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CONTENTS intRoDUCTION ‘Architecture 25 City Tre Phosographs ot Kang Woar-au Seomangoum lland Ciy— A City Close 1 Lite ‘Te Saemangeum Prewct DESIGN CONCEPTS ‘A Sonse of Time The Paty ofthe Natural and the Ati Isang Experience AG of City Ai of Co-ewstence |AGiy Without Spal DESIGNING THE CITY ‘Landscape Infasructre of Islands slong Making’ A Sketch Book cy Sructures Locating Programmes Wiis te Cty Stuctres Cty Magnets CONVERSATION WITH FLORIAN BEIGEL ‘AND PHILIP CHRISTOU ~ ELLIS WOODMAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. 10 4 2 2 6 38 o «2 66 8 86 18 124 2 ARCHITECTURE AS CITY This book is intended to set aut an architectural approach to the design of the city. This spatial approach is tested in the design of the Architecture Research Unit (ARU) Saemangeum Island City project in South Korea. ARU began working on the Saemangeum project in January 2008, as one of seven international architectural teams participating in an invited design competition | workshop. In our minds, city does not only exist at this large urban scale. We think it exists at many scales. In some ways, this book is a reassessment of the ideas of continuity and memory in architectural cuture that Aldo Rossi wrote about more than 40 years ago: an invitation for further research about the city. For /am convinced that progress concerning knowledge of the city can be real and efficacious only if we do not try to reduce the city to any one of its partial aspects, thereby losing sight of its broader significance. My outline for the establishment of an urban theory should be evaluated within this framework. It is the result of this long research and is intended to initiate a discourse on its own development and research rather than simply t0 act as a confirmation of results.” Over the past few years when the bizarre in architecture is beginning to show signs of exhaustion, we have tried to meintain our passion for Architecture as City. Ths idea carries the potential for generosity of architecture. We feel relaxed with this as a starting point for design. The experience of the city exists at many scales: as a city archaeology, a city origin ora city fragment, Even the smallest urbanism, such as the bottles and tea caddies sn the table that form the horizon in a painting by the Italian painter, Giorgio Morandi are sart of this concept of architecture as city. We sometimes also think of furniture as city Sur projects are rarely stand-alone objects. There are often at least two buildings in a >roject. We like the expression ‘architectural ensemble’ and we ask the question, ‘What san the ensemble of buildings do for the city?’ Can the ensemble be a gift to the city? Can it reveal spacial qualities ofthe city or the landscape? When one designs ensembles of buildings, one is designing the city in microcosm. spaces of the city in these ensemble projects ef@ architectural and rich in spatial relationships. These relationships are about in-betweeness, generosity and an awareness of time. In this work, continuity of architectonic language is pursued by making contemporary translations of architectures of the past with a sense of unexpectedness and awkwardness? This is design as research. way Koreans think about space generally, and how Koreans use spaces in the city is different from the way we understand and use space in Europe. We have now worked in Korea for over ten years, and we have learned some wonderful things from the Koreans about space. For example, in Korea there is a Confucianist idea called ‘emptiness’. The Korean word for space, ‘Kong-gan’ directly translated into English is ‘emptiness’, This is a Far Eastern concept about nature that was taught by the 6th Fe ¥2 G1 Naan Sm: Mado ars ata BY aoe he eo es 8 8, Century 8C Taoist philosopher, Lao-Tse. For example, when we discuss the positive qualities ofthe in-between spaces represented in the paintings of Giorgio Morandi with Korean colleagues, this idea is immediately understood. The courtyard-like space in a traditional Korean house called ‘madang’ is more than a courtyard. It is @ positively charged void. This sense of the in-between or void is deeply embedded in Korean culture, even today. In the Phase 01 of the YoulHwaDang building at Feju Book City we have designed an interpretation of this in-between space in the small courtyards, Ne are looking for traces