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NP Denise
Pennsylvania Health America
At 70 years of age, the member has spent the past 10 years
caring for her sick husband and daughter. For herself, she had not
seen a doctor in more than 20 years. The consequences of which
quickly became apparent.
She had a loud heart murmur, was hypertensive (200/90) and
morbidly obese. She denied any discomfort, dizziness or
headache and declined going to the emergency room. So, I made
a doctor appointment for her for the following week.
After several attempts to follow up with the member, I was able to
finally reach her.
Her visit with the doctor revealed she also had high cholesterol
and an elevated glucose. The doctor put her on some blood
pressure medications and a strict weight-loss program. He wanted
to stabilize her cholesterol and glucose before addressing the
heart murmur.
She said that the doctor told her that it was a good thing that she
finally came to see him. She thanked me for caring so much. And
that was a nice feeling!

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