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Youth Literacy Grant Application

Group 4- Holley Larsen, Ashleigh Wingate, May Ryan,

Jesseca Beesley, Rikki Carter
Organization Information
Legal Name:
- Please enter your organizations legal name. (100 character maximum)
Provo High School
Mailing Address:
- Please enter mailing address of organization. (100 character maximum)
1125 North University Avenue
- Please enter your organizations city. (50 character maximum)
- Please enter your organizations state.
Zip Code:
- Please enter organizations zip code. (25 character maximum)
- County corresponding with zip code. (25 character maximum)
- Please enter telephone number of organization. (30 character maximum)
(801) 373-6550
- Please enter fax number of organization. (30 character maximum)
(801) 374-4880

How long has your organization existed?

(500 character maximum)

Provo High School began in 1912. The first high school building was constructed in 1919. Prior
to the construction of the high school building, classes were held in the Central School on the
same block. The new high school located on University Avenue was constructed and occupied in
Type of School:
Public High School
Ages of Youth Served
Ninth Grade
Tenth Grade
Eleventh Grade
Twelfth Grade
Principal Services:
-Please describe principal services provided by organization.
(2000 character maximum)
We want to help all students be successful. We want to instill in the minds of Provo High
students to be dedicated to learning and self-discovery. A Provo High graduate will be an
effective communicator, a responsible citizen, a resourceful and critical thinker and a lifelong
learner. From the Provo High School Belief Statements, our principal services are that we:
Ensure that every student has the right, responsibility and opportunity to learn.
Encourage learning and teaching in continuous, interrelated processes.
Involve students, parents, educators and the community in education.
Ensure the physical safety of every student at school.
Welcome diversity and teach that it is important for learning.
Promote that all involved in the learning process should be treated with respect.
Help students become contributing members of a democratic society.
Project Title:
- Please enter the project title.
(255 character maximum)
Teaching Digital Archiving to Promote Literacy in Provo High School Students
Requested Cash Amount:
(Currency)(20 character maximum)
Number of individuals served by funding:
- Please provide number of individuals served by the grant funds. No percentages please.
ABE: 0

ESL: 0
GED or high school equivalent: 0
High school students: 32-48
Projected Ethnicity Served:
- Please provide numbers not percentages. The total projected ethnicity served should equal the
number served from the above question.
32-48 of 1,779 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders
African American (18/1,779): 1-2
Asian/Pacific Islander (71/1,779): 3-4
Caucasian (1174/1,779): 22-33
Hispanic (498/1,779): 4-5
Native American (4/1,779): 1-2
Multi-Racial (9/1,779): 1-2
Please select the category that best describes the purpose of this initiative:
Helping individuals to build a strong literacy and basic education foundation.

Project Purpose and Outcomes

Where is the specific geographical area to be served:
(500 character maximum)
- Please provide data relating to the community or population being served by this program.
The specific geographic area being served includes the central area of Provo, Utah. This area
stretches to the East Bay Golf Course on the South, Utah Lake State Park to the West, East 2000
South State Street on the North, and University Avenue on the East.
What is the unemployment rate?
- Please provide data relating to the community or population being served by this program.
(500 character maximum)
As of December 2014, Provo, Utah had an unemployment rate of 2.8% meaning approximately
7000 people in the entire city were identified as unemployed.
What is the school graduation rate?
- Please provide high school graduation rate in community to be served.
(500 character maximum)
As of the end of the 2013 school year, the graduation rate for Provo High School was at 81%.
This marked a 12% increase since 2008. This information was found through USOE.

What is the drop-out rate?

