Jan 07

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~ Et Cetera and so forths... Vol.1 No. Jan 2007 ee the NEW YEAR 2007 with a Renewed Focus, New Vision and a New Perspective. Let us reflect upon the resolutions we made atthe outset of2006 and examine if we lived by them. Ifnot, letus only make such small resolutions that can be kept. Let us all pledge to make and keep a responsible resolution and lead a fulfilling life. Be happy that you have within you the source of power, wisdom, and joy. This New Year, you should resolve to start every day with love, spend the day with ove, fill the day with ove, and. ‘end the day with love. There should be no difference of caste, creed, color, religion, or nationality. Love knows no distinction of any kind You must wish everyone to be happy. Fill the heart with love. The country will prosper and the world will prosper and everyone will be happy. Cultivate good thoughts, speak good words, and do good deeds with the broad view that everyone in the world should be happy, ‘Know the value of time. Time is most precious. Utilise every second profitably. Live every moment of your life for the realisation of your ideal and goal, Do not procrastinate. That "tomorrow" will never come. Now or never. Abandon idle gossiping. Kill egoism, laziness and inert Fegctihe as A glorious and brillant futures awalting you... his years OURS Vim Darbart Shanta Subramanian Prabhakar H. Tripathi HIGHLIGHTS, ||AUDIO VisuaL quiz DECEMBER 2006 4 03 = Assembly 8 QJKL) 04 Quiz Round Il (Std 8) 04 -07:- Asset Exams 11 Debate competition (Std 8) II - 13: Maths Workshop 16 -28:- Terminal Exam (Std 8) 19 PIM Std7 "The General Knowledge and awareness 22 = Workshop on 7 Habits for of the students of std 8 were tested in the the parents. Audio-Visual quiz which was conducted 30 Make and Eat-7 Std ‘on dth Deo, The students were shown 50 20 ats Dok atoning |] ht tac the 7® standard students to the lively tunes of Morya Morya and a Kashmiri dance. The teachingstaffof std 7&8 too extended theirhand in serving te guests and others, BBY Co ee WVU) Education Sanctuary on 30th and 31st Dec 2006, The activities included rigorous wekking through the thomy forests, studying ecological balance through Evo-Rangoli activity, Nature tral, sunrise and sunset vew and lifetime experience of stake demonstration. All the activities were conducted under the able guidance of Ms. Bhavna Sutaria, Environment Science teacher ofstd9, The students were ableto discover their hidden talents during the whole programme. me. cetera ond wo fos. OF YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW Q: Sir, how does it feel like, managing such alargeinstitutfon? Its as good as managing a rather small institution. Its just thatthe responsibilities are divided so that small matters ean be looked after, Butnow [think we are taking ‘cere of matters which are not so important and that’s the reason why we are not achieving the desired goals, (Q: What changes have you noticed in S.NK. School inthe past years? There isno dramatic change inthis period ‘of time, the thing is now participating is not the issue but academics has become 3 ‘me-fitst race, Awareness of making kids, citizens of tomorrow is something which hhas come up in these years but I think we hhaven't yet reached the goal. So these five ‘yeats. mark, mere progress nd prosperity Where do you think , our school, SNK stands in the field of education? Our school has @ quality of leadership and the educational policies are amended at life based changes. Improvement is a lifelong process and yet I dont think our achievements are satisfactory andthe reason for that is some small errors, SNK hhas chances to be beaten and the way to prevent this is efforts from every member of GES, Q: Where do you see SNK in the next fiveyears? = We do not predict shor term changes. We ‘may expect small changes but the period of five years is too short for big changes. We do look for new teachers who don't consider teaching to be a fashion like the ‘most young people do. As farasacademics is concemed we just are moving towards ‘our goal. We are