of
the Dark are infinite. In these ways the Dark is an interesting display of the sacred
Light requires energy to be brought forth. It is a reflective aspect in that it can only see
that which is in direct line of sight from the source. It illuminates the darkness, but
only does so while the focus is in that direction. In these ways the Light has paralells
to the Sacred Masculine.
Perhaps it is those who are strongly influenced by the sacred feminine that have a need
for the sacred masculine and thus they are drawn to that masculine in the Light.
Likewise those who are more strongly influenced by the sacred masculine need the
sacred feminine to complete their work. Light is drawn to darkness, darkness to light,
masculine to feminine, feminine to masculine. In each case the cycle is complete and
the two, made one, provide the complete self.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:02 pm

Post subject:

This is an old writing from December 2006 that I found in my files while doing
house keeping.
In a conversation yesterday I developed a thought on how my girlfriend and I view the
universe, the subtle differences in the perception, and the very interesting potential of
those perceptions on how we manifest our reality.
First, we are talking about the universal mind, the collective consciousness here. There
may be more formal terms I should use but I do not know them.
In one view, the universal mind is a single entity, whole and complete, encompassing
all that we think and containing potential for greater and greater awareness through
study and contemplation. In this model, it is as though the universal mind is a cell,
made up of molecules. The individual molecule (or mind in this case) certainly has an
identity, and in some cases even a purpose all on its own, however it pails in
comparison to the greatness of the whole when all of the molecules acting in unison to
create the cell are considered. Each individual exists to ensure the survival of the
whole and perpetuates the growth and sustainment of the cell. We are so that the
universal mind can survive. Elevation or enlightenment comes in the form of
awareness of that principal and being able to observe the universal mind in its true

manifestation and become a willing and participative part of the whole, seeking to be
one with it.
Another view, almost the same but with a key difference in consideration, is that of
the universal mind being a collective, much like a society is made up of the collective
actions of the individuals within it, working together to form an identity through the
actions of the many, reinforced by traditions or teachings as it persists generation to
generation. The environment is one of individual consciousnesses, each interacting,
weaving a tapestry of minds, coupled with actions driven by those minds, often in
response to actions driven by other minds. The constant interaction between them
creates the reality of the universal mind. It is not an entity of stand alone purpose or
intent, but rather a resulting identity as manifested through the thoughts and
interactions of all of the minds that contribute to the process. Enlightenment and
elevation come from the refining of the self and through that refinement, radiating the
self outwards that it may interaction with others sending the ripples through the whole
of the universal mind.
During this thought process, a reconciliation of perspectives came to me. Sondra has
stated in the past that when she went to see the movie The Last Samurai, in the
scene where Katsumoto, played by Ken Watanabe, died and was honored by the other
soldiers, she didnt quite understand why both the men who flanked her in the theater
were crying. Likewise when the two of us went to see The Fountain, I certainly was
able to get the overlying principals of the film, I obviously missed something very
profound, as the only real impact on me that it had was that I was pretty sure I missed
something. I am reminded of when I was young reading Sallinger and thinking why
do I care about and angsty drugged up kid who can get his head out of his ass long
enough to start living life? I was pretty sure I was missing something there too.
I think the difference is in perceptions in the universal mind. In The Last Samurai, the
greatness of the scene, the impact can be summed up in the last line of the movie. The
idea that it is not important how we die, but how we live, how we impact others while
we are here in this brief moment of our lives. What decisions to we make? The tears
fell for my friend and me because not only did the man live well, up to and including
the very last moment of it, but it was recognized and honored by a culture that has a
truly excellent medium to express such appreciation. A solemn and reverent moment,
honoring not the passing of a man, but a statement of gratitude for the interaction and
the opportunity to participate in a life where his presence has served as a model, or an
example, or a testament to an idea, or any other personal impact that you would want
to ascribe to it. The movie was an iconic example of the principals of a universal
awareness where the individual life, the example it sets, the greatness of ones
personal journey is the key.
To one where the individual makes up but a part of the whole and it is the whole that
has focus, these principals are less meaningful. To that end, The Fountain speaks far
more clearly. Immortality, the search for the eternal, the persisting, oneness with the
whole in mind body and spirit, returning to the source thus to be manifest again in an

endless cycle of recreation, these are the principals of greatness. To understand that
connection, to be one with the fate of the universe, to take part in that and to recognize
that unity, is a great quality. When one is aware of it, truly, then the end is but a
beginning. Death is the road to awe. Through death one transcends into a greater
It is not that I am saying that one perception is preferable to the other. I believe they
both have merit and they both should be acknowledged and embraced. To borrow a
term from Stranger in a Strange Land, I grok the principals of the universal collective.
I do not have the same understanding of the universal cell, but I can rationalize it well
enough to admire and acknowledge its wealth and worth. I believe that one can choose
to follow one or the other path. I believe that that choice can change moment by
moment. I have a hard time seeing how in any given moment both ideals can be
pursued at once, but I acknowledge this may be my own limitation.
I believe that both perspectives are necessary for a truly powerful and fully lived life.
If two people, one with each awareness can come together and contribute to a
situation, each from their perspective, the results many times may be the same though
through different though processes and different motives. Both, by seeking to
contribute to the awareness of the other while respecting the benefits and
responsibilities of the opposing view, help build a more full understanding and better
round out the experience of the other within their own paradigm.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:08 pm

Post subject:

another old work found in housekeeping

Who am I? The oldest question, asked even before we know to speak.

24 Nov

We are each a culmination. Every action, every decision, every question and every
answer, every experience, every thought that gets generated from that experience,
every long sleepless night where we stare at the ceiling and condemn ourselves for
what we could have, should have, couldnt have, shouldnt have done. Every moment
of every day, every dream, every aspiration, every assumption and every disbelief.
They all are but the hammer strikes that forge this thing that in our oversimplified
vocabulary we call the self.
The mind works constantly, thinking of all possibilities great and small. Our
framework built as much out of rationality as it is forged in the fires of our experience
takes shape, and is tested and tried. There are those who use the mind for

inconsequential thought. Considering the rock that god can not lift, how many angels
dancing on the pin head. This is the wasted mind. Considering the self is likewise as
foolish unless it begets action. Thought is the only initiator, the only initiative
machine that we have any hope of controlling. Some live their lives in a reactionary
state, responding to the world that others that have taken initiative to create. This is a
wasted mind. Others, those who use that tool of the mind, wielding intuition,
innovation, introspection like weapons of finest crafted steel, tempered and honed to
whatever sharpness the roulette of genetics has allowed, seek understanding in
whatever form they can muster. They look into themselves and form an identity of
choices. This identity gives us our beginning.
But at some point that identity must be challenged, collapsed to its very foundation,
and in that moment, when all of the powers of the mind are made impotent by a vast
naivet suddenly stripped away like a warm blanket trust off in the cold hours of the
early morning, an awakening happens. The first rays of the sun blind with realization
. That an entire lifetime of assumptions and beliefs are wrong.
The child takes the first step into adulthood. It is one of many awakenings. Some are
small and easily manageable. Others are not so kind. We rise to greet that day, and
when we arrive, we do the best we can. And a new realization, a new consciousness, a
new person is born. Some awakenings bring wounds, others comfort.
But in the end, we are the culmination of awakenings. We are the scars and the
blindness and the burns and the scrapes and the joys and the comforts and the loves
and the passions that weave together to form the tapestry of the self.
Who was I? Who am I? Who will I be tomorrow?
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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24 Nov

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:11 pm

Post subject:

more hosekeeping
When a person looks back on their life they can draw the line, the single path of
cumulated events that led to one inevitable instance called the present, the culmination
of a life of events that led to the single moment of current existence. Like a row of
dominoes set on end cascading along a designated route, each stone falling precisely
one after the other until eventually, without error, the single stone of the moment is
triggered to fall. It almost makes a person question the inevitability of the present. The
fates working their magic, so that not even the gods can interfere with the pattern set
forth. Chain reaction leading to chain reaction until the moment arises. It all seems so

Location: hopeless, so predestined.

Angeles But then one remembers times when the path of the stones were not so clearly set
forth, where paths diverge and in a single moment one path is selected over another to
form the line. Like a stone divinely inspired, or perhaps empowered, to alter the turn
of events in the blink of an eye, so that we cast doubt into the very fates that set the
course before us. We lament the path not taken knowing that a stone can fall but once
when its time arises. We ask ourselves what if, and we tend to forget the stones that
fell so natural in the sequence, only remembering the ones that formed patterns of
hardship and loss.
But we forget that each stone, each moment in our lives is infused with that single
divine power, that power contained within we who are cursed and blessed with the
memory of the pattern, seeing it in all its myopic magnificence as it unfolds the history
of our life. That power, the only true gift given evenly to all of creation, but
complicated by our cognitive awareness and rationalizations, the spark of divinity, the
very purpose of our solitary existence.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
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Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:58 pm

Post subject:

January, 2008 - another book that got started but was left behind.

Take truth where you find it.

24 Nov

In the summer of 1991 a friend and mentor of mine and I traveled North from Santa
Barbara to Half Moon Bay, a quiet, sleepy little community on the southern peninsula
of the San Francisco Bay. We were going to live together, get jobs, get new girlfriends
and basically start our lives over in a new location, continuing our 2 year adventure of
sword training, go playing, philosophizing and enjoying life. I had a job waiting for
me as a furniture mover and had already made arrangements for a new apartment. Not
bad for a guy with $400 to his name living in a Pontiac Fierro. I was 21, he was 23.
We were young, thought we knew everything and were ready to take on the world.
While we were driving our discussion fell to Taoism. He was a self proclaimed Taoist
and spoke with great authority and at times at great length on the subject. We talked
about it often over games of Go or while having coffee at 3 in the morning at a local
Dennys. One day, when we were talking, he pulled a biblical phrase out of his
extensive collection of witticisms and pontifications and used it to illustrate a point he

was making about Taoist thought. I snickered and commented on the origin of the
phrase. His response was succinct and stuck with me. Taoists steal truth wherever
they can find it.
This was a new one for me. You mean there isnt one all encompassing thought
method that applies to this philosophy of his? There were guiding principles, yes, but
truth is not limited to those sources dedicated to the subject. In fact, he would quote
books of various origins often to make his points. Sci-fi books, religious texts,
magazine articles, even newspaper clippings could potentially contain nuggets of
truth, and when he found them he hoarded them, constantly expanding his perception
of the universe and his understanding of the Tao.
We have long since gone our separate ways. He had to return to LA due to a feeling
he had about danger surrounding his mother. I dont know if it was that or an ego
thing, as he hadnt found a job yet, and my success (especially being the student)
grated hard on him. Whatever the reason, he returned to Los Angeles and I to Santa
Barbara. I may have been willing to go up with a partner in crime, but doing it on my
own? I had done that a few too many times already and wasnt terribly excited about
returning to the lonely prospect of having to make new friends in a place I literally had
no connection to.
A year later, I joined the Army and, though I have made a weak attempt from time to
time to get back in touch, I never saw my friend again after that. Maybe one day. But I
am grateful to him for the lessons that I took with me from our 2 year adventure. I
have taken many truths from our time together.

Read it for yourself and you decide

In July of 1994 in hot and wet Fort Benning, Georgia, I was in basic training for the
Infantry. I had, as so many before me, screwed up my enlistment negotiations,
screwed myself out of a $30,000 enlistment bonus and had gone in 11 X-ray. That
basically means I am going to be infantry but what kind of infantry was going to be up
to the Army. It was unfortunate but it got me into the Army in 8 days, a record for the
recruiter and, frankly, when I decide to do something, I dont like to waste time with
it. I almost maxed out the placement tests across the board but was also red/green
colorblind and that put me in the infantry. My basic training started in May and by
July the system was pretty well understood. If you want time off on Sunday, go to
church. You get 2 to 3 hours to yourself to get away from the barracks and out of floor
polishing detail.
I had another reason for going to Sunday Service though. I was concerned. I was
training myself to be a killer, a taker of lives. After all, the military really has two
jobs: Kill people and break things, and I was turning out to be really good at it if the
results of my training exams were to be trusted. Being raised in a good household that
gave rationality to morality, I know it is wrong to take a life. In the words of Clint
Eastwood from the film Unforgiven, Its a hell of a thing, killing a man. You take

away all he is and all he ever will be. Needless to say, I had a moral dilemma. I went
looking to spiritual guidance to reconcile the problem. Unfortunately I was never able
to get a good answer on the spiritual side. On the practical side it was pretty straight
forward. You kill the guy so he doesnt kill you. But I had volunteered. I had chosen
this path. Its still a tough one for me to justify today, but I was lucky and never had to
actually deal with those consequences in my time.
By July I had gone to every spiritual authority available to me, and still no answer, but
a group of Mormon Missionaries had arrived on base and so I went to them to see
what they had to say. Now my fathers side of the family is entirely Mormon. We
were the only branch of the family not strictly raised with a Mormon upbringing, but
that didnt mean I was entirely ignorant. I knew that these guys, around my age, were
on their 2 year trek to spread the word, and I knew that they knew their bible. I had
been told by my father never to debate the Bible with a Mormon or Jehovas
Whitness. You may not agree with their view, but they know their literature and the
good ones are very good. So I went to talk to them, hoping they may give me some
validation that what I was doing wasnt evil.
The guy was a young blond guy, good looking, in good shape, and about the most
charming man I have ever met. He listened carefully to what I had to say, and gave me
the appropriate literature to do his job. But in the end we got to talking and he told me
that everyone has at least one question that no one but they can answer. But the Bible
can help come up with that answer. His advice to me was Read the book. Read it for
yourself and find your own answer. When you find it, you will know it in your heart.
It will just feel right.
I did what I was willing to (no, still havnt read it cover to cover) and never did find
the answer to the questions I had Biblically, but the advice was one of those truths.
Seek and ye shall find. What I am seeking isnt a scientifically proven answer, but
one that either justifies or denies my thoughts. One way or the other, seek the answer.
When you find it, it will feel right. It will resonate in your mind and harmonize with
other thoughts, fitting neatly into place, or tearing apart flawed parts of your logic,
revealing the need for some reevaluation of thought. Little did I know that before I
would get out of the army I would learn just how identity shattering some of those
realizations would be.
Man has the potential for greatness especially in the realm of destruction.
August 28, 1996, in the city of Brcko (pronounced Birch-ko), my moment on CNN
took place. A basic summary of the AP reports went like this:
Aug 28, US troops clashed with Bosnian Serbs in Brcko. NATO forces rescued some
50 besieged UN police monitors as crowds, opposed to Pres. Plavsic, demanded the
expulsion of Western peacekeepers. U.S. troops fired tear gas and warning shots to
fend off rock-hurling Serb mobs. The attempt by US-led NATO forces to install
Plavsic forces in police stations in 3 cities failed.

I was the trigger man on the warning shots.

We had been deployed to the city of Brcko about 8 months earlier. Brcko was a
strategically interesting city, located on the Sava River, and a central hub for major
international railways leading from East and West. It was a hub city, and in its past
likely very wealthy because of the location. It was a small city by US standards, and
the war that had been raging in the area from previous years left a lot of it as
collections of bombed out buildings and still yet to be cleaned mine fields. We were
the second string. Our main jobs consisted of stopping people from stealing
construction material from others, preventing police from setting up illegal
checkpoints and monitoring the Brcko Bridge to make sure no one smuggled in
For the first 8 months it was pretty quiet. We were constantly requested to not be so
threatening looking, asked to keep our weapons close but not carry them in any
threatening posture, make our patrols less threatening. We accommodated how we
could without putting ourselves at undue risk. People knew who we were. Local
vendors had figured out how to make a buck or two off of some of us by providing
some truly outstanding food. A nice lady on the North side of the bridge sometimes
brought us Turkish coffee, and there was an annoying little kid that would get us
Pizzas from a vendor in town, and took great fun in throwing things at us from time to
time. It was pretty peaceful for most of that time. We had a few interesting moments
but for the most part our biggest enemy was boredom of routine. Being enlisted, that is
usually how it goes. Officers had other problems but most of us didnt know and
really, just wanted to make it through the deployment. I got pretty good at volleyball.
I was a gunner of a Bradly. In those days the gunner station was a bit of a beast as
most of the controls were manual. The Abrams gunners have all kinds of technical
benefits that made their lives a little easier. Bradley Gunners were point and
shoot/adjust fire kind of guys nicely seated in our armored turret that made small arms
fire a non-issue. Anything bigger and we were toast, but that wasnt a major concern
in Bosnia. I watched for snipers as I was suppose to, and took advantage of my 10x
scope to check out the legs of some of the local women as they walked the streets. My
congratulations to that town for having some of the best legs I have ever seen.
Everything pretty much changed on August 28th. We were trying to replace some
police forces in the city. We had had problems in the past with the existing police
force and they needed to go. So at 2 in the morning, there we were ready to go. We
rolled out, and things didnt quite go as planned. To give justice to my friends on the
ground would be very difficult, as they were in the thick of it, and I was locked away
in my turret. Shortly after we were deployed air raid sirens started. Shortly after that,
thousands of the local civilian populous were out and rioting. The same bricks and
boards we tried so hard to stop from getting stolen so they could be used to rebuild
housing became impromptu weapons in their hands. They knew how to take out track
vehicles and we did the best we could not to hurt anyone catastrophically. Some
people made that real hard.