- Please provide drop-out data of community to be served.
(500 character maximum)
As of the end of the 2013 school year, the drop-out rate for Provo High School was 16%. This
information was found through USOE.
What is the literacy rate in the geographical area served?
- Please provide data relating to community served.
(500 character maximum)
As of the end of the 2013/2014 school year, Provo High School achieved 41% of students
proficient in Language Arts on the new SAGE test.
Executive Summary:
- Please summarize the goals and objectives of the project for which you are seeking funding.
Include number of people to be served and area in which services will be provided.
(Paragraph)(1000 character maximum)
As the Provo High School librarian and educators, we propose a literacy program in which
students will learn digital research skills, preservation strategies, engage in a writing project
improving their writing abilities, and begin a digital repository of student works with the Provo
High School Library. This program will consist of four sessions of four-day workshops in which
the high school librarian, an English teacher, and a History teacher will provide educational,
hands on experience to accomplish an increase in student literacy in the above mentioned areas,
serving up to 48 students in grades ranging from 9th-12th in the Provo, Utah area. Workshops
will include a field trip to Brigham Young Universitys L. Tom Perry Special Collections Library,
who will partner with Provo High school to aid in solidifying skills students acquire, with an
opportunity to view, handle, scan, and learn about collections they have researched digitally
through the BYU librarys catalogue.
Project/Program Objective:
- State the project/program objectives in terms of measurable outcomes for the target population.
All objectives should be attainable, measurable, and consistent with the executive summary.
Define potentially ambiguous terms such as service, at risk, learning disabled, etc.
Outcomes should include the actual numbers, not percentages, of individuals who will be served
in order to attain your goals.
(Paragraph)(2000 character maximum)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of digital research skills by using the L. Tom Perry Special
Collections catalog to locate and view select predetermined historical journal and/or manuscript
collections. Students will practice with an archivist scanning physical items and uploading them

to the library database. Students will synthesize knowledge of the journals they have viewed into
a journal of their own experiences. Students will apply the skills learned to create a digital
repository of their original journals for Provo High School.
Project Design and Evaluation
Project/Program Design:
- Summarize the design of project/program components and how it will meet the stated purpose
and objectives.
(Paragraph)(2000 character maximum)
On day one of the program the Provo High School librarian and English teacher, using
examples of journals and manuscripts, will instruct students on strategies and formats for
successful journal keeping. Students will show understanding of the importance of journals and a
quality strategy for maintaining one by starting their own journal that they will continue to keep
during the program and upload to the Provo High School Library at the end of instruction days.
Day two, the librarian and the History teacher will spend time teaching students how to use
online databases and catalogs to locate historical journal and/or manuscript collections in the L.
Tom Perry Special Collections library. At the end of day two students will demonstrate their
learning by locating predetermined historical journal and/or manuscript collections. After two
days of instruction and scaffolding at Provo High School, students will be able to witness
firsthand preservation at the L. Tom Perry Special Collections and practice with an archivist
scanning physical items and uploading them to the library database. On the fourth day of the
program students will return to Provo High School to use their newly purchased scanners and
skills to archive their journals for the High School Library.
- State the timeline for accomplishing stated outcomes. The timeline should include project
duration and number of weekly instructional hours to be provided per student.
(Paragraph)(2000 character maximum)
The project will run for eight weeks during the summer break of 2015 with one four day program
happening every two weeks. Programs will run four consecutive days with a week in between
each program. There will be 8-12 students per program receiving 16 hours of instruction from
three educators and guest presenters during each program.
Measurable Results:
- Describe the specific, measurable results that indicate student improvement you expect to have
achieved at the end of the funding period. Avoid using ambiguous phrases such as satisfied,
improved, enhanced, etc. to define success. Use quantitative, not qualitative data to report
(Paragraph)(2000 character maximum)

At the end of the funding period, we expect to have achieved an increased literacy rate among
the students in grades 9-12 attending Provo High School. We plan on a 10% gain in the overall
literacy rate of the served student population within the first year of implementation.
Assessment Methods:
- Describe the methods that will be used to assess the effectiveness of your program throughout
the progression. Describe the measurement tool (TABE, CASAS, BEST etc.) that will be used to
track education gains and the frequency of measurement.
(Paragraph)(2000 character maximum)
We will be looking specifically at the end of year SAGE testing to track education gains. This
test is only administered one time at the end of the year. Throughout the duration of the class we
will use reflective journals and project updates to see how the students are doing. Finally, a
rubric for the completed projects will be used to determine understanding and assess
achievement of desired outcomes.
Available Technology:
- List the technology currently available and utilized during direct instruction. If this question
does not apply please type in None.
(Paragraph)(2000 character maximum)
Are you requesting technology with this grant application?
If yes, how will it be used to advance the literacy program we would be funding?
- Please describe the proposed technology and how it will used in direct instruction (Paragraph)
(2000 character maximum)
Using grant funds, Provo High School library will purchase two Lenovo ThinkVision 3783HB2
21.5-Inch LED-Lit Monitors, two Lenovo ThinkCentre M73 10B60008US Desktop computers,
firewall protection for each, and two Epson perfection V600 Photo/document scanners. Using
these computers, students will conduct research on a select number of predetermined historical
journal and/or manuscript collections housed within the L.Tom Perry Special Collection at
Brigham Young University. Through this activity, students will practice research and digital
collection literacy. Additionally, students will be required to write a journal of their own
experience and history, advancing their creative and non-fiction writing abilities. These journals
will be scanned by the students into a permanent collection to be housed by the Provo High
School library, providing students with an understanding of the importance of digital repositories
and historical preservation.
After the program is completed, Provo High School students will be able to use the computers,
which will remain accessible to students in the library, to conduct research and advance their

