CAS Post-Activty Reflection

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Mendham High School

CAS Post-Activity Form

Name ____________________________Date ______________TOK Teacher_______________
What activity did you participate in? _______________________________________________
How long did that activity last? ___________________________________________________
Did this activity involve Creativity, Action, or Service?
Who was your supervisor for this activity? __________________________________________
Which of the Learning Outcomes did this activity involve? Please describe how you
met those learning outcomes. Complete any that apply.
Learning Outcomes:
Increase awareness of your
strengths and areas for growth

Undertake new challenges

Plan and initiate activities

Work collaboratively with


Show perseverance and



Engage in issues of global


Consider the ethical

implications of actions

Develop new skills

Please attach your reflections about this activity to this sheet. Please attach an
artifact from your activity that demonstrates your involvement. Please explain the
artifact that you attach. When you turn this form in, please include the Pre-activity
Form that you completed before starting this activity and the Supervisors
Verification Form. This form is not complete without reflections, an artifact, the
Pre-Activity Form and the Supervisors Verification Form.

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