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08 Reflective Writing
The Allegory of the Outbreak of War was created in 1638 by Peter Pail Rubens in Florence,
Itlay, in the Pitti Gallery. It was Flemish Baroque style, and it was painted using oil paint and
a regular canvas. It had been commissioned to produce a painting for Ferdinando II, who has
been the Grand Duke of Tuscany at the time. It had been created during the Thirty Years war,
and it was meant to express Rubens attitude towards the war allegorically.
Why did you select this work of art or architecture? When selecting and writing about your
work help organize your thoughts by addressing the following questions. Keep in mind that
the last question should get the most attention in your short essay.

When was it made?

Where was it made?

What is the material?

Who made it?

Why was it made?

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