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Test 1 Health education EIP1
Answer all the questions below.
a. Complete the following statement using the words below. You may not use
all the words given.
(7 marks)
Fitness, exercise, jumping rope, cardiovascular, tiredness, strength,
environment, percentage, muscular, composition, joint, running
1. . is the ability to meet the demand of the environment.
2. General fitness is the ability to carry out everyday activities without excessive
. and still have enough energy to cope with emergencies.
3. Jogging and running is an example of . fitness.
4. .. endurance is the ability to maintain and repeat
contractions without getting tired.
5. Muscular is the amount of force a muscle can exert against a
resistance such as heavy weights.
6. Flexibility is the range of movement at a
7. Body . is the percentage of body fat, muscles and bones.

b. Give two examples of sports that requires a good reaction time?

(2 marks)
c. Skill related fitness is specific fitness. Complete the table below using the
following words. You may not use all the words given.
(6 marks)

Opponent, position, coordination, quickly, slowly, balance, centre, reaction

time, power

Ability to do strength performance quickly


Ability to change of the body quickly

Ability to move parts of bodies together smoothly

Ability to move..
Amount of time it takes to get moving
Ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of

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