Its funny the way the mind works when I recall the day. I remember the funny things
that happened. The sight of a Bradley rolling over a car was one. It was an accident.
There was a communication problem in the vehicle and the driver never got the word
to stop. The riot seemed to stop for a few minutes so that those that had their cars
parked on the street could move them. We cheered, but that was pretty much because
no one got hurt in that one. Most parts werent so funny. Our Platoon Sergeant took a
2X4 with nails sticking out of the end to the face and needed med-evac back to
Germany. He ended up okay, but we didnt know that at the time. A lot of cuts and
bruises were added to the guys on the ground. One of our guys jumped into the middle
of a crowd to help a Hummer that the crowd had trapped. It would have been easy to
just run people over, but we tried our damnedest not to hurt anyone. He jumped into
the turret and guided the truck through the crowd and to safety. He got a Soldiers
Medal for that one.
After the failure of our mission, we retreated to the north side of the bridge. It was
quiet there, and one of the other Platoons was covering the south side holding the riot
at bay. We had a defensive position there and it was pretty easy to hold. After all, the
rioters, though bold, werent stupid. You only push the guys with guns so far. After a
brief check up and rest, we went back to the south side to take over defenses and give
the other platoon a rest. The sun was up and the riot in our area had subsided to a large
gathering in front of our position. I took my spot in the gunners seat and watched. We
were safe for the most part, but tensions were high.
There were many observations that I made after the fact that revealed the true nature
of humanity. We found out later that the reason the riot had happened was not entirely
the rioters fault. When the air raid siren had gone off at 2 in the morning, everyone in
town turned on their radio. This was the war time routine. The radio station was still
controlled by people loyal to Milosevic. They instructed the people of the city that if
they did not go out and riot against the Americans, they would be evicted from their
homes. In spite of the initial clash, it was interesting to see that by the time we got to
the south side, their hearts werent in it any more, and rules of proper conduct had
somehow informally been set up.
At one point, one guy had come up to our barricade and motioned for one of the troops
to come over. He smiled and then, at maybe 4 feet away pulled out a collection of
rocks that he had been hiding and began to throw them at the soldier. The Soldier got
out of the way and the guy throwing the rocks would have been dropped from a little
league team if he was in the states. He was a terrible shot. The part I found most
entertaining was the anger of the other rioters. They were angry at the guy. He had
violated the unspoken rules of the arrangement. Rioters stayed on the far end of the
street, and we stayed in our position. They could throw rocks at us from far range, but
deviously coming up at throwing them at us from that close was against the rules. He
was taken away by the rioters who I suspect were more interested in not provoking us
but still doing their part to keep their homes.

One guy did pull a hand gun at one point and brandished it in the air. That got our
attention. No sooner had he gotten it out than he found himself at the business end of
20 rifles and all alone. The rest of the crowd had abandoned him. He suddenly got
very scared, and he should have been, and put the gun down. The crowd got very quiet
as our lieutenant calmly walked out from behind the barricade, bent over, took up the
pistol, gave the man a stern look and calmly returned to behind the barricade. Once he
was safe, the crowd came back to life and they returned to their normal activities.
Like I said, now in recollection I remember the things I found funny. The vegetables
they were throwing at the other Bradley and the gunner in that vehicle hoping that
someone would throw some oil and vinegar at him so he could have his salad, the
parade like atmosphere when a couple of cars would come rolling by with big pictures
of Milosevic.
But in truth, most of it sucked, and sucked hard. Its hard for me to remember the
betrayal I felt, mostly because I dont want to. My friends had gotten hurt; my Platoon
Sergeant was in critical condition, possibly blind, possibly dead. If he had died I
would hate to think what we would have done in retaliation, because with the way we
were feeling, we would have without hesitation. Here we had defended these people
for 8 months, keeping the peace, protecting them from those who would abuse the
circumstances, and they were rioting? That was a betrayal that I could not stand and
my respect for these people as human beings had gone. They were just targets now.
Nothing more. Yammering monkeys that could live so long as they behaved. We
endured shame because we had to restrain ourselves to ensure they didnt get hurt.
Those were our orders. Even though they didnt deserve it, we were still protecting
them from their largest threat at the moment, ourselves. The Army has my greatest
respect for instilling in us a sense of duty and honor. That was all that kept these poor
rioting victims of circumstance alive.
That was never more clear to me than when it turned ugly again. A small group under
a tree had gone from throwing vegetables to throwing bottles. We buttoned up but it
was the other Bradley that was taking the hits. Then it happened. One of the bottles
was flaming. A Molitov Cocktail. These are death to Bradleys. If the fire doesnt get
you there is a very good change of asphyxiation from lack of oxygen or smoke
inhalation. It is a lethal attack. They had gone too far. The order came from my
commander to open up with the machine gun almost instantly. I was supposed to shoot
over the heads of the crowd and drive them off. By the time the next bottle was in the
air the voice of God in the form of my vehicle mounted 7.62 coaxial machine gun
roared into the air. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will wake you up faster than that.
There was a problem though. I had made a mistake in the excitement and my
magnification was up too high. I wasnt aiming above their heads but at their heads. If
it wasnt for a convenient set of circumstances I can say with confidence that a good
20 of them would not be alive today, at least. The gun on the Bradley is on the right
side of the vehicle, about 5 feet to the right of the sight. Directly in front of us was a
bunker, and the first second of rounds chewed into the bunker in front of us before I
had brought the gun to bear on the building across the street. That first second allowed

everyone to get out of the way. I watched as the gun carved a circle into the wall of the
building across the street. Then I saw it. A guy who had slipped and fell stood up and
the circle that the bullets had carved drew a line through his chest. If he hadnt slipped
he would not be alive today. I immediately brought the gun up to the third floor of the
building and let rip two more bursts.
A cheer rose up from the other soldiers. Finally, we had spoken, and the word we
spoke was STOP!. And they did. The crowd went from what seemed like a thousand
to a dozen in four seconds. The only thing that I was thinking was first, holy crap, that
guy should be dead. I watched and waited. No one was hurt. No one. It was a miracle,
and much to my surprise, I was angry. How could I have missed every one of them? I
wanted them to get hurt. I wanted there to be someone who didnt get out of the way.
This was a shock to me. It was a truth. I could not deny it. But how could I feel that
way? How could I, a rational, civilized human being of good upbringing and class sink
so low, become so primitive as to desire the death of another human being? People
have told me since that I am fully justified in my feelings in the moment and if they
were me it would probably have been the same. But that didnt matter much. A core
tenant of my reality had been not only challenged, but had fallen apart, disassembled
in front of my eyes so completely that I didnt even know who I was any more.
Shortly after that, the riot ended. Some politician came out and made a speech and
everyone went home. Bosnia was a different world after that. We owned it. No longer
was there any talk about being less threatening. They had lost their right to ask for
that. No longer did we look at them as just good people stuck in a bad spot. We were
changed, and they were now very clearly an enemy. One we were not allowed to
engage, one we were forced to interact with on a daily basis. It was a very different
job after that. Needless to say, I kept my eye on the rooftops and off the women from
that day on.
For me personally, it destroyed me. I had come face to face with the reality that not
only was it beyond me to harm another, but that I can long for it, and its easy. Its so
easy for me to slip down that path. No hesitation, no remorse. It would be as natural as
breathing and as addictive as the cigarettes I loved a bit too much at that time. I now
know why we have come to dominate the world. Because we can. And if we let it, it
will consume us, and we will fall down a dark spiral that would quickly become a road
we would never return from.
I had to accept this reality and rebuild my identity with this knowledge. Not all truths
are for the best. Some simply act as a means of reminding us where we come from,
and that place can be beautiful, or brutal. We are all part of it. It lives in each of us,
and we must be constantly on our guard against it.
I dont usually recount this story. I dont like to tell the darker stories from the
military. I feel that a serviceman sees some things in his career that he needs to carry
as part of his own burden, only shared on drunken nights with close friends who have

stories of their own. They dont tell well and are a downer at parties. They are
personal experiences that when you try to put them into words loose something in the
telling. When I was interviewed by Stars and Stripes, my parade comment ended up in
the paper and I was never allowed to forget that comment by those who were there. I
recalled a 10 minute period of time that wasnt ugly to the reporter, probably to help
myself reconcile the experience. He just chose to quote me. I hate the press some
In looking back, this is probably the most I have ever written about the experience
since it happened. I write it not to share my experience but to hopefully give an insight
the way I learned it. We have a capacity for destruction and none of us are immune.
We all have the potential to be abusive, mean, and cruel. We are all capable of it if the
proper events are lined up. Some will resist the urges. Others will embrace them.
Nothing is so addictive as power and nothing can more easily be abused. It is much
like a drug that, once experienced, needs to be fed again and again. I have recovered
my sense of self but it took a couple of years. My personal identity now encompasses
that experience along with the others that I have accumulated.
I continue to walk a path that I have known I needed to walk most of my life. It is
almost like a calling. I am a protector. I know, from this experience, that I can protect
others even if I do not feel them worthy, and sometimes, the thing I may need to
protect them from is myself. I no longer need to worry so much about the physical
threats in life. That was a different time. Today, I still protect others. I just do it in
different means from a place with my feet planted firmly on the ground and no
illusions of my capabilities.

Where have all the Earth Signs gone?

One night, my friend the Taoist invited me over to a friendly lesson in poker that he
and his friends held occasionally. It was a 20 dollar buy in and they considered it a
tutorial, a demonstration that Poker is a game of skill, not luck. The game was short
and I was soon well educated and 20 dollars poorer. I even played a second 20 against
the advice of those gathered. I was looking for company and at the time I had the
money so it didnt bother me to loose more and enjoy the evening. Who knows,
maybe I could last longer this time.
After another hour or two I was done. They had cleaned me out as predicted. I went
out for a cigarette and met my friends new girlfriend. I like to talk about spirituality
and soon a conversation struck up on the subject. She revealed to me that she was a
practicing druid. Now I had heard statements like that from a lot of people but often it
was associated with a feel of artificiality, that yes, they may claim the title but it was
usually a label that they took on themselves in order to give themselves worth and a
place of respect in that culture. This, however, was not the feel I got from this woman.
She was attractive, rational and clever. In my attempting to feel the truth of her
statement, my intuition accepted her statements as yes, of course, that makes perfect
sense. This was a new experience as a reaction to that kind of statement so I explored

further. I felt very comfortable sharing thoughts I had on various subjects that I
usually keep to myself and she endured the conversation pleasantly. I was selfish in
taking advantage of the opportunity and I truly enjoyed the conversation.
Toward the end of the conversation I confided in her a thought that I had felt for some
time. I revealed what I felt was my calling at the time. I told her that, in spite of my
interest in the more spiritual pursuits of life, wicca being the subject of study at the
time, I felt that I was not really destined to be a practitioner. I felt that I was going to
be a protector for one who practices, a support role. Her response was interestingly
worded. She said, That doesnt feel wrong. I was blown away. In a single sentence,
she had not denied my thought. She had validated it in a manner that did not commit
me to a destiny. She had responded in such a way as to say, Yes, that could be your
calling and if you want that it can certainly be yours, but you are not forced to
undertake that if you choose otherwise.
Now many years have passed but the idea of a guardian of a magical practitioner has
stayed with me all of these years. What I didnt know was that the guidance of that
image had, over the years, forged me into that very role. The only challenge that I
found in becoming what I foresaw almost two decades ago was that there wasnt any
literature that matched my vision. In searching the literature I came to the conclusion
that many of the traditions that are considered and sought after today find a lot of their
origins in history. Unfortunately these are often fantasized up a bit to make them more
appropriate to the task. So I turned to history to a reference and found an interesting
role little spoken of in the various traditions. In western traditions, going back to the
legends and stories of the Irish Celts, there are the Fianna, a group of warriors of
ridiculously improbable ability who acted as a police and military force in all but the
winter months. The numerous Holy Orders of the Catholic Church during the MiddleAges also showed promise. In Japan, the Sohei, Buddhist warrior monks that were
often little more than ronin samurai looking for a home and fighting with a small
statue of the Buddha as their standard were also interesting. There are a few others as
well, but they all follow a similar development. They are a military force that acts on
behalf of a religious order, recognizing the authority of that order.
This showed promise so I continued researching and found that in most of these cases,
the same problems existed. Military might is often a risky thing to employ. Soldiers,
by their basic nature are not people you generally want to have around. You want
them when they are needed, but as anyone that lives near a military base can tell you,
you dont necessarily want them living in your back yard. Those who make their
living in combat are not generally of the same mindset of a peaceful person, and most
people are generally peaceful. So the Holy Orders had their problems, the Sohei were
crushed and the Fianna are lost to history, if indeed they ever existed at all. These
organizations provide fodder for the rumor mill and are still looked at as though there
is a hint of maliciousness in their existence. So what is a guy to do?
The literature I read in seeking for a guardian model kept focusing on the practitioner,
and even then it was constant work on improving ones relationship with the spiritual,

dream analysis, astrology, various techniques of focused visualization work, rituals for
various causes. It started to feel like so many snake oil salesmen trying to get their nod
from a client base of people seeking the easy route to wealth or power or love or all
three. Very little talk of responsibility. Courteous nods of caution from walking dark
paths hint at dangers unforeseen and endless references to protective methods to
defend against malicious energies lead one to believe that there indeed may be
dangerous things lurking where defenders of practitioners would be needed. But where
were the lessons on how to do that?
It seemed strangely absent. It wasnt until recently when having a conversation that I
began to understand what I was seeing. All of these references were for those seeking
something other than what I am after. They seek benefiting the self and expanding a
personal awareness and power in order to achieve that which one wills to be so.
Interesting, but what I am looking for is how to help another, not myself. I am looking
to serve one who is worth that commitment, how to recognize it, how to find others
like myself, how to help others excel in their chosen path of enlightenment.
I found articles of healing and how to exercise ones will for someone else. All you
need is one book on Tarot and read any section on doing readings for others, but even
then the focus is on the self. So what am I to do?
After years of searching I finally gave up. The wealth of personal knowledge to the
subject and practical experience wasnt wasted though. It turns out that the very act of
searching gave me many insights into those I sought to defend that the truth of the
matter finally came to realization. There seemed to be a lack of consideration of
mundane life in the pursuit of spiritual consciousness. It broke up nicely into
elemental categories.
The Air element was present in the many people that would rationalize the spiritual
work, develop systems of personal growth, bringing in volumes of information from
Jung and other Psychology sources. They would work out the communication between
the conscious and subconscious mind and work out endless ways of interpreting
Astrological charts. They would evaluate the meaning of the I-Ching and Tarot,
entering into lengthy discussions of meanings and interpretations. Air is a strong
component of the spiritual pursuit and one can usually be found in any gathering of
people seeking spiritual development, usually a few in my experience.
The Fire element is present in the innovators coming up with the new, and driving
passionately to get things started. They are the initiators but once they have run their
course, they burn out and move on to the next thing. You find these in the groups that
start up like brilliant torches in the darkness that can be spiritual pursuits, but then
after a short time fade into the wood work. They evaporate like water in a desert, the
source of the water, the starter of the motor tiring and burning out without the engine
to continue the motion.
Water is the lifes blood of any spiritual undertaking, seeking out the depths of the

darkness, looking for enlightenment in the realm of the spirit and the heart. Living to
experience is the watch phrase and sometimes they get so wrapped up in it that they
get lost. Without these people there is no spirit to the movement. Without these, there
is no seeking things that can not be seen or touched. They are the core driving force of
spiritual awakening. But like water, they are not the most solid individuals. Sometimes
life slips away from them unraveling like so much string onto the floor as they are
busy with their spiritual lives. I have met too many to count.
But Earth the designated driver at the party, the one who knows that you need to
get up and go to work in the morning, the one who knows that in the pursuit of the
spirit, science can not be ignored, they are strangely absent. I have never read in a
spiritual guidance book other than the Bible how to deal with my taxes. I have never
read in anything that I have read how to seek spiritual truth but dont forget to pay
your bills. I havent read anything that leads me to believe that the Earth signs are
doing their part on this endeavor. Are they there? Of course they are. They are in all of
us. But in a culture where your level of detachment from materialism is the mark of
your spiritual progress, a concept that has never made sense to me but is manifest and
all too real in many that I have met and talked to, it is hard to validate the importance
of remaining in touch with the material.
Maybe its because that part is the big wet blanket of doubt on the entire endeavor. In
a practice that teaches you to suspend your tangible experience in order to peruse the
intangible, it can be a downer to have someone there thinking that you are a little
foolish. But lets be realistic. If you think you can fly, its probably a good idea to
have someone down there with a safety net when you decide to try it out.
I am looking for that wet blanket. I want to be the one setting up the rigging on the
net. Sure, if you fly and it turns out that you are right and you soar with the eagles, I
want to watch. I want you to believe that it can be if that is the way to make it happen,
but I also want to be the one that makes sure that if you are wrong, you dont end up in
so much trouble that you cant recover. There is a place for those people in the
spiritual world, right? The ones on the sidelines, watching, making sure that no one
gets hurt.
So why doesnt someone write something for them?