working on short term plans with teachers and students, (Q; Please share your experience about GGM, an event that bas grown over a period of years = This event is unique because it teaches us to give something fom our side without expecting anything in retum in terms of prizesor certificates. Actually twas asmall arbi inthe beginning buts the years have passed it has captured interest of participants and there is excellent response from the devotees from TGES as well s all over Rajkot. And the reason for ths is of course Mataj. It has transformed the trend ofits prizes to worship and joy. Q: How was our school logo ‘Smiley’ conceived? those days the simple happy face was very common and thats the reason for it 10 get over used. Suddenly it became old fashioned. Once our fiend Ms. Dhiten Vaghela added it to one of our documents and it was liked and approved by everyone. Another good reason is thet it indicates every TGESian, ie. it indicates our joyful nature and the happy atmosphere of our schools Q: Sir, please reveal to us the secret of your high energy evels? My energy levels are as good as my colleagues” The Ayabens and the drivers may be doing moze work than me. The reason for me to be energetic is that my work is exhibited even more than what I actually do, the other reason may be that there may be lazy people around who find me as energetic and on the run, but I say I may be a bitunderperforming sometimes. I do take the opportunity to be lazy sometimes myself and that's the secret tit Q: Who was the inspiration behind the creation of sucha MEGA institution? ‘wanted to do something mega in our country instead of going abroad. I could have started 10 schools with a thousand students each in 10 big cities of India but to bring more impact of education we planned two make a single school of ten thousand students, following the trend of schools in ‘Once again there was a workzhop on 7 Habits eonducted for the paront representatives of Tih td Hudeats 0 25rd Dec 2000, The resource person wat none othor hen ourvory own Mra Naya Vadodara, The main cbjoctive ofthe workshop wa to eheace the bolstic invelvemest of the parents in the endeavour toachievecllectivelearsingoutcome:The perents gave excellent feedback and were fully Contented with the way i was conducted They also showed great interet in attending such workshops again. Singapore. 1 am sometimes asked for the reason. why I surrendered my green card and :my reply is that wish to look forthe reason to clevate Rajkot, my birthplace, Why am Thorn inthis partofthe earth? Q: Sir please throw some light on how activity-based learning helps students performbetter? Te brings about an in depth experience for students and also long term memory because jn activities we use all our 5 senses with centhusiasm and it builds a series of ‘experiences, and this results in excellent acidemic resulls, You young people must be ‘enjoying this rather than text book learning, (Q: How do you manage to play a dual role ‘asan educationist and a Director’ The two roles are not so different, just the titles are different. You may call me an ceducationist, a managing director or @ Principal but my single purpose isto achieve the desired results, Well, I say I am not an ceducationist and the reason for this is, I don't teach of interfere much in your studies, like the principals of other schools do, Ido agree 1 am a principal but one who is not aware of everything you people do, that’s the reason I ‘may bea Directorbutnot an Educationist Q: You have been struggling to implement ‘7 Habits’ in TGES, how far have you actually succeeded? Actually Ihave been trying to implement it io my owe life first and I think we are half way through. Because the author of this book Stephen Covey himself says it takes 20 years to be completely masters. We have been practicing since 10 years and so lets face the next ten years Q: Lastly Sir, what message would you ike togiveto your SNKians? = Well, don't think Iam capable enough to send out any message but sure enough, Ican spare a thought: You being students have choices after studies you bave a choice