technological literacy as they complete typing, word processing, and various other educational
programs using these computers. Provo High School library will continue to develop and grow
their digital collection, utilizing the scanners acquired with grant funds, to include both student
projects and research, as well as outside resources for use by the student population to advance
their education, research skills, and literacy.

Computers and Software:

- List the number of computers as well as the software resources that will be used during direct
instruction. If this question does not apply please type in None.
(Paragraph)(2000 character maximum)
Provo High School librarys proposed program, using grant funds, will purchase two Lenovo
ThinkVision 3783HB2 21.5-Inch LED-Lit Monitors, two Lenovo ThinkCentre M73
10B60008US Desktop computers, firewall protection for each, and two Epson perfection V600
Photo/document scanners. We will also be purchasing two Seagate Backup Plus Slim 2TB
Portable External Hard Drives with Mobile Device Backup USB to back-up the collection and
iBuss software for use throughout the summer program. To create a digital repository for the
student journals and future students works to be digitized, we will utilize a free trial of the
program ContentDM, after which trial, it will be determined whether the program will be
purchased to continue the collection, or if an alternative program or system might better serve the
needs of the library and the students. Should it be determined that ContentDM will be purchased
following the trial, no grant funds will be used. Students will conduct research for their journals
using the BYU library search catalogue,, to locate a predetermined manuscript or
journal collection of historical value.

Budget Information
Please complete the Revenue and Budget Allocations section of this page specific to the
project you are requesting Foundation funds.
The budget should assume a grant disbursement schedule of 100% at project start. All
funds should be spent within one year of receipt of funds.
The funding categories below are the only allowable expenses for the Youth Literacy
Grant. Administrative fees, salaries and stipends are not allowed and will not be funded by this

Budget Allocations:
- Please complete the following Budget allocations. You will need to provide justification for the
budgeted in the budget narrative question.

Instructional Materials (IM)

DGLF Request


Books (BO)

DGLF Request


Computer Equipment (CO)

DGLF Request


Software (SO)

DGLF Request


Total Grant Funds Requested


Budget Narrative:
(Long Paragraph) (32000 character Maximum)
This program is designed to promote literacy through digital research, writing, and preservation
by establishing a personal connection for the students between history, current in-class work and
the its relevance to the future, through preservation. Much like the Archive Project, which is a
living collection of books sourced from the personal libraries of influential artists, it will show
students how important it is to visualize their own story and to better understand the need for
archival preservation in a community, such as Provo High School. In order to fulfill the goals
designated in this proposal, specifically those of engaging students in a personal writing project
and cultivating a digital collection of student works, the Provo High School library would require
funds to purchase the equipment needed for a successful, hands on, summer program and the
capacity to continue housing and growing a collection of student works. It is estimated that two
flatbed scanners, both scanning and digital software, storage devices, and computers and
monitors to run the programs, are needed and would be purchased with grant funds. We would
also use the funds to purchase journals and text materials for the students to use as they create a
personal account of the program and their experiences, which would be scanned, by the students
on the last day of the program, into the librarys permanent digital collection upon completion of
each of the four proposed workshops.
Provo High School Financial Contributions:
The Provo High library and/or school will provide compensation and resources of equal or
greater value to the grant funds being requested. All involved teachers will be compensated at a
rate of $15 per hour for work outside of their contracted time, including prep and research time,
in class/library teaching time, field trip time for BYU workshops, and after workshop evaluation.
An estimated total of 203 hours will be compensated to three library and school faculty, the staff
assigned to the project will consist of one librarian, one English teacher, and one History teacher.
The librarian will conduct the program and report daily for each session. The teachers will come
on assigned days to instruct the students on specific details and offer aid within their individual
topics. For security measures and learning assistance, all three faculty members will be available
on BYU field trip days. The school will also contribute end of workshop refreshments to the
students during the 'scanning day', on the last day of each workshop, all totaling $1980 over the