of the origins of the city from various times. This research into crigins right reveal an open ground such as @ public common that later becomes ‘more urbanized. Central Park in New York was conceived by its designer Frederick Law Olmstead 2s a memory to the ancient landscape of that place. The urban landscape of Clerkenwell Green in London is stil characterized by its natural slope towards the Fleet River. These time travels into city origins equip us with a sensitive design instrumentarium to make interventions that make sense of a particular place in the city \ city is a place of cultural coexistence where there is a rubbing up of different aspirations and inspirations. It is a place of vitality and communication. We are attempting to design buildings that make a strong contribution to the quality of the public realm. These buildings enhance the civility of the place. This is a gentle civility that can be adapted to embrace the everyday and the special occasion of a particular context ee OTOGRAPHS OF KANG WOON-GU thas passed since Kang Woor-a's phtogrphs of 1 wera taken, Korea's landscape as gone rough a costed and dramatic change This shit ren @ sical estence tan increasingly ubanindusi ) makes these photographs even mors power sng Woorsgu hs documenta onary moments sgsulucal fe, and ene oan oe inthe protogroprs 1a rebstionstip tat the peole have wth he ancient andscape. They mate cre cutly aware of how the cosas with and have a deep respect fr the land roy vo. The mourtaine soon ke quran watching > ocean pecpl ne wines 1 the ie tht has ayed out in front of them fer thousands of yea ha everyday ie of Koran pele has now almost tly shied rom @ ral @ence to @ much more way of He, Kang Won’ shotogepts rem Ue importance thatthe landicape stl has in he cue sions oft Korean people bath ntherural ura seen in his photographs and inthe new ces that tre contemporary Kes. Cho Seni, te Korean 1 ond contemporary ofthe photographer has wits, sng Woon, going ext oak photos is to ge oer cel, he tings he fves, the pele who have nod vow, and their vs, lout and even thei sous* stographscanofrinights about hers to begin when sgaboutthedesinotanewcsyinkores, Anopeecaion pouty ofthe mounting, ver vals and Se const landscapesise god starting pont For erample, when ook tite hotogeph ofa ald man walking down a country road towards hojzon of smal mounts, so cheecisic of the Koran peninsula, wih @ young man furher ahead on & for future raion bicycle, one can se that any propos of hs place must fst conde the haunting Beauty ofthe mouninsat he edgeofheftlar. By begining wihadeee understanding ofthe rearing het hese choreterat and toxms have aways hac in people's vst becomes posse that one could also make 2 stona connection tthe natura ‘ewuty ofthe lnd when designing the oxmtamporty ey ae hs cnn an ey eos ale cfchawna, rom itn rete rn a eae \EMANGEUM ISLAND CITY — A CITY CLOSE TO LIFE RODUCTION TO DESIGN CONCEPTS POETRY OF THE NATURAL AND THE ARTIFICIAL pay Between the natural andthe artical no mountains, eformerseashero of the rer etury an the ian af the >aunsn Avchipslag,withthanitahyotthepropesednen ons will generate poetic ndkeape of urique weary warenes ofboth the natural and the aici is hota the presence ofboth To cngush between the tH, ar propasing tha the reds land and ar led ts have simple goometc edges. This would create lctcal retonship between the wl estuary andthe rrmade ndcape, A good empl of tis phenomenon 26/ enssin the ste where the 3k engedlinef these i uteposed vith the vl geological famitons of he zunsanArhiplago inthe open waters of he Yellow Sea 1D EXPERIENCE tperencs of being ose tothe vst andthe eparianos ong onan isan st the hoo of he urban design. The vencyf coming next to weer Hortagae and ator bodies obo judged, nily we thought would be peasant son could walk ram ene wale eget the theron an in approximately 25-40 mines. Wiking down fom et tthe north end of Holloway Road in Londen, 1 Ou offices rar the south end of Holloway Ra, by bury Comer is 325 inure wat. Apaing sucha day. expience of scl and stance to oui yout ands generated a pattem of ong and thin bands wth mbined ovr ona o ake edge water Fontagea of ‘Seca agree 250m. When reconsdsing the high cost fod protection “embankmentsthtarenecessaryalong hedge isan, We ended up designing mare compact shaped ind that also hove interns! water bods, fon lakes ane ona ‘Unity wo care 1 an oneal ength