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Sharon Yeager

EDU 214
June 30, 2015

Cash Crop

Hi, yall! My names Farmer Steve, and I are here t tell you about this hyar picture mneighbor
Rudabeger Swenson tooka me just the other day. Durndst thing. He made it on paper usin one
o them new-fangled puters. Now, yall just sit back and relax a minute and Ill spin ya a lil
I was settin there havin breakfast with mrooster Sally, when I decided to take a stroll inta town
and see what was to see. Sally seemed happy bout it, so we set off through the back pasture,
cause its a purdier way along by the crick.
We cut through the lot between the mercantile and Jebs gas station and ended up on Main
Street. I sat a minute at olKnutes store and chewed the fat with Johnny Ray Mossberger, who
was hopin to find enough bottles to cash in to buy him a rootbeer.
Me and Sally looked in the window glass of a few of the shops. Twerent none of em open yet.
We didnt see nothin we was hankerin for, but we both like lookin. Anyway, we was standin
there in fronta the ladys shop, and a car pulled up to the curb behind us, and this real smooth
lookin feller got out.
He asks me if Im interested in merchandise. I told him I was just lookin, but he wanted to show
me his treasures. So, he walks around to the back ohis car, and opens the boot. Eewee, he had
that trunk stuffed to the rim! So Is lookin through a bit when the most beautiful thing I ever did
see catches my eye. Its a big, gold star belt buckle with black stones stuck hyar and thar. He
could see I fancied it. I asked him if we could work a trade. Told him I got an ol tuba Id be
willin to let go fer that buckle. He told me he only traded fer the green stuff.
Green stuff? I asked.
Yeah, man. You know, lettuce! he said.
Well thet there was like music tmy ears.
So I headed on home so fast, lil Sally couldnt hardly keep up. He was flappin his wings tryin
to build some speed. I werent home an hour before I had the lil plot you see in this picture all
tilled and planted with lettuce seeds. Coupla months from now Im gonna head back to town
and see if thet fellers around. If he is, Im gonna get me thet beautiful buckle. Sallys jest gonna
have tstay home that day. Im gonna be too excited to go rooster speed.

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