Meatus Militaris
In our modern world there are those among us who protect us from the dangers of life.
These are the policemen, fire fighters, EMTs, emergency workers, soldiers, the ones
who keep us safe, who put themselves into harms way for the benefit of someone
other than themselves. They arent the most cultured, or the most enlightened, but they
may be the most noble. They often do not make a lot of money, and rarely do others
outside their profession ever really understand the world they live in, but we try to
show our gratitude in what way we can, and appreciate the fact that there is someone
there to help us in our hour of need. They are needed. They are essential so that in a

world fraught with danger, others can pursue their desires in relative safety.
In the practice of magic, there is a need for such people and a place. That place is the
Meatus Militaris. In Latin the words translate to path of the soldier. I have chosen
this phrase for a number of reasons.
The path is a passageway created by wear, wear revealed by constant use. To walk the
path means that it was either there before or it was created by constant travel without
deviation. To walk a path is to help forge the path. Every step further defines the way
that the journeyman travels and better reveals the way for others.
There is a difference between a soldier and a warrior. The warrior is a fighter who sees
himself first. He stands alone in his mind, developing himself for personal reasons, for
personal gain. His strength is in his drive and in his spirit, and in the constant
knowledge that he can do it on his own. The soldier achieves his greatness not alone
but in the company of and with the cooperation of others. Fellow soldiers gathered
together for a single purpose will find a way to accomplish any task, and though they
are individuals, they build the bonds of brotherhood to form a unit larger than
themselves, greater than themselves. This distinction between warrior and soldier, the
one alone versus the one with others is very similar to the difference between those
who walk the meatus militaris and those who they protect.
The phrase is selected from Latin, the language of the Roman Empire. Rome in the
classic age was an empire of ingenuity, dedication, and practicality. Their feats of
mechanical, structural, military, political and social engineering reveal a practicality
based in observable truth with a mind to form and function. In elemental terms they
could be called a culture heavily influenced by Earth. It is this practicality and
functionality that lies at the heart of Roman success that has made their words the
proper choice for this path.
The meatus militaris is the journey for the protectors of those who practice magic. The
pursuit of magic is a great and noble thing, but it is a journey frought with danger
without and within. The meatus militaris forms the roots for those who wish to protect
those who have the gift and insight to follow their dreams and engage in such
In our mundane world, the protectors life is usually a hard one. Rarely does one
achieve financial benefits, and often there are hardships in their life as a direct result
of their environment. This is much the same for the meatus militaris. In the magical
world, the very act of taking under foot the meatus militaris means that our magical
success may very well be limited. The experiences that one must endure in order to
help someone other than themselves or a cause leave battle scars on the emotions and
spirit. These scars manifest in action and behavior, and must be constantly watched
and in some cases guarded against, lest the one stop being the protector and become
the one needing protecting from.

This book is a discussion of the meatus militaris. It is a collection of religiously

neutral actions, advice and guidance for one who wishes to follow this difficult path. I
hope that you find it useful.

Magic and Ritual

Magic is the practice of disciplining the will in such a way that the will taps into the
unity of all things and thus affects it as a stone causes ripples on the water. It is a
means by which the conscious will can interact and influence the subconscious mind
in order to change patters of behavior at a core level. These patterns govern how we
interact with others, and so by changing the core patterns, we change our relationship
to our environment on an emotional level. Those changes facilitate changes in
reactions to our presence and actions. Those changes facilitate changes, ad infinitum.
This is the ripple effect. Look inward to radiate outward.
Though not using magic per se, this principal is used in numerous places, especially
where a bond is needed, as well as a prideful identity. One common example is a
brainwashing technique used in armed services, commonly known as Basic Training
or Boot Camp. The process is to tear the identity down to bedrock, and then build one
up in its place through a carefully controlled environment, mental and physical
disciplining, endless repetition and a core set of identities, definitions and perspectives
unique to the task. Blend this with a careful balance of reward and punishment, add a
ceremony or two to create landmark achievements, and in the end you have developed
a lean mean fighting machine which is as much a subconscious identity as it is a
conscious one.
It would be nice if we could do the same for ourselves on an individual level. How
could we do this for ourselves, build up an identity that will foster those principals that
we wish to become part of our core self? Build confidence? Reduce self sabotage? To
the student of magic, some of the techniques should sound familiar: a carefully
controlled environment, mental and physical disciplining, endless repetition and a core
set of identities, definitions and perspectives. It sounds like all of the basic elements of
Ritual is a valuable tool. Ritual is a formulae involving setting, a set procedure
including actions and/or words, a set of physical or mental images that act as
representations of some desired emotion or intent, and is done repeatedly to give
efficacy. Ritual does not only pertain to magic. Most formal ceremonies can often be
considered ritual. College Graduation involves ceremonial robes, creating an
environment of achievement and learned presence, a transference of the diploma, the
signification of the achievement itself, a speech of some sort, words of wisdom to the
next generation, even the tossing of the cap as a sign of conclusion.
The advantage of magical ritual is in the terminology and identities. From Angels and
Daemons, to Tarot cards and Astrological assignments, symbolism is a large part of
magic ritual. This is no accident. The subconscious mind, it is believed, speaks in a

language of images and symbols, it speaks in the abstract. If we begin to create a

series of symbols that represent something to ourselves, then we begin to create a
vocabulary bridging the gap between our conscious and subconscious minds. Do these
images need to be one of the many occult systems? Not really. But these systems are
well established and have been worked out by others that have come before to
hopefully be effective systems of identities and representations, a good language, an
in-depth and cohesive vocabulary of symbols. Inevitably any instruction in such will
tell you to seek out the deeper meaning for yourself. That should be a hint.
The following is a collection of basic tenants on magic and ritual that will help guide
Magic is the practice of disciplining the will in such a way that the will taps into the
unity of all things.
If magic changes the nature of a person, place or experience it will reflect outwardly
thus facilitating change in the direction of intent.
In order to better understand and focus the will, imagery, symbolism, use of familiar
items, vocalization, repetition, and environmental conditions are used to establish
All emotional impacts from outside sources will affect the focus and implementation
of Ritual
The more focused the will within the context of Ritual, the greater the impact of that
A great deal of energy and effort is spent in the protecting and sanctifying of space.
If this energy and focus could be conserved in any way, this would benefit the
focusing of the will to task.
The presence of others impacts the emotional environment that surrounds them. This
can be strong or weak, favorable or unfavorable.
Cooperative energies, if perceived, can be drawn upon by one to bolster or
strengthen ones energies.
Magic ungrounded, and not taking into account consequence and tangible reality, is
foolhardy, irresponsible and dangerous.

The magical focus of the guardian is one of energetic cooperation. Those who walk
the Meatus Militaris accept a certain energetic burden. The energy of protector is
strong, and there must always be at least the hint of bite to the junkyard dog, or it
doesnt serve its purpose. There will be those that are intimidated by independent,
strong and capable Guardians, and there will be those where that obvious or else

quality will make for an uncomfortable environment. If the latter is the case, the
Guardian is not an ideal candidate for the Ritual. Additionally, if the practitioner is
concerned about the energy of the guardian affecting the work, it may be the
Guardian, or it may be the work that needs reevaluating. On the other hand, there are
those that are comforted by the Guardians presence, watching over the environment
and ensuring the safety of his protectorate. It is those practitioners that have the
opportunity to leverage that comfort as a point of focus and grounding. It is also
possible that they may have greater energy to contribute to the work as they leverage
the existing energies from the Guardian.
The power of a Guardian is not small, and is not something that can or should be
switched off at any given point. The Guardian works in a world where magical
protection is indeed needed, as is physical protection, and that protection comes in a
very tangible form. The guardian is the first line of defense, even if that defense is
from the self.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:20 pm

Post subject:

okay, so this was sent to me by a friend. According to him this was a foundational
work for Lucas in conceptualizing the Jedi.
I don't care about that, but the reading is interesting and I am taking a lot from it at the
I have also started taking on another project. I was studying Lichtenauer recently and
while working with his verse, I was able to see a larger conenction, I saw it as a
metaphore for the Sith path. To that end, I have been sucked into studying it by
creating a web site dedicated to a mood that is inspired by it. It will be interesting to
see where it goes. Unfortunately, there is the down side. I have asked if it has a heart
and the answer is yes, but I do not quite understand what it is yet.
Perhaps Don Juan can help me percieve things differently. We shall see. The thoughts
that are shared in that writing resonate strongly within me. It is changing the way I see
things, bringing more clarity as I learn to let go.
"Hasten in, let it hit, or let it go by."
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &

Compare; my business is to Create."

Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:34 pm

Post subject:

A post written for another site regarding the compatability between dark and
light, brought here for recording.
The distinctions of Dark and Light, as I see them, are a Jedi convention for the Jedi
alone. They make that distinction, and it has meaning in their methodology. For a Sith
there is no such distinction, or description of the Force. That so many "Sith" make it
part of their view only shows that they are true Jen'jidai (dark or fallen Jedi), and not
Sith. I do not believe the two to be one and the same.

24 Nov
Location: Likewise the Sith have a way of interpreting where they see the Active and the
Passive. Just as Dark and Light do not apply to the Sith, these distinctions would hold
Angeles little meaning to a Jedi.

So to say whether a Sith Darkside is compatable or not to a Jedi Light, is folly. That is
like saying how does Pegasus relate to a Thoroughbred. Now to ask if a "fallen" Jedi
Darkside is incompatable with a non-fallen Jedi's light ... that is another question, and
one very applicable to many who pursue a Dark Jedi path. I think the question needs
to be asked but needs also to be answered individually by the Jen'jidai themsleves.
As to my understanding of Sith approach and Jedi approach being incompatable, I do
not believe they are. I believe they are different paths, nothing more. To say that the
Jedi seek detachment is like saying the Sith seek power. Among the lower ranks, those
who do not have full understanding, Power is all to the Sith, but in the Sith Code it
shows that Power is but one step on the progression to freedom. Power is simply a
path to Victory, and in Victory, chains are broken. Likewise, detachment is but one
tool used along the path to Jedi enlightenment. That so many see detachment as the
failing of the Jedi shows that they do not understand the deeper teachings and lessons
of the Jedi.
One seeks a calm tranquil lake within their soul. They do this by exploring inward and
then through proactive internal steps radiating that calm outward to bring it to others,
careful not to stir the waters. The other sees a wild and untamed wilderness
surrounding them, and they seek to give it meaning. By taking the motion and turning
it towards objectives, goals, providing direction of the chaos they bring order through
purpose. Eventually it turns inward with the realization that the universe has different
purposes stemming from each individual, thus they make themselves the tools of
change, of motivation, of purpose, bringing it to others by living the example.
One holds to their view through discipline and restraint. The other seeks to gain

control by riding the beast rather than locking it up, a different form of discipline and
strength. But in the end, Masters of both sides come to the same eventual
understanding, though they would describe it very differently.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:18 pm

Post subject:

Lichtenauer said:
Strike in and hasten forth; rush in, let it hit, or go by.

24 Nov

Commit to action, allow success, and let go of failure.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:11 am

Post subject:

Something is happening. I know what it is, I can feel the shift, and yet I don't know.
Writing here for you, the one who understands, is the only action I can do. Mark the
mile and continue to walk, following the river wherever it guides. It's such a different
path than before.
Every place I look, a new key turns in a lock. It is as if a veil has been lifted and I see
the world with new eyes. My mind races to draw the connections, to link the
foundation with the cloud. To tie together my soul with the current and yet to niether
loose my soul, nor disrupt the current. I must stay my hand. I must let it happen. It is
driving me mad in the most sain way imaginable. Sometimes my heart laughs to see
the comical dance I am clumsily trying to perform. I laugh as I fall.
And yet I don't fall, I am lifted and carried until I get my footing, then I walk and run.
I played a game when I was younger. I would hold on to the door of my friends car.
He would drive faster and faster and I would try to keep up. I learned that to do it right

you do not run, you spring as quickly as you can into the air and let the car carry you
forward. You could go so fast ... and it was terrifying and beautiful and thrilling and
logical and crazy ...
This is like that.
I see things in shadow, and see where they lead, looking ahead along roads of
rainbows. It is there and yet the edges are missing. An image without lines. A song
without meter or tempo and yet beautiful in that definitionless vapor.
It is whispering to me. I am following. It will chage the way I think, and perhaps how
I live. It will scar me and heal me.
But this time, I walk forward without hesitation. It will carry me in its own time, and I
will walk with it when it walks, and run when it runs, and sleep when it sleeps ... and
allow myself the love of longing for the waking.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:22 am

Post subject:

I saw the serpent again today in the livingroom. Just the back and the scales moving as
it seemed to slither across in front of the entertainment center. First time I have seen it
in the new place. It has gotten much larger, and it wasn't during meditation this time.
There is green and yellow and a little brown.
My waking mind is starting to dream.

Let it happen.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:07 am

Post subject:

I am often struck and sometimes frustrated by the number of those who study Sithism
that make constant reference to the Jedi in an oposition position. I find this ...

troubling. I think there are two who walk the Sith path. There are those who were once
Jedi and those who were not. I am one who has not.
24 Nov

I went, I read, I listened and the Jedi path did not speak to me. I came, I read, I
listened and I heard a voice whispering that was familiar, one that matched with the
same thread that has been weaving its way through the pattern of my life all along.
These two groups I suspect see things rather differently. Those who were once Jedi
seem fixated on countering Jedi thought, on embracing that which is rejected by the
Jedi. They seek to be independent by pointing to a definition and saying "I am in
opposition." I am drawn to the idea of separating the Sith path into two branches along
these lines.
I read many things these days and see them not how I use to. So many questions no
longer make sense. Not because they are not understood, but because they have no
bearing whatsoever on the path I am on. But I do see how to one who is on the other
Sith path, that of the Dark or Fallen Jedi path could find meaning to them.
To even ask, what is the Dark Side is to aknowledge there is one. To not have the Jedi
path studies intrenched in my mind makes such questions border on the rediculous. I
find little worth in defining something as the opposition of something else. It doesn't
define what something is, merely what it is not. Why do so many on the Sith path
vehemently reject the Jedi? Why is there so much animosity? I can understand it if the
ones rejecting the Jedi path were indeed disheartened Jedi themselves, for they have
something to be upset about. Their reasons are individual and their own, but for one
who was never Jedi to begin with?
So I ask the same question to be considered as I have considered it for myself. Are you
a Jedi? Not all Jedi walk in the light. Some chose the roads warned against. It makes
them no less of a Jedi. I am not one, nor would I ever claim to be. I see wisdom in the
Jedi path and potential greatness for those who walk it. I simply am not one as it is not
my path.
It is not that I oppose or support either ... it merely is a nonsensical discussion for me.
What is darkness? Who cares? There are other questions of so much meaning to me
What is the heart of your path?
How does it nurture you, and limit you?
What do you believe is the ideal nature of one who is pure along your path?
For what does your heart and mind come together to desire?
What do they reject?
These are more interesting to me than how you feel about the roll of emotion or the
definition of darkness, for from these I can derive far more.

So for the Jen'jidai out there, I wish you well on finding what you seek, and becoming
the manifestation of your dream. Just please ... don't speak for me. We may not share a
vision of what it is to truely walk this path.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:49 pm

Post subject:

I was asked by a Lord once how I thought the individual contributes to the order and
the order the individual.
What is this order? It's a dung heap, full of shit and crap. Of the 90 members on this
site only a handfull choose to post, and a vast majority of it is tripe. Meaningless
ramblings of people who think they know something of life but who have never lived.
I have been named a Knight of this order, a king of the dung hill. Oh how glorious to
be a king, silk robes stained in excrement. It was worth doing for in the 90 members
only one has come as desciple and transcended that rank. Appropriate ... but sad. A
handful are visiting Lords from other Orders, bringing their thoughts to yet another
forum from their internet homes. Appreciated but they come and go like storms.
Others merely read. Don't think I don't see you hiding in the shadows, taking what you
want, and leaving nothing in return.
Yet, as I look out over the landscape of silliness, through the clumps of want-to-be
fictional characters and disgruntled Jedi, I do see one small leaf of green ... and then
another ... and another. In this mountain of crap seeds have taken root, and from shit
life emerges.
These small grasses will grow if they can survive, and from the grasses reeds shall
form. From the reeds, trees. In the end, from humble beginnings will grow a mighty
forrest. The seeds are watered from the words of lords and bathed in the sunlight of a
dream. They will grow if the hill is not abandoned, and over time the hill will become
a mountain, and the mountain will stand strong against the wind.
Until that day, I will tend the dung hill and wait for seeds to germinate. I will wash my
face in the rain, and dry it in the sun. I will keep the grazing animals at bay until the
grasses are in number enough to survive them. From within those grasses others will
come. Knights like myself to tend to this twisted garden, eventually to become Lords
and bring more rain to the mountain.
What does the order bring to the individual? A firtle place to plant the seeds, to

nurture them and help them grow. What does the individual bring to the order? At
first, probably more shit. But over time, if they stay, if they work, another bit of green,
and eventually a care taker to tend to the garden ... each in their own way, bringing
diversity and life to a once barren land.
Unfortunately though, now is the time of planting ... For now, I will endure, moving
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:13 pm

Post subject:

While I was writing the above post, late in the evening, I went to submit it. When I
did, the server had gone down. A friend, knowing me to reside here as my primary
home of learning sent me an IM hoping that I had coppied my writings somewhere.
In looking back, I realized that we were near the anniversary of the site, and perhaps,
the site had gone down permenantly. Darth Draconis has not posted in many days in
the public forum, and Lord Khaos, though I see him reading from time to time, has not
done so in a while either, his work taking him to other places to continue his journey.
Perhaps the Site had fallen to others to maintain.
I began work on content for a website, a new home for the Order. The next morning,
this morning, I found the web site back up and running.

... I guess I passed my test.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:00 pm

Post subject:

With the server crash a couple of days ago, I realized that if this site were to be lost, a
lot of information would also have disappeared. I spent most of the following morning
copying down the information from this site. In doing so I stopped to read things,
some I have read before, others not.