o go for a stream you can master, but there ate some people in our country who don't gt the privilege to make a choice so please do something which can help those people. By: DevyaniJethwa 7J me. cetera ana co fon. RENDEZVOUS WITH THE ACHIEVER Jaydeep Shukla Sir, Mathematics teacher of Std 7. Mowe SY our special corespondents Shukla, mathemaicsteacher oft 7 Ree hy Some unforgetable memories at ‘@-Can you throw some light on why SNK? youchosethisprofesion? = *My very second day at SNK when Las "Fist and foremost" I am in this teaching math inthe tid grade, Kiran Sit profeion by cholee and ot out of ploy” Well even in ay wit Gheams Tid pot think that someday 1 wouldbe attcher The seeds of a teach’ have been ingsied in me aly fom my 12° Standard. days when Tyas atively involved in per etching. Then ater the tate grew in my graduation days hen | ove ging atone home af ole hous (Q-Areyou enjoying his profession and mores the teaching of mathematles? fs thee anyother bjt which can create inotest(Gimple interest” & _Q-TGES ifr lf, work and change, what compound interest). more thin Kindafchangehaveyeu winesedin TOES? Q- Whatisyourmantrafor SUCCESS? ‘mathematics? Dolaughit'sajoke, =" Change is the only permanent thing” and for - There is no alternative for hard work. “Our best songs (like teaching) are those one thing I know is that TGES is constantly Thereisnoshortcutto success. which tell the saddest (Leaching changing orgood every yer Iathenates) thoughts. Speaking about ' Math observed tht mostofth sides What lsyour have developed. phobia for mate though _ Yin forthe frre the chien oF ETE tid to be unique i being the most important subj, Myles ofsosety receive thesame quay of eA hay tind 1 practice seatest challenge intheclassisalwaysto Susaion fs the ste ms habit 5: seek fist to understand than to be crete inteestintkesbjectand make the Sbouldetbeabaric, understood. This helps me. go. miles. Ieamng process more effective, And 1 lieve that the chien develop in apa slo lid on if ls slong tctiovtsaby proeatngminorea withthe academies Friendly so to say casual atmosphere in By: Kushal and Meet 7K observed my class for 10 minutes without my knowledge. *When I was one of the four teachers selected from SNK for Teachers’ Training Programme at National Institute of Education, Singapore, *Two years ago when along with ten other teachers I received a laptop on Teachers’ Day. Q- Any memorable encounter in your mathematics teaching career? Nothing specific. But it always isa great feeling when you get a compliment from yourstudents, theclassroom. Q- What technique do you apply for mnforthe future? fective teaching? themselves the scientific temperament. ‘envision India of plenty, where no one sleeps ‘hungry and has the basic neds fulfilled, CONGRATULATIONS !!t PiRaw ava Shehnrad Hail of cd appeared or We nainal || 24 slurena wa Ievel contest er the most pestis BAL SHRI || Wax ad Sea wave AWARD in "CREATIVE SCIENTIFIC || Fe. voor INNOVATION” contest e ha o make bis way || =H LE a Uvough the dni nd onl level stein. Tae || Set sos fesulls are in waiting. While we hope for the best |) saa) yrsa na’ vist resuliswedlovetoraiseatoastiohis achievement, |] 94 9. swe ro ‘Well done Shehazad! ‘deg eae eaarce nn RB, sr tdoen Diane sedan na mee Sarjo. oi gaa 8. cheng wel Ashka Mehta of std 7H continues to hag’ grade Midiaionilanda 8. 0 aekwuniooe LS FETE || atthe intermediate Art Examination Last year too Ssh ll ay owae8. rt ipa adja of Sd G went | Se emesis A a FD ||| Saeci Sater setae Ss tea rensea for the National's Selection of Sou tgu sear de. [wn Tes (ander 14) held at] Shealso participated in Remiishna competition on Se een ‘Ahmedabad bonweenIithto 1th |] 18°Deo.2006and excelled with’ grade, Tanai ag con a, afl seis Dee 2006: He displayed his sills ‘Wall Done Aashkal Sa seat ashore assen qouved + and secuted 42) position in Tae sae ay wie ue see a0 ce Gara Later, he represented cow tite osu fee ad son aid SY ‘Gujrat inthe National and once evita ste. again secured 4th poston and Vishwa Soora of Std § 1 parcipated in the || ew 22 seta storm wned asrla ae reached the quater