of sland pineters ‘eating 217k. Th costo this hasbeen careful called. ‘The ites have been located and shaped t tke achonage the Ikebed topography nthe interest of the feat, of tnd reclamation wo propose 10 buld in ratively allow wats ofthe lke. We don't fel restitad by {hS— it realty that grounds cur imagination, The sgn lnces maimum vater frontage, (goed lend Value! against the ost of bullng lke embankment AS an important pan ofthe design prooses, whom deciding fon the poston, shape and size ofthe Sind, we ware ‘making careful judgements about the experience that one Would have when ooking as the wat fom one ian to anothar So as to corecty judge the views that one right have ofthe water bodies between islands, wo hive Photooraphes and seed water bods inthe otis of Cae in southem Spain, the archipetgo city of Stocthain in ‘Sweden, and the sands within the geen in Vie, ay ‘These a cites thet we ae fomiar with and cies that we ‘mite These studs bout sce have boon very hal in ‘ivng us confidence about the sang of the water bodes between islands, prtculaly the waar spaces inthe Jin ong Lagoon City ancl he with verison ofthe two ives, ‘Tho ond city is designed wo enhancn waterscapes. Tho largest most densaly populate ‘iy Marat’ fo page 128 ten four ofthe sic new ilar fer a kindof ne ented amphitheava inthe part of he ko focused on ridin of tha sesval wher it adjans the Gapanson rivelago. In Saemenqoum, the chlty of ha iy is ‘onty dependent on tha quality of pubs spocas within CV tebe ut 80 onthe quality ofthe water spaces. cy amphitheatre the most grand ofthe water spaces. ato of dain esac we hve tensive sks the cr Frortage nthe whale ty local harbours, kharbous, rt, canal paces, war pas and water gardens, We edesigned an ‘rage an for Saorangaum isa wer Jn woul paoplthetoryothowthsisndcy came beng. Tha garden isanctwork of ebankerentsendosing ty of ponds art cans. No cas er envisaged here. I the fel ofthe former pest excavation landscapes that can be found near Amsterdam inthe Netherlands, now exsing asintabted networks feanh embankments and waterways “The procesof design of head Cy by the AAU tam flowed tha folowing dasign methodology To begin wth alardscapa Inresrueuse ofa tnd and estuary lad earns wa designed, This encicape inastucture isthe shred rea of te evans the give between dest in he cy. Than wo made a esac pattie of wel proven ty ‘srucres hat tin diferent matopotian condos inthe wo, each with ferent etry. This became 2 catalogue of pias of cy that coud be cofeged on 10 the islands (i tho sense of Cain Rave), The undscape infastucure esgn onthe ty structure collage design war made bots specie furcions and programmes wre sted in tho cy. cso; na aaa eso SUSTAINABLE NEW CIY cones, ing tet irs ed os ca rane ach tr ra seats Watters epee bons et teotana ant we i ch 0 ving ungenononer Exh orae P vee pens cs omg PAE macht ings cin a 8 8 end nyo pn oe ca sea ott cy Treat waseh cit vn atic grt 28 9 Cae tee eae awk or 80 srr tnonnaeycan reen 8 vest wn. Agate bs rc a secon wna evs ar 8 Feomany andi whe ode ote, van weeasrgy pen HY veo conning htsove vp ering cnr ose ces hee SEE ox cw my ra 028 rere meus west paps etching the concept of compsty, We ae ering sing ol sr of cortences nd posits in residentlbuidngswth uanindustyaqicuturoand ur eyo), con tin with the iy wal and Sv ‘as on example ofan itegated iy, we have sted the ivan mac that exists at Shipl Aiport cear Amsterdam. Tulips grow high dst poanhouse cust nee 0 the rumpay and arongst high tachnaleg rust sods. We ave seo vied on severe ooasons the Poblenou Distt ih Barclona, ts urban gin i part of the ubon block cy designed by Uefons Cer were orale line tis sora Sup istic the Card book i sad Increasingly by sevice varies, A loge numberof pce are employed her owe based jobs ond in he crate indus. THs many cons of inthe Poblnou the ind of coovtance of pregame tat wo ae thinking Cf and i a good example of # sustisble cy. Ts Is nat we aril ring ram the historic Ewen -nebultuparees ofc wherapeopaliveand workwoukcoeit ‘rise proximity wth he anaytneapen ands of fm tis, kes end mount. ban deeopment shuld natbe road vent aces the and Te ineton 9 canoer oon fabric in kcaltes of dans, ater than allowing 1 epersed and nceentatod sou, The locales oh enstis are placed in close proximity to ples of excepto nuty in their and estiarylndscepe, People wil We tne epportunty ive nee to ore they work ard ha the sooty