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NP Erin
Pennsylvania Highmark
The member lived alone in a senior high-rise building with no
family or friends close-by.
Although she had a broken arm and hip in the past from falls, she
kept her fall-alert button in the bedroom rather than carry it with
her. She told me she has a brain tumor that was found during one
of her workups for a fall, but had not followed up. She also
mentioned she did not have vision in her left eye after suddenly
losing it about four months ago. She thought it was just from the
glare on the TV and did not go to the doctor.
She insisted she was taking all of her medications as prescribed.
Her pillboxes were appropriately set up, but the amount of
medication remaining in the bottles didnt seem right especially
her heart medication.
After sorting through everything, I called her primary care
provider to review her medical issues. The office had a note
regarding the brain tumor but no other correspondence, results or
imaging. She was seen January and March of this year. I called her
eye doctor and set an appointment for the next day. I wrote out
her medication list to take with her.
I also called the pharmacist to review her medications and refills
and sort out what she was doing with them. And in the process of
it all, did a LOT of teaching!
I concluded with a care management referral and after two-and-ahalf hours, was on my way.

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