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1. La Maria tenia 75 euros. Ha comprat 5 quaderns a 4 euros cada una i 3 llibres a 18 euros cada un.
Quants diners li ha costat tota la compra?

2. En un supermercat han rebut 7 caixes amb 12 ampolles de 2 litres d'oli cada una. Quants litres
d'oli han rebut?

3. En Pere t 95 euros. Compra un rellotge per 64 euros i una calculadora per 12 euros. Quants
diners li sobraran?

4. Omplim un dipsit de 200 litres amb 15 garrafes de 8 litres i la resta amb garrafes de 5 litres.
Quantes garrafes de 5 litres necessitarem?

5. En una escola hi ha 24 nens petits i 30 nens grans. Al menjador es distribueixen en taules de 6

nens. Quantes taules necessitarem?

Maria was 75 euros. Bought 5 books 4 euros each and 3 books and 18 euros each. How much cost
him the entire purchase?
In a supermarket received 7 boxes with 12 bottles of 2 liters of oil each. How many liters of oil have
Peter is 95 euros. Buy a watch for 64 euros and 12 euros for a calculator. How much money do you
have left?
Fill a tank of 200 liters with 15 bottles of 8 liters and the rest with 5 liter bottles. How many bottles
of 5 liters need?
In a school where 24 small children and 30 older children. The dining tables are distributed in 6
children. How many tables need?

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