finals in the National’ Shooting Championship Competition || So-rvcara vd ou ara sou WG ust ot individual events. He. is now heldatlndorein Dee2006, She scared 78 points || "1 ¥-#H Ot Ws 64 A 98. eno looking forward to. play out of 400 and qualified forte next NSCC for |], 3, ugceh nada a ae Se Saurashera- -Kutchh Tennis | Senior and anion She also qualied far the tals || SR ates ods tournament in Rajkot (Under 14, forlndian National Sauad Uso) TS;mensandopendoabes, fe ‘All the Best Vishwa! fo i. ‘All the Best Aditya! CROSSW ‘Name the inventors of the following Across : Down : 1. Printing press 5. Thermometer 2. Telegraph 6, Fountain Pen 3. Television 4. Telephone = Ki + “TTI By: Deep Ghaghara 7D MIND BOGGLERS ‘A-One day, a boy and his friend founda coin marked 93 BC, however ‘one boy quickly convinced the other tat this was fake coin. How did heknowitwasa fake? B.Ifyou'e ina rae and you pass he guy in second place, what place ae youin? (C.Aman weighs 98 kilos and he es 3 bars of gold, each weighing exactly I kilo, He wants to go down the elevator but the elevator can only hold 100 kilos. How docs he manage to go down inthe levator with his three pices of goldinonlyone ip? 1D. There wasa man that hung himself ina house. There was nothing in the house but the rope he used to hang himself and a puddle of ‘waterundercatn him. How did hehang himsel?? E, Ista with Eandend with and aly have one ete. What am 1? sich often tt en TALK TO MATHS + Student : Maths ! Maths ! Maths ! Why are you so tough? Tam not so rough You confuse me too much Tean't get you as such Whenever [try to become class hero Lonly get a zero Mas: s you ar ws can compromise ‘Work hard with your ardent mind Good practice and persistent timing Will make your career shine By: Anurag Khunger 8 H| FUNTOONZ... aon of tre te esa) coanghee of Deda at Dut) om aRerping 2001. Ab Loven at ieee oT | SMILE & WHILE 1. Unable to get to sleep, an accountant tried counting sheep. But then he made a mistake and it took him all, night to find it. 2. Awoman claimed that she could tell ifher husband was lying just by looking at his face. “If his lips are moving, he is lying”, She said. 3. What did one DNA say to another DNA? “Do these ‘genes make me look fat” 4, One trained seal says to another, “I have finally ‘managed to domesticate the man. He now gives mea fish whenever I balance a ball on my snout 5. Why do ghouls and demons get on so well? Because Demons atea ghou!’s bestfriend, By: Bansi Modi 7A Wife of past [Wife 0: f present] Wife of future| ] ze. cetera iri insides people themacves" He Sai My Son, the bate beeen two wolves inside || We ink we ae going t ge ws. One i Ei. eis anger, en, jay, strony sept, Ml, seury, strength wisdom greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, | happiness from outside. We Sees always hope bt never els our = The other is Good, It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, |] HOPE ms thoout does any help f * hii, Kindnss,Benevaence, empathy, generosity, rah, OMe om ies, &- . compassion and ft, "The grandson though abot fora | nemo hee no Hep ‘minute and then asked his grandéather:"Which wolfwins?” || ite. Yes, you will be helped The old man simply replied, “The one we feed.” ‘but when you are reduced to dust. So pull yourself out of difficulties By: Khushbu Patel 8K. || and also save yourself by yourself. AFTER MANY YEARS... pitelesand naked y came bes and naked, Tam now and Today, when T was walking , Do not seek help from anyone, we are our own help. If we cannot 1 saw something shocking- help ourselves, there can be no one who can help us. ‘A well preserved bony body of a mussel; “Thou thyselfare thy only friend | tried to lift it but was britle ‘Thou thyselfare thy only enemy.” This is the last & the greatest lesson and oh nine what a lime has it taken to learnt All the powers in universe are already yours. It is we and only we that have to keep our hands over our eyes and ery that itis dark. Believe me there is no darkness around us, Take the hands away and there is the light which was already there from the beginning, Darkness never existed, weakness