course of these workshops, including time for preparation, marketing, and evaluation. The
breakdown of hours dedicated by three staff members is found below.
In addition, Provo High School and library will pay for bus service for each student group from
Provo High to BYU and back for the proposed workshops. This bus service will cost $350 per
workshop, totaling $1400 over the course of the four anticipated workshops.
Preparation and Marketing - 3 staff, 45 hours total


Staff pay for Workshops:

Librarian- 64 hours (4 days x 4 hours per day x 4 workshops @ $15/hr)
English Teacher- 32 hours (2 days x 4 hours per day x 4 workshops @ $15/hr)
History Teacher- 32 hours (2 days x 4 hours per day x 4 workshops @ $15/hr)


End of Workshop refreshments ($50 x 4 workshops)


Bus service at Provo High, to and from BYU ($350 x 4 workshops)

End of Program Evaluation- 3 staff, 30 hours total
Total cost of compensation and funds provided by Provo High School


Grant Fund Allocations:

While Provo High School and Library would provide a portion of funds for this program, grant
funds would be used to acquire technology, software, reference items for use by students and
faculty during the programs and beyond, as well as journals for students to practice the writing
literacy skills they will hone during the workshops. When purchasing the technology needed, the
grant funds will be allocated towards the purchase of two photo/document flatbed scanners, 2
portable hard drives, and two computer systems to be used by students to scan their journals and
photographs at the end of their workshop where they will then be housed in a digital repository at
Provo High School library, as well as required software. With this being the first year of this
program, the library will be utilizing a free two month trial of the program ContentDM to begin
this repository and upon completion of the trial, it will be determined whether the program will
be purchased with library, school, or future grant funds, but at this time, no awarded grant funds
would be allocated to that software purchase. With the assistance from Utah Education Network
(UEN), a broadband and digital broadcast network that services public education with a courtesy
to negotiate prices from other vendors, a summer term contract from iBuss will be established for
the purpose of maintaining educational web searching, bandwidth management, and protection
from downloadable viruses and other threats. With all this in place, after the completion of this
program, the computers, scanners, and software would be utilized in creating a thriving digital
collection of student work, searchable by Provo High Students and community members. This
capability will allow for future education on digital collection research, scanning, and

preservation. Finally, grant funds would be utilized to purchase instructional materials such as
posters and supplies for marketing the program, and advertising space in Provo community and
high school areas to attract students.
The allocation of requested grant funds including technology and software to be used or
purchased and effective costs are broken down below.
Lenovo ThinkVision 3783HB2 21.5-Inch LED-Lit Monitors at (2 at $150 each)


Lenovo ThinkCentre M73 10B60008US Desktop, 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5-4570
Processor, 4 GB RAM, 2500 GB Hard (2 at $689 each)


Epson perfection V600 Photo/document scanner (2 at $229.00 each)


HL-3140 color laser LED Printer


Seagate Backup Plus Slim 2TB Portable External Hard Drive with Mobile Device
Backup USB 3.0 (Blue) STBX2000401 (2 at $119 each)


ContentDM 60 day free trial


iBuss Education Software for Summer term


Instructional and Marketing Materials


Books- Journals for up to 48 students


Total Grant Funds requested to cover outlined technology, software, and

classroom material costs


Provo City Library. (2015). Provo High School. Retrieved from
Provo City School District. (2014). 2014 October 1st Report. Retrieved from (For calculating Projected
Ethnicity Served)
Provo High School. (2014). Mission Statement. Retrieved from
Public Schools K12. (2011). Provo High School. Retrieved from (For calculating
Projected Ethnicity Served)

Utah State Office of Education. (2015). SAGE Results for Provo High. Retrieved from
Utah Network for Education. (n.d.). (2015). About UEN. Retrieved from
Block Gallery. (2014). About Archive Project. Retrieved from

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