of ie suroundinge wih tours ene natal vt ‘One of the primary cooxtanoes ofthe proposals the ides of ctban wetinds areas of widemess thin te cy, WEE Sse ts ie fan urn wotand at Pau Book Cy over st 10 yer hate ares of wetland ave ust or water ication, ancl they rove habitats for migrating bis ae rv. Tay can lo be use for eretioralpurpo%es. say saree such 36 vilow coppices and othe ynass agriculture, These biocpes woul futher protect anger eur. With seetive management these ars be acces and enjoyable tty dwells nd tourists, ave bought gether a research network of renewable soy experts Tis could bring new high technology rece and hydrogen production fom photvotic loctors 10 Seemangaum, Thi reach network cout such 26 maine energy wurtine testing and o make sone type of martge wih ting practices ue ae bi-mas farming, such as greenhouse alae sivton— without advert tfecting the fxr economy. all, the Provnea of Jeolabukdo has been tho tood set of Kore, With cent changes inthe word economy, x) proucion his gain raw urgeney. 6 therfera onal to bud ge part thaccenomy of he new ty ood pregrammes: the formation of food cutrs— food arch, procasing, packaging eng cutie and most porary food reduction. AU, with the adice of it tar economist Fn Teksand ar Huse, propose 198 of farming pracoos. We asa rtrd to srangthen the ruturalzacter bymatyinaltwth owe, Tisagr-outem cuonstiy being practond in vgions of hay, France Denmark sn Canada. The Mayor ofthe loc! egal town of Gina whom we mt, suspo7s this hala onthe far ea, This was very encouraging and could porcuy bv atroctve in txinging young farmers back t the land In an istand ety, the harbour can be hugely beneficial to tha vitalty th cy. Many option for where he arbour could te located in Saemangoum have boon explore, iy, we ‘wondered the port cou be ected oe ta hehe ofthe ew ty hin the sa walt We wore eaking at ta harbous in Rater, Homburg, Cad, Venice and Beppe. These cy ratbours ae ery ley nthe and, the id was found tobe two extavagan. woul! have read an enormous detour the scowl around 8 lage ea level tia arbour base, ‘We have groposid 8 80 gor on the auto ofthe 53 va in he neighbeunand of the cy harbour song the nie cof the 260 wal, The cy harbour isthe hub of the ke retwork of public water buses. A fing harbour and seve! Kise hsbours frm gart of his arbour ey City brogtammes ere algo located in the haow ey, such at sccommadaten fr the tauit population and fr the zens of Saomangoum, Ubon atasucure, culture, shopning fh mart finan cnt al o-otto make good mi Of cy acts nthe harbour ty, Potential, te harbour cy could be the elet oly magnet of the Isard Cy HOUT SPRAWL rat is destroying bndscapes and ties in many the werk. The detncton between the ty and sie has tecome Dlured, One can't wk easy put landscape end cy. The term “Ciandscape! ces to dass the phencmens.Cfardaeape nents ae often out of place, cresting characters tr on obsones of pubic space and cviy. They y have nosange of te and of plas, Evermore and set estiratios have othe former splendour due evelopment. Sexsde toners in Majors, Spin have sd donna the tur id rot come back never suber Inthe Provence ejcn in Souther France mtu lndscape. This flow The idea Sto give thanew the new aod the old ands Wil gve Saemangeum fvershoresanurbanfeclanént that are cavefully separated Picturesque dimension. 1p atiempt to mimic the natural water aces is very enoyable there should be catty rer scenery. New islands are alisnatualandwhatis being bat in paces of sha Lng staight edoos in water depths. In ths wey te and wileaé and frame general shapes and ses ofthe NG of the outsops and land are. geneatd by the ces of focks. Tare specie akabed tapeqreoty poof the poatic potential However the cutie ofthe x andscape infasructre nw ilar not eran. The Eo of the water cy. ands have simple geomstica e a Duteops that are now shapes, Thay have eng tight a \ sdontherecksimed nd edgos so that lly stutures and nds and the can inhabit them rey. The L stares sendsinthe island edges ae nat necessary Se ry important memeries rthogenal. The fod edges of sands nthe estusy. thesards detect he wat ta, ust be rotated 3s Ahora Sane uneaised. desi monumets, The pay fer the extension ofthe ian ‘ the natural meuniaes, ty of Maoay 1063-28, et seashore ofthe river good ware ofthis appro, ond the islands ofthe Ratha than etching the newly Archipelago, with the redaimed nd ety onto ho Z yf the proposed