24 Nov

In reading them anew I found new connections that I could draw upon. These
connections led to the writing on Intention I added to the Notable Traits area. This was
of great benefit to my understanding.
So I take on the task of exhaustively reviewing all the information already here ... and
we shall see where it takes me.
The image of digging around in the muck to find the seeds made me laugh when I
thought about it. We shall see where this goes. I hope it has a high yield.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant


24 Nov

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:43 am

Post subject:

I have red a few lectures on power. I think I will take the approach to power in my
teaching the same way that Meyer teaches the parries.
Meyer says that he does not teach parries ... for if you teach a swordsman to parry, he
will parry. You can not kill your opponent with a parry, only with an attack. So he
teaches to attack in such a way that the attack itself is also a parry.
Power is incidental to the Sith path, not a goal. To teach how to aquire power is to
teach that power is an end. Power happens as a part of the natural progression to
freedom of the self.
One is driven by desires, the manifestation of passion. From these desires he takes the
initiative to facilitate change, the manifestation of strength. With change comes the
lessons of consiquence and the ability to facilitate change with the wisdom of
consiquence is the manifestation of power. With this tool, the desire is achieved, the
manifestation of victory. As we take ownership of our desires and manifest them we
are freed from limitations by seeing that our desires are indeed achievable, and our
chains are broken.
It is not Power that a true Sith seeks, but the freedom derived from knowing that all is
achievable is we apply ourselves, are willing to accept the consiquence, and act with
intent from our desires.
I don't think I will ever teach the aquisition of power ... there is no need. It will happen
naturally if a Sith follows his path in earnest. To teach it is to limit the lesson, and thus
the thinking of the student. Teach power and they will seek power. Teach freedom and
power will come all on it's own.

"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:19 am

Post subject:

I once said that titles are merely words, that they have no real meaning.
I know now that I was wrong. A title has what meaning the one who holds it gives it.
By giving it meaning in the heart, that meaning radiates out in every action and word.
If the title has no meaning to the one who holds it then others will not see the value of
the title in that person. If he gives meaning to that title, then that meaning will likewise
be seen by all that he comes in contact with.

24 Nov
In the movie Kingdom of Heaven it is asked, Does making a man a Knight make him
Location: a better fighter? The answer was Yes. It does.
Angeles I have held many titles in my life: Soldier, Captain, Manager, Knight. In each there is
a moment of transformation. I take within my self the meaning of the title by seeking
out the ideal of each and vowing to aspire to that ideal. In so doing, others have come
to call me a good solider, a good captain, a good manager and perhaps one day I
will demonstrate my worth as a knight. This always stems from the commitment to the
ideal, and yet the ideal is always my own. I define this ideal, and as such I strive to
become something ever out of reach. There is always more perfection to reach for, and
I will always fall short of what I need to be. It is as it should be, so that I am
constantly reminded of my needs and my capabilities to improve.
There are few things as noble as a Knight of the Sith, for he is the only Knight among
Knights who serves by choice rather than circumstance. One does not become a
Knight of the Sith through any other way. It is a title pursued, and achieved. Once
held, the Knight chooses how and what he will serve, to what he will commit his will.
In so doing he can call upon that will with all his heart, freely and without conflict.
What greater Knight could there be?
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:02 pm

Post subject:


24 Nov

Things continue to become more and more abstract. It is an odd sensation, like
walking through a hallway of doors but rather than openning them, they fling
themselves open with a slam when I merely look at them. Focus is all that is required
for me to bring clarity, but each of the doors wants to draw me in. I know it is a trap,
but it is deliciously tempting.
A new exercise today. I focus on nothing and thus everything as I walk. It is the same
as the focus used in sword work. Forcus either so intently on one point that your focus
fades and you see everything in your vision at once, or focus on nothing and get the
same result. It is a different way of looking at things, and I get a much greater feel for
my position as I move.
I am beginning to "see" paths of intention as I watch others. It helps when I look at
them using the above technique, and then ask for the path to be revealed. They are on
the edge of my vision, but they are there.
The path is revealing itself rather nicely. Today I was able to tie my understanding of
magical activities with the Sith Path. This lead to a conclusion that resonates well. The
Sith is a creature of magic, but not of rituals or spells. He lives a life surrounded and
constantly in contact with it. It is not his choice, it is his state of being. He must learn
to understand this world, but not bend it to his will. To do so would break the
connection. He must find the ways to convince and build relationships with the
energies, give them names and learn their ways, so that he can find his friends and his
enemies, and ask favors from his friends, and be watchful for his enemies. Make
energies people, and know that they have their own life.
To live this magical life is to be the wanderer in the wilderness. At least for now,
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

Back to

24 Nov

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:12 am

Post subject:

I was on a trip with my family when I was 13. We were camping in Yellowstone.
During the day we would spend time with family and see the sites that our parents
would drag us to, but at night that was our time. Once the sun went down all the
kids, most of them between 12 and 15 would sneak off and spend time together away
from the prying eyes of parents. We were there for a week.
I was young, a bit of a hound dog, and looking to try to get to third base with a girl,
whatever that was. Truth is I dont think I even made it to bat, but that didnt matter at
the time. I met with girls and we played the games that kids that age play, not knowing

a damned thing. It was cute now that I think back on it. One night was special though.
There was a girl I met in the dark sitting on a swing. I remember to stone wall beside
Angeles the swing set and the sand on the ground. It was all blue and grey from the moonlight.
She was about my age, and pretty. She was French, and didnt speak a word of
English. I couldnt speak French, but that didnt seem to matter. We spent a couple of
hours together on that swing set. We held hands, we huddled together against that wall
to stay warm. I smile now to think about it. It is the most perfect love I have ever
known. In the morning her family left, and ours did the next day. I dont even know
her name.
Words have power. Whe
n we speak, a thought takes form, takes on a body of sound, and strung together with
other thoughts with sound bodies, springs to life as our lungs breathe life into them.
They travel to the listener and are consumed, planting themselves into the soil of the
thoughts of the listener, if there is soil fertile enough. When we write, we lock these
idea bodies into patterns that break the true emotion but allow the thought to persist
beyond the single moment. These written words have power too, the hand written
But for all the power of words to plant seeds in the mind and perhaps even to nurture
them as they grow, they are but small creatures, and have their limits. Words will
always fall short of the truth but that does not mean that you cant communicate the
truth. I know this from my night in Yellowstone. In fact, I think that if I could have
been understood, that night never would have happened. It was that we were forced to
share our emotions in other ways even foolishly innocent ones that allowed for
the true majesty of that night.
I remember this when I get to thinking about categories and staying too true to any
written or spoken word. They are always a descriptor, not the thing itself, and though
they can be strung together to create amazing art and poetry still, they cant capture
the way my heart leapt when we kissed that night. So I try not to get hung up on the
words and feel my way through the ideas. There is a bit more to see that way.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant
Back to

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:51 pm

Post subject:

I have been reading much, and researching much lately. My 37th birthday was last
week, and I was struck by food poisoning over the weekend. The later forced me to
stop and reflect, and I reflected on the former.

24 Nov

I have descided that now that there are other voices on the boards again, at least for a
little while, that I will be going on a journey. There are things that need to settle, and
removing distractions is needed.
I will be gone for a month. I hope to return and find more than silence. I guess we
shall see.
If I am needed before I return, I am easy enough to find.
"I must Create a System, or be enslav'd by another Man's. I will not Reason &
Compare; my business is to Create."
Words uttered by Los in William Blake's Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant

note-taken from Komali's Jedi Order

have aprroval to copy/paste,his order is dead,as long as we give reference to were we got it
fromLast Chapter(For right now)
Lightsaber Combat
Lightsaber combat is a way of learning to wield a weapon effectively, and helps with
strength, speed and accuracy. Here you will find all you need to know to learn how to use a
lightsaber and fight lightsaber duels like in the films.
For some of the advanced techniques we have supplied short, slow motion films to show
how the technique is done. Please give it time to load, it can sometimes take a while.

Health and Safety

Although all techniques here are safe if done correctly, there is still an element of risk
invovled. it is possible that yourself or others may be injured during combat. The

administrator or host of this site cannot be held responsible for any injuries that may

Lightsaber Forms
Form 1 Shii Cho
I suggest all beginners to sword fighting learn this first. It gives you the basic methods of
fighting with a Lightsaber.
Have simple duels with an opponent where you both attack and parry each others blows.
Nothing to fancy, just a simple duel where one tries to stop being hit the other tries to hit
the opponent. Then swap roles so that you get good at attack and defence.
Form 2 Makashi
The ultimate refinement of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat became Form II, advancing the
precision of blade manipulation to its finest possible degree and producing the greatest
dueling masters the galaxy has ever seen.
Today Form II is an archaism studied by almost no one in the Jedi Order, because it is not
relevant to current tactical situations, in which Jedi enemies rarely fight with lightsabers.
Even with the resurgence of the Sith, confrontation of an enemy with a lightsaber is an
exceedingly rare prospect for a Jedi, so they continue to focus on more practical Forms. Sith
expecting to battle lightsaber-wielding Jedi, however, find Form II a powerful technique.
In a large room or garden place lots of poles between 50cm and 200cm in height around the
area, spaced however you want. It is best to attach them to a round base about 30cm in
diameter. Now, with your lightsaber, attempt to go around the room knocking them all
down within a time limit you set yourself. Use a wide range of movements from high sweeps
for the tall sticks to low sweeps for the low sticks. If you succeed try again moving the
sticks to another position and make the time limit less this time until you can do it quickly.
Advanced Training
Now try this same method of training, only do it blindfolded. Use your feelings on where the
sticks are and their height. Once you have mastered this try the next stage of training.
Stage 2
Now have a duel with someone. Use your feelings and use the high, low and medium
attacks you know. Here you will also get better defence techniques which will improve from
what you learnt in Form 1.
You can also get lessons in the Spanish form of fencing, called La Destreza Verdadera.
Form 3 Soresu
Form III maximizes defensive protection in a style characterized by tight, efficient
movements that expose minimal target area compared to the relatively open style of some
of the other Forms.
Obi-Wan Kenobi takes up a dedication to Form III after the death of Qui-Gon Jinn (who
favored Form IV), since it was apparent to Kenobi that Jinn's defense was insufficient
against the Sith techniques of Darth Maul. True Form III masters are considered invincible.
Even in his elder years, Kenobi remains a formidable Form III practitioner.
To fight this form you will need to be physically fit because it is a very long method of
fighting and if you get tired first you will fall first.
It is best to do lots of physical training first to build up your strength and ability to fight for
long periods of time. Once you have done this fight an opponent this style and train up in
defence techniques.
Form 4 Ataru

The master practitioners of Form IV make extensive use of acrobatic maneuvers often
thought not physically possible by using the Force to guide their motion. In order to master
Ataru, a Jedi must be able to control his anger, because if he doesn't, his combat becomes
aggressive and leads to the Dark side. Even the most skilled Jedi, such as Yoda, have
difficulties controling their anger in such a situation. Ataru users have to concentrate and
make their move wisely due to the terrible consequences.
Spinning, jumping and running very high and very fast, masters of Form IV are sometimes
only seen as a blur. In order to achieve the acrobatic prowess, amazing reflexes and
physical punch of this form, a Jedi Master would focus on the Force, letting it flow deeply
throughout his entire physicality, even allowing him to overcome the limitations of old age.
Due to its aggressive nature, it is an effective form to use against single enemies; however,
it leaves the user open to attacks from multiple opponents; therefore, it is wise to use Ataru
in a duel, but not in open warfare.
Make sure you get professional trainign for doing such acrobatic moves.
(Watch Yoda fighting for moves in Ataru.)
Form 5 Djem So
During an era when Jedi were called upon to more actively maintain the peace in the
galaxy, Form V arose alongside Form IV to address a need for greater power among the
Jedi. Jedi Masters who felt that Form III could be too passive developed Form V. A Form III
master might be undefeatable, but neither could he necessarily overcome his enemy. Form
V focuses on strength and lightsaber attack moves. This Form exploits the ability of the
lightsaber to block a blaster bolt and turns this defensive move into an offensive attack by
deflecting the bolt deliberately towards an opponent. A dedication to the power and strength
necessary to defeat an enemy characterizes the philosophy of Form V, which some Jedi
describe by the maxim "peace through superior firepower." To some Jedi Knights, Form V
represents a worthy discipline prepared for any threat; to others Form V seems to foster an
inappropriate focus on dominating others.
If you learn Form 5 it is also a useful idea to learn Form 3 as well.
Form 6 Nimen
This Form balances the emphases of other Forms with overall moderation, in keeping with
the Jedi quest to achieve true harmony and justice without resorting to the rule of power. It
is considered the "diplomat's Form" because it is less intensive in its demands than the
other disciplines, allowing Jedi to spend more time developing their skills in perception,
political strategy, and negotiation. In practice, Form VI is a combination of Forms I, III, IV,
and V. Young Jedi spend their first few years studying Form I and then a year or two with
each additional Form before completing their training. By comparison, a Form VI master will
spend at least ten years studying only that Form after completing the basic Form I training.
Form VI well suits the modern Jedi's role in the galaxy, in which a Knight overly trained in
martial combat might be at a loss to resolve a complex political conflict between star
systems. However, full masters of other Forms sometimes consider Form VI to be
insufficiently demanding.
Form 7 - Juyo
Only high-level masters of multiple Forms can achieve and control the ultimate descipline
known as Form VII. This is the most difficult and demanding of all Forms, but it can
eventually lead to fantastic power and skill. Form VII employs bold, direct movements,
more open and kinetic than Form V but not so elaborate in appearance as Form IV. In
addition to very advanced Force-assisted jumps and movements, Form VII tactics
overwhelm opponents with seemingly unconnected staccato sequences, making the Form
highly unpredictable in battle. This trait makes for a much more difficult execution than the
graceful, linked move sequences of Form IV. Form VII requires the intensity of Form V, but
much greater energy since that focus is wielded more broadly. Form VII draws upon a
deeper well of emotion than even Form V, yet masters it more fully. The outward bearing of

a Form VII practitioner is one of calm, but the inner pressure verges on explosion. Form VII
is still under development since so few can achieve the necessary mastery to advance the
Unofficial Forms
The unofficial forms can be chosen once you have reached the rank of Knight or if you are a
Council Member.
Form 8 - Sokan
Sokan uses fast moves against the opponent, targeting the arms and legs in order to defeat
their opponent. Terrain is also used to help defeat the enemy, such as using higher ground
to offer an advantageous position.
Form 9 - Shien
Shien uniquely involves a Jedi holding the lightsaber horizontally. The Jedi pointed the end
of the blade at the opponent; it was swung in a fast arc while the Jedi punched his or her
saber-hand at his or her opposing combatant, in a stabbing motion.
Form 10 - Jar'Kai
This Form uses two lightsabers in combat, one in each hand. One lightsaber is usually used
for attack and the other for defence
Unorthodox Styles
There are also unorthodox styles of fighting, such as using a double bladed lightsaber or
holding the lightsaber so that the blade points behind you instead of infront.
--------------------------------------Form I - Shii Cho
Pronunciation - Sh-eye Cho
Shii Cho is the most basic form of lightsaber combat, and as such is a good form to use if
other forms fail to defeat an opponent. Shii Cho is the first form taught to the younglings,
and focuses on stances, and basic body zone attacks. Teachers also use Shii Cho to help
teach their students to act with their feelings, rather than with their senses.

Body Zones
The body is divided into 6 zones where attacks or parries occur:
1. Head (Slashing attacks to the neck are considered Zone 2 or 3 attacks)
2. Right arm & side
3. Left arm & side

4. Back
5. Right leg
6. Left leg
Attacks and parries are described in terms of the body zone they concern. "Attack 1" is a
blow to the opponent's head, "parry 2" the block of an attack to your right arm or side, and
so on. Attack zones are those you see on your opponent, while parry zones are those of
your own body.

The Lightsaber
The Lightsaber
The Lightsaber is on average about a meter long, so this is an ideal length to train with. Use
a wood or metal blade, with a strong handle (to avoid the handle breaking or being crushed
when your in a tight grip lock).
The Lightsabers are used alot like they are used in Kendo or Katana - Japanese Martial arts.
Holding the Lightsaber
Most actions are taken with the lightsaber held in both hands, the lower, left hand does all
the work while the right guides the blade. Interestingly enough, there is no left handed grip
in Japanese martial arts. In fact, a left hander actually has a slight strength advantage with
a slight loss of directional control with this grip. Vader switched his grip when fighting
Kenobi in ANH, probably for cinematic reasons, but it could be that he wanted to gain a
psychological advantage over his old Master, who would certainly be well familiar with his
normal fighting techniques.
The proper grip is firm, yet relaxed until just before the moment of contact with your
opponent's body. Then, the grip tightens, not unlike wringing water from a towel, as the
wrists transmit the final snap of power into the blow in a kind of whipping action.
Grip the base of the handle using your left hand with no part protruding below the
smallest finger. The smallest finger grips most tightly, with grip decreasing in
strength up to the index finger and thumb. The web of skin between thumb and
forefinger does not touch the handle.
Your right hand grips just below the guard. The strength of grip is similar to the left
hand. Some martial artists have the right forefinger very loose, crooked almost as if
it were on the trigger of a gun.
Your hands should be about 2 finger widths apart. This is often where the switch is
located on some lightsabers.
Your left hand is the primary source of power. Your right hand guides the blade.
The Force
In oriental martial arts, all energy comes from your center of gravity, about 50mm (2
inches) below your navel centered inside your body. This is the point about which all energy
moves. Unless you are moving, this point is almost still except when moving up or down.
When you apply force you move this point down. In other words, all moves start by moving
this point up then down as energy is expended.
Most Japanese martial arts also make heavy use of the voice using a yell that

accompanies all aggressive strike called "kiai." This loud shout causes the diaphragm to
contract, forcing air out of the chest and adding structural strength to the body.
You should learn each move so you can perform them by instinct instead of having to think
about it, because in a duel you don't have time to think, and must rely on your skill and

If your feet pass each other they should move in little arcs, coming first in toward the other
foot before arcing out to their final position. More often your feet will not pass each other,
as the leading foot needs to stay in front for the combat system to remain effective,
especially against another Jedi.
Move the foot closest to your opponent into position first, then pull the other foot into
position as fast as possible to avoid being off balance for too long. The feet should slide or
skim the floor so that you are never really off balance. If the foot is lifted at all it is usually
the heel that lifts leaving the toe to skim the surface. There are similar to silent stalking
techniques used by Ninja and North American natives, where all movement is toe-to-heel
rather than the usual heel-to-toe.
An interesting note is that most samurai and apparently Jedi also, wore long flowing robes
to conceal their footwork, as it gives away their next move.

