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2 billion people

live on less than

per day

51 of every 1000

c h i l dren di e
by the age of

1 way

you can
help make a

Partner with us

to save lives and

better the economic
conditions of people
around the globe.

Engineering Better Healthcare

The Obz Team

James Fox
James is a mechanical
engineer has worked to
improve healthcare in Rwanda
and South Africa. He helped
design an infant sleep apnea
monitor for use in areas with
little access to technology.

Ending poverty begins with

improving healthcare.

Paige Cowles
Health Director
Paige is an RN who has firsthand
experience with both cuttingedge healthcare and evidencebased practice. She helped run
a mobile pediatric clinic in the
townships near Cape Town,
South Africa.
David Zapata
Director of Operations
David was born in Colombia. He
is a mechanical engineer who
works in project management
and product supply chains,
which are key to providing
reliable healthcare for people in
impoverished communities.

(484) 620-6020
Obz Design is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.
All donations are tax deductible.
Cover Photo by Keely Joy Photography, Inc.

Improving healthcare
begins with all of us.

At the same time, we understand that

global solutions have to be local, too.
Thats why we partner with health
providers based in the communities we
serve. With our partners, we can create
solutions with the greatest possible impact.

design live-saving technology

to improve the health of
families in underserved
communities around the world.


2nd poorest

country in
Latin America

In some villages in Nicaragua, healthcare data

is kept by hand. One person in each village
records health information about families in
a notebook. Supervisors collect it every few
Data can take
6 months to
reach the
Only then
can medical
respond to
health crises.

Our partner in the project is AMOS Health and

Hope. They provide basic healthcare
administration in 27 villages and have been
working in Nicaragua for more than 35 years.

p e o p l e



Rapid updates
Fewer errors
Easy analysis

Obz Design is piloting a customized data

management system for AMOS. We use iPads
for quick and accurate data entry.

AMOS can make informed decisions and

allocate scarce resources.


Together we can


As engineers and healthcare

professionals, we look
for scalable
We know
once can solve a
problem in many places.

solves a problem shared by many

communities. Healthcare providers need good
data to respond effectively to disease trends
and health emergencies.


We started Obz Design because weve seen

how the right technology can change lives.

Better DataBetter Healthcare

Obz Design is a nonprofit dedicated to

improving healthcare for people living in
poverty worldwide. With better healthcare,
families can thrive and prosper.

Better DataBetter Healthcare


Who We Are

We can reduce this response time to days

or hoursand save lives.

This is an example of the scalable solutions

Obz Design engineers to improve healthcare
for people living in poverty around the world.

Specific. Scalable. Sustainable.

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