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Sharon Yeager

June 29, 2015

Designing a Classroom Setting A digital drawing program is used to create a two
dimensional classroom layout for a 3rd grade class.
In planning my classroom layout I had in mind the concepts of traffic patterns, social
and learning opportunities, creation of a stimulating environment, and overall
functionality. I tried to create opportunities for students to gather and opportunities
for independence. That in mind I placed the bookcase and supply shelves in the
back of the room, away from my desk, as well as the computer center, and the
group study table. The group study table allows six students to gather and work
together. The quiet area provides a sanctuary where a student can safely spend
time on his own.
The two main standards addressed by my layout are:
Standard#2/Communication and Collaboration- Group Study Table, Computer
Center, Presentation Area- Students are encouraged to work together and to
communicate their ideas effectively to their audience.
Standard#3/Research and Information Fluency-Computer Center, Bookcase,
Supply Center-Students utilize a variety of resources to locate, organize, evaluate,
synthesize, and ethically use information.
Going forward, this exercise will help me to consider and keep in mind multiple
objectives when planning. In this case, as a future teacher it has led me to consider
the perspectives of future students. It became an effort to combine functionality,
form, and intrigue in a cohesive space. It also helped to refine my digital drawing
skills. Similar tasks like drawing a city, zoo, or park layout could be used to help
students gain similar skills.

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