All strength and propulsion in the martial arts starts in the feet. The stance is important in
fighting, as it not only provides balance but also the energy to be placed into an attack. It is
the basis upon which all lightsaber combat is placed. It involves footwork, the alignment of
the legs and torso, the straightening of the back, and the loosening of the arms so that they
can snap into the desired position. Keys to good stances include: allowing the dominant foot
to be the main source of propulsion, keeping the knees bent, keeping the back straight, and
constant, calm breathing.
The Stance Grid:

Aggressive Aggressive Back Aggressive Neutral Aggressive Forward
Jedi Ready
Neutral Forward
Neutral Neutral Back
Defensive Defensive Back Defensive Neutral Defensive Forward
Jedi Ready
The most basic of all Jedi stances - also called "basic neutral" - this one employs stepping
back with the dominant foot and drawing the lightsaber so that it is parrying on the
dominant side. Weight is distributed evenly between the feet. It is natural that the dominant
shoulder be rolled slightly back. The hilt of the lightsaber is held down level with the waist
with the tip of the lightsaber pointed at or slightly over the head of the target. This stance is
similar to the chdan-no-kamae in kendo, except in the kendo form you step forward with
the dominant foot as you draw the blade. This is evidence of the Jedi only using lightsabers
as a matter of defense of themselves and others, whereas in kendo the purpose is for

In Episode I, Obi-Wan Kenobi always used this stance when drawing his lightsaber, and
hastily moved into it as well. This shows how undisciplined he was as a padawan. His feet
shifted oddly so that his rear foot was not in a straight line pointing forward, his back was
hunched forward (this reduces both balance as well as the flow of energy to-and-from the
internal organs), and he held the point of his lightsaber so high that it partially obscured his
vision. It is possible he is attempting an aggressive forward stance. By Episode II, he has
changed more so into his former master's style.
Neutral Forward
Very similar to Jedi ready, except that the dominant foot is forward - identical to chdanno-kamae - with the lightsaber hilt close to the waist, the blade pointed to the enemy.
Slightly more weight is on the front foot than the rear, which means that the dominant leg
is still the one that propels the attack.
Anakin uses this stance in Episode II. He centers himself by setting his stance and swinging
his blade slowly from behind his back, over his head, down centerline of his body, and
settling the lightsaber in place.
Defensive Neutral
A good defensive posture, defensive neutral is ready for any occurrence but is also nonthreatening. The dominant foot is drawn back and pointed approximately forty-five degrees
out to the side. Approximately sixty-percent of the weight is on the back foot. The dominant
shoulder is rolled back as the blade is drawn. The lightsaber is held vertically next to that
side of the head, in the pocket created by the shoulder. This form is almost identical to
the hass-no-kamae stance found in kendo.
In Episode I, Qui-Gon Jinn uses this stance when drawing his lightsaber. His form is almost
flawless, showing the years of training and discipline spent acquiring his skill. He holds his
lightsaber back in such a fashion that his eyes are able to scan a wide forward arc, looking
for targets and watching attacks. With his long legs, he is able to hold his feet wide, ready
to spring forward at a moment's notice. In Episode II, Obi-wan has followed in his master's
footsteps and picked up this stance, and in Episode III when he is fighting Anakin just
before Anakin jumps on to the same platform you see Obi-Wan using the stance.
Defensive Back
The best defensive posture in sword combat, defensive back is nigh-impossible to penetrate
and nigh-impossible to launch an attack from. The hilt of the blade is rasied high towards
the face, the point of the blade pointed diagonally down at the ground. From this position
slashing strikes aimed at the torso can be easily blocked, and stabbing strikes can be
quickly parried with wide, sweeping moves from which the defender can quickly move
forward into a better stance. Another advantage of this stance is that the blade can be
quickly swung all the way around the torso to block attacks from all directions.
Agressive Neutral
A very threatening stance similar to the Jedi ready stance. This involves standing with more
of the weight on the front foot rather than the rear. The arms are held so that the hilt of the
lightsaber is in line with the solar plexus, and the point of the lightsaber is directed at the
target's head. The distance from the body to the lightsaber is greater than most stances.
This form is not very useful in conventional combat, but is very deadly in lightsaber-onlightsaber combat.Darth Sidious uses this when he is fighting Mace Windu.
Combined with the elegant, flowing, and swift motions of Form II, this stance allows Count
Dooku to keep his guard up while pressing the attack. Even when facing an Anakin
Skywalker armed with two lightsabers, he is able to gain an advantage by keeping his
enemy at arm's length.

Sidious uses Agressive Neutral against Yoda

Agressive Back
A more radical stance than most, aggressive back is a low posture from which a swift attack
can be launched. The back foot is pointed out almost ninety-degrees from the body and is
holding over eighty-percent of the weight. The front foot is extended forward, almost
straight. The lightsaber is held on the dominant side, right beside the head, its blade facing
directly forward. Like aggressive neutral, this stance is only useful for taking on a single
enemy armed with a lightsaber, especially since it obstructs view of the right side of the
This is Obi-wan's stance from Episode III. He uses it mainly in facing General Greivous,
alternating at times with aggressive neutral. This leaves him open to attack from
surrounding droids, but he realizes that danger is minute in scope to giving Grievous one
inch of advantage.

Velocities and Dulons

To develop lightning reflexes and tight control, Jedi face each other in drills called velocities.
The tenth velocity sequence takes each opponent through a series of attacks and parries
and is repeated in turn at ever greater speed until one opponent is felled or yields with the
declaration, "Solah." That is, Jedi in training run lightsaber velocities endlessly to increase
their key skills and physical stamina.
Building on these basics, Jedi can go beyond what is physically possible, allowing the force
to flow through them. A Padawan practices for the trials of passage using Dulon: Solo
sequences of moves in which the opponents are only envisioned. The patterns of velocities
and Dulon prepare a Jedi for the unpredictable realm of combat.
Where as with velocities you train with a partner, a dulon is training by yourself. Practising
each of the different techniques one by one until you know them well, then having a duel
without an opponent, where you use the techniques you have learned. If they are attacking
techniques you move forward or stay still, if defensive, you move backwards or stay still.
Here are a few Dulon exercises I found, thanks to this site:
Real Jedi Knights

Mental Aspect of Shii Cho

It is important to try to predict your opponents next moves and plans in order to avoid
falling into traps. It is useful for a beginner to practise slow duels so they can see where
their vulnerable points are to exploit, this makes it eaiser to predict attacks.
For example.
Your opponent makes a Basic Attack 6.
You parry it with Basic Parry 6. This leaves your right side open to attack and so chances
are your opponent's next move will attack your right side. An attack to your right side will
also be the easiest option for your opponent to attack.
Your opponent, as predicted, makes a Diagonal Attack 2.
In you parry this move with Vertical Parry 2, leaveing your left side open, and so on.

The Saber Lock
A saber lock can be either defensive or offensive. Both opponents lock their lightsabers
together and both try to push through the others defences, often using the opportunity to
glare at their opponent. Dark Side users often take the opportunity to mock and jeer at
their opponent.

Vertical Slash - Attack 1

Puting the lightsaber over your head, in line with your spine, bring the saber down, slicing
vertically and end with your hands at waist height with the blade in front of your face. This
move is quite powerful but does leave your body vulnerable for a short while.

Horizontal Slash - Attack 2

Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents right arm.
Diagonal Hit - Attack 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down at your opponents right arm.

Horizontal Slash - Attack 3

Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents arm.
Diagonal Hit - Attack 3
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down at your opponents left arm

Horizontal Slash - Attack 4

This attack is just Attack 2 or 3, but aimed at your opponents back, and should only be
done if the back is open for such an attack.
Basic Attack - Attack 5
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents leg.

Basic Attack - Attack 6

Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents leg.

High Parry 1
Hold the handle with one hande above and infront of your head, arm stretched out. The
blade should be horizontal. This will block any vertical slashes attacking the top of the head.

Diagonal Parry 1
Hold the saber high with the handle at shoulder height. The blade should be diagonal. This
can be done to either the left or right side.
Basic Block - Parry 2
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right arm or side.
Vertical Parry 2
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
right arm.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down right arm, defending your right side.

Basic Block - Parry 3

Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left arm or side.
Vertical Parry 3
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
left arm.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 3
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down left arm, defending your left side.

Overhead Parry 4
Bring the saber over your head with both hands so that the saber is vertical, with the blade
parallel to your spine.

Basic Block - Defence 5

Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right leg.
Basic Block - Defence 6
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the right and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left leg.
Kai Kan Drop Stance - Defence Body
Hold the blade horizontal with the handle to the left of your head at shoulder height. The
blade should run just in front of and below your chin.

---------------Form II - Makashi
Pronunciation - Mah-kah-she
Form II was developed from Form I, as a means of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. Makashi
executes swift, elegant, powerful and accurate techniques, while using as little energy as
possible. When mastered, the user can execute extreme precision offensive and defensive
moves with minimal effort, while the opponent tires themselves with their Form.
The techniques of Makashi require small, swift cuts, parries and lunges. The blade
manipulation required for this Form fequires much focus and training, but when mastered
this Form can be devastating to lightsaber weilders.
Feints would also be commonly used to confuse or set-up their opponents for a trap, a tactic
that Count Dooku commonly used in his duels during the Clone Wars. Precise footwork and
movements are required for maintaining proper distance from the opponent during defense
and/or when moving in for an attack. The blade manipulation required for this form was
very refined and required intense focus. Timing, accuracy, and skill, rather than strength
are relied on to defeat your opponent and with a skilled practitioner, the results were
extremely potent. However, if against more than one opponent this form becomes fairly

Mental Aspect of Makashi

As with all forms, there is a certain degree of mental ability in Makashi. When in combat you
have to be completely focused on the combat and the area around you, always looking for a
gap in your opponents defenses, a weakness to exploit - while being aware of your own
weaknesses and making sure they don't be exploited.
A faint is a fake attack used to divert your opponents attention allowing you to exploit a gap
in their defences. Always be thinking of feint techniques and how you will exploit the
position your opponent is in when you have executed the feint.
During Makashi you must always be analysing your distance from your opponent, predicting
what his next move will be and being the correct distance from him when he executes his
Timing and Accuracy
Timing and accuracy are very important in Makashi. With good accuracy and timing you can
exploit even the smallest open areas in your opponents defences.
Conserve Energy
Your techniques should become fluid, almost like you are dancing. You must learn to apply
the right amount of force behind each stroke so as not to tire yourself out. Makashi is about
speed and ccuracy, not about strength - so you should not be wasting energy trying to hit
your opponent as hard as possible.

Misleading Feint
This faint involves misleading your opponent by looking at an area of their boy as if you are
going to attack it, then attacking a different area while continuing to look at the area you
were looking at. For this to be effective, look at where your attacks will go throughout the
duel, and hit where you look. This makes your opponent think there is a pattern that you
look where you attack and may even lure them into a false sense of security.
Misinterpretting Feint

This involves making your opponent misinterpret your attack. For example, you bring the
saber high up behind your head as if you plan to attack his head, then swipe for his legs.
This is most effective when combined with Misleading Feint as the two are very similar.
One Handed Attack 1 Feint
Using the One Hand Vertical Slash Attack 1 technique featured below, slash at your
opponents head, then swiftly follow up with a one handedslash to your opponents left leg. if
you perform this fast enough your opponent won't have time to get their saber to defend
their leg. If you have two hands on the slash at the leg, it slows down movement.

Makashi attacks are very swift and accurate, yet allow the user to conserve as much energy
as possible. Each attack does not need much power and is more focused on accuracy. Many
attacks are one handed, because you can not put as much power into the attack that way.
Vertical Slash - Attack 1
Puting the lightsaber over your head, in line with your spine, bring the saber down, slicing
vertically and end with your hands at waist height with the blade in front of your face. This
move is quite powerful but does leave your body vulnerable for a short while.
One Handed Verticle Slash - Attack 1
Holding he saber in Makashi Stance, swing the saber round behind you so it swings up and
arcs over at your opponetns head. This move should be smooth and should follow through if
you can.
Diagonal Hit - Attack 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down at your opponents right arm.
Diagonal Slash - Attack 2
Using one hand, bring the lightsaber over your left shoulder and slash diagonally at your
opponents right arm. The lightsaber should finish pointing down by your left leg.
Diagonal Hit - Attack 3
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down at your opponents left arm
Diagonal Slash - Attack 3
Using one hand, bring the lightsaber over your right shoulder and slash diagonally at your
opponents left arm. The lightsaber should finish pointing down by your right leg, across
your body.
Double Attack - Attack 3 + Attack 6
When in the Makashi Stance, swing the saber round with one hand to the left, then arc it
round behind your back, rising so you slash at your opponents left arm, but follow through,
arcing the saber back round your back, but lowering the blade so it hits your opponents left
Basic Attack - Attack 5
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents leg.
Diagonal Slash - Attack 5
From the Makashi Stance bring the saber in an arc, sweeping the blade round from the
right, over your head and slashing round at your opponents right leg.
Basic Attack - Attack 6
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents leg.
Diagonal Slash - Attack 6
From the Makashi Stance bring the saber in an arc, sweeping the blade round from the left,
over your head and slashing round at your opponents left leg.

Defence for Makashi involves techniques both one handed and two handed. Strength is
more important with the defence so Makashi defence techniques are often two handed.
High Parry 1
Hold the handle with one hande above and infront of your head, arm stretched out. The
blade should be horizontal. This will block any vertical slashes attacking the top of the head.
One Handed High Parry 1
This is similar to the High Parry, but with one hand.
Diagonal Parry 1
Hold the saber high with the handle at shoulder height. The blade should be diagonal. This
can be done to either the left or right side.
Basic Block - Parry 2
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right arm or side.
One Handed Basic Parry 2
Similar to Basic Parry 2, but with one hand.
Vertical Parry 2
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
right arm.
One Handed Verticle Parry 2
This is similar to Verticle Parry 2, but you use one hand.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down right arm, defending your right side.
Basic Block - Parry 3
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left arm or side.
One Handed Basic Parry 3
Similar to Basic Parry 3, but with one hand.
Vertical Parry 3
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
left arm.
One Handed Verticle Parry 3
This is similar to Verticle Parry 3, but you use one hand.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 3
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down left arm, defending your left side.
Overhead Parry 4
Bring the saber over your head with both hands so that the saber is vertical, with the blade
parallel to your spine.
One Handed Over Head Parry 4
Siimilar to the Overhead Parry 4, but this technique uses one hand.
Basic Block - Defence 5
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right leg.
One Handed Basic Parry 5
This technique is similar to Basic Block - Defence 5, however the user only has on hand on
the handle.

Basic Block - Defence 6

Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the right and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left leg.
One Handed Basic Parry 6
This technique is similar to Basic Block - Defence 6, however the user only has on hand on
the handle.
Kai Kan Drop Stance - Defence Body
Hold the blade horizontal with the handle to the left of your head at shoulder height. The
blade should run just in front of and below your chin.
One Handed Kai Kan Drop Stance - Defence Body
Similar to the Kai Kan Drop Stance, hold the saber so the blade is horizontal just below chin
height. Hold the handle at the left hand side.

