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Project 2 All About The Cars

Assignment Description
You have graduated college and your old clunker has died and went to a better
place. For your great new job, you need to buy a car to get you there! You will be
researching the cost of new cars, looking into loans for these cars, and figuring out how
much you can afford to pay with your amazing new salary!

Materials Needed:

Internet access
Microsoft Excel and Word
Materials to create an advertisement (either by hand or by computer, using such
software as PowerPoint, Paint, PhotoShop, Word, etc)

Learning objectives:
By the end of this project, students will be able to:
1. Locate online and record
a. Car Price
b. Loan Interest Rate
c. Loan Period
d. Savings Interest Rates
2. Make comparisons of loans between:
a. Interest Rate
b. Length of Loan
3. Calculate the following financial information collected online:
a. Monthly Payment
b. Total Cost of a Loan
c. Total interest Paid
d. Percentage of Interest Paid on a Loan
e. Monthly Income
f. Amoritization table
g. Compounding Interest
4. Create graphic descriptions of the data:
a. Scatter plot
5. Make conclusions and hypothesis about loan and interest rates, down
payments, and depreciation of values.

The following class objectives are met through this project:

1. You will locate, critically read, and evaluate information to base conclusions
about given information in order to solve problems. (FS1), (QL1), (QL2),(QL3),
(AS1), (AS2)
2. You will solve for one or more variables from available information using
deductive reasoning skills. (FS3), (QL1),(QL2),(QL3),(QL4),(AS1)
3. You will be able to represent and solve real-world problems employing proper
problem solving strategies.(FS3), (QL1),(QL2),(QL3), (AS1), (AS2)
4. You will critically evaluate a quantitatively-based argument using deductive
reasoning and explain your arguments.(FS10), (QL4), (AS3)

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