naw ratunlsenedoascthealdisin D EXPERIENCE Cy cold be thought cet of woo garcons, uy of the ferent of the various bodias 8 fundamental 1 the ness of the Ci. In ge snd iy it kos 0 minutes 0 wae sos do rom an isan edge ge ofan tan internal Jock or canal. Tis ves Island experiance, Good spree and watront tour Mot course jesart ox the good of Seomangeu. Thre conical parspactie 10 ke and rer watarkons 2 rise the pt value constring he fos ds and rv show one, tis enporant ne teens and visors wogaum a reh and ing formal language for er basso the ne iy bodies incu: ira | canal networks ord the fige Man-Syear9 decks; river branches anuences the Dongsin ransona nds between low seasonal war isan harbours. This | make Saemangeum a ‘wat parca for excursions by boats, ey, water ca and or als ond ios. Thi adds up 198 uniqua thet of ‘wt til be jut tractive for of sorts of ator spor OF CIVILITY on ofthe 88 wall made by a steng Tho high ambien weal soe 2 dar and nda for bulling 3 Every proposal for cain Saomangeum, sign of lke bus pubic arden on the 0 the deson of te sty must measur 3 he ambiion ae nt in city of the Te degree of city nqeur dete 1 the quali of he Im of Saomangeum, tof eclseo that vist! London | May 2008, we ed 2 vistors 2 glimpse h Carty Gecrgan historia kar for vty 9 te Gy. The quatesin London hat {Bootord Sq and quo) a9 goed 1 demorstito how zon of tho cy can to the pub ie of raze eames, tha ned by the cise! making publ ne ood propertons, melicy and pubic ecorum of these houses ge the Squaw @ city. They ae very beaut, even toy. We blow that thie sense of eviy canbeachinied when desig 28 news cy inthe 2st Canta. We fini hop whan shirk shout the boundaries between public and. private space in the aly to feler 10 the 18h crtuy maps that the taan srohtet and surveyor Glover Batt Nol ceo ome. He ‘ercings show the public ain ofthe squsres and sect ging inside buldings aooessble 10 ‘he publ. The privat pats of the ty ae hatched ou inthe shaows. Th pronounce, we svoporiened rooms of plane fable on the fiat oor of the Dultings tht frost London's Georgian squees have ths sit of puble decorum and (ganeresiy. Tage good comsin Georgian houses rete dec to the publ sce they heb domareate.Convereay, we ao feal hat open spaces in the cy should have the quale ff 2 good oom ina baling. this way, one can tik about fy aque oe ty rooms A Georgian square usualy has 2 ‘oedema its conte thts open tothe use of the publ atcerain Seems timesof the dy shocked ater by the resents of the sare. ‘TheEconomis PazalSt mes, London designed by Also arc Peer Srthson is a bes ample of contemporary fit by 8 priate omer 10 the publ realm of the ci OF CO-EXISTENCE time we were fist 4 to the project ring 8 new cy at cum, one of out al aims was t0 foe generating the urban Stor 2 ety of oo We are looking for ted ety hl of vty res. In this way Wo 110 rade the nee fursions ones inthe ssbet-ovs, business lage set-conained cons. Our exparnoe the design ofthanew publing estate Pa ras shown tat Korean legiton and practoe on the old mederat ofa zoned iy. has ost mpcestie ta xing uncon tothe Faia eeu ft zoned a Now 10 Paiu thee efuneton resin cf high 68 towers sil book pubsing the retidenal ne esc so a iy of 1 Wwoiness. Wo have ith th ia of cy soo funtion 2008s tht the proposal contary 10 sooented proctioe andi might be seen as ‘ate or even unworkable. In Ssomangour we atempted to bing dese functions shin ‘ose proximity ofeach othr, compatitilty pormiting. This i to ereue a masaice of huste and bustle in the le of the iy, @ dogtee of programmes rubbing against each other, allowing a sense of canvviy, Excnomie and pata contions ‘ein cons fax. ard ths change is happening at ver — inresing rates. The Urprediced changes curetty being exoeienoed wordwide inenargy are fod ces aw an inescapbleeindero the “he harbour str the cena ‘of Ssemsagaum desorbed in more deal ster as the Hivbour Cy} i designed ith the ida of sty and ‘camstonen a8 9 sartng poi The large industrial se8 port on the cutie of the 960 wal wil sccommedate large container shige and interna eruse Tne for tours. looted inthe neighbourhood of saver tar cy harbours that ae both sian indo ofthese wl \ CITY WITHOUT SPRAWL. "hl err iri Fe, Fen 2 yon ete ‘Eesti Sm ag he bust up araas of cy where Monpaiar, is ore of naay 700 poop the snd wok wil Baside towns in South West coast wit tho beauty of the Farce founded by the Bish pen landscape of fom