never existed, just help yourself. Itis only we who are fools; ery that we cannot do this or that; the For so many years, it was preserved well, Not because it had a very hard shell, But because the earth wanted to tell, Its good deeds for the land, To us. ‘The Earth has always been kind, Whom she finds Good & unselfish for everything. greatest sin i to think of yourself as weak. No one is. Realise you are Brahma, Nothing has power except you give into it You are Those living beings are always given place, beyond the sun and the universe. There is in the world neither sin Foret tl face in er pound nor misery, neither disease nor grief and if there is anything in the ‘world. which can be called sin then itis this fear. Fear of feeling Rae ‘weak thinking yourselfas weak and showing your weakness. So wi ke bev ihn youl, lp your ses the dintstoptogetingstengthisyoascier “Metheewordcannateutnor weapons plese Methefrecanaotbura,metheaireannot dry.” Repeat tse sed words dy handy at. Hsp yous buidtheseongh Dono youate weak : Wecan de anyhing& everyhing in the world Feo ST AAT fe Set deems By: Zeal Baga 8 Soca TEN ch ate et neine ees SG n ole nak mmntahnremeaeccnesn whereas ramet Tile ewe die after doing blunders, Then will next generations human beings find (Our buried skeletal kind ? By: Shehzad.S. Hathi 7B ‘Oh! What's there so much in i? ‘Oh! Why do people live for it? Oh! Why do people die for it? ‘Oh! Why are people greedy for it? ‘Oh! What's so special in this Al paper, all metal Itmay behelpful tous when we arealive, But ‘it won't help us when we are at the threshold of life; when itcan'tmake the dead alive, What'sso spocialinmoney which is afterall, All paper, All metal. By: Amee Mehta. 7° E. seawnestin. eure ore aaa A AL ge ge Reet ay # ese me meet A mM AC wR A Be er mE a re he ay" FR ee myer Ree a Bah oe ge Sey aT Oe SEN ae we tino Soe oem a aoe eee aoe om ee bag oe Ft Cetera and wo fos. BERMUDA TRIANGLE WHATISIT? The Bermuda Triangle san imaginary langle inthe Adanils Ocean, It starts in Florida and goes to Puerto Rico then to Bermuda then back to Miami, There have been many unexplained disappearances in that ara, although many ships end planes go through safely everyday. There have been many disappearances including the ‘WWI airplane squadron Flight 9. Other pilots have reported seeing ite balsof ight flying next to thir airplanes. Some pilots have reported secing wakes on the water «aused by boats (hundreds of them) but thee were no boats in the water. The Mary Celeste was found with no one on hoard, Some af these mysteries have been linked fo science, but what happened to Flight 19 ? Tere was never any evidence of airplane ‘wreckage. Many people have tried experimen, but no sure answer has been found Christopher Columbus said that he saw lights in the sky, and his compass wasn't showving guidance at all Some scientists believe thatthe light that they saw go into the ater was just comet tha crashed into the ocean, and the compass problem night have been caused by wind or someone with a magnet. Some scientists explain some disappearances caused by natural phenomenon suchas lightning or whirpools. Some ‘people even believe that there ae under water eauses that sunk some ships. One ship was found in acave, Other people thik that some ships went underwater nd sunk into sand and are oally covered. The water is so deep that investigators may never know if that happened. People think that air planes are sucked into a black holes and just disappear. The Black Hole hides behind a cloud, Although some people cross through it everyday, like military caries and jets and cruises, peopl ae stl afaid to even go ‘through it Other people believe that UFOs have flown down and have captured all of| the ships. No onchas proved this, but many people have tried. People think that small. UFO has flown down and shot the space shuttle Challenger By: Pooja Patel 8K| ‘ASTONISHING FACTS 1-The speam whale has the heaviestbrain of 9 kg, 2. Awhale named bolarg makes the loudest noise. 3.Awhalenamed Narwal hasa sword likehonear itsnose by which tis also known as asword whale. 