India 2015 Recap Face Cover

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Beggars at Haridwar

Typical Style Village we visited and camped at

Laura and I in the Himalayans


1. Used the song 10,000 reasons and Psalms 103

to call and confirm that I was to go to India again.

Read about that under the heading Holy Spirit
Confirmation 2015 at:
Password: ffctrek2012DSM
2. Gave me the Bible verse from Romans 10:14-15

to use at the top of my prayer/support letter.

14 How then will they call on him in whom they
have not believed? And how are they to believe
in him of whom they have never heard?[a] And
how are they to hear without someone
preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good
That verse was instrumental in one couple feeling
led by the Holy Spirit to support Laura and me,
even if it meant the entire $7200 if I did not receive
any other support. They had received my support
letter one evening, and the next morning, when
they read their daily devotional message, it was
about Romans 10:14-15. They told me that was
no coincidence and they felt led to support Laura
and me, up to the full amount, if needed. However,
God was awesome and led many people to support Laura and I, to whom we are so grateful to.
Also, every one of the national missionaries testimonies we listened to in India, all said the most
important factor to them coming to faith in Christ
was that someone either shared the gospel to
them, or they read about Jesus from a tract or from
the bible. The Holy Spirit really spoke to me that
the way people are going to know about Jesus, is
they have to hear about it, just like Romans 10:14-

15 describes. The Spirit made it so clear to me

that we need to be supporting missionaries who
are able to share the gospel and are doing so.
3. Used a lady from my church to confirm my

earlier message from the Holy Spirit that I was to

go on the 2015 India trip. I really struggled with
whether I was supposed to go to India this time
and was praying about it, as well were others. The
Holy Spirit used the song 10,000 reasons, which
is based upon Psalms 103 to confirm to me that I
was to go. Again, you can read about that under
the heading, Holy Spirit Confirmation 2015. You
will, also, notice that at the bottom of each page
on my website, I have the footer, in large letters
that state, Psalms 103 and the words, Bless the
Lord oh my Soul. This part of the website was
developed several weeks before I went to India.
Well, the morning the India team was waiting at
the Des Moines airport to fly out to India, one of
the team members said she had encouragement
cards to hand out that were given to her from one
of the ladies from church. I received mine, but I
decided not to read it until we were on the plane
heading to India. When I did open my card, this is
what was
on the front
of the card.
Bless the
Lord oh My
Soul and all
within me,
Bless His
H o l y

103. When I read that, my mouth dropped open,

because here again, the Holy Spirit used the exact
words He used to confirm to me that I was to go
to India. Now, He was re-confirming in such an
intimate way to me that, yes, He was calling me
to India and that He was with me. The Holy Spirit
was so intimate with me to do this. It was such a
HUGE blessing and gift to me. It just made me
that much more intimate with the Trinity. (The lady
gave different bible verses and messages to each
team member. I was the only one to get Psalms
103, the verse the Holy Spirit used to get me to
go to India and she had no idea of the significance
of that verse to me until after I told her about it.)
4. About 2-3 months before going to India, Holy

Spirit spoke to me to celebrate communion in the

villages we spent the nights at. One night, several months before
going to India, I
was listening to a
lady, who God is
using worldwide
for both inner
healing and physical healing, speak
about her ministry
of delivering people from demon
possession. She
said that God has shown her that when communion is celebrated and the blood of Jesus is
celebrated, honored and appropriated in faith,
that demons have to leave, because they cannot
be around the blood of Jesus, which has defeated
Satan, thus them, too.
So, while listening to her speak on this, the Holy
Spirit spoke to me to celebrate the shed blood of
Jesus in the villages we visited in India, because
Satan has strongholds in those villages So, the
Holy Spirit spoke to me that night to do that,
because the power of the blood of Jesus is what
has defeated Satan.
The next day, I go to read my daily, guided
devotions, and the devotion for that day was by
Smith Wigglesworth and the title of the devotion
was, The Power of the Blood of Jesus. So, the
Holy Spirit confirmed to me that yes, He did
speak to me the night before about the Power of

