Journal 5

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Rivers, W. M. (1992).

Ten principles of interactive language learning

and teaching. Teaching languages in college: Curriculum and
content, 373-392.
Wilga M. Rivers discusses the principles on interactive language
learning. She believes that once teachers have a base, hence these
principles, then teachers will be less intimidated by the shifting
attitudes, theories and practices that come with teaching. Rivers
believes that teachers need the stimulation of new thinking and new
techniques in an effort to keep a fresh and lively approach to their
teaching but must have a good grasp of the basics of learning and
teaching that have proved to be effective in language learning. This
journal outlines each principle and discusses effective practices for
language learners.
This is interesting article and one that Im glad has been written
because I agree that teachers need the stimulation of thinking and new
techniques to keep a fresh approach to their teaching. In the first
principle what I find interesting is Wilhelm von Humboldts idea that no
one can really teach a language only that one can represent the
conditions under which learning a language will develop spontaneously

in its own way. So should educators and how do educators create

spontaneous conditions to foster language learning?
The second principle suggests that language learning and
teaching is shaped by students needs and objectives. Included in this
is societal pressures, parental expectations and political exigencies.
Interesting is the thought on how we perceive personal choices and
how in reality they are more based on social forces and communitywide perceptions. With the changing society in politics and economies
shouldnt teachers be changing to fit the needs of what language
learners want?
I like Wilga Rivers ideas on how language teaching and course
design will be very diverse. She said that language courses should be
designed with primary attention to content while allowing for the
development and consolidation of relevant language skills. Rivers
gives some ideas on how language can be taught for example: the
written language can be improved through reports and articles on
political and economic developments and sounds can be practiced
through drama.
The main idea is that teaching is a phenomenon that has to be
continually changing because the needs of society are always
changing. New innovative ways need to be constantly discussed in
order to foster language learning.

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