Static Images

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Static Images

What is a static Image???

The Term Static image means a non-moving image. These include
posters, advertisements, billboards. Anything which includes both
text and images is classified as a static image.

The main purpose of a static images is to

promote or

persuade a audience to a particular point of view.

Techniques within Static Images can be divided in to two categories









Font style
(Bold Lettering)


Use of space (Centering) Jargon

Colour (emotive)



Emotive words



Reverse print

Rhetorical questions


Imperative statements

Most Common Techniques when analysing and

creating a static Image

Contrast using two colours for eye catching contrast
Headline Main Title this is usually the biggest font size
Graphic and Illustration- photographs, drawings, graphs and the size
and scale of these can change the idea.

DVF- Dominant visual feature is the central focus of the static image
Font style and size -Designers can choose the fonts and text to go with
their images carefully. The text must be clear to read. The font will also aim
to reflect the ideas within the image.

Designers choose carefully colours that help represent their product
or Idea. Colours are often chosen to be used because they are eye
catching but they are also chosen to help represent ideas. E.g a
advert on berry yoghurt will use lots of pinks and purples and an add
on cleaning products will use lots of white.

Colour representations
White clean, pure, peaceful, hygienic, honest and
Black- evil, death, power, sophistication
Red Passion, love, danger, tension, blood
Blue- peaceful, sad, calm, danger, cold, water.
Green- natural, nature, envy
Gold- wealth, warmth, pleasure, superiority, success

Bold lines
Bold shapes and lines help to draw in the eye. Some things
are outlined in black to give them definition or to frame
certain parts of the whole image.

The background colour of an image is important. It may be
plain to help focus attention on to the feature and text. Faint
images in the background could also relate to the message.

Empty Space Can be a way too highlight ideas.

Symbols/ Logos
Symbolism is where an object
is used to represent another idea

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