the Blood of Jesus and that we were to celebrate

it in the villages.
He wasnt done confirming though. The next day
after Wigglesworths devotion, I get an email from
a book publisher and it was an offer for a free book
for my Kindle. The title of
the free book being offered
was, The Hidden Power of
the Blood of Jesus, by
Mahesh Chavda, who is
from India descent, though
he grew up in Kenya in a
very devote Hindu family,
until he had a dramatic
encounter with Jesus and
who God is using worldwide
very powerfully.
So, the Holy Spirit made it very clear and
confirmed very clearly that we were to celebrate
communion and declare the blood of Jesus over
those villages. So, I brought along some
prepackaged communion cups and wafers and
we celebrated the shed blood of Jesus in those
villages and then spoke, decreed and covered the
blood of Jesus, in faith, over the people, homes
and entire villages.
We may have not seen with our natural eyes, all
that went on, but in the spiritual realm, the Spirit
of God was doing things, because He was the one
telling us to do it. So, I just give God thanks that
He is doing and orchestrating mighty things in
those villages and we are believing that those
villages, and the entire region we were in, will soon
be known as places where the name of Jesus is
worshipped and glorified, because the Spirit of
God is doing mighty things in that region and using
all the teams going to this region to bring in the
Kingdom of Jesus. He is confirming that He is
orchestrating it all and if we are faithful to do what
He tells us to do, He will do more than we can
hope or imagine. What a privilege to be used by
Jesus to bring in His kingdom to areas that once
never knew about Him. I am very excited to see
God transform that region to a place where it will
be known throughout India that Jesus is Lord in
that place!

5. The Holy Spirit used several of us to pray and

speak into the lives of several of the young children in India that are Christians. We had met
children 3 years
earlier on our
first trip to India.
used us to
mentor and
continue to
love of Jesus
to these children. Several of them personally told me that I
must love India and them, since I had come back
a second time to India, when it is such a hard trip.
I was able to tell them that yes, we loved them,
they were like our own children and most importantly, Jesus loved them more than we could. One
of the kids was sitting next to me at a campfire one
evening and told me that we were one. He said
you are our family. That was so awesome to hear.
6. I had the privilege to meet the girl that God has

called Ann and me to sponsor to go to the Christian school. (Her face is covered to protect her
identity.) I was able to
pray into her life, bless
her and speak the blood
of Jesus over her. The
Holy Spirit is drawing her
to Jesus, because her
brother told me that she
told him that she wants
to learn more about Jesus. That was one of the
things I heard on that
entire trip.
I met an American
lady on one of the trains
we were on in India. She
and a friend were seated behind Laura and me
and I over heard her talking to her friend about
some pastors she loves to listen to in the U.S.
They were some of the teachers I really enjoy
listening to, also. So, I wrote her a note saying I
had overheard her talking to her friend about these
pastors and about Jesus. I told her that I would

like to correspond to her. I gave her the note as

I was departing the train. A couple weeks after
getting back from India, I received an email from
her which included a website
address to her blog. I read
her blog and it tells her story
of contracting HIV and how
God used it all to draw her to
an intimate relationship with
Jesus. It was such a neat
story about Gods mercy and
grace. I thank God for the
divine encounter with this
lady. I was blessed reading
her story. I just started corresponding with her,
so I am excited to see if God has even more to
reveal. If anyone is interested in reading her
So, God used our team to bring His love, reality
and Kingdom to the people we met in India. It is
so awesome to be used by Him to do this. He is
transforming lives in northern India. Thank you
for your prayers and support, thus making it
possible for me to once again go to India; a
country God has put His love in me for and for its
people. And, once again, our Father did so many
things personally to me on this trip and I became
even more intimate with the Trinity on this trip then
before I left. Our God is Alive and NOT Dead and
loves us so much! How can we keep this great
news to our self if we really believe it.
If anyone would be interested in maybe supporting
a child to attend the Christian schools so they can
hear about this GREAT NEWS or help fund
building projects for the school, please contact me
for further information. What a privilege to be used
by God to help bring the Gospel to people who
have never heard the Gospel!

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