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NP Pamela
South Carolina Humana
As I was finishing up and thanking the member for the
opportunity to visit, she said, We have met before!"
This being her first Matrix assessment, I was a bit surprised by her
She said I did a visit with her neighbor last fall. And then I knew.
The visit was with a young man who complained of having severe
pain in the lower right portion of his abdomen for a couple of
days. It was visibly bulging.
He did not have any transportation, so he called his neighbor for a
ride. I explained my concerns to the neighbor and she
immediately drove the young man to the emergency room. It
turned out he had an abscessed appendix, which needed
immediate attention and surgery.
And now, I was visiting with his good neighbor.
She said he had done well and thanked me for recommending he
go to the hospital, as he was really reluctant to seek help.

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