4.Eel,afish, can givean electric current of about 400 volts 5.Kogo,anA frican ant is 6 inches long, Italso eats, upamouse. 6. Afrog.can jump 40 times the length ofits body. 7. Ahen lays 240 eggsa year whose weight totals up toSi kg 8. Ahoneybee movesits wings atthe rate of 12000 moves /min, 9. Acat lives for 16 years. They sleep for halfof their Life, 10.A fully grown clephant weights about 5 tonnes ‘When they attack their enemies, they can runatthe speed of 25 miles, By: Akshar M. Parsana 7G| 3-D VIEW OF MARS In late may 1999 the US national Acronautics and Space Administration released a map [produced by information from its Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft. For the first time it gave scientists a global picture of the three-dimensional topography of the planet revealing that the vertical distance between the highest and lowest point on the surface is about 30km ( 19 ml )- one and a half times greater than that between the summit ‘of Mount Everest and the deepest ocean trench on earth ‘On a planet-wide scale, the northem hemisphere of mars is on average about 5 km (3 ml ) lower in altitude than the southern, and must have held the bulk of any Martian oceans that may once have existed, The southern hemisphere is higher, heavily cratered, and includes a huge impact basin named Hellas which lies some 10 km ( 6 ml) lower than the surrounding terrain, It is about 2,100 km ( 1,300 ml ) in diameter and was formed in ‘Mars distant past by a giant asteroid impact. MGS compiled the information using its laser altimeter, which released pulses of laser light and timed how long it took for the reflection to return, revealing the distance travelled to an accuracy as great as 2m (6 It), More than 27 million measurements taken over the past year contributed to the map, and millions more over the coming year will further improve its accuracy and resolution in tandem with MGS's primary mission of photographing the entire surface. By: Amee D.Dudhagara 81 SARAWAK CHAMBE! "The world largest cave chamber was discovered in 1980 on th island of Bormeo in South - East Asia, The vast Sarawak chamber isaparcofhage network oflimestone caves atthe foot of Gunang| (ot Mount) Api The chamber is big enough to old 23 Footbal Pitches "Cave Exploration: In 1980, a group of explorers were inside long underground passage, when they suddenly eame upon a wast eaver, The cav twas too big to belt by their lamps, and took them 12 hours explore is entire eng Mapping The Caves: ‘The cavers quickly realized that they had found the largest underground eavern in the world, The Sarawak chamber is 70 m-long and an average of 300 m, wide, The ceiling ranges in height from 70to 120 metes. Since the Sarawak chamber was discovered, explorers have mapped many more ofthe caves inthe network, which wind mor than 200 kilometers beneath the mountain, An underground passage, 75 kilometers long links Clearwater eave, which has Tow riverrunning trough ft tothe cave ofthe winds, Many of hel éavesare now opentothe public, How the caves were formed ‘Borneo lies on the Equator, its always warm, There isan al year round, and itis very wet during the monsoon sesson, frm] October to March, Over millions of years, rainwater has poured slong the huge ridge beneath the slopes of Gunung Api. This ridge is made of limestone, which is a sof rock. Because tainwater contains aweak acid, thes dssolvedthe imestone an formed eaves under the mountain, ‘National Park: ‘The state of Sarawak, in the north - west of Romeo, belongs Malaysia, Toda, the whole are inchading the caves has bes made into @ national patk, Many animals live in the park] including one ofthe smallest mammals in the world the pygmy] shevs "The Mountains: ‘The limestone mountain of Gunung Api rises toa height of 175 meters, It lies very close to Sarawvak’s second highest peak Gunung Mula, which gives the National Park its nate. Gunung] “Malu, which is 2377 meters high ia par of arangeof sandstone 2 shale mountains, Both Api and Mult are over 5 million yeas od, By: Deep Shah 7 Te a an ion mals

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