Form III - Soresu

Pronunciation - Soh-ray-zu
This form was developed in the Star Wars Universe to deflect blaster bolts, and as such is a
very defensive form. The tecniques required for this form involve keeping the blade close to
the body, to leave as little of the body exposed as possible, and allowing the user to chieve
techniques with minimal effort, as fights while using Soresu are long and if the user of
Soresu tires he will fall. If mastered to its finest degree, Soresu users can be near invincible
in combat.
Practitioners of Soresu comfortably remain on the defensive until their opponents make a
mistake; only then do they strike offensively. Soresu can best be described as a passive
form and one to be used by Masters who are extremely patient and passive. Soresu users
do not wish to fight, or harm. Even during a fight they prefer to remain on the defensive,
and only when absolutely necessary will they strike.
Due to the emphasis on defense training in Form III involved preperation for prolonged
battles so that the user may learn as much as possible about their opponent or opponents
whilst engaged in possibly deadly combat. Also, by being more capable in lenghy battles a
Soresu user was in a position to gain control of the situation and provide multiple options
for the duelist; such as the choice to either kill, disarm, or even reason with their opponent.
Many Soresu practitioners survived the Battle of Geonosis, thanks in part to its
specialization in fending off blaster-fire. In fact, all Jedi probably had to be trained in some
minimal amount of Form III when they were younglingd and/or Padawans to prepare them
when fending of blaster wielding opponents, while well trained users could survive even
when surrounded by multiple atackers. Soresu's greatest power lies in the endurance and
control a practitioner eventually develops. Masters of the form leave no opening for their
opponents to take advantage of, while waiting for the eventual lapses in their opponent's
own defense.
Soresu was not an answer to a particular type of weakness. Vaapad was an answer to
Windu's inner darkness; Ataru was Yoda's answer to his limited reach and advanced age;
and Djem So was Anakin's answer to his boiling emotions. Soresu was considered the
consummate Jedi combat form in that it embraced a passive way of life and a literal
expression of the Jedi's tenement to defend rather than attack.

Mental Aspect of Soresu

When using Soresu you have to make sure you do not expose to much of yourself for long
periods of time. Attacks should be quick so you can immediately return into a defensive
Conserve Energy
Expect for fights to be long when using Soresu. You are aiming to tire out your opponent or
to find a weakness in their defence to exploit. If you tire out first you will have lost the fight.
Do not put extended effort into trying to hit your opponent as hard as possible. You should
be focusing on keeping your defence strong and using as little energy as possible. Do not
put in more energy than is needed. Keeping the blade close to you allows you to have less
movement. Less movement means less energy wasted.
Learn about your Opponent
While fighting, observe your opponent, see what their fighting style is like. This will give you
a key to their downfall. If they are aggressive, use the aggression against them. If they are
using strength, use their strength against them. Feints can be useful to lure the opponent
into a trap. Use your opponents weaknesses against them.

Since defence is a major part of Soresu, defence techniques will come before attack here.
Soresu utilises techniques close to the body, to allow minimum movement and maximum
amount of energy saved.
High Parry 1
Hold the handle with one hande above and infront of your head, arm stretched out. The
blade should be horizontal. This will block any vertical slashes attacking the top of the head.
Diagonal Parry 1
Hold the saber high with the handle at shoulder height. The blade should be diagonal. This
can be done to either the left or right side.
High Diagonal Parry 1
Similar to Diagonal Parry 1, only the handle is above your head, with the blade pointing
diagonally down. This can be done to both right and left sides.
Basic Block - Parry 2

Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right arm or side.
Vertical Parry 2
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
right arm.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down right arm, defending your right side.
Basic Block - Parry 3
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left arm or side.
Vertical Parry 3
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
left arm.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 3
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down left arm, defending your left side.
Overhead Parry 4
Bring the saber over your head with both hands so that the saber is vertical, with the blade
parallel to your spine.
One Handed Back Defence - Defence 4
Bring your arm arcing behind your back so that your hand is near the base of the spine with
the blade parallel to the spine. Then bring the lightsaber round to the front of your body and
turn the defence into a horizontal slash attack at your opponent that is about chest height.
Agressive Defense 4
Bring the saber up so the blade is next to the shoulder blade you need to defend, with the
handle above your head. The handle should be vertical. The arm opposite to the side you
are defending should arc over your head.
Basic Block - Defence 5
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right leg.
Basic Block - Defence 6
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the right and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left leg.
Kai Kan Drop Stance - Defence Body
Hold the blade horizontal with the handle to the left of your head at shoulder height. The
blade should run just in front of and below your chin.
--------------------Form IV - Ataru
Pronunciation - At-ar-oo
The master practitioners of Form IV make extensive use of acrobatic maneuvers often
thought not physically possible by using the Force to guide their motion. In order to master
Ataru, a Jedi must be able to control his anger, because if he doesn't, his combat becomes
aggressive and leads to the Dark side. Even the most skilled Jedi, such as Yoda, have

difficulties controling their anger in such a situation. Ataru users have to concentrate and
make their move wisely due to the terrible consequences.

In dire situations, Form IV practitioners use the Force to aid in their acrobatics. Spinning,
jumping and running very high and very fast, masters of Form IV are sometimes only seen
as a blur. In order to achieve the acrobatic prowess, amazing reflexes and physical punch of
this form, a Jedi Master would focus on the Force, letting it flow deeply throughout his entire
physicality, even allowing him to overcome the limitations of old age. Due to its aggressive
nature, it is an effective form to use against single enemies; however, it leaves the user
open to attacks from multiple opponents; therefore, it is wise to use Ataru in a duel, but not
in open warfare. Ataru users can best be described as whirlwinds of destruction. Emotional
control is key, as is letting one's emotions fly free. This is not a contradiction, as displayed
by Yoda's firm control despite his screams and grunts.
Practitioners of Ataru were always on the offensive, attacking with wide, fast, and powerful
swings. Form IV practitoners constantly called upon the Force to aid in their movements and
attacks. By allowing the Force to flow throughout their body, they could overcome their
physical limitations (including old age, as was the case with Master Yoda), and allowed them
to perform amazing feats of acrobatics, such as somersaults and backflips, not only for
attack, but also to evade their opponents attacks/strikes.
Those who used Form IV could move at amazing speeds and could rain strong blows
jumping and attacking through the air. Powerful and lightning fast spinning attacks could be
utilized from all angles, either from ground or air.
A master in Ataru combat could appear like a blur to their opponents, attacking from all
directionsfrom the front, the sides, overhead, or behind.
The Force not only allowed them to perform amazing athletic feats, but it also helped guide
their actions and movements in combat. Howevever, due to its aggressive nature, a user
could become reckless and sometimes leave him/herself open to counterattacks.
This form was also probably not as effective for prolonged combat, as the nature of Ataru
could greatly tax the body.
Nevertheless, Ataru proved to be an effective combat form when used properly. A Jedi
skilled in Ataru fought with amazing grace and eye-bluring speed, using Force-assisted
acrobatics and maneuvers to attack his opponents with powerful swings and offensive
flourishes, never staying in one place long enough for their opponent to mount a proper

Mental Aspect of Ataru

Ataru is a very demanding form. it is easy to become fatigued during Ataru. You must learn
to conserve energy, not putting more effort than is needed to defeat your opponent. Trying
to hit your opponent as hard as possible is unnecassary, you aim is just to get a hit to them.

Vertical Slash - Attack 1
Puting the lightsaber over your head, in line with your spine, bring the saber down, slicing
vertically and end with your hands at waist height with the blade in front of your face. This
move is quite powerful but does leave your body vulnerable for a short while.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 2
Spin round clockwise, bringing the saber behind your back, arcing the blade round your
back, your arms should cross over your head, finally ending in a horizontal slash at your
opponents right arm.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 3
Spin round anti-clockwise, bringing the saber behind your back, arcing the blade round your
back, your arms should cross over your head, finally ending in a horizontal slash at your
opponents left arm.
Basic Attack - Attack 5
This is one of the two most common attacks used in Djem So. They are basic and can be
done very fast. Holding the lightsaber so the handle is in front of your chest but about 6
inches away from it, bring the lightsaber down to your left, keeping the handle near your
chest at all times.
Basic Attack - Attack 6
This is one of the two most common attacks used in Djem So. They are basic and can be
done very fast. Holding the lightsaber so the handle is in front of your chest but about 6
inches away from it, bring the lightsaber down to your right, keeping the handle near your
chest at all times.
Low Leg Attack - Attack 5/6
Crouch down, benidng both knees and strike your opponents leg.
Double Strike
When about 1 meter away from your opponent strike at them and spin round, then strike at
their hip.
Attack 1 then 5/6
Strike high, aiming for the head, then spin and aim for the leg.
Spin Attack 5/6
Spin and crouch at the same time striking the legs.
Spin around twice with the lightsaber sticking out horizontally at waist height.
Spin so your body is on its side, with the saber at an angle above your head aiming at your
opponent, then land on your feet.

Low Leg Attack - Attack 2/3
Crouch down, benidng both knees and strike your opponents leg.
Vertical Slash - Attack 1

Puting the lightsaber over your head, in line with your spine, bring the saber down, slicing
vertically and end with your hands at waist height with the blade in front of your face. This
move is quite powerful but does leave your body vulnerable for a short while.
Basic Attack - Attack 5
This is one of the two most common attacks used in Djem So. They are basic and can be
done very fast. Holding the lightsaber so the handle is in front of your chest but about 6
inches away from it, bring the lightsaber down to your left, keeping the handle near your
chest at all times.
Basic Attack - Attack 6
This is one of the two most common attacks used in Djem So. They are basic and can be
done very fast. Holding the lightsaber so the handle is in front of your chest but about 6
inches away from it, bring the lightsaber down to your right, keeping the handle near your
chest at all times.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 3
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents arm.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 2
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents arm.
Double Strike
When about 1 meter away from your opponent strike at them and spin round, then strike at
their hip.
Attack 1 then 5/6
Strike high, aiming for the head, then spin and aim for the leg.
Spin Attack 5/6
Spin and crouch at the same time striking the legs.
Spin around twice with the lightsaber sticking out horizontally at waist height.
Spin so your body is on its side, with the saber at an angle above your head aiming at your
opponent, then land on your feet.
----------------------Form V - Djem So
Pronunciation - Gem So
Form V was developed by Jedi who prefered a more offensive angle to lightsaber combat.
Djem So utilises strong, powerful techniques, which to a well trained opponent can be quite
easily predictable, but the power is hoped to overwhelm the opponent. As opposed to
Soresu which often results in long combats, Djem So often has short duels, as the user
either overpowers the opponent or is fatigued.
Embodying the perfection of the idea of counterattack, Form V maintains its existence
through having sufficient defensive skills, as derived from Form III, but channeling defense
into offense. This simultaneously defends the user and efficiently injures the opponent. Also,
it utilizes Form II's parries, allowing the user to parry the attempted attack, and counter it.
However, where Form II concentrated on precise and elegant parries, Djem So permits the
user to actually fully block and repel attacks since it calls for the use of more brute, Forceenchanced strength. This is evident in Revenge of the Sith when Dooku takes a swing at
Anakin and Anakin not only blocks it but pushes Dooku back with overwhelming strength.
Also, in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi we see how Djem So can be used to
physically bully an opponent. In a rage Vader continuously locked sabers with Luke only to

throw him back and press his assault. The same happened in the second duel as Luke
forced Vader back with his onslaught of physical strength.
Djem So is also different from Form III in the fact that practictioners of Form V believe that
the best defense is a good offense. It has already been observed that Form III users simply
parry lightsaber attacks until the opponent makes a fatal mistake. Form V practioners take
the near impenetrable defenses of Form III and press the assault, using wide, sweeping
blows in an attempt to overwhelm the opponent with brute strength. A dedication to the
power and strength necessary to defeat an enemy characterizes the philosophy of Form V,
which some Jedi describe by the maxim "peace through superior firepower." To some Jedi
Knights, Form V represents a worthy discipline prepared for any threat; to others Form V
seems to foster an inappropriate focus on dominating others. The aggressive philosophy of
Form V is the source of many a Jedi's disapproval.

With the offensive but refined movements of Form II and the highly defensive postures of
Form III, Djem So has been proven to be a highly effective style. In fact, of all the Forms, it
is probably the only one capable of matching Mace Windu's Vaapad, seeing as how they are
so similar. In fact, they are virtually identical save for one crucial element: Vaapad calls for
its user to maintain strict control of their emotions during the fight. Both Djem So and
Vaapad call for its user to use emotion to enhance their strength. However, Vaapad's control
permits its user greater power simply because they have the presence of mind to use the
power, whereas a Djem So user may lose themselves in their emotion. Djem So users can
best be described as bold, powerful, fearless and confident. They an unafraid to let their
emotions rule them and contribute to the fight, though they are wary of falling to the dark
side. A master Djem So stylist will be able to pull back from the abyss of the dark side, as
Luke Skywalker did when he defeated Vader, though that does not always happen.
Djem So stylists are often moving towards their opponents, striking with each forward step.
Since Djem So utilizes strength and power into each of its strikes, it requires the user to
generate that power with their entire body, footwork, and forward motion. It also makes
their movements predictable and fairly rigid, as they would constantly charge ahead
towards their opponents. Another weakness in this form is that its aggressive style can also
lead to carelessness or even recklessnes, as they're so caught up in the attack that a user
undermines his/her own defenses.

Despite its controversies, Djem So proved to be an effective combat style, utilizing the
parries and defensive techniques of Form II & III, but with a ferocious style all its own.

Mental Aspect of Djem So

Djem So is a very powerful form when mastered. However, there are several common
mistakes made while using Djem So that can lead to your downfall.
it is easy to tire yourself out very quickly doing Djem So. The strong attacks can make you
tired very quickly. Don't start off with the most powerful attacks. Starting off too strong
leaves you tired if the duel lasts longer than expected. Learn to judge how much power is
needed behind each attack.
It is very easy to forget all about defence during Djem So. You can get so caught up in
attack that you forget you need to defend yourself. Always focus on the combat and where
your opponents lightsaber is going. Chances are that during your attacks your opponent will
try and sneak in an attack somewhere.
Don't keep to the same zones all the time. This makes you predictable. Don't attack zone 2,
3, 2, 3 - add more variety such as 2, 3, 2, 5, 1 etc. This keeps your opponent on their toes
and makes you less predictable and open to attack. If you focus on the same area for a long
time you leave your opposite area open to attack - if you attack your opponents arms your
legs are left open to attack.
Getting some strength behind attacks is important. To gain more strength in your attacks,
imagine that what you are trying to hit is 6 inches away from the target. You must believe
this is true as well. When the weapon is nearing the target you naturally slow down slighty,
so by imagining the target being slightly further on, when you make contact you haven't
slowed down and have more strength in the attack.

Djem So focuses alot on attack, so the attack techniques are often very simple yet
Vertical Slash - Attack 1
Puting the lightsaber over your head, in line with your spine, bring the saber down, slicing
vertically and end with your hands at waist height with the blade in front of your face. This
move is quite powerful but does leave your body vulnerable for a short while.
Attack 2/3 Combo
This is a rushing attack where the lightsaber is swung from one shoulder to the opposite
hip, brought back up behind the back, and swung down from the opposite shoulder to hip.
This X-shaped attack is useful for keeping an enemy busy blocking and unable to
Horizontal Slash - Attack 2
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents right arm.
Diagonal Hit - Attack 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down at your opponents right arm.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 3
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents arm.

Diagonal Hit - Attack 3

With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down at your opponents left arm.
Lightsaber Shield Attack - Attack 3
This technique is quite a show off technique, and both Obi Wan and Anakin used this during
the Mustafar duel.
Step 1
Bring the saber up over your right shoulder
Step 2
Bring the saber vertically down, following through past the right leg. Follow through until
the saber is near your right shoulder and vertical.
Step 3
Bring the saber across your body, until the blade is behind your left shoulder.
Step 4
Bring the saber back across your front and then continue the cycle from step 2.
The Attack
The attack can come whenever you are ready, but has to be during Step 3. Instead of
bringing the saber back down, bring around your back to the right side, placing your second
hand on the handle when it is going over your head. Then arc the blade round diagonally,
finally executing a horizontal slash at your opponents arm.
Double Attack - Attack 2 +3
Step 1
Spin round from right to left, bringing the saber up low on the left hand side (See in the
picture). This is a possible chance to strike your opponents right leg, but it isn't neccassary.
Step 2
Bring the saber up behind your head like in the picture below. Strike at your opponents left
Step 3
Bring the saber back round behind your head like in the picture above, only when it gets
there, begin to turn from right to left again.
Step 4
Bring the lightsaber up behing your head again, only over your left shoulder. Strike at your
opponents right arm.
This move is tricky to get completely right, and is also over in seconds.
You can See this technique here, performed by Anakin (foreground)
Horizontal Slash - Attack 4
This attack is just Attack 2 or 3, but aimed at your opponents back, and should only be
done if the back is open for such an attack.
Horizontal Spin - Attack Higher body
Spin around and bring the saber slashing round horizontally aiming for the higher torso.
Lunge Attack - Attack Body
Holding the saber in both hands, push it directly forward in a jabbing motion, aiming for
your opponents chest.
Reverse Lunge - Attack Body
With your back to your opponent, bring your lightsaber round to the reverse grip, then place
your weak hand firmly on the end of the saber handle. Then push the saber behind you into
your opponents chest.
Single Handed Lunge Attack - Attack Body
Holding the saber in your strong hand, push it directly forward in a jabbing motion, aiming
for your opponents chest.
Upper Slash - Attack Body
With the saber pointing down bring the blade from the bottom to the top, slicing vertically
upwards. Can be done with one or two hands.

