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EDUC 480 - Mini-Lesson: Lesson Plan

Date: June 23
Target Student Group: Grade 8 core French class
Title of Lesson: Quoi de Neuf ?
PLOs: (Connection to IRP)
- Raconter un vnement ou une exprience personnelle en dcrivant les rapports
entre les personnes impliques
- Formuler des questions pertinentes pour orienter sa recherche dinformation
Lesson Objectives/Student
Students will be able to...

Each student will be able to

formulate questions to ask
their peer

Each student will have the

opportunity to speak in

Each student will have the

opportunity to present what is
new in his or her week.

Formative: Before the activity, with the
students come up with a list of questions.
Not all students will be able to put together
French phrases, and thus should be guided.
Summative: Throughout the term, students
should be able to remember how to ask
questions to their peers.
The ability to ask questions without the help
of the teacher solely in French.


A student (selected previously) with my help will write

down in French what they did from 3pm the day before to
the moment they arrived at school the day after. The
speech will include what they ate for dinner, breakfast
and snacks, how they got home from school, whether
they have siblings and any pets etc

Each classmate will listen carefully to their peers quoi de

neuf? and ask questions in French pertaining to their
classmates story. Examples may include: Quest-ce que
tu as mang pour diner? Quel est le nom de ton chien?
As-tu un frre? Une soeur? Quel type de crale as-tu
mang ce matin?


Story written
out before
hand with
my help.


Less formality. Activity could include the teacher asking students questions
for a span of 15 minutes at the start of each class. Example: Bonjour, quel
est ton nom? Quel est ton ge? (on the first day/week) Dou est-ce
que tu viens? Est-ce que tu as des frres ou seours? Quel est leurs noms?
(later in the term)

Providing a list of questions for the students before hand. Either on the board
or have a printed copy for them to keep in their binders.

Have all the students repeat the questions at the same time to have them
get used to the line of questioning.

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