fells, between the 13h and. 15th lakes and mountains. Urban Century. Beside towns ate evelopment should not be densely inhabited. setiements spread evenly aces the and, sat within agricul lncecapes, The intoton wo conoenuate The towns were ctignaly urban fic in locale of atablistedbecorethefrstd ensiy, rather than allowing region of Southwest France | lapered unctrenatad Concetatng th population ‘soran. Telocates of denies the rayon ito Baste Towns replaced in reaton a spats of was a method for landowners ‘erceptonal beauty in he nd snd sverign powers 10 landscape. People will have incase trace and poecety in| the cpporuniy 10 tne near to this rately poor, and tthe here toy work and sharethe time, remete pat of France touty of thir surouncings Sere were encouraged 1 moW 10 vith Toursis and wife. the now Bostda towns. They ro localties of densty that we are were feed a pot to build a Proposing ere contemporary rouse, 8 garden plot, and 8 Varsions of densa towns, such ger cation plot within the 6 Monpaze, that ora finds sureunding Basie landscape inthe Dordogne rion of en wich they coud farm. ith France, where the space of people li end. working in the agicuturl land baween close proximity to one nother these towns ‘Sept free of and with a master place atthe uean development. Thay se canto of each Basile wrera lve canes of population one ould wage, © new model that ora well servoed with town yas atablehed This new School, hosp, maiets model for rua Wing benetited | land steps In Souham Fance, everybody ive ~ th king luan spre Ie contolod as thelandoanarandtounspeopl, 1 maare of atracting ‘ours ‘sho enoy th beutilinerpy batwoen town ara landscape, OOO TS ee DESIGNING THE CITY ALandseape infrastructure of llands Island Making: A Sketch Book City Structures Locating Programmes Within the City Structures City Magnets ANDSCAPE INFRASTRUCTURE = — ISLANDS, AU ensemble of isbnds ensue the new ty space wil ost be achieved by using ® landscape infestuctue hve a goed connection 10 tho the “1 meter cont a wich the new ity wil landscape and give 8 mamony guide for shaping the i bit. Ths landscape of the landscape in the city. iver shove extern Ti il structure is_charecteited Many scenarios can taka place on comeabout when alae waar he specify of i cont, thes island in tha futuro. The level hae boon lowe tos ® and materi, and st ndscape infastuctire ie lke meter bw sca vel snd seme tivo itis edopable 2 theatial sage on which tha and ver shoe extensions epi to 9 predetermined acts of te city can tae wil bo protected by pater of wees. wil bo able to plce. Many fern scones dykas with roads, sometimes to unknown futue uses are acted out on 3 sage “A with wider aed penmonr might oocur inthis ace theatre tage can accommodate tearing fer developrant decane intostuctre & 8 many cferont plye over tne. Ageronmately 0% ot ne = for oye, specie in Te ldap infasrucura igo cental and. nd the ming the sofa quilty of lands prove the glue new lands the rath nar the yond is eaionetp to betwaan dri. The beauty of per il eed to be but up wrourdngs. vet adoptable thet anés canbe sated ya fram the -3:0 m ears lean @ franner in which is dverstyo poop fem cerent This process gonad tree ed. The secicty of cutueswithleentasraions geoyashies of rpaned. ld sign of this landscape and feces. Tha lids ge @ behind the soa val the non uct is imporiant, sense of place, which people west geography, the eal Mths, thee tands are can shire and foe proud. googephy andthe scutnom os of beng cura lace, We ae proposing 6 row sands 19 geography Genera tess stecess paces. Speity be bulk within the Fesh water geographca ate in tne ah es that tho cy wil frm eke that now exits Behind the JelabuAdo Larduee Pon nai connects wih the Saemangeum Soa WA. podadin200? Thedfisences rounding landscape nd) In to intrest of feasblty of layin the diereninon af rene ruling pice to spend recamoton, the lands Pev®gogapies To, geographies ‘Tis soecety might been located and shaped to const ther shore nowy rego onetowakkbiong he take atvantge of te evising evecled. nd. ard) any water front, enjoy a rch Takebed topography. We ke itncs, of water bodies. daw 1a be rel when designing the enton tothe ils nthe oy ant use what lody © oF simply make one aes i imaginative ways, FOr Of he surrounding farm tis raison we are buldng in vtonds. These islands shalow water Land reclamation

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