Upper-cut - Attack Body

Starting in the defensive neutral stance as described in Shii Cho, swing the blade back,
round your arm swiping upwards across your body at your opponent. The blade should end
up on the opposite side from which you started.
Spin Attack - Attack Body
Step 1
Holding the saber with one hand, bring the lightsaber slashing downwards from over your
right shoulder (or left if your left handed). The blade should swing from the top right to
bottom left (unless your left handed)
Step 2
Bring the saber back round from left to right.
Step 3
Bring the lightsaber over your right shoulder. Your arm should be at a right andgle to your
body witht he elbow bent.
Step 4
Bring the blade slicing vertically downards until in the position of the picture. You should
lean forward at this stage.
Step 5
Bring the blade vertical with the blade arcing from right to left near the back of your legs to
end with the blade vertical, pointing upwards, with the handle near the base of the spine.
Step 6
Bring the blade horizontally across your front from right to left, with the handle leading the
blade. Bring the blade around your head, keeping the blade vertical. Grab the handle with
both hands and do a horizontal attack. This attack can be focused at any part of your
opponents body.
Though it seems very difficult and takes along time to get right, this move is over in
seconds! If you do it quickly and smoothly you will probably spin the blade around abit more
naturally; this bit just provides the basis to work on.
You can See this Technique here, performed by Anakin
Double Strike Spin - Attack 1 + Body
Step 1
Bring the saber down low behind your back, and bring powerfully slicing upwards at your
Step 2
Follow through, bringing the lightsaber behind the right side of your head. Then quickly
bring the lightsaber round behind your back, whilst rotating your body round so you result
in the position in the pictures last picture for this step. This is the most difficult stage and
took me the longest to get right.
Step 3
Now bring the saber slicing round, attacking your opponents right side. Your back will be to
your opponent at this point.
You can See this Technique here, performed by Anakin (right)
Swipe - Attack 5 and 6
Swipe the blade low from left to right attacking the shins.
Basic Attack - Attack 5
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents leg.
Basic Attack - Attack 6
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents leg.
Disarming #1
Start off with a Vertical Slash - Attack 1. Then push your opponents lightsaber down to the
ground getting your lightsaber behind their lightsaber blade. Then bring your lightsaber up,

making contact with your opponents hands. Anakin uses this move to disarm Count Dooku
before killing him.
Disarming #2
Similar to Disarming technique #1. Begin with a Horizontal Attack 3 but keep contact with
your opponents blade. push their blade down, then push your saber so the tip goes behind
their blade then pull the saber up. If done right it should make contact with your opponents

High Parry 1
Hold the handle with one hande above and infront of your head, arm stretched out. The
blade should be horizontal. This will block any vertical slashes attacking the top of the head.
Diagonal Parry 1
Hold the saber high with the handle at shoulder height. The blade should be diagonal. This
can be done to either the left or right side.
Basic Block - Parry 2
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right arm or side.
Vertical Parry 2
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
right arm.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down right arm, defending your right side.
Basic Block - Parry 3
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left arm or side.
Vertical Parry 3
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
left arm.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 3
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down left arm, defending your left side.
Lightsaber Shield Attack - Attack 3
This technique is quite a show off technique, and both Obi Wan and Anakin used this during
the Mustafar duel.
Step 1
Bring the saber up over your right shoulder
Step 2
Bring the saber vertically down, following through past the right leg. Follow through until
the saber is near your right shoulder and vertical.
Step 3
Bring the saber across your body, until the blade is behind your left shoulder.
Step 4
Bring the saber back across your front and then continue the cycle from step 2.
The Defence
You can continue the cycle as long as you wish, but the parry must come during Step 3.
Instead of bringing the saber up behind your left shoulder, simply put the blade vertical,
with the handle at the top and parry your opponents saber.

Overhead Parry 4
Bring the saber over your head with both hands so that the saber is vertical, with the blade
parallel to your spine.
One Handed Back Defence - Defence 4
Bring your arm arcing behind your back so that your hand is near the base of the spine with
the blade parallel to the spine. Then bring the lightsaber round to the front of your body and
turn the defence into a horizontal slash attack at your opponent that is about chest height.
Agressive Defense 4
bring the saber up so the blade is next to the shoulder blade you need to defend, with the
handle above your head. The handle should be vertical. The arm opposite to the side you
are defending should arc over your head.
Defence 4 to Horizontal Attack
Bring the lightsaber up behind your back like in the picture.
Then bring the saber round to the front of your body and take it with both hands and attack
Here, you can See this technique performed by Anakin (left)
Overhead Body Defence
This technique is similar to Agressive Defence 4, only the blade is placed infront of your
Basic Block - Defence 5
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right leg.
Basic Block - Defence 6
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the right and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left leg.
Kai Kan Drop Stance - Defence Body
Hold the blade horizontal with the handle to the left of your head at shoulder height. The
blade should run just in front of and below your chin.
---------------Form VI - Niman
Pronunciation - Nee-man
Form VI is also known as the "Diplomats Form" as it is mastered fairly quickly giving a Jedi
more time to refine diplomatic and Force related abilities. Form VI combines the previous
Forms into one Form where each from is learnt in less detail.
The result is that the users' skill in each individual areas of lightsaber combat is only
moderate, making Form VI well suited for diplomats, as they can spend their time training
in the areas of politics and negotiation instead of combat training. It can be affectionately
referred to and known as a sort of "Jack of All Trades" form, with mastery of nothing, only
There is, however, one saving grace to this form not mentioned above. Niman is the
stepping stone to the dual lightsaber form, known as Jar'Kai. No one who has successfully
mastered Jar'Kai has done so without first mastering Niman.

-------------Form VII - Juyo

Pronunciation - Joo-yow
Only high-level masters of multiple Forms can achieve and control the ultimate descipline
known as Form VII. This is the most difficult and demanding of all Forms, but it can
eventually lead to fantastic power and skill. Form VII employs bold, direct movements,
more open and kinetic than Form V but not so elaborate in appearance as Form IV. In
addition to very advanced Force-assisted jumps and movements, Form VII tactics
overwhelm opponents with seemingly unconnected staccato sequences, making the Form
highly unpredictable in battle. This trait makes for a much more difficult execution than the
graceful, linked move sequences of Form IV. Form VII requires the intensity of Form V, but
much greater energy since that focus is wielded more broadly. Form VII draws upon a
deeper well of emotion than even Form V, yet masters it more fully. The outward bearing of
a Form VII practitioner is one of calm, but the inner pressure verges on explosion. Form VII
is still under development since so few can achieve the necessary mastery to advance the

Any Jedi should take great care when training in this Form, used carelessly this form can
lead to the user falling to the Dark Side. Juyo is often used by Sith, because its use of
darker emotions makes it very easy and effective for them to use. Any Jedi who wishes to
train in this Form of lightsaber combat should consult the Council before starting training in
it, and ideally only a Jedi Master would try to master this Form.

Mental Aspect of Juyo

Juyo is a very mentally demanding lightsaber form. Without proper mental knowledge a Jedi
will easily fall to the Dark Side.
Juyo executes random basic techniques, making it very unpredictable in combat. Each strike
has hidden strength to it, though the strength and power is hidden behind a seemingly calm
facial expression. When using Juyo, you should use random yet pronounced techniques. The
techniques themselves are not anything fancy or technical, but are un predictable due to the
way they are executed. Do not give away clues of where your next attack will come, do not
look to where you will attack, keep looking straight ahead.
Make each attack random, don't fall into common routines. Go for the head, the right leg,
the left arm, the right arm, the left leg, the right arm, the left side of the neck etc. Each
technique must be unpredictable.
The power of Juyo comes from aggression, which is why it can lead to many Jedi falling to
the Dark Side. When you fight someone you must fight aggressively, yet calmly at the same
time, so as not to waste energy. Keep a calm expression on your face. Put strength and
power into each move, with practise you will know the right amount to of energy to put into
each strike.
When to Stop
As soon as your opponent is disarmed or surrenders, you must stop all emotions and clear
your mind. Your levels of aggression should rapidly decrease. If you do not do this then you
risk killing your opponent unnecassarily, or beginning to use the Dark Side unnecassarily. A
user of Juyo should meditate regularly so it is important you know how to meditate. This
allows the emotions to subside within.

Vertical Slash - Attack 1
Puting the lightsaber over your head, in line with your spine, bring the saber down, slicing
vertically and end with your hands at waist height with the blade in front of your face. This
move is quite powerful but does leave your body vulnerable for a short while.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 2
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents right arm.
Diagonal Hit - Attack 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down at your opponents right arm.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 3
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents arm.
Diagonal Hit - Attack 3
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down at your opponents left arm.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 4
This attack is just Attack 2 or 3, but aimed at your opponents back, and should only be
done if the back is open for such an attack.
Basic Attack - Attack 5
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents leg.
Basic Attack - Attack 6

Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents leg.

High Parry 1
Hold the handle with one hande above and infront of your head, arm stretched out. The
blade should be horizontal. This will block any vertical slashes attacking the top of the head.
Diagonal Parry 1
Hold the saber high with the handle at shoulder height. The blade should be diagonal. This
can be done to either the left or right side.
Basic Block - Parry 2
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right arm or side.
Vertical Parry 2
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
right arm.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 2
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down right arm, defending your right side.
Basic Block - Parry 3
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left arm or side.
Vertical Parry 3
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
left arm.
Diagonal Parry - Parry 3
With the handle at chin height and the blade vertical infront of your face, bring the blade
down left arm, defending your left side.
Overhead Parry 4
Bring the saber over your head with both hands so that the saber is vertical, with the blade
parallel to your spine.
Basic Block - Defence 5
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right leg.
Basic Block - Defence 6
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the right and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left leg.
Kai Kan Drop Stance - Defence Body
Hold the blade horizontal with the handle to the left of your head at shoulder height. The
blade should run just in front of and below your chin.
-----------Form VIII - Sokan
Pronunciation - So-can
Sokan combines tactics that allow for evasion and mobility, with kinetic movements from
Form IV. Sokan involves swift movements of the lightsaber aimed at the vital body zones,

while doing rolls and other acrobatic techniques. Users of Sokan also had knowldge of
terrain and would use it to their advantage.

The Arm Strike
This is the basic attack against your opponents arms. Hold the lightsaber with both hands so
it is horizontal. Bring it up behind you so the blade is level with your shoulders. Then swing
the lightsaber round so that is makes contact with your opponents upper arm.
Although this attack is basic it does leave your body exposed to attack.
The Leg Strike
This is the basic attack against your opponents legs. This move should only be done when
the opportunity presents itself. The best way to attack someones legs is to attack high a lot
and make your opponent think that you always attack the top, then after a lot of high
attacks suddenly slash low at his legs.
The Arm Slash
This is a one handed move, simply slash at your opponents arm keeping the saber
Other Attacks
Remember that you should also learn another Form as well and learn the basic attack
moves for that.

Terrain Advantages
High Ground
High Ground offers an advantage to the one who is higher, it is difficult for the lower person
to get higher than the high person. It is more difficult getting up to a higher level than to
get down to a lower level, and it is difficult to fight an opponent higher than you.
Try and get and hold any high ground you can as it will give you an advantage. Remember
that even with an advantage, you can still loose.
If you can you could start a landslide from the top which could injure your opponent enough
to render him unable to fight.
Under Cover
You can use terrain to hide and launch surprise attacks on your attacker. Anything from
behind trees and under bushes to behind a wall next to a gate, if you can launch a surprise
attack on your opponent then you will have a momentary advantage, and you could possibly
win the fight if you catch the opponent off guard.

If you have got skill at balancing well then you could try fighting along thick pipes, on rocks
in the middle or rivers or anything else like that. Your goal here is to try and knock your
opponent off due to lack of balance.
The key to balancing is to think that you are on normal ground. Do not think about
balancing, just be aware of your surroundings so you don't fall.

Duelling up and down stairs is difficult for both, but especially so for him on the defence as
he has to walk up or down the stairs backward, one misjudges step could cost him his life!
Try and use stairs to gain an advantage over your opponent, by attacking him. If you can
try and merge this tactic with the high ground tactics, forcing him down the stairs rather
than up, giving you even more of an advantage.
Practise moving backwards up and down stairs, but be careful!


Form IX - Shien
Pronunciation - She-en
This variation of Djem-So uniquely involves a Jedi holding the lightsaber horizontally. The
Jedi points the end of the blade at the opponent; it is swung in a fast arc and executes
strong powerful and swift attacks. However, Shien is limited in its mobility and is not the
most efficient form to use.

Mental Aspects of Shien

Shien utilises swift and horizontal techniques, although the defensive techniques are not all
horizontal. Shien can be used with either one or two hands on the lightsaber. The lightsaber
does not have to be horizontal at all times, but the attacks themselves are horizontal, but
can be connected together with arcs around the body, finally slashing horizontally.
Although there are not many techniques, it takes time to fully master this technique due to
its difficulty.

Horizontal Slash - Attack 1
Bring the saber to head height and slash horizontally at your opponents head.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 2
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents arm.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 3
Bring the saber behind your back, keeping the blade horizontal. The handle should be just
below shoulder height. Bring the saber round quickly slashing at your opponents arm.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 4
This attack is just Attack 2 or 3, but aimed at your opponents back, and should only be
done if the back is open for such an attack.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 5
Bring the saber behind your back on the left side and slash round at your opponents right
leg. The tip of the lightsaber points gently to the ground.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 6
Bring the saber behind your back on the right side and slash round at your opponents right
leg. The tip of the lightsaber points gently to the ground.

Horizontal Parry 1
Hold the handle with one hande above and infront of your head, arm stretched out. The
blade should be horizontal. This will block any vertical slashes attacking the top of the head.
Diagonal Parry 1
Hold the saber high with the handle at shoulder height. The blade should be diagonal. This
can be done to either the left or right side.
Basic Block - Parry 2
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right arm or side.
Vertical Parry 2
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
right arm.

Basic Block - Parry 3

Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left arm or side.
Vertical Parry 3
This simpy involves keeping the handle at waist height and moving the saber to defend your
left arm.
Overhead Parry 4
Bring the saber over your head with both hands so that the saber is vertical, with the blade
parallel to your spine.
Basic Block - Defence 5
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the left and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your right leg.
Basic Block - Defence 6
Start with the handle at chest height and the blade vertically upwards. Then swing the blade
down so the blade swings to the right and ends up pointing down almost vertical in front of
your left leg.
Kai Kan Drop Stance - Defence Body
Hold the blade horizontal with the handle to the left of your head at shoulder height. The
blade should run just in front of and below your chin.

Form X - Jar'Kai
Pronunciation - Jar - keye
The dual saber Jar'Kai permitted a Jedi to fight with two lightsabers, one in each hand. One
of the blades in the wielder's hands was used for attacking while the other one was used for
defending, such as parrying, or for more offensive power. Many Jedi train to use one of the
single lightsaber forms in the hopes of gaining a basic knowledge of the dual-bladed attack,
but very few Jedi ever totally mastered Jar'Kai.
Jar'Kai is often combined with one of the seven Forms of Lightsaber combat to make it more
effective. Jar'kai often involves a certain egree of ataru skill, but not in deep detail. Form VI
is useful for developing Jar'Kai as it gives you basic knowledge of all forms to use wit

Having two lightsabers offers you the advantage, as your opponent must concentrate ont
wo lightsabers which can attack from different angles, where a dobule bladed lightsaber is
more predictable due to its lack of versatility.

Left Hand
Basic Attack - Attack Chest
Slice at your opponents chest with the blade horizontal
Basic Attack - Attack 5 and 6
Sing the saber round low from right to left, slicing at both legs. Blade at an angle.
Basic Attack - Attack 5
Slice at the right leg, taking the blade from left to right.
Double Strike - Attack Body
Swipe the left saber horizontally from right to left, then swipe your right saber horizontally
from right to left.
Duel Attack - Attack Body
Swipe the left saber horizontally from right to left, then slice vertically upwards with the
right saber.
Lunge - Attack Body
Put the sabers in an X shape and lunge at your enemy. Then bring the blades accross each
other in a scissor motion (like Anakin did to kill Count Dooku). You can also do single lunges
with the strong hand.
Vertical Slash - Attack 1
Bring the saber over your head and bring down vertically onto your opponents head.
Upper Slice - Attack Legs and Body
Bring the saber slicing upwards from bottom to top.
Diagonal Attack - Attack 2
Bring the saber over your left shoulder, then bring it down from top left to the bottom right,
slashing at your opponents right arm.
Diagonal Attack - Attack 3
Bring the saber over your right shoulder, then bring it down from top right to the bottom
left, slashing at your opponents left arm.
Horizontal Slice - Attack 6

Bring the saber behind the the left side of your body, then bring the lightsaber down
horizontally on your opponents left leg. Swing the saber from right to left.
Horizontal Slice - Attack 5
Bring the saber round horizontally, slicing from left to right.
Duel Slice - Attack Right Upper Body
Bring both the right and the left saber attacking the right side of your opponents body, the
sabers should be about 1 ft apart and be horizontal (see picture at top of the page)
Duel Slice - Attack Left Upper Body
Bring both the right and the left saber attacking the left side of your opponents body, the
sabers should be about 1 ft apart and be horizontal (see picture at top of the page)
Right Hand
Horizontal Attack - Attack 1
Bring the saber behind the left side of your head and swing round horizontally from left to
right, attacking the head.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 1
Bring the saber slashing round horizontally from right to left to attack the head.
Horizontal Slash - Attack 2
Bring the saber round behind your left arm and slash round from left to right attacking the
right arm.
Double Strike - Attack Body
Swipe the left saber horizontally from right to left, then swipe your right saber horizontally
from right to left.
Duel Attack - Attack Body
Swipe the left saber horizontally from right to left, then slice vertically upwards with the
right saber.
Lunge - Attack Body
Put the sabers in an X shape and lunge at your enemy. Then bring the blades accross each
other in a scissor motion (like Anakin did to kill Count Dooku). You can also do single lunges
with the strong hand.
Horizontal Slice - Attack 6
Bring the lightsaber down horizontally on your opponents left leg. Swing the saber from
right to left.
Horizontal Slice - Attack 5
Bring the saber behind the the left side of your body, then bring the saber round
horizontally, slicing from left to right.
Diagonal Attack - Attack 2
Bring the saber over your left shoulder, then bring it down from top left to the bottom right,
slashing at your opponents right arm.
Diagonal Attack - Attack 3
Bring the saber over your right shoulder, then bring it down from top right to the bottom
left, slashing at your opponents left arm.
Vertical Slash - Attack 1
Bring the saber over your head and bring down vertically onto your opponents head.
Upper Slice - Attack Legs and Body
Bring the saber slicing upwards from bottom to top.
Duel Slice - Attack Right Upper Body
Bring both the right and the left saber attacking the right side of your opponents body, the
sabers should be about 1 ft apart and be horizontal (see picture at top of the page)
Duel Slice - Attack Left Upper Body
Bring both the right and the left saber attacking the left side of your opponents body, the
sabers should be about 1 ft apart and be horizontal (see picture at top of the page)


Basic X Defence - Defence 1
Put the sabers in an X shape above your head.
Basic Defence - Defence 3
Hold the saber vertical, with your arm at a right angle at the elbow.
Overhead Defence - Defence 1
Hold the saber horizontally over your head.
Basic Defence - Defence 6
Hold the saber down so it is pointing down, protecting the leg. The saber should be at an
Basic Defence - Defence 5
Bring the saber across the front of your body so the saber is pointing down to the bottom
right, protecting your right leg. The handle should be near your groin.
Back Defence - Defence 4
Put your arm behind your back so the handle is at the base of the spine, with the blade
pointing vertically upwards.
Back Defence II - Defence 4
Put the saber over your shoulder so the blade is vertical pointing down.
X Defence - Defence 3
Put the sabers in an X shape on your left side, to protect your arm.
X Defence - Defence 2
Put the sabers in an X shape on your right side, to protect your arm.
X Defence - Defence 4
Put the left saber over your left shoulder and the right saber over the right shoulder in order
to form an X shape behind your back.
Alternative X Defence - Defence 4
Put the left saber under your left shoulder and the right saber under the right shoulder in
order to form an X shape behind your back, with the handles near your hips.
Basic X Defence - Defence 1
Put the sabers in an X shape above your head.
Basic Defence - Defence 3
Hold the saber vertical, with your arm at a right angle at the elbow.
Overhead Defence - Defence 1
Hold the saber horizontally over your head.
Basic Defence - Defence 6
Hold the saber down so it is pointing down, protecting the leg. The saber should be at an
Basic Defence - Defence 5
Bring the saber across the front of your body so the saber is pointing down to the bottom
right, protecting your right leg. The handle should be near your groin.
Back Defence - Defence 4
Put your arm behind your back so the handle is at the base of the spine, with the blade
pointing vertically upwards.
Back Defence II - Defence 4
Put the saber over your shoulder so the blade is vertical pointing down.
X Defence - Defence 3
Put the sabers in an X shape on your left side, to protect your arm.

X Defence - Defence 2
Put the sabers in an X shape on your right side, to protect your arm.
X Defence - Defence 4
Put the left saber over your left shoulder and the right saber over the right shoulder in order
to form an X shape behind your back.
Alternative X Defence - Defence 4
Put the left saber under your left shoulder and the right saber under the right shoulder in
order to form an X shape behind your back, with the handles near your hips.
---------Ters Ksi
Ters Ksi is the name of a martial art used by Jedi. Here you can find techniques for many
martial art techniques from existing martial arts. The techniquest taught here will not be
advanced martial arts techniques, and so this site will not train you to be a martial artist,
but will teach you the basics. If you want to learn martial arts completely go to a trained
Remember, that there is risk of injury and in extreme cases even death when practising
martial arts. By doing any techniques on this site you are taking full responsibility for your
own safety and the safety of others. We cannot be held responsible for any injury or death
that occurs.

Many techniques on this website can be extremely dangerous, and in some cases even fatal if
not practised under the strict supervision of a martial arts instructor.
Because of these dangers, this section describes the basic safety system used by martial artists
When practising or even demonstrating a technique, be aware of just how effective they are.
When a joint-lock or choke is applied, just a few millimetres of movement can break a bone
or even cause unconciousness. Some chokes, if not applied carefully could easily kill
somebody by crushing the larynx in their throat, once this is crushed it is almost impossible to
return to it's original state without proper medical assistance, hence making it impossible for
your opponent to breath.
A system used by nearly all martial artists is the tapping system. When your opponent is
applying a joint lock or choke, the moment you feel pain simply tap two or more times
wherever possible. This can be with your hands, or even with your feet if your hands are
locked up at the time. Tap anywhere, preferably on your opponents body so they know to
release the technique straight away.

Being a trained martial artist you will probably have more power, skill, knowledge and
technique to inflict serious bodily harm than the average guy on the street. Street self-defence
seems to be one area that many people are unclear about. What can you do if attacked,

provoked or threatened?
Well this section is here to clear that area up for everyone. These notes come directly from an
officer of the police force.
Common Law
Common law states that force may be used to : prevent crime, arrest offenders, self defence or
the defence of others, protect property or prevent a breach of the peace.
Breach Of The Peace
A breach of the peace occurs whenever there is the use, or the threat of the use, of violence,
whether explicitly or implicitly made. Also when damage is being caused to ones property, or
another property where the owner would wish you to prevent a person from damaging such.
Minimum use of force proportional to the danger faced, or perceived seriousness of the evil
being prevented includes the right to a preemptive strike.
Minimum Amount Of Force
You would be justified in using a certain level of force against a 6'4" man who was attacking
you, but would not be justified in using the same level of force against a 5'1" woman depending on your relative size.
Preemptive Strike
If you feel that you are about to be subject to such force that may result in the death or serious
injury of yourself, then you may use such force that may result in the death or serious injury
of the attacker. However once that threat has gone away, then you must step down your level
of force.
In deciding whether a defendant exerted reasonable force in defending himself, a court must
judge him on the basis of what, reasonably or unreasonably, he believed to be the facts,
and not on the basis of what the facts actually were.
Reaction Or Response
If someone startles you and you flinch, pushing your hands out in front of you, and
inadvertently inflict harm to that person, you cannot be guilty of assault, as you had no control
over your action. You did not intend to commit the offence, and had no knowledge that your
body, at that moment would or could cause an injury.
This does not apply to someone who is already attacking another person, whereby during the
attack they cause a GBH type injury. The attack was taking place, and therefore the attacker
had guilty knowledge/intent that they knew they were assaulting the person, but it was just
unfortunate that the level of force used may have been greater than initially intended.

The 4 Forms
The 4 Forms are based upon the Four Basic Elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Each
fighting style represents the element it is named after, and so the techniques used are
similar to the characteristics displayed by the element.
How to choose your fighting style.
There are several things you should consider. Which element are you naturally drawn to,
and does its fighting style suit you. The element that you are drawn to naturally will
probably be the style that you will get the most out of due to the connection, yet sometimes
the fighting styles are not favoured by the user.
Your Element
Think of the 4 elements. Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Which are you drawn to? Most people
will find they are drawn to one strongest in particular. I for example am drawn greatly to
fire. I enjoy watching fire, the characteristics of it. You will know which element you are
drawn to. It is the element you like the thought of most.
Fighting Style
Once you have decided on your element, look at the Form that is based on that element.
Red the information to see if that forms principles and philosophy fits in with what you
believe. Remember, that although each fighting style has its own set of principles, you can
make your own variant of that Form, for example the Fire Form that focuses mostly on
defence. If the style doesn't suit you, look at the others and decide from them.

The Fire Form

The Fire Form is based on offensive yet calm movements. The user becomes one with the
element of fire, and takes on the characteristics of the fire - pushing forward, offensively,
what seems as aggressively at times, yet always remaining calm. The martial art techniques
of this style feature quick, successive and ferocious attacks which represent the
uncompromising danger of fire.
Discipline is essential. Users must have great self control to avoid adding emotions into
combat. The user must also have skill in breath control to avoid getting themselves tired.
Like fire needs oxygen to burn, so does he who uses the Fire Form. Breathing exercises
should be practised first, in order to get the breath control right.

Basic Exercises
An important part of the Fire Form is breath control, and becoming on with fire. The basic
exercises should be performed regularly and should be learnt before learning to fight.
Generating Heat
To help become on with fire, a Fire Form user learns to generate heat within themselves.
Step 1
Sit comfortably and relax. Clear and calm the mind.
Step 2
Visualise your spine filling with red hot liquid. If you really want to warm up you can
visualise white hot liquid! You should visualise and feel it happening. Focus on visualising
this. If you are focusing enough you should feel yourself warming up.
Step 3
When you begin to get uncomfortably hot, you must stop! It is dangerous to raise your
body temperature to much.
This technique can be used to generate heat in any part of your body, just by focusing on
red hot liquid in the specific area. With practise the user can generate heat in other objects
and people.
Another exercise that helps develope connection to fire. Pyrokinesis allows you to create,
put out and control fire with your mind.
Step 1
Set a candle in a safe place (away from curtains etc) and light it.
Step 2
Visualise a tunnel between you and the flame, causing all you're focus to be on the flame.
You can have your eyes either open or closed for this.
Step 3
Now visualise the flame going out. Feel it happening. Connect with the flame and let it go
out. Like wit telekinesis, don't think - just let it happen. Concentrate yu're focus onto the
flame and on the flame going out.
Once you can put the flame out, do the same again, but try relighting the candle with your
mind - this is much more difficult!
Remember, fire can be dangerous!
Step 1

Start off in a grounded position, place you're hands infront of your navel and shape them as
you would if you were creating a psi ball.
Step 2
Direct energy to flow to your hands, and then to flow out and to form a ball of energy in
your hands (ie - create a psi ball)
Step 3
Visualise the ball becoming a ball of flame. Feel its heat on your hands. Keep adding energy
to make it strong and effective. Keep visualising it.
Step 4
Project it at your opponent, or at whatever target you wish. (See Psi Ball in the Force

Kicks can be used for both attack and defence. Kicks can offer a wide range of quick hits to
the opponent, as well as some techniques that are stunning to watch.
Front Kick
Step 1
Start off with your weaker foot in front and the stronger foot behind, in a stance similar to
the picture below.
Step 2
Bring your stronger leg up forward, bent at the knee.
Step 3
Now, snap your lower leg up, so that your whole leg is straight.
Step 4
Bring your leg down. Your stronger leg should now be in front of the weaker leg.
Front Thrust Kick
Step 1
Start with your stronger foot ahead of the weaker foot.
Step 2
Bring the weaker foot upwards towards your body, so the knee is at a right angle and the
thigh is close to your body.
Step 3
Now push your leg out. Follow through and land so your weaker foot is ahead of your
stronger foot.
Front Snap Kick
Step 1
Bring the knee of your stronger leg up, so it as at hip height. Your knee should be at a right
Step 2
Snap your lower leg out, straightening the leg. This should strike your opponent at the
Side Kick
Step 1
Start in a stance with your stronger foot ahead of the weaker foot.
Step 2
Bring your leg up, bending the knee as you do so.
Step 3
Similar to a snake striking, lash your leg out, making the whole leg straight. This can be
aimed anywhere from the opponents legs to the head.
Step 4
Bend the leg back and return to the origional position.

Roundhouse Kick
Step 1
Start in a stance with your stronger foot forward.
Step 2
Bring your weaker leg up, while twisting round so the weaker leg is now pointing at your
Step 3
While spinning round straighten your leg in order to make contact with your opponent.
Follow through and end in a position with your weaker foot forward. This move must flow
smoothly and quickly for it to work.
Roundhouse Kick 2
Step 1
Start in a stance with your weaker foot forward.
Step 2
Bring your stronger leg up, while twisting round so the stronger leg is now pointing at your
Step 3
While spinning round straighten your leg in order to make contact with your opponent.
Follow through and end in a position with your stronger foot forward. This move must flow
smoothly and quickly for it to work.
---------The Water Form
The Water Form is practised similar in style to Tai Chi. It features slow, elegant and calm
movements to represent the connection between user and flowing water. The Water Form
focuses greatly on defensive techniques, focusing on turning the opponents strength against
Users of the Water Form can often learn to heal themselves and others, as they practise the
manipulation of energy within themselves and others. This can be an effective skill to use
after fighting and in general.

Basic Exercises

Here are some basic Tai Chi exercises. In the tradition of Tai Chi, chi is the name used for
the energy you can channel throughout the body. This energy is the Force, but shall be
called chi here.
Awakening the Chi
This is an opening technique used to create better breathing and stimulate chi. This helps to
clear the mind and aids focus.
This exercise can be done very slowly. Take advantage of deep breathing. Visualise you are
being revitalised every time you inhale, and all worries and problems are being exhaled.
Step 1
Stand in a relaxed position, hands by your side. Palms should be towards your body.
Step 2
Bring hands up and slowly bring them together at about 2 inches below the belly button.
This area is called the Dantien. Finger tips should be almost touching.
Step 3
Begin inhaling slowly. While doing so raise your arms up, so your hands are at chest height.
Palms facing the sky. Raise your body, but don't tense.
Step 4
Once fully inhaled, rotate your hands so the palms face down, and slowly exhale while
moving your hands down as if pushing away your problems. Lower your body. Lower your
hands through the dantien and back into the starting position. Repeat 5 or 6 times.
Hydrokinesis allows you to manipulate water in solid, liquid and gaseous states using your
mind. Developing hydrokinesis helps you become one with the water element.
You must have visual contact with water
Can only manipulate water, not create it.
Step 1
Get a bowl of water. Place it about 1ft to 2ft infront of you. Place a cork in the water and let
it settle. The cork is to show the water is moving.
Step 2
Relax, and calm your mind. Focus on the water.
Step 3
Feel and visualise the water merging with your own energy. Feel your energies becoming
like water. Feel its smoothness, its coolness flowing through you.
Step 4
Choose a direction for the water to move. Ask and will the water to move, keeping in mind
the direction. Don't force it, just let it happen.
With practise you can learn to manipulate water in many ways.
Cryokinesis is the ability to control ice. Using this you can:
Drop temperatures
Make someone cold, but noone else
Create frost
Turn water to ice
Create ice
Project ice at an opponent
Developing cryokinesis can be dangerous, especially if you are not used to dealing with cold
Ice Ball
Step 1
Start off in a grounded position, place you're hands infront of your navel and shape them as
you would if you were creating a psi ball.
Step 2
Visualise water all around you. Feel and visualise it flowing around and between your hands.

Step 3
Now visualise a gust of cold wind blowing cross the water and forming ice. Hear the
crackling of the ice as it forms. Visualise the cie concentrating itself between your hands.
Keep visualising the ice ball getting bigger until you feel it is ready. Your hands should feel
cold from doing this. This is the first step to developing cryokinesis.
With practise you can learn to manipulate ice to higher degrees of skill.
---------The Air Form
The Air Form features swift, evasive movements that display characteristics of air. This form
often uses circular movements, making it difficult for opponents to attack directly. This form
focuses alsmot completely on defensive techniques, and lacks techniques that will finish the
fight. The user rather aims for the attacker to get tired and give up. This is the most passive
of all Forms, focusing on evading and eluding.

Basic Exercises
These basic exercises are useful in developing a connection to the Air Element.
Become One with Air
You will need to be outside to do this.
Step 1
Sit outside. Be comfortable.
Step 2
Relax and clear your mind. Focus on the air. Feel the breeze on your skin.
Step 3
Spread your awareness out around. Feel like everywhere within 15 metres of you is part of
your body. Sense it. Feel yourself as the breeze. Become the air. Become fluid. Feel yourself
moving with the breeze.
Step 4
If you want to, change direction. You are the air now and can do as you please. (Try to see
if the breeze really does change direction when you do this)
Step 5
When you are ready, slowly return to yourself.
Tips - It may help to close your eyes.

Aerokinesis can allow you to draw up large gusts of wind as if from nowhere.
Summoning the Wind.
Step 1
Stand comfortably with you're hands at your waist.
Step 2
Wind comes from four sources - north, south, east and west. Visualise the power of these
four winds. Visualise them being attached to your hands by strings, like a puppet of which
you are the puppeteer.
Step 3
Slowly raise your hands, constantly visualising the stirngs attached to the wind. This will
draw the winds towards you. You should feel the wind pick up.
Step 4
Repeat the procees if you wish to create more wind. With practise you can learn to control
the direction you want the wind to go.
----------------The Earth Form
The Earth Form demonstrates heavily rooted stances, with strong kicks and punches, to
evoke the mass and power of earth. This form maintains a balance of offensive and
defensive techniques. A balance of offence and defence is used to overwhelm the opponent.

Basic Exercises
To develope a connection with the energies of the earth, you will probably be best doing
alot of training outside. however, training can be done anywhere. The basic exercises help
build a connection with the earth.
Earth Fuse.
This exercise helps fuse the earth energy with your own.
Step 1
Stand or sit in a comfortable position. Clear your mind and relax.
Step 2
Picture the earths energy flowing around you, and glowing beneath you.
Step 3

Now, visualise your chi energy extending from your body like roots and going into the earth.
Now visualie the roots bringing the earths energy into yuor body and bringing it to the
dantien (the area about 2 inches below the belly button). Keep doing this until your dantien
feels fairly full of earths energy.
Step 4
Now feel the earths energy flowing around your entire body, fusing with your own energy.

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